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University of Cagayan Valley

School of Criminology


For PNP Respondents

Name:________________________________________________ (optional)

Part I. Profile of the police respondents in terms of:

1. Age: ___________
2. Gender:
( ) Male ( ) Female
3. Civil Status
( ) Single ( ) Married
( ) Widow/er
4. Highest Educational Attainment:
( ) College Graduate: _______________
( ) Graduate Studies: _______________
5. Rank
( ) SPO4 ( ) SPO3
( ) SPO2 ( ) SPO1
( ) PO3 ( ) PO2
( ) PO1
6. Salary Grade
( ) SG 25 ( ) SG 24
( ) SG 23 ( ) SG 22
( ) SG 19 ( ) SG 18
( ) SG 17 ( ) SG 16
( ) SG 14 ( ) SG 12
( ) SG 10
7. Number of Relevant Trainings Attended
( ) 1 ( ) 2
( ) 3 ( ) 4
( ) 5 ( ) 6
( ) Others (specify)______________
8. Years of Service:
( ) below 2 Years
( ) 2 years to 3 years
( ) 3 years and 1 day to 4 years
( ) 4 years and 1 day to 5 years
( ) 5 years and 1 day to 6 years
( ) 6 years and 1 day to 7 years
( ) 7 years and 1 day to 8 years
( ) 8 years and 1 day to 9 years
( ) 9 years and 1 day to 10 years
( ) Others (specify)______________
9. Religious Affiliation:
( ) Roman Catholic ( ) Iglesia Ni Cristo
( ) Born Again ( ) Methodist
( ) Jehovah Witness ( ) Others:_______________________

Part II. Level of Professional Competence of the PNP personnel of Tuguegarao

City Police Station, Cagayan PPO on Human Rights-Based Policing

Directions: Please give your answer using the descriptive scales below.
Simply check the appropriate box which commensurate to your responses.

Numerical Scale Descriptive Value

3 Always
2 Sometimes
1 Never

A. Participation
Items 1 2 3
1. The PNP conducts dialogues with the citizens to
interact with the police and provide inputs
needed for the development of policies, plans,
strategies, and programs.
2. The PNP conducts dialogues with the sectoral
University of Cagayan Valley
School of Criminology

representatives to provide inputs needed for

the development of policies, plans, strategies,
and programs
3. The PNP conducts human rights based-activities
in the community.
4. The PNP organizes and supports a Council of
Elders in the community.
5. The PNP conducts continuing education about the
role and importance of civil society, non-
government organizations, and groups that call
for and promote good governance, human rights,
and police reforms.
6. The PNP supports the formation of police
auxiliary groups and other PNP-accredited
civilian organizations.
7. The PNP builds a network of civilian supporters
that can assist the police in the monitoring of
community safety and gathering of information.
B. Accountability
Items 1 2 3
1. The PNP conducts investigations or inquiries
into reports of misconduct by police personnel
2. All police personnel found guilty of misconduct
are given appropriate disciplinary measures,
with separation from the police service,
perpetual ban from re-entering the police
service, and removal of all benefits such as
retirement and/or pension pay as the highest
form of administrative sanction.
3. Contact numbers of the commander or officer in
charge of police discipline are prominently
displayed at the police station or precinct.
4. PNP Commanders with staff conduct closed-door
meetings to point out areas for improvement
especially with regard to the professional
conduct and discipline of personnel .
5. Police commanders are well-acquainted with
their supervisory and management roles,
including the scope of their authority to
impose administrative sanctions against erring
police personnel.
6. The PNP employs zero tolerance for misconduct
of erring police personnel.
C. Non-discrimination
Items 1 2 3
1. The PNP serves all persons with utmost
professionalism, competence, courtesy, and
respect regardless of age, sex, race or ethnic
origin, gender or sexual orientation, social
and economic status, or any other status.
2. The PNP recognizes the value and contributions
of the IP community
3. Commanders conducts seminar to their personnel
about human rights, especially on the principle
of non-discrimination.
4. The police render courteous service to the IP
5. The police render professional service to the
IP community.
6. Police personnel address citizens as Sir or
Maam; or use Po and Opo when speaking
with citizens.
7. Firm and commanding language are used by the
police in communicating with persons that must
be controlled due to unlawful or unruly
behavior or those that must be placed under
police custody.
University of Cagayan Valley
School of Criminology

8. The police never use foul language or words

that discriminate, belittle, or disrespect the
dignity of people whether they are law-abiding
citizens, suspects, or persons under custody.
D. Transparency
Items 1 2 3
1. The PNP allows the public to gain access to
policies, plans, documents, rules and
regulations, and other information that affects
their safety, security, and well-being
2. The PNP provides the public and other concerned
sectors about PNP policies, operations,
accomplishments, and other important
3. The public, especially the legitimate members
of the media, can gain access to the police
4. Public information officers (PIOs) are
available/ accessible to the media and to the
general public.
5. PIOs have exercised due diligence in their duty
as official conduit of police-related
information that have been pre-approved for
public dissemination
6. All police personnel on duty are in proper,
complete uniform including their respective
name plates.
7. The police introduces himself/herself clearly
to the citizen when speaking with citizens or
engaging in citizen contacts.
8. The PNP adheres prescribed rules and procedures
in the conduct of bidding and procurement
9. The PNP conducts updated inventory of PNP
equipment, supplies, firearms, and other
government owned property.
10. A database on persons under custody or under
detention is maintained and updated as a
practical application of transparency in
compliance to the requirements of R.A. 9745 or
the Anti-Torture Law
E. Human Dignity
Items 1 2 3
1. The PNP provides special services or measures
that meet the unique needs of the poor,
vulnerable, and marginalized sectors of
2. In word and in deed, all persons are treated
by the police personnel with utmost respect and
dignity regardless of age, gender, nationality,
ethnic origin, educational or financial
background, religion, or any other status.
3. The police station/precinct is made accessible
to Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) by setting
up ramps and other structures.
4. Police personnel assists persons who cannot
read or write, especially when they need to
report or file a complaint.
5. Detention areas are clean or sanitary.
6. Detention areas are well-ventilated.
7. Detention areas are adequately lighted.
F. Empowerment
Items 1 2 3
1. PCR Officer helps citizens or community leaders `
organize dialogues, meetings, and other similar
University of Cagayan Valley
School of Criminology

2. The police station/precinct distributes the

Citizens Primer on Law Enforcement and other
knowledge products or materials
3. The PCR officer helps organize human rights
advocacy activities at the barangay or
community level in coordination with the
Commission on Human Rights Office.
4. Police encourages citizens to participate in
police affairs.
5. Police encourages sectoral representatives to
participate in police affairs.
6. Police empowers stakeholders to be active
participants in the maintenance of peace and
7. The PNP recognizes that people or claim holders
of human rights have the power to explore and
maximize their potential and shape their
collective destiny.
8. The PNP conducts barangay pulong-pulong, and
other activities related to Community-Based
Dialogues on Human Rights.
G. Rule of Law
Items 1 2 3
1. Police station/precinct is complied with
posters and other information materials related
to human rights and police procedures.
2. PNP informs the people about laws, police
policies, rules, regulations, and procedures
that have a bearing on their safety, well-
being, and exercise of their rights as citizens
3. The police commander or team leader conducts
Pre-Operation Briefing before the conduct of
police operation.
4. The police commander or team leader conducts
Post-Operation Assessment/ Debriefing after the
conduct of police operation.
5. All police personnel/operatives are given prior
instructions and guidelines especially on the
protection of human rights and the primacy of
saving human lives before they are deployed on
a police operation.
6. The police commander or a representative from
the PNP Legal Service or their designated legal
officer conducts briefings on legal updates,
case studies, and other information

Part III. Problems Encountered on the implementation of Human Rights-Based


Directions: Please give your answer using the descriptive scales below.
Simply check the appropriate box which commensurate to your responses.

Numerical Scale Descriptive Value

3 Very Serious
2 Serious
1 Not Serious

Items 1 2 3
1. Stakeholders are passive recipients of human
rights based activities in the barangay level.
2. Passive community residents.
3. No dedicated PCR personnel to conduct Barangay
Pulong-pulong to discuss laws, police policies,
rules, regulations, and procedures that have a
bearing on their safety, well-being, and
exercise of their rights as citizens
4. Lack of financial support to perform the human
University of Cagayan Valley
School of Criminology

rights based activities in the barangay level.

5. Lack of specialized trainings for COP and PCR
personnel to conduct briefings on legal
updates, case studies, and other information
6. No personnel with basic and advanced training
in human rights
7. No separate detention facilities / lock-up
cells for women in local station.
8. No fund to maintain the cleanliness of the s
detention facilities / lock-up cells.
9. No poster re respect of human rights at the
police station.
10. Discourteous PNP personnel.

Thank You and God Bless

University of Cagayan Valley
School of Criminology


For Community Residents

Name:________________________________________________ (optional)

Level of Professional Competence of the PNP personnel of Tuguegarao City

Police Station, Cagayan PPO on Human Rights-Based Policing in terms of:

Directions: Please give your answer using the descriptive scales below.
Simply check the appropriate box which commensurate to your responses.

Numerical Scale Descriptive Value

3 Always
2 Sometimes
1 Never

H. Participation
Items 1 2 3
1. The PNP conducts dialogues with the citizens to
interact with the police and provide inputs
needed for the development of policies, plans,
strategies, and programs.
2. The PNP conducts dialogues with the sectoral
representatives to provide inputs needed for
the development of policies, plans, strategies,
and programs
3. The PNP conducts human rights based-activities
in the community.
4. The PNP organizes and supports a Council of
Elders in the community.
5. The PNP conducts continuing education about the
role and importance of civil society, non-
government organizations, and groups that call
for and promote good governance, human rights,
and police reforms.
6. The PNP supports the formation of police
auxiliary groups and other PNP-accredited
civilian organizations.
7. The PNP builds a network of civilian supporters
that can assist the police in the monitoring of
community safety and gathering of information.
I. Accountability
Items 1 2 3
1. The PNP conducts investigations or inquiries
into reports of misconduct by police personnel
2. All police personnel found guilty of misconduct
are given appropriate disciplinary measures,
with separation from the police service,
perpetual ban from re-entering the police
service, and removal of all benefits such as
retirement and/or pension pay as the highest
form of administrative sanction.
3. Contact numbers of the commander or officer in
charge of police discipline are prominently
displayed at the police station or precinct.
4. PNP Commanders with staff conduct closed-door
meetings to point out areas for improvement
especially with regard to the professional
conduct and discipline of personnel .
5. Police commanders are well-acquainted with
their supervisory and management roles,
including the scope of their authority to
impose administrative sanctions against erring
police personnel.
University of Cagayan Valley
School of Criminology

6. The PNP employs zero tolerance for misconduct

of erring police personnel.
J. Non-discrimination
Items 1 2 3
1. The PNP serves all persons with utmost
professionalism, competence, courtesy, and
respect regardless of age, sex, race or ethnic
origin, gender or sexual orientation, social
and economic status, or any other status.
2. The PNP recognizes the value and contributions
of the IP community
3. Commanders conducts seminar to their personnel
about human rights, especially on the principle
of non-discrimination.
4. The police render courteous service to the IP
5. The police render professional service to the
IP community.
6. Police personnel address citizens as Sir or
Maam; or use Po and Opo when speaking
with citizens.
7. Firm and commanding language are used by the
police in communicating with persons that must
be controlled due to unlawful or unruly
behavior or those that must be placed under
police custody.
8. The police never use foul language or words
that discriminate, belittle, or disrespect the
dignity of people whether they are law-abiding
citizens, suspects, or persons under custody.
K. Transparency
Items 1 2 3
1. The PNP allows the public to gain access to
policies, plans, documents, rules and
regulations, and other information that affects
their safety, security, and well-being
2. The PNP provides the public and other concerned
sectors about PNP policies, operations,
accomplishments, and other important
3. The public, especially the legitimate members
of the media, can gain access to the police
4. Public information officers (PIOs) are
available/ accessible to the media and to the
general public.
5. PIOs have exercised due diligence in their duty
as official conduit of police-related
information that have been pre-approved for
public dissemination
6. All police personnel on duty are in proper,
complete uniform including their respective
name plates.
7. The police introduces himself/herself clearly
to the citizen when speaking with citizens or
engaging in citizen contacts.
8. The PNP adheres prescribed rules and procedures
in the conduct of bidding and procurement
9. The PNP conducts updated inventory of PNP
equipment, supplies, firearms, and other
government owned property.
10. A database on persons under custody or under
detention is maintained and updated as a
practical application of transparency in
compliance to the requirements of R.A. 9745 or
the Anti-Torture Law
University of Cagayan Valley
School of Criminology

L. Human Dignity
Items 1 2 3
1. The PNP provides special services or measures
that meet the unique needs of the poor,
vulnerable, and marginalized sectors of
2. In word and in deed, all persons are treated
by the police personnel with utmost respect and
dignity regardless of age, gender, nationality,
ethnic origin, educational or financial
background, religion, or any other status.
3. The police station/precinct is made accessible
to Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) by setting
up ramps and other structures.
4. Police personnel assists persons who cannot
read or write, especially when they need to
report or file a complaint.
5. Detention areas are clean or sanitary.
6. Detention areas are well-ventilated.
7. Detention areas are adequately lighted.
M. Empowerment
Items 1 2 3
1. PCR Officer helps citizens or community leaders `
organize dialogues, meetings, and other similar
2. The police station/precinct distributes the
Citizens Primer on Law Enforcement and other
knowledge products or materials
3. The PCR officer helps organize human rights
advocacy activities at the barangay or
community level in coordination with the
Commission on Human Rights Office.
4. Police encourages citizens to participate in
police affairs.
5. Police encourages sectoral representatives to
participate in police affairs.
6. Police empowers stakeholders to be active
participants in the maintenance of peace and
7. The PNP recognizes that people or claim holders
of human rights have the power to explore and
maximize their potential and shape their
collective destiny.
8. The PNP conducts barangay pulong-pulong, and
other activities related to Community-Based
Dialogues on Human Rights.
N. Rule of Law
Items 1 2 3
1. Police station/precinct is complied with posters
and other information materials related to human
rights and police procedures.
2. PNP informs the people about laws, police
policies, rules, regulations, and procedures
that have a bearing on their safety, well-
being, and exercise of their rights as citizens
3. The police commander or team leader conducts
Pre-Operation Briefing before the conduct of
police operation.
4. The police commander or team leader conducts
Post-Operation Assessment/ Debriefing after the
conduct of police operation.
5. All police personnel/operatives are given prior
instructions and guidelines especially on the
protection of human rights and the primacy of
saving human lives before they are deployed on
a police operation.
University of Cagayan Valley
School of Criminology

6. The police commander or a representative from

the PNP Legal Service or their designated legal
officer conducts briefings on legal updates,
case studies, and other information

Thank You and God Bless

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