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Submitted by

Final Semester MBA (Power Management)
National Power Training Institute (NPTI)
(Under the Ministry of Power, Government of India)

Under the Guidance of


Deputy Director
National Power Training Institute(NPTI)
(Under the Ministry of Power, Government of India)



(a) Background
(b) Methodology
(c) Project Objectives


(a) Indian Energy Scenario
(b) Biomass availability in India
(c) Biomass Characteristics


(a) Biomass Assessment Suitability for Power Generation
(b) Factors Influencing Biomass Use For Power Generation
(c) Biomass Management for Power Generation
(d) Advantages & Problems with Biomass for Power Generation
(e) Economic & Environmental Benefits
(f) GOI & IREDA Initiative for Promotion of Biomass Power


(a) Thermo Chemical Conversion
(b) Biological Conversions
(c) Classification of Technologies
(d) Biomass Combustion Technologies





(a) Environmental Protection Plan
(b) Social Impact and Relevance Assessment




(a) Definition of Economic & Financial Evaluation
(b) Financial Evaluation of a 7.5 MW Biomass Power project
(c) Risk Factors and Management Perceptions





I wish to express my sincere and grateful thanks to Shri N. V. Kumar,

Deputy Director, National Power Training Institute(NPTI) for his scholarly
guidance through the course of the project. His encouraging attitude
excellent ideas and suggestions have greatly contributed in the progress at the
every stage of the project work.

I am indebted to Shri SK Chaudhary, Deputy Director, NPTI and other

faculty of National Power Training Institute (NPTI) for allowing me to take
up this project work.

I wish to express my gratitude and sincere thanks to all the people who
helped and extended their support in this endeavor.



Biomass is the worlds fourth energy source today, next to coal, hydel and nuclear.
Biomass energy contributes about 14% of the worlds primary energy demands and in
developing countries like India, it constitutes nearly 35% of the primary energy supply.
Biomass is an energy carrier that can be used in solid, liquid and gaseous forms and is a
versatile source of energy for production of electricity and heat. Generation of power from
biomass and cogeneration are a possible source of brightness in the bleak scenario of our
power sector and hence the development and commercialization of cost effective
technologies for the full exploitation of renewable energy sources such a biomass is of
utmost importance.

India is a tropical country blessed with sunshine and rains and thus offers an ideal
environment for biomass production. Further, the vast agricultural potential also makes
available huge agro-residues to meet the energy needs. With an estimated production of
about 540 million tonnes of agricultural waste every year, biomass is capable of
supplementing the coal to the tune of about 260 million tonnes. This can result in a saving
of about Rs. 250 billion, every year.
The estimated potential of biomass based renewable energy options in India are as
Biomass Energy : 16,000 MW
Bagasse Co-Generation : 3,500 MW
Total : 19,500 MW

The main objective of this project study is to establish the design factors, operation &
maintenance factors, best practices of biomass Power plant operation and techno-economic
commercial viability of a 7.5 MW Biomass power plant based on the availability of
biomass and standard equipment and their cost.




a) Background:

The rising price of oil over the last decade has created very obvious difficulties for
all countries reliant on oil for a major proportion of their commercial energy requirements.
These problems seem certain to increase in the future as diminishing reserves and growing
political pressures combine to force to increase the price and reduce the availability of oil.
The pressures placed by oil price rises on the developing countries has been particularly
severe since, although their consumption is only modest compared to the industrialized
nations, they are often in the weakest position with regard to their ability to absorb energy
price rises.

As a result of these problems, the increased energy consumption is an unavoidable

prerequisite of future economic development, the need to develop alternative energy
sources is clear. Among the various energy alternatives the development of energy from
biomass is one area which has considerable promise in the developing countries and is
receiving increasing attention.

Biomass being a product of natural resources viz. land, water, air and suns energy,
gives much hope as an alternative, reliable and renewable source of energy. Biomass is an
organic matter produced by plants, both terrestrial and aquatic and their derivatives. Plant
materials use the suns energy to convert atmospheric carbon-di-oxide to sugars during
photosynthesis. On combustion of the Biomass, energy is released as the sugars are
converted back to carbon-di-oxide. Thus energy is harnessed and released in a short time
frame, making Biomass a renewable energy source. Though fossil fuels have also been
derived from atmospheric carbon-di-oxide, the time frame is very long - in the order of
millions of years as compared to a few years in case of Biomass.

Biomass energy is a general term that refers to the energy that can be derived from
plant and animal materials, through a variety of conversion and end-use processes.
Although many new approaches for using biomass for energy have been developed in the
last few decades, by far the majority of biomass energy use today occurs in the
consumption of so called traditional fuels in the developing countries. These traditional
fuels are used primarily for cooking and heating in the home, but also play an important
role in certain industries. It is in the safeguarding of these traditional fuel supplies that the
second major challenge for biomass energy development arises.

The problems of traditional fuel supplies have only recently come to widespread
public attention but they pose threats equally fundamental to the future prospects of many
developing countries, as does the well-known oil crises. Like many of the problems of the
developing countries, this second energy crisis is closely related to population growth and
the pressure that this puts on the environment for provision of both fuel and energy. The
widespread and rampant deforestation that afflicts many developing countries, and its
consequence, are the most dramatic symptoms of this problem. It is also reflected,
however, in many less obvious ways, such as the removal of tree cover from within
agricultural area and the gradual shift to more and more ecologically damaging fuel
collection practices.

Biomass is probably the most underutilised renewable resource in the world today.
Further, biomass has not been used effectively for many applications as the costs involved
in sourcing, collection and transportation are high when compared to other types of fuels.

Of all the routes for conversion of Biomass into useful energy, Direct combustion of
Biomass has been recognized as an important route for generation of substantial quantities
of grid-quality power by utilizing vast amounts of agricultural & agro-industrial residues
and forest wastes, which are either being wasted or are being sub-optimally utilized in the
country. One of the single most important factor influencing the commercial success of the
biomass power plant is the continuous and adequate availability of biomass In addition, the
cost of project also plays an important role in biomass power project. This project report
looks at establishing the techno-economic commercial viability of a 7.5 MW Biomass
power plant based on the availability of the biomass and standard equipment and their cost.

b) Methodology :

STEP 1 :
Detailed assessment of Biomass availability for power generation based on
generation potential and present utilization of Biomass.

STEP 2 : 8
Study of various technologies used for the biomass power generation.

STEP 3 :
Detailed evaluation of equipments in the power plant technologies generate the
maximum output power.

STEP 4 :
Establishing the techno-economic and financial viability of 7.5 MW Biomass
Power Plant based on cost norms , Biomass cost & its quantity requirement, and
availability of standard equipments and their costs.

c) Objectives :

The main objective of this project is to prepare a detailed report on techno-

economic financial viability of the 7.5 MW Biomass Power Project along with its
sensitivity on various factors.

The main activities involved were:

1. To analyze the availability of surplus amount of biomass fuel suitable for
power generation.
2. To analyze the availability of land and water source.

3 To collect the information from manufacturers of power plant running on

biomass with regard to the sizing of power plant.

4. To collect the information from with power plant peripheral equipment

5. To study the various power plant process and equipment.
6. To establish various costs in power plant.
7 To establish techno-economic viability of the 7.5 MW Biomass Power
Project along with its sensitivity analysis with respect to cost of Biomass
fuel, Plant Load Factor, Increase in O & M etc..


Biomass Potential and Characteristics


A. Indian Energy Scenario :

Indias energy development program has been put to severe pressure with the ever-
increasing demand supply gap of various sources of energy and mismatch of resources
coupled with non-uniform growth curve. The challenges faced by India in the management
and development of the power sector are multi-dimensional and they stem fundamentally
from the following :
Increase in demand for energy due to rapid industrialization and growing
Constrains of financial resources for enhancing their infrastructure facility.
A limited reserve of coal and fossil fuels and consequent burden on foreign
exchange due to increasing imports.
In response to these challenges, the energy policy that was evolved focuses on :
Rapid development of all forms of energy, both conventional and non-
Promoting energy conservation and efficient management of demand.
Environment conservation and sustainable development.
Development of decentralized energy systems based on renewable sources
especially for use in rural areas.

B. Biomass availability in India :

Biomass can be defined as any biodegradable material produced from a living source.
It is an organic matter such as wood, crop wastes, animal wastes etc.,. Biomass being a
byproduct of day to day life activity gives much hope as alternative and reliable, renewable
energy source. Biomass energy can be used to generate electricity, heat, or liquid fuels for
motor vehicles such as ethanol, or other alcohol fuels. People have used Biomass for heating
and cooking for thousands of year.

Biomass use constitutes about 14% of the world energy and 35% of the energy
consumed in the developing countries, predominantly in the rural and traditional sectors of
the economy. In view of the rapid increase in the use of fossil fuel and the steady decline
11 in
the share of biomass in total energy consumption, there has, of late, been a renewed interest
in promoting biomass as a source of power generation on a commercial scale, which holds
considerable promise. Moreover, the power projects based on biomass offer new avenues
of employment through collection, storage, handling and efficient utilization of biomass
materials. In this context, all the possible routes for conversion of biomass into electricity,
viz. Combustion, Cogeneration, Gasification etc., have to be exploited. In our country,
more than 540 million tones of Biomass residues are produced every year, a large portion
of which is either wasted or used inefficiently. It has been estimated about 70-75% of
these are used as fodder, as fuel for domestic cooking and for other economic purposes
leaving behind 140-170 million tonnes of usable agricultural residue per year which could
be made available for power generation. By using these surplus agricultural residues, more
than 16,000 MW of grid quality power and generated with presently available technologies.
The following tables provide the details on the estimates of Biomass Produced in India
and Potential for Availability of Biomass

Table 2.1-Summary of Biomass generation, its utilization and surplus availability

(Other than Bagasse)

Source of Biomass Biomass Generated Biomass Utilized Biomass available

(Million MT/Year) (Million MT/Year) (Million MT/Year)
Crop residues 415 280-300 115-135
Agro Industrial 50 50 -
Residues (Excluding
Forest sources 25-35 - 35
Total 500 330-350 140-170

2.2 -Estimates of Biomass Potential in India

Crop Production Type of Production Quantity Typical Uses

million Residue to Residue (Million
Tons Ratio Ton / year)
Rice 80 Straw 1.5 120 Used as cattle feed in southern and
eastern India and for roof thatching
all over the country. Generally
burnt in the fields in the North.
Husk 0.3 24 Used mainly as a fuel by small
Wheat 65 Straw 1.5 98 Used mainly in cattle feed.
Bajra 7 Stalks 2.0 14 Used as domestic fuel.
Jowar 11 Stalks 2.0 22 Used as cattle feed, domestic fuel.
Maize 10 Cobs 0.3 3 Used as cattle feed.
Stalks 1.5 15 Cattle feed and domestic feed.
Millets 35 Straws 1.2 42 Partly as domestic fuel

Sugar-cane 270 Bagasse 0.3 81 Mainly as a captive fuel by sugar
plants, partly as raw material for
paper making
Tops 0.05 14 Used as cattle feed
Trash 0.10 27 Mostly burnt in the fields
Coconut 14 billion Shell 0.1 kg/nut 0.2 Partly as domestic fuel
nuts Fibre 0.2 kg/nut 3.4 Used partly for making
mattresses,carpets, etc.
Pith 0.2 kg/nut 2.3 --
Groundnut 8.8 Shells 0.3 2.6 Used as a fuel by Industry.
Haulms 2.0 17.6 Partly as a fuel in households.
Cotton 2.5 Stalks 3.0 7.5 Partly as domestic fuel
Gin Waste 0.1 0.3 Used as a fuel for brick making
and small industry
Mustard & 6.4 Stalks 1.8 11.5 Partly as a domestic fuel
Rape seed
Other all 9.0 Straws 2.0 18 Partly as a domestic fuel
Pulses 14 Straws 1.3 18.2 Partly as a domestic fuel
Tobacco / 2.16 Stalks 5.0 3.8 Used partly as fuel for processing
Jute/Mestas tobacco leaves / domestic fuel

Total 545.4

Source: UNDP- Global Environment Facility Project on Removal of Barriers to Biomass Power Generation
in India"

C. Biomass Characteristics

Biomass can be classified as cellulose and non-cellulose in nature and their individual
characteristics vary a wide range. The Biomass can also be classified according to the
physical shape and size. While designing the Biomass combustion system, it is important to
have look at the shape and size of the material. The depth of the fuel bed and also the
distribution of the fuel in the fire zone are depended on the fuel size. To obtain a favorable
uniform combustion throughout the bed, it is desirable to offer the incoming air as much as
fuel surface as possible. Th fuel size influences the pressure across the combustion chamber.
Therefore, the size of the fuel determines the type combustion system to be chosen for the
complete combustion of the fuel. The shape and size have also some economical impact on
the system.

The Biomass conversion technology selection ultimately depends on the Biomass physio-
chemical characteristics as it assists in design and development of the Biomass power
generation system, for efficient utilization of the Biomass. Details of Biomass characteristic
serves are quite handy and useful as it offers basic and critical data for analyzing the
behavior of the Biomass during its conversion. The following are some of the characteristics
of any Biomass species are : 13
1. Bulk density
2. Proximate analysis
3. Ultimate analysis
4. Ash deformation
5. Calorific value

1. Bulk Density :

The bulk density depends upon the moisture content, shape, and size of the Biomass. As this
property normally varies depending upon the fuel preparation method employed, this should
be determined in situ for specific applications. Bulk densities of some Biomass species are
given in the table.2.3

2. Proximate Analysis :

Proximate analysis gives the detailed information on constituents of moisture, volatile

matters, fixed carbon and ash content. The carbon content determined through this method is
not the actual carbon content in the Biomass but only the non-volatile part of carbon content,
as some of the carbon present in the volatile compounds of the biomass also escapes along
with the volatiles. Proximate analysis provides the information on the combustion
characteristics of the fuels. Biomass fuels are normally high in total carbon as determined by
the ultimate analysis tend to yield less tar in the raw gas because of the small fraction of
volatile. The volatile matter includes tar, oil and gases that condense at about 120C-150C.
These volatile pass through a distillation zone and the nature of products also depend on the
distillation temperature. It is important to know at what temperature most of the volatile
come out. Therefore, a terminology Devolatilisation Index has been referred for each

Devolatilisation Index is the final temperature by which 80% of the total volatiles on dry
basis are released when the sample is pyrolysed at a constant heating rate of 40C/min. These
volatiles which are responsible for the tar formation have been named as Potential Tar
Forming Volatiles. This is defined as the percentage of the total volatiles released in the
temperature range of 320C-500C when the sample in thermobalance is heated at a constant
heating rate of 40C/min. Fuels having higher percentage of volatiles have greater problems

in the form tars and oils. The proximate analysis of some of the some Biomass species are
given in the table.2.4

3. Ultimate Analysis :

The determination by ultimate analysis in terms of C, H, O and N, therefore, becomes very

important in the case of Biomass materials. Knowing ultimate analysis and the analysis of
flue gases, one can derive each component and the overall material and energy balances
during conversion process. The ultimate analysis of Biomass is essential to design and
quantitatively measure the performance of combustion system. The ultimate analysis gives
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulpher contents of the fuel. The proximate analysis
of some of the some Biomass species are given in the table.2.5

4. Calorific Value :

The normal procedure employed to measure calorific value by bomb calorimeter gives higher
heating value. But what is normally utilized in combustion systems is the net heating value.
The determination of hydrogen content in Biomass by C.H. analysis is essential to arrive at
this net heating value. By deducting the latent heat of water vapor formed during combustion
for HHV, the net calorific value can be calculated. The calorific value of some Biomass
species are given in the table.2.6

5. Ash Deformation and Fusion Temperature :

The mineral content in the fuel that remains in oxidized form after complete combustion is
usually called ash. It can be easily concluded that a Biomass with high ash content lowers the
amount of energy available from the plant and ash zone should provide more space to hole
the ash. As the melting of ash is responsible for the slagging behavior of the fuel, the degree
of slagging will be more severe in the case of Biomass fuels with high ash content. Based on
the ash content, Biomass can be classified as low ash (<5%), medium ash (5-10%) and high
ash (>10%) material. The temperature range at which the initial rounding off or bending of
the apex of the cone is observed can be termed as ash deformation temperature. As the
temperature is further increased, the same sample has a tendency to fuse into a hemispherical
lump. The temperature range during which the phenomenon is observed can be taken as ash
fusion temperature.

Table 2.3 - Bulk Density of Different Biomass Materials

Biomass Grading Bulk Density

Average size (mm) (Kg/m3)
Bagasse pith 0.12 74
Bamboo dust 0.13 275
Coffee Dust 0.13 215
Coir pith 0.12 47
Cotton shell 0.21 79
Circum aguyrithum 0.12 10
Eucalyptus saw dust 0.12 239
Fly dust 0.10 149
Ground nut shell 0.15 165
Jute dust 0.14 74
Mustard stalk 0.12 208
Rice husk ash 0.11 180
Rice husk 0.12 235
Soyabean stalk 0.12 102
Senna leaves 0.11 205
Sun flower stalk 0.12 93
Sugar cane leaves 0.13 167
Saw dust 0.12 165
Tea waste 0.17 100
Tobacco waste 0.21 420

Table 2.4 Proximate Analysis of Different Biomass Species:

Biomass Ash Content Volatile matter Fixed carbon
% % %
Activated rice char 68.8 4.8 26.4
Bagasse 40 82.0 14.0
Bamboo dust 9.9 71.2 18.5
Bark 4.4 75.5 20.1
Cashew nutshell 3.0 76.0 21.0
Coconut Fibre 4.4 82.1 13.3
Coconut Shell 1.9 79.9 18.2
Cotton Shells 4.6 72.2 23.2
Eucalyptus bark 19.0 65.7 15.3
Paddy straw 15.5 68.3 16.2
Rice husk 221 65.2 12.7
Saw dust 1.2 82.3 16.5
Sugarcane leaves 4.8 76.0 19.2
Sun flower stalk 1.9 76.5 21.6
Tea waste 6.7 71.3 22.0
Tobacco dust 49.4 47.4 2.9
Wheat straw 8.0 77.3 14.7
Jowar stalk 9.5 78.5 12.0
Soyabean husk 4.1 78.9 17.1
Ground nut shells 4.0 74.0 22.0

Table 2.5 Ultimate Analysis of Different Biomass Samples:

Biomass C% H% N% O% Ash%
Adathoda vasics 44.35 5.57 1.16 4691 2.01
Bamboo dust 34.74 3.68 0.75 48.82 12.01
Bagasse 47.00 650 0.00 42.50 4.00
Castor stick 45.97 6.65 1.28 40.0 5.40
Coconut fibre 45.68 5.89 0.99 44.63 2.81
Coconut wastes 46.63 5.89 0.0 41.04 6.31
Coffee husk 46.46 6.26 0.72 34.95 11.61
Cotton shell 44.19 5.87 0.73 44.61 4.60
Cotton stalk 41.49 6.20 1.81 47.49 4.60
Groundnut shells 33.90 1.97 1.10 59.98 1.49
Jute dust 45.21 5.76 0.41 28.76 19.90
Paddy straw 35.97 5.28 0.17 4308 15.50
Rice husk 36.42 4.91 0.59 35.58 22.20
Saw dust 52.28 5.20 0.47 40.85 1.20
Sugarcane leaves 39.75 5.55 0.17 46.82 7.71
Tea waste 45.17 6.069 2.72 43.21 0.81
Tobacco dust 19.94 1.63 4.35 24.68 49.40

Table 2.6 Calorific Values of Different Biomass Species

Biomass Calorific Value (Kcal/Kg)
Activated rice char 1900
Bagasse 4200
Bagasse dust 4495
Bark 3632
Cashew nutshell 1270
Castor seed cake 4480
Coconut Fibre 5019
Coconut Shell 4332
Coconut Shell 3649
Coconut waste 3720
Cotton shells 4360
Eucalyptus bark 3630
Paddy straw 3730
Rice husk 3600
Saw dust 4500
Sugarcane leaves 4290
Ground nut shells 4200
Jute stick 4245
Molasses 4378
Sun flower stalk 4467
Wheat straw 4150


Biomass Power Generation Programme- Status in India


A. Biomass Assessment Suitability for Power Generation

There is no second opinion that cheap, consistent and abundant availability of fuel
within close proximity is essential for successful operation of any Power Plant. It is prudent
to set up the power plant within close proximity of the crops cultivation as otherwise
collection, storage, handling and transportation charges would be completely result in
costly Biomass which will ultimately result in poor economics of the power plant

The various critical factors during Biomass selection, influencing the site selection is:

Biomass variety (Field, Agro-Industrial and Forest residues & Energy Plantation)

Annual Acreage Yield (Major Crops yield, Energy Plantation yield)

Residue Ratio (Grain : Residue Ratio)

Agricultural Irrigation Area

Cropping & Harvesting pattern

Annual Biomass Availability Season

Proximity (Distance) of fuel availability from the project site

Present Domestic & Industrial use details

Net Surplus available for possible collection

Category of Agro-processing Industries & their operational period

Cost of basic fuel, collection, transportation and handling (loading & unloading) cost

Biomass Characteristics (Calorific Value, Proximate & Ultimate Analysis)

Energy Plantation potential (i.e. availability of wastelands)

Requirements of Collection, Storage, Handling & Processing equipment / mechanism

The Biomass Assessment activity for a specific project should be carried out based
on certain considerations. The results of the Biomass Assessment assignment should
reflect these considerations which have important bearing for successful operation of the
power plant on a sustained basis. They are:

Close proximity and comfortable access to Biomass resource base, safe radius of
proximity being 25-100 kms.

Availability of variety of Biomass throughout the year within the specified proximity

Field wasted Biomass should be preferred due to no or low base cost

Little transportation effort oriented Biomass should be highlighted and given priority to
avoid transportation cost, thereby saving considerable quantity of diesel consumed by

Limited or no use of Biomass. Present Industrial / Domestic use Biomass should be

considered as the last option for the project unless huge availability of the same
Biomass is ascertained

The seasonal period of all Biomass and their storage requirements should be given due
importance. Sufficient storage besides ensuring continuous availability also avoids
procurement losses due to abrupt increase in cost of Biomass

The surplus quantity of Biomass should be several times the actual requirement to
ensure availability and practicability in collection

Appropriate Biomass collection mechanism like constitution of Farmers Co-operative

Biomass collection depots / centers at various Biomass resource base(s) would ensure
storage of seasonal Biomass and avoid huge storage base at plant site

Social impact and other major inhibitions associated with Biomass Utilization should
be adequately analyzed.

B. Factors Influencing Biomass Use For Power Generation :

Biomass is available in variety of forms like organic residues and aquatic growth or it
can be produced in the form of fuel and energy crops. There are also a number of
technologies available for their maximum and efficient conversion into different forms of
fuels. But despite all these opportunities, utilization of Biomass as a source of energy has not
made the desired impact. This may be attributed to the complex nature of the problem.
Proper planning and management of Biomass energy project must take into account the
operation of a variety of factors-material, local, technological, economic, environmental,
fiscal and infrastructure.

Material Factors :

The various parameters, which influence the fuel characteristics of Biomass, include:
moisture content, total and fixed carbon, volatile matter, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur content,
silica and resin content. Heating value is greatly influenced by silica-cellulose structural
arrangement as in rice husk, liberation of acidic vapors as in coconut shell, quantity of slag
ash and the amount of sulfur generated during the combustion of Biomass. Over 80% of the
heating power of wood are derived from its volatile constituents which explain its
extremely tall and bright flame. Compared with other fuels, wood is relatively poor in carbon
and rich in oxygen. Moreover, tree species, which have large amounts of pitch, have slightly
higher energy contents. Such woods contain more resins, gums and oils than others do.
Moisture content is another vital factor influencing the calorific value. An increase in the
moisture content from 10% to 30% decreases the calorific value of straw from 3600 Kcal/kg.
This emphasizes the need for selection of technology depending upon the wetness of the

Local Factors :

Climate, soil, location, labors cost, economic level of the people, taboos and
superstitions and the energy use pattern are some of the elements needing due consideration.
In contrast to the fossil fuels, the Biomass production and conversion in India has bright
future because it requires less capital outlay, is labor intensive and assures energy supply on a
decentralized basis. Efforts at designing and development of the local Chula to improve fuel
efficiency as well as to alleviate the drudgery of the rural women are more appropriate under
the Indian conditions rather than making investigations on sophisticated type of gadgets
which may not be appropriate under the socio-economic conditions rural India. Stress on
popularization of biogas plant in the rural areas owes its origin to the local conditions
prevalent in the country. Energy plantation programs can be successful only if these are
based upon exploitation of marginal wastelands, biological sources of nutrients and multiple-
uses of the Biomass for meeting the local needs of the rural people.

Technological Factors :

The success of a technology implies complete standardization of the operating

conditions at the users level. Despite the fact that a good deal of work has been initiated in
the country both on thermo-chemical and bio-conversion alternatives but still many of the
technologies are awaiting their evaluation at the pilot plant and commercial scale. So far,
research investigations have been limited to the utilization of only a few selected materials.
Development of inexpensive techniques of hydrolysis of ligno-cellulosic substrates can only
broaden the options to use a variety of Biomass feedstocks.

Economic Factors :

Sometimes, the high cost of production becomes the main limiting factor in the
commercialization of even the proven technologies. Despite the multi-purpose benefits of
biogas plants, its high cost seems to limit its widespread popularization. Processes like
densification, carbonization, briquetting and gasification of Biomass seem to offer a very
promising scope to make use of bulky organic materials as fuel but still intensive studies
need to be carried out to make them technologically sound and economically viable.

Environmental Factors :

The degree of pollution of land, water and atmosphere is vital factor to be considered
in the selection of appropriate technologies. Generation of spent wash as a serious pollutant
of the environment all around the distilleries is a major factor limiting alcohol expansion
program in the country. For every liters of rectified spirit manufactured, about 12-15 liters of
spent wash is produced. In general, spent wash leaves the distillation unit at a temperature of
about 90C. It smells of burnt of caramelized sugar, has a radish brown to dark color and has
pH around 4.0, an average BOD of 40,000 mg/1and COD of 80,000 mg/1. This emphasized
the need to take up the projects based on generating energy from effluents on priority basis.

Fiscal Factors :

Recycling of wastes generated in a system for reuse in the same system for meeting
its local energy needs is an area, which can be encouraged only through proper incentives.
Development of better stoves, furnaces, burners, kilns, heat exchangers, and steam or thermal
generators is mainly related to the fiscal policies of the government. Promotion of R&D
aimed at efficient use of Biomass on priority basis can have vital impact on many new
innovations. Substitution of fossil fuels by fuels from Biomass can be accelerated only
through a policy of controls in the case of the former and incentives in the case of the latter.

Organizational Factors :

There are about 230 organizations, departments/divisions, academic institutions/

universities, research institutions, industries, autonomous bodies and information and
documentation agencies working on production and availability of a variety of Biomass
organic residues, energy plantations, energy cropping, aquatic Biomass for conversion and
utilization of a diversity of fuels-biogas, alcohol and solid fuel. Specifically speaking, there
exists a good network of institutions dealing with all the forms of Biomass. But keeping in
view the inter-disciplinary nature of the subject, there is a need for their better strengthening,
interaction and coordination rather than creating new agencies to work on Biomass. Another
area that has only recently started attracting attention of the administrators and policy makers
relates to the establishment of an adequately staffed information and documentation system.

C. Biomass Management for Power Generation

Management of Biomass essentially means collection, transportation, pre-processing,

storage and handling. There are no established practices for Biomass Management in
India, the major reason being the availability of a variety of Biomass. Complete
automation of Biomass handling has not been implemented in India due to the above-
mentioned reason in addition to reason of availability of cheap labour. However a couple
of Biomass Power Projects, operational in India have employed semi-mechanized Biomass
handling systems with balers, hydraulic pushers, belt conveyors, bucket elevators etc.

Biomass pre-processing & handling systems has to be designed based on the Power
Plants selected Biomass characteristics. Any Biomass Power Plant shall always exercise
Biomass Management with much caution consisting of regular features / mechanisms like:
Site Collection & Loading
Transportation & Unloading
Pre-processing (optional)
Retrieval & Feeding and
Excess Return conveying (optional)

D. Advantages & Problems Associated with Biomass Utilisation for

Power Genreration

A number of studies conducted throughout the world indicate that Biomass will
become a major player in the organized renewable energy sector.

Advantages of Biomass utilization for power generation

Biomass may be converted to electric power by burning it in a boiler steam

electric system or may be converted into liquid or gaseous fuel. This high
versatility of Biomass makes it best suited for variety of technologies.
Availability of Biomass in almost all geographical locations.
Effective and wider range of energy generation from a few kilo Watts to several
Mega Watts.
Amenable to storage.
It is CO2 neutral and thus environmentally benign, limiting green house effect.
Reduces the drain of foreign currency.
Rural employment generation.
Low capital investment, low gestation and hence quicker payback.
Energy produced is as competitive as commercial sources of energy.
Biomass energy plantation / production is quite reliable.

Problems with Biomass utilization for power generation

Labour intensive and dispersed in large areas

Specific energy content is lower.
Localized price sensitivity.
High moisture content.
Automatic feed control is required because of its non free-flow nature.
Biomass handling & collection: large network required
Light ash - an atmospheric pollutant.
Dust and other health hazards
Transportation : Biomass occupies a large volume due to low bulk density (30-
180 kg/m3)
Seasonal availability.
Large storage space is required due to low bulk density and seasonal
Heat value is 17.5 to 20 Giga Joules per ton of Biomass compared to 30 to 35
GJ /ton of bituminous coal and 23 to 26 GJ/ton of lignite.

E. Economic Benefits :

There are several economic benefits that will accrue to the country by establishing
Renewable Energy Projects with Biomass as fuel. Being a product of natural resources it
gives much hope as an alternative reliable and perennial source of energy. Rural economic
development is one of the major benefits of Biomass. Since Biomass is bulky and costly to
transport, Biomass conversion facilities can be situated close to where the crops grown. India
spends about $50 billion each year on import of oil. Biomass fuels could replace about 50%
of our imported oil. The number of jobs created (for production, harvesting and use) and
industrial growth (from developing conversion facilities for fuel, industrial feedstock, and
power) would be enormous. National energy security can also benefit from Biomass. By
diversifying our fuel supply, we protect ourselves, strengthen our own economy, and improve
our balance of trade.

F. Environmental Benefits :

The use of Biomass energy has many unique qualities that provide a plethora of
environmental benefits. It can help mitigate climate change, reduce acid rain, soil erosion,
water pollution and pressure on landfills, provide wildlife habitat, and help maintain forest
health through better management.

Climate Change :
Climate change is a growing concern worldwide. Humane activity, primarily through
the combustion of fossil fuels, has released hundreds of millions of tons of so called
greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. GHGs include such gases as carbon dioxide and
methane. The earths climate, disrupting the entire biosphere which currently supports life as
we know it. Biomass energy technologies can help minimizes this concern. Although both
methane and carbon dioxide pose significant threats, CH4 is 20 times more potent (though
shorter lived in the atmosphere) than CO2. Capturing methane from landfills, wastewater
treatment, and manure lagoons prevents the ethane from being vented to the atmosphere and
allows the energy to being vented to the atmosphere, as allows the energy to be used to
generate electricity or power motor vehicles. The carbon dioxide released while burning
Biomass is absorbed by the next crop growth. This is called a closed carbon cycle. In fact,
the amount of carbon sequestered may be greater that that released by combustion because
most energy crops is perennials, they are harvested by cutting rather than uprooting.

Acid Rain :

Acid rain is caused primarily by the release of sulphur and nitrogen oxides from the
combustion of fuels. Acid rain has been implicated in the filling of lakes, as well as
impacting humans and wildlife in other ways. Since Biomass has no sulphur emissions and
thus, reduce acid rain. Co-firing refers to burning Biomass jointly with coal in a
traditionally coal fired power plant.

Soil Erosion & Water Pollution :

Biomass crops can bring down water pollution in a number of ways. Energy crops
can be grown on more marginal lands, in floodplains, and in between annual crops and
riparian areas. In all these cases, the crops stabilize the soil, thus reducing soil erosion and
salutation. They also reduce nutrient run off, which protects aquatic ecosystems. Their shade
can even enhance the habitat for numerous aquatics like fish.

Reduced Landfill Pressure :

By utilizing the estimated 540 million tons of agricultural waste, which is otherwise
land filled each year and if the same is used for power generation or ethanol production,
27 we
can save precious space in our land filled each year for power generation or for ethanol

Forest Management :

For the past several decades, the forest service management policy has been one of
fire suppression. However, for most western forests this is not natural. Fires used to come
through and burn up the underbrush, releasing seeds and maintaining the health of the forest.
Now, with all of that underbrush grown up, any fire that does occur is significantly hotter,
destroying larger stands of timber and seriously disrupting the forest ecology.

G. GOI & IREDA Initiatives for Promotion of Biomass Power

Realizing the enormous potential for power generation available from Biomass, the
Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources (MNES) of the Government of India(GOI)
has been promoting the productive and efficient utilization of Biomass for energy
generation. In the Strategy & Action plan chalked out by MNES, various bio-energy
technologies such as Biomass gasification, direct combustion, Bagasse based
Cogeneration, etc., find a place of high priority. The Programmes include capital subsidy
for demo projects and interest subsidy for commercial projects and financial assistance for
preparation of DPR.

The main objectives of the MNES programme are :

To establish techno-commercial feasibility and viability of power generation

from Biomass materials which are either wasted or sub-optimally utilized.
To make the programme more effective with its various provisions.

To develop a Biomass Resource Atlas based on Biomass resource assessment

studies in different regions of the country
To support and thus enlarge activities through awareness creation, publicity
measures, seminars/workshops/business meets etc.

The programme components and eligibility criteria are given in the following table: 28
Resource Base: Biomass(Stalk, Straw, Husk, Fines of Biomass Origin, Agro
processing residues etc.) Bagasse.
Technology Base Any Technology route, appropriate & efficient for conversion to
power, Gas/Steam Turbine, dual fuel engine/gas engine route
involving pyrolysis, gasification, incineration with/without
intermediate pellestisation/briquetting; or a combination thereof.
Application Base COGENERITON (Steam & Power) or Power
Capacity Base Minimum 1 MW surplus; grid connected
Financing Base All FIs/Industrial Development/Investment Corporations; All
Nationalized Banks & State/Public Sector Leasing & Financial
Corporations severally or in consortia.
Implementing Through State Govt./SNA and FIs.
Eligible Promoters, individuals or in consortia with other promoters; Public
Promoters Sector institutions, voluntary agencies; Registered Industry
Associations, Registered Companies, JV Company and SNA, BOOT
BOT, BOLT, BOOM, BOO basis or IPP Mode.

Interest subsidy:

Biomass Power Forestry based & Agro based Industrial residues 2%

Projects 3%
Energy Plantation; Forestry & Agro Residues
Biomass/Bagasse 40 bar and above 1%
Cogeneration Projects 2%
60 bar and above
80 bar and above 3%

Other Incentives:
SNA Rs. 0.5 lakhs/project- Max. of 10 Lakhs
DPR Assistance 50% of cost with a Max. of Rs. 5 Lakhs depending on boiler
Consultancy Firms Rs. 2.5 lakhs/Project (Max.)
Biomass Bank/Depots Interest Subsidy @ 5%(Max)
SNA for Biomass 90% of cost or Rs. 1.5 lakhs per study, which ever is lower
Assessment Studies

The two projects for which MNES sanctioned the subsidy under the pilot
programme are HCL Agro Power Ltd., A.P., and Indo-Lahari Biopower Ltd., M.P have
been set up in 1999 are in successful operation. As per the MNES annual report , it29has
been reported as on 31.12.2004 that, 52 nos. of Biomass power projects of capacity 290
MW has been commissioned and 41 projects of 284 MW capacity are under various stages
of implementation.

IREDAs Role In Promoting Biomass Combustion Based Power Projects

The Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd. (IREDA) has been
supporting Biomass based power generation as a part of renewable energy development
programme by offering term-loans for projects since its inception in 1987. The programme
has gained momentum since the launching of MNES national programmes. IREDAs
Norms of Financing

Minimum Promoters contribution 30 %

Term Loan Upto 70 % of project cost
Sector Biomass Power Cogeneration
Interest rate
(a) 1 MW to 7.5 MW
64 kg/cm2 pressure 11.50% 11.50%
87 kg/cm2 pressure 11.25% 11.25%

100 kg/cm2 pressure 10.75% 11.00%

Total repayment period 10 years
(inclusive of moratorium)
Moratorium (Maximum) 3 years

IREDA has so far funded 37 Biomass based power projects for total power generation of
229 MW, for total sanctioned loans to the tune of Rs. 585 Crores and disbursement to the
tune of Rs. 390 Corres. . Out of which, 160 MW has already been commissioned and are
operating satisfactorily.


Biomass Conversion - Technology Options


The technologies available for biomass utilization / conversion can be broadly categorized
as follows:

Thermochemical conversion
Biological conversion
The various processes under Thermo-Chemical conversion are:

(Thermal decomposition of organic matter under vacuum or inert atmospheric conditions.)

(Thermal decomposition of organic matter in the presence of limited supply of air or
oxygen to produce combustible gases thus converting calorific value of organic material
into a gaseous energy carrier.

(Physical transformation (i.e. compaction) of loose biomass into uniform size solid fuel)

Direct Combustion
(Thermal decomposition of organic matter is carried out in the presence of excess air,
liberating heat and leaving behind incombustible ash.)

Liquefaction process
(Process of subjecting Biomass to high temperatures and pressures resulting in a large
proportion of liquid as end products.)


The various processes under Biological Conversion are:

(Biological treatment of agro industrial & municipal liquid waste streams under suitable
temperature resulting in release of methane gas)

Ethanol Conversion (Ethanol used as a Fuel)

(Biological Process of conversion of food plants to liquid fuel Ethanol)


The above mentioned technologies can be classified as follows:

Classification of Gasifiers based on the feedstock movement or/and feedstock gasifying
contact mode such as:
Fixed or Packed bed
Moving bed
Fluidized bed
Special types like entrained bed, cyclone reactor

B. Densification
Depending on type of equipment used, densification can be categorized into four main
Piston press densification
Screw press densification
Roll press densification

C. Biomethanation

Some of the basic technologies commonly employed for treatment of Liquid Wastes are
given as under:

Anaerobic Treatment
(Sludge blanket, Anaerobic filter, Attached bed growth process) 33
Activated Sludge Process

D. Combustion

Manually fired furnaces

Automatic stoking systems
Pile Burning Systems
Grate Burning Systems (fixed, moving, inclined, step)
Suspension Burning Systems
Fluidized Bed Combustion Systems (Atmospheric FBC, Circulating FBC)


The technologies for the primary conversion of biomass for electricity production
are direct Combustion, Gasification and Pyrolysis. Direct combustion involves the
oxidation biomass with excess air, giving hot flue gasses, which are used to produce steam
in the heat exchange sections boilers. The steam is used to produce the electricity in a
Rankine cycle. Usually, only electricity is produced in a condensing steam cycle, while
electricity and steam are cogenerated in an extraction cycle.

(a) Pile Burner System:

Pile burners represent the historic industrial method of biomass combustion and
typically consist of a two-stage combustion chamber with a separate furnace and boiler
located above the secondary combustion chamber. The combustion chamber is separated
into a lower pile section for primary combustion and an upper secondary combustion
section. Biomass fuel is piled about 3.3m deep on a grate in the bottom section and
combustion air is fed upward through the grate and inwards from the walls. Combustion is
completed in a secondary combustion zone using overfire air. Feed is introduced either on
top of the pill or through an underfeed arrangement using an auger.

The underfeed arrangement gives better combustion control by introducing feed

underneath the active combustion zone, but it increases system complexity and lowers its
reliability. Ash is removed by isolating the combustion chamber from the furnace and
annually dumping the ash from the grate after the ash is cooled. Pile burners typically have
low efficiencies (50% to 60%), have cyclic operating characteristics because of the ash
removal, and have combustion cycles that are erratic and difficult to control. Because of
the slow response time of the system and the cyclic nature of operation, pile burners are
not considered for load following operations. The advantage of the pile burners is its
simplicity and ability to handle wet, dirty fuels.

(b) Stoker Fire grate System:

Stoker combustors improve on operation of the pile burners by providing a moving

grate, which permits continuous ash collection, thus eliminating the cyclic operation
characteristics of traditional pile burners. In additional, the fuel is spread more evenly,
normally by a pneumatic stoker, and in thinner layer in the combustion zone, given more
efficient combustion. Stoker-fired boilers were first introduced in the 1920s for coal, and
in the late 1940s the Detroit Stoker Company installed the first travelling grate spreader
stoker boiler for wood. In the basic stoker design the bottom of the furnace is a moving
grate which is cooled by underfire air.

Underfire air rate defines the maximum temperature of the grate and thus the
allowable moisture content of the feed. More modern designs include the Kabliz grate, a
sloping reciprocating water cooled grate. Reciprocating grates are attractive because of
simplicity and low fly ash carryover. Combustion is completed by the use of overfire air.
Furnace wall configurations include straight and bull nose water walls.

(c) Travelling Grate Combustion System:

Continuous discharge of ash eliminates cleaning shut downs

Grate bars open at lower portion facilities proper air flow and discharge siftings

Ideal for troubleless, high ash, low fusion fuels

Automatic seals ensure accurate control of air flow to the grate surface

Automatic seals ensure accurate control of air flow to the grate surface

Over fire air turbulence system provides efficient combustion and excellent
emissions control
Grates are available in a choice of materials to suit specific requirements

Rapid combustion of fine fuel particles in suspension over a thin, fast burning

Stage combustion for optimal emission control

High burning rates minimize the grate area required

Advantages Of Travelling Grate Combustion System:

Fuel Flexibility:

Spreader stoker systems accommodate changing fuel supplies while maintaining

plant availability

Design allows utilization of widest range of combustible solid waste materials.

Low operating costs:

Low power consumption derived from low draft loss system design.

Low excess air requirements achieved with modern combustion technology

Higher combustion efficiency by virtue of a more effective overfires air system

(d) Fluidized Bed Combustion System:

In a gas solid fluidized bed a stream of gas passes upwards through a bed of free
flowing granular materials in which the gas velocity is large enough that the solid particles
are widely separated and circulated freely throughout the bed. During overall circulation of
the bed transient streams of gas flow upward in channels containing few solids and clumps
or masses of solids flow downwards. The fluidized bed loads like a boiling liquid and has
the physical properties of a fluid. In fluidized bed combustion of biomass the gas is air and
the bed is usually sand or limestone. The air acts as the fluidizing medium and is the
oxidant for biomass combustion.

A fluidized bed combustor is vessel with dimensions such that the superficial
velocity of the gas maintains the bed that lowers the superficial gas velocity below
fluidization velocity to maintain bed inventory and act as a disengaging zone. Overfire air
is normally introduced in the disengaging zone. To obtain the total desired gas phase
residence time for complete combustion and heat transfer to the boiler walls the larger
cross sectional area zone is extended and is usually referred to as the freeboard. A cyclone
is used to either return fine to the bed or to removes ash rich fines from the system. The
bed is fluidized by a gas distribution manifold or series of sparge tubes. Biomass is
introduction provides combustion residence time for fines, which would otherwise be
entrained in the fluidizing gas and not combusted in the bed. To insure complete
combustion overfire air may be added to the freeboard space.

The bed is usually preheated using an external burner fired by natural gas, propane
or fuel oil. The hot flue gas from the external burner is used to heat the fluidized bed to
the fuel ignition temperature. For biomass this temperature is around 540C.
Supplemental firing can be used to heat the freeboard gas to normal combustion
temperature. At this point biomass is slowly introduced into the bed to raise the bed
temperature to the desired operating range, normally 790C to 870C.

Bed temperature is governed by the desired to obtain complete combustion versus

the need to maintain the bed temperature below the ash fusion temperature of the biomass
ash. As biomass is introduced into the bed the majorities of the organic pyrolytically
vaporize and are partially combusted in the bed. The exothermic combustion provides the
heat to maintain the be at temperature and to volatilize additional biomass. Combustion is
completed in the freeboard space above the bed, resulting in freeboard temperature
approaching 980C.

Fluidized bed combustors have the advantage of extremely good mixing and high
heat transfer, resulting in very uniform bed conditions. Combustion takes place at
relatively low temperatures, giving low Nox emissions. Combustion is very efficient, and
99-100% carbon burnout is typical. Bubbling fluidized bed boilers are normally designed
for complete ash carryover, necessitating the addition of cyclones and/or bag houses for
particulate control.

Advantage of FBC:

Controlled combustion enables burning of coal below its fusion point avoiding
clinker formation

Wide range of multi fuels like, coal, husk, coke breeze, conditioned slurries,
sawdust and bagasse can be utilized.
Boilers are fitted with multi feed nozzles to achieve greater turndown ratio

Elimination of clinker formation keeps the surface of the boiler clear, there by
increasing the efficiency of heat recovery.



Combustion Type Suspension & Static Suspension & Static Fluidized Bed
Fuel Inventory in Medium Inventory Medium Inventory Low Inventory
Combustion 98% 98% 99%
Co Emission Medium Medium Low
Excess Air 35-50% 35-50% 25-35%
Number of Fans 1 1 2
In bed Agitation No Minor Agitation Yes
Operating Vast Medium Good
Fuel Range Medium Medium Good
General Remarks Not Suitable for Widely used for Ideal for Rice Husk,
Low Ash fuels, Bagasse Firing Ground Nut, Shell
Grate Operated & like fuel

Technology advance, operational experience, standard practices, competitive

equipment suppliers, established services network have reached great heights in case of
combustion of biomass and the results are well witnessed in most of the power plants
operating on biomass based power generation through direct combustion, all over the world
and as well as in India.


Swot Analysis for Biomass Power Projects


A SWOT Analysis of the project has been made to determine its strengths and
opportunities as well as its weakness and threats. This analysis would enable the promoters
to weigh the risks involved in the project as well as the prospects.


1. Demand for the Power: There is an enormous deficit situation in the country in respect
of availability of power. It is estimated that, country has to add about 1,00,000 MW of
power by 2012. Biomass Power Generation Projects will contribute some extent to
reduce the deficit power situation in the country.

2. Biomass Utilization for Power Generation reduces the fossil fuel consumption for
Power Generation in our Country.

3. Availability of cheaper Renewable Raw Material for Power Generation: Biomass is

available in plenty in our country, which could be utilized for power generation.

4. Rural Employment: The Biomass Power Generation Projects contributes to the rural
economy by creating rural employment and also enables farmers to earn more money
by selling the Biomass residue at a better prices.

5. Biomass Power Projects is environmental friendly and reduces green house gases.


1. Biomass Power Projects are based on the Biomass fuel, which is natures gift and
depends on vagarious of nature.

2. The viability of the Biomass Power Projects mainly depends upon the price of the

1. With the Government encouraging, renewable projects in place of Power Generation

Projects based on conventional fuels, there is always scope for expansion.

2. The ash could be utilized for the manufacture of bricks and can be sold to the market.

3. The Biomass Power Project Promoters can go for backward integration and setup rice
mills, energy plantations, solvent extraction plants which will add for to the project.


1. Success of the Biomass Power Project depends on the Government Power Policies. If
the Government changes power purchase policy and bans private sale of power, the
Biomass Power Generation Projects would be affected.

2. If more profitable method of use of Biomass were found, then availability of Biomass
would be a problem.


Technical Features of a 7.5 MW Biomass Power Plant



In the chapter, the details of Thermodynamic Cycle, Mechanical Equipment & Systems,
Electrical Equipment & Systems, Control & Instrumentation and Civil Works required for
a 7.5 MW Biomass based power plant are discussed. Biomass Power Plant comprises of the
following typicallist of components for effective and continuous operation.

Boiler & Auxiliaries

Forced draft, induced draft and secondary air fan(s)
Air heater
Fuel Feeding System
Ash Removal System
Multicyclone Dust Collectors & Electrostatic precipitator
Soot blowers for superheater, boiler bank and economizer regions

Turbine & Auxiliaries

Steam turbine
Piping with valves and fittings
Drainage system from all steam spaces
Flash tank for connecting all high pressure drains

Three phase synchronous generator
Excitation System
Generator control, protection, metering and control panel
Synchronizing panel
Natural grounding resistor cubicle
Lightning arrestor & surge protection
Current & potential transformers for protection, metering & voltage
All power & control cabling
Required AC and DC motors with Starters
Earthing provisions for equipment
HT switchgear panel
Battery & battery charger
MCC / PCC and power and control cables for power supply

Outdoor Switchyard Equipment

Circuit Breaker & Isolator
Current & Voltage Transformers
Lightning Arrestors
Relay & Metering Panel

Instrumentation & Controls

Flow Nozzles
Local gauge as required
Pressure & temperature test points
Local gauge board at turbine floor complete with gauges and accessories
Local instrument panel
Safety devices & shut-down systems
Local controllers & microprocessors based controller subsystems

Feed Water Systems

Feed transfer pumps & feed pumps
Sample coolers
Boiler drains

Raw Water Treatment Systems

Dosing systems (LP/HP)
Filtration unit with filter water storage tank
Transfer pump
Demineraliser plant with DM water storage tank
Piping, valves and fittings
MCC/PCC for water treatment plant drives

Condensor & Accessories

Expansion joint
Main ejectors & hogging ejector
Condensate extraction pumps

Cooling Tower
Cooling tower
Induced draft fans
Chemical dosing system
Cooling water pumps
Integral instrumentation

Biomass Processing & Handling Equipments

Biomass Chipper / Shredder
Biomass Pulveriser
Biomass Baler
Magnetic Separator
Conveyors / Bucket Elevators
Storage Bunkers
Variable speed fuel feeders

Ash Handling System

Dry / Wet Ash Handling Conveyors
Boiler Ash Cooling Systems 45
Intermediate Ash Storage Bunkers


The proposed plant would comprise of one no. Travelling grate steam generator and its
auxiliaries, one no. 7.5 MW steam turbine generator along with other auxiliary equipment.


The most commonly used thermodynamic cycle in thermal power stations is the
Rankine cycle with conventional steam turbines. The overall efficiency of such
plants is in the range of 20-35%. Other potential alternative thermodynamic cycles
include the Brayton and the Combined cycle. Besides steam turbines, other options
include gas turbines. All theses are reported to operate with overall efficiencies of
40-55% in the 5-50 MW ranges. Theses are also reduces Nox emissions by 80%
and have greater ability to balance the thermal and electric demands of the power
plant as compared to the conventional Rankine cycles technology. However, there
are no reports of any commercially active plants based on these technologies. Thus,
this cycle with conventional steam turbines was considered to be the most
appropriates choice for the proposed power plant in India.

The steam generator of capacity 35 TPH generates steam at 65 ata and 485 C. The main
steam at HP Turbine inlet will be at 62 ata, 480 C and the exhaust from the turbine is
condensed in the water cooled condenser, which is maintained at a pressure 0.1 ata. The
feed water is heated by a separate steam line extraction from the turbine in the deaerator.
The condensate from condenser storage tank will be pumped to the deaerator by 2 x 100%
condensate extraction pumps through Gland Steam Condenser (GSC) and ejector
condenser. Feed water from the deaerator will be pumped to the steam generator by 2 x
100% electric motor driven feed water pumps. The feed water and condensate will be
heated up in the deaerator by bled steam drawn from steam turbine and turbine glad leak-
off steam. Condensate drains from gland steam condenser and ejector condenser will be
connected to the condenser hotwell. The feed water temperature at steam generator
economizer inlet will be around 105 C.

4.1.0 Steam Generator and Auxiliaries

The steam generator for the proposed unit of capacity 35 TPH will be of travelling grate,
natural circulation, single drum, balanced draft type rated to deliver superheated steam at
65 ata and 485 C, when supplied with feed water at a temperature of 105 C.

The capacity of the steam generator is selected such that, adequate margin over the
requirement of turbine at Valves Wide Open (VWO) condition and catering to auxiliary
steam requirements for soot blowing, steam ejectors, etc. Economizer section of the boiler
would be non-steaming type. Superheated section is designed so as to maintain rated steam
temperature of 485 C at outlet over the range of 60% to 100% Boiler MCR load. The
combustion of steam generator would be balanced draft type with forced draft (primary air
and secondary air) and induced draft fans with suitable capacity and control arrangement.

The complete boiler will be bottom supported and would be provided with all supporting
steel structures, platforms, galleries, and stairways for easy approach and maintenance.
Necessary lining and insulation along with fixing materials to limit outside surface
temperature to a safe level would also be provided.

4.2.0 Steam Turbine and Accessories

The steam turbine is of tandem compound, condensing, horizontally split, double casing
machine with one (1) uncontrolled extractions for deaerator heating. The turbine would be
designed for main steam parameters of 62 ata, 480 C at inlet to HP turbine. The LP turbine
will exhaust against a condenser pressure of 0.1 ata. At valve wide open condition the
turbo-generator set will be able to operate continuously with a steam flow of about 105%
turbine MCR condition.

The steam turbine is provided with well proven electro-hydraulic governing system. The
governing system provides steady state speed regulations. The steam turbine will be
provided with necessary mechanical protection devices to ensure adequate safety to the
system. The turbine oil system is provided with adequate supply of oil to bearings,
governing system and other safety devices. The steam required for gland sealing of the
turbine will be provided from the main steam line through a pressure reducing valve. All
other auxiliaries like steam vent system, turbine lube oil purification system, as well as

necessary protective and supervisory system will be provided to ensure trouble free, safe
and efficient operation of the turbo-generator.

4.2.1 Condensing Equipment

Water-cooled condenser to condense the exhaust steam from the turbine is envisaged. The
hot cooling water from the condenser is cooled in a cooling tower. A condensate storage
tank of adequate capacity is provided to collect all the condensate and is pumped back to
the deaerator. The condenser will be of two pass horizontal, surface and divided box type.
The condenser is provided with two separate inlet and outlet connections, so that one half
of the condenser can be isolated in the cooling waterside for inspection and maintenance
while the other half is in operation. Two (2) 100% capacity air ejector is provided to
maintain the vacuum in the condenser by expelling the non-condensable gases.

4.2.2 Deaerator

A variable pressure, spray-cum-tray type deaerating heater with feed water tank of 5 minutes
storage capacity at 105% TMCR is considered. The deaerator will be designed to deaerate all
incoming condensate and drain flow to keep the oxygen content of the condensate below
0.005cc/ liter with zero free carbon-di-oxide. Deaerator normally operates by taking
extraction steam from the steam turbine.

4.2.3 Condensate Extraction Pumps

2 x 100% capacity condensate extraction pumps are provided. The condensate extraction
pumps are horizontal type with flanged connection driven by electric motor. Automatic
starting is provided for start up of the standby pump in case of failure of the running pump or
when the hotwell level is high.

4.3.0 Fuel Handling System

The fuel handling system handles shredded biomass fuels of Redgram stalk, Subabul, Rice
Husk and Jowar stalks. The fuel handling system is designed to operate for 24 hrs. Separate
system provided for screening and de-stoning of Rice Husk before feeding into the boiler is

4.3.1 Some of the Fuels proposed to be fired

b. Redgram stalks
c. Subabul,
d. Jowar stalks
e. Rice Husk
f. Waste wood

4.3.2 Fuel Sizing and Loading at Collection Points

a. Fuels like Redgram Stalks, Subabul and Jowar stalks is sized in the fields to around 1.0
to 1.5 m long. The plants are cut manually or by petrol operated telescopic prunners in
the fields. Fuels like Redgram stalks and Jowar stalks of 1 to 1.5 m length are
transported to the plant in loose condition. Subabul of sizes less than 40 mm diameter
will be segregated in the fields and transported. Biomass fuels above 40 mm diameter
upto 200 mm diameter will be separated and sized o maximum 40 mm dia and
b. Fuels like rice husk is loaded loose in trucks, trailers and covered by polyethylene
sheets or tarpaulins to prevent spillage and carry away by wind during transport.

4.3.3 Fuel Shredding System

Redgram stalks is shredded in the shredding machine. The stacked loose fuel is reclaimed
manually and fed to the feed chute of the shredding system. The fuel is further conveyed by
belt conveyor to the knife cutter of the shredding system. The shredded fuel is conveyed by
a blower to the cyclone separator. The collected shredded fuel in the cyclone is discharged
by a rotary valve to the floor. The shredded fuel is dosed to form a stock pile in the Covered
shredded fuel stockpile area. The stockpile will have a capacity of 24 hour fuel requirement
of boiler. There are capacity limitations in the shredding systems available in the market
and hence combination of machines to match the desired capacity is provided with
adequate standby. Rice husk will be dozed by front end loaders/ Dozers to the feed chute
with grizzly. The feed chute feeds belt conveyor. Suspended magnet and de-stoner is
provided to remove tramp iron and stones from the fuel respectively. The feeders for
conveying rice husk to boiler. Rice husk bunker will in turn feed the screw feeder to feed
the boiler.

4.4.0 Ash Handling System

The ash generated from boiler is fly ash and bottom ash and these are in small quantities.
The bottom ash generated rolls down from the travelling grate and drops into submerged
chain conveyor and conveyed to the bottom ash bund. The ash is further disposed in trucks
by using front end loaders. Fly ash is collected in ESP hoppers and air preheated hoppers.
The fly ash collected in the ESP hoppers and air preheater hopper is discharged by rotary
valves into ash conditioners. The fly ash collected in the bund is disposed in trucks/ trailers.
The control of the ash handling system is by local panel.

4.5.0 Plant Water System

The plant water for power cycle make-up, make-up for cooling tower, make-up for air-
conditioning system, dust suppression system, ash conditioning and quenching, service and
drinking water requirement are met by the water from near by river/ borewell. The cooling
water system comprises of a cooling tower, cooling water pumps etc. the makeup water for the
cooling tower is met from the raw water reservoir. The cooling water flow across condenser is
around 1300 m3 / h and across auxiliary cooling system around 192 m3/ h.

4.5.1 Pretreatment Plant

Raw water pumps is used to pump the water to the clarifier, where the suspended solids present
in the water is removed. Since the raw water is surface water necessary pretreatment plants are
required for the RO feed water. Coagulant, Flocculent, and disinfectant chemicals is added in
the raw water line using chemical dosing systems. Chemical dosing systems consists of a
chemical tank of adequate capacity and a diaphragm / plunger type, reciprocating metering
pump. Clarified water is further treated and used for various applications in the power plant. If
bore well water is used, then this pretreatment plant is bypassed.

4.5.2 RO Plant

Clarified water is pumped and fed to the RO Plant. RO Plant consists of a pressure and filter,
micron filter, RO skid, permeate water tank, and chemical dosing systems. Pressure sand filters,
is used to filter the clarified water. This water is further fine filtered in the cartridge filters.
Anti-scalant chemicals and Dechlorinating chemicals are dosed in the filtered water for
conditioning the water. High pressure water is passed through RO modules to reduce the Total
dissolved Solids present to the water. The net operating capacity of Reverse Osmosis skid is 10
m3 / day.

4.5.4 Mixed Bed(MB) Unit

RO water is further pumped to the Mixed Bed exchanger for Demineralising it. The ion
exchanger is operated to generate 10 cum/ day. Demineralised water is stored in the DM
water tank. DM water pumps will transfer the same to various utilities. MB ion exchange
resin is regenerated once in a day using Hydrochloric acid and Sodium Hydroxide. This is
done to condition the DM water to make it suitable for boiler makeup.

4.5.5 Softening Plant

Clarified water from the clarified water storage tank is pumped and allowed to pass through
a pressure sand filter. Filters remove the suspended solids present in the water. Soft water is
stored in the soft water storage tank. Soft water is used for the CT makeup in Cooling
Tower basin.

4.5.6 Waste Water Treatment Plant

The waste water treatment system envisaged to cover all the plant waste water which are to
be disposed. It is proposed to have zero discharge from the plant. All wastewater is treated
and used either for horticulture purposed or for ash quenching.

4.6.0 Compressed Air System

The compressed air system is to provide compressed air with suitable pressure and quality
for instrument and control purpose and for general plant use. 2 x 100% oil free non-
lubricating type compressor of 75 N-cum / h capacity for instrument air is provided. The
compressor will be operating in dual control mode.

4.7.0 Fire Protection Systems

All buildings / equipment, storage yards and plant is protected by any one or a
combination of the following system :
- Hydrant system
- Mobile and portable fire extinguishing equipment
All fire hydrants are provided with necessary accessories and hose houses. Dry
power type mobile fire extinguisher and CO2 portable fir extinguisher will be kept all
over the plant.

4.8.0 Air conditioning and Ventilation Systems

All control rooms housing sophisticated and precision equipment is air-conditioned. Split air
conditioning units and window type air conditioners is provided as required. Power house
building including Turbine house, air compressor room, switchgear room, cable spreader
room etc., is provided with adequate ventilation system to remove the heat load from various
equipment and to dilute polluted air.

4.9.0 Cranes, Hoists & Elevators

Hand operated overhead travelling(HOT) cranes is provided in turbine hall. The cranes are
designed to handle the heaviest piece of the steam turbine. Electrical / manual hoists are
provided at all other placed wherever necessary.

4.10.0 Stores

Both covered & open space is provided for storage of various materials required for
construction as well as for operation and maintenance of the plant.

4.11.0 Workshop

The workshop is provided with all equipment required for maintenance of medium and small
capacity motors and pumps, non-critical components of the power plant. The workshop is also
adequately equipped to maintain all types of motor vehicles. Lathes, milling machines, different
types of drilling machines, grinding machines etc. will be installed in the workshop.


5.1.0 General Description & Scheme of Connection

The system consists of one number STG of 10 MVA rating, the generation voltage being 11
kV. The generator is connected to the 33 kV switchyard through a step-up generator
transformer. One number distribution transformer is provided for feeding the plant loads. A
generator circuit breaker is providing between generator and generator transformer so that
the start-up power can be drawn form the 33 kV grid through the generator transformer and
unit transformer. The unit transformer feeds the 415 kV switchgear that distributes power to
the plant auxiliaries.

5.2.0 Generator
Generator is a synchronous generator of capacity about 10 MVA to suit the turbine rating, air
/ water cooled, with brush less excitation. Rated power factor is 0.8. The generator winding
will be star connected and all the six leads of the generator, phase and neutral side will be
brought out of the stator frame for connection to XLPE cable. The neutral of the generator
will be earthen through resistor to limit the ground fault current to about 100 amps.
Salient technical features of generator :
a. Type : Air / Water cooled synchronous generator
b. Rated capacity : 7.5 MW
c. Rated power factor : 0.8 lag
d. Voltage : 11 kV + 10%
e. Insulation : Class F, temperature rise limited to Class B
f. Frequency : 50 Hz + 3%, -5%
g. No. of phase : 3
h. Speed : 3000 or 1500 PM
Automatic voltage regulator will be provided to maintain steady generator terminal voltage
under variable load conditions and for parallel operation with grid.

5.3.0 Generator Transformer

Generator transformer is designed to deliver the total output of the generating unit into the
system. Salient technical parameters are given below:
a) Rating (MVA) : 10
b) Nominal system voltage
(i) HT side (kV) : 33
(ii) LT side (kV) : 11
c) Tap changer
(i) Type : On Load
(ii) Range : +10%, -12.5% (in steps of 1.25%)
(iii) Taps provided on : Star side
d) No. of phases : 3
e) Frequency : 50 Hz.
f) Type : Oil immersed
g) Type of cooling : ONAN / ONAF
h) Connections at11 KV side : Delta

5.4.0. Unit Transformer

Unit transformer with following salient technical parameters will feed the 415V loads.
a) Rating (KVA) : 1250
b) Nominal System voltage
(i) HT side(V) : 11
(ii) LT side(kV) : 0.433
c) Tap changer
(i) Type : Off Circuit
(ii) Range : +5% (in steps of 2.5%)
d) No. of phases : 3
e) Frequency : 50 Hz.
f) Type : Oil immersed outdoor
h) Connections
(i) 415 V side : Delta
(ii) 11 kV side : Star

5.5.0 33 kV Switchyard

The 33 kV switchyard will be of outdoor air insulated type. Salient technical parameters of the
same are given below :
a) Type : Air insulated
b) Rated voltage (kV) : 33
c) Rated current : 800 A
d) Rated frequency : 50 Hz
e) Breaker type : SF6

5.6.0 415 Switchgear

Power and motor control centers will have electrolytic aluminum busbars and will be
designed to withstand without damage a fault current of 45 kA for 1 sec. The PCC and
MCC will consist of vertical sections each section having separate compartment for
individual motors / drivers / MCC feeders. Motors rated upto 160 kW will be connected to
415 V system will be solidly grounded.

5.7.0 Protection System

For protection of equipment against abnormal system conditions, adequate protective devices
will be provided in respective switchgears and control and relay panels. Proper discrimination

and selectivity will be provided to isolate the faulty elements, keeping the healthy part of the
system in service.

5.8.0 IIIumination

The plant lighting system includes the normal AC lighting and emergency AC lighting which
contributes together 100% lighting as well as emergency DC lighting in selected areas of the
plant during plant emergency conditions.

5.9.0 Plant Communication

Plant Communication will be provided to facilitate operations by establishing quick

communications among the operating personnel stationed at various locations of the plant.

5.10.0 Uninterrupted Power System (UPS)

UPS will provide reliable & interruption free source of required voltage to equipment /
instrument vital for plant control. UPS will be provided with 2 x 100% inverters and DC
power source from the battery as well as from the converter.

5.11.0 Grounding and Lightning Protection

The plant grounding system will be designed as per the requirements. All electrical
equipment will be connected to the grounding system at two distinct points. The chimney and
powerhouse building will be equipped with lightning protection.

5.12.0 Power and Control Cables

LT power & also Control cables are provided as per their standard requirements.


6.1.0 Distributed Control System

The Instrumentation and control system shall be provided with microprocessor-based

Distributed Control System(DCS) / PC with programmable logic controllers (PLC) system
and control devices, analogue instruments for local control. It shall perform the functions of
monitoring, control, alarm, protection and interlock, diagnosing, performance monitoring,
trending, Sequence of events recording of the unit to meet all requirements at various
operational conditions.

6.2.0 Field Instrumentation

Adequate number of local instruments shall be provided to guide the local operator.
All electronic transmitters shall be provided .
All local instruments shall be mounted at a convenient height of about 1.5 meters above ground
or platform
For pressure, flow, level and differential pressure measurement, electronic smart transmitters
with an output of 4-20 mA DC shall be provided.
For temperature measurement in the range of 0-3000 C Platinum Resistance temperature
detector (RTD) shall be used and in the range of 300 0 C to 14000 C, thermocouples shall be
used. All thermocouples and RTD shall be of Duplex type.
All control valves shall be provided with lavve positioner, local position indicator, hand wheel,
isolating, and bypass valves. Wherever necessary, position transmitter and limit switches for
remote indication shall also be provided.
Various switches for temperature, pressure, level as per requirements shall be provided for
alarms / trips.

6.3.0 Power Supply and Instrument Air Supply

6.3.1 Power Supply System

The C & I system shall be supplied with a 240V 1O AC uninterrupted power supply.

6.3.2 Instrument Air Supply

The C&I shall be supplied with adequate Instrument air supply from compressor etc.

6.4.0 Control Rooms

The plant shall have a Central Control Room (CCR), Control Equipment Room (CER) and
Local Control Rooms (LCR) as required.


7.1 Power House Building 56

Power House Building will be of RCC construction with brick masonry wall cladding. The
roof over turbine hall will be of RCC on metal decking supported on purling and trusses.
Other floors / roof slabs will of case in situ RCC.
Openable windows will be provided on external walls. All windows except in Control Room
will be of glazed steel windows. Windows in Control Room will be of fully glazed, fixed type
with extruded aluminum box frame. Doors in Control Room will be with extruded aluminum
box frames and fully glazed. Rolling shutters will be provided for large openings meant for
equipment entry and which are not in frequent use. Fireproof doors with two-hour fire rating
will be provided wherever required as per norms.

7.2. RCC Chimney

Single flue RCC chimney is proposed. Top 5.0 metre of the chimney will be provided with
acid resistant bricks. Necessary aviation warning lighting, lightning protection and earthing
will also be provided. External painting of the chimney will meet the requirements of
aviation warning during day time as per the norms of International Civil Aviation

7.3 Foundations

Shallow spread foundations/ strip foundations are considered. Type of foundation to be adopted
finally will be decided based on soil investigation to be conducted during execution.

7.5.0 Switchyard

Combined raft foundation will be provided for towers. For equipment structure
foundations, individual footings will be provided. The entire area will be paved with gravel.

7.6.0 Civil Works on Fuel & Ash Handling Systems

7.6.1 The fuel Handling System Civil Works consist of
Reclaim hopper pit
Conveyor trestle foundation inside the plant
Junction & Transfer tower foundation
MCC / Control room
Covered fuel storage shed

7.6.2 Ash Handling System 57

Ash handling system civil works will consist of conveyor foundation and ash storage dyke.

7.7.0 Roads, Drainage and Boundary Wall

7.7.1 Roads
All roads in the power plant area will be well-designed asphalt roads.
The main road of plant is 6.0 m wide with 1.0 m wide to accommodate truck movement.
The secondary roads shall be 4.0 m wide 1 metre wide berm on either side.

7.7.2 Paving
Boiler & Transformer areas will be paved with RCC slab 100 mm thick in M15 grade, 230 mm
thick rubble soling will be provided below the paving. Higher thickness as required will be
provided in areas of vehicular movement.

7.7.3 Drainage
Surface drainage system shall be designed based on the maximum rainfall intensity prevalent in
the area over the last 50 year.

7.7.4 Sewerage System

For plant area sanitary sewerage disposal, separate septic tanks will be provided at suitable
locations for each group of buildings. The effluent from the septic tanks will be let to soak pits

7.7.5 Boundary Wall

Boundary wall will be constructed around the proposed plant area. Boundary wall will be of brick
masonry 2.0 m high with 600 mm high barbed wire fencing above.

7.8.0 Miscellaneous Plant Buildings and Structures

Raw / Fire water tank and pump house
Pipe / Cable rack
RO plant


Environment & Social Assessment




1.1.0 The environmental impact of the proposed power plant covering the following
aspects is briefly discussed in this chapter.
Air pollution

Water pollution

Sewage disposal

Thermal pollution

Noise pollution

Pollution monitoring and surveillance system

1.2.0 Air Pollution

1.2.1 The air pollutants from the proposed units are:

1.2.2 For thermal power stations, the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) stipulates
the limits for particulate matter emission as 150 mg/Nm3 for protected area and 350
mg/ Nm3 for other areas and the same limits are followed by all State Pollution
Control Boards. State Pollution Control Board also stipulates an emission level of
150 mg/ Nm3.
1.2.3 The Electrostatic Precipitator will remove most of the fly ash from the flue gas,
thereby limiting the quantity of fly ash emitted to atmosphere and will be designed
such that the outlet dust concentration meets the CPCB/ State Pollution Control
Board stipulations of 150 mg/ NM3
1.2.4 Stack height of minimum \50 m will be provided considering the fuel
characteristics, to disperse the flue gas into atmosphere.

1.3.0 Nox & SO2 Emissions

1.3.1 Since Biomass is used as fuel, fuel bound nitrogen or sulphur content in fuel is
negligible, therefore, Sox and Nox emissions to atmosphere is not envisaged.

1.4.0 Water Pollution

1.4.1 The water pollutants from the proposed units are:

Effluent from water treatment plant

Steam generator Blowdown

Cooling tower Blowdown

1.4.2 Effluent from water treatment plant

The DM water requirement of the plant is 15 m3 / h. The pre-treatment plant is

adequately sized considering regeneration effluent from this plant. Hydrochloric acid
and caustic soda would be used as regenerates in the proposed water treatment plant.
The acid and alkali effluents generated during the regeneration process of the ion
exchangers would be drained into a neutralizing pit. The effluent would be
neutralized by the addition of either acid or alkali to achieve the required pH before
disposing off for dust suppression or for horticultural.

1.4.3 Steam Generator Blowdown

The salient characteristics of the Blowdown water from the point of view of pollution
are the pH and temperature of water, since suspended solids are negligible. The pH
would be in the range of 9.5 to 10.3 and the temperature of the blow down water
would be about 100 C, since it is first flashed in an atmospheric flash tank and the
effluent from the flash tank is negligible.

1.4.4 Cooling Tower Blowdown

Cooling tower Blowdown water will be high TDS only. The Blowdown water would
be taken to the Guard Pond and blended with other effluents. The TDS of Blowdown
water will be sufficient to meet the pollution control board norms of 2100 ppm in the
final effluent.

1.5.0 Thermal Pollution

Since the plant is of only 7.5 MW capacity the heat dissipated to atmosphere is

1.6.0 Noise Pollution

1.6.1 All equipment in the power plant would be designed / operated to have a noise level
not exceeding 85 to 90 dBA as per the requirement of Occupational Safety and
Health Administration Standard (OSHA). As per this standard protection from
noise is required when sound levels exceed those as specified below when
measured on the A scale at slow response on a standard sound level meter.


Duration per day (hours) Sound Level (dBA) slow response
8 90
6 92
4 95
3 97
2 100
1 102
1 105
1 110
1 115

1.6.2 In addition, since most of the noise generating equipment would be in closed
structures, the noise transmitted outside would be still lower.

1.6.3 Ash Disposal

The generated ash from the power plant is very minimum, since low ash Biomass
fuels are used. The total ash generated in case of the following Biomass fuels would
be as follows:

Red gram Rice husk Subabul

Fly ash in kg/h @ 75% 81.00 1219.00 97.46
Bottom ash in kg /h @25% 27.00 407.00 32.49
Total ash generated in kg/ h 108.00 1626.00 129.95
The total ash generated would be sent back to fields to be used as manure. It is also
proposed to sell dry fly ash to nearby cement plants, bricks kilns etc. The ash
generated from the plant, which is hardly 1.5 to 2% depending on the type of
Biomass fuel is very good constituent for bio-composting of manure. The NPK
content in fly ash is nitrogen around 0.4% by weight, phosphorous around 200 ppm
and potassium around 0.15% by weight. This NPK constituent in ash is well within
the limits specified as manure.


2.1.0 For thermal power stations, the CPCB/PCB stipulate the limits of 150 mg/NM3 for
particulate matter emission and minimum stack heights to be maintained for
keeping the sulphur-di-oxide and Nitrogen oxides levels in the ambient within the
air quality standards. The characteristics of the effluent from the plant would be
maintained so as to meet the requirements of the State Pollution Control Board and
the Minimum national Standards for Thermal Power Plants stipulated by the
Central Board for Prevention and Control of Water Pollution. The air quality will be
periodically monitored and reported by using adequate instruments.

2.2.0 Water Quality Monitoring Programme

2.2.1 The quality of the effluent generated from various sources will be monitored
regularly and corrective action will be taken as and when needed.
2.2.2 Qualified persons would be in-charge of monitoring the parameters by using
suitable instruments.


3.1.0 Since all necessary pollution control measures to maintain the emission levels of
dust particles, sulphur dioxide and Nitrogen Oxides within the permissible limits
would be taken and necessary treatment of effluents would be carried out, there
would be no adverse impact on either air or water quality in and around the power
station site on account of installation of the proposed plant.


About one third of the total land area (7 acres) will be provided for green belt. In
addition, avenue trees will be planted all along the roads. Drought resistant trees
(Subabul, Neem or Date Palms) suitable for the local climate will be selected for
the green belt. Several other trees will also be planted to provide good shadow and
cool weather/ climatic condition. These trees can also serve as a pollution control
source in the power plant.



1. Stack / Chimney Height

For plants operating less than 200 MW unit 14X (Q) X 0.3
(Q = emission rate of SO2 in
2. Particulate Emission through Flue Gas 150 mg/Nm3
3. Ambient Air Quality Standard (assuming
the plant area to be residential / rural)
i) Suspended particle 200 mg/Nm3
ii) Sulphur-di-oxide 80 mg/Nm3
iii) Carbon Monoxide 200 mg/Nm3
iv) Nitrogen Oxides 80 mg/Nm3
4. Noise Level
i) Day Time 65 dB Max
ii) Night Time 60 dB Max
Source: Bharathidasan School of Energy, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu

B. Social Impact & Relevance Assessment

The Social Impact Assessment is analyzed taking into account the effects of the Biomass
Power Project Implementation on the population around the site region under various
aspects such as:
Displacement of Habitat due to project implementation

Local population deprived of use of their domestic fuel (Biomass)

Agricultural Fields (soil) deprived of soil or nutrients due to Biomass collection 64

Employment benefits & Social impact on Biomass use taken into account?

Improved Power Availability situation for the local population

Adequate Direct & Indirect employment opportunities to Rural Local population

Women Employment and labour from weaker sections

Additional revenue for farmers due to Sale of Biomass & maintaining Biomass Depots

The assessment is analyzed each of the above aspects carefully and project the
negative and positive impacts to the Management. The social benefits, which can be
quantified such as employment (direct & indirect), additional revenue, power availability
etc., may be computed and projected. The major concern which may be adequately
observed during the assessment, is the issue of local domestic population being deprived of
Biomass (to be used by the power plant) as otherwise available to them as domestic fuel.

It may be observed that the implementation of Biomass Power Project may

normally assist in improving the economics of the local population as it rarely needs
displacement of habitat. Normally, the Biomass Power Projects results in increased
employment to local population and additional revenue due to streamlines regular purchase
of Biomass by the Project Management.

The Managements plans for setting up Biomass Collection Centers / Depots may
further improve the farmers revenue position. The huge manpower required for Biomass
handling both at source and at site provide more employment opportunities to Women &
Unskilled labourers. Dedicated Energy Plantations for power generation may avoid the
local poor population deprived of their fuel and further provide more employment and
revenue benefits.


Operation and Maintenance of a Biomass Power Plant


The operation of the plant starts with commissioning. In broad terms commissioning
can be defined as setting the plant to work safely and on time. It is necessary to ensure that
all equipment is completely erected before operations begin. Although this may be
considered difficult, the other extreme of operating a plant with insufficient instrumentation,
controls and alarms is dangerous. Although some compromise can be made with regard to
plant completion, the commissioning procedures should never compromise personnel and the
system safety.

It is dangerous to operate the plant without installing all the instrumentation and
controls. A proper check list procedure must be drawn up, which include all the sections of
the plant shall take into account, the contractual responsibilities, the technological
relationship between the various sections, pre-commissioning, cleaning requirements. The
checklist procedure helps in the following:

To ensure that the necessary checks are carried out on each item of the plant before it is
put into commercial service

To indicate a contractors commission requirements from the client or from other


To facilitate then recording of the progress on the various commissioning activities

To ensure that energy is supplied to equipment or a plant when it is safe to do so

To provide a basis for the plant history

The Biomass based power plant is interconnected with the grid. This needs proper
co-ordination, especially needs of the electricity broads will vary from time to time. The
plant becomes the part of the electricity boards network.

With the rapid increase in the operating levels of the steam temperatures and
pressures of the high-pressure boilers, ensuring good quality of water has assumed greater
importance. These boilers restrict water quality. The area of concern could be the
condenser leakage where the condenser gets contaminated by the cooling water. A routine
check ups of the feed water quality during the operation results in avoiding the
contamination of water and maintains the quality of water.

Instrumentation is increasing taking over the many functions of the operator. Its
response to changing and transient conditions, its ability to anticipate, detect and
discriminate faulty conditions and act accordingly is quicker and for more accurate if well
designed. With the ability of micro processor based control systems to include data
acquisition and processing capabilities, the systems ability, to log and process periodically
the plant data, is also far superior and permits more timely corrective actions.

Presently some of the responsibilities of the operation section are taken over by
good instrumentation. The most difficult thing to be encountered in the initial stages of
plant operation is the necessity to develop in the operation staff a faith in the
instrumentation. Many times the operators first response to a manner to a meter reading
too high or too low is to disbelieve it on the ground that it may be reading incorrectly. If
instruments are not checked and calibrated frequently an operator will delay taking
corrective actions.

Evacuation of Surplus Power the generation voltage has to be stepped upto the
grid voltage at the point of interconnection. This plant has to operate parallel with grid
system, which is a very fast carrier. This plant has to protect its equipment against possible
faults or other disturbances from the grid.

The main objective of the project is to keep the plant running reliable and
efficiently as long as possible. Reliability is impaired when a plant is thrown to forced and
unforeseen outages. This aspects assumes greater significance in a private independent
power plant exporting power to the State Electricity Boards Grid under contractual
commitments. It is imperative that any planned maintenance is undertaken with closer
coordination with the SEBs sub station.

Efficient operation implies close control not only over the cost of production but
also over the cost of maintenance. There are two components in maintenance cost, one is
the direct cost of maintenance i.e. the material cost, one is the direct cost of maintenance.
The material and labour and the other is the indirect cost of production loss.

The preventive maintenance plays an important role in keeping the plant away from
the emergency shut downs. This maintenance activity should be clearly planned with
regard to the material and labour. It is also essential to develop proper inspection
procedures with Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) methods. Such inspections be trained
personnel reveal defects not necessarily detected by mere visual inspection. The other
emergency breakdown is expensive and needs to be minimized by preventive maintenance.

Careful logging of operation data and periodically processing it to determine

abnormal or slowly deteriorating conditions. Periodic inspection of the plant is necessary.
Careful control and supervisions of operating conditions. Wide and rapid variations in load
and frequency conditions do contribute to increased maintenance particularly on the high
temperature and high-pressure units. The turbine throttle steam pressure and temperature
conditions must also be kept steady on the rated value.

Regular routine maintenance work such as keeping equipment clean, cleaning heat
exchangers, filters, effectively implementing the lubrication schedules, effective
supervision of bearings, commutator or slip ring bushes, gland and flanges leaks etc.
Frequent testing of plant equipment to determine internal condition of equipment such as
plant cycle efficiency tests, enthalpy drop tests, heat exchanger and pump performance
tests, turbine and generator shaft vibration tests, turbine lube oil testing.

Close coordination with manufacturers to effect improvements in design, use of

better material, introduction of such facilities as cathodic protection, use of better
protective paints.

Multitask load management systems that have recently been developed and
marketed also enable continuous monitoring of different electrical parameters enabling
timely corrective measures to be undertaken.

It is extremely important that proper records are maintained not merely for the
maintenance work done but also for the material used and actual man hours spent etc.

Biomass Power Technology Development General Practices

1. Adopt Integrated Approach: An integrated approach to promote Biomass Power

Generation should be adopted. An important measure in this context would be the
availability of the Biomass in surplus quantity near by the Biomass Power Generation
Plant site.

2. Promote Community Management: Promote community owned and managed

Biomass Power Generation Plants. Care must be taken that strong community
organization and cohesiveness, democratic leadership, good technical and managerial
capabilities, and strong technical back up either exist or are built up.

3. Evaluation of Socio-Economic Condition: A proper evaluation of the socio-economic

setting, technical and managerial capabilities and surveys and designs must be ensured
while carrying out feasibility studies.

4. Choose Suitable Technology: Promotion of smaller Biomass Power Generation Plants

should be given priority, since this will ensure the participation of low-income group.

5. Diversify End Use: Promote diversification of end use for productive purposes such as
agro-processing, cold storage, ice factories, power looms, carpet weaving, wood
carving and food processing.

6. Ensure Compensation Subsidy Issues: Prevailing laws do not ensure the right of prior
use for agro-processing and electricity production. Appropriate compensation should
be given to owners if a conflict arises.

7. Standardize Quality Control: The design of the Biomass Power Generation Plant should
follow the standard norms and regulations, the safety codes to be followed during
installation of the Biomass Power Generation Plant, and the rated power of turbines and
generators, should be standardized.

8. Carry Out Training Programme: The preparation of construction manuals and codes
and the enforcement of standards are essential. Also, training manuals on operation and
maintenance as well as book keeping are required, and programmes must be initiated to
provide training to Biomass Power Generation Plant operators and owners.

9. Design Innovative Funding Mechanisms: Innovative funding mechanisms should be

designed so that the equity concerns of the low capital investment promoters can be

10. Promote Institutional Linkages and Coordination: Institutional linkages and

coordination must be promoted among the various institutions involved in the
development of promotion of the Biomass Power Generation Plants.

11. Remove Technical Constraints through Research & Development: Various technical
constraints, the storage problems, climate uncertainty need to be resolved for the
smooth functioning of the Biomass Power Generation Plant systems, namely , by
promoting suitable research and developmental activities.

12. Promote Private Entrepreneurship: Promote private entrepreneurs for the development
of the Biomass Power Generation Programmes by reducing financial risks and costs,
providing for unforeseen set backs through insurance and improving investment
incentives, e.g. below market loans, grants, rebates, tax incentives and tax credits,
exemptions and deductions.

13. Simply Banking Procedures: Develop simplified banking procedures and make interest
rates and other conditions as loans uniform for all Biomass Power Generation

14. Define Ownership Rights: Craft clearly-defined legislation on ownership rights over
various natural resources in order to reduce conflict over resource use.

15. Protect Intellectual Property Rights: Pass legislation to protect intellectual property
rights in order to promote Research and Development activities related to Biomass
Power Generation Programme.


Project Cost Estimate of a 7.5 MW Biomass Power Plant


This chapter gives the estimate of the total cost of a 7.5 MW Biomass Power
Project. The cost of the Biomass Power Project is estimated on the basis of the prevailing
prices and rates as on today and the estimation is for the installation of power generation
and services facilities described in the earlier section of the this report. The estimate the is
based on the budgetary offers of various manufactures for the major equipment, and for
the rest of the plant.


1.1.0 The project cost of the Biomass fired power plant has been estimated taking into account
the cost of civil, structural & architectural works, plant and machinery, electrical &
instrumentation works, transportation, installation, testing and commissioning. The project
cost estimate has been worked out on the basis of prices and rates prevailing at present and
on the following basis.
1.2.0 Estimates are based on the layout of the plant. The cost of foundations for TG, boiler etc.
will be on conventional spread type RCC foundations, no piling has been considered for
any foundations.
1.3.0 The total estimated costs of steam generator, their auxiliaries and some of the electrical and
mechanical equipment are based on budgetary prices obtained from manufacturers(s) of
these equipment. The cost for the turbine generator and auxiliaries are estimated cost based
on cost of different capacity STG in other projects with suitable costing factor for capacity
and escalations. However, for balance systems and equipment, the total estimated costs are
based on either cost particulars available for similar equipment, the total estimated costs are
based on either cost particulars available for similar equipment or estimated values with
suitable escalations.
1.4.0 The cost of spare parts proposed to be purchased along with the mechanical and electrical
equipment has been estimated on the basis of 1.5% of ex-works cost of equipment and the
same have been included in the F.O.R. price of each equipment.
1.5.0 For mechanical and electrical works, cost of erection and commissioning is assumed as 8%
of the ex-works cost of the equipment and the same is included in the equipment price.
1.6.0 Packaging, forwarding, freight, storage and insurance charges are accounted at the rate of
2% of the ex-works price of the equipment.
1.7.0 The project estimates includes cost for the land and land development charges also.
1.8.0 Preliminary and pre-operative Expenses

The salaries and wages considered during preliminary and during construction stage of this
project is based on the experience other project.


2.1.0 The summary of the cost for installing the power plant is furnished in Table 9.1.
2.2.0 The overall project cost is estimated of Rs.2850 lakhs. The above cost includes land and
site development, plant and machinery, miscellaneous fixed assets, preliminary and pre-
operative expenses, contingency, interest during construction and margin money for
working capital.

Table: 9.1 COST OF THE PROJECT Rs. Lakhs

1. Land & Site Development 85.00

2. Civil & Structural 225.50
3. Plant & Machinery (including Misc. Fixed Assets Spares) 1985.50
4. Preliminary expenses including Front End fee 65.00
5. Start-up Expenses 45.00
6. Consultancy/Technical Know-how Fee 55.00
7. Contingencies 110.00
8. IDC 234.00
9. Margin money for WC 45.00
Total 2850.00

The Means of finance

Source Amount ( Lakhs) Percentage

1.Promoter's contribution 860.00 30%
2.Term Loan 1990.00 70%
Total Project Cost 2850.00 100 %


Financial & Sensitivity Analysis



The difference between financial and economic analysis may be understood better from the
following description of each of these terms:

The economic analysis attempts to estimate the effect of the project on real economic
activity, costs and benefits adjusted where all financial transfers are removed and
economic (or shadow) prices are used rather than market prices.

Whereas the financial analysis is based on actual financial cashflows into and out of
project, including market prices, taxes & duties, subsidies & tax benefits and debt

The Economic and Financial analysis for Biomass Power Project may be carried out
extensively based on a set of key assumptions and parameters. However, the present scope
of the study is only focused on financial evaluation and sensitivity analysis


The financial evaluation is carried out to assess the financial viability / soundness of the
project from the point of view of developers and FIs. The key assumptions have be taken
based on the recent hearings & tariff orders for Biomass power projects published by
APERC & KERC. The key assumptions for financial evaluation the Biomass Power
Project is given below Table 10.1.

Table: 10.1 : Key assumptions and the basic input data for financial evaluation of
the project are given below:

Sl. No. Description/parameter Values

1. Name of the project M/s ABC Ltd.,
2. Installed capacity of the power plant 7.5 MW
3. Auxiliary Power Consumption 10%
4. Plant load factor 85% 76
5. Specific Fuel Consumption 1.25 kg/kWh
6. Total Capital cost Rs. 2850 Lakhs
7. Promoters contribution Rs. 860 lakhs
8. Term loan Rs. 1990 Lakhs
9. Debt Equity Ratio 2.3 : 1
10. Interest rate 12% p.a.
11. Repayment period 10 years with 3 year
12. Interest on working capital 14%
13. SEBs Buyback rate of power Rs. 2.85 per unit
14. Escalation in SEB tariff per annum 2% on base tariff
15. SEB charges towards line losses 2% of energy exported
16. Annual O&M expenses 2.5% of equipment cost
17. O & M escalation per annum 5%
18. Cost of Biomass Rs. 1000//MT
19. Fuel Cost escalation 4%
20. Depreciation 7.84%
21. Tax particulars Full Tax holiday for first five
years & 35% marginal tax rate

The financial evaluation has been carried out as per the established procedures. The
detailed calculations are enclosed at Annexure-2.


Financial Internal Rate of Return (FIRR) Method

FIRR for an investment proposal is the discounted rate that equates the present value of the
expected cash out flows with the present value of the cash inflows.

FIRR on capital 17.65%

FIRR on equity before tax 21.82%
FIRR on equity after tax
with tax holiday 17.81%
with out tax holiday

Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR)

This ratio evaluates the number of times the cash generated can over the repayment and
interest payment commitments. Average DSCR of the project during the loan tenure comes
to 1.43

Break Even Capacity

It is the minimum capacity utilization at which there will be neither profit nor loss. The
BEP of generation based on quantity for the project is estimated as 50.44%


The Sensitivity Analysis for a Project is always carried out necessarily to analyze the
different scenarios of all the Main Risk Components of the Project. The base case has
been further tested with certain changes in the key assumptions and the financial evaluation
carried out. The sensitivity analysis is carried out for the following scenarios:

Capital Costs higher

FIs Interest Rates higher
Plant Load Factor lower
Operating & Maintenance Costs higher
Sales Price lower
Initial Fuel Cost higher

For each of the above scenario, the following Financial Indicators are computed to
ascertain the viability of the Project: The results have been summarized as follows

Table 10.2 - Summary of Sensitivity Analysis
Factor FIRR on FIRR on Equity DSCR BEP
Before After
Tax Tax
Base Case - 17.65% 21.82% 17.81% 1.43 50.44%

Increase in Capital cost by 10% 15.72% 18.99% 14.83% 1.33 53.40%

Increase on O & M Cost to 5% 14.08% 14.72% 10.81% 1.29 57.80%

Decrease in buy back rate of 10% 11.75% 10.31% 6.62% 1.18 65.7%
SEB by
Decrease in PLF by 10% 15.80% 18.16% 14.20% 1.34 57.82%

Initial Fuel Cost increase by 10% 14.77% 16.04% 12.10% 1.31 56.82%

Increase in interest rate on - 17.65% 18.69% 14.51% 1.35 56.60%

term loans from 12% to

Form the above sensitivity analysis, it is seen that the project is financially viable except in
the case of SEB buy back rates are reduced by 10%.


The major risks factors involved in implementation and operation of Biomass Power
Projects and general management perception towards mitigating the same are enumerated

Initial teething problems in operation of plants due to the non-availability of qualified

and trained manpower
The quality & reliability of indigenous equipment like the boiler and the turbo
generator especially boiler performance incase of new untried Biomass
Dependence on the State Electricity Boards grid for sale of generated power
Timely payments for power sold to SEB / Third Party
Biomass availability and abrupt cost variation
Fire hazard during Biomass storage
Developers constraints in mobilizing funds
Developers limitation on Technical & Managerial skills
Changes in Government & State Electricity Boards Policies 79
The perceptions on the above are as follows::
Recruitment of qualified manpower and providing them suitable training before
commissioning the plant results in better understanding of the teething problems and in
comfortably overcoming them.
Laying down of power transmission lines for exporting power to even third parties may
cost huge initial investment. Hence, it would be ideal to identify the proximity of the
SEBs sub-station.
As more and more Biomass based power projects are being implemented and the power
purchase agreement are duly signed between the power plant and the State Electricity
Board, there would not be delay in receipt of payment for the power sold by the plant.
Continuous exercise by the power plant on resourcing of existing and new Biomass and
regular check on its generation, competitive use, demand, cost and establishment of
farmers based Biomass depots would relatively result in better control on the
procurement of Biomass at a reasonable price within a reasonable annual price
Adequate safety measures and established international and national practices on
handling & storage of Biomass if followed meticulously, would avoid any major fire
mishap in the Biomass storage area. Continuous monitoring of the storage area is also
As awareness widely spreads after witnessing successful implementation and operation
of Biomass power plants, the state governments and as well as the leading financial
agencies would come forward with different and attractive schemes of financing such
as extending state government guarantee, equity participation, venture capital, leasing
mechanism etc.
The technical and the managerial capabilities are the natural inheritance of any
industrialists and businessmen and hence implementation of such project normally suit
such qualified industrial & business experts. Any attempt of debut venturing into
power generation sector without relevant or adequate experience may lead to delay or
even failure in implementation of such power projects, as they require good skills.
The Central Governments support to this sector has always been encouraging as it
continues to assist the project promoters by implementing various schemes under the
National Programme, through its dedicated Ministry (MNES). Though all the states

policy towards power purchase, wheeling, banking and sale are not uniform at present,
they are further attempting to simplify the policies to render the sector more attractive.


Observations & Recommendations


Based on the studies carried out on various running biomass power plant , a set of specific
observations and recommendations have been derived for effective and efficient operation
of a 7.5 MW Biomass Power Project/. The observation and recommendations are given on
each section/component of Biomass Power plant

I. Biomass Fuels Assessment

Biomass assessment assignment should reflect the following considerations, which have
important bearing for successful operation of the power plant on a sustained basis.

Availability of the Biomass throughout the year within the specified proximity.

Field wasted Biomass should be preferred due to no or low base cost.

It is recommended to use limited amount of industrial Biomass, the use of present

industrial Biomass should be considered as the last option for the project unless huge
availability of same Biomass is ascertained.

It is recommended to give importance for the storage requirements for the Biomass
when it is available in surplus and could be utilized during the off seasonal

Recommended to analyze the social impact and other major inhibitors associated with
Biomass utilization.

It is recommended to bring Farmers Co-operative Biomass Collection Depots for the

procurement of Biomass easily.

Energy plantations in waste lands could be an ideal source to help energy generation in
the long run, making self reliant and reliable decentralized generation systems a part of
rural life, integrated with rural development.

It is prudent to set up the power plant within close proximity of crop cultivation, as
otherwise collection, storage, handling and transportation charges would completely
result in costly Biomass, which will ultimately result in poor economics of the power
generation through Biomass.

Thus it is recommended that there are various critical factors that ought to be carefully
analyzed during selection of Biomass. The viability or distinction of these factors shall
also assists in better site selection.

II. Biomass Fuel Preparation

It is observed that based on the furnace requirement and storage space the unsized Biomass
are prepared or processed mainly for the size reduction and uniformity. Biomass of
uniform size is rice husk, ground nutshell, sawdust, de-oiled barn etc. and the Biomass of
non-uniform size includes stalks, forest shrubs, straws etc. It is observed that a wide range
of pre-processing equipments available is choppers and shredders, suitable for size
reduction to the level accepted to the boiler furnace. It is recommended to install a Biomass
dryer incase of high moisture content Biomass, which would increase in boiler efficiency.

III. Biomass Handling and Feeding Systems

It is observed that there is no established practices for Biomass feeding and handling, thus
complete automation of Biomass handling have been implemented in any of the above
projects. In India, however, a couple of Biomass Power projects have already employed
semi-mechanized Biomass handling systems with bailers, hydraulic pushers, belt
conveyors, bucket elevators.

It is recommended to design the feeding system and conveying system for the
maximum requirement of the Biomass, incase of worst fuel combination for raising the
steam production and pressure has to be taken for designing the conveying system and
the intermediate storage bunker so as avoid furnace starving of fuel at any point of

Recommended for the complete design of the conveying system is based on the nature
or the variety of the Biomass normally used in Biomass power generation.

It is recommended to protect the conveyor, belt conveyors, bucket elevators, hydraulic

pushers, Biomass intermediate storage bunkers at the boiler point etc. with coatings to
prevent abrasion while conveying and storing the Biomass.

It is recommended to provide automatic fuel level indicators to prevent over feeding

and also to indicate furnace fuel starving in that case there is possibilities of explosion.

The fuel transport up to the bunker at the feeding point to the boiler by means of belt
conveyors is strictly recommended due to additional benefits such as low power
consumption, easy maintenance, trouble free operation, lower installed motor capacities
and lower capital cost.

IV. Biomass Storage

It is observed that storage of Biomass for easy retrieval in case of adverse conditions
affecting the regular inflow of Biomass is always an astute measure for sustained operation
of the Biomass power plant. Storage of Biomass is critical and an essential element in the
power project considering supply and transportation dislocations during strikers and other
unexpected deteriorating situations.

It is always recommended to store Biomass at site always assists in smooth operation of

the Biomass power plant. Based on the present power plant operation upto 3 months
power plants Biomass requirement equivalent storage is suggested.

It is recommended to employ adequate fire fighting system to avoid spread of fire of

Biomass in the depot and in the storage yard at the project site.

It is recommended to take care while locating the storage yard. Location of the storage
yard near steam pipes, stacks, blow off lines, heated elements of any kind.

It is recommended to maintain a semi-closed storage for Biomass and the Biomass

from this storage could be processed and conveyed to the closed storage and finally
could be fed to the boiler through the feeding system.

V. Biomass Sourcing and Procurement

It is observed that there is no second option that cheap, consistent and abundant availability
of Biomass fuel within close proximity are essential for successful operation of any power

It is recommended the surplus quantity of Biomass should be several times the actual
requirements to ensure availability and practicability in collection.

It is recommended to go in for Farmers Co-operative Biomass collection depots at

various Biomass resource bases that would ensure storage of seasonal Biomass and
avoid huge storage space at the site of the Biomass power plant.

Energy plantations would yield good potential of Biomass Source & Energy.

VI. Biomass Transport to Fuel Storage Yard.

It is observed that the Biomass is transported straightaway from the field or farm or from
the Biomass collection depots and there is no much of mechanisms involved or essential
for Biomass collection and loading. It is observed that in all the Biomass power projects
the Biomass is being loaded manually which is time consuming. Systematic loading could
be employed for Biomass storing in a regular fashion.

An important consideration is to be taken into account that the transportation by diesel

driven vehicle trucks should be employed only in the case of the farther distance
procurement of the Biomass. This is to avoid indirect consumption of more conventional
fuel (diesel) to produce Renewable Energy based Power Generation.

VII. Boiler Section

(a) Boiler Water Circulation System

Drum internals checked for erosion and corrosion
Natural circulation is best suited for Biomass power plant
For fire side, water side corrosion of tubes should be checked frequently

(b) Boiler Feed Water System

In the feed water input line Non Return Valve used should be of proper design from
which the pressure inside the drum is being indicated.
The feed water pump parts valve glands cover joints and seat surfaces require more
frequent inspection, maintenance and care.
Safeguarding of the turbine plant from reverse flow through bled steam lines is done by
feed water heaters.
Hence there is a need for project design and maintenance of isolating and NRV during
normal working for protecting the turbine.

(c) Superheat System

Alignment of tubes as a panel
Counter flow configuration
Design suitable sizing of the equipment
Interstage attemperator with Micro Processor based Instrumentation and Control
Periodic schedule maintenance of super heater tubes 86
(d) Combustion Air System
Exact quantity of primary air supply should be given for combustion
Secondary air should be supplied at the secondary zone for ensuring no volatile
It is evident that every 140C reduce in the flue gas 1% increase in efficiency
In the combustion zone-immediate vicinity of combustion area attainable is not much
of 11000C
Thus ignition temperature may not be sustained to overcome this a refractory belt is
provided around grate to prevent the quick absorption of heat from the combustion

(e) Ash Handling System

Rotary air lock provision is for continuous removal of ash
Heavy deposits of ash on tube banks forms bridging of tubes, thus cleaning by means
of soot blower is essential
Cyclone separator to remove coarse particles leaving only fine particles to be handled.
Recommended the ESP is found effective pressure drop for cyclone separator for
efficient dust collection is about 80 mm of WC

(f) Firing System

For rice husk FBC system is best suited and for other Biomass travelling grate is
The inspection of furnace for bowing of panels, coming out of cleats and buck stay
conditions of pressure excursions
For rice husk in FBC air at 70 mm pressure is optimum for combustion
Firing system should ensure complete combustion of the Biomass fuel utilized

VIII. Turbine System

The majority of modern turbine generator is assembled from modular packages and their
adoption necessitates consideration being given at the design stage and at erection stage to
the means of access and the handling arrangements to be used for installation and

(a) High Turbine Exhaust Pressure

Normally the turbine exhaust pressure is between 0.1 to 0.15 atmosphere.
When the turbine exhaust pressure is very high, greater than 0.3 atmosphere the turbine
exhaust stage may not be able to pass the requisite quantity of steam at this high
condenser pressure, thus the steam extraction pressure also goes high.
Turbine exhaust pressure is more than the 0.15 atmosphere makes the condenser tubes
to form more scales and deposits.
These above problems is mainly due to the low water flow through the condenser thus
as a result the outlet water temperature will increase in temperature as the inlet cooling
water temperature is maintained at 320C.
Mechanical means of cleaning of condenser tubes is recommended to avoid any
damage to the condenser tubes and it is essential to test the conductivity of the tubes
along with scale layer, if any present in the condenser tubes.

(b) High Turbine Exhaust Temperature

Due to the prevailing condenser pressure the turbine exhaust temperature should not be
in the high super heat region.
Any super heat of the exhaust steam will very much affect the performance of the
condenser tubes.
Thus recommended to go for spray coolers in the turbine exhaust to avoid this high
turbine exhaust temperature.

(c) Turbine Performance Monitoring

Inspection and replacing of the components subjected to high temperature creep such as
stub bolts, casing and spindles.
Restoring of the turbine heat rate is to be monitored.
Modifications to improve plant reliability factor and efficiency.

(d) Turbine Shaft and Journal Bearings Checking

In the gland areas there may be presence of corrosion, pitting, these surfaces should be
skimmed and polished for checking.
In the journal areas there my be wear and scoring, these surfaces should be skimmed
and polished for checking.
High temperatures creep check are to be monitored.
Scales are to be removed by grit blasting using either sharp sand or fine Al. oxide.
Polished surfaces are to be examined for fatigue cracking using either magnetic particle
inspection technique or dye penetrant at change in section or at blade root fixings.
Journal bearing surface is examined for signs of deterioration. The white metal
undergoes a rapid loss of fatigue strength with increasing temperature.
The surface of the journal bearing should be inspected for cracking, extrusion, wiping
under adverse loading.
(e) Turbine Shaft Alignment
Due to self-weight, plastic deformation of many shafts couple together, to form a
catenary. The roots retain their natural deflections at all speeds except when passing
through the critical speed.
The recommendations include monitoring observation demand checking of rotors or
bearings, suppliers recommended erection procedures is to be followed.
Measuring the face gaps and periphery error between couplings should carry out
(f) Turbine Lubrication System
Recommendations includes stripping the various regulating valves, oil pumps and their
drive arrangements for inspection
Replacement of worn out parts
Cleaning of the filters and oil coolers
Flushing of the oil system to remove any contamination of the pipe works. This could
be done by installing temporary pipe work at the pedestals to by pass the bearings and
thus promote flows greater than the normal
Finally, after flushing cleaning the oil filter is recommended

(g) Turbine Casings & Support Arrangements

There would be large thermal expansions experience by the rotating parts, turbine
casings and the static parts in the turbine.
The critical factors associated with turbine casings and support arrangements are that
provisions for accommodating large thermal expansions and alignment & clearances
between static and rotating parts are to be maintained is recommended.
Recommended for checking distortion in turbine casing and support arrangements.
Recommended for replacement of the thermocouples if gone out of order.
Inspection of structural including Non-Destructive Testing, Welding, casing baffles,
expansion bellows is recommended.

(h) Turbine Blading & Glands

Turbine blades would form some deposits due to the presence of minute impurities in
the steam.
The deposits or scale formation results in imbalance in the rotor system and would
result in more wearing, corrosion, noise generation and erosion of blades.
Recommendations for cleaning of the blades could be done by water washing of blade
to remove soluble accumulations and by using mechanical methods (blasting) for the
removal of silica and iron oxide deposits.
If some surface defects are found in the blades those could be cleaned by means of
careful grinding.
Turbine gland clearances are to be checked, while checking and inspection for damage
to the segment fins and springs. This can be achieved by using a small jacking screw
through the segment against the carrier ring.

(i) Turbine Governing

Main problems encountered in Turbine Governors are excessive wear of fast moving
parts and excessive friction of other parts that run in a single position.
In the tripping system bruising of latching surfaces and excessive key wear caused by
impact loads to be checked is recommended.
Recommended for valve linkage setting is to be adjusted and the valves operated to
check that the operating characteristics are correct.

IX. General Recommendations for Efficient Biomass Power Plant

Sizing of Biomass Power Plant based on the Biomass availability

Mapping the region of Biomass Source
Adopting multifuel firing system
Boiler operation at optimum efficiency
Self-reliability 50% Biomass Sourcing through Energy Plantations
Ensure water requirements from streams, canals, instead depending 100% from
borewell sources
Environmental issues should be taken care before setting up of a Biomass Power Plant.
Biomass Plant site should be about 5 kms from the habitant
Installation of energy efficient equipments, motors etc.
Ensure conventional auxiliary fuel availability as a standby at a reasonable cost
Promoters should have depth knowledge in Pros and Cons of Biomass Power Plant
Minimum re-circulation flow line in boiler feed pump discharge line to safe guard
pump against starvation
Auto combustion control loop for boiler operation
Design of travo grate with slight and continuous movement in forward & backward
Leaching increased markedly Ash Fusion Temperature
Utilization of Biomass with low grade coal Multi Firing System




Among the various non-conventional energy sources the use of energy potential in
agricultural wastes as a source of power, holds considerable promise. India being a
predominantly an agricultural country produces nearly 540 million tonnes of agricultural
wastes every year. The major agricultural waste (Biomass) being rice husk, bagasse,
various stalks and cereal straws. As the country broadens its portfolio of power options to
meet the ever increasing energy demands and increasing stringent environmental norms.
Biomass based power generation is emerging as an alternative and attractive option.

The success of a project depends on implementing it within the budgeted cost,

minimum time and with the best equipments. The implementation mode chosen
contributes in a big way in achieving the above goals. Thus the promoters, financier should
consider an energy efficient optimum capacity size while setting up a project, incorporating
the latest efficient proven equipments for the smooth and successful operation of the
Biomass Power Plant.








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