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GraphingWaveShifts| Trig in Application| 2/21/17

Objectives Standards

1. I can graph periodic cycles CO HS Math Standard 2.1.c.v. Graph exponential
and logarithmic functions, showing intercepts and
1. I can answer questions about amplitude, end behavior, and trigonometric functions, showing
wavelength, period, vertical and horizontal shifts period, midline, and amplitude.
on a graph or equation. CO HS Math Standard 2.2.c. Model periodic
phenomena with trigonometric functions.
CO HS Math Standard 2.2.c.i. Choose the
trigonometric functions to model periodic
phenomena with specified amplitude, frequency,
and midline.

Baseknowledge Misconceptionsor Vocab

1. Graphing sine and cosine waves Sine Wave
2. Know how amplitude and 1. Sine wave starts from midline, Period - Cycle
vertical change the wave graph Cosine wave starts at max Vertical Shift
3. Know how to identify changes (positive in front) or min (if Phase Shift
from the equation negative in front) Mathematical Range
2. Move dashed horizontal line up
or down to show the midline. Transformations
Need to move dashed vertical Equation of Sine and
line left or right to show where it Cosine
starts, then calculate period
from that line.
3. What to take notes on (Should
be mostly everything)
4. Dividing fractions you always
multiple without anything else
being an issue

1. When calculating B, its not just
the Period given, but have to
solve using 2/B = Period.


1. First Hour - Graphing a cosine graph from the work packet
2. Second Hour - Given transformation, find equation leading into new lesson


First Hour

Warmup Question: Graph y = cos(2(x )) (10 min)
MiniLesson: Say out loud, These are notes you should be writing down (10 min)
Sine starts at midline
Cosine starts at max (if positive), starts at min (if negative)
Midline Max = Amplitude. Amplitude is always positive
Max Min = Range of possible values
Vertical shift means I move the midline Create new dashed line for midline
Phase shift means I move the vertical starting line Create new dashed line for starting
Start Graph from that vertical starting line, then calculate one period from there

Ex: y = cos(2(x )) (Warm up question)

Ex: y = sin(x ) + 1
Practice: (10 min)
Moving dashed lines of midline (horizontal) and starting line (vertical)
y = 2cos(2x + ) 1
Review: (10 min)
Reminder: dividing fractions for every time: fraction/fraction means you flip and multiply
Side practice of dividing fractions
3 ; 2
4 3
Practice: (10 min)
More practice graphing, setting up dashed lines

y = sin(2x) + 1

y = cos( 31 x + ) 2
Exit Ticket: Graphing changes (10 min)
Just bottom page, cut in half
BREAK (10 min)
Second Hour
Warmup Question Sine wave with following changes, find the equation:(10 min)
Amplitude =
Period = /2
Phase Shift = /2 to the left
Vertical Shift = down 3
Review/Lesson: (10 min)
Review Warmup question
How to go from period to finding B 2/B = Period. Solve for B, or guess what you think
can go in for B based on what youve done before
Shift up means + on end, Shift down means on end
Shift right means inside of sine, shift left means + inside of sine
Practice: (15 min)
Few more examples: sine wave
1. Reflection over xaxis, Period = 3, Shift down 1
2. Amplitude of 2, Period = /4, Shift left /2, Shift up 2.5
TOTD: Creating equations (10 min)
Review Jump rope grade printouts (15 min)

Exitslip PracticeOpportunities

1. First Hour - Exit Ticket: Graphing changes First Hour: Moving both midline and vertical line
2. Second Hour - TOTD: Creating equations based off of shifts in equation; dividing fractions
Second Hour: Creating equation based on
shifts/transformations given

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