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Lesson topic focus: Date of Lesson: 20/11


Year level: 1/2
AusVELS domains: Inforamtion and Technology
Lesson duration: 60 mins
Students experiment with some simple ICT tools
and techniques for visualising their thinking

Learning Standard(s)/Outcome(s)/Objective(s):
WILT: I am learning how to change the font and add bullet points to a google doc

At the conclusion of this lesson, the students will know/understand that:

- You can change the font of your writing on google docs
- You can add bullet points to a google doc

At the conclusion of this lesson, the students will demonstrate the

skills/strategies of:
- Changing the font of their writing, and adding bullet points
- Access their saved document on google drive
Check lsit

Assessment criteria for analysis:

- Was the students able to access their google doc?
- Was the student able to change the font in their google doc?
- Was the student able to add bullet points to their google doc?

Lesson resources:
Google drive

Lesson content:
A. Introduction
Students are to walk quietly to the computer lab in the library. Students are then
encouraged to log onto their computer using their log in and password.
B. Development
Model to students how to access their google docs, their English folder, and then
their Santa letter. Show students that they can change their letter font and add bullet
points to help them in making their list. Student may also need a reminder on how to
save/insert images onto the google doc.
C. Consolidation, practice, extension
Students continue to work on their letter. When they are finished they can
experiment with changing fonts etc
D. Closure
Students can share their letter with the person next to them. Students then need
to log off their computer

Post-lesson review and evaluation:

Student achievement:

Teaching effectiveness:

Lesson/activity transition:
Students are to walk quietly to their classroom. Once students are back in the
classroom they should sit on the floor ready for their next lesson.

Was the students able to access their google doc?
Was the student able to change the font in their google doc?
Was the student able to add bullet points to their google doc?

Student name Assessment criteria

(three focus 1 Was the students 2 Was the student 3 Was the student
students for this able to access able to change the
able to add bullet
lesson) their google doc? font in their google
doc? points to their
google doc?

Purpose of assessment
To inform 1:1
To inform future To ensure
with student
lessons and coverage of To discuss Evidence for
student AusVELS with parent school report
setting future
learning standards

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