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Topic: Grammar Lesson Plan

Grade: 4th Grade

Level: High Beginner
Where: U.S Elementary School ESL classroom
Teacher: April Cronin

Listening/Speaking Lesson Plan

Audience: ESL Students, High Beginner, 4th grade, U.S Elementary School

Language: Giving, getting directions

Goal: Students to be able to understand, give and get directions.

Objectives: Students will be able to use common phrases in giving directions.

Materials and Equipment: Recording, Worksheet Information Gap, Worksheet of script

of recording, technology to play recording off of

Awareness raising activity
I want to read a book, where do I go to get to the library? Where is the library from
What if I told you. (use hands to display directions) Left. Right. Forward/straight. Back.
(they know this from vocab lesson?)
Now, how do I get to the library?
How could you ask someone to get to the library?
You could use, excuse me
Today we are going to learn how to give directions. How to ask for directions. And how
to follow directions.
We are going to listen to a recording of a conversation of someone asking if there is a
nearby grocery store. Pay attention to the directions given, what kinds of words they

Play recording
-Excuse me, is there a grocery store around here?
Stop. What are they asking?
Someone is asking for a nearby grocery store.
-Yes. There is one nearby.
-First, go down this street for 2 blocks.
Repeat. Go down. Go down. So this way? (walk several wrong directions until students
get it correct)
-Then, turn left at the traffic light.
Turn left. Turn. Left. (same thing)
-After that, go straight on Central Street until you get to the School.
Go straight. (start walking) Go straight until you get to. Until you get to. (stop walking)
Go straight until you get to. Repeat this with me.
-When you get to the School turn left again.
-Then, stay on Harlem Avenue for about 50 yards.
Stay on. So what are you supposed to do? Stay straight.
It's on your left, next to the McDonalds. You can't miss it!

Appropriation activity:
Repetition Drill these while pointing have students do the same
Go down
Turn left/right
Go straight...until you get to
Stay on

T: Now I will replay the conversation and fill in the gaps of the dialogue on your sheet as
you go.

-Excuse me, is there a grocery store around here?

-Yes. There is one ___________

-First, _________ this street for 2 ________

-Then, ______ ______ at the_________ _________.

-After that, _______ _______on Central Street ______ ___ ___ ____ the School.

-When you get to the School turn left again.

-Then, _____ _____ Harlem Avenue for about 50 yards.

It's on your left, _______ ___ the McDonalds. You can't miss it!

Now turn and talk with a partner, take turns being the person asking for directions and
the person giving directions. Each person must do each role once, and read through the
completed transcript. Does one pair want to read the dialogue out loud to the class?
Autonomy building activity:
Pair students up and give one student one work sheet and one student the other

Information gap activity

You are at the chapel and want directions to a place, you stop to ask for directions and
the person you ask also wants directions. Have a conversation to get and give the
directions to your partners destination. You may not show them the map, use street
names and the direction words we drilled earlier.
When you think you know where the destination is, mark it on your map. Also, if you are
confused, ask for clarification of the location. You may need to explain the location
several times, and listen to it several times. When you are completed sharing both of
the destinations, you may show your map to your partner.
Name: ___________
How do I get to

Directions: Ask your partner how to get to your given location from the chapel (blue X)
After receiving the directions, mark where you think you need to go.
You also know the location of where your partner is trying to go. Give them directions to
their destination (red circle). You may not show them the map, use street names and the
direction words we drilled earlier. Below is the question you can start the conversation
with, the image displays how a conversation may go. You will use the first one because
you do know your partners destination.

Excuse me, do you know how to get to the intramural fields? confirm
Ask if they
know where Ask for Thank and
Confirm. Yes.
the location directions farewell
Ask if they
know where Thank and
Not sure.
the location farewell.

= You are here. = La Cabana Mexican Restaurant

According to the directions given, mark the location of the intramural fields on your map.
When you are finished check your answer on your partners map.
Name: ___________
How do I get to

Directions: Ask your partner how to get to your given location from the chapel (blue X)
After receiving the directions, mark where you think you need to go.
You also know the location of where your partner is trying to go. Give them directions to
their destination (yellow circle). You may not show them the map, use street names and
the direction words we drilled earlier. Below is the question you can start the
conversation with, the image displays how a conversation may go. You will use the first
one because you do know your partners destination.

Excuse me, do you know how to get to La Cabana Mexican restaurant?

Ask if they
know Confirm. Ask for Thank and
where the Yes. directions farewell
location is
Ask if they
know where Thank and
Not sure.
the location farewell.

= You are here. = Intramural Fields

According to the directions given, mark the location of the intramural fields on your map.
When you are finished check your answer on your partners map.
Asking for Directions Recording

-Excuse me, is there a grocery store around here?

-Yes. There is one ___________

-First, _________ this street for 2 ________

-Then, ______ ______ at the_________ _________.

-After that, _______ _______on Central Street ______ ___ ___ ____ the School.

-When you get to the School turn left again.

-Then, _____ _____ Harlem Avenue for about 50 yards.

It's on your left, _______ ___ the McDonalds. You can't miss it!

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