Leadership Feedback Spring 2016 Oe 312

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Management- Spring 2016

Student Name: Krysta Denzer Final Grade: TBD/1,900 pts. =

1. Participation/ Professionalism (500 pts.) Students are expected to participate fully in

every aspect of the course and expedition. This course is designed as an instructor
development experience and students are expected to arrive prepared and ready to engage
fully. You seemed to be very interested in the course and its content. You have a desire
to learn and you ask a lot of questions to better understand things. During this course I
felt like there were answers just given to a question, and you asked questions
immediately after the same question was asked. I encourage you to be more aware of
the ongoing group discourse in planning and trip leading to be aware of the
conversations and questions that have already been asked. Please also consider when
asking a question if it might undermine what an LOD is trying to communicate. It can
feel like you might be questioning their decision or leadership ability. That being said, I
encourage you to give careful consideration to the questions that you do ask and to feel
comfortable especially asking the instructor when you felt overwhelmed or lost.

Sometimes you would say things that were difficult for you and it would create an
environment where it seemed like you were complaining and not interested in doing
the task. Many of these tasks were ones that you expressed interest in learning, but the
feeling when you say that something is too hard is that you are not interested in doing
this and more often than not, someone else went ahead and did it. This was evidenced
in your attitude around loading and unloading the trailer.

I encourage you to find ways to be organized and care for yourself when there are
difficult expedition days. Sometimes the group had to wait for you to take care of
yourself and get your equipment organized and together. I also noticed that you
expressed that you needed medical attention when we were already loaded and not at
breakfast or the evening before. It is important that you understand your body and
your limits. The chafing likely could have been avoided much earlier with a different
paddling technique. When on your LOD day the late preparation affected your
performance. I was impressed with your turn around and desire to learn on your
second LOD day. I would encourage you to consider training at the skills that you plan
to potentially lead. Find time to go canoeing and backpacking outside of class to
continue to hone your skill and comfort level.

I encourage you to figure our co-leader communication norms and plans well in
advance of the morning of leading. I think that you learned this and I hope that you
apply it for future leadership and group collaborative efforts. I appreciated the hard
work you did on taking on much of the pre-trip meetings as well as organizing much of
the online documentation. Please continue to believe in yourself, that you have the
ability to lead others, that your enthusiasm for the outdoors is a great asset for a group.
You notice the little things and very affirming of others which was great to have on this

2. Expedition Journal (100 pts.) - Each student will be asked to keep a journal during the
expedition including daily personal reflections, observations on personal and peer
leadership, decision-making and judgment. (TBD/100)

3. Skill Assessment (100 points) Students skill level will be assessed with regard to technical
skills covered in both OE 190, 191/192 and OE 312. See skill checklist. Appropriate skills
given the length of course and other limiting factors. You have good backcountry
expedition skills on which to build. I am excited for you to develop in your skills as you
accumulate a variety of additional professional field experience. With additional
growth in the area of self-care, I have confidence you can travel and stay safe in the
backcountry. Further professional experience in various wilderness programs will
likely allow you to be less focused on the skills and more on your participants and the
big picture management of the program. (75/100)

4. Peer Feedback (100 points) Students will be evaluated on the frequency and
appropriateness with which they provide feedback to their peers during the expedition. You
have the ability to provide helpful feedback for your peers in a caring and sensitive
manner. This added to our individual and communal learning. Continue to work on
your awareness of others so that you can provide timely and helpful feedback. (90/100)

5. Nature Nugget (25 points)- Students will be evaluated on their delivery and content of a
15-20 minute nature lesson about the flora and fauna, natural history, or geology of Florida.
Did this happen? (?/25)

6. Self Assessment (100 points) Students will complete a self-assessment and be evaluated
based on the accuracy with which their assessment matches field observations of the
instructors. TBD- handout (TBD/100)

7. Devotional (25 pts.) Each student will prepare and deliver a 15-30 minute devotional
thought that integrates Biblical truths and connects with the topics/activities of the day.
Students will determine which day they will share during the trip.
Good Conversation. Relevant and timely. I appreciated the handout. (25/25)

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