F A T City Guided Notes

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F.A.T. City Workshop: How Difficult Can This Be?

by Richard Lavoie

F.A.T. City

Name 2 ways delayed processing effects a students performance
1. They feel too much pressure to answer the question
2. They feel like they are holding up the calss

Risk Taking:
Name 2 ways you as a teacher can reduce the fear of academic risk-taking during class.
1. Tell your shy students that you will only call on them if you are standing next to them
Visual Perception:
A) What do teachers often do when a child cannot do academic tasks students say they cannot do?
1. Tell them to look at it harder
2. Take things away What is the picture? A cow

3. Blame the victim, say theyre not trying hard enough

B) What is the difference between seeing & perceiving?
1. Seeing is just looking at something.

2. Perception is bringing meaning to something.

Reading Comprehension:
What is necessary for children to be able to comprehend?
1. Direct instruction
2. Vocabulary
Effect of Visual Perception:
List 2 tasks that are difficult for children with learning / mild disabilities.
1. Knowing what they did wrong Write a title for the picture.

2 Certain writing/ drawing tasks

Cognitive Processing:
Explain the difference between an associative and a cognitive processing.
1. Associative Process / Activity is activities where you can do more than one at a time.
2. Cognitive Process / Activity is something that requires your full attention.

What are the two lessons when the group is telling a story?
1. Very quick to turn each other in
2. It is hard to talk with dysnomia
Auditory / Visual Learners:
List two examples of problems or struggles associated with auditory vs visual learners:
What does fairness mean?

Paragraph Reflection:
F.A.T. City Workshop
I really enjoyed watching this workshop. I thought it was cool that this is something people cared

about even back in the 80s and it was interesting to see how they talked about things a little differently

back then. Like person first language apparently hadnt been invented yet, so it made me cringe to

hear things like LD child even though I knew they didnt mean it in a hurtful way. It did make me

happy to see though that so many people had come together to learn about students with disabilities and

how they could improve their interactions with them.

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