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Can Schools Impact Students Lives After Academics?

Can schools impact students lives after academics ?

Angel A. Colon

Los Angeles Leadership Academy



This research paper is going to speak about how the influence of standardized education

has affected the way people can react or function both in and out of the classroom. The

importance of schooling over the past few hundred years has shown significant differences , and

has been said to have a massive impact on the way we currently live . From the advancements

and effectiveness of small schools, structural and facility impacts , and the boost of economy

through scholastic development, one can take an in depth glance of how this works.

As humans continue to develop and grow into adulthood , many factors can prove to be

clinical to the way things are shaped out or made to be for them. Finding ways to integrate , or

being in depth with societal structures and standards may not be the easiest , but people still

eventually find their way along the line, and understand who they are and what their purpose

might be in life. When it comes to things like school , there has been significant change as to the

effects of how the outcomes of children's and adult lives are played out in our country ,let alone

around the globe.

Topic #1: Rise of Small Schools

Sub Topic #1: Small Facilities Impact the Behavioral Process for Children in

Multiple Ways

Within the past 30 years of standardized education in the United States , a trend in

smaller schools has risen among more cities . There have been reductions in attitude and

behavioral problems that stint students success later in life. "Smaller schools seem to reduce

negative student behavior, especially among students of low socio-economic standards",

(Schneider ,2002). Knowing that schools in impoverished areas can cause much struggle for

children looking to find a way out through education, behavior and self conduct is key to helping

form the right attitude for the future.

The importance of this data showing that maintaining the right learning environment can

be a factor that not only helps in the classroom . The community must also be responsible for

producing well rounded individuals , and citizens that are willing to do their civil duty to make

their own environment a better place. "Smaller schools seem to reduce the anonymity and

isolation that students sometimes experience, and they may increase students' sense of

belonging", (Schneider, 2002).

Sub Topic #2: Small Facilities are key to continuing education beyond scholastic


The information and teachings that happen in the classroom can spread into the homes of

many, and impacts individuals to make better decisions. No matter the circumstance, one must

not ignore the real transition, and implementation of this knowledge into the real world.Children

can retain all the things they picked up or were first exposed to in a school environment, and this

can help show substantial experience in how children going up view certain perspectives

or can lead them to fall into a certain lifestyle.

A report by Scholastic recently ranked Finland #1in the world based on educational

success. The primary reason given for their educational success was that the Finns create good

learning environments. (Bergland, 2016). Educational success is not the only thing to be

focused on , but the progress made in general. This has proven to show that it is not only about

the content in which a student can learn that can have an effect on them in the future, but also the

importance of their surroundings should be considered as an important influence.


Topic #2: School Facilities

Sub Topic #1: Effects of Infrastructure on Student Learning

"Unfortunately , the oppressive architecture and run down infrastructure of many of our

American public schools-especially in poorer neighborhoods- represent the polar opposite end of

the "poetics of space" spectrum ", (Bergland, 2016). Much of schools credible learning services

aren't based solely on the ability of the students or teachers alone , but as well as the actual

facility itself. Students can feel more or less welcomed depending on the environment they're in,

and this can lead to further feelings of confidence or discomfort beyond schools boundaries .

"Facilities have a huge and often negative impact on children's education", (Lyons, 2002).

Funding in schools that happen to be in less fortunate areas is less rather than an institution

hailing from a well managed neighborhood , showing a real imbalance of both. For example

students attending a poorly funded education facility can experience and show effects of social or

emotional problems rather than a child who attends a well managed school or learning facility.

Sub Topic #2: How Facilities impact students beyond the classroom

Same way home can help pose an image on how a child is raised , or how a child

physically , mentally , and psychologically develops, schools works the same. "The classroom

environment in which kids learn should reflect what we expect of them ", (Ulrich, 2015). Home

isn't the only thing that helps shape a kids life before they become and adult. "Decisions about

school facilities, once translated into brick and mortar, perfect the daily performance of the

generations of teachers and students who use them", (Schneider, 2002) .

School can be responsible for a multitude of important life events that help in creating a

base for an individual to begin, or get familiar with as they progress . Being able to see these

impacts, and also signify where they come from, can be key to revealing if there really is an

impact beyond scholarly purposes.

Topic #3: The Economy

Sub Topic #1: Economic Boost

Another important factor to these effects is not necessarily a wisdom gaining experience ,

or something in regards to it. Instead , it's a boost in the economy , and making students and

teachers aware of this can be vital for the future of education . "Experts believe that funding

school infrastructure projects can help kick start the economy", (Ulrich, 2015).

If people in school would understand the fact that using the country's financial

opportunities for educational purposes can alter the economy , it should be taken as an important

trend. Building and funding more school or education related operatives can help spread

awareness and emphasize the importance and value of school it in our country. This would not

only have an impact within school , but on our communities nationwide , as well as future

generations to come.

Sub Topic #2: Impacting the Country for Future Generations to come

"Government funded construction projects can help boost economic productivity ",

(Ulrich, 2015). Knowing that our country has been riddled with economic problems over the

years, it would beneficial to increase economic activity to help keep a steady flow going within

the economy. Having an increase in schools is also an obvious benefit to this cause. This would

allow for a higher amount of children enrolling , or at least being eligible to enroll in school. It

would also exercise our rights to education as Americans, and would give many impoverished or

malnourished access to something that can be vital to anyone in need.


The last major report to provide a comprehensive picture of our countrys a school

facilities was released almost 20 years ago (Ulrich, 2015). This statistic shows the fact that

when it comes to educational funding, things seems to be left out of the big picture. Most of the

country seems to shun this issue to the edge, and choose to focus on factors less important. One

must not deny the benefits of learning in school ,and how it can show outcomes in the way a

student would react or view things outside of scholastic bounds.


To conclude , one can see how there are many important factors affecting students both

inside and out of school. There are more than just one issue , rather a multitude of problems, or

benefits that can show either detrimental or positive influences on children today. After

conducted researches on conflicts such as classroom environment , student attitude , and national

funding of education ,there are clear causes and effects of how these can lead to a list of changes

outside class time.

Whether it be good or bad, there is no refusing the fact that no matter what, school will

have an impact on someone in their everyday life. Being the education they receive ,the type of

environment that suits a students learning abilities, or other factors, there is no difference. They

all have the power to impose a long lasting characteristic , or build persona within someone , and

stick with them until they reach adulthood or fully enter society . Remember , as stated by one of

the most influential leaders , Nelson Mandela, Education is the most powerful weapon you can

use to change the world.


Works Cited

Lyons, John. 2002. " Do School Facilities Really Impact a Child's Education ?"

Schneider ,Mark. 2002. "Do School Facilities Affect Academic Outcome ?"

Bergland, Christopher. 2016 . "Kids and Classrooms; Why Environment Matters".


Penn State. 2015. "The Importance of School Facilities in Improving Student



Boser, Ulrich. 2015. "If You Build It, They'll Learn Better".


Lindsay, Valene. 2015. 10 Reasons Why Education is


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