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Henry Wayne Wilson

- He could undermine U.S confidence and broke the pact of the Embassy
- Huerta was to become provisional presidents of Mexico
- Rather being sent into exile the two were murdered while transported to prison
- Madero created no political organization that would survive his death
- In the aftermath of his assassination and Huertas gaining power via military
Huerta in Control
- In a month taking control, promising land and extending peace offering to revolutions
- All offers were rejected and created constitutionalists army to fight him
- October 1913, elections Huerta officially established his dictatorship
U.S Relations
- New US President Woodrow Wilson did not acknowledge Huertas regime
- 1914 German merchant ship sought to bring weapons to help Huerta
- President Wilson sent troops to Veracruz to stop transaction
Huerta loses it
- In order to increase recruits Huerta began force
- In mid July 1914, after his army suffered defeats, he stepped down and fled to Puerto
- Seeking to get himself and his family out of Mexico, he turned to the German
government. He then sought to return to Mexico but was arrested and imprisoned in
The Winners Meet
- At the convention met in hopes of ending the violence
- They disagreed on the resume after fighting Huerta
- Zapata, and Villa joined forces against Carranza and Alvaro Obregon and continued
US favors the moderates
- The US felt Villa and Zapata were to radical
- So Wilson sought to support Carranza and Obregon with weapons
Battle of Celaya
- April 1915 Villas and Obregons army met in Celaya, Guanajuato
- Villa was a hot head of his armies frontal cavalry style
- Obregon utilizing modern weapons
- Obregons army defeated Villa
Pancho Villa at large
- Villa remained a threat to the US after his raid
- The US sent an expedition after Villa
- After several battles, Woodrow Wilson withdrew the troops and claimed the expedition
a success
Mexican flee Revolution
- 1 million refugees in Mexico flee to the north
- Many worked in agricultural economy
Jose Vasconcelos
- Grew along the Texas border
- After Modereros assassination joined Huerta movement
- Joined Villa & Zapata but was exiled
- Returned to Mexico
Mexican in the United States
- Treaty of Hidalgo, Mexicans we considered white under the law
- Southwest were losing their property because of their clear non-whiteness
World at War
- WWI broke out
Revolution in Russia
- The Red Army led by by Vladimir Lenin
- Proletariat, working class Bourgeois, middle class
Karl Marx
- Revolutionary socialist
- Believed working class should tear down capitalism
- Economic system in the means of production of goods or services are privately owned
and operated for a profit
- Any political philosophy or ideology advocating holding the production of resources
- Manages most of aspects of the economy
End of Russia
- Forming the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
Post-Revolution Mexico
- Most of population were illiterate
- Mex govt backed mural program for this purpose
Mexican Muralism is born
- Glorify the revolution and identify of Mexico as a mestizo nation
- The govt hired countrys best artists
Why Murals
- More industrial
- Experimentation with different styles of artistic expression
David Alfaro Siqueiros
- Painter muralist
Jose Clemente Orozco
- Mexican political painter
Diego Rivera
- Famous Mexican Muralists
Frida Khalo
- Famous Mexican painter
Obregon as President
- Created CROM
- Improved education and Cultural production
- Obregon began negotiating with the U.S
- Allowing arms and ammunition to flow to revolutionary armies loyal to Obregon
Plutarco the atheist
- Not a fair election
- Obregon did not stand for re-election
- Plutarco Calles on the first populist campaign
- Equal justice
- He sought to enforce heavily on anticlerical rhetoric
Crack down on the Catholic Church
- Penalties for priests
- To help enforce the law, Calles seized church property
Cristero War (1927-1929)
- Due to Calless strict
- Almost 100,000 people on both sides died in the war
- Violence on the church we profound and lasted for years after the war
More Refugees leave to the US
- 5% of Mexico population fled to the US
- Mexican would began to migrate to areas such as Chicago, Detroit, and Kansas city
Formation of Mexican Political Party
- In 1928 Calles was assassinated
- In 1946, the army no longer included party sector and was renamed to PRI
- PRI regained the presidency with president Enrique Pena Nieto
In the US
- 1929, US Great Depression
- Banks began to fail, farmers couldnt pay their loans
- Triggered economic efforts to recover
US Immigration (INS)
- U.S Census figures
- Limited number of visas
Mexican Repatriation
- President Herbert
- Lack of jobs, financial assistance
- Large Mexican forcibly deported in early 1930s
- Several dust storms destroyed farm lands
FDRs Good Neighbor policy
- Three immigrants were ineligible for citizenship
- Roosevelt made sure that the federal govt treated hispanics as white
- Middle class base aspiring to the American Dream
- Its commitment to individual achievement, and free market capitalism
Adolf Hitler
- German dictator
- Allied with Benito Mussolini govt in Italy and the Japanese
- Massive changes of war, and society
- A state led by a strong leader such as a dictator
WW2 Begins
- September 1st 1939 Germany invaded Poland
- 2 days later Britain declared war on Germany
US enters WW2
- December 7,1941, Japan attacked US at Pearl Harbor
- US declared war on Japan
LA during WW2
- Various of Mexican communities working in the fields of the Valleys
- The city predominated by Mexican Americans
Racial Tensions
- Because of fear several white communities embraced racism
- Divide contributed to a famous court case
WW2 ends
- In April 1945, Nazi Germany was defeated
- August 6th the US dropped an atom bomb on Hiroshima. On August 9th on Hiroshima
Japan shortly after
Outcome of the war
- Divided land and established military occupation
- The Allied forces created the (UN) United nations with China, Russia, Usa, Britain &
- Global Economy suffered
Dividing Germany
- Post war Germany was divided into sectors to prevent future world wars
- Out of fear of communism, Berlin was also divided.
Cold War Begins
- US and Soviets had emerged as Superpowers
- Different views on how to restructure the world
Cold War in Europe
- Germany where Soviets prevented supplies from entering West Berlin
Cold War in Asia
- Mao Zedong's army won the civil war and created the peoples Republic of China
Cold War in Middle East
- The popularly elected and non-aligned Mosaddegh had been a Middle Eastern nemesi of
Britain and was turning towards communism
- Republic of the Congo, newly independent from Belgium, the CIA cultivated President
Joseph Kasa-Vubu order the dismissal of the democratically elected Prime Minister
Patrice Lumumba
Latin America
- CIA backed military President Jacobo Arbenz in 1954
- National Committee of Defence Against Communism
Cuban Revolution
- Fidel Castro, a young lawyer and activist, petitioned the courts to remove the Cuban
Rebel Victory
- January 1959, the rebels had won Cuba
- Fidels first decade of control to provide equality for cubans
- By the end of 1960s, all cuban children were receiving some education, unemployment
and corruption
Bay of Pigs Invasion
- The US government was growing critical of Castros Communist control of Cuba
- The led to the US prohibiting exports to Cuba
Cuban Missile Crisis
- President John F Kennedy, there were several US sanctioned
- Castro and the Soviets arranged for the establishment of nuclear missiles
Why do we celebrate May Day?
- 200,000 workman on May 1, 1886 nationwide union demonstration
- In support of eight hour workday
May day is a communist/socialist holiday
- A day dedicated to acknowledging the effort and struggle of working class people

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