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Math Unit Plan:

Pattern and Relations

Caitlyn Conrad, Caroline Fletcher, Kyle Dunnett and Shaina Peter-Paul

St. Thomas University

February 20th, 2017

Lesson Plan
Subject: Math Grade: One Length: 1 hour Date: Feb. 20

Stage One- Pre-Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Repeating Patterns

Students will be able to identify and describe the missing element(s) in a given repeating
pattern. Students will also be able to create and describe a repeating pattern.

New Brunswick Curricular Objectives:

GCO: Patterns and Relations (PR): Represent algebraic expressions in multiple
o SCO: PR1: Demonstrate an understanding of repeating patterns (two to
four elements) by: describing reproducing extending creating
patterns using manipulatives, diagrams, sounds and actions.

NCTM Expectations:
sort, classify, and order objects by size, number, and other properties;
recognize, describe, and extend patterns such as sequences of sounds and shapes or
simple numeric patterns and translate from one representation to another;
analyze how both repeating and growing patterns are generated.

Information gathered from Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching
Developmentally by Van de Walle et. Al, fourth Canadian Edition, p. 183-207.

Carrie the Caterpillar Big book
Caterpillar handout
Markers/crayons/pencil crayons, etc.
Smartboard lesson of patterns.

Stage Two (2): Lesson Planning and Implementation

Introduction/Anticipatory Set: 10 minutes

Students will be asked to join the teacher at the mat. Using the Smartboard, the teacher
will display several examples of patterns. As a class, we will look at the different parts of
the pattern, focusing on the core and the number of times the core repeats. This will
allow students to have a visual on how a repeating pattern works.

Activity: 20 minutes
The students will remain seated on the mat.
The teacher will read aloud the book Carrie the Caterpillar. Sections of the book will have
opportunities for students to come up and complete a pattern using the provided
Students will either be called upon or have their names pulled, to come up and help
Carrie find the rest of her pattern. When students come up to add onto the pattern, the
teacher will ask students how and why they chose that color to add on to the pattern.
This is a great opportunity to make sure everyone is understanding the process of
repeating patterns.
After the book is finished, the teacher will provide time for students to ask questions or to
discuss the book.
Once the discussion is finished, students will go back to their seats.

Closing: 20 minutes
For a follow up activity, students will be provided a caterpillar handout. The students will
be asked to create their own pattern for their caterpillar. Students will have to make sure
their pattern can be repeated at least 3 times. The caterpillar handouts will be collected
and used formative assessment.

The teacher will take anecdotal notes throughout the activity to make sure students are
understanding the concept. The patterns the students were asked to create will be
handed in and will be assessed formally.

This lesson can be and should be differentiated in many ways to support any needs that
may arise in a classroom
For students with learning disabilities, the lesson can be adapted to allow for more
visuals and less text. Learning disabilities can be quite different so the lesson can be
adapted for specific student needs.
For students with an executive functioning disorder you can have step-by-step directions
with explicit detail specifically for them.
Students with autism would benefit from the different sensors such as the manipulatives.
For students with ADHD, the creating your pattern activity can be adjusted so students
are moving for the activity. They can be asked to create a pattern using objects around
the room, instead of drawing.
For gifted students, by allowing them the creative freedom to come up with their own sets
they can adjust the activity to their individual level.
Students with hearing impairments would need assistive technology during this activity
like an FM microphone system.
Other differentiation could be adapted into this lesson plan if needed once the childs
needs are determined.
It is important to remember with ELL students they may find these activities difficult
because the wording can be difficult for even English students, therefore it is important to
remember these students may need some extra assistance with the language of the
Stage Three (3): Post Lesson Activities

Lesson Evaluation and Revision

Evaluate what went well with the lesson and what should be revised for next time.
Finish writing any notes you made have thought of during the lesson that you werent
able to write down in the moment.
Look over the individual work of the students to check for their understanding of the
Edit or adjust the next lessons if necessary.

Lesson Plan

Subject: Math Grade: One (1) Length: One (1) Hour Date: Feb

Stage One- Pre-Lesson Plan

Lesson Title:
Establishing how to reproduce and create three element patterns.

Students will be able to identify a three element pattern
Students will be able create and reproduce and three element pattern with both standard
and non conventional manipulatives.

New Brunswick Curricular Objectives:

GCO: Patterns and Relations (PR): Use patterns to describe the world and solve
o SCO: PR1: Demonstrate an understanding of repeating patterns (two to
four elements) by: describing reproducing extending creating
patterns using manipulatives, diagrams, sounds and actions.

NCTM Expectations:
sort, classify, and order objects by size, number, and other properties;
recognize, describe, and extend patterns such as sequences of sounds and shapes or
simple numeric patterns and translate from one representation to another;
analyze how both repeating and growing patterns are generated.

Three different colour of beads
Math Manipulatives

Stage Two (2): Lesson Planning and Implementation

Introduction/Anticipatory Set: 20 minutes

I will set out the materials on the table before the students enter the classroom. Once
they enter the class, I will instruct them that we have already learned about two element
patterns so with the bracelet material provided, they will create a three element pattern
bracelet. I will allow them to explore and help when needed. Once they have finished
their bracelets I will check to see who did not do the explore activity correctly and who
may need some extra attention when teaching. I will cut the ends and put together the
string so the bracelet it ready for them.

Smartboard Lesson 20 mins
For this the students will follow along to a smartboard lesson that will teach students
how to pick out a repeating three element pattern using standard manipulatives. It also
has an interactive portion that will allow students to create different examples of three
element patterns using different pictures, manipulatives and objects.
Pattern Stamps! 15 Mins
o Each student will be given a stamp pad and three different stamps
o Students will then fill their sheets with a repeating three element pattern
using their stamp pad

Closing: 5 minutes
To close, each student will hand in their stamped papers showing their three element
patterns and the teacher will go around the room and ask the students what is something
they learned from todays lesson and something they enjoyed.

Take anecdotal notes throughout the bracelet and stamp activity to make sure you see if
some students are understanding the concept better than others or if some are still
Also take mental notes during the smartboard lesson as to which students answered the
questions and which students still looked confused.
I will then collect the stamp sheets at the end for data collection to see who understood
how to create a three element repeating pattern.

This lesson can be and should be differentiated in many ways to support any needs that
may arise in a classroom
For students with learning disabilities seeing a visual of the bracelet and stamps will help
them understand the concept without having to decipher through lots of text but rather
visual and movement activities are used in this lesson plan. Also having the assessment
be with notes and not a test also means they wont have the pressure of text or time.
For students with an Executive functioning disorder you can have step-by-step directions
with explicit detail specifically for them.
Students with autism would benefit from the different sensors such as the beads and the
stamps, as this may relax them.
For students with ADHD the use of their hands will help keep them engaged.
For students with visual impairments you could also have the manipulatives have braille
or embossed so the students could feel to help them make their pattern.
For gifted students, you could allow them to try and discover what a four element pattern
would look like during the explore and finishing activities.
Students with hearing impairments would need assistive technology during this activity
like an FM microphone system.
Other differentiation could be adapted into this lesson plan if needed once the childs
needs are determined.
It is important to remember with ELL students they may find these activities difficult
because the wording can be difficult for even English students, therefore it is important to
remember these students may need some extra assistance with the language of the

Stage Three (3): Post Lesson Activities

Lesson Evaluation and Revision

Evaluate what went well with the lesson and what should be revised for next time
Finish writing any notes you made have thought of during the lesson that you werent
able to write down in the moment

Lesson Plan

Subject: Math Grade: One (1) Length: One (1) Hour Date: Feb

Stage One- Pre-Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Translating Patterns

Students will be able to identify a three to four element pattern
Students will be able to translate the original pattern into a different form

New Brunswick Curricular Objectives:

GCO: Patterns and Relations (PR): Use patterns to describe the world and solve
o SCO: PR2: Translate repeating patterns from one representation to

NCTM Expectations:
sort, classify, and order objects by size, number, and other properties;
recognize, describe, and extend patterns such as sequences of sounds and shapes or
simple numeric patterns and translate from one representation to another;
analyze how both repeating and growing patterns are generated.

Information gathered from Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching
Developmentally by Van de Walle et. Al, fourth Canadian Edition

Exit Slips
Objects for exploration activity- can be candy, toys etc.
Pattern handouts for the Scavenger Hunt
Matches for the Scavenger Hunt
Math Manipulatives

Stage Two (2): Lesson Planning and Implementation

Introduction/Anticipatory Set: 20 minutes

Students will be directed to identify the pattern on the smartboard. Once they identify the
type of pattern on the smartboard, the students will see if they can create the same kind
of pattern with the different objects on their desks. They will spend this time exploring the
pattern and getting used to translating the pattern. The teacher will take anecdotal notes
during this time to see what the students do and to see who is beginning to understand
the concept on their own.

Math Manipulative Activity 15 mins
For this activity students will see a pattern on the smartboard say star, star, heart,
circle. They then will figure out that this pattern is an AABC pattern. Then they will take
their math unit blocks at their table and lay out maybe a green, green, red, blue pattern.
We will continue you this activity until the students seem to understand that patterns can
be translated and represented in different forms but still mean the same thing.
Pattern Scavenger Hunt! 20 Mins
Students will get into groups of four. Then they will be given a sheet with four different
patterns on them. Then they have to search around the room for the pre placed matches
to the patterns on their sheet. Say their first pattern was AAB and they found a picture of
a bear, bear, duck, then that would be their match. The first team to get all of their
matches wins!

Closing: 5 minutes
To close, each student will complete an exit slip sheet, that will have a pattern- ABAC
and then the students will have to translate the pattern into another form. The teacher will
collect these sheets for assessment.

Take anecdotal notes throughout the activities to make sure you see if some students are
understanding the concept better than others or if some are still struggling.
The teacher will collect the exit slips at the end of the lesson.

This lesson can be and should be differentiated in many ways to support any needs that
may arise in a classroom
For students with learning disabilities seeing a visual of the math manipulatives will help
them understand the concept without having to decipher through lots of text but rather
visual and movement activities are used in this lesson plan. Also having the assessment
be with notes and not a test also means they wont have the pressure of text or time.
For students with an Executive functioning disorder you can have step-by-step directions
with explicit detail specifically for them.
Students with autism would benefit from the different sensors such as the manips.
For students with ADHD getting up and moving for the scavenger hunt would help them.
For students with visual impairments you could also have the manipulatives have braille
or embossed so the students could feel to help them make their pattern.
For gifted students, you could allow them to try and discover more difficult translations
with more elements in the pattern.
Students with hearing impairments would need assistive technology during this activity
like an FM microphone system.
Other differentiation could be adapted into this lesson plan if needed once the childs
needs are determined.
It is important to remember with ELL students they may find these activities difficult
because the wording can be difficult for even English students, therefore it is important to
remember these students may need some extra assistance with the language of the
Stage Three (3): Post Lesson Activities

Lesson Evaluation and Revision

Evaluate what went well with the lesson and what should be revised for next time
Finish writing any notes you made have thought of during the lesson that you werent
able to write down in the moment

Lesson Plan

Subject: Math Grade: One (1) Length: 40 Minutes Date: Feb

Stage One - Pre-Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: A & B Patterns

Students will be able to understand what A & B patterns are.
Students will be able make their own A & B patterns with painting and bracelets.

New Brunswick Curriculum Outcome:

GCO: Patterns and Relations (PR): Use patterns to describe the world and solve
o SCO: PR2: Translate repeating patterns from one representation to another.

NCTM Pre-K Expectations: In pre-K through grade 2 each and every student should:
sort, classify, and order objects by size, number, and other properties;
recognize, describe, and extend patterns such as sequences of sounds and shapes or simple
numeric patterns and translate from one representation to another;
analyze how both repeating and growing patterns are generated.

Information gathered from Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching
Developmentally by Van de Walle et. Al, fourth Canadian Edition, p. 183-207

SMARTBoard Slides
Cup with popsicles sticks with students names
White Paper
Exit Slip
Stage Two (2): Lesson Planning and Implementation

Introduction/Anticipatory Set: 15 minutes

Students will be invited up to the rug in front of the SMARTBoard. They will be shown slides
with patterns on it and using the cup with the popsicles sticks with the students names on it,
pick them one by one for each slide allowing the students to tell you the pattern. Let the
students know that patterns are done in many different ways and can be shown different as
well, but meaning the same thing. From doing this intro with the students, it will the introduce
what we will be doing with our activity.

Activity: 20 minutes
Break the students up into two groups by numbering them off by 1 and 2. The first Station is
going to be doting your name and the second station is going to be bracelet making. At each
station, Students will have 10 minutes at each. Be sure to put a timer up on the board for
students to be mindful of how much time they have for doing their activity.
Doting your Name:
With this first station, students are going to be given a white sheet of paper with their name on
it. Then they will be given different colors of paint, but tell them they cant start anything until
you as the teachers says that they can. Set these students at the same table and at each end
of the table, have two things with different colors of paint on them. What these activity entails,
the students will be doting their name with different colors, but using an A & B pattern that we
just talked about.
Bracelet Making:
This is a similar to the first activity, but it is just done in a different way. Students will be give a
thing of yarn or string, and they will be creating a bracelet for themselves, but b creating an A
& B pattern.

Closing: 5 minutes
Explain to the students The purpose of both of these activities is for students to be able to
know how to create A & B patterns. Point out to the students when they are finished both of
the activities that they have just created the same type of patterns, but done in two different
ways. Get the students to write an exit slip at the end of class explain what they have took
away from today class and the purpose of the activities.

Walk around the classroom while the students are working in their groups. Take anecdotal
notes throughout the activities to make sure you see if some students are understanding the
concept better than others or if some are still struggling. Collect the exit slip at the end of class
from students to have a better understanding what the students felt like they have learnt from
todays class.

These activities are both good for students who have any exceptionality. With the dotting of
the names, there names will already be written out for them and all that they need to do is
take their figure and dot their name using different colors. With the bracelet making, There
would already be a bracelet at the table that has already been made that they are able to go
by. I believe that lesson does meet all of the needs of differentiation students. Other students
wont noticed that there activities were made easier for another student because of their
learning disability. Every student will be able to take part in these activities without feeling out
of shorts with something being done differently for them.

Stage Three (3): Post Lesson Activities

Lesson Evaluation and Revision:

Evaluate the lesson of what went well and what didnt. With your notes that you have taken in
class review them and figure out what you could change for next time.

Lesson Plan

Subject: Math Grade: One (1) Length: 30 Minutes Date: Feb

Stage One- Pre-Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Equal or Unequal


Students will be able to describe balance as equality and unbalanced as inequality.

New Brunswick Curriculum Outcome:

GCO: Patterns and Relations (PR): Represent algebraic expressions in multiple ways.

o SCO: PR3:Describe equality as a balance and inequality as an imbalance,

concretely and pictorially (0 to 20).

NCTM Pre-K Expectations: In pre-K through grade 2 each and every student should
sort, classify, and order objects by size, number, and other properties;
recognize, describe, and extend patterns such as sequences of sounds and shapes or simple
numeric patterns and translate from one representation to another;
analyze how both repeating and growing patterns are generated.

Information gathered from Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching
Developmentally by Van de Walle et. Al, fourth Canadian Edition, p. 183-207.

SMARTBoard slides
Students Sheet
Cup with Popsicles sticks with student's name

Stage Two (2): Lesson Planning and Implementation

Introduction/Anticipatory Set: 10 minutes

Ask students to come and join you up on the rug thats in front of the SMARTBoard. Show
them slides of pictures that are different or the same. With each slide ask students to see if
they are able to tell you if they can spot the difference or the same. Use your cup with the
popsicles sticks with the students names on it to answer the questions you have. By doing
that students know that they dont need to raise their hands.
With this opening activity, students are able to understand how to use the equal and unequal

Activity:10 Minutes
Students will be then asked to go back to their seats for the next activity. Get your helping
hands students to pass out the sheets to the students. On the sheets will be different types of
pictures that students will have to put the signs weather they think it is equal to or not equal.
But on other pages, they will be able to circle what is the same or what is different.They will
also have some where they have to write out in a sentence about what they see in their
picture of being the same or being different.
Closing: 10 minutes
When students are done with their sheets, while waiting for other students in the class to
finishes up they can color their pictures. When done coloring, they are to hand in their papers
to the teacher.

Students are to pass in their sheets to the teacher. By doing this, the teacher will be able to
see of how well the students fully understood the lesson.
You can also take notes on each student to see how well they are doing with the activity that
you have planned.

I believe that this lesson is already differentiated, because everything with this lesson along
with the sheets have pictures. Students with a learning disability are able to have a visual look
of what it is that I am asking them to too. If they find doing the multiple sheets too much for
them to do, allow them to pick whichever sheet that they feel like they are able to do,with
doing this you are allowing them to have some say in what they do. Students who can have
say in what they do tend to do it all. With the pictures, they are able to see what it is that they
have to do and they just have to figure out if the picture that they are looking at is the same or
not the same.

Stage Three (3): Post Lesson Activities

Lesson Evaluation and Revision:
With collecting the students sheets at the end of the lesson, this will show you as the teacher
how much they took away and understood the lesson. It will also give you an idea of what it is
that you may need to fix for the next time you do this lesson or what it is that you may need to
still go over with your students.

Lesson Plan

Subject: Math Grade: One (1) Length: Forty (40) minutes Date: Feb

Stage One- Pre-Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Balanced or Unbalanced

Students will be able to describe balance as equality and unbalanced as inequality.

New Brunswick Curricular Objectives:

GCO: Patterns and Relations (PR): Represent algebraic expressions in multiple
o SCO: PR3:Describe equality as a balance and inequality as an imbalance,
concretely and pictorially (0 to 20).

NCTM Pre-K Expectations:

sort, classify, and order objects by size, number, and other properties;
recognize, describe, and extend patterns such as sequences of sounds and shapes or
simple numeric patterns and translate from one representation to another;
analyze how both repeating and growing patterns are generated.

NCTM Pre-K Expectations:

Information gathered from Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching
Developmentally by Van de Walle et. Al, fourth Canadian Edition, p. 183-207.

A manipulative (can really be anything you want)
Smartboard file Balanced or Unbalanced
Two (2) pieces of paper: One with the equal symbol (=) and one with the unequal symbol
( )

Stage Two (2): Lesson Planning and Implementation

Introduction/Anticipatory Set: 10 minutes

Students will be directed to the carpet for circle time. There the teacher will sit down with
the students and, using the same manipulative, clearly lay out two sets that are the same
as each other (keeping in mind that the number can be anywhere in between 0-20). The
teacher will then ask the students how many is in each pile, giving them a little bit of think
time before asking a volunteer to answer. The teacher will then describe the two piles as
being the same as each other, and this means they are equal or balanced. This process
will be repeated with piles that are not the same as, or unequal to or unbalanced to each

Activity: 20 minutes
Moving with Math:
Desks or tables will be pushed aside to provide enough room for the students to move.
Before moving from the carpet the smartboard file will be on the board and students will
be asked to, again, count the two different sets that are on the board. There will be a
circle in the middle which will contain the answer. One of both equal and unequal will be
gone over, but when the students have come up with the answer the teacher will draw
the corresponding symbol into the circle, explaining what the symbol means.
Students will then be asked to move to the middle of the room, and their attention will be
drawn to the two sheets with the symbols which will be on either side of the room. If the
students think the sets on the board are the same as, or equal to each other then they
will move to the =, and if they think they are not the same as, or unequal to each other

they will move to the . The teacher will take time to ask volunteers why they chose
the side they did, and then draw in the answer in the circle in the middle of the two sets
before asking the students to return to the middle. This will be repeated multiple times.

Closing: 10 minutes
To close the students will be asked to draw two sets of something that are equal, and two
sets of something that are unequal, and to use the symbol in between them (exactly like
the smartboard activity). These will be collected and used formatively.

Take anecdotal notes throughout the activity to make sure you see if some students are
understanding the concept better than others or if some are still struggling, or perhaps
just following the crowd..
The teacher will collect the equal/unequal drawings for a more individualized

This lesson can be and should be differentiated in many ways to support any needs that
may arise in a classroom
For students with learning disabilities seeing a visual of the math manipulatives will help
them understand the concept without having to decipher through lots of text but rather
visual and movement activities are used in this lesson plan. Also having the assessment
be with notes and not a test also means they wont have the pressure of text or time.
For students with an Executive functioning disorder you can have step-by-step directions
with explicit detail specifically for them.
Students with autism would benefit from the different sensors such as the manips.
For students with ADHD getting up and moving for the activity would help them.
For gifted students, by allowing them the creative freedom to come up with their own sets
they can adjust the activity to their individual level.
Students with hearing impairments would need assistive technology during this activity
like an FM microphone system.
Other differentiation could be adapted into this lesson plan if needed once the childs
needs are determined.
It is important to remember with ELL students they may find these activities difficult
because the wording can be difficult for even English students, therefore it is important to
remember these students may need some extra assistance with the language of the

Stage Three (3): Post Lesson Activities

Lesson Evaluation and Revision

Evaluate what went well with the lesson and what should be revised for next time
Finish writing any notes you made have thought of during the lesson that you werent
able to write down in the moment

Lesson Plan

Subject: Math Grade: One (1) Length: Forty (40) minutes Date: Feb

Stage One- Pre-Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Math Around the Room

Students will be able to record equalities and inequalities using the proper symbols.

New Brunswick Curricular Objectives:

GCO: Patterns and Relations (PR): Represent algebraic expressions in multiple
o SCO: PR4: Record equalities, using the equal symbol.

NCTM Expectations:
sort, classify, and order objects by size, number, and other properties;
recognize, describe, and extend patterns such as sequences of sounds and shapes or
simple numeric patterns and translate from one representation to another;
analyze how both repeating and growing patterns are generated.

Information gathered from Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching
Developmentally by Van de Walle et. Al, fourth Canadian Edition, p. 183-207.

Student recording sheets, sorted in boxes labelled A-J
Little cards, labelled A-J which will have two sets of a picture on them

Stage Two (2): Lesson Planning and Implementation

Introduction/Anticipatory Set: 5 minutes

Students will be reminded of what they did during the last lesson (which was moving to
either the equal symbol or unequal symbol) and given the opportunity to go over a few
examples of each together as a class. This will help jog their memories as to what the
symbols mean and look like.

Activity: 45 minutes
Math Around the Room:
Students will be told that there are ten (10) cards hidden around the room, which they will
have to find. This will be an individual activity, so no pairing up.
Students will each be given their handout and told that they have to pay attention to what
letter is on the card, and they are to put their answer in that same letter on their sheet
(ex. If you see a D on the card, then your answer goes into the box with the D on it on
your sheet).
Students are to count both of the sets and decide if they are equal, or unequal (balanced
or unbalanced) and they will then write to corresponding symbol into the correct box on
their sheet.
Students will only be finished when they have found and recorded for all 10 boxes.
These sheets will be handed in to the teacher.

Closing: 10 minutes
To close the students will be asked to come to the carpet and will be asked a very
difficult question. Up on the board, rather than pictures, there will be two equations, with
the circle in the middle for either the unequal sign, or the equal sign (ex. 3+5/ 4+4). Are
they the same as each other, or are they different? Students will simply need to think
about this as we get ready for our next lesson.

Take anecdotal notes throughout the activity to make sure you see if some students are
understanding the concept better than others or if some are still struggling
The teacher will collect the equal/unequal handouts for formative assessment.

This lesson can be and should be differentiated in many ways to support any needs that
may arise in a classroom
For students with learning disabilities seeing a visual of the pictures will help them
understand the concept without having to decipher through lots of text but rather visual
and movement activities are used in this lesson plan. Also having the assessment be
with notes and not a test also means they wont have the pressure of text or time.
For students with an Executive functioning disorder you can have step-by-step directions
with explicit detail specifically for them. .
For students with ADHD getting up and moving around will allow them to focus more.
Students with hearing impairments would need assistive technology during this activity
like an FM microphone system.
Other differentiation could be adapted into this lesson plan if needed once the childs
needs are determined.
It is important to remember with ELL students they may find these activities difficult
because the wording can be difficult for even English students, therefore it is important to
remember these students may need some extra assistance with the language of the
Stage Three (3): Post Lesson Activities

Lesson Evaluation and Revision

Evaluate what went well with the lesson and what should be revised for next time
Finish writing any notes you made have thought of during the lesson that you werent
able to write down in the moment

Lesson Plan

Subject: Math Grade: One (1) Length: 1 hour Date: Feb 20.

Stage One- Pre-Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Equal or Not Equal?

Students will be able to record equalities and inequalities using the proper symbols.

New Brunswick Curricular Objectives:

GCO: Patterns and Relations (PR): Represent algebraic expressions in multiple
o SCO: PR4: Record equalities, using the equal symbol.

NCTM Expectations:
sort, classify, and order objects by size, number, and other properties;
recognize, describe, and extend patterns such as sequences of sounds and shapes or
simple numeric patterns and translate from one representation to another;
analyze how both repeating and growing patterns are generated.

Information gathered from Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching
Developmentally by Van de Walle et. Al, fourth Canadian Edition,

Pre-sorted bags of counters. (record amount of counters in eacher?
Equal-Arm Beam Scales
Various objects to compare (Closing activity)
Glasses of water, place mats, dice, etc.

Stage Two (2): Lesson Planning and Implementation

Introduction/Anticipatory Set: 5 minutes
Students will review the concepts taught in the previous lesson. We will look specifically
at the equal and not equal sign and the significance behind the symbols.

Activity: 30 minutes
Students will be formed in pairs or small groups. Depending on the amount of scales
Each pair or group will be provided 4 bags with counters. Each bag will have either a
number assigned to it, and each bag will have the same amount of counters as all
Each student will also be given a handout. This handout will be where students can
record their findings. The handout will have four equations written out, with an equal and

unequal sign. (Ex. Bag 1 is = to Bag 2). Students will simply have to circle the
equal or not equal sign.
Students are to weigh each of the bags the equations on the sheet ask. After the weigh
the bags, and notice if they are equal or unequal, they have to count both bags of
counters. After weighing and counting, they will then record their answer on the sheet;
whether the equation is equal or not equal.
Once students have finished their handouts, they will hand them into their teacher to for

Closing: 15 minutes
The teacher will instruct students to come to the mat for the closing activity. The teacher
will bring one of the scales up to the front of the class. The teacher will compare objects
based on mass and capacity using the scale. For mass, the teacher can take two
random objects from the class and place them on either side of the scale. This shows
students visually the difference in mass. Next, the teacher can compare two glasses with
different amounts of water. This allows students to see capacity and mass. The teacher
will also compare objects based on length and area. This will be done using various
objects in the class, the teacher will just need to show the students the difference in
length and area objects can be. Students are not expected to completely understand,
this is an activity to introduce the next unit of math, Shape and Space. Students will be
observing and ask any questions. This is also a great opportunity to make notes on
students prior knowledge.

The teacher will take anecdotal notes throughout the activity to make sure students are
understanding the concept. Notes will also be taken during the closing activity to record
students prior knowledge on the next math unit.
The teacher will collect the Equal or Not Equal handouts for formative assessment.

This lesson can be and should be differentiated in many ways to support any needs that
may arise in a classroom
For students with learning disabilities seeing a visual of the pictures will help them
understand the concept without having to decipher through lots of text but rather visual
and movement activities are used in this lesson plan. Also having the assessment be
with notes and not a test also means they wont have the pressure of text or time.
For students with an Executive functioning disorder you can have step-by-step directions
with explicit detail specifically for them. .
For students with ADHD getting up and moving around will allow them to focus more.
Students with hearing impairments would need assistive technology during this activity
like an FM microphone system.
Other differentiation could be adapted into this lesson plan if needed once the childs
needs are determined.
It is important to remember with ELL students they may find these activities difficult
because the wording can be difficult for even English students, therefore it is important to
remember these students may need some extra assistance with the language of the

Stage Three (3): Post Lesson Activities

Lesson Evaluation and Revision

Evaluate what went well with the lesson and what should be revised for next time.
Finish writing any notes you made have thought of during the lesson that you werent
able to write down in the moment.
Look over the individual work of the students to check for their understanding of the
Edit or adjust the next lessons if necessary.
Draft Unit Plan- Algebraic Thinking

NCTM Outcomes:
sort, classify, and order objects by size, number, and other properties;
recognize, describe, and extend patterns such as sequences of sounds and shapes or simple
numeric patterns and translate from one representation to another;
analyze how both repeating and growing patterns are generated.

NB Math Curriculum Outcomes (Grade 1)

GCO: Patterns and Relations (PR): Use patterns to describe the world and solve problems
o SCO: PR1: Demonstrate an understanding of repeating patterns (two to four elements) by:
describing reproducing extending creating patterns using manipulatives, diagrams, sounds
and actions.
o SCO: PR2: Translate repeating patterns from one representation to another.
o SCO: PR3:Describe equality as a balance and inequality as an imbalance, concretely and
pictorially (0 to 20).
o SCO: PR4: Record equalities, using the equal symbol.

Student Learning
Students will learn how to identify and represent two to four element patterns.
Students will learn how to translate patterns
Students will learn how to balance patterns
Students will learn mathematical symbols that accompany balancing patterns
Lesson Outcomes/Overview Assessment What the What the
Plan Topic of lesson /Evaluation Teacher will student will
do do

1) In this lesson students Students will The teacher The students

Repeating will be able to identify individually will create a will participate
Patterns and describe the create a Smartboard in the pattern
missing elements in a repeating lesson on Smartboard
given repeating pattern. pattern. The patterns. lesson.
Students will also be patterns will be The teacher Students will
able to create and assessed to will read aloud listen and
describe a repeating check for the big book. participate
pattern. student The teacher during the
understanding. will prepare the read aloud.
Anecdotal caterpillar Students will
notes will also handout. create their
be used. The teacher own repeating
will provide all pattern.

2) Three In this lesson students The pattern The teacher The students
Element will first explore how to stamps sheets will prepare the will listen
Patterns represent three element will be activities and when the
patterns by making collected for the smartboard teacher is
pattern bracelets. Then assessment lesson. These instructing
they will follow along and anecdotal activities will and then they
with a smartboard notes will be need will participate
lesson and game. Then taken during supplementary during the
to complete the lesson the exploration materials so interactive
they will stamp patterns activity. the teacher will part of the
that will be collected for also need to lesson and
assessment. supply these. the activities.

3) Students will start by An exit slip will The teacher The students
Translating exploring how to be completed will be will be
patterns translate a pattern by at the lesson. responsible for responsible
representing it using creating the for listening
different objects at their activities and and
table. Then they will do organizing the participating
an activity with materials. They when
translating using math will also allow directed. They
manipulatives. Then the students to will also be
they will finish with a explore and responsible
Scavenger hunt to try instruct and for completing
and find their pattern help when their exit slips
matches. necessary. to the best of
their abilities
so the
teacher can
assess their

4) A & B Students will be able to Anecdotal The teacher The students

Patterns understand what A & B notes will be will be will be
patterns are. taken responsible for responsible
Students will be able
throughout this creating a for listening to
make their own A & B
patterns with painting lesson. At the SMARTBoard what is being
and bracelets. end they will slides taught to
also be introducing them. It is
handing in an patterns. It is also their job
exit slip of also the job of to be sure to
them writing the teacher that participate in
down what with both of the each of the
they took from activity that activity and to
the lesson. they have all understand
the supplies the purpose
that they need for each
to do it. With activity. They
the first also need to
one,they need write an exit
to make sure slip for the
that the have teacher at the
all the students end for
names written teacher to
out on paper know how
before starting much of the
to paint it. lesson that
the students

5) Equal or Students will be able to Anecdotal The teacher The students

Unequal look at different pictures notes will be will need to will need to
on the SMARTBoard taken make the listen to what
and on their sheets and throughout the SMARTBoard the teacher is
be able to tell the lesson. At the slides for the presenting to
difference. Weather a end of the students that them. It is
picture they are looking lesson, the introduces the also their
at is the same as the students will topic of what responsibility
one beside it or are pass in their they will be to make sure
they different. They will sheets to the learning. They that they do
be using the equal and teacher that will also need their sheets.
non equal signs in this they were to create the At the end
lesson. doing. sheets of they will need
equal, or to pass the
unequal sheets into
pictures, the teacher.

6) Balanced In this lesson students Anecdotal The teacher The students

or will explore the idea of notes will be will be will be
Unbalanced sets that are the same kept on each responsible for responsible
as, or equal to each student, but creating the for providing
other and those that are they will also sets with the their ideas
not the same as, or be handing in manipulatives during whole
unequal to each other an individual and providing group
through manipulatives exit slip. the students discussion, as
and pictures. We will with a good well as paying
first work together as a understand of close
whole group to learn the new attention to
what the words equal vocabulary and the new
and unequal mean, and symbols. The vocabulary
what their symbols look teacher will and signs.
like, and then slowly also need to They will also
move into determining create the be expected
this on their own. smartboard to participate
slides for the in the activity
activity. to the best of
their ability
and complete
the exit slip.

7) Math Students will be asked The activity The teacher Students will
around the to do a scavenger hunt sheets the will be be
Room of sorts. Before students fill out responsible for responsible
beginning we will go will be handed creating the for doing the
over, as a class, the in at the end of student activity
symbols for equal and the lesson and handout as well individually
unequal and what they used as the cards for and finding
mean, as well as a few formatively. the activity. The each of the
examples. Then they teacher will 10 cards and
will move into finding 10 also have to recording
cards around the room, hide them in their answers
counting the sets on spots that are into the
each and recording not too difficult correspondin
whether or not they are to find. g area on
equal using the correct their handout.
symbol. At the end
students will be given a
glimpse into the same
concept, just taken one
step farther, using
equations rather than
pictures are the
comparison sets.

8) Equal or Students will be asked The activity The teacher Students will
Not Equal? to discover equalities sheets will be will be work in pairs
and inequalities in handed in for responsible for or small
relation to amounts and assessment. gathering all groups. They
numbers. Students will Anecdotal the materials will be
be able to compare notes will also needed. One of responsible
bags of counters to be used. the materials for filling out
each other and record will be bags the handout
their equalities and with a specific using the
inequalities using the amount of manipulatives
proper symbols. counters. The and materials
teacher will provided.
need to create
(Ex. = )
4 bags per
group with the
same amount
per group. The
teacher will
also create the
handout for
students to
record their

Evaluation Plan
Lessons Outcomes Codes Assessment Assessment Tool

Lesson One PR1 Anecdotal notes and Complete anecdotal

handout. notes. Evaluate
students individual
patterns they created.

Lesson Two PR1 Anecdotal Notes Handout from activity

Handout done correctly

Lesson Three PR2 Exit Slips and Anecdotal notes and

Anecdotal notes reading exit slip

Lesson Four PR2 Anecdotal notes and Anecdotal notes, exit

exit slips slips and the students
2 activities.

Lesson Five PR3 Anecdotal notes and Handout from the

handouts activity done correctly

Lesson Six PR3 Anecdotal notes and Completing anecdotal

an exit slip. notes and evaluating
the exit slips.

Lesson Seven PR4 Anecdotal notes and Completing anecdotal

student completed notes and evaluating
handout. the handouts.

Lesson Eight PR4 Anecdotal notes and Completing anecdotal

student completed notes. Evaluate the
activity sheet. students activity

Means of Differentiation

UDL The lessons were made to be interactive and creative to help both gifted
students and students with exceptionalities. The lessons all have
interactive activities to keep gifted, ADHD, other students engaged. The
assessments can easily be changed so students with LDs can be put into
groups so if they have challenges reading or writing, another in their group
can lead to answer the question. The activities are also made to be
creative so all students can do the activity at their own level.

DI For differentiated instruction students will be assessed and tiered so they

are being enriched at their own level. The expectations for some will be
more enhanced based on knowing the student and their abilities. Some
students may also need a step-by-step handout for activities, which will be
provided for each student, as to not single out the student with a disability.

PLP The lessons will be adapted for a PLP at a later date on an individual basis.

Bloom's The students will be starting at the bottom of Blooms to the top, as they will
Tax be analyzing and creating.

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