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Unit Functions and Study skills

Grammar Vocabulary
Topic skills development Pronunciation

Personal information Greetings and introductions Getting to know
Project 4
Present tenses WORICIIlIt WITH Speaking STU"., SICIUS
Stative verbs WOR"S Talking about jobs p9 Learning vocabulary
Describing Reading p13
people p11
Job advertisements p10 Pronunciation
Jobs p13 Listening The phonetic
Places to work p13 alphabet: vowels
Three ideal jobs pll
Wordbuilding p13 Improve your writing p86
Everyday A formal letter p12
expressions p9
Present perfect WORICIIlIt WITH Speaking STU"., SICIUS
Present perfect with WOR"S Persuading someone p17 Revising grammar
for and since Clothes p21 p14
too/enough a pair of p21 A new image p18 Pronunciation
Parts of clothes p21 Listening The phonetic
At a clothes shop p20 alphabet: consonants
expressions p17 Practise your writing p86
A new image p19
XTE.NSION , p22 t:,UITURIZ p22 PROJIZi:T p23 SOIiIt p23
RE.VISION I p24 Revision of Introduction, Units 1 & 2 STU"., SICIUS p24 Revision
Past simple and past WORICIIlIt WITH Speaking STUDY SICIUS
continuous WOR"S Congratulating p29 Translating p29
had to/could Materials: noun on my own p29
compounds p33 Pronunciation
Everyday things p33 How many words?
Time travellers p30 p86
Everyday Listening
expressions p29 Inventions p32
Practise your writing
A diary p31
Modal verbs: can/ WORlCllld WITH Speaking STU"., SICIUS
must WORDS Expressing worries p37 Using a foreign
will be able to/will Food p39 Reading language p37
have to Problems and Healthy and unhealthy diets p38 Pronunciation
should/shouldn't treatment p40
Listening The letter i p86
Parts of the body
At the doctor's p40
Improve your writing
Everyday but and however p39
expressions p37
XTE.NSION ~ p42 I:UITURIS p42 PROJIZi:T p43 SON4 p43
RE.VISION ~ p44 Revision of Units 3 & 4 STUDY SICIUS p44 Revision

Unit Functions and Study skills

Grammar Vocabulary
Topic skills development Pronunciation

There's someone WORICI1I4 WITII Speaking STUI)'f SICIUS

... ing WORI)S Expressing regret p49 Using your
see/hear someone Adjectives p53 Reading imagination p47
Everyday A story about a strange experience Pronunciation
expressions p49 Word stress p87
Understanding a story of sounds p52
Improve your writing
A story p52

Present perfect and WORICI1I4 WITII Speaking STUI)'f SICIUS

past simple WORI)S Talking about experiences p57 Learning takes time
been and gone Game show Reading p55
expressi6ns p60
Stunts p58 Pronunciation
Famous people p61 Listening The /~I sound p87
Nouns and adjectives
A quiz p60
Improve your writing
Everyday Shortening sentences p59
expressions p57

E.XTE.NS/ON a p62 l:ULTURE. p62 PROJ.t:.T p63 SON4 p63

RE.V/S/ON a p64 Revision of Units 5 & 6 STU'" SIC/US p64 Plan your revision

First conditional WORKI1I4 WITII Speaking STUI)'f SICIUS

So do IINor do I WORI)S Agreeing p69 Working things out
Working out new p70
words p70 Pitstop p70 Pronunciation
Verbs p73 Listening Sentence stress p87
Phrasal verbs p73
Responding to news p72
Everyday Practise your writing
expressions p69 An e-mail p72

The passive voice WORKI1I4 WITII Speaking STUI)'f SICIUS

might WORI)S Expressing possibility p77 Using what you
Definitions p79 already know p77
Weather p80 A campaign letter p78 Pronunciation
Water p8l Listening Similar words p87
Natural features p8l Weather forecasts p80
Animals p8l Improve your writing
Everyday Organizing a text p79
expressions p77

E.XTE.NS/ON 4 p82 t:UI.TUR. p82 PROJI!.t:.1 p83 SOll4 p83

RE.V/S/ON 4 p84 Revision of Units 7 & 8 STU'" SIC/US p84 Revision

List of irregular verbs Back of Student's Book and Workbook p83 Grammar summary Workbook p74

Wordlist Workbook p84 Phonetic alphabet Back of Workbook

2 Read the story again. Who
1 played football this morning?
2 scored two goals?
3 works on Saturdays?
4 is going to catch a bus?
5 is going to get something to eat?
6 doesn't like the name 'Richie'?

1a .3
Listen. Choose the correct word in each

b Listen again and check your ideas.

2 Who is knocking? Why won't the singer let her in?

3 a .i2 Listen. Match the names and dates.

I hear you knocking
12 January
You 1 walked/went away and left me long time ago
And now you're knocking on my 2 door/window.
5 March Dyer Daniel
I hear you knocking,

Brown But you 3 can't/ won't come in.

23 October 1 August
Mel I hear you knocking.

Go 4 back/to where you've been.

Listen again. Where do the kids live?
I begged you not to 5 leave/go but you said

Oxford Cambridge Brighton Blackpool


C What does each person like? And now you're telling me all 6 your/those lies.
4 Introduce yourself. You'd 7 best/better get back to where you used
to be,

, 1\1"
'Cos your kind of love ain't 8 right/good for me.

...... l"'i1l,'_""""l....

I told you way back in 9 sixty/fifty -two ~

That I would 10 always/never go with you.
Get to know Project 4
5 Look through the book and find these things.
1 The Contents pages
2 Pronunciation practice
. 3 Working with words pages
4 Projects
5 Culture pages
6 Revision units
7 Songs
8 A Progress diary
Language in use
1 a Read the article and answer these questions. 2 Look at the pictures.

1 What is the boy's name? 1 What is the time in each picture?

2 Why is this week unusual? 2 What does Jordan normally do at that time?

3 Do you have anything like this in your country? 3 What is he doing in the picture?

4 How does he feel about it?

b l1li 4 Read and listen to the article.

t.vU1 mornin9, J'ordan fu~te.r \e.ave.i>

home. at e.'30 and he. wa\\(i> to I'>'hoo\.

loda1,, he.'I'> \e.avin9 at e.l?

and he.'I'> wa\\(in9 to the. bul'> i>top. He.

ii>n't ,arr1in9 hil'> I'>'hoo\ ba9 and he.

il'>n't we.arin9 hil'> I'>'hoo\ uniform.

He.'I'> we.arin9 je.anl'> and a I'>we.atl'>hirt.'I'> he. 90in9?

Unit 1
Unit 1 Grammar

What's the rule? Practice
Present tenses 5 It's Wednesday. Compare Jordan's normal life with today.
Use the pictures.
3 a Complete these two sentences
from the article. Example

He normally goes to school, but today he's working in a record shop.

Every morning, Jordan Baxter

_._.._..._. ._ home\at 8.30
and he .__ ._ _ to

2 Today, however, he
__ at 8.15 and he
._ to the bus stop.

b Which sentence uses

the present continuous?

the present simple?

When do we use each tense?

C Find more examples of each

tense in the article.
6 Complete what these two pupils say by putting the verbs in the
d Use your examples. How do correct tense.
we make the following in each
tense? 1 Hi. My name's Samantha and 1 1 (do) my work experience
this week. 12 ...(work) in a newspaper office. At the moment
1 3 _._(put) some paper in the photocopier. I normally 4
positive statements
(have) my lunch at this time. 1 5 .(think) work experience is
negative statements a great idea. 1 6 ..(do) lots of new things this week and I
questions 7....(like) the people here. 1 8 ..... (want) to work for a
newspaper when I'm older.

Stative verbs 2 My name's Paul. 1 1 . (do) my work experience at a fitness

centre this week. It's 4.15 and I normally 2. . .. (play) football
4 Find examples of these verbs in at this time, but at the moment 1 3 _" __ (clean) the showers.
the text. What tense are they in? 1 4 _.__....... (not like) work experience very much. 15 _. (prefer)
to be with my friends at school. I chose this place, because
like 1 6 _... (like) sport, but 1 7 .. (not want) to work in a fitness
centre when I'm older.
think prefer
7 a Work with a partner. Interview Jordan, Samantha and Paul.
Write six questions for each person.
We don't normally use the present

continuous tense with these verbs.

Where are you doing your work experience?

What do you normally do at this time?

b Act out your interviews.

Unit 1

o 1a Look at the story. What do you think the missing words I want to __ in the movies or
advertising or something like that.
What do you want to do?
b IIIL5 Listen and check your ideas.
&1.' '.:::::::=== -
Everyone in Year 10 has to go to the hall after break.
A careers adviser is to talk to us.
Good morning. My name's

A fashion designer, eh? Cool!

Anna Foster and I want to talk to

I _ _ that's a great idea.

you about working in a _ _ .


2 Complete the sentences with the correct subjects.

1 has to go to the hall after break.
2 wants to work in films. You can practise
3 doesn't know what job she wants to do. the names of jobs in
4 . . . wants to make a lot of money. Working with words
5 wants to design clothes. on page 13.
6 think Mel should choose a sensible career.
7 is going to talk to the kids about banks.

3 a What do you think about

Dan's ideas?
Mel's ambition?
Mel's parents' opinion?

b Act out the story. Talking about jobs

Everyday expressions 5 a Complete the table.

4 a How do you say these things in your language?

What do you want to
a waste of time

something like that

fashion designer.
something exciting
I've got no idea.
I want to
Me neither.
the movies.
Me too.
I'd like to
work ..... advertising
My parents don't think so.

a bank.
b Choose expressions to complete these

b Work in a group of four. Ask and answer about
jobs. Give reasons.
What shall we do this evening? Example
o Let's go bowling or m _

What do you want to do when you leave

2 Did you enjoy the film? o I want to . . . . . m . . . .
o No, it was . . . . . . . m ....

o I like
3 I haven't got any money.

C Tell the class about the members of your


4 What's the answer to question number 5? Example

Martin wants to be a vet because he likes animals.

Sally wants ...

5 I want to be famous.

Unit 1
a J08S
1 Read what Mel says and discuss 2 Look at the advertisements. Match the pictures to the correct
her questions. adverts.
A lot of teenagers in

Britain have got part-time

jobs. Do teenagers in your

country have jobs. too?

What sort of things

do they do?

Have you always wanted to THE'THING
be in the movies? We're .~ BOYS/GIRLS
mak~ng a film in this area
We're looking for a hard-working
during July and August and We're looking for young
and enthusiastic assistant (male or
we're looking for attractive people to deliver female). Duties will include sweeping
and interesting 14-18 year newspapers and
the floors, making tea and coffee,
olds as extras. washing combs, brushes, etc. and

magazines. We need one

20 a day plus meals person for morning generally helping the hairdressers.

deliveries (7-8 am) and

Write to Chas Phillips, 21st The hours Will be 8.30-630 every

two,people for evening
Century Films, 14 Waldorf Saturday with a one-hour
Street, London WIB 7HP. deliveries (5-6 pm).
lunch break.
Please enclose a reeent
You must be at least
photograph. We'll pay' you 2 an
13 years old and have
your own bicycle. hour and we'll give
you a free hairstyle
Pay: 12 p. w.
once a month, too.
A lot of people have got a
dog, but they haven't got Apply to Write to Sharon Sharp,
time to give it enough Tony Burton, Milton Post
Styh~'s the Thing, Church
exereise. That's where we Office, High Street, Milton,
come in. We take their . BG69KP. Street, Milton, BG6 8JM
dogs for a~walk and we're

looking for young people

to be dog-walkers.

Part'-time assistants wanted

We,ne~d two'yOl,mg people {14-18) to help .
in the 'Village Store. The job involves serving customers
and putting things on the shelves. .
Hours: 5-7 eveningsor 10-5 Saturdays and Sundays
You must be tidy, polite and good at Maths.
Write to: Mr and Mrs Venables, The Village Store,
Framley" BG7 6YG
Unit 1

3 Which job is it? More than one Listening and speaking

answer is sometimes possible.
1 You must have your own 6 a These people have all got their ideal job. What do you think
transport. they do?
2 You have to work outdoors.
3 You have to send a photograph.
4 We don't know how much money
you get.
5 They need more than one person.
6 You get money and something

4 a Some teenagers are looking at

the adverts. Which jobs can't
they do?
1 Tina doesn't like animals.
2 Simon plays football on
Saturday mornings.
3 Zach doesn't like getting up
early in the morning.
4 Tom is going on holiday in
5 Louise hasn't got a bike.
6 Roger is thirteen years old.
7 Astrid goes to dance classes
on Wednesdays and Fridays
at 5.30 pm.
8 Lucy doesn't like doing

b Which job(s) couldn't you do?

Why? Which one would you
choose? Why?

Describing people
5 a Find all the ways of b mil 6 Listen and check your ideas.
describing people in the
adverts. C Listen again. What does each person like and dislike about
their job?

d Decide the ideal jobs for people who like these things.
1 driving cars 5 spending money
b Translate the words. Use 2 sleeping 6 watching TV
your dictionary to help you. 3 eating 7 going to the cinema
4 wearing new clothes 8 walking
C Add some more words to
the list.
7 Work with a partner. Act out an interview with one of the people
from 6d.

Unit 1 ..

Improve your writing 2a Find these things in the letter.

the sender's address
A formal letter the sender's signature
1a Look at the letter. Who has written it? the receiver's name
the receiver's address

b Which of the jobs on page 10 is she applying for? the date

b How does Astrid start the

letter? Why?
~uS\Li...f' ~oo.d, Dear MrTony
Mi...\\::'Of\, DearTony Burton
6GCo ~""~ Dear Mr Burton
Dear MrTony Burton
'f> Se.rt-e.~( C What expression does she use
to end the letter?
d Look at the advert on page 10,
"\Of\~ ~Of\' Does Astrid give all the
M'L.\\::,Of\ ?~, information that Mr Burton
~i...e\-\ S\::'fe.e.\::', needs?
3 Choose one at the jobs trom the
6GCo q\(..?
Reading or Listening. Write your
own Jetter ot application.
De.o"- M( 6uft-0f\,
l' <l \UL" \0.0 0. 0.

~ W'- ~do 0:;'j'-0iS

~ forfLf\;.~ l'""
""" l'<l \0.0
~ u..... ~"fJ"" L"
\;..0 0.f\;.<2f

., p ..f....lj> ~ c.~'"
'5C1rf:>CA \::,wO do.~S 0. we.e.\L.
'1ov(S Si...f'ee.(e.\~, How well do you think you
know this unit?
~s\::,(i...d -r()Wf\5e.f'd
~\'''' ,\''''
g 13J,z'- tB 'c) ~
T~ Burtan,
MUlan POSl Offi....c.e,
Hi....a h Sl'-eel,
BGG:, ~l<.P
Unit 1
Jobs Word building
1 a How many names of jobs do you know? Work with a partner. 3a Look at these sentences.
Make a list. John is a driver. He drives
a lorry.

b III 7 Listen and repeat the names of these jobs.

He's a lorry driver.
2 Susan is a manager. She
works in a hotel.
She's a hotel manager.

b What do you call these

1 Mary is a reporter. She
works for a newspaper.
a lorry driver a pilot a secretary an architect 2 Peter is a farmer. He looks
after sheep.
3 Ann plays tennis.
4 Tim is a pilot. He flies a
hel icopter.
5 June teaches Geography.
6 Harry cleans windows.
7 Clara drives a taxi.

4 Think about all the jobs and

a vet a flight attendant a nurse a gardener places to work. Choose
the most interesting.
the most bori ng.
the dirtiest.
the hardest.
the easiest.

Tell the class about your ideas.

Give reasons.

a chef an electrician a builder a cleaner

C Which of the people in a and b

1 usually wear a uniform? Learning vocabulary
2 make or repair things? Write the words in your
3 travel as part of their job? vocabulary book.
2 Test yourself on them
Places to work frequently.
3 Try to use the words as
2 How many places can you think of where people work? much as possible.
Example 4 As you work through the
in a factory units, add new words to
on a farm your lists.
at an airport

o Msl.'s PROJSt:T
Language in use
[I] 2 III 8 Read and listen to what Mel says about the
pictures. Are these statements true or false?
Revising grammar
1 In the photo Mel and Katy have done some
In this unit you're going to revise the present shopping.
perfect tense. 2 They've both bought a top.
a Write down everything you can remember 3 Mel likes books about fashion.
about the tense. 4 She has ordered a book from the local books hop.
b Work in a group. Compare your ideas. 5 Mel has designed some clothes.
6 She often goes to fashion shows.
7 She doesn't like her boots.
1 Mel is doing a project about her interests. What 8 She wears them every weekend.
topic has she chosen?
a -1.\
\ ----~
I've read

two books about

the history of fashion,

and I've ordered another

book on the Internet,

,0. but it hasn't arrived yet.

fhis is me
Clothes have changed a

and Katy. We've just

lot since 1900. Good

come back from the

job too, because this

shops. I've bought a

dress looks very

skirt and Katy's bought


a top. Have you bought

any new clothes


I> ('>.,,_.~
..__...~.~ :.l.>:~_~-:'
......fI:u~._ .~
a o
I also like
These are my

designing clothes.
favourite boots. Aren't

I've never seen a real

they cool? I haven't worn

fashion show with

them recently. My feet have

models and things,

grown, and the boots don't

but I've always

fit me now. So I've made

wanted to go
them into pots for my

to one.
pens and things.

What's the ru Ie? Practice
Present perfect 5 Look at what Mel says again. Say what she has
and hasn't done.
3 a Most ofthe verbs in the speech bubbles are in
the present perfect tense. Find some examples. Example
She's chosen the topic.
b Study these rules and complete the examples. 1 choose the topic
2 finis9 the project
II The present perfect tense joins the past 3 read some books about fashion
and the present, like this: 4 order a new book
I\. )
5 receive the new book
past present perfect present 6 see a real fashion show
7 wear her boots recently
- - -- 8 make her boots into pen pots

We use the present perfect to talk about

1 an action in the past with a result in the
6 a Think about your interests. Write down
present. three things that you have done in connection
with your interests.
My feet grown.
o three things that you've always wanted to do

(My feet are now too big for the boots.) but have never done.

2 experiences up to now. b Compare your ideas with a partner.

I've never a real fashion show
(I haven't had that experience up to now.)
7 a
3 the recent past.
you bought any new clothes
recently? (in the time just before now)

C Translate the example sentences into your own

language. What tense(s) do you use?

4 a Complete what Mel says.

I .. a skirt and Katy a top.

b Write the sentence with the full form of the

1 buy some new clothes
verbs. What are the two parts of the present
2 have a strange dream
perfect tense?
3 read a magazine
C Find examples in the speech bubbles of regular 4 do something exciting
and irregular past participles. 5 see a good film
6 hear a good joke
d Complete these sentences from the bubbles.
How do we make questions and negatives in b Ask and answer with a partner.
the present perfect? Example
1 any new clothes recently? Have you bought any new clothes recently?
2 I "......... them recently. o Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.

- Ol(1D5

Let's do it!
1 Look quickly at the story and choose the correct endings. 2 Ill") Read and listen to the story. What
is each person going to do?
the careers talk.
1 The kids are at Dan's house.
2 They're talking about get a pizza.
3 Rich has gone to a fashion show.
Mel Hi. Where's Rich?
Katy He's gone to get a pizza.
Mel Doesn't he ever stop eating?
Dan Hey, Mel. Have you seen this
advert in the local paper? There's going to
be a fashion show here and they're
looking for designers and models.
Katy Ooh. Why don't you show some of
your designs, Mel? They're really good.
Mel But most of them are just designs.
I haven't made them into clothes yet.
Dan That's OK. You've got plenty of
time. You have to send in some photos
by the end of next month.
Mel Hmmm. I don't know.
Dan Go on, Mel! It'll be a laugh.
Katy We'll help you. I'll be the model if
you like. I've always wanted to walk
along a catwalk.
Dan And I'll take some photos for you
to send in. I'm pretty good with a camera,
you know.
Mel OK. Let's do it!
Dan Good for you, Mel.
We'll make a great team.
Katy Just a minute. What
about Rich? What can he do?
Dan Hey, do you only
design clothes for girls, Mel?
Mel No, I've done lots of
things for boys, too. Why?
Do you mean ... ?
Katy Oh, yes. What a great
idea, Dan!
Dan Here he comes now.

3 Are these statements true or false? Persuading someone

1 Mel thinks that Rich eats a lot.

2 The fashion show is going to be in London.

5 a How do Dan and Katy persuade Mel to enter

the fashion show?
3 Katy likes Mel's designs.

4 The fashion show is going to be next month.

What strategies do they use 7
5 Katy has always wanted to be a model.

6 Dan likes taking photos.

Katy says her designs are great.

7 Mel only designs girls' clothes.

8 Rich is worried at the end.

What expressions do they use?

Why don't you ... ?

Everyday expressions
b Work in a group of four and continue the story.
4 a Match the two parts of these expressions. Think about these questions.
What do the others say to Rich?
1 You've got a laugh. At first he doesn't like the idea. What does
2 Go comes now. he say?
3 It'll be on. How do the others persuade him?
4 if you great idea!
5 Let's do it! .l C Act out the whole story.
6 Good plenty of time.
7 What a like.
8 Here he for you.

b Translate the expressions into your own


C Choose suitable expressions to complete

these dialogues. .

Oh dear. I'm going to be late.

o Don't w o r r y . . . . .

2 I don't really want to play tennis.

o Go on .

3 Isn't Dad home yet?

4 I haven't got time to take the dog for a

o I'll do it

5 Are you going to enter the swimming

o Yes, I am .

6 Why don't we have a party next week?

Unit 2

1 Answer these questions.

-lJa Who are your favourite pop stars? Why do you like them?

What kind of clothes do they wear?

Do you like to wear the same things?
2 Look quickly at the magazine article and find this information.
1 What is the name of the magazine 7
2 Who are the people in the pictures?
3 What happened to them?
1 0K. You can sing, you can
dance and you can even
play your musical
instruments. In today's pop
music world, however, that
isn't enough. You have to
look good, too. Image is
really important. Here at
Bliss magazine we're going
to take a new band every
month and give them a new
The band The big day to the photo studio where
This month's band is 8:58 Jethro, Dean, Lee and Tami our fashion photographer is
and they come from Torquay arrive at our office in waiting.
in Devon. They've been London. First, our It's been a long day and
together for eight months hairdressers start work. here's the result.
and they've played in Dean looks a bit worried,
several clubs in Torquay. but we think he'll like it. So what do they think?
They've been on the local After lunch we choose
radio, too, with their CD, some new clothes.
Tami I love the new look.

It's nice and natural.

Funky Fever. Everybody tries on several

jackets, shirts, tops and pairs
Lee I really didn't like my

hair before, but this is

of trousers before we find


Are you in 0 bond? Send us the right things.

It's now 4.30 pm. Tami
Jethro We've had a

your name and address with

great time here and I

o photo and a cassette of one and the boys have been

of your songs. Perhaps next really like the new look.

here since 9 o'clock this

month we'll choose you for a morning. But we haven't
Dean I can't believe it.

new imoge. We look really good.

finished yet. It's time to go


3 Are these statements true or false?

1 The band comes from London.
2 There's only one girl in the band. Present perfect with for and since
3 They started the band two years ago. 5a Complete these sentences from the text.
4 They've been on the radio. 1 They've been together eight months. m.

5 They haven't made a record yet. 2 Tami and the boys have been here ..
6 They went to London for the makeover. 9 o'clock.

The makeover took about seven hours.
The Seatles changed their image.

What do you think of their new image?

What things have changed?
b Match for and since to the correct use.

a pomt m time
1111'" 1111'" till'" 1111'" a length of time 1111'" 1111'" 1111'" 1111'"
C Complete these sentences. Use for and since.
We've been at school today for three hours.
since 845.
1 We've been at school today

2 I haven't bought any new clothes

3 I've had my school bag .

4 'haven't eaten anything.

5 I've lived at my present address

6 I haven't played any sports ....

Practise your writing

A new image
6 Work in a group. You are image designers. Here is
next month's band. Think about their name, music,
hair, clothes, etc.

The most famous

image change in pop
music happened in
the 1960s. When they
first started, the
Beatles looked like
lots of other groups.
Then they changed
their hairstyle and they wore
jackets with no collars. They Since then, all bands and
looked different, so people singers have tried to have their
noticed them. own special image. 7 Describe the new image. Start like this.
I-lere is our new ifY)0se {'or . The'1 pla'1 fY)usic,
so We wont do) m ifY)0se for thet1"l. [kn will hove .

Unit 2

Listening and speaking 3 a Work in a group of three. Students A and Bare

customers in a clothes shop, Student C is a
shop assista nt. Follow th is pattern.


1111.11".1111. a
Reject it/them
and give a
reason .
0 1111.1111.1111



1111"1111""11. a
Accept and
1 a 1!110' Listen to the three dialogues. Answer
these questions.
1 What do the people want to buy?

Ask how it is /

2 Do they buy anything?


1111.1111.1111. a State
b Listen to the dialogues again. What problems a problem and
do the people have with the clothes? ask for another
size/ colour /
e Offer 1.1111.1111.1111
an alternative or
apologize if you
haven't got it. 1111"1111"1111. a
2 a Add the opposites of the adjectives to
the table. Respond.
tt'fl b'
. ""g.
~e=--IOO \OOfle-.
b Act out your dialogue in front ofthe class.
It ifln't
Ihe-i are-n't I dark e-nough.
b Work with a partner.
Student A Use the table and make a sentence.
Student B Make a sentence with the same
meaning using the opposite
How well do you think you know this unit?
These trousers are too small. ~\I1" ,'1'ft ",,,,
a Thev aren't big enough. ~ ~ ~
Unit 2

Clothes 3 Work in a group. Play 'In my

suitcase'. You have to
1a Look at the washing line and complete the list. remember the list.
A In my suitcase, I've got four
B In my suitcase, I've got four
shirts and two pairs of shorts
C In my suitcase, I've got four
shirts, two pairs of shorts and
a red top.

Parts of clothes
4 a Use your dictionary. Match
the words to the parts of
the clothes.

laces button heel pocket

collar sleeve zip

1 socks 7 13 tights
2 a jumper 8 a top 14 a bra
3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M ......
9 ........................................................ 15 a vest

4 trainers 10 a shirt 16
5 ."m............... ~. ..........
11 underpants 17
6 knickers 12 a sweatshirt
b 111"11 Listen, check and repeat.

C Can you add any more words to the list?


a pair of
2 Some names of clothes are usually in the plural form. Find
them in the list in 1.
trousers b 11112 Listen, check and
When we want to count plural things, we have to use a pair of
or pairs of C What are you wearing
Example today? Describe your
I'm wearing a green jacket.
It's got four pockets and
a pair of shorts two pairs of shorts three buttons.

2 Read what the teenagers say about their jobs.
1a What do you do in your free time? Find this information.
1 What do they do?
b .Ill Read about what British teenagers do. 2 When do they do it?
Compare it to your own country. 3 How do they feel about it?
Alot of teenagers in Britain do activities in
their free time. Some popular things are My name-'s Liam.

I do a pape-r round. I

sports, playing a musical instrument and

ne-wspape-rs and magazines to house.s be-fore
going to dance classes. There is a sports
Igo to school. You usually need a biKe- to do a

centre in most towns. Schools usually

pape-r round. I have- to ge.t up at six o'docK.

organize some activities, too, and most of That's Ok in the summer, but I don't liKe- it in

them have sports teams. These teams play the winte-r whw it's cold and darK. Some

matches against other schools after school Kids de.liver the e.vening

or on Saturdays. newspapers after sch0.gJ;

Arecent survey among teenagers, ~-------

however, showed that they spend most of
their free time doing homework, watching )Iy Hi. My name's fiona.
television, using the Internet, playing I've got a Saturday job in a hairdre.sser's.

computer games and talking on the I don't cut hair. I swee.p the floor and I dean

phone. the brushes and scissors and things. I also

maKe cups of coffee. for the hairdressers and

--"~~.::i'- _~--
.... the customers. Sometime-s I wash customers'

Most teenagers get pocket money from hair, too. I liKe the-job buause

their parents. In some families teenagers ..7-~1 meet lots of people.

have to help with jobs around the house to

earn their pocket money. They help with
the housework - hoovering the floor,
washing up, setting the table and so on
Hi. I'm Jason.

or they do things outside, such as washing

I worK in C/ supe-rmarke.t on Sundays.

the car and cutting the grass.

I put things on she-Ive-s, coiled the trolleys

from the car parK and help customers with

Some teenagers do part-time jobs to get

their bags. I worK from 10 to 4. It can

some money. You can do a part-time job

be a bit boring, but it's nice to have

when you're 13, but you can't work before the- money.

7 o'clock in the morning or after 7 o'clock in

the evening.
Extension 1
: Choose one of these projects. ) 1 Look at the song. What is it about?
2 a Try to guess the missing words. Use the
rhymes to help you. Choose from this list.

friend eyes face fine grown up

00 a proje,c.t about jobf.
neighbour brother saw for dream been
1 what \Cind ofjob", do peep\e. in i our to'tln do? valentine queen size seen down

2 lnte.rvie.'tl ",ome- pe-op\e- about the-ir job",. b .14 Listen and check your ideas.
whe-n/\'Ilhe-re- do tl1e.i 'tlor\C? what do the-i
\i\Ce-/ ai"'\i\Ce- about the-ir job",?
Happy Birthday Sweet Sixteent

3 Ma\Ce- a nurve-i amon<j peep\e- 'n \lour da",,,, .

\'Ilhat ,,-.
\Cind of job", do the-i 'tlant to do? \'Ilhi?

[ ~.'; ...' \
Tra la-la-la-Ia la-Ia-Ia-Ia .; . ~
Happy birthday sweet sixteen. '....." " "

'> !
Tra la-Ia-Ia-Ia la-Ia-Ia-Ia '

Happy birthday sweet sixteen. ~

Today's the day I've waited 1 ........ ,

Because you're not a baby any more.

Ma~e, a fafhion magaz.ine,.
1 mode-rn fashions What tho
out of fashion? .
In9S are. In and :a;~~~;~~:::::::::st~~
What happened to that funny 3 . ?
2 rind or draw piC-ture.s of c.\othe.s. Deuribe. them.

My little tomboy now wears satin and lace.

~::~;~~~;:::::s::::just te~
When you were only six, I was your big
5 -

pe,fc.ribe, te,e,na9e, \ife, in 'four

:;s:~:Uy::~:e~rteen, you w~re ffiYiJ
Then when you were ten, we didn't like each other.

. .
1 write- a que-utlonnalre-. ne-rv a"re- Mme tl'linM>
to Your future is sewn up. .
au\C about. From now on you're gonna be mine. .'
\10'tl do iOU upend iour time-? So, if I should smile with sweet surprise

Po 'Iou do a part-time- JO . b:?. . It's just that you've grown up before my very . ~

\'Ilhat do 'Iou \i\Ce. / di"'\i\Ce- about 'lour \lfe-? 8............ '" ~\

\'Ilhat thin9'" do iOU 'tlorr'j about? You've turned into the prettiest girl I've ever
2 Inte-rvie-\'I uome. te-ena<je-ru about \iVe-u .. Ma\Ce Happy birthday sweet sixteen.
an audio or vide-o re-c.ording of i our Inte-rVIe-\'I"'.
v ~l,

Extension 1
I[]~r:mm Li6tening, writing and 6peaking
Look back at Units 1 and 2. What have you learnt? Ask your
3 a mI!15' Look at the people. Listen to
part 1 and answer these questions.
teacher if there is anything that you are still not sure about.
1 What jobs do you thin k they do?
2 What are they doing in the
Pre6ent 6imple and pre6ent continuOU6
1 Complete the dialogues. Put the verbs in brackets into the
correct tense.
1 Where's Ellie? Tim .. (wait) for her.
o I (think) she a shower (have).
Name . ?~9.!::-,l::_.~0c::~.0~ .
2 . you (do) anything at the




o Not really. I (read) this magazine.


Well,... you (fancy) a game of tennis,


o Yes, OK.
3 Hello. I .... (phone) about your job advert.

, you still .. ,., (need) someone?

o I'm sorry, I (not know). The manager
(interview) someone at the moment.
Name ,?~,~0 .~.0!::~
Oh, I (see). Thank you Job
................. _ -......- - .

4 What you (do) in your free time? Hours

o I ..' (play) the guitar with a band.
That (sound) exciting.
Weekends'? .........- - ~ ..

o Yes, I (enjoy) it. We . (play) at a dance this ...........................................

evening you (want) to come?
No, I can't. I ".,.... (babysit) this evening.
Vocabulary Pel:..e( LOMboJ"d
..... __ - - _ ~ ~ ..
2 Work in a group. Try to write down a job or something to _ - .
do with clothes for each letter of the alphabet.
R , .. , , - .. , , .



job dothef> Weekend!5'?

A an arc.hite-d
f.? a button
b mli1S') Listen to part 2 and check your
t: a c.oat
C Listen again and complete the
information about each person .
Revision 1
a Complete this text about Scott. At the clothes shop

Scott Macdonald is a 1 __ ~_ .. ._ , He works in

2 . He starts work at 3 __ _. and 7a Number the parts of the dialogue in the correct
he finishes at 4 ._._. He works on order.

5 , but he doesn't work on

6 , because the shop is 7 ...__. 00 _ _

D a Yes. the changing rooms are over there
He 8 the job very much, but he needs
next tothe jackets.
th e 9 _._ . D b Excuse me. Can I try this jumper on,

b Write about Sandra and Peter.
D c It isn't big enough. Have you got it in a
larger size?

D d Yes, this is fine. "II take it.

5 Work with a partner. Interview the people. Use
D e Next to the jackets ?Thanks.
these cues to make questions.
D f How is it?

D g Yes, here you are. Try this.

at night? D h Is that better?
at weekends?
When / start?
like the job? b l1li16" Listen and check your order.
C Work with a partner. Make new dialogues for
Example these situations.
What do you do?
o I'm a ....
Where do... ?

Present perfect
6 a Some young people are doing their Saturday
jobs. What have they done so far today?

Craig has collected the trolleys.

He hasn't ...

Name and place :fobr.

(..raiy wor\::5 in wIled the trolle~5 V

a 5upermar\::e1. a w,>tomer''> bay'>

put '>ome bottle'> on1he '>helve5 V

E-mma and c..hadene wa5h 50meone'5 hair

wor\:: in a hairdre55er5. 5weep tne t'oor

dean 1he bru5ne5 V

Maria wor\::5 in a 5erve '>Ome w,>1omer5

dothe'> '>hop. M~ the top'>

unpac.\:: '>Ome bO'l-e'> V

f,ill and 'Zlam wor\:: 5e11ne lable'>

in a c.afe. wa5h up V

ma\::e '>Ome drin\::5 V

b Work with a partner. Ask and answer.

Has Craig collected the trolleys?
o Yes, he has.

Revision 1
o Ie-E,MAN
Language in use
1 a Look quickly at the text. What is the connection
- between the two pictures?
b 11117 Read and listen to the text. Write down
everything that you know about the man.
2a How many of the things mentioned in the text
can you find in the pictures?
b Why is Otzi important?
C What do you know about tQe Stone Age?
n 1991, two German tourists I
I were walking along a path in
the Alps, when they saw ;'
something in the ice. They
stopped and looked. It was part
of a body. They thought it was a
climber, but they were wrong.
They weren't looking at the
body of a modern climber. This
body was over 5,000 years old.
They were looking at a man probably taking his sheep and
from the Stone Age. goats into the mountains when
Who was he? What was he he died.
doing in the mountains? How Otzi has changed our ideas
did he die? Did he fall or about the Stone Age. Before
did somebody kill him? Otzi, archaeologists thought
Archaeologists from all over that copper didn't arrive in
the world wanted to study Europe until 2000 Be. Otzi,
the Iceman. however, was carrying a copper
Otzi, as the archaeologists axe 1,300 years earlier. He was
called him, came from Italy and also carrying a bow and
he was about 45 years old. He arrows, a knife and some
lived about 3350 Be - at that wooden tools. He was wearing
time people in Egypt were warm, waterproof clothes and
building the Pyramids. We leather boots. These things
know that he was a farmer show that Stone Age people
because there were pieces of were a lot more sophisticated
corn in his clothes. He was than we thought.
Unit 3
Unit 3 Grammar
Past simple
Past continuous
had tolcould

What's the rule? Practice I
Past simple and past continuous 5 a Complete this part of an interview with an
archaeologist. Put the verbs in brackets into the
3a Complete these sentences from the text.
past simple or the past continuous.
1 In 1991, two German tourists.. .
along a path in the Alps, when they
Interviewer How 1 Otzi
........ something in the ice.
. (die)?
2 They.... and .
Archaeologist Well, we don't really know.
b What are the two tenses in the sentences? Interviewer 2.. he (have)
an accident?
C Why are the tenses different in the first
Archaeologist No, he 3 .. (not fall).
sentence, but the same in the second
We think that it 4 (happen) like
this. One day, he 5 .... (take) his

animals into the mountains, when he

d Complete the names of the tenses in this
6 (stop) for a rest. First, he

7 (make) a fire, then he

8 . . . (sit down). While he 9 .
( the past. . tense an incomplete
action in the (sit) there, the weather suddenly
past 10 (change) and it
They were walking along a path.
11 (start) to snow. While he
12 (wait), he 1 3 . . . . (fall) asleep
and he 14 (freeze) to death in his
They saw something. a completed sleep. Then the snow 1 5 . . (cover)
action his body until the tourists 16 . ... (find)

the past in the past him five thousand years later.

4 a For each tense, find examples of these forms in

the text.
b . 1 8 Listen and check your ideas.
1 an affirmative statement

2 a negative statement
6 Work with a partner. Use the cues and the
3 a question
information in the text. Continue the interview.

b Use your examples. How do we make each

Interviewer How old was Otzi?

Archaeologist He was about forty-five years old.

C For the past simple, find examples of

1 Howold/Otzi?

1 the verb to be.

2 When/he/live?

2 two regular verbs.

3 Where/he/come from?

3 two irregular verbs.

4 What/his job?

5 What/he/do/when/he/die?

6 What/he/wear?

7 he / carry / anything?

8 Why/you/surprised about the axe?

Unit 3

Yes, I got a letter

this morning, but I haven't
1a Look at the story. What do you think the missing words are? ____ it, I'm sure they've
,..--.---70-' turned my application down.
b I!I~ Listen and check your ideas. h Here, Katy, you open it.
Just a minute ...

Right, it says:

6 \"I~ , ",. i."I""" ...\\,)"
I \)~~< .""I"'\\', ",,, ,I" .
\JC~'\\. t-!\,...... \('I~ ) , ...... "

\\~)r~,\\ \~"'~-:..::;\._
\\.. ~~)\) ,,\'o \\\~ .....~.,..\.

'~I"\ I I'\.' ",,\~ ~ ./

. ,,,,,"It\<"".. '\l U ./
'vr.\ \ \
\'IJ\,; \".:.(" I,;,... v
~.;.,\, \X\
\\.\'l' .......\ ' 'J'
-':""'- ~v\(r.
~N \'" \-\''''''~V~
---Thanks, but I didn't do it on"'" < ,
my own. You all __ me. ~
Unit 3
2 Read the story again. Are these statements true or on my own
1 Dan didn't take his Games things home last week. 5 a Who uses the expression on my own in the

2 Mel hasn't sent her application for the fashion story?

show yet.

3 She read her letter while she was having

b Ask and answer with a partner. Do you do

breakfast. these things on your own? Use always, usually,

4 Katy reads the letter.

sometimes, neve~

5 The fashion show is in two weeks' time. Example

6 Rich is going to be a model. Do you come to school on your own?

7 Dan doesn't want to be part of the team. Yes, usually. / No, never.

1 come to school

Everydayexpressions 2 do your homework

3 go to the cinema
3a What expressions do the others use to 4 go shopping
congratulate Mel? 5 watch videos
6 have lunch

b Match these expressions to their meanings.

1 stuff C Tell another partner about your first partner.

2 What does it say? Example
3 Just a minute. ... usually comes to school on his/her own.
4 I can't believe it.
5 on my own
6 I can't wait to ...
6a Work in a group of four. Write a short dialogue
a Is it really true? that contains four of these expressions.
b What's in the letter?
c Wait.
d things
e I really want to (do this).
f without anyone else

C How do you say the expressions in your own


I can't believe it.

You can't translate a lot of everyday

expressions word for word. Try it with the

expressions in 3b. Do they sound natural in

your lan.guage? Probably not. You have to learn

the whole expression.

b Act out your dialogue.

4 Work in a group of four. Act out the story.

Unit 3 6)
1 Look quickly at the text and find this information.

1 Who are the people in the pictures? Find their names in the text.

You'll find some

2 Where are they?

useful words in Working

3 What did they do?

with words exercise 2

4 Why did they do it?

on page 33.

t was Sunday afternoon, 14 March, when the microwave ovens and video recorders, but small things
Bowler family arrived at their new home in t
like toothpaste, washing powder and washing-up
I London. Paul Bowler was in his soldier's uniform. liquid. The biggest problem, however, was shampoo.
Joyce Bowler and their three daughters (Kathryn, 16,
t The Victorians didn't have shampoo, so the Bowlers
and twins Ruth and Hilary, 11) were wearing long i had to wash their hair with soap. Joyce and the girls
dresses. They were all wearing hats, even nine-year-old hated it.
They went into the house. It was cold and dark in
the hall, because there was no electricity. There was no
telephone either, and no hot water. The toilet was
outside in the back garden. It was a typical Victorian
house from 1900.
Meanwhile, in the street some of the neighbours
were watching. There were some TV cameras there,
too, because this wasn't happening in 1900. It was
happening in 1999. The Bowlers were taking part in a
project for Channel 4 TV. For three months they had
to give up their car, washing machine, dishwasher and
computer and live like a Victorian family. t

They soon realized that life in Victorian times was i

very different from today. In 1900 people didn't have a

lot of our modern things - not just big things like i

Unit 3

2 a 1!I:fO iRead the text again. Make a list of all the

things that the Bowlers didn't have in the 1900
house. had to / could

b What did each person miss about modern life?

3 a Match the verbs.
had to can't.
is the past
could can.
tense of
couldn't have to/must.

b Find examples of the verbs in the text.

C Say whether the Bowlers had to, could or

couldn't do these things.
1 They couldn't watch TV
2 Joyce and the girls had to wear long dresses.

1 watchTV
2 wear long dresses
3 get up early
4 use shampoo
5 read books
6 go out in the evening
7 play CDs
The Bowlers' day started very early at five o'clock 8 wash in cold water
in the morning. They all went to bed at about eight 9 read a modern newspaper
o'clock in the evening, because they didn't have any 10 go to bed at 8 o'clock
electric lights or television. Kathryn found this very
difficult. She couldn't go out with her friends and
she was very bored.
Mter three months, the Bowlers returned to their
4 What do you think ofthe Bowlers' experience?
Would you like to do it? Why? Why not?
own horne. How did it feel to be back in the
modern world? Ruth and Hilary bought some new
CDs, played their music very loud and talked for Practise your writing
hours on the phone. Kathryn went out with her
friends. Joyce was happy to have electricity again, and A diary
Paul could read a modern newspaper, but both Joyce
and Paul missed the Victorian house. 'Life was slower
5 The Bowlers all had to keep a diary. Imagine you
are in the 1900 house. Write your diary for a day.
then', says Paul, 'but people spent more time
What about young Joe? Perhaps we should give
him the last word.
TV Interviewer Was it good to come home?
Joe Yes.
TV Interviewer Why?
Joe I could go on my computer.
TV Interviewer Did you enjoy living in Victorian
Joe No.

.... ----_ .. ---_ ..

Listening and speaking
1 a What do you know about life in 19007 Look at the pictures.
Did people have these things in 19007
b Work in a group. Discuss your ideas and put Y (yes) or N (no) in each box.
C 1 telePhones) _ 2 cars J II ( 3 aerOPlanes) ( 4 cameras:
. - 0
televisions ( 7 jeans )
Q- ~ 8 ziP":
C 6 films J
o o

c: C 11 frozen fOOd)
C 12 ballpoint pens)
( 10 tinned food J
o o
ILtillJ] ~;I=f1J ~
2a Tell the class what you think.
How well do you think you
know this unit?
b I!!I~ Listen and check your ideas.
C Listen again and write down
the dates.
CD Unit 3
Materials; noun compounds Everyday things
1 a Look at this list of materials. Use 2a A lot of things today make our lives easier or more
your dictionary. Which ones interesting. Work with a partner and make a list.
are kinds of metal? Example
can you make clothes from? fast food, cars, cameras

Put the words in the table.

b Read the sentences and label the things in the picture.

plastic cotton wool

copper gold wood

silver paper Iron

silk leather rubber

steel glass nylon



':! fI:i'tD

b Make noun compounds. 0

This is a ring.

It's made of gold.

It's a gold ring.

These are plates. They're made of

paper. They're paper plates.

You wash your clothes in a washing machine. You put

Note: wood and wool don't follow washing powder in the machine.
the pattern. 2 It's cold in a fridge, but it's colder in a freezer. You put
wood" a wooden box frozen food in a freezer.
wool .. woollen gloves 3 You clean carpets with a vacuum cleaner.
4 You wash your hands with soap, but you wash your
C Work with a partner. Think of
hair with shampoo.
something for each material.
5 You use washing-up liquid to do the washing-up, or you
Example can put the things in a dishwasher.
6 To clean your teeth you put some toothpaste on a

a plastic ruler cotton socks C .'22 Listen, check and repeat.

o liST FIT

Language in use
1 a Look at the story.
1 What is the boy's name?
2 What is the woman's name?
3 What is the boy's problem?
4 What is the woman's advice?
b 1m23 Read and listen to the story.
Robert's got a problem. f) A diet? Is that a good

He can't get into his new idea? You won't be able

trousers. He can't run to eat chocolate bars,

very fast. crisps or sweets. You'll

have to give up chips and

ice cream and ...

Unit 4 Grammar
Modal verbs:
can/ must (+ future forms)
should/ shouldn't

2 Are these statements true or false? Practice
1 Robert's new trousers are too tight for him.
2 He misses the bus. 5 Look at the speech bubbles and the cues.
3 He is on a diet Complete what the people say with will/won't
4 He doesn't like chips. have to and will/won't be able to.
5 If you exercise, you use more calories. Example

6 Fran thinks Robert should go on a diet I'll have to look for them I won't be able to drive to

7 Robert loses weight work.

8 Robert can run faster than his friends now

3 Do you like keeping fit? What kind of exercise do

look for them
you take? drive to work

What's the rule?

G watch my favourite
can and must programme
4 a Complete these pairs of sentences from the

He .. get into
I the present I
o go and play tennis
his new trousers.
stay indoors

2 Soon you . get

into those new trousers. 1 o cycle to school
take the bus
3 I . .
a diet
go on
I the present I
4 You .
a diet.
... goon
c;got~ stay in bed
go to Carol's party

b What time do sentences 2 and 4 refer to?

Write the correct time in the boxes.

o buy a big house

the past the present the future

C We can't use will with can or must. What verbs

do we use instead? 6 a Think about when you leave school.
What will/won't you have to do?
d Find more examples of these verbs in the story. What will/won't you be able to do?

I won't have to do homework.

I'll be able to get a job.

b Compare your ideas with a partner.

The fa5hion 5how
1 a Look at the photos. Where are the kids? b .~4 Read and listen to the story. How does
each person feel?
Rich Well, here we are.

Katy Isn't it exciting? A real fashion show.

Dan Oh, wow! I've never seen so many

gorgeous babes in my life.

Mel We're here to look at the clothes not the

models, Dan.

Katy It's two o'clock. Rich and I will have to get

changed soon.
Rich OK. Come on. Can you give me a hand with
these bags, Dan?
And now, please
Dan What? Oh, yes, sure.
welcome Katy and Rich.
They're wearing clothes by
a young local designer, Mel
Dan We're next. Dyer. Katy's wearing ...

Mel Yes, I know. Oh, I feel really

nervous. Look. My hands are

shaking and I've got butterflies in

my stomach.

Katy Me, too. My legs feel like jelly.

Dan Don't worry. It'll be all right.

Katy But what if I fall over? It'll be

so embarrassing.

Dan You won't fall over. You'll be

fine. How do you feel, Rich?

Rich Great. I'm really looking

forward to it now.

Mel Well, good luck. You're on.

@ After the show

Katy Phew. I'm glad that's over. I'm sure my knees

were knocking.

Mel You were absolutely fabulous - both of you.

Rich Mel, do you know those two people over there?

Mel No, but they were pointing at you when you were on.

Dan Maybe they're buyers for a big shop and they're

interested in your designs.

Mel Don't be silly.

Rich Well, whoever they are, they're coming over to talk to us.


2 What do you think? Expressing worries

Who are the man and woman?
What do they want? 4 a Find expressions in the story to match the pictures.

Everyday expressions

3a How do you say these

expressions in your language?

Here we are.

Can you give me a hand with ... ?

We're next.

I'm really looking forward to it.

Good luck.

I'm glad that's over.

You were absolutely fabulous.

Don't be silly.

b Choose expressions from a for

these situations.
1 You've just come out of the
dentist's. b Have you got similar expressions in your language?
2 Your friend has got a piano
exam tomorrow. C What does Dan say to reassure Katy?
3 You've just arrived.
4 You need some help with 5 a Match the situations to the possible problems.
your homework.
5 You're going on holiday What if ...
6 You're at the front of a queue. 1 We've got a Maths test.
we lose?
2 I'm going to be in a race.
C What does Dan call the girls at
I do something really embarrassing?
3 I have to go to the dentist's.
the show? I fail?
4 We've-got an important
it hurts?
match this weekend.
I forget my lines?
5 I'm going out on a date.
I fall over?
6 I've got a part in a play.

Using a foreign language b Make dialogues for the situations.

We've got a Maths test tomorrow.
o How do you feel?
My legs are like jelly What if I fail?
C) o Don't worry You'll be all right.
People often worry about o
using a foreign language.
o 6 Work in a group of four. Act out the story.
Don't worry! Use the language
as much as possible and you'll


1 Read what Rich says and discuss his questions. 2 Look at these diets. Match the texts to the correct

What do these teenagers eat in a typical day?

NAJIE: Jacob Curtis, 16,
Carla Bennett, 14,
from Manchester
from London

slices of toast with
of cereal with sugar
butter and
and milk
tuNCR tuna and a salad LUNCD a cheese sandwich

DINNER fish with a jacket potato and DINNER chicken with rice. chips or

vegetables pasta
SNACKS fruit, biscuits and chocolate SNACKS sweets and cakes
bars DRINKS coffee, milk and lemonade
DRINKS diet cola, orange juice and Jacob says: 'I don't like vegetables
very much. 1 never eat fruit. I usually
Carla says: 'I'm not a vegetarian, eat two or three packets o{ sweets a
but I don't eat a lot of meat. I prefer day.'
fish. I sometimes have a pizza for
dinner if "m in a hurry.'
John Walker, 13,

from Cambridge


Sue Long, 15,

and eggs, a slice of

from Newcastle
toast with butter and

tuNCR two ham or chicken
a cup of black coffee
LUNCD a bowl of I'@I'T;) 'f., I
sandwiches with a packet of crisps

and some grapes

soup and a bread roll

DINNER pasta W'lth tomatoes and DINNER meat With potatoes and

vegetables and a PUdding, such as

cheese apple pie with cream

SNACKS crisps, nuts and sweets
DRINKS mineral water SNACKS peanuts, biscuits and
chocolate bars
Sue says: 'I don't think about food J)JUNKS cola, tea or coffee with milk
very much. I'm a vegetarian, so I and sugar
don't eat meat and I don't like fish.'
John says: "eat anything really. I like
meat - beef, pork. Iamb, chicken,
and J love sausages and hamburgers.'
- --. -- _..
= ---------=- ~


3 How many of the things in the pictures can
you name? Use the texts to help you. We use shouldlshouldn'tto give advice.
Find some examples in 5.

b Write some advice for the girls and boys

4 Look at the diets. Who about their diets.

1 doesn't eat meat? Example

2 has toast for breakfast?

Carla shouldn't worry about her diet. It's fine.

3 drinks orange juice?

4 eats a lot of meat?
5 doesn't eat anything for breakfast?
6 eats chocolate bars? Improve your writing
7 eats chips?
8 doesn't eat fruit? but and however
5a What do you think of the diets?Which do you 7 a Look at the last text in 5. Complete these
_think is the healthiest? Why? sentences.
You don't usually eat meat, you get lots
b .:25 Read what a nutrition expert tells each of protein from fish.
person. Match the opinions to the people. Give 2 It's OK to eat things like chocolate and sweets.
reasons for your choice. . . . . , you mustn't eat them instead of a

o This is a very unhealthy diet. You eat some good

things like nuts, pasta and tomatoes, but you

b What differences can you see between but and

simply don't eat enough for a teenager. You don't however?
get enough protein and don't eat enough
vegetables. You shouldn't miss meals, especially
C Now rewrite the sentences. Use howeverfor
breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day.
the first one and but for the second one.

(J This isn't a very good diet. The chicken, cheese, 8 Join these pairs of sentences with but and then
butter and milk provide enough protein and you with however.

get carbohydrates from the pasta, bread and rice.

However, you eat no fruit or vegetables, so you 1 I'm not a vegetarian. I don't eat a lot of meat.

don't get some important vitamins and minerals. 2 Sue eats some good things. She doesn't eat

3 John eats a lot. He takes a lot of exercise.
) At first, this looks like an unhealthy diet, but it

4 Fat is good for you. You shouldn't eat a lot of it.

isn't bad. You eat plenty of meat, vegetables,

5 Jacob eats plenty of protein. He doesn't eat

fruit and bread, so you get all the important

things: protein, carbohydrates, fibre, vitamins

enough vegetables.
and minerals. However, you eat too much fat.

You should eat less meat and more fish.

9 a Write about your diet. Write
a typical day's meals.
o This is a very balanced diet. You eat a lot of fruit
and vegetables, so you get plenty of fibre and
your comments on your diet.

b Give your text to a partner for him/her to write

important vitamins and minerals. You don't
an 'expert' opinion on the diet.
usually eat meat, but you get lots of protein from
fish. It's OK to eat things like chocolate and
sweets. However, you mustn't eat them instead of
a meal.

Lietening and epeaking 3 a 11126 Listen to two conversations at the

1 When did you last go to the doctor's? What for? 1 Which part of the patient's body hurts?

What treatment did the doctor give you? 2 What's wrong with it?

b Listen again and '
Patient 1
complete the

Problems and treatment card for each

Look at the words. How do you say these in patient.

your language?
Treatment: _

Patient 2 - -

Treatment: _

It's bleeding. It's painful. )

.. 4 a Work with a partner. Use the cards in 3b. Act
out the dialogues.
b Make new dialogues for these problems.
It's a bit red. It's swollen.

It's itchy. It's sore.
b What problems do you use these things
~ '(1
@j ~
tablets drops an injection
% WI" ~~
a plaster a bandage a sling
rutm '" ~
How well do you think you know this unit?
\,111, ~\'II,
an H-ray
~ <Q) ~
Pa rt6 of the body 2 a Read these sentences. Label
the parts of the body with
1 Look at the picture. You should know the parts with the red the yellow numbers.
numbers. Label them. Your heel is at the back of
your foot and your ankle is
- 0_____________ r - - I 0 between your foot and your
-a I~~"I
The top part of your leg is
-0 6 your thigh and the bottom
part is your calf. Your knee is
-0 ~~ __- o between your thigh and your
-@ 3 You sit on your bottom
-0 4 Your forehead is between
your eyes and your hair.
--~ 5 You use your tongue and your
@ lips when you speak. Your
tongue is in your mouth. Your
lips are round your mouth.
0 6 On each hand you've got four
fingers and one thumb. Your
wrist is between your hand
and your arm.
7 The top part of your body is
0 your chest. Your neck is
between your head and your
8 Your elbow is in the middle of
your arm and your shoulder is
at the top of your arm.

b l1li27 Listen and check your

tD words.

3 a 11128 Listen and follow the

q) instructions.

b Give your partner some

ID new instructions. Use these

-ID fD point to touch

raise put ... on ...
-flJ tIfJ
TilE, UNITE,D I(IN4DDM 2 .'2~) Read the text. Match the dates to the
countries. What happened at these times?
1 What IS the difference between Britain and 1999 AD 400 the 1920s
England? Do you know? 1603 the 16th century 1707
V t::'l'.1"iitlblCr;g/r

~. i
("'--:I '"~"""I~ I
is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. f_~~ ~
C 9 ~~elFtrst ~
However, people call it the United Kingdom, the UK, Great 1~~"~~JiJ t"'" " \
Britain, Britain or England. In fact, England is only one ~ ~ 'v,
' 0
ptt yll''';
j 0
of the four parts of the UK. The people in the photos CQr~
are all British, but they aren't from England.
ENGLAND A lot of people in Wales
England is the biggest and richest part of the UK. speak Welsh as their first
The capital, London, is here. Two thousand years ago language. Schools in
the Celts lived in the whole of Britain, but in about Wales can teach in Welsh
AD 400 tribes from Germany, called the Anglo-Saxons or English. All public signs
invaded. 'England' means 'Angle-land'. The Anglo in Wales must be in Welsh
Saxons pushed the Celts into Wales, Scotland and and English. In 1999,
Ireland. Wales got its own small The Manic Street Preachers
parliament in Cardiff. are from Wales.
Scotland is tlle second biggest part of the UK. Until NORTHERN IRELAND
the seventeenth century, it was an independent In the sixteenth century, England, Scotland and Wales
country. In 1603, however, became Protestant countries. Ireland, however,
the English queen, Elizabeth remained Catholic. Elizabeth I sent Protestants to live
I, died. She had no children. there. Most of these Protestants came from Scotland
Her nearest relative was her and they went to Ulster, the north-eastern corner of
cousin, James, the king of Ireland.
Scotland. James became king The Irish were not happy in the United Kingdom.
of England, too, and from Finally, in the 1920s most of Ireland became
that time England and independent. The
Scotland have had the same Protestants in the north,
king or queen. In 1707, the however, decided to stay in
Scots gave up tlleir own the United Kingdom. There
parliament, but in 1999 they has been a lot of trouble in
got a new parliament in Sean Connery is from Northern Ireland in recent
Edinburgh. Scotland. years, because the Catholics
in Northern Ireland want to
WALES be part of the Republic, but
Until the thirteenth century, Wales had its own the Protestants want to be
prince, but the English king, Edward I, defeated the part of the UK.
last prince, Llewelyn. Since then tlle eldest son of the Liam Neeson is from

English king or queen has been the Prince of Wales. Northern Ireland.

Extension 2

( Choose one of these projects. ) 1 a Complete the song with these expressions.

You stopped

It doesn't matter

I didn't stand a chance

I don't care

find out and ~rite. about \ife. in the.

can't you see

No matter what you do

I don't know

1 lal~ to i our grandpare-nt'b or 'bome- otl1e-r olde-r irs true

pe-ople-. N>y. tl1e-m about tl1e-ir live-'b \'J11e-n tl1e-i \'Je-re

iounge-r. .
Wl1at \'Ja'b a tiPical dai I1Y.e-?
b .30' Listen and check your ideas.

Wl1at tl1ing'b did! didn't tl1e-i dO? 2 What does the singer want? How did it all
Wl1at tl1ingn did! didn't tl1e-i l1ave-? sta rt? tl1ingn be-tte-r or \'Jorne- no\'J?
I only want to be with you
2 Write- about \'Jl1at iOU find out. \llu'btrate- i our te-~t'b

\'Jitl1 picture-n.
... what it is that makes me love you so:
I only know I never wanna let you go,
'Cos you started something.
Oh,2 .
~E.:::::@r:::::..~ That ever since we met you've had a hold on me?
It happens to be true.
Ma"e. a proje.ct about te.e.nage. he.alth. I only want to be with you.

1 C.hoo~e some- topics to write- about, e.g. food 3 where you go or what you do.

el'-erClse, drugs. . I wanna spend each moment of the day with you.

Look what has happened with just one kiss.

2 Make some- rules for living a healthy life. I never knew that I could be in love like this.

3 Find some pictures to illuntrate your idean. It's crazy but 4.......... m. . .

I only want to be with you.

4 ~~esent your ide-as as an information leaflet or as a 5 ..... and smiled at me,

Srlort 1\/ programme. m

Asked me if I'd care to dance.

I fell into your open arms

And 6 ...............m.m.

Now, listen, honey.

I just wanna be beside you everywhere.

As long as we're together, honey, 7 ...

"fe.\\ the. f>tor1 of 10ur cou ntr1 'Cos you started something.

1 find 'bome- information in iour boo~'b or on t~e

Oh, can't you see

\nterne-t. Or i OU can ta\~ to iour \-linto~ te-ac er.?

That ever since we met you've had a hold on me?

\-Io\'J and \'Jl1en did it be-wme- a unite-d wunt~. 8

I only want to be with you.

\-low l1ave- itn borde.r'b cl1ange-d?
2 Write- about i our wunt~. \\\u'btrate. i our proje-d witl1

Extension 2 CD
lU!l!lll ~ Ff:lTJOO Questions
2a You're going to ask your partner some
Make sure you revise things regularly.
questions about his/her day yesterday. First,
Check the grammar rules. write ten questions starting with these words.
Test yourself on the vocabulary.
1 What time? 6 Who?
Practise using the everyday expressions.
2 What? 7 Did?
3 How? 8 Was?
Past simple and past continuous 4 When? 9 Were?
5 Where? 10 How long?
1 Complete the story. Put the verbs in brackets into
the past simple or the past continuous tense.
What time did you get up?
b Work with a partner. Ask your questions.
Ton Vocabulary
3 Work in a group. Think of kinds of food and parts
of the body which have two vowels.
food parts of the. bod1
17 (see) the fire, he 18.........(drop) the
phone and 19 (run) to the kitchen. But as
he 20 ...................................... (go) into the kitchen, he 21 .....
(trip) over the leg of a chair and 22.............. (hit) his
o ~~:~~~~~r(s~~~~~:'e~~;~:~~o-r:n~eYOrke, 18, head on a cupboard.
2 . (study) for an exam. He 3 . . (be) Luckily, a few moments later, Cass, 2 3 . . .
in the house on his own because his parents (arrive) home. She 24 ................................ (get) a terrible
4 .................... (be) at work and his sister, Cass,
shock. The saucepan of oil 2 5 . .... (burn) and
. (be) at school. He 6 . . . . . . . . . (be) Tony 26 ......... (lie) on the floor unconscious.
hungry, but it 7 . . . . . (rain) heavily so he Quickly, Cass 27 (take off) her wet coat
8 (not want) to go to the shops. He and 2 8 . . (throw) it over the saucepan. Then
. . . . (decide) to cook some chips. she 2 9 . . . . . . . (turn off) the gas and the fire
: He 10 . (put) some oil in a saucepan on 30 (go out).
the cooker and 11 .................................. (light) the gas. As he Later Tony 31 (say), 'It was lucky that
: 12 (put) the chips into the oil, the Cass 3 2 . . . . . (know) what to do.' 'Oh, it was
: telephone 13 . . (ring). Tony 14 (go) nothing,' said Casso :Anyway, I 33 ................. (not like)
: to answer it. that old coat very much.' When she 34 .
While he 15 ................................ (talk) on the phone, the oil (come) home the next day, Cass 35 (wear)
: suddenly 1 6 . . .... (catch) fire. When Tony a nice new coat.
be able to / have to couldn't/ had to
4 a Complete these dialogues. Use 5 Mike decided to get fitter. Use the cues. What did he have to
'1/ have to, '1/ be able to or won't do? What couldn't he do?
be able to. Example

1 My parents are going out on He couldn't eat chips.

Friday, so I . _.._...__._... He had to cycle to work.

1 eat chips 5 go to the gym
o But it's Phil's party on Friday.
I know, but I . . . go. 2 cycle to work 6 eat fruit
3 use stairs, not lifts 7 use the car
4 drink beer 8 drink more water
2 Your favourite programme is on
TV tonight.
o I know, but I'm going out, so I At the doctor's
.. record it. I'm not
going out tomorrow, so I 6a Read the dialogue with a partner.
_____ . watch it then.
Doctor Good morning. What can I do for you?
Patient My throat's very sore.
3 We've got a Geography test Doctor I see. Well, I'll just have a look at it. Yes, it's very red.
tomorrow, so I ...._.. .. __
How long has it been like this?
revise this evening.
Patient About two days.
o Me too. We .. . play
Doctor Well, you've got an infection there. I'll give you a
prescription for some tablets. Take one tablet four
times a day.
4 I'm going to get a Saturday job, Patient Thank you.
then 1_______ buy more
Doctor If it isn't better in about two or three days, come back
and see me.
o But you_ . play for
Patient Thank you, Doctor. Goodbye.
the school team_ All their
Doctor Goodbye.
matches are on Saturday
morning. b 11132 Listen. Some parts of the dialogue are wrong.
Oh, that's true. I Underline the incorrect parts_
get an evening job, then.
C Listen again and correct the dialogue.
5 I bought this dress, but it's too
tight. d Read the new dialogue with a partner.
o You ... _ take it back,
then. 7 Make dialogues at the doctor's for these things.
Yes, but I ._____ . do it
today. I haven't got time.
It . .. wait till

b 11131 Listen and check your ideas.


Language in use

1 a Look at the quiz. What is it about?
In this unit, you're going to describe

lots of things. First, go to Working with

words on page 53 and practise

b Before you read the quiz, check the meaning of

~e adjective..=

these words.
( path wall crossroads 1
C Read the quiz and answer the questions.
d Compare your answers with a partner.
Unit 5 Grammar
there's someone .. . ing
see/hear someone ... ing

2 a Turn to page 51 and check your score. Practice
b III~ Listen. Write the scores in the correct 4a Look at the picture for one minute.
b 11134 Close your book. Listen. Are the
statements true or false?
You're a real pessimist. ( )
You usually expect the - . C Compare your answers with a partner.Then
worst. This means that you usually openyourbookandcheckyouranswe~.
work very hard, because you don't
think you'll be lucky.You worry a
lot. But remember you should try
to enjoy life, too.
You're a natural optimist. ( ) .~
You always expect the ..... _ 1-".'fr"'L_~~

best. However, you are often

careless and you don't always work
hard enough, because you think
everything will be fine. Remember,
nobody is lucky all the time.

You're a realist. You're

happy most of the time,

but you know that things don't

always work out.You're usually
careful and you do enough work,
but you don't worry about things
too much.

What's the ru Ie?

There's someone .. . ing 5 Describe the picture. Write ten sentences with
3a Look at the quiz. Find a way of joining these There's / There are + ... ing.

two sentences. Example

There's a man. He's standing at the crossroads. There's a black cat watching the birds.

There are four birds sitting on the wall.

b We use this structure to describe a scene. What

form ofthe verb do we use after There's
Using your imagination
C Find three more examples of there + .. .ing in When you see or hear something, think of two
the text. Do we always use There's? or. three words in English to describe it.
2 Try to imagine a scene in English. What do you
d Translate the sentences in a and c into your say? What do other people say?
own language.

a Look at the story. What do you think the missing
words are?
b .:35, Listen and check your ideas.
We think that you two
Oh, we that Katy and Richie, isn't it? - have
~ you were fashion buyers or something like that. J - - - got real talent as _ _.
I'm afraid not. We don't have

" >.a~ything to do with designs.

call1illa jOllCS
R'I,,1\ \;ct
Itz C}\1'W~
leIs r'o r '(1,'111)11 sl1 ,
rop.el llS' ",0'
1I1aSazitles, etc.
i .\\\01\ \'.as\ susse" \;",1 '2.1''1
(, f'cOC\\ SHeet. 1\' \\ 73 \\39 011
Tel: 01'2.73 \\39 010 Fo~: 01'2.
Not at all, Richie.
e.llloil: calwal\..-@OI\\\lle.cOIl\
Anyway, here's our . If you're
interested, give us a ring or just call
UnitS in and see us.

2 Which of these statements about Camilla and Expressing regret

Ryan are true?

1 Dan has met them before.

5 a Read the story again and complete this
2 They watched the fashion show.
3 They are interested in Mel's designs.
Rich So, are you looking for new designers?
4 They work for a department store.
5 They run a model agency.
Mel Oh. we thought that you were fashion
6 They provide models for fashion magazines.
buyers or something like that.
7 They call Rich 'Richie'.
8 They want to talk to Katy and Rich.

b Use the expressions in a. Respond to these

questions. Give a reason, if possible.
Everyday expressions Example

3 a What does etc. (et cetera) mean? Find two

ways of saying etc. in the story.

b Match the expressions to their meanings.

00. donQ Gony I

1 What do you think of ... ?

2 Give us a ring.

3 Call in and see us.

4 top-class

Phone us.

Do you like ... ?

o Do you know what the time is, please'?

the best

Come to our office.

Have you got any change for the phone, please'?

C How do you say these two expressions in your


We don't have anything to do with designs.

What's that got to do with us?

4 a Work in a group of four. Act out the story.

b What do you think Katy and Rich will do?
How do you think Mel feels?

C Continue the conversation after Camilla

and Ryan leave.

G TlIs l./tfllT
1 Read what Katy says and discuss her questions.
2 What is the man's name? What is happening in
each picture?
u[}{] EE [L D em[}{]u
[B Then he left the room and wCllked back along the [J!J In the middle of the room, there was a small, blue circle.
corridor. Soon he was walking on the soft, invisible Peter could hear a voice in his head saying something.
thing again. Behind him he saw the corridor He couldn't understand it. but he knew that he had to
disappearing into the trees. He got into the car. Peter stand on the circle. He walked to the circle. Then he felt a
suddenly felt very tired and he closed his eyes. kind of energy moving through his body. It started at his
head and moved slowly down to his feet. It felt strange,
[]!] suddenly, as he was getting the map, he saw a bright but it didn't hurt.
light coming towards him. He thought it was an
aeroplane. The light came closer and closer until it [I.!J When he woke up, there was a bright light all around
filled the sky. Then Peter felt the car spinning. It was him. He heard someone talking.
turning round and round very fast. 'Are you all right, sir?'
'pardon: said Peter and he opened his eyes. He saw a
[::0 'Goodnight,' said peter, and he watched the policeman looking through the window. He was shining
policeman walking back to his car. a torch into the car.
'That was strange: he thought. 'very strange: 'Are you all right, sir?' said the policeman again.
He tried to start the car, but the key wasn't there. 'Yes, yes. J'm fine: said Peter. 'I think I fell asleep.'
Then he realized that he was sitting in the back seat! 'OK, sir. Goodnight: said the policeman.

3 a Read the paragraphs and number them in the 4 Answer these questions.
correct order. 1 Where was Peter going?
2 Why did he stop?
b . 3 6 Listen to the story. Check your order.
3 Why did Peter get out of the car?
4 Where was the car?
5 Where did Peter go?
6 What happened there?
7 What did Peter see when he woke up?
8 How did he know that something strange

5 a Do you believe the story? Give your reasons.

b Do you know any other strange stories?
Tell the class.

see/hear someone ... ;ng

6 a Join these two sentences to make one

He saw a bright light. The bright light was

=r:II Peter looked Clrouncl. There was Cl light shining through coming towards him.

the trees. He wClnted to get back in the car, but he felt

something pulling him towClrds the fight. A few
seconds IClter, he was walking along a long, metal Check your sentence in paragraph b of the

corridor. He came to a door. It WQS open. He wCllked story.

through the door into Cl room.

b Look at these halves of sentences. What do
=r!J It was October 1998 and Peter Robbins WClS driving to you notice about the meaning of the verbs?

Garstang, a small town in the north of England. The

night was cold and dark. Peter wClsn't sure about the 1 Then Peter felt the car

road, so he stopped to look Clt the map. 2 He heard someone

3 He saw a policeman .

ffiI Finally, the CClr stopped turning. Peter felt sick. He 4 ... he watched the policeman ..........

opened the door and got out. When he looked down,

he couldn't believe his eyes. He WClS thirty metres up in
C Find the sentences in the text and complete
the air and he was stClnding on something soft and
invisible. It was like standing on a bed. them. What form of the verb do we use?

d Translate the sentences into your own


e Find some more examples in the story.

oq:Z e t
.. q :0 e
/-:J:~ L O q:Z e
O:J :/- q :~ e 9 ~ q:O e ~
OP:/-:J:/-q:oe 9 OP.'/-:J'Oq:p: /

Listening and speaking Improve your writing
1 a l1li37 Listen carefully. You are going to hear a story in sounds. A story
3 a Look at the story on page 50.
Find these words.
dar\<. cold \f\e\a\
blue long
b What do the words describe?
Which adjective comes first?
C Put these words in the correct
1 nose red big a
2 brown short hair
3 man a fair tall
4 dark a night warm
5 eyes grey cold
4 a Think about the sound story.
What things can you describe
in it? What adjectives can you
the scene: dark, cold, windy,
b Look at this list of verbs. Which sounds did you hear? the visitor:
Example b Use the verbs in Listening 1b.
I heard the wind blowing. Write the story. Describe as
I didn't hear anyone crying. much as possible.
dark night and the
It was a cold,
wind was blowing ...
o blow o cry o sing o walk
o play Dring o knock o shout
~ o bark o open o say o fall
iI o scream o drive o run o cough I,
o laugh o shoot o yawn o whistle ,.T~~~.:a.~'f'~
II '. ".'. ~-l _ ...... _~ __ "'. ~~~ -' ... - ~-: .''::-~.''--..~:'- . .;. . ' : " - ' . ~~.'~!~-

, How well do you think you

know this unit?
C Listen again and check your ideas. ,\1", \'11" ,\W,
lQ) ~ ~
2 What do you think happens in the story?
CD Unit 5
. . ~ ,

Adjectives 3 a Look at these words. Put them in the correct

column in the table.
1a Look at the adjectives. Write the opposites.
great nice
amazing boring
delicious gorgeous

normal tall horrible interesting

terrible wonderful

good-looking fast
great terrible

old intelligent
b Can you add any more words to the list?
C Think of something or someone that you
can describe with each word.
thick Example

I think my fri.~nd is great.

sate 4 Look at the pictures. Describe the hair of

people in your class.

b Can you think of any words with similar 1 short 2 long

meanings to the words in your list?
dark brown
Example curly straight
large - big
small - little

2 Work with a partner. How many adjectives can

you think of to describe these things?

_I "'"
_p..._c.o_u_n_tr_~ animal
3 medium-length

2 a 11138 Read and listen to the text. Which of these
things are true about Mandy's life now?
-li.i 1 She wears designer clothes.
2 People ask for her autograph.
3 She lives in a flat.
;. 4 She goes to lots of parties.
5 She's a singer.
Language in use 6 She works for a travel company.
7 She appears on TV.
1 look at the text.
8 She's happy.
1 Who is the woman in the pictures?
2 What is the article about l b Describe Mandy's life in 1996 and her life now.
3 What is a 'one-hit wonder'?
For a few months in
1996, Mandy Page
was the biggest thing
in pop music, Her nrst
record, Dancing
Shoes, was a big hit.
It reached number
three in the charts.
Interviewer Mandy
She appeared on TV
that. I made a lot of
What has life been like No, I haven't done
and every magazine
money and I went to
since 1996? anything in the music
wanted to interview parties all the time.
world. I work for a travel
her. Her fame didn't Mandy
company now. I've worked
last, however, and by Interviewer
It has been very
there for three years.
Why did it all go wrong?
different. The big house,
the end of the year
the fast cars and the Interviewer
she was just another Mandy

designer clothes have How do you feel about

'one-hit wonder', Well, I made a second

gone. I live in a flat in your experience? Have

record, but it wasn't very

Interviewer Birmingham now. I drive a you got any regrets?

successful. Then my

What was life like in small car and I buy

manager, Bruno Watkins,
1996, Mandy? ordinary clothes. Nobody
lost most of my money in
No. 1996 was the best
has recognized me in the
Mandy a casino. After that
year of my life. The fame
street for a long time.
It was fantastic. People everything changed. All
was great while it lasted,
recognized me in the my new friends
Interviewer but I've made a new life
street and fans asked disappeared and nobody
Have you made any more now and I'm happy.
for my autograph. I loved wanted to interview me.
records since 1996?

Unit 6 Grammar
Present perfect and
past simple

What's the rule? Practice
Present perfect and past simple 4 Compare Mandy's life in 1996 and her life since then. Use the
pictures and the verbs in brackets.
3a Complete these two dialogues
from the text. Example

In 1996 she lived in London.

Interviewer What... life

Since 1996 she hasn't lived in London. She's lived in Birmingham.

like in 1996, Mandy?

Mandy I t . _ fantastic
2 Interviewer What mm __ life
........................ like since 1996?

Mandy It o

very different.

b What are the two tenses in the

dialogues? (l (have)

C Translate the dialogues. What

tense(s) do you use in your

a (appear)

d Look at the text. Find more

examples of each tense. Which


o (drivel

tense do we use to talk about
1 a time that ended in the past!
2 the time that comes up to the

e Complete this diagram with the

names of the two tenses.
t) (wear)

in 1996
since 1996
~l I
~ (ask)

5a Last December, Jack and Alice won the lottery.

How do you think their life has changed?

Learning takes time Example

Until last December they always ate at
The use of the present perfect home
and the past simple can be one Since last December they have eaten
of the most difficult things to in a different restaurant every day.
learn in English. Don't worry.
Practise the tenses as much as b Work in a group of three.
possible and gradually you will Interview Jack and Alice about
learn how to use them properly. their life before they won the
lottery and their life since they

Unit6 CD
The big time?
1 a Who is in each picture? Where are they?
What are they doing?
b .~91 Read and listen to the story.
D ~
Camilla Have you ever been to Barbados,


Rich No, I haven't. I've never been abroad.

Camilla Our models go to some wonderful

places - New York, Thailand, Australia. And they

usually travel first class, too.

Rich Cool!
Rich Hi.

Camilla Well, just come into my office now and

Dan At last! You were supposed to be here at 7.30.

I'll take down some details.

Rich Sorry. Where's Mel?

Katy She's gone to the 100.

Dan Anyway, where have you been?

Rich I've been to that model agency. They don't just do


rlj \loll, L 'LI ' l \ fashion models, you know. They send your photos to film

companies and TV stations, too.

Dan And do they do all that for free?

Rich Well, no. You have to pay a joining fee and you pay

for the photographs, too.

Katy How much?

Rich 200, but they take real professional photos

and send them to lots of places. Some of their

models have become film stars.

Dan Oh, get real, Rich. Or is it Richie now? You must

be mad to believe things like that.

Katy What do your mum and dad think of it?

Rich I haven't told them yet.

Katy Well, I don't believe it. You didn't want to be a

model before.

Dan Yes, we had to twist your arm to do Mel's

This is different.

It's the big time. It isn't just a

little local Show with a lot of sad,

amateur designs.


2 Read the story again. Are these statements true or Talking about experiences

1Rich hasn't been to the USA

been and gone
2Mel is playing table tennis.
6 a Read the sentences and answer the questions.
3Rich has given the agency 200.

4The agency has taken some photos of Rich.

5Rich's parents went to the agency with him.

6 Dan thinks Rich is making a mistake.

7 Rich knows that Mel is standing behind him.

Is she still
8 Mel hears what Rich says.

3 Who uses these words in the story? Who or what

are they describing?

wonderful professional
cool little
mad Is he still

Everyday expressions
b What is the difference between been and gone?
4 a Find words or expressions in the story that
C Describe these situations.
mean the same as these.

1 it doesn't cost anything

7 Peter's gone swimming.

2 the toilet
2 We've been to Prague.

3 not professional
4 money that you pay to join something At two o'clock Peter went swimming. He's still
5 not very good at the swimming pool.
2 Last week we went to Prague, but we're back
b Match the two parts of the expressions.
home now.
3 I went to school today, but I'm at home now.
1 I'll take down big time.
4 Ken and Sara went to the supermarket two
2 You were supposed be mad.
hours ago They're still there.
3 Get twist your arm.
5 Mary went skiing on Friday. She hasn't come
4 You must some details.
home yet.
5 We had to real.
6 Last week I went to see my aunt and uncle,
6 It's the to be here at 730.
but I'm at home again now.
7 This morning Bob went shopping, but he's at
home now.
C How do you say these things in your language?
S At half past five Katy went to the sports centre,
and she's playing table tennis there at the
5 a Work in a group of four. Act out the story. moment.

b Discuss these questions.

How does everyone feel at the end of the
2 What do you think about Rich?
3 What do you think happens next?

1 Look at the pictures. What is the text abOU~?,,-~~rig:C?r~~nr~;_~~_:~_~:~~~=~==- .__
W'*,"' .., ....i,&."~;,
Have you ever done anything really dangerous?
Nick Gillard and Wendy Leech have. Nick has
walked through over a hundred fires. He walked
through a fire for two minutes in 1992. Wendy has
fallen from several buildings. In 1978, she fell from
the top of a skyscraper in New York.
You've probably never heard Probably the most dangerous
of Nick or Wendy, but you've stunt ever was in the film
probably seen them, because Cliffhanger. The stuntman,
they've been in a lot of Simon Crane, moved from
famous films, including Alien, one aeroplane to another
Superman, Star Wars and the while they were flying at
Indiana Jones films. You nearly five thousand metres.
haven't heard of them That was also the most
because they are stunt actors. expensive stunt ever. It cost a
Most film stars don't want to million dollars.
do the dangerous things in
Dick Portman is a stunt actor.
films, so stuntmen and
He's only twenty-five years
stuntwomen do them. Nick
old, so he hasn't been in a lot
Gillard and Wendy Leech
of films, but he's done some
have been stunt doubles for
amazing stunts, In his last
some of the biggest movie
film, he drove a lorry down
the side of a mountain. 'It was
Not all actors and actresses terrifying,' he said, 'but the
have stunt doubles. Mel worst thing was when the ,
Gibson does his own stunts. In director said: "That was great,
his films, he has fallen off but we have to do it again.'"
motorbikes and jumped out of
Stunt work is very dangerous,
cars, helicopters and a boat.
and most stunt actors have
In Mad Max 2 he jumped out
been in hospital several
of a huge lorry when it was
times, Dick Portman has had
travelling very fast. The
a few accidents, too. He had
actress, Michelle Yeoh, also
his worst accident last year.
does her own stunts. She's
He broke his leg and twisted
been in over twenty films,
his ankle. He was in hospital
including the James Bond
for two weeks. However, Dick
film, Tomorrow Never Dies.
doesn't like to talk about it,
Michelle has done some very
because it didn't happen in a
dangerous stunts. She did her
film. He was playing with his
most dangerous stunt in the
younger brother and fell
film Police Story 3, when she
rode a motorbike along the
.... 17 1 ,;
top of a train.

2 a 11140 Read the text and match these names to Improve your writing
the pictures.
Shortening sentences
Nick Gillard Wendy Leech Mel Gibson
Michelle Yeah Simon Crane Dick Portman 6 a Find these sentences in the Stunts text. Which
words are missing?

b Read the text again. Find information about 1 He broke his leg and he twisted his ankle.

each ofthe stunts in the pictures. When did the 2 In his films he has fallen off motorbikes and he

people do them?What was the film? has jumped out of cars, helicopters and a boat.

b Why are the words missing?Why doesn't it

3 Answer these questions.
change the meaning?
1 What is a stunt double?
2 How many times has Nick Gillard walked through
a fire?
7 Shorten these sentences.
3 Why are Mel Gibson and Michelle Yeoh different 1 He did the stunt but he had to do it again.
from other film stars? 2 We've been to the shops and we've bought a
4 How much did the Cliffhanger stunt cost? video.
5 How did Dick Portman feel about the lorry stunt? 3 The lorry was rolling down the mountain and it
6 Why doesn't Dick Portman like to talk about his was going very fast.
worst accident? 4 Michelle can ride a motorbike and she can fly a
4 Describe some good stunts you have seen in films 5 The stuntmen are checking the ropes, and they
or TV programmes. are getting ready to jump.
6 Nick has had some bad accidents, and he has
spent a long time in hospital.
7 Would you like to be a stunt double and would you
like to work in films?
Present perfect and past simple 8 Do people recognize you in the street and do they
ask for your autograph?
5 a Complete these sentences from the text.
Michelle some very 8 Write a magazine article about a pop or film star.
dangerous stunts. Remember to shorten sentences where possible.
2 She her most dangerous Your article should have these paragraphs.
stunt in the film Police Story 3.
3 Dick Portman . ................................H .. a few
4 He. his worst accident last
., . ..... ., .,


b Which tense do we use

when there is a past time reference
(a date /a film/an event)?
when there is no past time reference?

C Look at your answers to 2b. Say what the

people have done and when they did it.
Nick Gillard has walked through a fire. In
1992, he walked through a fire for two

Listening and speaking 3 _41 Listen to part 2 and answer these
1a What is your favourite game show on TV? What do 1 Which contestant decides to gamble?
contestants have to do? 2 What letter does he I she choose?
3 How does he I she choose it?
b Look at the picture. What is the name of the show?What 4 What will he I she have to do in the
do you think the contestants have to do? final round?
4 a Discuss these questions.
1 What answers would you give?
2 Do you think the contestant wins I
b _41 Listen to part 3 and check your
Game show expressions
5 Match the two parts ofthe
expressi 0 ns.
1 the final prize
2 tonight's star the wheel
3 a holiday the money
4 double a letter
5 spin with the letter ...
6 choose round
7 beginning ten seconds left
8 You've got for two
9 take your money
2a _'41 Listen to part 1 and answer these questions.
What are the missing surnames? Match these to the
correct people. mJ] .1_ ~
West Jones Hemmings King
2 How much has each contestant won so far? How well do you think you know this
10,000 3,000 50,000 8,000 15,000 unit?
3 What is the prize in the final round? \"'" ",u, \,\."
4 What happens if they lose I ~ ~ CQ)
b Listen again and check your ideas.
CD Unit6

Famoua people C Work with a partner. Give

an example for each kind of
1 a Think of some famous people from your country. Why are person.
they famous? Example
a film director - Steven
b 11142 Here are some kinds of famous people. Listen and Spielberg
repeat the words.
2 What things do you associate
with famous people?

They have a lot of money.

People recognize them in the


Nouna and adjectivea

1 a film director 2 a politician 3 a sportsperson
3 a Use your dictionary. Find
the adjectives to complete
the table.

noun adjective

1 fame famous
2 luck
3 beauty
4 good looks
4 an actor 5 an actress 6 a criminal 5 success
6 happiness
7 danger
8 freedom

b Can you add any more

pairs to the list?

C How do you feel about the

things in the table? Use the
words in sentences of your
7 a game show host 8 a DJ 9 a comedian

I'd like to be famous.

I don't think fame is


10 a dancer 11 a singer 12 a newsreader


1 What do you know about Australia? Write down 2 .~1 Read the text. Check your ideas.
two things about
the people. the climate.
the animals. the cities
A ustralia is the sixth largest
J-\. country in the world. The climate in Australia is usually very warm, so A lot of Australia's
However, less than 20 million Australians love sport and other outdoor animals, like the
people live there. The first activities. Swimming, scuba-diving, surfing, kangaroo, the koala
people in Australia were the rugby and cricket are all very popular. and the platypus are
Aborigines, but today they are unique. Australia also
only 1.5% of all Australians. has some very
Most of the people are poisonous snakes and
descendants of British spiders. At school
settlers. In recent years a children have to learn
lot of people have first aid for snake and
come from other spider bites. Along the
north-east coast is the
European countries
Great Barrier Reef.
and from
This is the largest
WESTERN coral reef in the world.
The largest city is
Sydney with its
famous Harbour
Bridge and Opera
House. The 2000
Olympics were held
in Sydney.
Sydney isn't the
capital of Australia.
The capital is
Most Australians live in the south The children on these farms can't Australia is a rich country. Its
east corner between Sydney and go to school because the nearest farms produce meat, fruit,
Melbourne. This is because 90% of town is too far away. They study at vegetables, wool, cereals and wine.
the country is very dry. Australians home and they talk to their teacher There are a lot of mines, too. They
call this dry area 'the outback'. by radio. There is also a 'flying produce gold, silver, iron,
There are some huge farms here doctor' service where the doctor diamonds, copper and many more
with millions of sheep and cattle. comes to you by plane. things.
CD Extension 3
- .


( Choose one of the following projects. ) 1 a 11144 Listen to the song.

b Complete it with these words.

~~e~~ see takes fly top know tight Baby

free heaven enough forget together

Do a proje,c.t about the, paranorma\.

C Listen again and check your ideas.
1 C-noo~ a topiG 'buGn alb 9'nO'bt'b or LlfO'b.
2 fina 'bome. 'btorie.'b about iour topiG. Write. tne.m 2 a What does the singer want? Why does she
o.olNn. think she will get it?
3 Do a wrve.i. p.,.'b~ pWj>\e. tne.'be. que.'btion'b.
b Find all the expressions to do with being
Do iOU be.\ in 9no 'bt'b/LlfO'b? famous.
\-\ave. i OU 'be.e.n a gno'bt/L1fO?
Write. about tne. re.'bu\t'b of i our wrve.i
y you look at me

d tell me what you 1

u ain't seen the best of me yet.

~E::::::I@z:::::.:a __ ve me time I'll make you 2

e got more than you

d you can set it 3 . .

Write, the, biography of a pop, sports an catch the moon in my hand.

or film star. on'tyou 4 who I am?

1 CoHut 'bOme. information about the. pe.r>on. emember my name.


2 U>e the information to write. a magaz.ine artide Yo

m gonna live forever.

Gan write it a> a te~t or a> an interview. . u

m gonna learn how to 5

3 IHu>trate your artide with 'bOme picture>. igh!

feel it coming 6
People will see me and cry
I'm gonna make it to 7 . . . ~
Light up the sky like a flame. /'P;/" .
Ma\(e, 'iour o~n 9ame, sho~ \i\(e, Fame!
I'm gonna live forever. /'
;;? ~
Wheel of Fortune. .. , remember my name. '
1 Wor\::. in a group of four. One. pe.r>on i'b t'ne aby, you hold me 9
pre.'bent e-r, t Ilv
l~~ otne-r tnre-e- are- wnte-'btant'b. 1V\a\::.e. 'Cos you can make it right.
f n
'bUre 'lou a\\ unae.r'btana tne. ru\e.'b 0 t e. game-. You can shoot me straight to the 10
Give me love and take all I've got.
2 1rie. wnte.'btant'b de.Gide- 0(\ tneir ide-(\tit'(: name., ~ge., Baby, I'll return.
b \'-I' tne-i \ive-, e-tG. W\1i\e. t\1e.'l are. aO\(\g t I~:
..10 , t ue.'btio(\'b to alb\::. tIle Too much is not II .
t'ne- pre-'be.nte-r \'-Ior\::.'b ou 'bome. q
can ride your heart till it breaks.

, I've got what it 12 .

3 ~t out 'lour >\10\'-1. Or iOU Gan re-wrd it.

Extension 3
l!lI~ I can eee somebody .. .ing
Plan your revision
2 Work with a partner.
It's a good idea to plan your revision.
1 Make a list of the things that you have to Student A Give Student B one of these words or
revise. expressions.
2 Work out how much time you've got. a robbery spring
3 Make a timetable. Revise one or two things a rock concert happiness
each day. Give most time to the difficult things. snow school
4 Leave time at the end to look over everything Student B Close your eyes. Describe what you can
again. see or hear.
There'$ somebody .. . ing A A rock concert.
B I can hear a woman singing. I can see two men
1 Describe the picture. Write ten sentences. playing guitars ...
There are two boys swimming in the lake. Past simple and present perfect
3 Complete the sentences with
the verbs in brackets. In each
pair of sentences, one of the
verbs is in the past simple and
the other is in the present
1 Jay Walker is a singer. So far he
six records. He
.......... his first record in
1999. (make)
2 Until 1999 he in Edinburgh, but
since he became famous, he ...... _... . in Los
Angeles. (live)
3 He two concert tours last year, but
he any tours so far this year.
(do/not do)
4 He likes travelling. Before 1999, he always
economy class, but since then he
first class. (fly)
5 He on TV several times. He
on the Patterson show last week.
6 His parents him for over a year now.
His brother him in Los Angeles two
months ago. (not see/see)
7 When he first started, he with a
band called Club, but he with them
for a long time now. (play/not play)
8 Jay a lot of songs, too. He
......... .. his first song when he was still at
school. (write)
CD Revision3
Your life

4 Write sentences about your life with these

expressions. Use the past simple and the present

1 I went bowling on Saturday afternoon.

2 I haven't eaten anything since 8.30 this morning.

1 on Saturday afternoon

2 since 8.30 this morning

Have you ever ........_....__....

3 since Saturday
to Australia?

4 yesterday

5 last week

6 up till now

7 never

b . 4 5 Listen and check your dialogues.

8 last night

9 in August

10 for more than two years Dialogues

Vocabulary 7 a Read these dialogues with a partner.

1 Are you ready?
5 a Choose a person. It can be
o Yes. I've been here since six.
someone famous.

one of your teachers.

Where's Harry?
someone in your class.
someone in this book.
o He's gone to the 100.
b Work with a partner. Describe the person. Your
partner must guess who it is. Describe Here he is.
their appearance.
o Come on. We're waiting.
their clothes.
their personality
how you feel about the person. 2 Who's that boy?

o I've never seen him before.

I saw him in the gym.
6 a Complete these dialogues with been or gone.

Was he with Dave?

o Is Katy in?


o Well, he's coming to talk to us.

b .46 Some parts of the dialogues are missing.

Listen. What are the missing parts?
No, Liam's .. __._ ..
swimming and Bella's . C Read the new dialogues with your partner.
see her grandparents.

Revision3 CD

Language in use
1 a Look at this traditional African story. What are
the three animals?
b IIIt41J Read and listen to the story. Number the
pictures in the correct order.
2 What is the moral of the story?
ne day an antelope and a monkey were 'That's no good,' said his friend. 'I won't be
O walking along. able to run very fast if you're on my back.'
'I feel tired,' said the monkey. 'It's easier for All the time the lion was getting closer. The
you. You've got long legs. Mine are very short.' monkey looked up. 'I know,' he said. 'He won't
'If you climb on my back, I'll carry you,' said get us if we climb this tree.'
the antelope. 'But I can't climb trees,' said the antelope.
'Thank you,' said the monkey. 'I can,' said the monkey, and he jumped up
'Don't mention it, my friend,' said the into the tree. The lion was very close.
antelope. 'I know that if I need anything, you'll 'I can't run away now,' thought the antelope.
help me.' So he lay down on the ground and pretended to
'Of course,' said the monkey and climbed be dead.
onto the antelope's back. The lion came to the tree. He looked up and
The two friends walked on till they came to a saw the monkey sitting on a branch. Then he
tree. The monkey jumped down and they both walked up to the antelope. He bent down and
sat down in the shade. While they were sitting sniffed the antelope's ear for a few moments.
there, however, they saw a lion coming towards He didn't eat the antelope, however.
them. When the lion was gone, the monkey came
'Oh no,' said the monkey. 'If that lion catches down the tree and the antelope stood up.
us, he'll eat us.' 'Phew,' said the monkey. 'That was scary, but
'Perhaps he's already had his dinner,' said what was the lion doing? I saw him sniffing your
the antelope. 'lfhe isn't hungry, he'll leave us ear.'
alone.' 'He was talking to me,' said the antelope.
'Yes, but we don't know if he's hungry or 'Really?' said the monkey. 'What did he say?'
not,' said the monkey. 'Quick. I'll get on your 'He said, "You should choose your friends
back again and we can escape.' more carefully!" ,
I~ ~ ~ :~ ~ ~

CD Unit 7

What'e the rule? 5 The story of the monkey and the antelope is a
'fable', Do you know any fables from your
First conditional country?

3 a Complete this sentence from the story. 6 a Look at the pictures. What is happening in each
If that lion. . _... us, he us. one?

c....................... clause) c.. .... clause)

b Use the pictures to give people advice.
We call this a 'conditional' sentence. It has got 1 If you don't wear shoes, you'll hurt your feet.
two parts: a main clause and an ifclause. Label 2 If you ride your bike too fast, you'll have an
the clauses in the sentence, accident.

b Look at these sentences from the story. Which

clause is missing? Complete the sentences.
1........... , I'll carry you.
2 If he isn't hungry,......... .........

C What tense do we use in each clause?

d Translate the sentences in a and b. What tenses

do you use in your language?

e Find more first conditional sentences in the


4 Complete what the antelope is thinking. Put the
verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
If I try to run away; the lion will catch me.
If I... to run away, the lion..... me. (try /
2 If I to be dead, perhaps he me
alone. (pretend/leave)
3 If the lion hungry, he me. (be/eat)
4 If the monkey "..... in the tree, the lion
get him. (stay / not be able to)
5 If the lion me, the monkey __ me.
(attack/not help)
6 If the lion ..... me, I...... everyone about that
selfish monkey. (not eat/tell)
7 If that monkey tired in future, 1 .. _.. __. him.
(feelj not help)
8 If I help, I . . the monkey. (need/not

Unit 7 CD
1a What happened in the last episode? b .~48 Read and listen to this episode.
Why is Rich angry at the end?
Hi, Katy. Are you on your own?
Katy Yes, Mel's gone home. She wants to ring round some
fashion magazines, she said.
Dan Why?
Katy I don't know. She didn't say.
Dan Perhaps she wants to show Rich that her designs aren't Rich Hi, you two. I can't stop. I'm going
'sad'. to the bank.
Katy Maybe. She was very upset yesterday. Katy Hold on a minute, Rich. Are you
Dan Yes, Rich really put his foot in it. I was very annoyed getting out the money for that model
with him. agency?
Katy So was I. And I'm sure he's making a big mistake. Rich Yes, I'm going to see about my
Dan Yes, I don't know why, but I don't trust those people at photos tomorrow.
the model agency. Dan Oh, come on, Rich. They're ripping
Katy Nor do I, but what can we do? you off.
Rich Oh, yes. And what do you

know about it?

Dan I know it doesn't cost

200 to take a few photographs.

Rich I don't believe this. Is this

because of Mel?

Katy No, we just think you're

throwing your money away.

Dan We're trying to help you,


Rich No, you aren't. You're just

jealous. I'm going to do

something really exciting and

you don't like it.

Unit 7
SVE,RYDAY SHtillS" _ _,

2 Complete the sentences with the correct subjects. C Match the sentences to the responses.
1 has gone home.
said that Mel's designs were 'sad'.
was very upset yesterday.
o Rich is 15 years old.

4 were annoyed with Rich.

5 don't trust Camilla and Ryan.

6 . is going to the bank.

7..... thinks his friends are jealous.

I've been abroad.

3 a Discuss these questions.
1 Do you think Dan and Katy are right?
2 What can they do?

~ I ca,'t5wim ~
3 Should they tell Rich's parents?
4 What do you think Mel is doing?

b Work in a group of three. Act out the story.

Everyday expressions
(1 We went out on Saturday.
4 a Find a word that Dan uses for 'friend'.

b Match the two parts of the expressions.

1 Rich really put a minute. o [don't like coffee.

2 I can't see.
3 Hold on you off.
4 They're ripping stop.
5 You're just his foot in it
6 You'll jealous. Q I wasn't at school yesterday.

C How do you say these things in your language?

Agreeing 6 Work with a partner. Make dialogues.

A Make a statement.
5a Look at the story again and complete these
B Agree or disagree
Use these expressions.
1 Dan I was very annoyed with him.

Katy .
I'm ... I like .
2 Dan I don't trust those people at the model I don't like I can't .
agency. I can ... I've ...
Katy I haven't ... I was ...

b To agree with someone we use

So I'm very tarr.
+ an auxiliary verb + I. o So am I.!l'm not.

When do we use So? When do we use Nor?


Working things out
In this text you will see some new words. Don't Pitstop A

try to find them in a dictionary immediately. Try

to work out the meaning. The picture will help.
ere we are at the Grand Prix, and the
racing cars are going round the track at
Reading H 300 kilometres an hour. One of the
drivers comes into the pits. Eight seconds later,
1 Look quickly at the main text. Find this the car is on the track again. Count eight
seconds. It isn't very long, but in that time the
1 What is a pitstop?
pitstop team have lifted the car, changed all the
2 What happens there?
wheels, put new fuel in and lowered the car
3 How long should it take?
4 Why is the time important?

Up to twenty people do something with the car

2 a Look at the picture. What do you think each in those eight seconds. Everybody has to work
person is doing? very fast, and they have to work together as a
team. The teams practise again and again. If
b .149 Read the texts in the boxes. Match them they can save some time, it will help the driver.
to the correct people A-F. Just half a second can win or lose a race.
Working out new words
3a Match these things with numbers 1-8 in the

a racing car the sign

a pump a jack

a fire extinguisher the hose

a wheel gun a helmet

b Match the verbs to the arrows.

1 _ lift 2

lower =
C How did you work out the meanings of the
words? What clues did you use?
4 a Which ofthe jobs do you think is
the easiest? the heaviest?
the most dangerous? the most important?
b Give your reasons .
Unit 7

1 When the driver comes into 2 One person holds a sign in 3 There's a man at each end of
the pits, he has to stop in the front of the driver. On one side of the car with a lack. When the car
exact place. If he misses it by the sign it says 'Brakes on' and on stops, they put the jocks under the
even a metre, he will lose time. the other side it says 'Go'. The cor and lift it. As soon as all the
driver and the person with the sign fuel is in, they lower the car again
can tolk to each other by radio. and remove the jacks.

6 There are two people with fire

extinguishers. One stands at the
front of the car and one stands at
the back. Fire is a big danger. If
4 There are three people for 5 Three people put fuel in the
some of the fuel falls on the hot
each wheel. They have to change car. The fuel goes in at nine litres
engine, it will catch fire. This
the wheel in less than five a second. Two people hold the
happened to Jos Verstappen's car
seconds. One man uses the wheel hose. They always wear helmets.
in the German Grand Prix in
gun, one man takes the old wheel The third person stands next to the
1994. In a second, Verstappen's
off, and the third man puts the pump. If there is an emergency,
car was a huge ball of fire.
new wheel on. he will stop the pump.
luckily, the driver escaped.

Unit 7
Listening and speaking Practise your writing
1 a .i~\ Listen to the dialogues. Connect the red News An e-mail
boxes to the correct yellow Responses boxes.
4 Look at Dan's e-mail to his cousin. What
Giving news is it about?
I'm taking my driving test.
I'm in a swimming competition.

Dear Suzie, II
I've got an interview for a job.
[ongratulationS! I was really glad to I
We've got an important match.
hear that you passed your driuing test. I'!
Rre you going to get your own car? I
I'm working uery hard at the moment.
2 3 We'ue got eHams neHt week.
I passed. I failed.

I came second. I came last.

BYe fo.r now.

I got the job. I didn't get it.


We won. We lost.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b
~ lj
Responding to news 5 Write Suzie's reply to Dan. Use this

a b
Congratulations. Never mind. In your e-mail,
Well done. That's a pity. thank Dan for his e-mail.
That's good news. Better luck next time. tell him whether you're going to buy a
I'm glad to hear that. I'm sorry to hear that. car.
wish him luck in his exams.
Good luck.
6 You've received an e-mail from a friend.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
He/she had an interview for a Saturday
job but didn't get it. Write a reply. Add
I hope you I win. some of your own news.
get it.
b Listen again. Which expressions do the people use?
Write the dialogue numbers next to the expressions.
C Complete these expressions.
Asking about news
1 How did it ?
2 How it?
3 How did you m
4 you pass/win/get it?
1UlJl;.1E :.u.Ii;
2 Recreate the dialogues. Work with a partner. Use your How well do you think you know this
answers to 1b and 1e. unit?
,,'tlr ",", ,\Ph
3 Make new dialogues. Use the expressions from 1a and 1e. <cJ \l iQ)
Unit 7

Verbs Phrasal verbs

1 Work with a partner. Look at the table. How 4a Many English verbs have got two parts-
many verbs can you think of for each group in a verb and a preposition or adverb. We call
two minutes? these phrasal verbs
movement senses food


2a Match the opposites. sit down throwaway get up

stop - start b Translate the verbs into your own language.
Can you think of any others?
put on
stop stand C Match the verbs to the pictures.

win open
o o
lose 1 look up

come arrive
2 look down
pick up
3 look back
take off go

d Be careful. With some phrasal verbs we
put down can't tell the meaning from the two parts.
sit give Look at the pictures. What do these phrasal
verbs mean?
leave close -----
start look after look out
b Choose six of the verbs. Make a sentence Our neighbours are
for each one. on holiday. I'm looking
after their dog.
3 Think of as many objects as possible for these
write + a letter

a story

an e-mail

your name

1 write 5 clean

2 have 6 get

3 ride 7 read

4 make 8 take

o Til. O~.ANS

Language in use
1a What can you see in the pictures?
b IIIs1 Match the texts to the correct pictures.
2 Answer these questions.
1 Why is Earth sometimes called 'The Blue Planet'?
2 What do ocean currents do)
3 Why is Europe warmer than North America in
4 Which form of transport carries most of the
world's goods?
!l[]{][ @CS[IJJ[j(J~
5 How are most fish caught?
f (f --
/- -----
~ ~~
., ~ -----
,~ , ...-

, :' >: ...

When the Earth is seen from space, it -;:.
f!: ~",
looks blue, This is because 71 per cent
of the planet is covered by water. Most Ships transport goods across the oceans.
of it is in the four great oceans - the Trains, lorries and planes also carry a lot
Atlantic, the Pacific, the Indian Ocean of goods, but over 80 per cent are
and the Arctic Ocean. transported by ship~ 02t4~
Ocean cun'ents change the weather. We catch fish in the oceans. Over 100
These CUlTents cany warm water from million tonnes of fish are taken from the
the equator to the poles. For example, oceans every year. Most of these fish are
in the Atlantic warm water is carried 1 caught by large fishing boats with long
up the European side. The weather is nets. -~----
changed by the ocean currents.
Winters in western Europe are much Millions of people spend their holidays
warmer than on the eastern coast of .c;..~ on the beach. Every year more and more
North AmerIca, l' hotels are built on the coast.

Unit 8 Grammar
Passive voice

What's the rule? Practice
The passive voice: present 5 a Complete the texts. Put the verbs in brackets
3 a Find and complete these two sentences from into the passive voice.
the text.
For example, in the Atlantic warm water
.._ up the European side.
2 Over 100 million tonnes of fish
from the oceans every year.

b The verbs are in the passive voice. We usually

use this when the action is more important
than who or what does it. Translate the
sentences in a into your language.

C How do we make the passive? Complete the

rule. Choose from
the verb to have.
a past participle.
an -ing form.
the verb to be.

To make the passive, we use

d Find more examples of the passive in the texts.

4 a Look at these two sentences. Write passive and

active in the correct space.
1 Ocean currents change the weather.
2 The weather is changed by the ocean

b Do the two sentences mean the same thing?

C In the active sentence, find these things.

subject verb object

d Passive verbs have a(n)

subject verb (agent)

Find these in the passive sentence. What word

do we use to introduce the agent?
b 1m52 Listen and check your sentences.

6 What problems are caused by pollution in your


At the agency 2 a Look at the story. What do you think the missing
words are?
1 a What happened in the last episode?
b 1m 53 Listen and check your ideas.
b Who is in each picture? What are
they doing?
Oh, Richie.

Come in. Sorry about

the mess. We're moving

to a office.

Yes, we've got

No, I'm sorry. We're very busy at

50 many models now

the , as you can see.

that this office isn't
So are you

b' going to take the

~J ~.
photos today?

We might do them _ _
&~week- Thursday perhaps.
Have you brought the
, > ""----But we
can deal with the-- ~oo for the photographs
money and so on _ _ . We ' \ I 'f!(' and the joining _ ?
have to pay the photographer
in advance, you see.

3 Are these statements true or Everyday expressions

Rich doesn't know his friends are 5 a Complete the expressions with these words.
following him,
(spare all about here as In real)
2 Camilla is interviewing someone
when Rich arrives,
3 Camilla and Ryan are going to 1 Sorry....... the mess.

paint the office, 2."".". you can see

4 They aren't going to take the 3 """""","'""""",.. advance

photos today, 4 What are you lot doing ",_?

5 They want the money from Rich 5 They went

today, 6 I've been a """,.. idiot.

6 Rich gives Camilla the money, 7 We ... make mistakes.

4 a What do you think happens? b Match some of the expressions to these meanings.

Why are you here? before (doing something)

Look, There he is. They were very angry.

C How do you say the expressions in a in your language?

6 Work in a group of four. Act out the story.

Expressing possibility
7 a Complete these sentences from the story.
1 Careful. He .". us.
2 We. them next week.

b What does might mean? Are the actions

definite? unlikelyl possible?

C Think of things that might happen in your life this week.Tell a

partner. Think of something

b 11154 Listen and check your 1 nice. 4 terrible. 7 funny

ideas. 2 bad. 6 embarrassing. 8 strange.

3 ordinary, 5 wonderful.

C Listen again and answer these Example

questions. 1 Someone might invite me to a party.

Who are Martin Shaw and

Sally Brown?
2 Where does Rich go with
Camilla and Ryan I Using what you already know
3 What happened there? Might is a modal verb like must and should.
4 Why were Rich's parents
It's the same for all subjects.

5 Why did Mel, Dan and Katy It takes an infinitive without to.

go to the office? It has no tenses.

6 Where do they all go in the You can use must and should, so now you can use might, too!

Unit 8

1 Look at the title and the pictures. What do you 2 .,55 Read the text and answer t
think the text is about? 1 What kind of text is it?
2 What does the writer want?
3 Who or what are these 7
Boris Valentine Pazitnov Bryansk
Fred O'Regan SOB
Dear Friend
I want to teU you about Boris.
BOris is a young brown bear. He was born in winter, and like
' all bear cUbs he was blind and had no teeth. His mother was
' hibernating in her den deep inside the Russian forest. Outside
it was very cold and everything Was covered by thick snow.
Inside the den with his mother, however, Boris felt safe and
Then, when BOris was only a few weeks old, some hUnters
came. Dogs were sent into the den. Boris's mother was woken
up by the dogs. She tried to protect her cub, but When she
climbed out of the den, she Was shot by the hunters.
Every year, thousands of brown bears are hunted and killed
like this. There are only 110,000 brown bears in Russia today
and they are almost extinct in the rest of Europe. Their meat
and fur are sold for thousands of dollars, so people will
Continue to hunt them. The cubs are Usually just left to die.
Without their mothers they can't survive.
BOris, however, was lucky. He was found by One of the hunters
and taken to a bear orphanage 350 kilometres nOrth-west of
Moscow. The orphanage is run by Professor Valentine
Pazitnov. Here Boris will be looked after. He and other orphan
bears will be fed and taught how to Survive. When they are old
enough, they will be taken to a nature reserve in BrYansk,
Where they will be protected.
At the moment, only a few young bears are brought to the
orphanage, but we want to save more. That's Why I'm writing
to you now. We need money for food, transport and for people
to look after the baby bears. Boris and his friends need Your
help. Please send a donation to SOB today. Together We can
save the orphan bears.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
f>ed () (1<edCc./?
~ Unit8
Improve your writing
Definitions Organizing a text
3 Match the words in the text to their meanings.
6a Look at the leaflet about Boris.
1 the bear's hair cub Each paragraph has a topic.
2 a child with no parents Put these topics in the correct
3 killed by a gun order to match the leaflet.
4 to sleep through the 0 What will happen to Boris
winter shot now?
5 a place where animals
nature reserve 0 How typical is the problem?
are protected 0 Who is Boris?
6 money that you give orphan 0 Why is your help needed?
to help orphanage 0 What caused the problem
7 a baby bear for Boris?
8 a place where orphans
are looked after fur b Why do you think the
9 they have all died paragraphs are in this order?
a donation
10 a bear's home
7 Discuss these questions.
What effect do the pictures
2 Why is the leaflet in the form of
a letter?
3 Who is the letter addressed to?
The passive voice: past and future
4 a These sentences are in the present tense. In the letter they
are in the past or future form. Find the sentences and write 8 Think of another animal that is in
them in the spaces. danger. Write a leaflet to ask for
help to save the animal. Use the
Dogs are sent into the den. Present Boris leaflet as a model.


2 Here Boris is looked after. Present


b Whichpart ofthe verb changes to make the past and future


C Find more examples of passive sentences in the letter.

What tense is each one in?

5 Discuss these questions.

1 you feel when you read the text?

2 Would you send money to SOB? Why? Why not?

3 What other animals in the world are in danger? Why?

4 How are animals treated in your country?

Unit 8
Listening and speaking
2 a Use the words in 1. Describe the weather in
!li your country
Weather today. yesterday.
1 a Look at the table of weather symbols. Put in January. in April.
these words in the nouns column. in August. in November.
rain clouds wind b What kinds of weather do you like or dislike?
snow sun / sunshine__
-:J Why?
b Complete the adjectives column. 3 a l1li56 Listen to the weather forecasts. Which
kinds of weather are mentioned?
nouns adjectives
b Listen again. What will the weather be like in
1 ~
..... .................. cloudy

~ each part of the country? Circle the correct

weather symbols.
2 fog foggy
~ the west
3 frost _Hp______ "H.
the east
4 ice
~ 2 the north I~~,\I'~~~
/9, . . . . . .\
5 mist ----_ ...
6 _ _..M._
the south-east IIQII\::: Il~II.1
the south-west I ~'R::"II"IIQI~
7 showers showery
~ ...
_ _ H _ _ _ _ _ .HH
8 ._W _ _ H ...... _ _
3 the south-east I ~~
~ ~~ ,d,/ ~
~ ~O~ .~
~_.' /11" ~
9 I ,d '/
~O::.. I H H . . . . . . . . . . . . .
..._HH......_...... the north-west /11" 00
11.1 ~TI::..I \::: 11$1
10 a thunderstorm thundery
~ C Listen again and check your answers.
11 a storm _"____HH_
~ 4 Give the weather forecast for your country
tomorrow. See if you're right tomorrow!
12 ",,_._-_. .."-.---.-.
C Put these temperature words in the correct
( ,
t warm cool hot cold I
1111.1111. I I I ' " I I I ' . 1111. I I I ' . III..... I I I ' . 1111. 1111.
How well do you think you know this unit?
,\,u, \\Plt "w,
0 35(degrees) \b)
~ ~
~ UOltS
1 a How many words can you think of that are associated
with water? Make a list.

b Arrange your words in

a spidergram like this.

Natural feature~
0--- -=---,--.-.._

2 a Label the picture

with the words.

a forest

a continent

an ocean

the North Pole

a lake

a river

a desert

an island

a mountain

the equator

b 11157Listen and check

your ideas.


3 a Find the names of ten animals in the 'snake'.

b How many more animals do you know?

'\\aazbearbobirdqeu k bteyirtort . N'JK\t

\>{~o(\ goattcskangaroohrsna e o,sesPiderknWdolph\O\CO ~
....._---~-~-----;;;.---~ . . ~
~ --------""

1 What things do you do in the summer? 2 l1:li58 Read about a British summer, and
compare it to your country.
Summer is
in the
After a cold, grey win ter, everybody looks ganlen.
forward to summer. The days are long and
if you're lucky, the weather is nice, too.
Most families
take their
holidays in the
summer when
the children are
not at school. A
lot of people go
abroad, but
other people
spend their
holidays in
Britain. The most 1- ..,-,;;; -"'.r'r ". ',~,,:,','?i;;~'-""'';''''f:l'',
A lot of sports are played in summel-, especially popular places are Cornwall, the south coast of
cricket, golf and tennis. One of the biggest events is England, the Lake District and Scotland.
the tennis championships at Wimbledon in South A lot of tourists from other countries come to Britain
London. Every tennis player dreams of winning in summer, too. Most of them go to London. In towns
Wimbledon. in the south of England you can often see groups of
young people from other countries who have come to
Britain to learn English.
A lot of small towns and villages have a carnival. First,
there's usually a parade with people in fancy dress.
Then there's a fair where you can play games and buy A British summer isn't complete without rain. The
things. In some places, there are races and other weather is warm most of the time, but it can change
sports, too. In London, there's a very big carnival in very quickly. It can be hot and sunny one day, and
Notting Hill. Thousands of people go to it and the cool and wet the next. So you have to be ready for any
parade is very colourful. kind of weather.
Extension 4
( Choose one of these projects. ) 1a . 5 9 Listen to the song. What's it about?

b Number the lines in each verse in the

correct order.

'Nrite and ac.t a t>\a~ about 'friend~'.

C Listen aga ina nd check you r ideas.

1 I)uick the-De- thin9D. 7 2 What things is the singer looking forward to?
vJhat me-DDage- dO iOU \>Jant i our plai to have-. What things do you like to do on holiday?
vJho are- 1\1e- c.\1arac.te-rD?
'-.... .. '

vJhat \1appe-nD?
~,,~ ~
2 vJrite- iour pIal
3 N-1 out iour pial You can re-c.ord it. too. Summer Holiday / '/ '\ \ \
o No more worries for me or you
o We're all going on a summer holiday
o No more working for a week or two. \
o For a week or two. \
o Fun and laughter on our summer holiday,
o We've seen it in the movies. \
Ma"e a po~ter about an o We're going where the sea is blue. I. \
environmental problem. D Now let's see if it's true. \
1 C.hoose- your topic..

o We're going where the sun shines brightly

o Doing things they always wanted to I
2 ~o DOme re-se-arc.h to find information and
o So we're going on a summer holiday, \ ;
Illustrations. o Everybody has a summer holiday
o For me and you.
3 Design your poDte-r and write your tn,ts. o To make our dreams come true

Do a projee.t about ~ummer in ~our


1 ThinIC about the-De- thingD.

vJhat iD the- \>Je-a-the-r \iICe-?

vJhat thingD dO pe-ople- dO?

i\re- -the-re- ani Dpe-cial e-Ve-n-tD?

110\>J dO pe-ople- Dpe-nd -the-ir holidaiD?

2 vJri-te- a'oou-t-the- thin9D. \IIUDtra-te- i our te-~-t \>Ji-th


Extension 4

IDltIDJ VUl!.I.!.
First conditional
2 Use the table. Make first conditional sentences
You can't revise well if you're too tired.
about the picture.
Don't leave your revision to the last minute.
Make a revision plan and spread your revision
If the ball hits the man, he'll fall into the pool.
over several days.
2 Give yourself plenty of time and build in some A B
3 Don't work late the night before a test. Have a 1 ball/hit! man break/the sunglasses
good rest. 2 man/fall/into the pool not see/the dog
3 woman/not pay/attention cry
4 woman/trip over /dog land/on the boy
5 little girl/not be/careful fall/into the pool
1 Look at the picture. What things might happen? 6 little girl/hurt herself have/to go indoors
Example 7 blonde woman/sit down drop/the drinks
The ball might hit the man. 8 it/rain falloff /the wall
The passive voice
3 Complete the text. Put the verbs into the passive
1 A racing car (drive) into the pits.
2 Jacks. . (push) under the car
3 The car. . (lift).
4 The old wheels.... . (take off).
5 New wheels . (put on).
6 Fuel...... (pump) into the car.
7 The fuel hose . . (remove)
8 The car ' (lower) .
Ten6e6 in the pa66ive Li6tening
4 Complete these items from a local newspaper. Put 6 a 11160 Look at these dialogues. Some parts are
the verbs into the passive voice with the correct wrong. Listen and underline the incorrect parts.
b Listen again. Correct the dialogues.
1 past simple
Good evening. Here is the weather forecast for

ast week yolin Mortimer'St~~:)' tomorrow. It will be cool and cloudy in the west
L(steal). It .... ::m.. m ~se The car
'om the street outsIde hIS ho . this morning. Later, sunnier weather will move
~1 m.. (find) five days later over a .
.. m' k'l some fingerpnnts
hundred miles away. Luc I y, . heel The in from the north-east. The east will have a wet
4 ... (find) on the steenng w .
:. 5 (check) and twO

fingerpnnts .,.
day and it will be very windy. We might see
thieves 6..... (arre:;s:t)~. ......-;~~:~~~~::;.;.

some thunderstorms in the afternoon

2 future with will

2 Hi. How are you?

W~rk on the town's new sports centre

. m ..... (start) tomorrow. In the
o I'm a bit nervous. I've got an interview

first stage, a gym and changing rooms today.

m (build). These 3

Well, good luck.

(open) in September. After that'~~::~~j~~
pool and tennis courts 4
T h m
(add). later
e whole centre 5 , ~ h... ................ (finl'sh) l'n
three years' time. Hi. How did it go?

o I got it.

That's great news.

Alphabet Game
5 Agree with these statements.
1 I've got a camera.
7 Work in a group. Look at these word groups. The
2 I like motor racing.
teacher will choose a letter of the alphabet. You
3 I can't play the saxophone.
have two minutes to think of a word for each
4 I saw a good film on Saturday.
group beginning with that letter.
5 I haven't been to Australia.
1 Animals 6 Sports/activities
6 I wasn't late for school.
2 Natural features 7 Adjectives
7 I'm going to Dan's party.
-3 The weather 8 Clothes
8 I won't be at home this evening.
4 Parts of the body 9 Medical things
5 Jobs 10 Materials

Revision4 49

b 11163 Listen, check and repeat.

C What are these words?
1 I'modl/ 6 It;femdzl
2 Ibukl 7 1'0auzl1zl
3 IJ3:tl 8 Ir'Di\fI
Unit 1 4 Ikl:mozl 9 IjAl)1
5 let;;lukl 10 i'kol;;ll
The phonetic alphabet: vowels
a Match the symbols to the words. d 11164 Listen, check and repeat.
1 !AI how
2 lrel job Unit3
3 13:1 thing

4 le';)l bus
How many words?
5 laul work
a 111651 Listen to the sentences. How many
6 lu:! take
words are there in each sentence?
7 hi where
Note: short forms count as one word.
8 li:1 see
9 101 choose
I'm going out. = three words
10 lerl bag
b Listen again and write the sentences.
b 111'61 Listen, check and repeat.
C The same spelling can have different sounds. Unit4
Match the sounds to the words.
1 !r;;ll 2 13:1 3 Ii:! The letter;
a Put the words into the correct column.
bread wear hear will big thirsty girl
break leave heard night fifth sick bird
first right prize nice
4 lei 5 lerl 6 le';)l
Irl larl 13:1
d 111,62" Listen, check and repeat.
will night first
The phonetic alphabet: consonants
a Match the symbols to the words.

1 101 long

2 101 nice

3 IJI design
b 11166, Listen, check and repeat,
4 !tfl shoe

5 131 watch
C How do we normally say the letter; with these
6 letl laugh
7 Iji jumper

8 h)! your
+ ght
9 Izi another
+ consonant + e
10 lsi can
+ r + consonant(s)
11 If! thin
+ one or more consonants (except the ones
12 IkJ treasure

Unit5 Unit7
Word stress Sentence stress
a Say these words. Is the stress on the first or the a .70 In a sentence, the stress is on the words
second syllable? Mark the stressed syllable. which are most important for the general
Example meaning. Listen.
Let's go out.
o Where shall we go?
How about the cinema?
1 assistant 8 agency o Do you know what's on?
2 money 9 become Dance of the Tigers.
3 traffic 10 crooked o When does it start?
4 exit 11 remember Quarter past two.
5 guitar 12 vitamin o it's time to go then.
6 decide 13 important
7 collect 14 embarrassing b Listen again and repeat. Use the same rhythm.

b .!67 Listen, check and repeat.

Unit6 Similar words
a . 7 1 Listen. Which word do you hear?
The /'J/ sound 1 fast first 7 eat ate
a .~68' Listen. Circle the syllable with the 131 2 day die 8 now know
sound. 3 had hard 9 where were
4 watch wash 10 bag back
future picture
5 here her 11 might mate
2 tomorrow today 6 fit feet 12 won't want

3 answer

4 again

b .72 Listen and repeat the pairs.

5 little purple

6 happen fasten
7 station fashion

8 typical usual

b Listen again. Mark the stressed syllable. Which

syllable never has the stress?

C Circle the syllable with the I'JI sound in these

1 frozen 7 culture
2 normal 8 cycle
3 tonight 9 swollen
4 people 10 infection
5 letter 11 cereal
6 ago 12 expression

d . 6 9 Listen, check and repeat.



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