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Fall 2014 SIOP Sheltered Instruction Lesson Template

Name: Nathan Lazickas (and Brendan C and Alex A)

Date: 12/10

Grade Level: 11 Grade
Discipline(s): American History
Unit Theme: Age of Immigration
Text(s) Used: Adapted American History Texts, Letters from Ellis
Culminating The students will complete an Interview with an
Project / immigrant or refugee and then complete a Time
Event: Line including dates of when their interviewee
came to America as well as other key dates that
have to do with the Age of Immigration
Student This school serves English Language Learners who
Population are Spanish speaking Karen, Rwandan, Norwegian
Served By children as well as native English speakers. They
School: tend to be in the working class or lower middle
Total Number This lesson plan is designed for between 15-25
of Students: learners.
Class There are 12 females and 10 males, mostly Spanish
Description: speakers, some Karen and one Rwandan
Students at 7 of the students are at the comprehension phase,
Various Levels 5 are at the early phase, 4 are at the Speech
of the SLA Emergence Phase and 6 towards full production. To
Process ensure that each student understands what is
going on photos and a sound clips to accentuate
the lesson.

Lesson Information
Lesson Title
Coming to America
Grouping Groups of Three to make sure that everyone uses
Configuratio academic language
Short Range Learning Targets & Assessments:
Content Learning Targets: Content Assessment(s):
By the end of this lesson we will Give a timeline of the advance of the
be able to identify why people age of immigration
leave their home countries and
give a timeline of events during
the Age of Immigration.
Language / Literacy Learning Language / Literacy
Targets: Assessment(s):
Be able to tell the difference Able to speak in vocabulary terms,
between a Immigrant and be able to discuss the text and
Refugee letters and conduct and interview
Academic Success Learning ASLT Assessment(s):
Targets Be able to make a timeline of their
We as a class will have an interviewees story
understanding of timelines
Semiotic or Multi-modal Meaning Making Materials for Clarifying &

Visual Resources: Maps of home countries,

Continents and Maps marking the
paths of Immigration
Pictures of Ellis Island and recent
immigrants and housing
(Tenements and factories)
Graphs and Charts depicting
populations of immigrants and
when they came and why they
Verbal / Written Resources: Time Lines
(oral or written language, vocabulary, Personal Testimonies
headlines, bumper stickers, sentence Journal Entries
strips, labels, schedules etc.)
Aural Resources: Listening to letters being read aloud
Listening to the sound of the Ocean

Kinesthetic Resources: Waving arms to act like the Ocean,

pretending to hard work, make
the kids stand in line like they
were in Ellis Island
Tactile Resources: Flags, trunks, letters, immigration
Means to Lower the Affective International Candy as a reward
Filter (Emotional Support):
Lesson Procedures:

A. Introduction / Hook:
A1. Connection Good morning Class! How are you all today? How many of
to / Activation you or your parents or grandparents have come from a
of BRK-LE or different country? Well today we are going to learn about
Funds of people who have moved to America from other countries.
A2. Link Past Well if you or someone you know has come to
Learning to America, you are not the first to do so, in Americas
Present History, millions of people from all over have
Knowledge: immigrated, or moved to a new country. People
leave their home countries for a variety of reasons.
Maybe they didnt have work in their old countries,
maybe they were in danger or they could have
been looking for adventure.
A3. Establish By the end of this lesson, we will be able to talk
Purpose: about and discuss reasons why people have left
their home countries for America throughout
history. Using vocab we learn, we will conduct an
interview of a visitor and find out why they came
here, when they arrived and what they did when
they got here. Ok class gets started.
B. Presentation & Practice / Application

Steps Taken to Execute Linguistic Supports &

the Lesson Modifications
B1. Vocabulary a. Tell students they will Gesture to students that
Activity: need a pencil, colored they will be writing and
paper, and a ruler. drawing a timeline
b. Explain to students
that they will be Demonstrate how to draw
identifying points on a timeline and how to label
the timeline that it using the materials
represent the different
event during the era
of immigration (events
immigration). Give example questions for
c. Ask students to work the kids to work with
in groups of 3 and
come up with
questions for group
interview of guest
B2. Content A. Give Historical Show pictures of war,
Strategy: Context of when the famine and persecution
(Teacher-directed Age of Immigration (not too graphic) aka
Modeling & began (mid 1800s) Push/pull factors
and offer reasons why
people would want to
leave their home
countries for America
B. Tell about how Listen to letters read aloud
immigrants got to about the steerage and
America (Trans- nicer passages
Atlantic Voyages) (maybe include sound
C. Discuss what the new
Americas did for work,
for school and housing

D. Discuss Muckrakers Pictures from Jacob Riis

and adapted stories from
Upton Sinclair

B3. Content
Strategy: A. Talk about family or
(Student-practiced personal immigrant
Activity or experiences Hold up 3 fingers and tell
the class to break up into
B. Compare and Contrast groups of three and
them from the ones discuss one anothers
we read about and stories

C. Stages of EAL & 2 Higher Order Thinking Essential Questions

Comprehension Can you point out the Give the option of a photo
reasons for leaving for the of war or potatoes
Early Speech Can you tell me an Have them write it down
example of where some on a guided answer sheet.
New Americans immigrated
Speech Can you draw me a Have them draw a short
Emergence timeline of the Age of timeline
Towards Full Can you tell me a reason Have them give a brief and
Product for nativism in the United simple explanation of
States? nativism and its causes
D. Conclusion of the Lesson: (Write as though you are speaking with the
C1. Review Class, we have had a very productive lesson. Who would
Learning like to stand up at their seat and quickly present what
Targets: they have on their timeline so far?
C2. Inquire if Thank you so much for presenting; youre an
Students Have excellent speaker. Can everyone agree that they
Met the too have made different marks on their timeline
Learning about the age of immigration? Do we all agree that
Targets: How using these pictures and listening to letters help
Well? How Do They give us an idea of what immigration was like
Know? during the 1800s? I couldnt agree more. Listening
and seeing are just as important as reading when
it comes to learning. I bet you guys could already
remember a few reasons for why the Irish
immigrated to America.
C3. Review Key Now, each of you are going to pass this ball of
Vocabulary string around to each other. Once you have the
&/or Concepts: ball, say something new that you have learned
today about immigration to America during this
time. Or even how you felt and how these stories
relate to you. Then, choose someone else to toss
the ball to and hold on to the string.
C4. Administer, Alright now for the last few minutes of Class, let us get
Evaluate, into groups and work on our final timelines and questions
Grade for our guest who is coming in tomorrow! If you do not
Assessment: finish the timelines in class it will become homework, but
they should not take too long so you should be able to
finish them now! When the bell rings remember to clean
up and move on to your next class on time.

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