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Book Title : Journey

Author : Danielle Steel
Publisher : Bantam Press
Date published : 2001 Number of pages : 474 pages
Genre : Romance Book code : DAN PBI NV/O809

Bill is one of Madeline's friend in a Comissions of Violence Against Women. He

became the stand out characteristic in this story who really pay attention to Madeline.
He always respect with Madeline's problem. For instance, when Madeline got a duty to
'meliput' about President Amstrong who being hospitalized after his shooting accident,
Jack who was Madeline's husband and boss, asked her to get different news, unlike
others reporter. Actually, Madeline was very confused of him, because he should have
already known how was terrible situation there. But he always demanded many things.
Then Bill came to her, asked about her condition and offered a help for her. He tried to
'menenangkan' Madeline and also gave full support for her.
Greg is co-anchor of Madeline. He was the first and the one person who became
Madelines friend. As an co-anchor, he was good and interesting. Besides, he was the
best co-anchor for Mad. One day, Madeline wanted to give a news as editorial which
actually was forbiden in that network. Madeline felt that she did the right thing. At that
time, Greg was the one who really support Mad and agreed with Madelines opinion. I
just wish to be someone like Greg who always help and listen to Madeline (best friend).
I realized that I have not been like that for my best friend, so it gave me a little learning.
One day Madeline attended a meeting of Comission on Violence Against
Women. In the first meeting, the members told their experience about abusive. They
may be the direct victim of abusive and they may be only saw abusive action in family.
It became the interesting part because I realized that bad experience is not always bad
thing. It can be a learning for the others. So do not ever be asshamed with bad
experience because it is not wrong thing.
Then Madeline went home alone on foot. There was two policemen who was
watching her house. Actually, the policemen were asked to berjaga jaga by Jack but
Madeline did not know about it. A few moment later, Madeline came in her house and
an unknown stalker who wanted to hurt Madeline appeared suddenly. Madeline was
very shocked. I dislike this part, because I did not like with Jacks behavior. In the fact,
Jack have already know about the stalker. But he did not tell anything to Madeline. He
only did what was the appropiate action to face the problem without sharing and
involving Madeline. So Madeline could not more take care of herself.
Presiden Amstrong has been shot by someone and gotten into a hospital as soon
as possible. The accident reminds me to a film which I have ever watched. In the film, a
President has shot and all parties were very worried. They waited for good news of
Presidents condition patiently.
Bill and Madeline had a dinner in Bills house. Then Bill told about his feeling
to Madeline. Madeline have not realized about her truely feeling to him so she did not
give positive response. I thought it will be more interesting if Madeline gave a positive
response to Bill. It will make the part which tells about their relationship is not terlalu
This story tells about a romance. The main concern is how a wife get free of a
husband who has abused her for many years.
From this story, I have learned that there are so many kinds of violence agains
women who can be obvious, dangerous and more insidious than others. The most
insidious are the subtle ones, because the victims do not only believe the, but blam
theirselves for them. Besides, the subtle forms are the hardest to stop, because many of
people harder to see them. So, people should be more aware of abusive and they must
learn how to avoid and handle abusive.

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