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Paityn Kappesser

UWRT 1102

May 5, 2017

Major Assignment 3 Reflection

Major assignment 3 was pretty hard for me, honestly. I have never dealt with an

annotated bibliography before so I really didnt know what to expect. I went into this with

the mindset that it would be really difficult and I wouldnt figure out how to get it done. I

looked at examples of an annotated bibliography to prepare myself for what was to

come, but I figured I would never fully understand how to do it until I tried. I began

writing my first one and realized that it really isnt as hard as I was making it out to be. I

simply looked for resources revolving around my topic and began to create a brief

summary on them after thoroughly reading them.

I didnt really have a strategy or a plan in going about this but I know that one of

my weaknesses was finding 10 articles or sources that revolved around my thesis. I had

a really hard time because I was looking for resources that were completely different

from each other, not realizing that they could be similar as long as each one had at least

one different or new aspect to offer. It challenged my thoughts of the American identity

because I got to see multiple different perspectives on it and its affect on gender roles

in America. I think that thoughts on gender roles in the 19th and 20th century were

expanded when I did all of this research because there were many perspectives I never

even thought about. Overall, this was a good first experience using annotated
bibliographies and I have a lot of confidence that I will be able to continue doing them in

my future writing career.

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