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Lesson Number, Grade Levels, Title, and Duration:

Lesson 3, Grade 8, Norse Mythology, 4 class periods

II. Lesson Rationale:

The students will demonstrate their expanded knowledge on Norse Mythology.

The students will learn about different photoshop methods.
The students will develop their artistry and collage-making.

III. Key Concepts:

Norse Myths
Sequential art

IV. Essential Question:

Why do myths exist?

What is a tapestry?
How are myths created?
When does something become a myth?

V. Lesson Objectives:

The student will able to illustrate a virtual tapestry based upon Norse mythical
The student will be able to utilize various techniques in Photoshop.
The student will be able to identify different mythological figures and deities.
The student will be able to tell a narrative.
The student will able to illustrate a virtual tapestry based upon mythical Norse

VI. Specific Art Content:

Elements and principles of design

Photoshop techniques

VII. Resources & Materials for Teacher:

Recommended Resources (See below in XII)

VIII. Resources & Materials for Students




Pixel Art program (

Digital drawing tablets

IX. Instruction and Its Sequencing:

1st Day of the Lesson:

Start with an introduction about Norse myths and lead into tapestry and what tapestry is. Get into
a discussion about why myths are created and discuss how tapestry plays into that.

Guided Practice

Have them get into groups and start researching norse myths and tapestry stories.

Independent Practice

Students will come in the next class with some storyboard ideas to present in their groups.

Optional: use of print materials, such as newspapers and magazines, for text to include in

Formative Evaluation

Have each student turn in their presented storyboards to the teacher.

Classroom Management Procedures

Monitor students' activity while they use photoshop and the pixel art program.
Students will not be allowed to have food or drink near them as they work on computers
Have students put away materials, save their work, shut down computers and take their
possessions as class ends

Talk about the importance of references and keeping sources to refer to later.

2nd Day of the Lesson:


The teacher will show different images of tapestries and introduce the pixel art program

Guided Practice

Have students create practice images and start their actual tapestries. Have them all make
accounts to be accessed later.

Independent Practice

Students will bring in sketches and notes on their myth that they are working on.
Optional: use of print materials, such as newspapers and magazines, for text to include in

Formative Evaluation

Check their sketchbooks to make sure they are engaging with the material.

Classroom Management Procedures

Monitor students' activity while they use photoshop and the pixel art program.
Students will not be allowed to have food or drink near them as they work on computers
Have students put away materials, save their work, shut down computers and take their
possessions as class ends

The teacher will discuss the importance of using references and making sure to save your work.

3rd Day of the Lesson:


Show some video games that use the pixels like Pong and old Mario and some more
contemporary games like Undertale, Shovel Knight, Minecraft and talk about the correlation
between the pixel and the tapestry.

Guided Practice

Have the students continue working on their tapestries and in the middle of class we will hold an
in progress critique.

Independent Practice


Formative Evaluation

The in-progress critique will allow the teacher to see where everyone is in the narratives.

Classroom Management Procedures

Monitor students' activity while they use photoshop and the pixel art program.
Students will not be allowed to have food or drink near them as they work on computers
Have students put away materials, save their work, shut down computers and take their
possessions as class ends

The teacher will remind the students that their projects are due next class.

4th Day of the Lesson:

Introduction/Demonstration: n/a

Guided Practice:

The students will finish up their stories in the first fifteen minutes of the class. The rest of the
class is dedicated to presenting their tapestries.

Independent Practice:

Formative Evaluation

The teacher will provide helpful critique and make sure that the rubric was taken into

Classroom Management Procedures

I will monitor students' activity while they use photoshop and the pixel art program.
Students will not be allowed to have food or drink near them as they work on computers
Have students put away materials, save their work, shut down computers and take their
possessions as class ends


The teacher will consolidate all of the tapestries and make them into a banner for the classroom.

X. Summative Assessment and Evaluation:

The teacher will monitor the development and implementation of the assignment using the
following rubric:

Research Story Group

Excellent (10) -Researched -There is a -Everyone contributed
story narrative that is to project.
thoroughly and shown not told

Good (8) -Researched -The narrative -Group cooperation

story but not needed a little was good but maybe
clearly explaining one or two people put
presented in more work.

Needs -Researched but -There is some -Little group

Improvement no researched narrative but hard cooperation and one or
(6) shown to parse. two people do most of
the work

Incomplete (3) -No discernable -Little to no -No cooperation and

research narrative and no one person does all of
effort to create the work.

Total /40

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