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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Solution techniques in OpenFOAM

Artur Lidtke

University of Southampton

November 4, 2014

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary


Solution ideology
Understanding the process
Available methods
Practice - flat plate
Test case overview
Refining the mesh
High order schemes

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary


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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Solution ideology

The balance

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Solution ideology

Choosing the correct set-up

I Cannot have maximum accuracy with rock-solid stability at a
minimum cost
I Need to trade off the three drivers based on the application
I There is no definite answer that will always work for all
problems, even vaguely similar ones
I Check forums, read papers and look at tutorials to find a
starting point
I Then run a sensitivity study to see what works best for you
I Often useful to use a different set-up at various stages of a
simulation - high stability first for an initial estimate and then
move towards accuracy
I Stay up to date with code development to see whats new

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Solution ideology

How does this work?

I We use a set of small, finite volumes to describe our domain
of interest
I Numerical schemes of various orders are used to construct
linear equations approximating our problem
I The resulting matrices are then given to linear solvers which
try to satisfy the equations
I An indication of how well an equation is satisfied is its
I This is done for all equations in turn in order to resolve the
pressure-velocity coupling
I Need to repeat this at each time step (unsteady) or iteration

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Understanding the process

Whats the point of all this stuff in the logs? - SIMPLE

smoothSolver : Solving for Ux , Initial residual = 9.69841 e
-08 , Final residual = 9.69841 e -08 , No Iterations 0
smoothSolver : Solving for Uy , Initial residual = 7.00898 e
-07 , Final residual = 7.94086 e -08 , No Iterations 3

GAMG : Solving for p , Initial residual = 0.0032684 , Final

residual = 2.99124 e -06 , No Iterations 26
GAMG : Solving for p , Initial residual = 3.00459 e -06 , Final
residual = 9.44095 e -08 , No Iterations 60
GAMG : Solving for p , Initial residual = 9.44092 e -08 , Final
residual = 9.44092 e -08 , No Iterations 0
time step continuity errors : sum local = 2.32813 e -10 ,
global = 3.76108 e -12 , cumulative = 8.16684 e -12

smoothSolver : Solving for omega , Initial residual = 9.81049

e -08 , Final residual = 9.81049 e -08 , No Iterations 0
smoothSolver : Solving for k , Initial residual = 1.21105 e -07
, Final residual = 6.45996 e -08 , No Iterations 1

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Understanding the process

Steady-state solution (SIMPLE)

I Start wtih no information about the flow (maybe a potential

I Iterate over velocity and pressure interchangeably to drive the
equations towards convergence
I Need to monitor the residuals of all equations to make sure
the approximate solution satisfies them
I May control underrelaxation in order to dampen the
solution process - for < 1 more stable but slower
n = n1 + (n n1 )

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Understanding the process

Graphically speaking

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Understanding the process

Whats the point of all this stuff in the logs? - PISO

Courant Number mean : 0.0976805 max : 0.585722

DILUPBiCG : Solving for Ux , Initial residual = 0.148584 ,

Final residual = 7.15711 e -06 , No Iterations 6
DILUPBiCG : Solving for Uy , Initial residual = 0.256618 ,
Final residual = 8.94127 e -06 , No Iterations 6

DICPCG : Solving for p , Initial residual = 0.379232 , Final

residual = 3.38648 e -07 , No Iterations 34
time step continuity errors : sum local = 3.15698 e -09 ,
global = 1.94222 e -19 , cumulative = 9.28841 e -19

DICPCG : Solving for p , Initial residual = 0.286937 , Final

residual = 5.99637 e -07 , No Iterations 33
time step continuity errors : sum local = 6.08774 e -09 ,
global = 5.80474 e -19 , cumulative = 1.50932 e -18

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Understanding the process

Unsteady solution (PISO/PIMPLE)

I Need to reduce the residuals at each time step and not just
in the long run as in SIMPLE
I May be very hard to maintain stability without a good initial
I Must monitor the entire solution, not just the residuals, to
ensure convergence at each time step
I Check if the solvers reach maximum no. iterations before the
residuals drop by the required amount
I If yes then
I Reduce the time step
I Increase the no. solver iterations
I Use more loops over each equation (nCorrectors,
nOuterCorrectors, etc. in fvSolution)

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Understanding the process

Graphically speaking

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Understanding the process

Courant number

I At each time the Courant number is computed for an

unsteady problem

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Understanding the process

Courant number
I At each time the Courant number is computed for an
unsteady problem
Co = x

t - simulation time step

x - grid size
u - local flow velocity


How many cells does a fluid particle travel through in one

time step

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Understanding the process

Courant number

I At each time the Courant number is computed for an

unsteady problem
I Should keep Co reasonable - depending on the schemes and
methods there may be a theoretical limit for stability
I Generally, Co < 1.0 is a good rule of thumb, will need less for
LES with high order schemes

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Understanding the process

Courant number

I At each time the Courant number is computed for an

unsteady problem
I Should keep Co reasonable - depending on the schemes and
methods there may be a theoretical limit for stability
I Generally, Co < 1.0 is a good rule of thumb, will need less for
LES with high order schemes
I The higher the Reynolds number (u), the smaller the cells
have to be to resolve the boundary layer

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Understanding the process

Courant number

I At each time the Courant number is computed for an

unsteady problem
I Should keep Co reasonable - depending on the schemes and
methods there may be a theoretical limit for stability
I Generally, Co < 1.0 is a good rule of thumb, will need less for
LES with high order schemes
I The higher the Reynolds number (u), the smaller the cells
have to be to resolve the boundary layer
I The smaller the cells and the higher the speed the smaller the
time step that allows a stable solution

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Understanding the process

Courant number

I At each time the Courant number is computed for an

unsteady problem
I Should keep Co reasonable - depending on the schemes and
methods there may be a theoretical limit for stability
I Generally, Co < 1.0 is a good rule of thumb, will need less for
LES with high order schemes
I The higher the Reynolds number (u), the smaller the cells
have to be to resolve the boundary layer
I The smaller the cells and the higher the speed the smaller the
time step that allows a stable solution
I CFD of High-Re flows is still a huge challenge!

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Available methods

Schemes - convective

I Full list of available options on
I If you are going to use upwind for LES then dont bother!
I Typical choices for RANS/URANS
I upwind - stable but inaccurate
I lienarUpwind - mixed 1st -2nd order, more accurate but less
I My suggestions for LES
I linear - 2nd order accuracy but very unstable (convective term)
I filteredLinear/limitedLinear - special mixed schemes supposed
to balance accuracy and stability (convective term)

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Available methods

Schemes - time

I Two main choices:

I Euler - 1st order time scheme, stable but not accurate - not a
problems since URANS introduces even bigger inaccuracies!
I backward/Crank-Nicholson - 2nd order time schemes - a must
for LES
I The time scheme will influence the maximum time step greatly
I Typical symptome for an LES case running at a too large time
step for a high order time scheme is the last loop over
pressure equation exploding (residuals > 1, pressure field
becoming unphysical)

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Available methods

Other schemes

I These include
I Gradient
I Laplacian
I Surface normal gradient
I Interpolation
I Generally affect stability less than the time and convective
I As a rule of thumb OK to use linear unless a specific problem
requires otherwise - look at literature and tutorial cases to get
an idea

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Available methods

Other schemes

I These include
I Gradient
I Laplacian
I Surface normal gradient
I Interpolation
I Generally affect stability less than the time and convective
I As a rule of thumb OK to use linear unless a specific problem
requires otherwise - look at literature and tutorial cases to get
an idea
I Let us examine the flat plate test case with the default
settings I specified

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Available methods

Other schemes
I These include
I Gradient
I Laplacian
I Surface normal gradient
I Interpolation
I Generally affect stability less than the time and convective
I As a rule of thumb OK to use linear unless a specific problem
requires otherwise - look at literature and tutorial cases to get
an idea
I Let us examine the flat plate test case with the default
settings I specified

Go to
cd $FOAM RUN/flatPlate/ZPG wallFunction coarse
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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Available methods

Other schemes
I These include
I Gradient
I Laplacian
I Surface normal gradient
I Interpolation
I Generally affect stability less than the time and convective
I As a rule of thumb OK to use linear unless a specific problem
requires otherwise - look at literature and tutorial cases to get
an idea
I Let us examine the flat plate test case with the default
settings I specified

gedit system/fvSchemes
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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Available methods


I Even less obvious choice than the schemes, here are some
commonly used ones:
I smoothSolver - fairly stable, good for steady RANS (U, k, )
I GAMG + GaussSeidel - robust for the pressure equation
I PBiCG + DILU - works OK for velocity for unsteady problems,
can also use for scalar fields (like volume fraction, for instance)
I Factors affecting the optimum solver for a given problem:
I Size and nature of the mesh (structured/unstructured)
I Parallelisation strategy
I Numerical schemes used
I Solution strategy (no. loops per equation etc.)
I More info on

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Available methods

I Even less obvious choice than the schemes, here are some
commonly used ones:
I smoothSolver - fairly stable, good for steady RANS (U, k, )
I GAMG + GaussSeidel - robust for the pressure equation
I PBiCG + DILU - works OK for velocity for unsteady problems,
can also use for scalar fields (like volume fraction, for instance)
I Factors affecting the optimum solver for a given problem:
I Size and nature of the mesh (structured/unstructured)
I Parallelisation strategy
I Numerical schemes used
I Solution strategy (no. loops per equation etc.)
I More info on

gedit system/fvSolution
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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Practice - flat plate

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Test case overview

Test case

I Flat plate in zero pressure gradient condition

I Probably the most fundamental hydrodynamics problem
I Very relevant to all engineering applications
I Extensive amount of validation data in the public domain
I Wieghardt et al. 1968
I T3A transitional Re regime; see for instance Cutrone et al.

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Test case overview

Test case

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Test case overview

Test case

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Test case overview

Baseline simulation

I Let us examine the flat plate test case with the default
settings I specified

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Test case overview

Baseline simulation

I Let us examine the flat plate test case with the default
settings I specified

Go to
cd $FOAM RUN/flatPlate/ZPG wallFunction coarse

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Test case overview

Baseline simulation

I Let us examine the flat plate test case with the default
settings I specified
I There is a ready script that should execute the solution, lets
have a look

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Test case overview

Baseline simulation

I Let us examine the flat plate test case with the default
settings I specified
I There is a ready script that should execute the solution, lets
have a look
gedit Allrun

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Test case overview

Baseline simulation

I Let us examine the flat plate test case with the default
settings I specified
I There is a ready script that should execute the solution, lets
have a look
I Now, run the script. The case should converge quickly

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Test case overview

Baseline simulation

I Let us examine the flat plate test case with the default
settings I specified
I There is a ready script that should execute the solution, lets
have a look
I Now, run the script. The case should converge quickly


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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Test case overview

Baseline simulation

I Let us examine the flat plate test case with the default
settings I specified
I There is a ready script that should execute the solution, lets
have a look
I Now, run the script. The case should converge quickly
I Let us take a look at the residuals and forces convergence

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Test case overview

Baseline simulation

I Let us examine the flat plate test case with the default
settings I specified
I There is a ready script that should execute the solution, lets
have a look
I Now, run the script. The case should converge quickly
I Let us take a look at the residuals and forces convergence

I cd ..
I python
I python

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Test case overview

Baseline simulation - residuals

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Test case overview

Baseline simulation - drag force

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Test case overview

What does this tell us?

I See both the pressure and velocity equations steadily

progressing towards convergence
I Drag force settles quite quickly - the wall function makes
convergence of the flow on the boundary easy but not
necessarily very accurate!
I The remaining time of the simulation is spent on sorting out
flow features
I Homework: we also collected boundary layer profile data, have
a look at how these change as the solution progresses

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Refining the mesh

Refining the mesh

I Let us use the coarse mesh solution to initialise one for a

refined grid

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Refining the mesh

Refining the mesh

I Let us use the coarse mesh solution to initialise one for a

refined grid

Go to
cd ZPG wallFunction fine

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Refining the mesh

Refining the mesh

I Let us use the coarse mesh solution to initialise one for a

refined grid
I Note how we use the mapFields utility in the Allrun script to
map the final fields from the coarse mesh onto the fine one

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Refining the mesh

Refining the mesh

I Let us use the coarse mesh solution to initialise one for a

refined grid
I Note how we use the mapFields utility in the Allrun script to
map the final fields from the coarse mesh onto the fine one

mapFields -sourceTime 2000 -consistent
../ZPG wallFunction coarse

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Refining the mesh

Refining the mesh

I Let us use the coarse mesh solution to initialise one for a

refined grid
I Note how we use the mapFields utility in the Allrun script to
map the final fields from the coarse mesh onto the fine one

I Run the simulation
I Look at the forces and residuals

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Refining the mesh

Original - residuals

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Refining the mesh

Refined grid - residuals

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Refining the mesh

Original - drag force

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Refining the mesh

Refined grid - drag force

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Refining the mesh

What does this tell us?

I Many iterations spent on convergin the solution

I The drag force didnt change much - again, wall function is
determining the friction resistance
I Since the initial condition is already pretty converged, relative
to the initial state, the same change in residuals does not
correspond to the same change in the drag
I Could have probably stopped the simulation earlier, obtaining
the same result but saving some time!

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary



I Copy the fine mesh flat plate case

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary



I Copy the fine mesh flat plate case

cp -r ZPG wallFunction fine
ZPG wallFunction fine lessUnderRel

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary



I Copy the fine mesh flat plate case

I In fvSolution, change the relaxation factor for pressure from
0.3 to 0.55

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary



I Copy the fine mesh flat plate case

I In fvSolution, change the relaxation factor for pressure from
0.3 to 0.55
gedit system/fvSolution

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary



I Copy the fine mesh flat plate case

I In fvSolution, change the relaxation factor for pressure from
0.3 to 0.55
From this: To This:
relaxationFactors relaxationFactors
{ {
fields fields
{ {
p 0.3 ; p 0.55 ;
} }
... ...
} }

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary



I Copy the fine mesh flat plate case

I In fvSolution, change the relaxation factor for pressure from
0.3 to 0.55
I Run the simulation
I Look at the forces and residuals

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary


Original (fine mesh) - residuals

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary


Less under-relaxation - residuals

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary


Original (fine mesh) - drag force

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary


Less under-relaxation - drag force

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary


What does this tell us?

I We removed the lag in convergence between pressure and

wall-normal velocity
I This means that we are wasting less time looping over already
converged Uy equation when p is still changing
I Very powerful parameter in terms of optimising a solution
I Cannot push it to far without losing stability
I Note the more prominent local fluctuations in the pressure
equation - they will only get worse the less we under-ralax,
ultimately causing a crash

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

High order schemes

High order schemes

I Again, copy the fine mesh flat plate case

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

High order schemes

High order schemes

I Again, copy the fine mesh flat plate case

cp -r ZPG wallFunction fine
ZPG wallFunction fine linear

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

High order schemes

High order schemes

I Again, copy the fine mesh flat plate case

I In fvSchemes, change the convection scheme from upwind to
gedit system/fvSchemes

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

High order schemes

High order schemes

I Again, copy the fine mesh flat plate case

I In fvSchemes, change the convection scheme from upwind to
I From this:
div ( phi , U ) bounded Gauss upwind ;

I To this:
div ( phi , U ) bounded Gauss linear ;

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

High order schemes

High order schemes

I Again, copy the fine mesh flat plate case

I In fvSchemes, change the convection scheme from upwind to
I Run the simulation
I Look at the forces and residuals

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

High order schemes

Original (fine mesh) - residuals

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

High order schemes

Linear convection scheme - residuals

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

High order schemes

Original (fine mesh) - drag force

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

High order schemes

Linear convection scheme - drag force

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

High order schemes

What does this tell us?

I Significantly slower convergence, both in terms of iterations

and total computational time
I After the maximum no. iterations the solution is still far from
convergence, would need to run for much longer - no
guarantee that it will work at all!
I This shows the difficulties in using pure high order schemes
even for very simple problems in finite volume frameworks

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary


I We touched upon how CFD actually works, useful to

understand the basics in order to troubleshoot problems
I The use of high order schemes, mesh refinement and
under-relaxation on a steady-state problem has been shown to
affect the solution
I The convergence process for an unsteady problem has also
been discussed briefly

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Concepts Practice - flat plate Summary

Further reading
I Tips and tricks to choosing solvers and schemes in
OpenFOAM by Joel Guerrero
I Implicit vs Explicit time schemes explained
I Brief introduction to the PISO algorithm
I Brief introduction to the SIMPLE algorithm

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The End

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