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United Associations of Agro-Environmental

Producers of Northern Tolima

Avenida Los Fundadores,

Carrera 6 Esquina
Lbano, Tolima, Colombia

Phone: (+57) 311-222-4101


1947 - 2017 70
@CDFCanada @CCAIntl
1947 - 2017
Our Story
ASOUNIR (United Associations of Agro-Environmental
Producers of Northern Tolima) was founded in 2015 as a
Up the mountain trail, along a narrow rocky path, about 20 minutes second-tier association, merging the CAFILIBANO cooperative
from the town of Lbano, Tolima, lies Finca El Eden, a farm owned and the ASOMUPAS, LA AMISTAD, and AMMUCIL
by Doa Mara Anabeiba Fquene de Len, an ASOUNIR member associations under the IMPACT project, Improving the
who proudly points out the Colombia and Castilla coffee varieties Economic Performance of Agricultural Co-operatives in
growing on her plantation. Colombia sponsored by the Canadian Co-operative Association
(CCA) and its operator in Colombia, Incubadora Gestando.
Doa Mara Anabeiba is a widow who inherited her family estate
from her husband. She says that when she first took charge of the The organizations 963 members (and their families) inhabit the
farm she had no idea how to manage it. She was familiar only with municipalities of Lbano, Las Pavas, and Villahermosa, where they
the drying process, having devoted her time and energy to it over grow environmentally sustainable coffee in compliance with good
the years, in what seemed almost like a ritual, performed alone, at agricultural practices. The social, environmental, cultural, and
home. She is now in charge of the entire farm, which employs a total economic changes generated by the Association have improved
of 80 workers and last year produced 480,000 kilos of coffee (689 the quality of life of its members, who suffered for over a decade
cargas). from the global coffee crisis and Colombias armed conflict.

Marta Redondo Rodrguez, another ASOUNIR member who lives Doa Marias farm, like all ASOUNIR farms, is located more
in the village of Zelanda, joins our conversation. She proudly tells than 1,400 meters above sea level, on the volcanic soil around
us the story of how several associations in the region came together the Nevado del Ruiz volcano, in an exceptionally biodiverse
to form what is now ASOUNIR. Before, everybody worked alone. area. Here, producers laboring in environmentally sustainable
Then we realized we needed to band together to create production conditions hand-pick the coffee bean by bean, process and dry it
projects, which is the idea behind ASOUNIR. Were now training to to ensure a quality coffee characterized by its softness.
form a business.

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