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Pressure Vessel Creep Rupture Analysis

N.V.Yamshchikov, A.S.Filippov, V.F.Slrizhov

Nuclear Safety Institute (IBRAE), Russian Academy of Sciences
B.Tulskaya, 52, Moscow 113191, Russia

module and nonlinear structural analysis module.

1. INTRODUCTION Typically, the analysis involves two step procedure.
In the first step temperature distribution in the struc-
The vessel structural integrity is one of the key is- ture is determined by solving the heat transfer prob-
sues in the analysis of possibility of the in-vessel lem with appropriate initial and boundary conditions.
melt retention [1 J. The system pressure and thermal At the second step deformations in the structure are
hydraulic behavior of the relocated molten materials calculated using nonlinear models for material prop-
determine loads, stresses and displacements of the erties.
reactor vessel and finally failure mode and time to
rupture. Analysis of PWR vessel lower head has In accordance with different sources of stresses
been performed in papers [2,3]. Comprehensive constitutive relations for total strain increment may
analysis of LWR lower head behavior has been per- be written as (applying the small strain theory)
formed in the report [4J, where high temperature data
of carbon steel used in the most US LWR are pre-
/le = /lee! + /le 1h + /le pt
sented. A systematic analysis of in-vessel melt reten- where /leet - elastic strain, /le 1h - deformations due
tion problem including pressure vessel response to to temperature gradients, /le pt - plastic deformations.
the expected thermal loads has been performed in the
paper [5]. Recently several experiments have been Inconsideration of creep rupture expression for /leer
conducted at SANDIA National Laboratories on as a plastic deformation b..E Pt . Time independent
creep rupture of a pressurized reactor lower head plasticity is treated as in [10] using the von Mises
scaled model (1 :5) [6J. In the tests pressure was function and the associated flow rule (4) assuming
about 10 MPa and temperature was about 1000 K. isotropic hardening for yield stress:
Different thermal loads were simulated by resistive aY=aYo+He P
heating of the inner surface of the hemisphere.
For the analysis of RPV structural integrity finite Yield stress () Y can also depend on strain rate.
element codes are usually used for predictions of
The time-dependent plastic creep strain is modeled
vessel failure. Data obtained in the SNL LHF ex-
by applying the commonly used Norton's law for
periments can be used for validation of models. The
strain rate v in the form:
objective of this paper is to simulate LHF-I and 2
experiments by the developed HEFEST code [7J
utilizing finite element approach. Results of FEM
analysis of these experiments are supplemented with where aeis stress intensity, sij is the strain deviator.
the studies of uncertainties of code predictions with
The material constants A and m were obtained from
the simplified approach realized in the LOHEY code.
uniaxial experiments [4] for temperature ranges of
It was found that the main source of uncertainties in
900-1373 K. In Table 1 evaluated from experiments
the analysis is high temperature material properties
creep coefficients are presented. In the temperature
data. Results of analysis are compared with the ex-
interval between 900 and 1050K temperature de-
perimental results. Previously the LOHEY code has
pendencies are very strong. For calculations A and
been bench marked [8] and used for TMI-2 accident
m were presented as a function of temperature.
simulation [9].
Table 1. Creep coefficients
T,K A m
Two-dimensional finite element (FEM) code 900 2.2.10-26 3.6
HEFEST [7] allows for computational analysis of 1000 0_75.10-20 1.8
different problems. It includes heat conductivity 1050 4.]0-24 4.2

For simplified model realized in the LOHEY code coefficient and the temperature increment; a j (t) -
the following main assumptions are used: stress components.
the half spherical or half ellipsoidal lower Plastic strain and creep strains are written as:
head is considered as a set of symmetric about vessel I

axis hoop elements deformed independently (see

Figure 1);
Eja(t) = f dEja, (a = pI,cr; i =m,6 ), (3)
the following loads acts in hoop element:
3 dEi~!
temperature loads, meridianal and hoop normal
d Ej =---( ai - a o) , (4)
forces caused by internal pressure and weight loads; 2 a iDt

the hoop element is considered as a multi- where dEi~l is the intensity increment of a -th
layer shell; in each layer temperature along radial,
strain component (plastic or creep strain); a iDt - the
hoop and meridional direction is assumed to be con-
stant; stress intensity; a o = (am + a e ) / 3.

the layer stress state is assumed biaxial; ra- The intensity increment of plastic strain is calcu-
dial stress is not considered, only two diagonal com- lated with the help of Ei~: - a iDl diagram by the fol-
ponents of stress tensor are taken into account. lowing way:

pi - K load d
d EiDt - - - a iDl ,
where K10ad - the loading condition coefficient:
neutral loading (da int =0) and unloading conditions
(daint <0) correspond to K 10ad = 0, loading condi-
tions (da inl >0) corresponds to K 10ad = 1; H - the
tangent plastic modulus according to Ei~: - a int dia-
a gram.
The correlation for the creep strain intensity in-
Figure 1. Lower head geometry.
crement may be written as:
The basic equations which allow to describe the Q

lower head stress- strain state evolution with ac- dE,cr

= A am (t)eIn!
T(I) dt (5)
count of these assumptions can be written by the
following way. where A,m,Q - the creep constants; dt - the time
The hoop and meridian layer strain in each layer increment.
may be written as: Using the plain section assumption it is possible
= Et (t) + Erl (t) + Er (t) + EIh (t) , to write 2N-2 correlations:
Ej (t)
(i=m, 6) (1) Ei n R i =Ei n+1Rn+l
j ,

(i = m,e ; n=l, ... ,N-l) (6)

where Ej(t),E jel(t),E r(t),Er '(t),E,h (t) - meridi-
where Rt - meridional (i=m) and hoop (i =e)
onal (i = m) and hoop (i =6) strains: total, elastic,
plastic, creep and thermal; t - time. radii of n-th layer.
Elastic and thermal strain are written as: After substitution (1) - (3) into (6) we have the
system of th~ 2N-2 equations in 2N unknown stress
Etl (t) = SiPit) ; components a j ,1I (i=m, e). The two additional equa-
E'h (t) =a'h!l.T (t) , (2)
tion are obtained from the consideration of the force
where Sij - the components of the tensor of elas- N

tic properties; a'h,!l.T are the thermal expansion

2: ai,n (t)On (t) =r; ( i = m,e ) (7)

Table 2. Creep rate of SA533Bl steel
T,K P,MPa max. elongation, min. creep rate, Time to tertiary Time to creep rup-
% %/h creeI', h ture, h
900 70 22.4 0.03 70 190.1
900 140 24.3 0.35 5.27 11.3
.1000 56 37 2.13 2.58 4.6

where I; - meridional (i = m) and hoop (i = () ) So, the normal forces in the force balance equa-
normal forces; on (t) - the thickness of n-th layer. It tion (6) are equal:
is assumed that thickness on (t) changes are due to T
= Tmpress + Thydro
+ Tweighl
m (11)
unelastic deformation.
MerIdional and hoop normal forces equilibrate
the external loads - vessel pressure and weight of
Failure criteria. Two failure criteria are included
corium and vessel wall.
in the considered models. According to the first crite-
Pressure loads. The normal forces in half ellipsoi- rion the layer fails if the plastic strain intensity ex-
dal lower head caused by vessel overpressure are ceeds the ultimate failure strain. The second criterion
equal: is based on the analysis of material damage induced
by creep strains. Using the correlation for time to
TP,ess _ PRe . TP,ess = PRe (2 _ Re ) , (8) rupture at given stress and temperature, the current
m -2' e 2 R
m damage of each layer is determined. A maximum
where P is the in- vessel pressure. cumulative damage reaches the certain limit rupture
is assumed. Lower head global rupture occurs when
Weight loads. Let's consider the lower head in all layers of the hoop element are melted or failed.
section with polar angle <po It is assumed that corium
is liquid and top level of corium is characterized by 3. SIMULATION OF LHF-l AND LHF-2
polar angle epeof' If considered section is placed un- EXPERIMENTS
der the corium top level, normal forces are caused by
A 1:4.85-th scaled experiment to characterize
1) hydrostatic pressure P"yd, of liquid corium, placed
rupture failure of reactor vessel lower head due to
above the considered section, and 2) by weight thermal and pressure load has been performed at
Weep) of vessel wall and corium, placed under the SNL. The hemispherical RPV model made of
considered section. The normal forces in a lower SA533B1 steel, 0.91 m in diameter and thickness of
head wall caused by hydrostatic pressure of liquid 29.8 mm - 33.3 mm, which uniformly varied from
corium is estimated with help of (8), where bottom center to equator was tested. Two experi-
ments were considered with different thermal loads:
P = Phyd, = Peo,gz , (9) uniformly heated wall in the test LHF-1 and bottom
peaked heating in the test LHF-2.
where Peor - the corium density; g - the accel-
Vessel pressure and vessel temperature time his-
eration of free fall; z is the height of corium placed tories for LHF-I experiment are shown in Figure 4
above the considered section. and Figure 5, correspondingly. Experimental rupture
If to suggest that hoop force caused by the weight time was 2.40 hour.
of corium and vessel wall is negligible then we re-
The calculated axial displacement time histories
ceive the correlation for normal meridional force:
obtained with FEM HEFEST code at the vessel bot-
2rcR(cp)T;eighl =Weep) sin () ; (10) tom is plotted in Figure 6 together with experimental
data. Two cases were considered: a)thermal elastic
Because described approach considers only nor- plastic model with hardening without creep, and b)
mal forces and it does not consider the bending com- full material model which includes creep. One can
ponent of loads (and the shear force), caused by me- see that in both cases good agreement with experi-
ridional gradient of physical parameters, we take into ment was obtained, namely:
account only meridional force T;eighl as source of - up to t= 125 min calculated strain IS equal to
stresses into vessel wall. measured values for both models;

- both models predict time of significant increase of abruptly with the pressure increase from 10 to 12
the strain rate which corresponds to experimental MPa at t=200 min. Calculated yield stress cry (980K)
data. was 15% greater then nominal. Corresponding stress
At 145-th min deformation achieved 30% which intensity cre=80 MPa. The discrepancy between cal-
is in a good agreement to the 33% in the test. culational and experimental cry was within the un-
For uncertainty and sensitivity analysis, the certainty range. In calculations with full model, creep
method of statistical tests has been used with the law coefficient was m(T)=1.8 as in [4] but A(T) var-
-22 -20
LOHEY code. The following mechanical properties ied from 10 at 900K, to 210 . at temperature
were assumed as random parameters: the yield of 1000K. For this choice of creep constant agree-
strength, the ultimate strength, the creep rate, the ment with experimental data was reasonable. Be-
time to the creep rupture, the ultimate plastic strain. cause during the first stage of loading, a significant
The probability density of the vessel failure for LHF- degree of deformation was achieved, the second
1 experiment is shown in Figure 5. Predicted failure phase was not modelled because residual stress and
time was 2.55 hour (exceeds the experimental value annealing might change those properties.
by 6%).
Calculations with LOHEY module predicted that
A specific feature of the LHF-2 experiment was failure time of vessel model was 8.53 hours which is
the two stage loading of the model. Vessel pressure in a good agreement with experimental rupture time
and vessel temperature time histories are shown in of 8.50 hour. We assumed that the internal pressure
Figure 8 and Figure 9, correspondingly. As in the and temperature after 8.5 hours were constant and
LHF-l test, the intensive deformation was observed equal to the values corresponding failure conditions.
at nearly constant pressure of 10 MPa. Temperature The probability and the probability density of the
in the bottom center was about 1000 K during first vessel failure in LHF-2 experiment are shown in
stage. Because of malfunctions in heating system and Figure 13.
leak, the vessel was depressurized and experiment As it was mentioned the calculations of LHF-2
was interrupt.
experiment were sensitive to the choice of creep
During the second stage at 475 minutes nominal constants. At 125-130 minutes intensive deformation
pressure of 10 MPa was reached when temperature in of the vessel was observed. At this time maximum
a bottom center was 900 K. Vessel failure was ob- temperature in the test vessel reached 950 K. In the
served at 510 minutes when maximum temperature temperature range between 900 - 1000K limite d
was 1020 K. The maximum strain reached the value amount of experimental creep data are available.
of35 %. Creep data from the report [4] are presented in
Figure 12.
Only first stage of the LHF-2 test was simulated
with HEFES T code. During time 135-225 min the There are different possible approaches for
axial and radial displacements were increasing with evaluation of correlation parameters, for example
approximately constant rate. Calculated deformation time to creep rupture in our example. For the de-
of vessel at 225 minutes is plotted in Figure 11. As scription of rupture time the following expression is
for LHF-l two cases were considered with and with- usually used:
out accounting for creep modeling.
Up to the time instant of t1 = 125min, strain rate
gradually increased for both cases presented in where B, m ,G are the material constants. The re-
Figure 10. At this time stress intensity in steel sults presented in the report determine time to rup-
reached the value of von Mises criterion, indicating ture using linear part which is characterised by con-
the beginning of plastic deformation. Further in- stant strain rate (See Figure 3). Therefore, the use of
crease if strains is associated with the steel creep this data will allow to predict time to rupture but
behavior. Elastic-plastic model predicts the same deformations will be smaller.
deformation rate up to 200 minutes, which increase

1- EGP,
- - Y, MPa
calc. v ___ , ..... ,'
200 -
.....__ .... __.... _................. .............
............ "
150 ........ , ...... -10' .
: min. v
,.' .. '
.. ' .. '
50 .. ' .. '

900 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 rupture


Figure 2. Young modulus and yield stress for Figure 3. Sketch of creep strain time history
SA533Bl steel

10 10

8 8
a. :0
~ :;;Co 6 6 .a

~4 4 'iii

a. E
I- Cl
2 2

0 0 0
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Time, hour Time, hour
Figure 4. Vessel pressure time history during Figure 5. Vessel temperature time history during
LHF-1 experiment. LHF-l experiment and density of the probability

10 ........ EI. - plastic
-Fool model 0.10
E 6

4 -0.30

2 -0.50

60 80 100 120 140 o o
11/ ~
time, min o o

Figure 6.Axial displacement of the lowest vessel Figure 7.Calculated deformation of pressure vessel
pointfor LHF-l test . for LHF-l experiment at 145 min

L = 1 inch
L:= 7 inch
10 L = 11 inch

~ ~
~ 6

~ 4 400

2 200

0 0 10
0 5 10 0
Time, hour
Time, hour
Figure 8. Vessel pressu re time history during LHF-2 Figure 9. Vessel tempe rature time history during
experiment. LHF2 experi ment for the differe nt locations
measu red from the bottom center

. EI. - plastic
- F u l l model

r_. _ -0.10


.................... -0.50

o 50 100 150 200 250 300 o o .~ o o
d d d d d
time, min

Figure 10. Axial displa cemen t of the lowest vessel Figure 11. Calcul ated deform ation of pressu re vessel
point for LHF-2 test for LHF-2 expere ment at 145 min
1.0 ,--
100.0 ~ 0.8 Density of the probability r I
- 0.8
~:::r 1=1::1 riD - = D T =1000 K I
III = ~~ -I J II D I = I =1 =1 J 0
~ 0.6 - 1- -I - ., -
, I - I- 0.6
::2: 10.0
~ ~~I_
I ~ I 111111
EI~I _!
I I I 11111

1+11- - - =1=14
t=i 1= = ~ =1 =1
l'I,- -T -I -I "1
=t H
n. 0.4 - 1- -I - -t -

t-I - 1- 0.4

1.0 = ::i =1=1:::l:l=1 I~= =1 =I::i f=J 0.2 I

I~ ~ ~I~I~ 0.2
~ ~ ~I~I ~I
= ::I = I = I:J LI D = = I =1 =1 ::I 0
o. 0 L--J..-.J..-..L..:II"'--"'--"'--"'---'--1-""O'~-J120.0
O. 1 L...---1.---1-.1.....L..LJ...LJJI....----1..---L.....I-J....J...;L..L.U o 2 4 6 8 10
10 100 1000
Time, hour
Time to the creep rupture
ility and a density of the probab il-
Figure 12. Appro ximati ons of the experi menta l point Figure 13. Probab
on the time to creep failure ity vs. time during LHF -2 experi ment

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In the LHF-l uniformly heated test the failure static Loading of Nonlinearly Deformed Structures.
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a reasonable agreement to the test data. Both elastic- tute, Oct. 1993. 15p.
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In the LHF-2 test only creep model predicts reasona- shchikov & etc. Prediction of the lower head failure
bly test data. The reason for difference is in the dif- under severe accident. Transactions of the 13th in-
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It was found in the simulations with both models
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exponential constant which did not depend on tem-
perature, did not allow to get reasonable agreement
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