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English Lecture

Name : Eggy Maulana Pratama

NIM : 344035151044
Teacher : Sukmaya Oong
Date : 28 Oktober 2016

1. Find out their meaning.

a. Accident and Emergency Dept. a. Departemen Kecelakaan dan

b. Intensive Care Unit (ICU Darurat
c. Radiology or X-ray Dept. b. Unit perawatan intensif
d. Operating Theatre c. Departemen Radiologi atau
e. Laboratory X-ray
f. Outpatients Clinic d. Kamar bedah
g. Kitchen e. Laboratorium
h. Pharmacy f. Klinik rawat jalan
i. Technical Services Department g. Dapur
j. Blood Bank h. Farmasi
k. Administration Office i. Departemen Pelayanan
l. Central Sterilisation Dept. (CSD) Teknis
m. Childrens (kids) j. Bank darah
n. Medical Ward k. Kantor administrasi
o. Surgical Ward l. Departemen Sterilisasi
p. Orthopaedic Ward Sentral (CSD)
q. Gynaecological Ward m. Ruang Anak-anak
r. Geriatric Ward n. Bangsal medis
s. Paediatric Ward o. Bangsal bedah
t. Dermatological Ward p. Bangsal Ortopedi
u. E.N.T. Ward q. Bangsal Ginekologi
v. Psychiatric Ward r. Bangsal Geriatric
w. Neurological Ward s. Bangsal Anak
x. Cardiological Ward t. Bangsal dermatologi
y. Obstetrical Ward u. Ruang THT
z. Long-stay Ward v. Bangsal kejiwaan
w. Bangsal neurologis
x. Bangsal kardiologi
y. Bangsal kandungan
z. Ruang Tunggu
2. Improve your language skills by completing several sentences below with your own
words or the ones which are taken from the above list !

1. There is Intensif Care Unit (ICU) in the hospital.

2. Paediatric Ward is a place where I work.
3. Would you please go to Intensif Care Unit (ICU) if you have serious problem !
4. If you visit the Long-stay ward you will see Medical ward
5. Have you ever gone to orthopaedic ward ?
6. Many people are in outpatient clinic to consult patient
7. Dont make noisy if you stay in operating theatre
8. Is this the way to pharmacy ?
9. How far is laboratory from here ?
10. Which direction is it to E.N.T ward ?.

3. Choose the correct word in the box bellow to complete the following sentences !

1. In what place should we take when a patien has tooth ache ? dental clinic
2. Please take the patient to the cardiology he has problem of his heart disease.
3. The new patient should be in medical ward soon to get lungs examinated.
4. Lets take all patients to the x-ray dept. to have X-ray analysis
5. Take the patients to outpatient clinic, the disease is not so serious.
6. Where should we take patients if they have a very serious problem ? Intensive Care
Unit (ICU)
7. The first step is to do action for a new patient who just come and has a critical
sickness is to take him/her to accident and emergency Dept.
8. A place where we want to perform an operation is Operating Theatre

Operating Theatre - X-ray Dept. - Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

Cardiology - Accident and Emergency Dept.

Dental Clinic - Outpatients Clinic Madical Ward

4. Find out their meaning !

a. Midwife a. bidan
b. Practitioner/physician b. dokter
c. Pharmacist c. apoteker
d. Dentist d. dokter gigi
e. Paediatrician e. dokter spesialis anak
f. Surgeon f. ahli bedah
g. Orthopaedic Surgeon g. Bedah Ortopedi
h. Dermatologist h. dermatolog
i. Gynaecologist i. Obstetri & Ginekologi
j. Obstetrician j. dokter kandungan
k. Psycologist k. psikolog
l. Psychiatrist l. psikiater
m. Pathologist m. ahli patologi
n. Dietician n. ahli diet
o. Anaesthetist o. Anaestesi
p. Radiologist p. radiolog
q. Cardiologist q. ahli jantung
r. Geriatrician r. ahli gerontik
s. Occulist s. ahli mata
t. Neurologist t. ahli saraf
u. Nutritionist u. ahli ilmu gizi
v. Laboratory Technician v. Teknisi laboratorium

5. Enrichment

a. Invite your partner to have a small talk, and do the dialogue while standing face to
face !

S1 : Lets practice talking about the Hospital Personnel !

S2 : Yes Please !
S1 : How many hospital personnels do you know ?
S2 : I think there are 5 peoples.
S1 : Could you mention some of them, please ?
S2 : Yes, There are midwife, doctor, nurse, nutrisionist, and clinical instructor.
S1 : From whom do you recognize those professions ?
S2 : I am observe by my self.
S1 : Are you one of the hospital staffs ?
S2 : No, I am not.
S1 : Please tell me what a Surgeon is !
S2 : A Surgeon is a doctor who perfoms opration.
S1 : Where does the Surgeon always work ?
S2 : The surgeon always work in the surgical ward.
S1 : Have you ever been in the Paediatric Ward ?
S2 : Yes, I have done.
S1 : (if yes) What do you do in that ward ?
S2 : I have observed vital sign.
S1 : What is a person who studies and practices dermatology ?
S2 : who is dermatologist.
S1 : How smart you are !
S2 : Yes, I am always study hard.

Read a short personal information carefully and go on having a small talk that
shown on activity 4 !
I am a nursing school graduate, at which I graduated from the AKPER of Cianjur.
AKPER stands for Akademi Keperawatan, in English : Nursing Academy. I finished my
study in 2011. At present I have got a job, the job is of course as a nurse. I work in a
surgical ward at Immanuels hospital. To day is the first day for me to start my duty.
And according to the schedule I got from the hospital, I have to go on duty at 7 a.m.
and off at 5 p.m. And I work in a team with a surgeon whose name is Dr. Antoniman.
Activity : 4
Read the dialogue below then practice with your partner !

X : Good morning, my fellow worker.

Y : Hi !
X : Welcome to our new ward.
Y : Thank you.
X : Come in, please !
Y : Thanks.
X : Im pleased to see you.
Y : So am I (me too)
X : How is life ?
Y : Its all right.
X : And how about your family ?
Y : Hmm....they are good.
X : Your first day working, isnt it ?
Y : Yes, thats right.
X : Well... I think its time to discuss our jobs first.
Y : I agree with you.
Dialogue contents :
1. Are you a nursing school graduate ?
Yes, I am a nursing school graduate.

2. What school did you graduate ?

I graduate from the AKPER of Cianjur.

3. When did you finish that school ?

I finished my study in 2011.

4. Is it your first time to get assignment ?

Yes, to day is the first time for me to start my duty.

5. Have you got the schedule ?

Of course, the job is of as a nurse.
6. In what ward are you assigned to ?
I work in a sugical ward at Imanuels Hospital.

7. What time do you have to go on duty ?

I have to go on duty at 7 p.m.

8. What time are you off duty ?

I have to go of duty at 5 p.m.

9. Whom do you work in a team with ?

I work in team with a surgeon whose name is Dr. Antoniman.

X : Well.. Its very nice talking with you but Im sorry its time to work.
Y : Yes, I think so.
X : Good bye
Y : Bye
X : See you tomorrow morning.
Y : See you.
Lectures Assignment

Enrich your vocabulary : 1

No Verbs Nouns Meaning

. ( Verb + tion)

1. acclaim Acclamation Aklamasi

A accomodate Accomodation Akomodasi
act Action Tindakan
accelerate Acceleration Percepatan
adapt Adaptaion Adaptasi
add Addition Tambahan
admire Admiration Mengagumi
affiliate Affiliation Afiliasi
anticipate Anticipation Antisipasi
apply Application Aplikasi
2. calculate Calculation Kalkulasi
C cultivate Cultivation Perkembangan
circulate Circulation Sirkulasi
collect Collection Koleksi
3. dedicate Dedication Dedikasi
D define Defination Definisi
duplicate Duplication Duplikasi
destinate Destination Destinasi
4. educate Education Pendidikan
E evaluate Evaluation Evaluasi
estimate Estimation Penilaian
evacuate Evacuation Evakuasi
5. fix Fixation Perasaan yang
F fertilize Fertilization mendalam
found Foundation Pembuahan
frustrate Frustation Dasar
Enrich your vocabulary : 2

ABSTRACT NOUN : What are the derivation What part of

of these words ? speech is it called?
1. goodness good Adjective
2. health Healthy Adjective
3. freedom Free Adjective
4. bravery Brave Adjective
5. struggle Struggle Noun
6. flight Fly Verb
7. hatred Hate Verb
8. honesty Honest Adjective
9. death death Noun
10. movement move Adjective
11. friendship friendship Noun
13. darkness dark Adjective
14. slavery slave Noun
15. theft thief Verb
16. boredom Bore Adjective
17. cowardice coward Noun
18. simplicity simplify Verb
19. wisdom Wise Adjective
20. fortune fortune Noun
21. life live Adjective
22. sleep Sleep Verb
23 prosperity prosper Verb
24. brotherhood brother Noun
25. greediness greed Noun
26. truth truth Noun
27. fishery fish Noun
28. forestry fores Noun
29. plantation plant Noun
30. arrogance arrogant Adjective
Enrich your vocabulary : 3
Learn by heart these Types of Noun :
words Countable Uncountable Meaning
box of tissues Tissu dalam dus
vaginal speculum Spekulum vagina
stethoscope Stetoskop
ophthalmoscope Optalamoskop
scissors Gunting
sterile gloves Sarung tangan
thermometer steril
small bowl Termometer
tape measure Kom kecil
percussion hammer Pita pengukur
cotton balls Palu perkusi
scalpel handle Bola kapas
tube of lubricant Pisau bedah
scalpel blade (pegangan)
torch/flashlight Tabung pelumas
skin marking Pisau bedah
paper towl Senter
urinometer Penanda kulit
kidneydishs Kertas towl
phygmomanometer Urinometer
plain dissecting forcept Piring ginjal
tongue depressor Phygmomanometer
otoscope Pinset
blood Tongue depressor
flesh Otoskop
skin Darah
tears Daging
sweat Kulit
phlegm Air mata
mucous Keringat
sperm Dahak
urine Lendir
saliva Sperma
feces Air seni
snot Air liur
germ Kotoran
microbe Ingus
bacteria Kuman
virus Mikroba
pus Bakteri
syringe Virus
measurer of blood pressure Nanah
Jarum suntik
Pengukur tekanan

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