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TITLE Reference No.

: KFV-SR-050
Revision: 0
SHE RISK REGISTER SHEET Associated Documents: KGA-067
Updated 1/18/2017

Process / System
Activity / Product

Initial Probability
Initial Frequency

Initial Risk Value

Final Risk Value

Authorised By:
Completed By:
Risk Category

Initial Severity



Reviewed By:

Initial Risk

Id number

Final Risk
/ Service /

Hazard /




Although captured in the mitigations below, prior to performing ANY activity, ALWAYS consider the following: HP TOOLS, i.e.
self checking, pre-job / post job brief, peer checking, procedure use, place-keeping, questioning attitude, effective Applicable Legal & other requirements &
communication, coaching, handover and authorisation and knowledge; OTHER CONTROLS, i.e. monitoring, measurement & applicable sections (Eg: National
inspection; Operational control i.e. procedures; SHE programme; Engineering control Environmental Management Waste Act no. 59
of 2008, Section 19); National water act,
Section X; National Environmental
Management Act, Section Y)
wall, equipment, procedures) (i.e. inspection, monitoring) measures )
Engineering Engineering

Ensure scaffold is safe to work on and has a green tag,


Very Low Observation feedback, incident wear correct PPE, 2 man rule, HP tools, OE, Pre-Job Brief, OHSA Regs (GNR 1031: Gen. Safety Regs) Section 2 -

ACT 001 Diagnostic testing Opening and closing of cover Falling / crushing Injury P 0.5 0.0 1.0 1.5 Working procedure, PTW in force, 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 Doubtful Risk M.F. Rawoot J. Pietersen H. Carstens 8/21/2015
Risk trending Must have valid authorisation. Wearing of safety harness if Personal Safety Equipment and Facilities

OHSA Section 14 - Duties of employees OHSA Section


Very Low Working procedure, use the correct handtools, using Observation feedback, incident Activity to be performed by authorised persons, HP tools,

ACT 001 Diagnostic testing Loosening of allen screws Falling Equipment damage A 0.5 0.0 1.0 1.5 15 - Duties not to interfere with, damage or misuse of 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 Doubtful Risk M.F. Rawoot V. Green H. Carstens 8/21/2015
Risk maintenance bag as a catch trending OE, 2 man rule
Engineer Engineerin

Connect / disconnect to live wire Working procedure, use the correct tools, ensure Observation feedback, incident Activity to be performed by authorised persons, use of arc OHSA Regs (GNR.250: Electrical Machinery Regs)

ACT 001 Diagnostic testing Electrical hazard Injury, fatality P 1.5 0.0 4.0 5.5 1.5 -0.5 3.0 4.0 M.F. Rawoot V. Green H. Carstens 8/21/2015

component Medium insulation is intact, use of rubber mat. trending flash PPE, HP tools, OE Section 3 & 4
Risk Low Risk

Retrieving data off Rotork Very Low Working procedure, Use a torch in cases of poor lit Observation feedback, incident Activity to be performed by authorised persons, 2m Rule, OHSA Regs (GNR 1031: Gen. Safety Regs) Section 2 -

ACT 001 Diagnostic testing Head / neck Injury Injury P 0.5 0.0 1.0 1.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 Doubtful Risk M.F. Rawoot V. Green H. Carstens 8/21/2015
nameplate Risk areas. trending Situational awareness, OE, pre job brief. Correct PPE Personal Safety Equipment and Facilities

Observations, CO2 suppresion OHSA Regs (GNR 1179: Regulations for Hazardous
Staff who have access to the diesel rooms must have
Use a calibrated and functional Oxygen monitor,staff system to be properly inspected and Chemical substances) Annexure 5

Inspections and tests in diesel undergone the specific training, Evacuate area immediately

ACT 002 Entry into CO2 hazard areas Asphyxiation (CO2) Illness, fatality P 1.0 -0.5 5.0 5.5 entering the diesel rooms to take note of the inline CO2 maintained to prevent leaks or OHSA Regs (GNR 1031: Gen. 1.5 -0.5 3.0 4.0 M.F. Rawoot V. Green H. Carstens 8/21/2015
rooms if O2 monitor alarms or CO2 system activates, HP tools, OE,
readings at the entrance, inadvertant discharge of CO2 Safety Regs) Section 2 - Personal Safety Equipment
Medium bottles,
comply to PPE requirements, 2 man rule applicable
and Facilities
Risk Low Risk

OHSA Regs (GNR 1179: Regulations for Hazardous

PTW in force for any intrusive work, Use a calibrated Chemical substances) Annexure 5

Entry into N2 hazard areas Observation feedback, incident


ACT 002 Inspections and tests in N2 areas Asphyxiation (N2) Illness, fatality P 1.0 -0.5 5.0 5.5 and functional Oxygen monitor, confined space entry 2-man rule, PPE, HP tools, OE, OHSA Regs (GNR 1031: Gen. 1.0 0.0 2.0 3.0 M.F. Rawoot V. Green H. Carstens 8/21/2015
including vessels trending
requirements applies where applicable (SAC) Safety Regs) Section 2 - Personal Safety Equipment
Medium and Facilities
Risk Low Risk

All staff to be certified as Heat Stress workers, workers OHSA (GNR 2281: Environmental Regulations) Section
Observation feedback, incident

Inspections and tests in Heat stress, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, hot PTW in force / LAR, SAC issued to RP, RP to ensure briefed by RP, correct PPE to be worn (long sleeve 2(4) - Thermal Requirements OHSA Regs (GNR 1031:

ACT 002 Activities in Heat stress areas Illness, burns P 1.0 0.0 3.0 4.0 trending, Intake of fluids prior to start 1.0 0.0 2.0 3.0 M.F. Rawoot V. Green H. Carstens 8/21/2015
Heatstress areas surfaces, steam that all staff comply with Man Dir 72 coveralls and gloves to protect against hot surfaces), 2-man Gen. Safety Regs) Section 2 - Personal Safety
of work, take rest periods
rule, HP tools, OE Equipment and Facilities
Low Risk Low Risk

Activity to be performed by authorised person HAZACT (R247: GRP IV Regulations to Group IV


Inspections and tests in Use Valid RPC, RP in attendance when required, Management of exposure and dose (RADWORKER), conform to all requirements of the relevant Hazardous Substances) Chapter 3 Section 21, 22 -

ACT 002 Exposure to radiation Ionising radiation Illness P 2.5 -0.5 5.0 7.0 2.5 -0.5 1.0 3.0 M.F. Rawoot V. Green H. Carstens 8/21/2015
controlled zone Wearing of dosimetry (EPD/TLD), Use RADEYE, tracking, (dose champion) RPC, ALARA principles (time, distance, shielding), Restriction of exposure to ionising radiation, Dose limits
Radworker training, HP tools, OE. Reading of Signposting and dosimetry
High Risk Low Risk

Activity to be performed by authorised persons, HP tools,


Inspections and tests in H2 Entry into H2 hazard areas without Equipment damage, injury, KLA-027 (Area Classification og Hazloc areas). Use of OHSA Regs (GNR 250: Electrical Machinery

ACT 003 Explosion A,E,P 1.0 -0.5 5.0 5.5 Use gas detectors to monitor OE, Pre job brief, Hazloc Training, display Risk Assessment. 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 Doubtful Risk M.F. Rawoot V. Green H. Carstens 8/21/2015
(HAZLOC) areas intrinsic tools fatality intrinsic tools. Regulations) Section 9(1&2) - Electrical machinery in
Medium Reading of Signposting, Adherance to KLA-027
Hazardous Locations
Plant Engineering

OHSA Regs (GNR 1031: Gen. Safety Regs) Section 5

Observation feedback, incident
Display Risk Assessment chart, confined space training, (Confined space),
PTW in force, obtain a SAC prior to entry into vessel, trending, hole watch in place,
Corrosive substances that can cause chemical correct chemical proof PPE to be worn (coverall, faceshield, OHSA Regs (GNR 1031:
Inspections in Confined Spaces in Injury, chemical burns.Illness Use a calibrated and functional Oxygen monitor, Use System effectively drained and

ACT 003 Confined space entry burns. Ionising radiation, Asphyxiation, P 1.0 -0.5 5.0 5.5 safety specs, gloves & respirator where required), HP tools, Gen. Safety Regs) Section 2 - Personal Safety 1.0 -0.5 3.0 3.5 M.F. Rawoot V. Green H. Carstens 8/21/2015
Controlled zones and contamination Valid RPC, RP in attendance when required, Wearing vented prior to the start of work,
Falling, tripping and slipping OE, use of accountability log, Low voltage lighting Use of Equipment and Facilities
of dosimetry (EPD/TLD), Use RADEYE, vessel flushed or cleaned prior to
correct RPC. Reading of Signposting OHSA Regs (GNR 1179: Regulations for
Medium entry
Hazardous Chemical substances) Annexure 5
Risk Low Risk
Plant Engineering

OHSA Regs (GNR 1031: Gen. Safety Regs) Section 5

Observation feedback, incident
(Confined space),
trending, hole watch in place, Display Risk Assessment chart, confined space training,
Corrosive substances that can cause chemical OHSA Regs (GNR 1031:
Inspections in Confined Spaces in PTW in force, obtain a SAC prior to entry into vessel, System effectively drained and correct chemical proof PPE to be worn (coverall, faceshield,

ACT 003 Confined space entry burns. Asphyxiation, Falling, tripping and Injury, chemical burns.Illness P 1.0 -0.5 5.0 5.5 Gen. Safety Regs) Section 2 - Personal Safety 1.0 -1.0 3.0 3.0 M.F. Rawoot V. Green H. Carstens 8/21/2015
Non-Controlled zones Use a calibrated and functional Oxygen monitor, vented prior to the start of work, safety specs, gloves & respirator where required), HP tools,
slipping Equipment and Facilities
vessel flushed or cleaned prior to OE, use of accountability log, Low voltage lighting.
OHSA Regs (GNR 1179: Regulations for
Medium entry
Hazardous Chemical substances) Annexure 5
Risk Low Risk

OHSA Regs (GNR 1031: Gen. Safety Regs) Section 5


ACT 003 Inspections in Confined Spaces Confined space entry Foreign Material Inclusion Plant Damage, Production Loss A 1.0 0.5 5.0 6.5 Medium FME controls Hole watch in place Accountability log
(Confined space),
1.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0 Doubtful Risk M.F. Rawoot V. Green H. Carstens 8/21/2015

Contact Waste & Horticulture section for removal of National Water Act, 36 of 1998 - hydrocarbons should

Discarding of used oil/ NDT Discarding of used oil/ NDT


ACT 012 Contamination of ground water Water / soil pollution E 1.0 0.0 2.0 3.0 used oils, used oils to be dumped at oil stores, keep oil Waste Control sheet. OE, HP Tools, good housekeeping not touch the soil or water and if they do, they shall be 1.0 -0.5 1.0 1.5 Very Low Risk M.F. Rawoot V. Green H. Carstens 8/21/2015
consumables consumables
waste separate from other waste removed immediately
Low Risk
Plant Engineering

OHSA Section 14 - Duties of employees

Handtools to be on a checklist and Activity to be carried out by trained staff, use handtool for OHSA General Safety Regualtions 2 - Personal safety
Inspect hand tools for damage before use, store

ACT 013 Use of handtools Activities with handtools Injuries to personnel Injury P 2.5 1.0 3.0 6.5 maintained in good working intended purpose, HP tools, OE. Use of correct tools, use equipment and facilities 2.5 0.0 2.0 4.5 M.F. Rawoot V. Green H. Carstens 8/21/2015
handtools in storage area after use
condition, Incident trend analysis correct PPE. OHSA Section 15 - Duties
not to interfere with, damage or misuse of things.
Risk Low Risk

Handtools to be on a checklist and OHSA Section 14 - Duties of employees


Activity to be carried out by trained staff, use handtools for


ACT 013 Use of handtools Activities with handtools Damage to plant equipment Equipment damage A 2.5 1.0 2.0 5.5 Correct transportation of handtools maintained in good working OHSA Section 15 - Duties not to interfere with, 2.5 0.0 1.0 3.5 M.F. Rawoot V. Green H. Carstens 8/21/2015
intended purpose, HP tools, OE. Use of correct tools
Medium condition damage or misuse of things.
Risk Low Risk

OHSA Regs (GNR 1010: Construction Regs) Section

Scaffolding erected by skilled person, valid green tag must
8(4) and 14- Fall protection and Scaffolding

Work on Scaffolding and at Scaffolding to be complete with handrails & kickboards, be on scaffolds, wear relevant PPE, wear safety harness for

ACT 014 Inspections & Tests Falling object or Person falling off scaffolding Injury, fractures, fatalities P 2.0 -0.5 5.0 6.5 Scaffolding inspected regularly, OHSA Regs (GNR 1031: Gen. 2.0 -1.0 3.0 4.0 M.F. Rawoot V. Green H. Carstens 8/21/2015
heights area barricaded as required heights > 2 m, HP tools, OE, RP requirements wrt
Safety Regs) Section 2 - Personal Safety Equipment
Medium scaffolding to be complied with.
and Facilities
Risk Low Risk

Working in areas with low ceilings Correct PPE, OE, 2 M Rule, HP Tools, Staff to be Medically OHSA Section 8 & 14 - Duties of Employers and

ACT 015 Walking, standing, working Bumping head, back injury Injury P 2.0 -0.5 2.0 3.5 Use a torch in cases of poor lit areas. Incident trend analysis 2.0 -1.0 1.0 2.0 Very Low Risk M.F. Rawoot V. Green H. Carstens 8/21/2015
or limited head room fit, Adhere to signposting Employees
Low Risk

OHSA Section 14 - Duties of Employees OHSA Regs


Lifting, pushing and pulling of HP tools, PPE, OE, correct posture and ergonomics

ACT 017 Transport of equipment Injury to personnel Injury P 3.0 0.0 4.0 7.0 Make use of trolleys to transfer equipment Incident trend analysis (GNR 1031: Gen. Safety Regs) Section 2 - Personal 3.0 0.0 3.0 6.0 M.F. Rawoot V. Green H. Carstens 8/21/2015
equipment Materials handling training Medium
Safety Equipment and Facilities
High Risk Risk
Plant Engineering

OHSA regs (GNR 307: Noise induced Hearing Loss)

Wear the correct PPE (earplugs/ ear muffs), ensure
Plant inspections, surveys, Section 3- Exposure to noise and Section 5 - Duties of
Noise Induced Hearing Loss, Comply with MAN DIR 009, Man-job specification to earplugs are inserted correctly, HP tools, pre-job brief,

ACT 018 Exposure to noise environments walkdowns, investigations and Noise exposure greater than 85dB P 2.5 1.0 5.0 8.5 Regular audiometric tests, Employees OHSA 2.5 -0.5 0.0 2.0 Very Low Risk M.F. Rawoot V. Green H. Carstens 8/21/2015
temporary threshold shift reflect correct noise levels. STAR, OE , double hearing protection in areas where
monitoring Regs (GNR 1031: Gen. Safety Regs) Section 2 -
required. Adhere to all signposting.
Personal Safety Equipment and Facilities
High Risk
Plant Engineering

National Environmental Management:Waste Act 59 of

Procedure KAE-012 (Waste management); Supply 2009 - measures to reduce the amount of waste
Ensuring that all waste generated is Very Low sufficient bins, separate and designated bins for Waste control sheet to be in place All waste to be properly disposed of ; educate all staff in generated and to ensure that, where waste is

Act 019 Waste Management Pollution to environment Pollution, littering E 0.5 1.0 1.0 2.5 0.5 -1.0 0.0 -0.5 Doubtful Risk M.F. Rawoot V. Green H. Carstens 8/21/2015
properly disposed of Risk generated waste (E.g. paper, plastic, batteries, printer and updated the separation of waste generated, the waste is re-used, recycled and
cartridges, etc); recovered in an environmentally friendly manner prior to
it being treated and disposed of in a safe manner
Process / System
Activity / Product

Initial Probability
Initial Frequency

Initial Risk Value

Final Risk Value

Authorised By:
Completed By:
Risk Category

Initial Severity



Reviewed By:

Initial Risk

Id number

Final Risk
/ Service /

Hazard /




Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering

Work related to back, upper limb Correct workstation layout, ergonomic asessment of
Working on PC's, sitting position, Avoid long working sessions

Office Activities and ergonomics disorders, repetitive strain Ergonomically designed chair, correct handling of workstations, ensure correct posture when performing OHSA Section 8 & 14 - Duties of Employers and

Act 020 use of mouse and keyboard, Poor ergonomics P 2.0 0.5 2.0 4.5 (allowing relaxation of muscles). 2.0 -0.5 0.0 1.5 Very Low Risk M.F. Rawoot V. Green H. Carstens 8/21/2015
at workstations syndrome, carpal tunnel materials, situational awareness. activities in the office. Materials handling, PPE usage where Employees
general activities in the office Safe practices
syndrome applicable
Low Risk
Staff made aware of Evacuation routes and Muster points,
Fire detection systems, fire extinguishers to be placed OHSA (GNR 2281: Environmental Regulations for

Possibility of a fire in the office area Burns, injury, fatality, smoke Extinguishers and reels to be Fire Marshalls appointed, Regular fire drills, good

Act 021 Office Fires and risks Flames and Smoke P 0.5 0.5 5.0 6.0 at allocated points. Extinguishers and reels in working Workplaces)- Section 9 -Fire precautions and means of 0.0 -1.0 2.0 1.0 Very Low Risk M.F. Rawoot V. Green H. Carstens 8/21/2015
causing harm to personnel inhalation checked on a periodic basis housekeeping, fire extinguisher training. Adhere to
Medium condition. Updated muster list.

Fire detection systems, fire extinguishers to be placed OHSA (GNR 2281: Environmental Regulations for

Possibility of a fire in the office area Extinguishers and reels to be Regular fire drills, good housekeeping, fire extinguisher

Act 021 Office Fires and risks Hazard due to fires in buildings Property damage A 0.5 0.5 5.0 6.0 at allocated points. Extinguishers and reels in working Workplaces)- Section 9 -Fire precautions and means of 0.0 -1.0 2.0 1.0 Very Low Risk M.F. Rawoot V. Green H. Carstens 8/21/2015
causing damage to equipment Medium checked on a periodic basis training.
condition. egress

Evacution and mustering during Un-accounted personnel / trapped in Muster supervisors visible, Signposting, Muster areas Observation feedback, incident OHSA Section 8 & 14 - Duties of Employers and

Act 022 Emergency Planning Injury / Fatalities p 0.0 -0.5 4.0 3.5 Regular Emergency Exercises 0 -0.5 2.0 1.5 Very Low Risk M.F. Rawoot V. Green H. Carstens 8/21/2015
emergencies dangerous areas and Evacuation routes identified trending Employees

Plant Engineering

OHSA Regs (GNR 1031: Gen. Safety Regs) Section 9

(Welding. Flame cutting and similar operations)
OHSA Regs (GNR 1031:
Observation feedback, incident Appropriate PPE Pre-job brief, OE, HP tools, Authorised

Act 023 Buffing with a grinder Personnel shielding sparks and metal filings eye damage p 1.0 0.0 3.0 4.0 Hot work permit, work instruction, Gen. Safety Regs) Section 2 - Personal Safety 1.0 0.0 2.0 3.0 M.F. Rawoot V. Green H. Carstens 8/21/2015
trending persons
Equipment and Facilities
OHSA Regs (GNR 295: Driven Machinery Regs)
Section 8 - Grinding Machines
Low Risk Low Risk

Be cautious when ascending/ descending staircase, OHSA regs (GNR 1010: Construction Regs) Section

Act 027 Acending and decending stairs Personnel injury Twisting and turning of back, legs and posture Injury, fatality P 2.5 1.0 3.0 6.5 Use of handrails, non-slip surface on all steps. Incident trend analysis 2.5 -0.5 2.0 4.0 M.F. Rawoot V. Green H. Carstens 8/21/2015
Medium Situational awareness, one hand free for using handrail, OE 8(4)
Risk Low Risk

Entering or Exiting lifts. Opening and closing First aid or possible medical Be alert when entering a lift and comply with SHE talks/OE, incident recall , inform EMS when Lift, escalator and passenger conveyor regulations

Act 029 Using lifts Used for the conveyance of persons P 2.5 0.0 3.0 5.5 N/A 2.5 0.0 2.0 4.5 K. Alexander V. Green H. Carstens 1/19/2016

inside or outside doors injuries Medium instructions as per the signposting. deficiencies are identified. accordance with the SABS 1545-10 or SABS 1543.
Risk Low Risk
Reference No.: KFV-SR-049

Revision: 0 Page: 1 OF 1
Procedure: KAA-768

Ref No SHE category Activity Objective Target Legal and Other/ Procedure Requirements Resources Actions Responsibilities Status

MOD 08070 raised. Due in June 2014.

Ensure adequate ventilation for human Upgrade ventilation system by Environmental Regulations for Workplaces Section Nuclear Project Management Pending mod implementation due
65 SHE (-6m) ventilation upgrade Action: Upgrade ventilation for proper air S. Brown
occupancy during extended periods December 2014 5 - Ventilation resources December 2020.
circulation. Mod postponed to 2020.

Cabins to be supplied/fitted with all safety To ensure cabins are safe for Environmental Regulations for Workplaces Section Provide fire extinguishers, attach signposting
72 SHE Cabins Personnel J Benjamin Complete
requirements individuals during outages 9 - Ventilation and install hand rails at the doors.

Ensure all current PPE, waste Control, etc. Remove old forms and insert new forms
73 SHE SHE Forms Monthly Procedure KAA-768 Personnel All Safety Reps Every safety meeting this is checked.
forms are in files (templates)
Review Risk Ratings on register for
74 SHE Review SHE Risk Register Risk Register to be current at all times 6-monthly OH&SA Section 20 applicability (September and March Personnel All safety meeting delegates Complete 11 December 2014

SHE Legal Appointments to be current at all Review SHE Legal Appointments during
75 SHE Review SHE Legal Appointments Monthly OH&SA Section 17 Personnel All safety meeting delegates Complete 11 December 2014
times monthly safety meetings
Office Ensure All safety p
Ensure adequate ventilation for human Environmental Regulations for Workplaces Section l
76 SHE ventilation monthly Adequate Personnel Meeting
occupancy during extended periods 5 - Ventilation e
ventilation delegates t
Possible Ensure water Ensure filters
Contamination Is Are changed
77 SHE 6-monthly OHSA (facilities regulations) section 7 Personnel All Staff Dec-14
Of Contamination routinely
water free

1.Cut the piece of carpet that overlaps

Make the area at the back door exit safe due and conceals the concrete paving. 2.Make
78 SHE Safety risk 3 weeks W. Adams Complete 2016/05/26
to tripping hasard. concrete slabs visible by demarcating
with a bright colour.


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