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ScriptHookV .

This is an ASI plugin for Grand Theft Auto V, based on the C++ ScriptHook by Ale
xander Blade, which
allows running scripts written in any .NET language ingame.
It's full source code is hosted on Github, development is community-driven and
open to everybody,
so contributions are warmly welcomed:
1. Make sure you have both the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 and the Mic
rosoft Visual C++
Redistributable Package for Visual Studio 2013 (x64) installed!
2. Download and install Script Hook V (including the ASI loader).
3. Download Script Hook V .NET and copy the ASI file into your game directory.
4. Done! You can now create C#/VB.NET scripts inside the "scripts" folder in you
r game directory!
Writing Scripts
Either use notepad to edit source code scripts directly or use Visual Studio
to compile them to
assemblies. Going down the Visual Studio way has the advantage of syntax
highlighting, code
completion and intellisense. Just create a C# or VisualBasic class library proje
ct, add a reference
to the ScriptHookV .NET DLL in the project properties and you are ready to go.
Version 2.4:
- Added "Ped.Euphoria" and tons of euphoria helpers
- Added "PedGroup.Leader", "PedGroup.GetMember", "PedGroup.ToArray", "PedGroup.T
oList", ...
- Fixed returned native string values not handling unicode text correctly
- Switched back to Visual C++ 2013
Version 2.3:
- Added a few missing animal hashes to the "Native.PedHash" enum
- Added an "_0x[...]" entry for each named member of the "Native.Hash" enum to f
ix compatibility
with some older scripts
- Added "PedGroup" class
- Added "Ped.IsPerformingStealthKill", "Ped.IsInCoverFacingLeft", "Ped.IsGoingIn
- Added "Ped.IsInGroup", "Ped.NeverLeavesGroup"
- Added "Ped.ShootRate", "Ped.GetJacker" and "Ped.GetJackTarget"
- Added "Entity.HasGravity", "Entity.IsOnlyDamagedByPlayer", "Entity.LodDistance
- Added "Vehicle.EngineCanDegrade"
Version 2.2:
- Added "UI.DrawTexture" overload which accepts an aspect ratio
- Added "Math.Matrix.FromArray", "Math.Matrix.ToArray" and "Math.Matrix.Inverse"
- Added "Entity.HasCollision", "Entity.MaxSpeed", "Entity.IsBulletProof", "Entit
y.FireProof", etc.
- Added "Entity.IsInvincible" getter
- Changed "ScriptSettings.GetValue" to support any enum and types which inherit
from IConvertible
- Fixed "Rope.Exists" and "Scaleform.Render2D" crash
- Fixed "TaskSequence.Close" crash and added overload to enable repeating
Version 2.1:
- Changed "UI.DrawTexture" to work as previously again
- Fixed the now obsolete menu implementation
Version 2.0:
- Added script dependency system used via "RequireScript" attribute
- Added "Game.Language" property
- Added "World.CalculateTravelDistance"
- Added "Entity.Quaternion" and "Entity.PositionNoOffset"
- Added assembly information
- Added "World.GetStreeName" and "World.GetZoneName"
- Added missing "Besra" hash to "Native.VehicleHash" enum
- Added "Game.CurrentInputMode"
- Added FiringPattern to "Tasks.ShootAt"
- Changed settings implementation to not throw exceptions
- Changed "UI.DrawTexture" and added overload with center offset parameter
- Changed camera shaking to use "Camera.Shake" function instead of "ShakeType" p
- Renamed "Tasks.SlideToCoord" to "Tasks.SlideTo"
- Renamed "Vehicle.IsLeftHeadLightBroken" to "Vehicle.LeftHeadLightBroken" and a
dded setter (same for the right headlight)
- Fixed native string arguments not handling unicode text correctly
- Fixed "Game.Pause" not pausing the game
- Fixed "ExplosionType" names
- Fixed "Game.GetUserInput" and added window titles
- Fixed "World.GetAllEntities/Vehicles/Props" etc. not actually returning everyt
- Fixed "World.GetAllEntities" returning only props and including a lot of dupli
- Fixed script settings not being accessible in the script constructor
- Fixed exception if null was passed to "Native.InputArgument"
- Fixed "UI.WorldToScreen" returning zero all the time
- Fixed "World.AddRope" causing the game to crash
- Updated to latest C++ Script Hook SDK
- Made menu implementation obsolete
- A lot more of additions and fixes to the scripting API
- ...
Version 1.1:
- Added native memory access, providing some new functions and properties:
- Added "Game.Version", "World.GetNearbyPeds/Vehicles" overloads which accept a
- Added "Vehicle.Steering", "Vehicle.Acceleration", "Vehicle.CurrentRPM", ...
- Added "UI.DrawTexture" which allows custom texture drawing using the new Scrip
tHook Direct3D hook
- Fixed "World.GetNextPositionOnStreet"
- Fixed "Vehicle.PlaceOnNextStreet" heading
- ...
Version 1.0:
- Updated "Native.Hash" enumeration with new information
- A lot of additions and fixes to the scripting API
- ...
Version 0.9:
- Added "Vehicle.SoundHorn", "Vehicle.IsTireBurst" and "Vehicle.FixTire"
- Added "Ped.WetnessHeight", "Ped.ResetVisibleDamage" and "Ped.ResetBloodDamage"
- Added "Entity.isTouching" and "Entity.HasBeenDamagedBy"
- Fixed "NullReferenceException" when calling natives from inside the script con
Version 0.8:
- Reworked script management backend
- Reworked "PedHash" enum
- Added Vehicle NeonLightsColor property and SetNeonLightsOn method
- Added "Ped.DrivingSpeed", "Ped.MaxDrivingSpeed" and "Ped.DrivingStyle"
- Added "Ped.Weapons", "WeapongCollection" and "Weapon" classes
- Added "Vector2.RandomXY", "Vector3.Around", "Vector3.RandomXY" and "Vector3.Ra
- Added "Vector2.DistanceTo" and "Vector3.DistanceTo"
- Added "Vehicle.PlaceOnGround", "Vehicle.PlaceOnNextStreet" and "Vehicle.Create
- Added Entity attach and range methods
- Added "Blip" class and implementation
- Added "Prop" class
- Added "Camera" and "GameplayCamera" class and implementation
- Added "Entity.Delete"
- Added "World.CreateObject"
- Added getter to "Ped.CanRagdoll" and fixed setter
- Added "Tasks.PlayAnimation" and animation handling
- Added "Tasks.ReactAndFlee" and "Tasks.SkyDive"
- Added "TaskSequence" implementation
- Added "Player.Money" property
- Added simple UI menu rendering
- Moved "Script.IsKeyPressed" to "Game.IsKeyPressed"
- Renamed "Entity.ID" to "Entity.Handle"
- Fixed crash after loading savegame
- Fixed "Entity.IsInAir"
- Fixed crash if unable to write to log file
- Fixed "Vehicle.LightsOn"
- Fixed logged exceptions not containing line and file information
Version 0.6:
- Added "Vehicle.GetPedOnSeat"
- Added notifications and subtitles
- Added "World.AddExplosion"
- Added "Game.GetUserInput"
- Added "Player.IsFreeAiming"
- Added "Tasks.Cower"
- Added "Game.PlaySound"
- Added "Vehicle.GetMod", "Vehicle.PrimaryColor", ...
- Added "Vehicle.OpenDoor", "Vehicle.CloseDoor", "Vehicle.FixWindow", "Vehicle.R
ollDownWindow", ...
Version 0.5:
- Added three new example scripts
- Added model hash enumerations
- Added first UI classes and a basic UI component system
- Added ped tasks for AI scripting
- Added equality operators to scripting objects
- Added "World.GetClosestVehicle"
- Changed keyboard handling to use new handler from Script Hook SDK
- Fixed "Vehicle.EngineRunning" not working when attempting to switch it on
- Fixed crash when using native functions inside keyboard event handlers
- Fixed random crash after a certain amount of time passed
- Fixed "Ped.CurrentVehicle" returning an invalid vehicle object instead of nul
l when ped is not
sitting in any vehicle
Version 0.4:
- Updated for game version 1.0.350.
- Added "World.GetNearbyPeds" and "World.GetNearbyVehicles"
- Added DisplayName property to "Vehicle"
- Moved logging into separate class
- Fixed Player/Vehicle type error in "Native.GetResult"
- Fixed issue preventing more than one script to be loaded per assembly
Version 0.3:
- Added "World.CreatePed" and "World.CreateVehicle" to instantiate entities
- Added a lot of new members to the "Entity", "Ped" and "Vehicle" classes
- Added some additional members to the "Model" class
- Added "Wait" function to script class
- Added option to pass and return scripting objects to/from native functions
- Added "Vector2" class
- Added INI file reader, see "Script.Settings"
- Moved "Vector3", "Matrix" and "Quaternion" classes into separate "Math" namesp
- Changed assembly file loading so the files are no longer blocked once loaded
- Changed "Ped.CurrentVehicle" to use "GET_VEHICLE_PED_IS_IN" instead of "GET_VE
- Fixed "Game.RadarZoom" not being of type int
Version 0.2:
- Added unrestricted permissions to script appdomain
- Changed project to target framework version 4.5 instead of 4.0 again
- Changed native function calling to use hash enumeration instead of strings
- Changed script domain implementation to support multiple instances for differe
nt source directories
Version 0.1:
- First public release

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