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Alliance Coffee

Calle 8, #4-33
Centro, Planadas, Tolima

Phone: (+57) 318-560-5823


1947 - 2017 70
@CDFCanada @CCAIntl 1947 - 2017
Our Story
ALLIANCE COFFEE, a coffee association located
in the municipality of Planadas, Tolima, is a leading
producer of coffee in the region, the third largest in
Colombia, and the countrys leading specialty coffee
producer. The Association covers an area of 14,458
hectares and produces 9,184 tons of coffee, according
to estimates from the Tolima governments Ministry of conservation, strengthening generational transmission, transfer of
Agricultural Development. knowledge, recovery of ancestral farming practices, and conservation
of the soil and watershed.
The organization arose out of the producers need to
market their products at a fair price. Traditional trading The organization has no hierarchy; it is instead an integrated
failed to secure prices that compensated production network of producers in which young people play a vital role: 30%
costs given the many difficulties faced in cultivating of associated producers are between 20 and 30 years of age. The
and processing their products, including the regions members have maintained traditional coffee-growing practices, such
geography mountainous slopes of more than 35 as growing in the shade, preserving native varieties of coffee, and
degrees and the poor state of tertiary roads, which cultivating them through traditional practices that include nurseries,
increased the cost of transporting products. fertilizers, pruning, harvesting only mature beans, processing with
equipment developed by members and tailored to each farm, artisanal
In addition to the above, the States presence was shade drying, and preserving the local streams.
very weak and farmers in the area were stigmatized
as guerrillas since the mountains around Planadas Our Production
had given birth to the FARC guerrilla movement and
traditionally this group had been very active in the area.
Coffee growers therefore decided to organize, aware that ALLIANCE COFFEE and its 342 fair trade-certified members cover
despite the armed conflict and state neglect the area was a total area of 1,210 hectares, 855 of which are reserved for coffee.
producing good quality coffee capable of reaching new 373 hectares have achieved organic certification (National Organic
markets. Program-USA, Europe, Japan, and Korea) and are distributed among
42 of the municipalitys 108 villages. The Association produces
Members of the Association established basic principles 1,767,000 kilos of coffee a year (including 607,000 kilos with organic
in keeping with their vision of the territory, which have certification) sold directly to 23 clients in Europe, North America,
since then guided the organization: transparency in Asia and Oceania, and other domestic clients.

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