Week 3: Problems On Lectures 5 and 6

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20122 Week 3: Problems on Lectures 5 and 6

Problem 16.
Determine whether the subsets

1. [0, 1) 2. Z 3. {x : sin x > 0} 4. [1/n, 1)

are open, closed, or neither, in the Euclidean line.

Problem 17.
In Euclidean n-space, show that

1. the open hypercube {x : x1 , . . . , xn (1, 1)} is open

2. j1 B1/j 2 (0) = {0}.

Problem 18.
In the sequence space ({0, 1} , dmin ), prove that the open ball B1/2n (0) is
equal to the closed ball B 1/2n+1 (0). How does this result generalise properties of
X and as subspaces of any metric space (X, d)?

Problem 19.
Show that the subspace Hk := {x : |xi | 1/2k for one or more 1 i n} is
closed in Rn with the taxicab metric d1 , for every k = 1, 2, . . . . Calculate

H1 Hk . . . Rn ,

and show that it is open under d1 . How does this fact relate to Theorem ???

Problem 20.
In any metric space (X, d), prove that every open ball is contained in some
closed ball, and that every closed ball is contained in some open ball.
Is it always true that the closure of B1 (a) in (X, d) is B 1 (a)? Give a proof or

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