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Work logs

Day 1: For the first day I decided to only think about my question and how
am I going to organize the steps of my project to the end and how to finish it.

Day 2: On the second day I started to work on my introduction and decided

to find an interesting story related to my question and fit it in my
introduction. I started to talk about how I got to U.S. and shared my story.

Day 3: I showed my introduction to my mentor and she reviewed it. I had to

make several edits on it to make it look better and clearer for the readers. I
made the final edits on the intro and made it clear.

Day 4: I started thinking about my research paper and the sources that Im
going to use for my paper. First I was a little confused so I asked for help
from my mentor and she explained to me how to find the sources.

Day 5: I started to look online first and kind of get the concept and idea of
how to approach my topic and talk about my paper and I also found a good
source of very useful information online.

Day 6: For the sixth day, I went to an adult school called Loma Vista and for
the English learners. I met lots of people and started talking to them about
how they feel about the mixture of the culture and got friends with them.

Day 7: I worked on my paper and used some of the information that I got
during my interviews with the ELD students in the adult school and also
looked for some information online.
Day 8: It was the time for me to start using some of book sources and quote
them for my research paper so I went to the Contra Costa library located in
Concord to find some good books that I could use for my paper and I found
one of the books called, Half and Half.

Day 9: I started reading on the book trying to find some good information
about the biculturalism and how it functions in the human brain and what
kind of advantages bicultural people have over mono-cultures.

Day 10: I did my first interview with my co worker and asked her about the
questions that I prepared from before such as how long ago did she come to
the U.S. and how does she feel about the Egyptian culture and American

Day 11: I did some more research and tried to find some of the problems
that are most important for the immigrants and bicultural people and how
they try to overcome those challenges.

Day 12: I tried to think about the people who I want to interview and put
them on my senior project. I decided to go with the people who are about the
same age as me because I thought that this way is better to tell the
audience how younger people respond to these changes.

Day 13: I talked to my mentor to let her know how is my senior project going
and what Im going to do. We discussed about some of the ideas about how
to do the project.

Day 14: For the 14th day I tried to talk to my friends mom who is Korean. I
talked to her on the phone and we figure out a day to meet and I could
interview her for my second interview.
Day 15: I did my second interview for my senior paper and got a lot of
information about the Korean culture and it went pretty well. We talked about
the values of Korean culture and what things are really important to them.

Day 16: I started interviewing my friends for my senior project. I interviewed

Dao Tang who is Chinese and one of my other friends was the camera man
who was recording our conversation.

Day 17: On the 17th day I interviewed Emmanuel Baez who was born here
but his parents are from Mexico and I wanted to know How he feels about
being bicultural.

Day 18: I interviewed Isabel Gonzalez who is my friend and came to America
about 7 months ago from Madrid, Spain. We talked about how she feels
about being in America and what are her thoughts.

Day 20: For the last day of my senior project, I started on editing the video
and tried to make it more interesting and put the interviews all together and
finish the senior project.

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