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TP. 2015.10.

Authors Guide
Do not put contents or lines in headings

General A4, vertical page, margin settings (Top 5cm, Bottom 4cm, Left/Right 2.8cm)
Single line spacing, Single column, in Black

Title Put the title of the paper here with font Arial,
size 16pt, centered, length up to 2 lines
Authors First + Middle (initial) + Last name1a(Superscript*:Corresponding, 1:affiliation, a:footnote info),
Sullivan T. Smith*2, Tanaka Ikarashi1a and Ahmed M. Mohamed2b
Affiliations Affiliation (Department, Institute, Address, Country) with font Arial, size 9.5pt
Department of Civil Engineering, Korean Advanced Institute for Science and Technology,
291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-701, Republic of Korea

Dates (Received keep as blank , Revised keep as blank , Accepted keep as blank )

Abstract Insert abstract paragraph here with Times New Roman font and 10.5pt size. Abstract length needs to be
approximately 250 words (about 15 lines). Do not have References, Equations, Figures, or Tables in the abstract.
Abstract. This study aimed to develop a model to accurately predict the acceleration of structural systems during
an earthquake. The acceleration and applied force of a structure were measured at current time step and the velocity
and displacement were estimated through linear integration.
Keywords Keywords: complex terrain; typhoon wind field; CFD simulation; surface roughness length; topography

Section title - Level 1:

Main text 1. Introduction Arial, 11pt, Bold, No indent

Normally, strong winds have been associated with two types of wind in typhoon prone region.
The first one is the nature wind and theTimes
is the 11pt,
typhoon, or say severe tropical cyclone.
Many investigations about the vibration and bucklingfirst
0.5cm indent for the line stability) characteristics of frames of
various types have been carried out. Cheng (2011) have studied the elastic critical loads for plane
frames by using the transfer matrix method. A general digital computer method has been described
by Cheng and Xu (2012) Reference Citation (1 author)

Reference Citation (2 authors)

2. Section title: Level 1

The system examined, shown schematically in Fig. 1 is a beam of variable cross section,
carrying a so called heavy tip mass M. Its mass moment of inertia with respect to the perpendicular
axis at the centroid S is denoted by JS. Analytical and experimentalFigure Citation
(1 figure)
on vibrating
frames carrying concentrated masses have been studied by using analytical solutions and the finite
element method (Cheng et al. 2013a, b). Reference Citation
(more than 3 authors)
Footnote Corresponding author, Professor (or Ph.D., etc.), E-mail: email address Times New Roman, 10pt
Ph.D., E-mail: email address Optional
Ph.D. Student, E-mail: email address
Locate figure in a table
as an image file (.jpg), Centered

Limit line of the table

Leave single lines for all borders

Figure Caption:
Times New Roman, 10pt, Centered

Figure Caption Fig. 1 Mesh grid of topographic model

Subtitle - Level 2:
2.1 Numerical simulation procedure Arial, 11pt, Italic, 0.5cm indent

Mathematical expression (centered):

One can write the extended form of the Hamiltons Principle with the notations used in the
Insert > Object > Microsoft Equation 3.0 (MS Word 2007)
present study
Insert as
> Centered
Consecutive no.: Right alignment
1 1d
UL EI (v1) dx EA(u1 )2 dx
2 0 2

In consideration of different 10m height wind speed v10 and the power law exponent index
results shown in Table 2, the representative upstream typhoon wind fields at different directions
used as the input data for training ANN Citation
model are determined, which is shown in Tables 1-2.
(1 Table)
Table Citation
3. Section title: Level 1 (2 Tables)
Equation Citation Equation Citation
(2 Equations) (1 Equation)
A finite element model is developed to represent a cracked beam element of length d and the
crack is located at a distance d1 from the left end of the element as shown in Figs. 2-3. Substituting
Eqs. (3)-(4) in Eq. (7) yields the general equation for the local compliances as follows (considering
that all Ks are independent of ; : see Figs. 2(a)-(b)). In this regard, the circular area Figure
(more than 2 figures in order)
bridge as a center with a proper radius shall be considered (see Fig. 1 and 3)....

Table Caption: Figure Citation

Table 1 Caption Times New Roman, 10pt, Left (more than 2 figures)
Table Caption
Table, Centered Intact DI D2 Intact DI D2
Mean 2.63 2.62 2.53 3.34 2.67 2.46
SD 0.041 0.369 0.123 0.290 0.444 0.207
Mean 23.39 23.24 22.55 23.63 23.12 22.73
SD 0.021 0.161 0.161 0.042 0.251 0.213
Footnote *OF-1: Observed Frequency for 1st mode; OF-3: Observed Frequency for 3rd mode

Additional explanations for items in the table

500 500
height from ground surface (m)

height from ground surface (m)

400 Locate figure in a 400
table v10=30m/s
as an image file (.jpg) v10=50m/s
300 300

200 200
100 100

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
wind speed v(z) (m/s) wind direction (z) (deg)
(a) Wind speed profile (b) Wind direction profile
Figure Captions Fig. 2 ANN model output training data for upstream typhoon wind field coming from N direction with
exponent 0.22

4. Section title: Level 1

Subtitle - Level 3:
4.1 Subtitle: Level 2 Arial, 11pt, Italic, 0.5cm indent

4.1.1 Subtitle: Level 3

On the day of the beam test, the respective control cylinders were capped and tested in
compression to determine the compressive strength of concrete. Table 1 shows that the average
values of the 56-day compressive strengths are 69.2 and 68.7 MPa for Series V and S specimens,
respectively. The results indicate that- Level
Subtitle although
4: the two mix designs were different, they had
similar compressive strengths
Arial, 11pt, Italic, Underline, 0.5cm indent

Subtitle: Level 4
Chondros et al. (1998) have developed a continuous cracked beam vibration theory for the
lateral vibration of cracked Euler-Bernoulli beams with
Reference single-edge or double-edge open cracks.
(more than 3 authors)

5. Conclusions

A numerical simulation procedure for predicting directional typhoon wind fields over complex
terrain has been proposed in this study.
The reduction of natural frequency depends on the crack depth and crack location.
Higher drops in the in-plane natural frequency are observed when the crack is located near
List-item marks:
the roots or corners of thecircle
Medium-size frames
(), 0.5cm indent


The research described in this paper was financially supported by the Natural Science
Times New Roman, 10pt
List in alphabetical order

References References Author(s): As appears in the original paper title,

except the first authors last name comes first
Journal Author(s) (Year), Title of paper (Capital letter only for the first letter), Name of Journal (Italic), Volume
Papers number in bold(Issue number in non-bold), page-page.
Journal titles: May be abbreviated, ltalic
Cheng, Y.F. (2011), A comparison of large, Struct. Eng. Mech., 91(4), 1301-1328.
Cheng, Y.F., Xu, B.M. and Carter, G.D. (2012), A comparison of large, Comput. Concrete, 91(4),
Indent 1ch except the first line
Cheng, Y.F. and Xu, B.M. (2013a), A comparison of large, Steel Comp. Struct., 91(4), 1301-1328.
Cheng, Y.F. and Xu, B.M. (2013b), A comparison of large, J. Wing Eng., 91(4), 1301-1328.
Books Author(s) (Year), Name of Book (Every word starts in capital letter), Name of publishing company, City,
State, Country.
Harris, D.C. (2007), Quantitative Chemical Analysis, W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, NY, USA.
Harris, D.C. (2007), Quantitative Chemical Analysis, (7th Edition), W.H. Freeman and Company, New York,
Proceeding Author(s) (Year), Title of paper, Name of Proceeding or Name of occasion (Every word starts in capital
Papers letter), City, Month.
Kerciku, A.A., Bhattacharya, S., Burd, H.J. and Lubkowski, Z.A. (2008), Fixity of pile foundations ,
Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Bejing, China, October.
Dissertations Author(s) (Year), Title of paper, Ph.D. Dissertation; Name of University, City, Country.
Sajjad, M. (2005), Evaluation of bacterial strategies, Ph.D. Dissertation, Michigan State University,
Magazines Author(s) (Year), Title of Paper (Every word starts in capital letter), Name of Magazine, Published Month.
Carey, A.A. and Hayzen, A.J (2001), The Dielectric Constant and Oil Analysis, Practicing Oil Analysis
Magazine, September.
Research Author(s) (Year), Research Report Title as appears on the cover page, Research Report Number; Name of
Reports University/Institution.
Wu, Y.F., Oehlers, D.J. and Griffith, M.C. (2001a), Numerical simulation of composite plated columns,
Research Report No. R172; Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Adelaide University,
Adelaide, Australia.
Gourley, B.C., Tort, C., Denavit, M.D., Schiller, P.H. and Hajjar, J.F. (2008), A synopsis of studies of the
monotonic and cyclic behavior of concrete-filled steel tube members, connections and frames, Report No.
NSEL-008; Newmark Structural Engineering Laboratory, Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL, USA.
Design Codes Design code (Year), Title, Full name of the code, Name of Organization; City, Country.
ACI 318 (2011), Building code requirements for structural concrete and commentary, American Concrete
Institute; Farmington Hills, MI, USA.
Eurocode (2003), Design of Steel Structures. Part 1.5: Plated Structural elements, European Committee for
Standardization; Brussels, Belgium.
Website Links Name of URL (Year), Title of the website link; Name of Organization, City, Country. Link address
ARTeMIS (2004), Ambient Response Testing and Modal Identification Software ARTeMIS Extractor Pro
3.43.; Structural Vibration Solution A/S Aalborg East, Denmark.
COMSOL Inc. (2013),
Index of Instruction
Part A: Technical Settings
[General, Main Text, Equation, Figure, Table]

Paper A4, White, Vertical shape
Top 5 cm, Bottom 4 cm, Left/Right 2.8 cm, Heading margin 1.5 c

Main Text
Text Times New Roman, 11pt
Alignment Both side alignment
Paragraph Indent: Left/Right 0 character, First line 0.5 cm
Spacing No spacing between paragraphs, Single Column

Version on Microsoft Word 2007 and later version
Insert as an Object: Insert > Object > Microsoft Equations 3.0
Image file(.jpg) is not acceptable
Font Times New Roman, 11pt for plane, 7pt for sub/super-scripts
Style Basic: Mathematics (Automatic Italic)
Equation adjustment: Centered
Equation numbers: Right (e.g., (1), (2), )
Eq. (1)
Examples Eqs. (1) and (2)
Eqs. (1)-(2)

Form Image file (.jpg)
Insert into the proper location in the manuscript
(Location can be slightly changed)
Method Insert into a table
Caption Times New Roman, 10pt (above the table)

Limit Tables should be within the paper margin
Setting Layout > Cell margins Top/Bottom/Left/Right: 0 cm
Alignment Horizontal/Vertical alignment: Center
Caption Locate above the table (Times New Roman, 10pt), Left
Borders 1/2pt plane single line for all borders
Part B: Content Settings
[First Page, Hierarchy of subject titles, Acknowledgements, References]

First page
Headings No contents, No lines
Title Arial, 16pt, up to 2 lines, Centered
Arial, 12pt, Centered / Use punctuation mark: (authorA, B, C, D an
Names of authors
d C)
- In order of First name + Middle (initial) + Last name*1a(Superscripts)
Superscripts 1,2,3 a,b,c
- indicate Corresponding author(*), affiliations( ), footnote details( )
Affiliation Times New Roman, 9.5pt, Italic, Centered
Dates Leave as blank, except Dates submitted(received)
Abstract Times New Roman, 10.5pt
Keywords Times New Roman, 10.5pt
- Small letter Use capital letter only for proper noun
- List Separated by semi colon(;)
Titles (Professor, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Student, etc.), E-mail: email
address of corresponding author
- Optional Other authors information

Hierarchy of subject titles (See Sample A)

Section level 1
1. Title Arial, 11pt, Bold, No indent
Section level 2
1.1 Title Arial, 11pt, Italic, Indent 0.5cm
Section level 3
1.1.1 Title Arial, 11pt, Italic, Indent 0.5cm
Section level 4
Title Arial, 11pt, Italic, Underline, Indent 0.5cm
Section Level 1 repeated
2. Title Arial, 11pt, Bold, No indent

Text Same to the normal text paragraphs

Basic Times New Roman, 10pt
Indent Indent from second line and below: 1 line
Order Alphabetical order of last names of first author

Journal Papers
Format Author(s)-Last name, first name, middle initial (Year of publicat
ion), Title of paper (Capital letter for the first letter), Name
of Journal (Italic), Volume number in bold(Issue number i
n non-bold), page-page.
Example 1 (1 Author) Cheng, Y.F. (2012), A comparison of large, Journal of Wi
nd Engineering, 91(4), 1301-1328.
Example 2 (2 Authors) Cheng, Y.F. and Xu, B.M. (2012), A comparison of large,
Journal of Wind Engineering, 91(4), 1301-1328.
Example 3 Cheng, Y.F., Xu, B.M. and Carter, G.D. (2012), A comparison
(More than 3 authors)
of large, Journal of Wind Engineering, 91(4), 1301-1328.
Example 4 Cheng, Y.F. and Xu, B.M. (2012a), A comparison of large,
(Papers of the same autho
r) Journal of Wind Engineering, 91(4), 1301-1328.
Cheng, Y.F. and Xu, B.M. (2012b), A comparison of large,
Journal of Wind Engineering, 91(4), 1301-1328.

Order Authors (Year), Name of Book (Every word starts in capital let
ter, italic), Name of publishing company, City, State, Countr
Example 1 Harris, D.C. (2007), Quantitative Chemical Analysis, W.H. Freem
an and Company, New York, NY, USA.
Example 1b (+Edition) Harris, D.C. (2007), Quantitative Chemical Analysis, (7th Edition),
W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, NY, USA.
Example 1c (+Edition) Montgomery, D.C. (2001), Design and Analysis of Experiments, 5th
Edition, John Wiley and Sons, NJ.

Proceeding Papers
Order Authors (Year), Title, Name of Proceeding or Name of occas
ion, italic, Held City, Held Month.

Order Authors (Year), Title, Ph.D. Dissertation, Name of University,
Example 1 Sajjad, M. (2005), Evaluation of bacterial strategies, Ph.D. Di
ssertation, Michigan State University, Michigan.

Order Authors (Year), Title, Name of Magazine, Published Month.
Example 1 Carey, A.A. and Hayzen, A.J (2001), The Dielectric Constant and
Oil Analysis, Practicing Oil Analysis Magazine, September.

Research Reports
Order Authors(year), Title, Report No. Institution, City
Example Pattersson, P.E. (1981) Crack and development similar mat
erials, TVBM-100, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund

Design Codes
Order Design Code(year) Title, Full blame of Code, City
ACI318R(2005), Building Code requirements for structural conc
rete and commentary, Michigan

Website Links
Insert Name(year), web site address
PEER Database(2014), Unifersity
of California, Berkeley

Citing References in Text

(Last name of author(s) Year) / Last name of author(s) (Year)
Example 1 (1 Author) (Huang 2011) / Huang (2011)
Example 2 (2 Authors) (Huang and Xu 2012) / Huang and Xu (2012)
Example 3
(Huang et al. 2012) / Huang et al. (2012)
(More than 3 Authors)
Example 4 (Same authors) (Huang and Xu 2010, 2011) / Huang and Xu (2010, 2011)
Example 5
(Same authors + same ye (Huang and Xu 2010a,b) / Huang and Xu (2010a,b)

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