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Name: Cordell Palmer Date: 12/15/16

World of Water
Activity Worksheet
Water Facts:

Earth is called the water planet

Approximately three-fourths (3/4) of the earth's surface is covered with water

The earth has many different types of water

Oceans 97.2% of total water

Ice caps/glaciers 2.38%

Groundwater 0.397%

Surface water 0.022%

(i.e. lakes, rivers, streams, ponds)

Atmosphere 0.001%

Add up the percentages to find the amount of water available for drinking.

Groundwater 0.397%

Surface water 0.022%

Total Drinking Water 0.419%

Add ice caps/glaciers 2.38%

Grand Total of the World's Available Drinking Water 2.5%

Note: Only a small percentage of the world's water is suitable for human consumption. Not all ground or surface
water in lakes and rivers is easy to reach or clean to drink. Surface water is often contaminated with
microorganisms, caused by animal waste and sitting water. Ice caps and glaciers are difficult for humans, plants,
and animals to use. Some work is being done to take the salt out of ocean water (a process called desalination),
but that is an expensive process.

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