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April 19, 2017

Julie Wiegers

Grade: Preschool

Goal: Children will learn about children who are deaf and how they are
just like everyone else. Their have their own way of communicating
with others and we can help them feel included by learning sign

Learners will be able to say Hi how are you? Im happy, sad, or
okay in sign language.
Learners will be able to come up with different ways to include a
child who is deaf.
Learners will be able to discuss different forms of

ELE: Creative Development:2-Early Learning Expectation:
Instrumental and Vocal Music. Children show how they feel, what
they think, and what they are learning through listening,
participating in, and creating instrumental and vocal music
ELE: Language and Early Literacy Development:4-Early Learning
Expectation: Spoken Language: Receptive. Children grow in their
capacity to use effective listening skills and understand what is
said to them.
ELE: Language and Early Literacy Development:7-Early Learning
Expectation: Diversity of Communication. Children begin to
understand that communication is diverse and that people
communicate in a variety of ways.

Prerequisite Skills: none

Lesson Mode: Activity, Demonstration, Expository

Connection to the SCES Learning Cycle: During this lesson

students will first explore what it is like for someone who is deaf, what
it is like to be in a classroom where they cannot hear what is going on.
Students will then explore ways that they can help someone, who is
not able to hear very well, feel welcomed and included into the
classroom. Students will then start to explore and learn different signs
so that they can communicate with someone who is deaf.
Materials needed: Ear Plugs
Teachers Computer to play Jesus Loves Me

Differentiation: Throughout this lesson I will be able to reach every

learner in the classroom through having a fun activity and an
interactive conversation. I will bring music in the lesson and have the
children experience what it is like to be deaf. Students will then be able
to discuss and answer different questions I will have throughout the
lesson. Students will then be able to learn and practice sign language
to the song Jesus Loves Me.

Opening Activity/Motivationstudents are sitting in circle for the
morning circle time.
Good morning Friends! Welcome to the second day of Preschool! Is
everyone having a good morning? Yes? No?...So before we start our
morning circle time I have something for all of you. (Take out earplugs)
Does anyone know what this is? (Some learners may not know what
they are, but some learners may know because their parents wear
them). That is right, they are earplugs. I am going to give a pair to
each of you and want you to put them in your ears. Now I am going to
play a song and I want you all to sing along (The children are not
supposed to hear anything and will experience what it is life for a child
who is hard of hearing).

Main Body of Lesson

1. Why were none of you singing?
a. Response: We couldnt hear anything!
2. You couldnt hear anything? Why do you think that is?
a. Response: Because of the earplugs in our ears!
3. That would make it hard to hear wouldnt it? Now my friends, do
you know why I gave you ear plugs so that you couldnt hear and
sing along to the song?
a. Responses: to be funny, I dont know, because some
people cant hear (I will be very happy if one learner is able
to come to this conclusion)
4. Well tomorrow we have a new friend joining our class! (YAYY)
Now our friend has a very amazing qualitycan anyone guess
what that is based off of what we just did?
a. Response: he cant hear!
5. That is correct! Our new friend is deaf, which means that he
cannot hear. However, he has an amazing way to communicate
with other person that doesnt involving hearing. Does anyone
know what that is?
a. Responses: some may say yes, some may say no
6. Yes, our new friend is able to communicate with us through sign
language. So know how some of our friends speak Spanish, his
way of communicating is through sign language. Does anyone
know any sign language?
a. Response: mostly likely will be no, but one or two may
know some.
7. Sign language is when we use our hands to talk. Words that we
use in English have certain signs. Demonstrate to them how to
say Hi how are you? in sign language. Have learners Practice.
Then teach them to say I am happy, sad, or okay. Then have
them practice.
8. So when our new friend comes in tomorrow, you can ask him
how he is!
9. What are some other ways we can help our new friend tomorrow
feel included and know what is going one?
a. Responses: we can learn sign language or he can teach us
sign language, show the words for songs, he can have a
buddy to help him, use pictures to show what we are doing
10. Those are all great ideas! Throughout year we are going to
be learning some sign language and we will be learning sign
language for all of the songs that we sing!

1. To close our morning circle time we are going to learn the sign
language for Jesus loves me which is the song that I played
earlier for you all.
2. Go over and teach the sign language to learners (have them all
stand up)
3. Once all the signs have been learned go through the entire song
using the sign language


When trying to think of what kind of anti-bias lesson I wanted to

teach. I have had experience working with children who are hard of
hearing in the past and have noticed how it is hard for them to fit in a
normal classroom. I thought that in a future classroom, I would like to
teach my students what it is like to be deaf. How they are just like
everyone else, but they have a different way of communicating with
people. In order to make them feel comfortable, we can be there for
them by learning sign language. Overall I would say that my lesson
went very well. There are things that I believe went very well during
my ant-bias lesson. One thing that I really like and my peers seemed to
enjoy was the opening activity. Having students try and sing to a song
that they could not hear was a great way to introduce what it would be
like to be deaf. However, one thing I would change for future lessons is
to try heavy-duty earphones instead. A little sound could still be heard
through the earplugs, but it still sent a good message. A second thing
that I really liked about my lesson is that my peers (the students)
seemed to be very engaged and like how it was a very interactive
lesson. Yes, I would be talkingbut it would be a lot of me asking them
questions or teaching them new sign language with their hands. A third
thing that I really liked about this lesson is that it is a good introductory
lesson to an entire unit. My hope would be that this lesson would
introduce students to what being deaf may be like and an introduction
to sign language. Throughout the entire year I would be trying to teach
my students new signs and songs with signs each week.
However, there are a few things that I was not pleased with and
would change the next time I taught this lesson. Like said earlier, I
would use heavy-duty headphones. After reading the feedback I
received from my peers I would also add more sign language to lesson.
Instead of just teaching Hi, how are you? I am happy, sad, or okay. I
would teach some more introductory phrases like My name is or
What day is it today? When I first planned the lesson I was hesitant
on adding more because I was not quite sure how fast preschoolers
would be able to learn the signs. But maybe I would teach a couple
more phrases for the first lesson and then the next couple lessons I
would just review all the signs. Another thing I would change is how
fast I played the song. As I was playing the song Jesus Loves me after
teaching the signs I realized that it was a little too fast for everyone to
keep up. Instead, I would like to slow the music down or just sing it for
them so that the song can be done at a pace that is good for them.
Then as learn the signs better I can start speeding the song up until it
gets to normal pace.

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