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KET Practice Tests > Plus iContents | TEST 2 Tusk Type _Proparation Exam Practice Page TY Part questions 1-8 oosbuly peopl and jbe oak word signs “4 Prt questions 6-10 Grammar shoutsoukint Rest word signs “6 [Exam Overview (oageS Vocabulary: shopping and services TEST ¢ Task Type Preparation Exam Practice Page Pat? (rari: and when sentences Hoteay words “ inaytastvon? CT Par 3 qurstions 16-20 Skis: uncon in conversations Evereaystuators 0 Part questions 1-5 Vocabulary: paces eal wor tone 6 A 3 questions 21-25 Skil: choosing he riht option oes 2 Pat questions 610 Grama cancan, muti? Realwor sans ‘bout gong toa concert Pat Vocabulary: wor sets: food and dink: Things you can read 10 Pat Predicting whats ext ‘A yung footbal tye 8 travel and ranepont eothes Reading for deta Pan 3 questions 16-20 Grammar queston wordserses very tuations 2 Pan's Grammar comparative and superatves, Shas and whales 6 Par a.questons 21-26 Ske: choosmng the dh option Returning something toa shop 14 Part Grammar hg and net Lair aos 58 Favs Pretng whats ina ex The He of sperma 6 i ifrmation on Wes Pati for deta es at Vcabuiay: deserting tings Los proper torm © Pas Grammar focus: prepositions: Tans he best way total 18 Part 8 Nocebuly:descritng people ‘Aoto to afens o set woris PAPER 2 Listing Pat \ecablan what ind of word? 2 par = ‘remmar verb tre; peronal rencun: Pant Germencatonundesinsng |——_Fvo str.consrasons es pet? Vecablaynatonaty; dots; accupatone_ Job appteatin fom 23 pate Vocabulary: roms of the house Painting the coms ofa 6 Pant Su: fecang romuonccorecing Avtotoa furiure:eolours fam tome mistakes asamgte rawers Pats Comeuniatn: raking pans Aercan cousins ~ pat \ocabulay: parts ofthe body: bath Taking toa doctor PAPER 2 Listening ats \ocsbulay: spars Intonation sbout a m4 Patt Pronunciation: numbers Five short conversations 28 soos cate cabo: pices, ways offing the time i Pan ‘Vocabulary: tie acti Arnold in Scotian 2 GLB tho wear Patt ‘ving personal ntermato ‘Asking forpersonal facual— 78 Pans ‘cab: messurements Proniog a step for itomaton 34 Taking about past ard breaches information aoorgange Pata eammar raking qestons Asking and ging etomation 77 rat Skis: Predicting mishg nfomton Lunch in Bournemouth 6 shout chren's museum Commit dang fod and sick Par Vocabuty:tephone number Inormation about a museum 98 CEI Pact Language: sping Asking or pervond fact 40 ‘ding personal normation iiormaton ane Ska: asking and ancwerng questions Asking aout foodanderink 41 tn prompt ae Angst tan Asking about Resa sees vest Topic Page AT Par t(aestons1=Bausons 6-10) Fea wotd sre fT Par Sova ee & Pan Apotomt % EIT oan Evo stato @ EPAPER 3 Spesking vesta CEN Part’ cunatone 16-20 Evry eiatons ot Pa Sopp hows in rtan ce PUSH ERSTE) conven PAPER 1 Reading and Writing Foc questions 1-5 you match the signs to the conc explanation A.B or. For questions 6-10 you match eight eign wth ve ee For questions 11~15 you match 2 group of eight CIES For questions 16-20 you complet ve tworne ‘conversations by choosing A, 8 or C. Sn ‘There ane fe =p EET For questions 25-82 you answer seven questions about a shert ex, You have to choose te right EE For questions 3340 you read short fact text vat eight numbered spaces, You choose one word A Bor totes space eo ‘you complete form using information from the ext {words nd short phases on) eI For question S6 you write a shor noe ormessege to somaone (025 wore). PAPER 2 Listening ero For questions 1-5 you ston ovo short Part 2 Conversation or questions 6-10 yu stan o 8 convereston xe For questions 1115 you sen to conversation tween twa people and answer ne questions by choosing A BoC. eI _and wits down missing information in messages o: eT For questions 21~25 you isten toa monologue and ‘nite down missing inermaton in a message or notes, ‘You wite ane or ta words or numbers. The rmonelogue s often & recorded teleprone meassae, PAPER 3 Speaking xe ‘ou give persona, factual information about yourselt ‘nd kes. You wil probably be wih another student. ‘One examiner asks you some questions. The other lstens. Tis pat lasts 5 =O minutes, EST You have to make fve questions and ask your ‘Question wi be about personal or non-pereonal information Tis part ats 3-4 ninaes a EES PAPER 1 Reading and Writing GEOL Part 4 Questions 1-5 For questions 15, mark ‘Where can you see these notices? A,B or C on the answer shoot. Part age 58 SERRE Bar TISWER 1 Fo question 1-3 youre ss artes wich you a te es ° EEE a neaey, | tna bs tation, spore schon rear, sponta cb, ody ee ° The actions ai nals : ‘ow can rouse these nates? OR Who ae hee ates for? inaz0 1 Yu chose ha conect answer A. Bor | Teme A at srowsagen Rea the structions tothe ena task opposite oepapee to einen 1" What question do you nave to maar , your home! © ina bookshop: 27 Louk at the exstaple 0. Why iC the right arawer? 2 fee eens A. ina restaurant vn orergee " 1 wr a yo find aia 7 ina cupermartet 2) Can you find animals ina station ora cate? I 0p per kilo © nacn 4 Vocubuliry focus: places on a For this part you need to know words for places, and what you ean do there. « At baer times, A rete 4 i ‘only swim for pirtie beet 4 Mah he plas wth the tons, Some ations mac with more tha one plac wyanin ior | Bei ! 3) haya took fein Nour : @ Siytate ‘ supermarket d) cat a aacat Nc cadiad litany ‘e} play basketbatt fe aR OT ed 7 Gas > foo ogee % beach 1 dance we ss . so A inacefe 9 spor cent ook for sume information PENS NO FISHING ~ ee 1) buy a newspaper ‘i Cotober to March a ; ‘ Co by aries 2) Say wha yo odo bain ech pce c Make a list of other places yom kooaw: = Example: ct chen Cueston 1: Where cen you by aewapsae=? ee or Ceeton 2: You can nd crane a too pices ut where can you Buy hem? ee | question 5: You can sum al a sports centre and on the bosch but where are you customer? to canoe fina the cn Cueston 4: Where oyu ont hooks? | Question 5: Yow ean fins 4) Do the exans task, Use the clues to help you = BRT A Bice ARMAS ES PR 1 "or questions 610, yu read sons and otiens which you might see in shops, sway oF bus stations, ports, shoals, restaurants, spots Cbs, et. 1 You match each sign tothe conect explanation 1 Tere are five explanations, but eight signs 1) Read the instructions to the exam task opposite What question do you have to answer? How many questions are there? Where do you mark your answers ithe exam? 2, Look at the example 0, Why is H the right answer? 1” Unertne the words inthe explanation that can the same as No Sonoking {Glove word that mats Ave, Grammar focus: canfcan’t, must/muste't The vers cane 1 fanned, masts 2 often appear in explanations about CASH ONLY = You must psy wth cash, You ean pay by cheque, NO ENTRIV! DANGER! = You mustn't got 142 Complete the second sentences that 1 means the same us the fir Use can't or must 1 eisimpossiie to buy a tekt forthe mate x buy a tckot forte matt 2 Teas very important to speak English ithe elssto0m, YOR oon pak Engst ease Rist possible to swim in the pool tay YoU sn sim in the pool toy 4 Wisiecessiy to do your homework everyday You do your homework everyday 5 Students have to pay a the end ofeach mont You soos pay atthe end of each month 17 Look at the signs and complete the sentences using canvcan't, mustmuste Yr ose ive this way Yo ne ri carol Ww 0 in this way. Yo gel a taxi at any time 6 [Po ReMgeeDNET NK —) Nn nanewtnena Yr oso ea this Before you eat 4) Do the exam task. Use the clues to help you. Eanes Part 1 Questions 6-10 Which notice (AH) says this (60/2 For questions 610, mark the correct later A~H on the answer sheot EXAMPLE “ANSWER © You cant emoke hate " 6 You can buy food hee, A ‘AFTER EATING Use bridge to cross TWO TABLETS DAILY, | 7 You cannot go out this way. All animal books | 8 You must take your mecicne evry cay. feifpnce’ | © [ raurr, VEGETABLE AND "MEAT MARKET 9 You musta cross the road hee E = = f ZOO OPEN EVERY DAY “This door is locked Pease use mnsin exit DEC clues | Question ‘Question 7: Why cant you go au this ws yu think of? Which sign mentions a type of mesicine? ‘ihich sign gives a reason? ‘Question 6 What kind of modi ‘Question 9: Why mustn't you cioss the road? How can you eros? ‘Question 10: Where can you See lve ving) animals? fs Te Warde ar elt to one toni 1 This part tests your vocabutry 17 Vocabulary focus: word sets Tie folowing topics maybe tested the exam: food ad dink, avel and transport, Clots, tana relations, places, hoidays, ngs i the house, ee 14) Put the words t the box int te vg group. Gane you ald any mone? wich use patform | [Fool and drink | Travel andl wansport | Clothes Tame ? hatter Hacker chewse t ; retney chips “aki? soup | | Tassie fh tcket | sweater wasage boots | 1) Roa te text cand compete the hast The Sith tii ‘The Smith fami ss cer Goafer Janec ds bathe lan : 7 25) Matei the definitions eth words from exercve 1 2 Yaw these yo go walking the mountains. 1 Yinarzy things shi when you 20.08 our 41 “These are the parents of your mote ane fab Sve mak this wth vo poco of rend ith coos, meat, ee betwee Hem 5) Askand answer the questions Whar your favourite fon 4 Who yos tke wang Dest? 4 Read the iastections to the exam task opposite 2 Har many queso ane there? 5.) wok at the example 0, Why is A the rst answer? 6.) Bo the exam task, Use the cues to Help you MEER e571 nexoia ano wasn: @ SOME Part 2 Questions 11-15, Read the descriptions (1115) of some things you can read. What is the correct word (A-H] for each description? For questions 11-15, mark the correct letter A~H an the answer shoot, Beart ANSWER | © Thee ae many of those na ory A | 11 TWisholps youto understand new words. | A. book | cms 12 You ned a computor tod is. © dition 18. ryouwantfoknow won the bus athe, | gag youreed ts. \ | | magsene 44 Chien enjay the cartoons in this. ewspaper 15 People often send ene at hese whan they |G postcard are on holy. HL tmelable cues ‘Question 14; Where do you lok if you dont Know the meaning of a word? ‘Question 12: Which ane em inthe ist needs & computer to rea0 i? ‘Question 13: Where can you ind information about tho anal of Bus? Question 14: here do cileen us: ‘Question 15: What da pple buy and son nen they are an hoy’? eT 1, READING AND WRITING PART 2 Part 3 ~ everyday conversations ReaaR EMRE Sea Se 1 For questions 16-20, you compete two-tine conversations by choosing A,B or 6. 1 The conversations ae often a question and an answer 1) Rew the Instructions to the exam task opposite Where do yon mark your answers ithe ean? 27 Look at the example 0, Why is A the right answer? 2. When we ash whee somone comes from, the answer always @coUnY OF 8 twen, so the ght annie eA. Wy ate B and € not pesile £7, Grammar focus: question words/tenses To td the anwar that matches the question, you noe 0 lok earful athe ‘question worse. hy? Where? Who? an he tense of ho verb in the queston 147 FE the spaces with the right question word. 1 ‘do you by Match the questions and the answers. 1 Did you havea good time at the pasty? a) Yes, she dows 2 bows your mother ike her eb? 1) You am Where di you go om holiday? ©) Not dont 4 Ans you going tothe match tonight?) Yes, wow S$ Duryou lke Chinese food? 1) Lett Si: Wool you keto vst London? } No, Hui 4) Can you compete each conversation? A: 1b your speak English? 8: A: Hello Howe ate you? 4 1 Ae Would you ike am kee crea? A Shall fen the TV? 4 Do the exam task. Use the clues to help you. EEG Part 3 Questions 16-20 Complete the five conversations. For questions 16 ~20, mark A, B or C on the answer sheot. TXAMPLE ° bo] Ne 16 Whot dd you eat for dinner? ‘come fromm? there dd you put ey CO player? 18 Who did you coe yesterday? 19 What ime does the fm stat? cues ‘Question 16: Look a the question word What Question 17: The question asks Wh Question 18 Iho — ook fora pera or 8 mame. ‘Question 18: he - look tora ene or a date ‘Question 20: The question ks fr te month infor exam, date, not the day — 4 hic}, 18h (eighteenth), | ANSWER ] ‘New York, Seno! A Home | | A No, we dt B Spaghott and salsa © We want toa restaurant, Because i was broken © On the bea, B My sister ane brother © Yes, Li A A700, 1 think 5 Tom Cnise and Madonna {© Winen dia you go? B its 2002. © Ws Tuesday for an answer withthe date ofthe Sel PAHS Heveiyidey conversations) 2°52” 1 For questions 24-25, you complet a longer corwesation. f= You chaoee fam a ke! of options. Tate ae ve shaces and eight epiens 1 Te conversation may ake place m2 shop or restaurant, a school on the telepnene, ee 1 One cpesker may want information, ode food, ete about something, make avangements, ask for 1) Read the instructions to the exans task opposite 1 Winn ae the speakers? Where dos the conversation take place? 2 Where do You mark your answers in the exarn? 2) Lok at the example 0. Why is E the right unswer? 1 wat question doce te asstnt ask? What con we say to answer this qa? What tthe customers yroblesn Sills focus: choosing the right option ou sell ays ral he ine fe ne gap Beton you chose yeur answer {aud the whole conversation, Tht ich the est answer a) er) Teacher: Hello, Bens, What are you hooking for? lon a) Tied some information fora spots projet 1) Lean’ nd my Moray ticket Teacher: Mie got a ne ideo about Famous sportspoopl ‘Wout yo ike to wae 2 a ae eer bo sot pr 3) AG. bt hve eg oc Ca ao tear: Olesen, bt ou mt acm tomorow. PAL 4/ Real the gapped conversation opposite, Don't read the options yet. What doc testi {What dons he customs deckte tod? Howe do yo Bow? 7 Conplete the conversation by cowsing from the options 17 gest cat ee. What Kad of ase is ea ap? Ube the ches Wo hep yo eve 2. Mel the nex line Hs cork yur ane 6) Communication: rote play Pract Student A: You bought a prof jan it ck. Tk ip hos broken. Yost wei to change thet for anothr pic, Student B: You bought a hig yestersy I You would He yon money tk aS Part 3 Questions 21-25 Complete the conversation, ‘What does the customer say tothe shop assistant? For questions 21-25, mark the correct fatter AH on the answer sheet. [examee | paar: Good atrcen. Can hls? Chater Assistant: Oh dear. And whats te problem 1K ‘only bought it ast wee, Do you want the eos? customer: 21 Trae aays aga Aesistant: Ha, When dl you buy? © OF come, Mere you re Customer: 22 1D Thank you very much for your hep Assistant: Yes, please, Wel can qva you your maney back or enange the (CD player fora new one os, pleas. | tought is CD player hore ans theres something wrcog with F Do you want to pay? customer: 20 | | | | | i / | le | \ | | | t Ii he my mene back esse fester ‘on this foren for ine, please? ‘Well, when | tum it on. it doesn't always Customer: 24 om Assistant: Thankyou vary much, He's your ron, 838 Ccstomer 35 Assistant Yue welcome, Goodbye c1ues Question 24: Which option aks about a problem? ‘Question 22 Be cael oth & and B look possi, but ok at he nex thing he assistant says "Yes, please ‘Question 28: The assistant ters twa tings. What does he custener choose? ‘Question 24 Tho asistant asks the customer todo something. What does the customer rely? ‘Question 25: When sored ives you semathing, what do you say? SZ IBRAHLY tectual text Yess A 1 For questions 26 ~82, you read a shor tet bout 200 words 1 You answer quosions about t. Sometimes you ave o choose ths right anewer ABorc. The text may have some words you don snow, bt you can til ser the questons 1) Look at the instructions and the ttle ofthe text apposite 1 How many questions ate thers? 4 What do you hae to do tn this task? 2 What ithe text aboot? 4 Whete do you mark your answers inthe exam? 2) Look at the words inthe box. Which words da your {ink ari the text? Tick them ansaes epeinaiet ben ‘Look through the text quickly. Check your answers to exercise 2. Were you right? 4) Read the text carefully. Answer these questions. Underline the answers Inthe text, 1 Where was Jonathan’ ist jo 6 Whom will ne stat aad finish this wesk? 2 What company dose he work or naw? What dows he do before anything else 4 What was hs fs jo ith the company? very di? What isis job now? {8 What i his favourite part of the jab? 41 What dors Jonathan de mest of the tine in his jou? 9 What oes he dv whe he yo ck ou When di Jonathan ste and fin ork ast 2 journey? week? 10 Does Jonathan tke hs job? 5)> Look at the example 0. Why is € the correct answer? 17 Read the fst sentence in the text. Which words tell you is the right answer? 2 Lonk at A. Did Jonathan woek while he was at college, according 10 the text? 3 Look at B. Di 1 is father before or after he wore fo 6) Read the questions anu do the exam task. Use the clues to help you cues. ‘Question 26: What cid Jonathan do when he joined Saver Mas? ‘Question 27: Saver Msi em London, tut is Jonathon there al the tne? ‘Question 28: Lact wesk Jonathan worked rom & pam to 11 pi, But hs week Ne is workin fom Tam. toa pm, Which th best answer? ‘Question 29: Does the tx eyo when Jonathan goo fo motings? Does tl you when he hocks Question 30: Look for another way of saying the be ‘Question 31: Find the word jury in the tot ‘Question 32: Look for anothar way of saying enjoys hijab. What does the text tl you about money? Eee Part 4 Questions 26-32 Read the article about a supermarket manager and then answer the questions For questions 26-32, mark A, B or C on the answer sheet ‘The life of a supermarket manager SUPERMARKET sonathan Matthews let choo at sevensen, went to college = sn then wos ters msm Ae wo yeas, TT VF tye wert to work for Bargain Foods and then he joined Saver Tal nitecomecrerere, EAB, | Ths what fe to ur abouts jo JUCORBSHIC. job! But | like my work in Loadoe tao. Travelling can be very hard work. When | get back from a journey, | ally no straight to bed. Fearn quite good money and I'm happy working for Saver Mall: | | exaMPue ANSWER 0 Jonathan's first job was | 28 Jonathan's working hours A amternt each wok Bare Spm.tottpm. © ae7am to3 pm 29. ALthe beginning ofeach day, Jonathan [A ove to-amecting. B checks olher supermunkets, reads m sages, [A checking emails B going ta diferent countries traveling by road 31 The fst thing Jonathan dows ato a journey ks A haveameal. 8 gotohisofice. © gotobed 32 Jonathon |A. enjoys is job. dass nat tke his work in Landon, @ wants to esn move money ‘RPalt GRaspped tort SF A Te text wih ight numbered spaces. f= Tis par teste your grammar f For questions 33-40, you rsa a hor fet 17 Read the instructions and the ttle of the text opposite. 17 what i the text about? 5 tow many questions are thes? Where da you mark you 2.) Look ut the example 0, Why Is © the correct answer? 1 tok at A Can we say going on ale? What woul ssn? 1) Grammar focus: prepositions 4) Fill in the spaces th the correct proposition: al/by trom injon to. by Ask and answer the questions with a partner 4.) Gramear focus: quantity words For this pa, you nee to know what knd of words wa con use before enuntable anc tncounsbe noun 4) Complete the table with words from the ist 2) dering the contest word in each pa. Hawai made up of (3). ft of sods alate tonsa, wits beaut twaces lea water, rape forests, aid even (2) somelan volcanoes! These is plenty to do and soe in Hateait (3) Mic Mans people go to Sete onan Haapaek whales bervscen the months of November and Apa (9 maw srkers cam stay away ftom the beaches for ver’ Tang here at) anyfsnne cance of going hungry i awa Hawatian people hove to vat wl ad thee ct inca (6) pa ts of sont mca, a8 well diferent types of eget aid fh 5.) Reud the whole text opposite. Ignore the spaces Why do poople enjy travelling by tain? 67 Now do the task. Use the clues ta help yor 7) Read the test again, Do your answers make seuse? EEC Part 5 Questions 33-40 Road the artiole about trains. Choose the best word {A,B or C) for each space (38-40 For questions 33-40, mark A, B or C on the answer sheet. | crmains—run mest wav to teaver - | or apo gloy_—_ tain the mus exiting way | totrned You dwt wes wait_-93__ hours thesia wA\ | | sis thowsinds 34” ater pisses Yoo! p38, the isn sath fo itn foe the es 36 shoe elf) | chet ge a ran dhe ony en } 1 You cam ok at things 87 the winds hers. ead hak = po wk pad dwn Te rT ly erone aereting = {otk 38d when you ge angry: yo cane your pen you ~ {kt bring wth way, here’ eta seal Ss [ peamrce ANSWER Lo aon 8 cy ce 33 A tor Bin ea oA ad 8 tom cot 35 A at Bt ck 3A willeave B bt © leaves a7 A ty B though © inside 38 A ter Boat ct BAe B some © the 4A B any © some cuues ‘Question 33: Which preposition da you use wih apeted of time tke hours, months, yaars? ‘Question 36: Which pxenostion do we nse aftr thousands? ‘Question 35: You need a prepesition of deco, not place ‘Question 36: Which verb tense folks words ke when, ‘Question 37: Where ave the tings you look at? ‘Question 28: You reed a frepestion tar fa which one? ‘Question 36s pcr: countable or uncountable? Do you need a deste or indefinite aco? Question 40s food courte o uncountable” fs the eantence negative or paste? ‘Part 6 gape fettot/nate <8 S 72 1 For questions 4160, you read sho txt wit on numbered Spaces. ‘he tne sor tro note f= You have 0 fhnk of one word foreach space f= Yourmust spl he words coe. 1 Tis prt teats your ramet an vocabulany 1 Nocabulary focus: what kind of word? ‘You have to wre a content word in some spaces. You should reas the whole sentence cael to make sue you undersand the meaning, and dacide what Kind of word you need 117 Rea the sentences. What Kind of word da yo nel cael space? Undrline the corect option in Iuackets. 1m teacuing English in Brighton an ca vane It much beter no 2 Thave a mie Bi on actin) wih a ed and a desk 1 The fod is tle $1 ha¥6 0 ns (hart up at eight aoc each mong, (vebatt, tt is 0 100 Da 5 MY oon (eho called Rob and he's rom 1b, Now compte the sentences withthe won i the Dox. 2) Grammar focus: verb forms ‘Sometimes you have to wt avert nthe space in he present or past once ‘Sometimes You wis pat of verb, You should fos for cues that tl you what tense you need 14) Chet the correct verb form Use the underinal words 1 hulp you decide which er form is corec. 1 wala waking 10 shoo every dy 2 My brother pasts paying football at tke moment Yesterday I menthw gun tothe parks the aernoon, 41 We were saigidd our nomestork when Peer ats 5. Vamived av av i Lovato to wk (6 have onion in non fro seeks 7 Lalor avert Sgt ay presents for my analy yet Lats met tomorow bese Lil oan oi hack tomy cute on. ek forgot to return yer 1. Lil rit Dig to Yous se nex se 1H) Houight Twi gota going tothe ener wat ome i hy Complete the sentences with a vb or part ofa ed 1 What time ate You on to visit me tomorrow? A We sana oo sightseeing in London, ete on Only ome mone day until my Holkkay! SL week, 6 Tosco lle 1 you again very so 8. A Ae amon fo feng a bak abut South America 3) Grammar focus: personal pronouns Tis part may test persons pronouns, 0.9. Umaimynine, youyourours, Write a pronoun i cach space. Chasse A, ew chats are the same as those one ver thee 2 Darton ae Lacy need us 4 Me THESE BOOKS nn Ra? ls Francesca opened 47 Grammar focus: articles and pronouns Wie uae 2 the frst time we tk about something ‘Example: went ta good pany. wi ll you about the pay tomorrow {Wah some words, we alas uso the Example: The sums vary hat. theres nly ‘one sun) ‘We use proncuns so we don't have to repeat swords ‘Example: John ew the fim yestarday ert he oc at Complete the text opposite, Wete an article ‘or promou in cach Space 5) Grammar focus: conjunctions You need o now how to join ideas together 9. ‘and We Wort othe 200 and salts of for iecan goto the ccme ato theese, Dut |anted to go swimming but twat ol because | cit go out Because Is sick so She was tied go he wont to bad 67 Spelling focus eval the mete and the stun’ answers Correct the sping mistakes Tanks 41 keting me sty i 42 house fst weekend (had a insu much todo Ealinhurgh! When ave you 46 play 45 to Ostoad? Poe found 3 new barge hoe mse yeu ee it Teanorow twat to play football ut have 47 hope fea fast everyting, 48 Iunetitne Write to me sonn and fet me 4_ when you ae re Wo est, Good Hack ety presents yet? much homework AW 8 Owe C Our A she W hers Ghee Fos fawrg to. faaste. te fae ny France, Fo shoyeg sol fo by sauce wth my pos d's fay. Yelena oy Ferd ad 1 ote mond TOUS! nnn beac 2 ge Sep fe rd lomo i On Sah, we beng 1?) fe | telat ard word aes a9. hoy on 9 meses = nes ma ea fr alt foe rt Brey Bo st | eye frre Ado | Complete the sentences with the right conjunction 1 wanted fo come to the patty Last feolng very well 2. Wiete going to the eema ann then wee The trafic was Wey hl oo 8 eck 0 Wah they Take the same te 7.) Read the instructions ta the exam task below. 1 tt letter, a neaspapes ate, a note? 2 How many questions ave there Where you mark your answers inthe exam? 8) Read the text quick: 1 Who ithe letter from? What tthe letter bout? 9.) Do the exam task, Real each sentence and decide what kind of word goes Inv each space. Use the clues to help you. EIS Part 6 Questions 44-50 Complete the latter. Write ONE word in each space (41-50), For questions 41~50, write your words on the answer sheet. ear ample Fram sorry you could_ 44 _comeon the schol trip yesterday. Peter tos 2 that you wore ech l and you 43. to star at home Foye was —-4&. ewig {ot hone ane otek and wen ob nmdintely 4B 1 wae tie. | Areyon_49 _ toschont oa Nondss?1__ 60. _ (el yo everything abot the trip when Ite so cues Question 41: Could Christina come on the schoo! ip | Question 42: What pronoun do we use ae the ver fel? ‘Question 3: Which made vero do you rsd? Dis Cristina want fo stay in bod al day? Question 4 Lock atthe ver feting. What tens th Question 45: You need pronnun here Question 46: Where a you do lessons? Question 47: You need 2 prepostion. Which ane? Ouest Question 49 Which vers can you use her ‘Question 50 What do you use to me the flare on 148: What word can jon the two pans ofthe sentence ogather? EN Part 7 ~ completing a Yorm si'8¥6)> SAAS 1+ For questions 51-55, you rad a shor text (about 50 words 18 Then you complet afm using information fom the tox, 18 You do ot nee to ure sentences = nly words an shot pha 1 Comectspeting and use of capital ter are essents For this pat you often aed to know: surname, date of bith, age, nationally, adress, foraign languages, accupation, et You aso have to spol words corecty and use capital atrs comoct 1) Mocabutary facts ‘capital letters! Maly | aaa. Mexico | tsa Lian 27 Vocabulary focus: dates 147 Look atthe examples. Say he dates 14 404 partner: 1h January 1986 1th jy 1994 Examples: a ina ghg 50th September 1985 Ist Api 1977 1b) We cum write dates in diferent way. Look at the sample, The write the ates 1d above i ten acr ays. Done forget tose capa letters! Example: 25th January 1986 amy 0G — 2506 ©) Askar answer the questions 8) Vacabtary focus ‘ 6 occupations Write me occupations | manages me in Column Dawe | teaches spore on fara sites books | sso i pak | Read the structions tothe exam task below 6,7, Read the instructions tothe exam task belo ‘Who ane yom gong 0 al abou? whe ate you going ea aot? wht do they wat? 2. What Kind of form do you have 4 i? Wht lo yo have to da? How many questions ate there? 2.7 Do the exam task, Use the clues to help you. ‘Whre lo yout have to wrt the lntormation in the exan? 5) Look atthe form which a student completed. Find and correct the au tnistakes, Use the clues to help yo me Part 7 Read the information about Mr and Mrs Arnold. They want a student who is leaning English tions 51— to stay in their house. Cota Fill inthe information on the application form. ees For questions 51~85, write tha information on the answer sheet. Fe age concave tastien anedeaion roe ter far —— For questions 51~85, write the information on the answer sheet. alcolm Amoi Wes a 27, Rear Road, Camndge. He wntes books. His wife teaches Engh _ lar Arno as horn on 20th March 1871, and Rs Arnos on Bh Novornber 1872, Thoy would tke two students tom Span to stay wih tam, ‘Davi Cassidy i sictsen years od. He's rom th USA. He want to work fom Tt July 10 2st August. He word na language echoo! Gung his oda ast year He Pas ved in France and sponks the language wel Application Form for a student guest Job Application Form Fist ame: bavi ads _] “ Pov Z | Sura (a) L | cupaton wie a] She teaches english 1 | — ee (x i] stand writer _— Naot: =) | ate oir wite ewe —— ' ‘husband: [ss] S720 J | yates | Foren anguage: & School before! on ‘3 cues = ——___---__.- —_ — Cueston St: Te stidet wt both nes nde forge to use canta ters ewes Cueston 8: Lok tack at he tration about Mao All, sth acer ped cect? {ueston 5: Remeber use cap tars and heck your spt Cueston 5: He ani teaches Enh so wats decpatin? Shes an Del he sont we | ueston 5: ou can veers meer, Gch your spt! capt te? Cueston 5: Check your anawer nExace |on page 23 ston 4 Check th da carly, Lok a ood of he mer. Question 5: Us ums hr. veston 5:1 yu come tom Spain, hats or nator? {esto 8: Teoma dos no sy forgo guages 0 wha! Jo yu im toon er? Part 8 =contindols virting This pat rests your weing sis. You may have to wre a notes or a short message to somone 1 There aro 3-4 etlorent things to wite about ead the instructions for the writing task below. Now many questions do you ave to answer? What ae the questions? ow many words should you wile? Wh 1 17 what do you have to rite inthis task? ‘You have lost your Dicoman, Write a notice to put on the wall of your school Soy: ~ where you lost your Discrman what your Discman looks like and how to roturn ttoyou Write 20-25 words, Write your notice on the back of the answer shoot J Kewl the ena pe answers bei, Ignore the tnndetined mistakes for now a F sed my ross Distr . | eects ee om sxtardy | Bee i meer Doman T want fea ond wit ‘aire fine pb bach, Tie coor to, | | Disemin with ac | Ser 8D int 3th nee ire ‘na Piet Ht | please give i+ baak to ase tet we wu Find ity pl ces gfe |] retin sehr inti | | 38 the root Frey — tro on enc cry then Mensa i 7 . || e& a a [| Toco [| Poe ny as | |] eri Jil see 4) Correct the mistakes in the sample answers. A 8 “ 4 3 1 4 4 What do you have to write thi task? How many things do you have to erie about? Underline thm, 4) Read the exams task belo 3 P Which choi low snot correct? Cross How wl you sar your ote tou. i (WANE. 57 Write your note 6.) Check your writing careful MECH Part 8 Question 56 con the by ‘Yesterday you lft you flens's hen you went home. ‘Write @ note to your friend ‘all hi hor = what you lost = when and where you fost i ~ that you want to replace it Write 20-25 words. ‘Write your note on the beck of the answer shoot PAPER 2 Listening Pan 1S NERA BAISGTES s 1 For questions 1-5, you haw the short conversations 1 The conversations ae between fends or atives, or take place na shop at a ticket offen, ee. 1 You ston and chooas the cowect pictus A, B oC. In this part there may be questions about numbers, prices, mes, shapes and sizes. 1 Pronunciation focus: nsevers Listen ta the recring. Tick (2) the number you hear Lay 130 D177 40 725 WSS 2) Vocabulary focus: prices 18) Match the words and the prices. ite the numbers next fo the words 1 five pounds, twenty-five pence 525 boy FEA How much do they cust? Listen and write the prices, Write figures, nal words 8.7 Vocabulary focus: ways of tell amples: twee thy Er ee 1) Ask and answer Say the thes 1-5 Wa aliferent way As What’ the time? EER Listen ad tick the correct clock a) 4) Vacabutary focus: shapes 417 hae the shapes. Use the words in the BOX. | langle recanagle svar [siangle rectangle square ote [by Answer the questions, Use the je tives i the bs rests, cistening vie) EEL 5) PE Read an listen 10 the tnsteuctions ws many pictures ae therefor each conversation? {How many tines wl you Hear ea emwersation? 65) (TB Look at the example and listen 10 the reconliny. 2 What ithe answer? Mew lo yon om? 7, FEY Listen to the rest of the reconding and answer questions 1 REG Part 4 Questions 1-5 Listen to the tape. You wil hear five short conversations. You wil hear each conversation twice ‘There is one question for each conversation. Fo quostions 15, puta tick W7/under the right answer 0 What te ist? A [ 8M i , ) je18.28 we £30.25 oe ad ° exam task eos waa ion cake does the woman want? ‘What see shee does the man take? Size: 2 A men ie Anas btn? 13th September al nats Petros going to buy? size: 8 30th September SIZE: 9 13th November EZ Part 2~ conversation 1 For questions 6-10, you hear acon times know eachother sation between two people. The two people 1 You have to match wo sts, for example, names of people with activites they tke ong Ly Read the tnsteuetions tothe exam task opposite P Who talking? 4 What do yo have tomate? 5 How many activites are thee for matching? {ow many tines vil you hea the conversation? Tok atthe example. How do you mack Yur aes 2,7, Vocabulary focus: fr time acti 117 Look atthe pictures. What are they doing? Hample:“In picture they ate visting a muse. 1» Whar do you ike doing best in your five time? Tick (7) tne pictures 67 Ash am answer questions Iery cayfwvekead Onve/Twicea weeK/month Quite oe Sometimes” Never 17 Vacabutury focus: the weather Inthe exam, you may has people taking about the weather 47 FEV Listen to the conversation, Matel the days and the weather iy Ask unt answer questions 4.) FI Do the exam task. Answer questions 6 10. 5.7 Compare your answers with other students, Are they the same? 6.) (TI Listen again, Check your answers. Add any’ that you missed the frst time: ees E Part 2 Questions 6-10 Listen to Paul taking to Jane about his holiday In Scotland ‘What did he do on each da For questions 6-10, write a letter A-H next to each day. You will hear the conversation twice. feeawerie [Lo saticsy _(E) pays activmes 6 sundy [1] A bicycie ride 7 Moody (] © tootbat 8 tess © museum 9 Wednesday [7] D visto another ity 10 thursday [ E shopping F studying for exam G enenming 1H playing computer games FS "x For questions 11~15, you hear a conversation between two poopie 18 Sometimes the people know each ater Sometines the conversation takes place ina Shop. ata tal agents, oe ‘You havo to ansuer fe questions by choosing A,B or C. 1) Read the instructions to the evar task opposite 14 Whos i tatbing? 1 ow ds ya mark yur Inthe oxara, you may need to unserctand simple descriptions of objects. You may hear People taking about denne, size and chap 2) Vocabulary focus: measusements 12) 2B Listen tothe secondng. Look a the measuremants nthe box, Tick (4) the 15m__2m-Mocrm Soc law Wicmy —taw km —Sm9Sem 9m Ae Amr bY White these measurements in figures. 1 three metres seventy-five 4 wo mets tve 4) Vocabutary focus: describing things A 6 « Pat he ond [Mater re box nto the vii groups. [Sze Objects Sit Regi sen? ast pate ep | 1b) inte the connect ond in cach question. ike i that tae 2 Howe tlh s Nick? Will the wardrobe go thuoayh te dor? How tui i? 5 Mowe highs tenant at cal ei? ©) ED Listen to te recon ad waite the anes to the questions figures. 187 Look ut the objects bs Bon ©. Sich anes do yor have? What are they made of? 4) (FV Do the exam task, Listen to the recording and answer questions 11-18. S) Compare yo rransivers with they students Ate ey the sae? 6.) TV Listen again, Check your answers, Add any that you missed the frst time EXAM PRACTICE Part 3 Questions 11-15 Listen to John phoning a shop about something he wants to buy. For questions 11-15, tick] A, Bor ©. You will hear the conversation twice. © The shopiein A. Chester Aver © Oxford Stet 41. Joh wants to buy A atent 8 arucksack © abas 12 The Weekender Pes A 400m by 603m, 1B Tom by Gem, © 600m by Goan, 19. The shop only sls wucksacks made ofA nylon, paste, © canvas. 16 John is gona to buy a A tod and green rucksac blue ane white rucksack, © green and bive nckeack $5 The rucksack costs A £20.95, 8 £99.95 © 12.95 1 For questions 16-20, you haar a conversation. 1 Conversations often take pica in shops. offices, te ‘= You ten snd write down messing infomation la a message or notes. = Spating isnot est but you should epet simple words comect 1. Read the instructions to the exam task opposite How many questions are there? 4 Where da you write you 3. Wha isthe speaker going to alk about? 2) Read the notes. What ind of information is missing? Matele the questions with a) ~e). Ouetion 176} something Question 19d} a pace Question 20, ch a pice 4) [FEB Listen tothe recording and try to complete as many answers as possible 4) (ED Listen again. Chock your answers. Add any that you missed the first Check your answers How any’ ord di ys write in wach space? 2 Isthe sping comet? 1 Communication: ordeving food and drink SKY RESTAURANT + ¢ampe ne nein rsa pss fom Pur sis Zr Vd like for Can have some anything a motes Waiter: Would you like a starter? ft Gastomer: Yes plese. hae ssa Nice ff Main course | Waiter: Certainly, Would you like something ‘ pe Dessert ) Part 4 ‘Questions 16-20 You will hoar a tourist guide talking to some tourists about places to have lunch in Bournemouth. Listen and complete questions 16-20. ‘You will hear the conversation twice. LUNCH in BOURNEMOUTH Tours ee un 76] oak ‘Seafood meal costs: 4a] £ 7 Name of hae i ] | _ | emcee acer rr 47 | tse oe orig ade exam ask Ny complete as Aba SISAL OMG LT INT s 5) TER Listem again. Check your answers. Add any you missed the fist tine 1 For questions 21-25, you hear a menologs. f= The monologues oflen a recorded telephone 1 You listen are fila missing information na message o notes, How many wonds did you srte in each space? 2 Isthe spelling cornet?” 98. 8.) Check your answers 1 You wrt one ote words oF numbers f Spstng not ested but you should spel emple words coecty 1) Read the instructions to the exam task opposite 1 How aay questions ate there? 4 Where do you wate your answers? What are you going to ese? 4 ‘How many’ times wil yu hear the information? Part 5 Questions 21-25, 2) Keaad the notes. What Kind of inforomation is ssing? Match the questions witha), ‘You will hear some information about a muscum, Caanaat Of a ete cent Listen ana complote questions 21-25 ees ante You wi heart norton We. Gheten2s ahs 3) abuts focus telephone nutes The WINCHESTER MUSEUM a) CPF, Read te conversations. Thea listen and write tite telephone numbers. | Museum is o| undaty aes Tia el trom a am a 1 | Bl pe] He 08 Yeh ig Students pe £440 cima i We Wait a minute. Let me inok in the phone hock. Here it bs. | Children pray arcane ; Sposa prea sd Ms No, this is 01223 HH 58 22. Ai Sorry, wrong nome c For more informatica: A The number yo renite > Check your answers with a partuee 7 Ask and answer rte the nuns What's 1 your phone mumet? the phone nub of yours PAPERS Speaking ait Spars, tet tormation me The pat is 5-Siinutes 1 You wal probably be wih ane other student 15 One examiner ass you some questions. The other listens 18 You should be abl to “tak about where you come fom and whet you do (jb oF suc) = answer general personal quostons ©. abeut family and ids farswor questions about your diy Me, irterests ar es. 1) Language focus: spelting in Part Ris important o know the alphabet in English You may have to spel your 44) What are the names ofthese eters? ACEGHISKNQUVWXYZ 1 What do yo say whoa letter is repeated, like thee in weckend? ©) Read and ston to the conversation and underline the correct spsting of AA: Hell, Fim Susan Summers, What's your name, pase? Jason cud ‘A: Could you spel your surdame for me, please, Jason? Be Yes, HS QULCRLY QUIGLEY Hive in Faring, Fo dowote REN'G-FO.N And what's your adds? ring, PA ble REN-G- DON. How do you spall that, please? LAPIMER/ LADEMEA St 1d) Take turns to practise sian conversations with a partner Waite down your partner mate und addres. The show yur partner Iy your spelling correct? 2) Giving personal information 14) Match the questions and the answers 2. Az Do you ie going to school? 0) Hs Cuusly vist my fend ins ot 4A: Doyou have any bathers and ston? &) Re Weudgange Secondary Schoo Hs ka ey 3 A: Wht sort of mesic you tie? home 19> Liston and check your unser. © Ask and answer the questions tn 2a). EXAM PRACTICE Part 4 1. Work with a partner Listen tothe tape. You wil hear an examiner asking some questions Student A: Listen carefully and answer your questions. Tell your partner the answers. Student: Listen carefully and answer your questions. Tall your partner the answers. EGE Part 2~ prompt card activity 1 You have to make fve quastons and ack your partner 18 Then you have o answer your partes questions 1 The questons may be about personal information, 17 Look at the example exant task and the prompt card below 447 Answer the suestions 18K B same questions about food and drink, Use ube words and pictwes on He ind to help you, Ask B ve questions | B. answer AS questions, | {roo ano oni ‘ok your prior quostions abou fod an ink ap) wweaktast Cas usually ink? wow 1h) Make questions using these words to ftp you. 1 wha / you | ave J fr bicabfat? ie food? sully [kink tot foffee? Sow often J you F go to fa estan? ©) FEB stem aa chock your questions 1D Take turns to ask and ansice the questions with a parwier Use the pictures to up you answer: 2) Look at another exumpe task below a) wha fo yn hove task and answer questions abut? [ssn At qwotions | by Corect te gram stakes these questions 1 What tne it yo ot up ast Satur? 2 Wha 4 You dit your h a 4 Did you went ot ith ye fens? 17 babe turns to as an answer the questions will a partner. Use Me petunes to help you ase. [Now do the exc tasks opposite. Part 2 ‘Candidate A | you: Ack B five questions B, anawer A's questions [[A. ask B some quections about his/her bestfriend. Use the words and pictures onthe card to help | BEST FRIEND ‘Ask your partner about his/her bestfriend. favourte food? hobbies? wy / best tiene Candidate 8 | you Ask A Tve questions. 'B, ask A some questions about his/her last holiday. Use the words and pictures on the card to help HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES [Ask your partner about his her holiday 3 where / 9? wo wat? what / do? weather? ES PAPER 1 Reading and Writing pas sPart signs s For questions 15, you read signe ard notes which you might sen Bit, 1 Tae questions ask Whore can you se thse nt i loos? OR Who are these notices for? 1 Read the instructions to the exam task oppesite 1 wnat question do you have to answer? Whete do you mack your answers i the exam? Look at the example 0. Why is B the right answer? 1 people eat mele i 3 bank? in a muse? 4) Vocabulary focus: people and jobs PlH/o/r|oja|ajalPjale|n (b> Label the pictures with words foo the bas Er elec cle le[icttjelaiwleinieic's i e[clelr t(tlojn [sr jo rfaisiolrieivin Klojz: F[c/k|5ja|p vv/a|riew €7 What da they a? Match the sentence halves. Apholigrapher 6) helps sick people { Amectanic = g) visite places i diferent countries Adve 1 lps people in a hotel Shout 2) prepares food 8 Aroteptionist Ry ives ea or bus 41) Do the evan task, Use the clues to help you Part 1 Questions 1-5 Who are these notices for? For questions 1=5, mark A, B or Con the answer sheet. BAWPLE ° ‘Free ice cream witht every meal! wash hands Preparing food 2 WE TAKE MAJOR CREDIT ‘CARDS a DO NOT CROSS WHEN LIGHT IS RED. 4 4 See Pay | oe ‘Take two tablets after eating cues ‘Question 1: Who prepares the food? ‘Question 2 Shop assistants and 0 ‘Question 3 here Question 4: Whe» ‘Question 5: When do we need to toke fabio? “ANSWER ‘A. poopie ina bank 1B poopie ina cate 8 peopl ina museum 8. hotel quests © cleaners A. shop assstanis B receptionists © tourists A. pooplein a cisco 8 pecplein a plane © oe0ple wating A car 1B mechanics © bus passengers A coctors 8 hungry people © i people take cre cards but wi i the notice for? times? Who isi for? PE 5 ae NR ESTEE I TARE 1 For questions 6=10, you rea slgns ard notices which you might sein Brita, f= You match aah sign tothe correct expanaton 1 There are fe explanations, bu eight sans. > Read the instructions to the exam task opposite. 1 1 What question do you have to answer? 2 How many questions are there? {Where do yous matk your answers in the exam 2) Look at the example 0. Why is H the right answer? Uaexfine the word in the explanation that means the same as LETTER i the sim 3). Gramma focus: shouldéshoulda’t The vers shoula/shouldn sometimes appear in expansions about signs. Examples: CHILDREN CROSSING = You should dive cart PLFASE DO NOT PARKIN FRONT OF GARAGE = You shouldn't nave your car hero. Complete cach sentence using should or shoulda’t soi He emengeney ext, YoU on He HS HE eres He, YOU 0 ws ne may Drea ey. YOU on ve to wery’ young chien 4 Mario as hurt his an, We... tae him to hospital You or. buy a ticket before y 4) Vocabulary focus: shopping and services Inthe exam, sans are often about shopping and senices, In the supermarkstat the beacon a food packet the aaportfin a museum rusia vestaurantat the sports centeat the Hheate/at the shoe soy 2 [__GRANGING ROOMS] 7 (___ Species on dog fos 2 (Tonights show canceted—] ‘BOATS FORME 5. [Aisin re Yor stout w HSK Do the evans task. Use the clues to help you ERE Part 4 Questions 6-10 Wihich notice (AH) says this (610)? For questions 6 10, mark the correct letter A-H on the answer sheet, EXAMPLE | © _You shouldn't drop rubbish in the sto. 6 You should be careful because tis wil burn, 7 You shoul’ talk ously hore, 18 You pay the same but you get more. 8 You should keop this ina coo place. 10 Be cart when you cress the road. cues (Question 6: Look for something which can bu ‘Question 7: Fd word which mans ‘Question & Do you have to pay for mere? | uestion 9: where can yous keep things cool? ‘Question 10: What should you de betore you ev ANSWER Buy 2 {_GET ONE FREE + KEEP BRITAIN TIDY — TARE YOUR LITTER HOME wine You. ‘SEPARATING NOUS TS EE 1 For questions 1115, you match a group of tole latos words wih the comect Setnton. 1 Th pat tats your vocabulary. Resa the instructions to the exam task opposite ‘What vocabulary topic ate all the words fam? Where do your matk your answers inthe exam? 2) Look at the example. Why i E the right answer? 3) Grammar focus: it and when sentences Examples: you nea to buy same medicine, you should go hee. chemists ‘When the weather shot, you may go hee beach Match the sentence halves 1 you want 0 fl, a} when you ate 3. When you neva a plane tek, 19) you ean go tothe cinema, 4 iitsans torn, &h your bag bs stolen 6 Youshould tn Whe police station) they axe not re to move 4) Grammar focus: maytwil/won't SSametines sentences wih wi r may ate used in detitions Examples You wil el wet inthe ran if you don't put ths on. Gs crt) raincoat You may soe these nthe ive. W's poss) th eau these prictons, How certain do ye think they are? Complete them with 1 Our fal a... ln the Cu, 2 Tem sty to hea doctor When I nh seboo! My fly on. qt the USA om Hllday nent some 4 Ts BN A MY ea ti er 5.) Do the exarn task, Use the clues to help you EE Part 2 Questions 11-15 Read the descriptions (11~15) of some holiday words. ‘What Is the correct word (AH) for each description? For questions 1115, mark the correct letter A~H on the answer sheet EXAMPLE asa te © yeu want to Wave by train, go eee - c 11 When you ga away an hoa, yu pace A akpot 42 Youmay buy some a these.on your oder. |G passport postcard 12 This fs where you will goto catch your plane 16 tf you want to take photographs, you eed this, F custease @ camera 15 You may noo ths to lave the county beach bag | caves PEN Patt 9+ everyday conversations“ TMGRA TY 1 For questions 16-20, you compete two-tne conversations by choosing A, Bor C. Ly Rea the 17 How many conversations ate there? 2. Where a you mark yur answers fn the exam? structions 0 te exan task opposite Look at the example 0, Why i A the right answer? 17 ts the speaker 2 When do we sy You're welcome’? a} asking i He/she can do someting? When da we say "Yes, af course’? 1} thanking someone 5,7 Skills foces: tanetions To tind th response that matches the statement, read the statomont and ack yours int the sation? Who = speaking? Whore? iat the speaker dong? foekng for somthing? apologising, ete) ‘iat Knd of response does he/she need? examples Statement Situation Response ‘edering na restaurant | Cain. Anything else? Sspalaging toa ond | Thats al ight 127 Read the cnworsations, Who i speaking? Wh i de sation? 1A: You should go tothe doctor. Re Yes, your'e ght 2A: Well done! Bi: Thanks 5 Cameo, Jet go fora walk, BOK, why not? 5. Ae ThiSCD player is broker 1 What's sermg sth 19> What A doing in envi conversetion? There are ts factions you don't wed 7 Read the conversations. Te ansvers ar the wrong plac, Write the comect sponse onthe ine 1A: Tike ta ty on that dss, pease, a Re Hi, ow ate yo 2A: Murry up, wee ae 1) Be Thanks, Lt 3 As Hee mach fetiern 1B: What size are you? 4 AS This Pala speakin Ji eGov Vga 5A: Enjoy your holiday Be Sony, Fn just coming, 47 Do the exans task. Use the clues to help yon. Part 3 ‘Questions 16-20 Complete the five conversations, For questions 16-20, mark A, B or C on the answer sheet [exanrce 16 Let's go to he 200 tomorow. 17H This is Davis speaking. 18 Fd ke a double room with a shower 18 Could you pass me te broad, please? 20. You really should ee the dentist, cues Question 16: The frst speaker ANSWER {& Tas aivigrt ) Bos. of course A Le vous welcome 1A thdoest mate. 8 what time? © Trat's a good idea A Hato, Davi B He's net here © got him for you. [A How smac is that? 1B Corti, madam, © sta quiet room? A Way not? © Hew you ae 8 She's DrCaxton © Areyou? aking a suggestion Which response fis? ‘Question 17: The fst speakers greeting someone onthe phone Question 18: 44st spake booking a room ina Hea. ‘Question 19: The fist speakers asking for tho bad Question 20: The fst speskar ie offering some advice PREPARATION Pexaueracticn PRIDE TEs comets sSNA NTENTE See Part 3 1 Fr question 21-25, youconpte ger cnsaony tosng fom Questions 21-25 1 One speaker may want complain about somthing, make rangement, ask for Conviea ob uncsons cavecencs iformaton books hott oom, buy a ain eet, What does Potor tay to Menyt For questions 21-25, mark the correct letter A-H on the answer sheet. 1) Rew the instructions to the exams task opposite 1” Whee does the conversation take place ‘EXAMPLE ~ ~ ANSWERS {Where do Jou ak or anes in de exam? Mary: Halo, 796901, Mary: Realy? Thats great! Where are | best £25 b get cheaper ones for £15, nome early? coe — What des Mari invite Gina to do? Does she ape neatly? Pace | wn fe ike the guitarist! d) 1 can’t afford the expensive ones. Question 21: Mary asks Why? Look for a reason. WEEE 12, neaoine ana wetting Pan 3 TEST 2, READING ANO WRITING PART 3 NEEM PAA Stach oa sees RE 1 For questions 28-32. you rea so te aout 200 word) 1) Look atthe bnstructions anu the tite of the text opposite 2) Look at the words i the box, Which words do you think are tn the test? Choose five and tick then Thomewwork goal lua 2. Lak thrash the text quickly. Check pour answers to exercise 2 Were you right? 4) Read the est carefully, Answer these questions. Unerine the answers fu the text How ld is mie? Why is lame happy ann excite Soe font has Fame played foal? ‘Wha da Janse sce his fest goal? os ic im does frie peta wah Machete Uriel? ‘ethene amie see Be fed 5) Look at the exaanple 0. Why iA the right answer? 67 Read the yestions and so the exam task, Use the clues to help you ces ‘Question 26: Who wor the competion? So who plays fr Manchester United? ‘Question 27: Jamie is very young bit she too young te pay? (@uestion 20: Find a word which meses picssed inthe tx |. uestion 28: Tink of a dtonent way 1 say a he age of Si Question 20: Cae ya find anything nthe ont aout every da of ho week? 1 he miss anything fom school? Question 9: Janie donc? go to sia! but 3 ‘uestion 92: Can you nd any information nthe txt bout Jame song is Part 4 Questions 26-32 Road the article about a young boy who wants to be a footballer. ‘Aro sontences 25-32 Right’ (A) or Wrona’ (8)? I there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ (A) oF “Wrona’ (B), choose ‘Doesnt say’ (C) For questions 26-32, mark A, B or C on tho answer sheet, ‘Anew young player > | ite ar he emer sce hs Ws fc hs ony yor sa tn oy a ha eee on Hoenn aaa] rman ss he wats tba the en cone oe lum pla otal lv fhe Mancasier Ute rg CXAMPLE ANSWER © Thereis nobody youngor than Jamia the team, ‘A Right 8 Wrong —G Does say A 26. Ai the payers in he competition now psy for Manchester United A Rion B Wrong G Doesn't say 27 Jame is too young to play for Manchastr United A RGM —-B Vong © Dnesnt say 28 omicis loosed about playing for Manchester Ueites A Right 8 Wrong © Dosen say £29 Jamie scored ns fst goal atthe age of sx A Right B Won © Doesn't say 30. Jamie wth te tam avery cay of the week A high —B Wong © Doeswi say ‘31 Jamie doesnt have 0.60 any school work. A fight —B Wrong © Dosen say {82 Jamie sometimes sees Ws tind dung te week A Right B Wrong Doesnt say SiPart § gappad toxt Sexier serene 1 For questions 33-40, you read a shor factual tox wih ight pumbeted spaces. 1 You choose one word A, Bor C to fa each space 1 This pat tests your gra 1) Read the instructions and the tthe ofthe text opposite 17 wht isthe text about 2 Now many questions ae thete? Whore co you mak your answers in the exam 2 Look at the example 0. Why i B the correct answer? Fh sentence compas ciferent types of sak, We use na er ake the 3.7, Grammar focus: comparatives and superlatives This pat often tests comparzons (e.g. smaler tan and superatves eg. the sates, 4) Complete the table, Write i the missing wants | 1b) Complete each sentence with the cortec active for LA white whales (euvy) than a shark. 2 “The clot is he (sty animal on the pane. $ the hurmmingbid sone of tas (Qt bis the woe 4 Pollution in these is nos much bad ta i 7 Make comparisons ab the example 1 whale /gorla endangered. Theat wager. Sh 2 ger # dolphin —antligent ios J cheotahs fast 4/ Do the exann task. Use the clues to help you: Part 5 Questions 33-40 Road the article about the sharks ond whales. ‘Choose the best word (A, 8 or C) for each space (33~ 4). For questions 33-40, mark A, B or C on the answer sheet | SHARKS AND WHALES Theve are many eiferent types of shark but the _0 - tamous of als the Great White Shark Some 33. these shake weigh nearly two Isard kids ad an be emotes 3A However, the Blue Whales much { 35 Kean weigh as much 96 thirteen thousand |, Ff tos ands often more 37 Tty metres long qi | Although the sue Whale so big, 98 e much ee dangerous than ta: Gea White Shark, The | Geest white i the most dangerous thing inthe sea. finde fe fod cane 39 beaches where thy waters not oo deep and has kiled people swing the sea. A Great Whte Shar’ tomach 0 ethan Pura ad EXAMPLE ‘ANSWER mA ot 8 tom © tor 34 8 ong B tat © high 35 A big 8 bigger © biggest a6 A to 8 tor ce 37 A than 8 that © ans 38 A te aa © they 39 A on Bw cat was 8 ox © be ‘Question 22: Which preposition do we ote use after some’) (Question 94: Thisk tout te shaper ofthe shark, Question 35: Whe adictve frm can you use ater much? ‘uestion 36: Lock atthe expression 3s much... Wh n 37: Moe is otenfotowed by Question 38: You nee a pronoun here. What the subject ofthe sentence? Question 29 Which preposition do you need after clase? ‘Question 40: when ver form do you ned? PREPARATION + Part 6~ gapped letter/note 1 Fer questions 4150, you et a short ext with ten nambere spaces, 1 You nave to think of one woe for each space. 1 You must spel the words corecty Tis part to your grammar and vocabulary 1) Real te instructions to te evans task opposite 17 How many letters ate there? How mar questions ate ee? 2) Grammar foci dng an to infinitive ‘nis par may test ver forms 1 Wo use the ing form ater some verbs, 09 TTikeovematordon' ming staying Ena | wes pleased to gata letter rom my fend. conect form wl ssh in ater ete 1 ot ng ede go 8 te ine st be happy ome to yon pry next Week 4 eal the letter ant the veply. Then underlie the corret word in cach pai in ¥ Pease ‘Yea dong 2. (6) studying 10) wher youve got tne. [he om com youu {@) to momitmaning i yo1 ore ng | se woes (8) with for wnat tine £8) fo staytaying | does es: yon nae me (10) to rayne 1 ing ringing someting a rah (x0 plsrins (8) to have nag par on stay staying (2) is'are [| ea 4.) Read the texts opposite nicky 17 Whi te fist Rte foon? WW Whois the seco ser Foi? Wh 63 8? 2 What he reas for wig 4 What ihe wean fe weg 5.7 Bo the exam task, Read each sentence and devil what Rtn of word xoes far the space. Use the eines to help yo Eee Part 6 Questions 41-50 Complete these letters. Write ONE word in each space (4150) For questions 41~50, write your words on the answer sheet Joon Prieto Foust tnovmation Offi 100 an ten | Beteser Read basen AS } | GanaarCanrzve (abaamples snsog_) to Dia you | 146 ver happy te az your overvtung Some of 42. ae to vist Woks. ope that your soe panning 4 vik Cai soon niey 49, Phase telephone me 44 aun tay wl ave 45 10_ ont many are fl | 1) Jason Broun Matthew Martins I cues (Question 41: You need a preposton ere ‘Question 42; You need a prancun which means my (Question 42: Which vers form comes ator nnn? ‘Question 45: What isthe m ing word in he phase have... vod ‘Question 46: Think about when the vartor receive the letter What tense do you need? i “Part 7.<¢ompleting a form a phiaae sd RY 7 Read the instructions to the exart task opposte 1 Who ate you going to red a 2) Vocabulary focus: describing things 147 Complete the conversation atthe Last Property Office What dacs Darron say to Assistants Hallo, ean 1 help you [A Yes, Lauppose thats the bos hing do ee 1 On the train, Hhink Assistant: What does i look lke? (6. My sports shoes an shows Darren: 2 | tag ike at, Yoo have w lana handed Assistant: Pease can you give me your name aint) FH’ grees and white. Hs go a Zp anda adress joie 1 Darren fees, 2 Haley Stet. Tha’ bowen: Tx doube Lt Assistants An wire i you oe Awsistants OK. Comte buck in day or two, Maybe sea il be aky ne Check your answers iy routing the conversation wlth a partner 1 / tmagine you have tas one of your as personal possessions. With w partner, ractise a star cnsersation at the Lost Pperty Offi 1) Da the exam task. Use the ces to ep you Part 7 Questions 51-55 ‘Read the information about Belinda Brown. Fill inthe information on the Lest Property Form for her. For questions 51~85, write the information on the answer sheet. Belin Broun nas tost her sports bag. ts ra and uit and made of nylon, ad is about 50 cenimotes x 0 contnwtros Her ech! backs sre the bag, She et ton a numer 49 bus on | SI du She got of he bus at aout 8:30 am | Lost Property Form j sine Belinda Brown them fost: {si | | cotour 82] lea | size: (3) Contents {sa 1 | | herent sen (= 7 | Date lost jth July cues | ‘Question 51: Just wie the name ofthe tam, pat a description Question 52: Copy the words eaetlly om the txt Question 62: Wits Hot m ‘Question 4: This moans "What was inside the bag? EEEaEEE Part 8- writings note! 1 Sometimes you ead 2 al f= Ther ae 9-4 iferent tings to wre about 1) Real the instructions for the writing task below Reed the note from your new pon friend Write a note to anawor his question. Waite 20-25 words, Viste your note on the back ofthe answer shest 2,7 Voeubutury focus: deseribing, 8 Malte serpin to the yy Pat te aectves fron sentences 1-4 under the conrest heating. Ca yor ada | regi ite Tae Face MER reer 2, neanine asp wnitine PART & 3.7 Read the answer to the writing task in exercise 1 1 wht int 4) Read the exam task below 17 what da you have u 4 White do you write your answers te ex 5) Write your note 6 Chock your writing careful «ave you anvil te questions? Part 8 Question 56 Read the note from your friend Wire 2 note to answer her que Write 20-25 words. ‘Write your note on the back of the answer sheet. PAPER 2 Listening = appoximatoly 25 minutes) Part 1 = five Bhort dialogues 1 For questions 1-5, you hear five short conversations. 1 The conversations are tween fends or elatives or tke pace na shop. at a ‘et of, ete 1 You Histon and choose the correct picture A,B a . Inthis pot there ara oft questions about where things and people are 1) ocabutary focus: location 14) Look at the map. Underine the orret wor or pase tn these sentences 1 The sports conte i ae ttoptthe bay: 2 Whore tea car park i tf ind the rahsay station {The Scares fs and hip shop fs oppo econo of Market Steet a igh 4 Theses a cinema net ftom the Tour Information fice anu the Kay. 1) EI Fin the poopte on the map, Liston to the recording Write the corset mame nent to each pero, PaulSann/Lacy/Michaeltrancesca/Mandy tae ae jl -— | ee | il me —is a clon] | ba | commas - | — == 27 Communication focus: understanding dieecti 14) Real the conversations und look a the map. Where do the pope want to yo? 1) Michael: Can you tll me Wht Be os plans? Massey: Yes, go straight up the wa HS a Hight, opposite the sports cent: 2 Sam: Where’ the HARES on PHN? Passerby: Gi alo High Strest A the ee Highs, ten et som the right hand! sid, next tothe butchers o Barking Ste aM Passerby: Go straight down here Take ethe way tthe ease? cust tuning your gh {C4 front you at the endo the strc. 6) EI iste ad chock. 62 Ask a partner for directions 1 fron the Hah tothe ary 5), Communication facns: asking tor and expressing op 0 EI Reud and listen to the conversations, Underline the words and phrases which ask for and express opinions 1A: How are you? 1: Fine: Where have you boon? Az ve er to se the mew Ba Pit lm 1 Lave tat lat work, What 2X: thought twas fantastic. What ab We Tow ages tk ike ie A: Fant to buy anew CD. Who do you like best, Robbe Wiliams or KEM? 1 I don't ike HeNC at all. hink thse songs ate teribk As Do you tink 50? ke them ot. think theyre rally great Be: Udon agree think Hobbs Witham emacs Deter. ene CD is bilan A: Wes, bere goo 67 Complete the conversation. Use expressions frown 2X: Hello Sonia, this is Fla Ho ane tings? 1, Homa, ve just finished tt xk you Ke ae Ae the munder story? , 4 wat , Ae Fae tout my ster thought 4) I oad an listen to the insewetions tothe esann task bo , 2 Wich picture does tho man tke the most? low many conversations are ther? ny pictures are ry tines wily re foreach conversation? — Hee. yo mark your answers? ge 5) 2 Look 17 what isthe question 3 How ds you know? the example and listen to the reconing, 6) FEV Listen to the res ofthe reconting and answer questions 1—S. EXAM PRACTICE . Part 4 Questions 1~5 Liston tothe tape. ‘You will hear five short conversations. ‘You will hear each conversation twice “There fe one question for each conversation For questions 1-5, puta tick (7 under the right answer. EXAMPLE - } | How mary peone war tne mesg? 1. Where sil the man and wemsn meet? ) c 5 How many bread rs dows the woman wt? r | | | | 47 FEE Now do the exam task Answer question 6-10 PREPAR) N c ” ‘ * s Tape os spat 57 Compare your answers with other students, Are they the same? "pParkyP Conversation yo wry i 7 1 For questions 6-10, you hear conversation batwoon two peopl who know each 6) EY iste again. Check your answers with other students, Fora Adal any’ that you mnisse the frst tin 1 You have to match to Iss, for example, namos of people wih actives they Se sing. 1) Read the instructions tothe exam tusk opposite a 1” Hove many questions ate there? § Mow many’ colours are there for matching? pare 2 Who staking? How many tines wil you ear the conversation? 3 What isthe conversation about? 7. Look at the example, Whaere eo yout mark your answers? Questions 6-10 4 What do you have to match? Listen to Guila talking o Franco about her parents" house. ‘They are painting the rooms. ‘what colour is each room? Vacabulary focus: rooms of the house/fuenity Listen 10 the rocoring. Lab the rm af the house For questions 6-10, write a letter A-H next to each room. ‘You will hear the conversation twice. EXAMPLE 1 © tattwoom (A) rooms covours © becom A the 7 ktchen 8 brown 8 su © ayn Grand oe ? rear 9 ning room CI} © orange 1) ite the mons the bo the caret rom of the house 10 Wvng oom pink Thee art efor arm Cn yo re tag? _ Teer “ " Foes Tineke “wow sine mea | ning ie shower coker sa | @ wine 8) Vocabulary focus: colours |m[n[el@ltjujelv aa nd te colette wot ear Ajsiaitlojrly.c by, What colour at hese things? |3[olmjaiujole|x| Chose fn the wo square Kwlele|tle/tlo 1 the sky, the sea sia elklulecis) 2 ores hr elt lain 0m! & Rea EHS elotwts vow and ke etelsele islets] ano hk fe igs a 0 Halo] rvlalnly| EEG SEs i Part 3 = conversation 7°59!" BRR Pare 1 For questions 11~15, you hear a conversation between two sole 1 The people sometines know eacn other Questions 11-15 1 Youve rower fo quests easy A, Bor Liston to Jane aking o her end Marian about her Amrian cous For questions 11-15, tick [7)A, B or C. 1 Read the nstraction to the exam tas oppose ‘eu near ne convereton ie, i Mow du man or ase oe 8 {Vo the exam tas, Listen to the recnding and answer questions 11-15 4, TD Listen again. Check your answers. Add any that you missed the 11 ane’s cousins wal rive on pecan C 7 tte 8 Mona. i 57 Comnmeication: making plans Ca t [Why don't we Ta rather Lets Doyou want What about Shall we | B cottes, t As Mey, Andress, oing to the cinema this evening? Star Wurs is on. ¢ mom i A: OF, that's fine by me, Oh, it's closed this week! {40 for something to 13° The film they will see at the cinema is [ 1: Gnd iat uy Ba fama? © ple Ran 1 A: OK. Fine. B 11.30, C a ; - 8 yeh i Eating out Ginema Music River trips nee i PIZZA ROMA PLAZA SOUND HUT fonioewny ion face (530 fovo's BISCO [hiss BURGER GIANT ciNESCREEN Toto ‘eat?! The best burgers 7.00. Star Wars, 10.00. mam Tesr 2 ustewine ber 2, Listening panr a 1 For questions 16-20, you hora conversation, 1 Conversations oer tke place in shops, tices, et 1 You ston and weit down masng Inormation a message or nots f You write one oF wo words or numbers, 1 Spang is ot ested but you should spt simple words cont. 1 Red he steno the aa task pps 1” How many questions are there? 4 Where do you write your answers? 2 Who are you going to hear? Tow ena tines will yon hee the conversation? Whar ate the spears going to talk about? 2) Vocabulary focus: parts of the body eau the descriptions of some parts ofthe bad What is the manne ofeach part of the body? 1 Yow sa with these 2 You smel things with this 44 Your food goes ere fist when you ea 5 This joins you leg nd your fut 3) Vocabulary focus: health 4 Unjumble the letters to fia out what's wrons 1 Susans got 4 Chaistine at she's goa had | OORATIOIC. AUSSI 5 tow cant 0 ON * oat Me's wots 2 Mati x 4 son has pot gNyex NAM is Hasire sere KE ten naouc Cor Sv} b> What should each person i a, do? Maria shoul take an asp, should go to the dents should se a dct should stayin es should take some mesic for 4) (EDD) Listen and check your answers to exercise 3 5/7 Look atthe exam task again, What kind of information is missing in questions 16-207 6) (FEN Do the task. Check anu complete your answers the second time you listen 7.) Check your answers, 1 Hone many words dd you write ach space? 2 Isthe sailing cornet? Part 4 ‘Questions 16-20 ‘You will hear a woman talking to 9 doctor about how she is feeling, Listen and complote questions 16~20. You will hear the conversation twice. | | INFORMATION | | Doctors name Jerks j Name of medicine: {fe | | ‘To be taken after: 18 — — | | To be taken: [ey | To be taken for: Date of next appointment: Part §~ factual monologue... 1 For questions 21~25, you bear a monologue 1 The monologue soften reccided elhane message. f= You ston a fil in missing information na message o f You wre cne oc wo words o numbers, Spaling isnot est but you shoud spl simple words corey 1) Read the instructions tothe exam task opposite How many questions are there? Wht are you going to hear? Where do you wite your answers? Read the notes. What kine of information is mission? 3.7 Vocabulary focus: sports 10) babe each pcre withthe nam ofthe spor. fh, Write the spots tn a aner the cntect heating. other individual sports 7 Reva the conversations ana underine the verbs. The ask anal ansiee sina ay ant echo? 4.7 Vocabutary focus definitions ed the descriptions of some sports. What i the nants of east sport? 1 You needa able for this game 2 You nee skates ada sick Kr this so FB Listen to the recording and do the exam task. Check and complete (© your answers the second time you liste. 67 Check your answers How many wads did you wate i eich spe? 2 he spelling core” aS Part 5 Questions 21-25 ‘You will hear some information about a sports centre Listen and complete questions 21-26, ‘You will hear the information twice. | CAMBRIDGE SPORTS CENTRE | Monday-isay opening hours 2.00 am. £010.00 pm. \Weokend opening hours! 2 i Sports include aa basketval, tennis and Sihcmontn season ticket costs: [23] £ Special git. art Centre reopens on aa] Won ‘New telephone number 25] Cont You now have eight minutes to write your answers on the answer sheet. PAPER 3 Speaking (8-10 minutes} Part 1 - personal, factual information’ 2 This par is 5-6 minutes. 1 You wil probably be with one other cancite ‘= One examiner asks you sme questions. The ober sens. f You should be abi to talk about where you come fom and whet you do ob or studies). answer general personal questions, eg. about fray end fends, “answer questions about your daly He, interests and hes 1) Giving personal information 17 EY Look at the questions and answers, Listen ain ick the answer you hear, Examiner: What do you think of your hone tue! Candidate: 1 ove I's smal tl tien 1) SOK There's not much todo there Candidate: a ve ben tothe capital with my fol 1) Fe been to fs of other towns Examiner: Have you tvelled io anothee count Candidate: a) No haven’, but Pd ike t 1) Ye, ve bee ofan for a holly with any faiy examinee: Which coustey would you like to ws? 1b) Aska answer the questions with a partner. Give wnswers about yours 2) Talking about past anu future activites 41) Look at the questions aad answers. Complete the answers by putting the ver int the [Examiace: Wht did you d fast eek Candidate: Veo tae) a party ad all my fled. (eo Candidate: Ye 8. (ace) and everyone oon have) a PCA me Examiner: Did yon go away om Haida lst year” Ganadate: Yes, my IY (tay) He vay the Seasi Candidate: 1) stoning every lay Ad Ps a me sighting te owe, Examiner: What are you going todo next weber? Fxaminer: {bo yo hve any pln forthe ature 12 stem and check pour answers © Ask and answer the questions with a patucr Give answers abut yourself EEG Part 1 | Work wie a pare Listen to he tape. You wl ear an examines asking seme guests ‘Student A Listen carefully and answer your questions. Tell our partner the answors ‘Student 8: Listen earetully and answer your questions, Tell your partner the answers. PEG Part 2- prompt card activity This part laste 9-4 minute. 1 You nav to make tve questions and ask your panne f Thon you have to answer your parine’s questions f= The examiners wl just sen 10 you 12 Tho questions may be about personal information 1) Look at the example exam task and the prompt cur om page 78. Awsver the questions 1 What inforatin eae A 2 Dyes candate i have ths iormation? 4 What docs caste Bt have to do? ‘A. oe same information about a maseum CHILDREN'S MUSEUM ‘over 5,000 tas to ook at trance als £2.50, chen fee res any ~ special pre To ak A some questions at yen ne th, [[B. you don’t know anythin about the muse i Now, ask your questo ‘CHILDREN'S MUSEUM what / 200? + open / Sundays? + 00 drink? + now iget the? 2.) Grammar focus: msing questions 14 Pa hs je wor he right ander to make question S$. Wades much cast Mee yy CED caste und check your ansves ake turns to ask anu anove the questions wth partner Use the information on page 77 to ep pm nee 4) Now do the xin tasks on the net pase Part 2 ‘Candidate A | A here is some information about a shop which sells CDs. (Turn to page 122) £8, you don't know anything about the shop so ask some questions about Use these wards 10 nap you + acress? large / sma? closed / Saturdays? 4 telophone number? [Be you understand? | Now Bask a your quastons about the CD shop a A you an Candidate 8 [8 nere is some infonration about @ youth elub, (turn to page 126) [Avoudoo how anjting tet the li so ask 8 some questions about it Use these words ta hep your yours cLue + cose? ‘CO MARKET 7 [0 you understand? Now A, ask B your questions about the lub and B, you anes tern, TESTS 3-4 DEAF SE PAPER 1 Reading and Writing Vou ton Part 1 S contains exam Tips! to help you with each tas Questions 1-5 ‘Yu can use these test for timed practice, so you gat used to doing the tasks \Wnere can you see these notices? Ham conditions For questions 1~5, mark A, B or C on the answer sheet \Wmen you have finshed, you willbe able to take the exam with confidence regia ANA perenne |" "Please DO NOT ae e | feed the animals nacate Today's Tv bare ok Think carefully about the meaning of the notices. Remember, the question asks ‘Where can you see these notices? © inadook a A ona swt HAND WASH 8 on a washing machine Chea © inabattroom 7 a TICKETS HERE B on apane © ata raitway station 4 1 on adoor ed B ona tight open © onaprasent Phone 2491 8076 for fit ties ant [seut prices A cuside a video shop © stacinema urn over Questions 6-10 Which notice (A-H) says this (6-10)2 For questions 6-10, mark the correct latter A-H on the answer sheet. EXAMPLE ANSWER 0 _Yeu.can’ smoke here. 4 There are always two extra choices which you do not naed to use. Mako sure you look MLLABZA 2 2 tho choices beore you choose your answor 5 People donot eat this. so No entry to swimming pool livers ean ony ue tis oad in Call 798.0891 for details i 111 you phone ths number, you wil get Dr nas Cnty Tp 2 bag 10 People can go here at ight © Restaura pens at 11 tan. [Roa cosep Part 2 Questions 11-15 Road the descriptions (11~15) of food and drink What is the name (A-H) of each one? For questions 11-15, mark the corract letter A-H on the answer sheet, | Basrte ©. People ko hs wth 8 careful! Sometimes you may think two answers are possible but there és only on ZA ¢2r70ct answor for each question FOOD AND DRINK 12 tyou eat to much of had for | | © te 13. Some people may put hs in tea or cote | 14 you eat a salad, you may have these 45. You olen se Hee {urn ove jo wnitine Part 2° HERR Part 3 Questions 16-20 Complete the five conversations. For questions 16~20, mark A, B or C on the answer sheet, BaAMPLE ” —- & Pais. =F) in |B schoct PR com tom | ) | fame 18 Wout! you check my homework, please? A. Gan I do tater? B Yes, t's Neo, you're wrong. 17 what about coming tothe match wh me? nen dil you go? ‘matte does star? © haven't got ove 18 When's your bethday? A Fm 1500 Congratulations! © Tomorrow! 49 Thay closed the swinnéng pootlast yea A. Why not? When does it open? © Did toy? 20. tm sorry fiat, [A Thats all ht B Yes, of couse Youre welcome. [tor you choose your answers, say the conversations quiety to yourself, Do they ‘make sense? ‘Questions 21-25 ‘Complete the conversation atthe rallway station. ‘What does the woman say to the man? For questions 21~ 25, mark the correct letter AH on the answers! EXAMPLE Man: Good morning, madam, Can help you? oman: © ‘Man: Yes, madam. Bo you want to travel Woman Man Woman Man: Man Woman Man Woman Man Read the whole conversation first for understanding, Ther read the tno before and after the gap before you choose your answers. toy? | soe. What time do you want to lave hore? 2 Yes, there's a fast tran which aves at ‘wworiy-ve past ene. a ‘Let me seo, The express gets to London attics twenty, 2 Ik costs tty thee pounds hy, Ey Goose ‘at, the meeting is at four ottack. I tran at abut one tity? nd what tine does it arrive Lona’ io, want to travel today Thank you very much for your Yes, Hope 90. Hh i a “wonty past thee? Good. How nin Ft return toket? | dont know when | want to go, No, lomorrow. Have meeting # Lon Frum over Part 4 | exampLe Questions 25-32 © Bevery Hs 90210 A aschod 8 aiVshon 6 ach 8 Read the Information about a schoo! in the USA and then answer the quostions, For questions 2532, mark A, 8 or C on the answer shee! 26. The students unl Read the whole tox fr understanding before you lok atthe questions. 7 cdew och 6 foroon PEED Tere may be some words you don' know, but you wen be fasted on these, LBZ ead the insiructions csrofuly, What do you have to do? Look for words inthe text that mean the same asthe questions. 27 Bowel Hits High doosnt have ‘A aradostation 8 achana © aTVstudo, 2 In drama ctasses students [A make radia programmes. B do dance shows, make TY progranames: 29° the promis A dance. 8 aTVromamme © afoousine 30. In Gatos, ehsten an lear ta ave A when ey ne 16. balore ay we 16, Cater they are 16 31 AY Gover Hil igh car parking ‘A expense, Bis fiee, © inchaap. ‘school fr stars 5 ‘iste the shoo om the television show Bove! Mls 90270. ost ofthe students 32 Some kids don ike going to Bevery Hits High because i ome fer rch faites and some of them have farous pens. People om Holywood ene een peran f Sametines goo every His High ofook fr future acors. parent got mfasicar ¢ stew's octng sors : ‘Scho! te fi “ore alts of good things about gong to thi cho: there wre two theatres, 2 television stedio and a aco stain, The students ake TV pograrres an Fis in their drama clases, The biggest event ofthe school years the shoot dance, ora Everyone al Soveriy ls Hh aes tothe rom in iousie! Travelling to schoo! In California. hlren con eort deve three mnths before ther sient bith Lots of students at Bevery His High hive thei ona ars but they have to pay aot money to pok thir cas nthe schoo ar pat What the kids think i ‘Most hid elo going to Sever ils High cause fn and there is ots odo. But : ‘ame kids do nt ike the schoo i thi pavens dort have enough swney to buy ther 3 5 {sot ara expensive clothes. Frans 90 Part 5 ‘Questions 33-40 Read the article about tennis. ‘Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space (33 ~40). For questions 3940, mark A, Bor C on the answer sheet. FIG 2220 the whotetoxt for understanding before you look at the words. Lu Write your choices in the spaces. Thon read the whole lext again. Does it make sense? TENNIS ‘You may never be the best player In the world but tennis and want to get better, ead this! you enjoy First, nd a teseer who can train you 33 _ give you some exereses todo. Make sure is someone you Hike! Next, ty _34 play for your School team 95 a club n the town where you hve This will give you lots of practice When you ate reads, our teacher a6 _ enter you fora competition. This may bein _37__ home town oF you may have to travel 38 __a different place. You will play against other | tennis players who 29 ike you~ stl earaingt IF everything goes _40__ one day yon may’ be one ofthe top players. EXAMPLE ANSWER 0 A row B when ci ce 338 and Bob © ako A be Bt © tor 35 A or Boo © ako 36 A oid 8 does © wil at A you B yours © your MA in B to ca 39 Ae Be © have 40 A ave 8 wl © better Part 6 ‘Questions 41-50 ‘Complete tho postcard Write ONE word in each space (41-50) For questions 41-50, write your words on the answer sheet. FB] ervervor to write ony one word in each space and check your spaling very ‘ip! 7; ait oar Alvaro, | Ym having a grest: (Example: time) here in Spaint ‘The weather 41 very good. has 42 very, hot every day and —_43__ hasn't rained ‘This morning, we 44 to the beach for a swim, ‘Tomorrow we 45 _ going shopping in the afternoon, T want to buy __46 presents to _47_ home for my family. There's also a big castle 48 a hill that 1 ‘want to visit arrive at _49__alrport at 11.80 on Monday night. J will phone _ 60 on Tuosday morning and tell you about my hotiday. | 82e you soon! | Pietro (tum over Read the information about Giovanni Fullin the information on the Order Form for hit For questions 5155, write the Information on the answer sheet, Ly aro very importent. Check your writing ery carefully. You do not have to write mare than one or twe words but speling and capital letters ‘Giovanni Patuciis from Rome and he fies at 46 va Vitoria, He plays fr the Footbal team in his town, | | He ready has footbal shorts and now Ne wants ta buy a Back and wh ORDER FORM rst name Giovarn Surmanve: [a I Adios (3) shinushons? [59 - Colours - smatvarge? [38] — MEER ress, neavine ano wre Pant 7 Part 8 Question 56 ‘Make sure you write answers to all the questions. ZA Crcck your writing caretully for any mistakes: Tip! ‘You are going to the shops. Leave a note for your friend, Tel hiner which shops you are going to = what you are going to buy what time you willbe back ‘Write your note an the back of the answer sheet PAPER 2 Listening appworinte'y 29 minutos) 2 Where the host? [ \Y% | Pay XO | ‘ ‘Tho pictures wil help you, s0 look at thom carefully. There are always three choices but onty ane is correct. ‘Choose your answers when you listen the firs time. (Check your answars when you listen the second time, Listen to the tape ‘You will ear five short conversations. You will hear each conversation twice. “There is ane question for each conversation. For questions 1~5, puta tick j| under the right answer. Part 2 Questions 6-10 You wi hzar the people in the same order as the questions. It you miss something, don't worry you will hear everything a second time, Choose your answers when you isten te frst time. Check your answers when you listen the second time. Listen to Mario talking to Francesca about his birthday presents. What presents did each person give Mario? For questions 6-10, write a letter A-H next to each present. You will haar the conversation twice. BAPE PEOPLE PRESENTS. 6 A bag 7 Mar’ parents Bana 8 Marck ete © computer book 9 Unc tony © socks 10 Francesca E summer hoy F sweater @ Esha Part 3 Questions 11-15, BY 210er you hear the instructions, you have twenty seconds to read the questions. ZA "22 sure you read thom caretully. They wil tol you what to liston for Tip! Listen to Stephanie talking to an assistant atthe chomis's about her photographs. For questions 11-15, ick vA, Bor C You will hear the conversation twice. [eamrie (© Stephane ether fis. a the chemists ast A Mondkey. iy © mont, 11 Stepnanes ticket A broken, 12 Her suname, A Philip © Fiips 13 Some photos ae A verybod. B very da © very sunny |) 14. Steprnio took some photos rom A too noe too far aay © the 15 the photos con A 219.9, a Tur over Part 5 Questions 21-25 Part 4 Questions 16-20 ‘Read the form carefully. Think about the type of answers you need to write. What kind of information is missing? Write your answers when you isten the first time. You only need to write one orto words. check your answers when you listen the second timo. Cheek your speting. You only nod to write one or two words. FROME 19 torte your answers the tt te you hear the information. LU IIIA chroce your answers when you faton the second time. brad heck your sping ‘You will ear a student telephoning about a weekend job. ‘You will ear some information about buses to London, Listen and complete questions 16-20. ‘You will hear the conversation twice. Listen and complete questions 24-25, You will hear the information twice. Coeoeoeoeeoooececeooreoeoocoeocvece WEEKEND JOB | Re ed at Monday - Saturday office opens at: [21 | To work townota Number of buses to London (2I cach oe Money (under 18: [47] £ | Buy tickets from: meet Suudent return ticket costs: ime: |For sate on bus: " Next to {20] ] | ‘You now have eight minutes to wite your answers on the answer shoet PAPER 3 Speaking ‘= Part 12 personal, factual information (6=6 minutes) °"" Flowing greeting and introduction, the examines asks each cancidate questions Each candaate should be abot: 1 tak about whace he/she comes from and what he/she does fob or st) fs asner general porsoral questions, o, about fami, tends. i anewer quastion about oe day He, interests and thes, {Ifyou don't understand something, ask the examiner to repeat the question! Ty to ay something more than just "Yes or ‘No. cs Answer these questions | How do you spell your surname? 2. Wihat subjects do you ike a schoo 4 Where a you go last weckend? 41 What do you do in your spare Hine? 5) Which county would you ke to vist? Why? & Tellane abot your fami Tell me about your hometown. Part 22 prompt Gard activity (3:2 minutes) 2: Sera tn this art ho candcate ask ach other questions. The questions may be of personal kin ‘Te examine wil gv Candidate A a prompt ca Candidate A shoud ak questions using the words and pictures. (Candidate B shoul answer using hier personal expeionee ‘The examiner wil stop the conversation aftr about 4 or 5 quastons. He/She then gves Candiate a similar promot ex to ask Candidate A questions Tip! Part 2 Candidate A ‘There is mo ‘right question’ tis possible to make more than one question trom each prompt | A. eok B come questions abou! a book he/she has read. Use the wards and pictures on the card | nop you. Ask ve questions. B, answer A questions ‘BOOK ‘Ask your pariner questions about a book he/she has rea. Fong short? ‘vat kine? who / about? why Fike? Candidate 8 | 8. ack A some questions about his favourite room, Use the wor ‘on the card to hap you. Ask five questions. A, answor B's questions. and pictues FAVOURITE ROOM ‘Ask your partner questions about a room he/she likes. 7 which room? | big / 7 eee § E EST 4, SPEAKING PART 2 PAPER 1 Reading and Writing (1 hor 10 mint Part 4 Questions 1-5 ‘Who are these notices for? For questions 1~5, mark A, B or C on the answer sheet EXAMPLE | Free juice with | | every pizza! ery ero eer [| sPeciat topay — omelette and chipal ‘Children hat price | ‘ LooK BOTH ways! BREAKFAST 7-9.30 a.m. ‘A people ina bank 8 peoploin a cat 8 | © peonke na museum receptions © vers 1A. poople sein clothes 8. people washing clothes © poople buying clothes people in a supermarket A people ata theate people crossing a road poopie a bus A otal guests © waiters Tum over Questions 6-10 Which notice (A~H) says this (6-10)? For questions 6-10, mark the correct letter A-H on the answer sheet. [exec ‘ANSWER © We ae ery open inthe atternocns F | 7 Youcan say the night hee ° [Nagata inthe) Wibrary please} You can’ eave your eather, Pera Geen 9 You can begin studying soon, ° [Guest HOUSE | ® No tickets [23 F ; sia OS | start next week : Part 2 Questions 11-15 Read the descriptions (11~ 15) of things you ean What is the name (A~H] for each description? For questions 11~ 15, mark the correct leter A-H on the answer sheet, nd ina house, [exam ANSWER ©. Youput your head on this when you seep. E 11 Two people can speak to each other & ban 8 bod 13 You put foodin ths, | pitow F seh 14 You tin tis to wash yous an 15 Youuse this 'you want to chink someting. | Turn over Part 3 Questions 16-20 Complete the five conversations. For questions 1620, mark A,B or C on the answer sheet (omnes anes ‘ANSWER ° '® France) 16 Gant open the window, please? A Yeo ifs ho, nt? B. No, its lose whore are you going? 47 wont to the bank this morning ‘A. Where did you go? B tim afraid not © Oh good, we need some cash. 48 How farie now? A. Twomonths, think About ve kilometres © Ws quite tal 19 Whore are you parents? 1A Flog, thanks, Giovanni and Maia © inSpain 20° What's the price ofthat shir? A Wstoo bia Bt don't know, © Redand white o== ef: | Questions 21-25 Complete the conversation. What does Sally ay to the receptionist at the Youth Hostel? For questions 21~25, mark the correct letter A-H on the answer sheet, Bawrle anigwen Receptionist: Good attemaon. How can |help you? Sal ° E Receptionist: Certain. For how many people? [A Ith we'd rather bein the same rom, please Saly Ea 1B We noe the room fr three nights, Receptionist: Would you tke two douse rooms soy ae fora large om forfour? © Of course, here you ae Sat 2 1D Thank you very much fr your hes Receptions Tha te, Howlong ae yu going | tke 0 book ao tostay fo? | F Do you want me to pay? suo Yes, woe, Receptionist: And are you members of the | Youth Hostel Association? ae Theva four of us in or group. Receptionist: OK, can | have your members cards, please? ae Feces: Tank you very much | (turn over Part 4 ‘Questions 26-32 Fad the article about shopping in Britain. ‘Ave sentences 26-32 "Right (A) or Wrong? (BY? If there isnot enough Information to answer ‘Right (A) or ‘Wrong’ (8), choose ‘Doesn't say’ (C). For questions 26-32, mark A, B or C on the answer sheet. ee ory Sewing a | Bs oF si aclock int aso ele fe at how ohne SHOPPING HOURS in BRITAIN [oman - ours Some big shops ard markets ever dose! ityou WES For poople who work nt hea a poate wha often work at - But not evar thinks the new shoppe hours are good tng. bome peeple say that 1 hoiiny who wants to workin a ampermireet on a Sunday’ Bot shops ae very busy ath AMPLE ANSWER © Inthe past, shonping nours wore erent A Right 8 Viroag a 25 Inthe past. some shops closed at knelt ‘A fight B Wong G Doesnt say 27 A few years ago, shops also closed on Saturday aftarsoons ‘A Rin —B Wrong © Doesnt say 28. Tota, all shops ate open for ongor hours ‘A Right 8 Wrong Doesnt say 20, rs easy to buy food i the mete of he io A Rig —B Wong © Docsstt say {30 Doctors buy ther breaast at he supaemarkot A Rig 8 Wrong —G Doesrit say 31 Everyone kes langer shopping nour ‘A Right 8 Wong © Doesnt say 32 Sunday shopping is here ta sav, ‘A Fight 8 Wrong Dosent say iurn over Part 5 ‘Questions 33 ~40 ‘Read the article about the world getting hotter (Choose the best word (A,B or C) for each space (23-40), For questions 3340, mark &, 8 or C on the answer sheet. THE WORLD IS GETTING HOTTER The werld is geting hater because 0s! Our fats, oes, trois ond plonos 33. the cir dry, When 34s shines, ‘verying gets hot ond the dit stop the hot oc om going 98 tothe sy Beco the ht his rears go, 8. gels hte Alvsdy ove wordt 37 thon twas one hundred years ogo. Hot ‘counres mex acer dir end the pope who live thie wl nt be | obi o grow enough fod. kein cold areas 38. changing o water becauie of higher temperatures, Whan this happens, the sees become bigger Some towne 39. the ea may have problem som We cam hes 40 we stop making the ci diy but we ue do somhing fot oA by 8 for cot 22 A make 8 making © mnakes MA a Btn cm 35 A on 8 ow 36 A everything 5 © every MR warm 8 © warmest mA aw B te ce mA mar Bt ce ‘ANSWER é ‘ Part 6 Questions 41-50 Complete the notes. Write ONE word in each space (41-50), For questions 41-50, write your words on the answer sheet Dear Miss Thompson, | 1cBxampte: am) sorry, but Jobn can’t come 41 sehoot today. He __42.. got a bad stomachache and he must 43 to the doctor. I hope __44 will be back at school tomorrow. Please ask his friend Paul to 45 _ John’s homework to him You einoorely, late Smith (John's moter) Dear airs Sinith | Tam sorry Jonn is 45. Paul 47 come to your house after school today. will give 48 all don. Thope John feels $9. eoan 1e homework 49 Yours sincerely, Mary Thompson (John’s teacher Tum over Part 7 ‘Questions 51-55 Read the information about a family who want to book a hola. Flin the information on the Holiday Booking Form forthe tantly. For quastions 51~55, write the information on the answer sheot | ir Bracbury wants te book & laa in Dacember His wile and the dauahter age 10 are goin wit hin Trey want f eave on 20th December and have 8 week i ahote in London, They ust be back hare on 27th They dst want to epend more than one tows fe hunched pox Sumame: Number of dats: Dates | aden prices BEE tre « weaoina ano warrine eaat r Part 8 Question 56 Read this note fom your fiend Roberta | realy neoa my new CO player back Why have you stil got A? {When can you return 0 me? Do you want to botaw Mt aan Nex Wook? ‘write a note to Roberto. Answer his questions. write 20-25 words. rite your note an the back ofthe answer sheet PAPER 2 Listening (jr sinsloly 2000s) Part 1 Questions 1-5 Part 2 ‘Questions 6-10 Listen to David talking to Isabat about his fami. ‘Where di each person go on Saturday? For questions 6-10, writs a fetter A-H next to each person, You will hear the conversation twice. [exanece ° 10 Emily avi tater avis mother basketball game ntist seeming Part 3 Questions 11-15 Listen to Anna talking to her friend Sarah about a suramer job. or questions 11~ 15, tick 7 A, B or C. You wali hear the conversation twice. EXAMPLE ° “ Sarah's dad needs another Sarah starts werk at How much aos Saran oar? Far lunch, Sart usuly Saran usualy ats her lunch The shop sin secretary, manner 70 00, 8.0, 1.00 per nou £5.00 por hou £4.50 per nou sangwncnes, noting a1 Paze Rome. at hone {Byronos Avon, Pyones Avenue Bons Avenue cl turn over Part 4 Part 5 ‘Questions 16-20 Questions 21-25 ‘You will hear a student telephoning a school ‘You will hear some information about music classes. Liston and complete questions 21-26, Liston and complete questions 16-20. Lieten gad coronene Guests 1 ‘You will hear the information twice. ~ MUSIC CLASSES ~ Next course begins: PIANO CLASSIS: | CROWN ENGLISH LANGUAGE SCHOOL | | caasses uevaty begin at: | [ane 60 por month | | | = || one | Newt to: acter omnes — a es | ‘You now have eight minutes to wete your answers on the answer sheet. PAPER 3 Speaking 1s Part 1 ~ personal, factuat information (56 minutes) Following gesting and introductions, the examiner asks each canddste avestons Each candidate shoud be abot 1 Talk about were he/she comes from and what helshe docs fob or studies. = ancwor general prsona questions, e¢ about amy as f newer quections about ther daly ie, ntrets and thes, Ansiver these questions 1 Have you boon to other towns in yor counts)? 2 Whi school sujet ae the most lial? {Hove de you travel to schol eat day? {Where ate you going on holiday thishnest year? 3 Tellme something about your bome tov (ell me something aboot your oa 6a Part 2~ prompt card activity (3-4 minutes) In this pat, the candidates aak each athe evetions, The questions may be ofa ‘on-persoral Kinde inermation about a musoun The examiner wal give Candidate A come information and Candidate B som question prompts Candidate B shoud ack the questions and Candidate A should answer them using the ‘The examinr wi stop the conversation alter about 4 or 5 questions. He/She then gives the cancates acre et of prompt cards Part 2 Candidate A [ A. hese is some information about a football game. (urn th page 125) |B. you don' know anythin about the football game so ask A some questions about. Now, Bask A | yo anton south otha gue A you aoe ‘Candidate 8 ~ your questions i FOOTBALL GAME | + ater | Candidate 8 tae fe aoma information about Dino's Snacks (Tun 0 page {you don't knaw anything about you questons about Dinos Sn Ys Snacks 20 snd B, you ans Candidate A ~ your questions DINo's SNACKS. The entra practice exercises on pages 122127 lve you the opportunity to rewee ome ofthe language you have pracisd in ths book Exercises 1-3 help you to revise kay vocabulary areas. hop you to esse important gramenar tems: orn sentences and questions |e 1) Vocabulary and speting focus: anagrams 147 Rearrange the letters to make the names of 196 tos OM my parents, who ane om oy i Japa ODEEASE 5 Fery MONIT BL eo Ab My vO spo: bashetall, | NAGAMIEZ 6 My father ss he even ay. EPSWENERG 1b) Rearrange the letters to musk the mans of fob. > My fathers He makes vad and ches, REA 1 Stet ira hotel ~ she answers the phe ax! lps the guest, TESITEPINRIO You RoW st you do nat fee very well, HOOD, My bother wa (0 Be a nse Whe He NS Ap. KOLEL TEST 2 Paper 3, Speaking Part 2 page 79 Candidate A your answers CD MARKET a High Street Eee Get your rock music here! Monday — Saturday 9.a.m.~9 p.m. Sunday 10 a.m. 6 pm. Tel: 678 543 2,7 Vocabulary focus: word sets (17 Pu the words i the bos int the th group beta asso papas vim dak pled vege omnmey eso eket | Hbry nour worps Peep hing to wih ays (7 wo pe 167 Complete euch sentence sth a wo fre the tabi abe. se the core orn, sing or pal 4.» Veal Pcs Ctoetcr pai Grammar focus: prepositions ree time) 5 K 5.7 Grammar focus: prepositions (travel and transport) " Ee fi prep " Bm MOE cnn Sve day, «STKE To pend the lap... the mount 4 Yont ve the wen yet el ora, (41 ee eee eee) ee 6 Alot of poople nian ike to put his on xs aca ¢) 11 Real the sentences Baers a ag Ar they te 60) a fae 8) Pesta 9 10 arcane plays hem”) ry wal book when you dot know the meaning of 3 word, (1) Paper 3, Speaking Part 2 page 119 Candidate A your answers, FOOTBALL GAME Bridge End School and Howard's School FREE ADMISSION! 1 ru the won from Exercise a into the correct groups, Two words don’t Bony to i gnomps Then au thse more wands to each gr Hoop Days of Tuodand_—Shapesand Clothes Health Paces theweck meals materials Oxford Football Field (Get bus number 47) For more information: Tel 8678 1543 a ret perma enacrioe WER 6) Grammar focus: word onee Dut the wars ita the corectanterto make sentences oF questions Grammar focus: conjunctions iene the correct conn TEST 2 Paper 3, Speaking Port 2 page 79 Candidate B your answers : YOUTH CLUB | For under 17s and over 12s! BE eo COTTE mea Compete the 8. Skills focus: punctuation epi ian P_a.quotion mark CAPHIAT Let Hy Ad cap TEST 4 Paper 3, Speaking Part 2 page DINO’S SNACKS MONDAY - SATURDAY 6.00 a.m, ~ midnight NO SMOKING! Sandwiches from &1.50 Pizzas from £3.80 Juices 90p

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