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Deforestation: Final Draft

Luis Dominguez Jr

Dona Ana Community College


Deforestation Visual Analysis

Deforestation is when big companies or corporations clear forests permanently to make

land available for other uses like agriculture, logging, cattle ranching, building factories/houses

or when wildfires occur. I chose this issue as my topic because it makes a great negative impact

on our environment. Also, because no one seems the solution to stop this and everyday

deforestations keep growing. Deforestation should be something we need to be more worried

about because life as we know it can change. Trees and other plants cover fifty percent of earths

land based on a Nasa study back in 2012. Deforestations not only harm entire communities but

the whole civilization on earth, it is like powering off an air filter. Very little actions are taken in

preventing this or reversing it as well. This type of images are created by organizations to try

getting people to realize how important the struggle of deforestation is and the organization who

created the image I am using is the World Wildlife Foundation.

I choose an image from the World Wildlife Foundation which represents my topic of

deforestation. I choose that picture in particularly because first of all it got my attention with the

contrast of colors, second because the picture makes a forest represent human lungs and how

deforestation is killing our trees/lungs and third because this image does not use any word (not

including the foundations website with little letters on the bottom corner) and falls under the

famous saying A picture represents more than a thousand words. The image seems taken at a

high level and it shows grasslands with some trees shaped as a pair of lungs, 85 percent of the

image is on different shades of green, on the lung located at the right WWF uses a brownish dirt

color like assuming its dead nor functional.

The image from WWF is very powerful and sends the message across very clear. The

message is that if we dont stop deforestation or at least do something about it we can suffer from

it. Its like killing the worlds lungs and most importantly ours too. This image was published and

aired on April of 2008 on almost every website or social media available at the time. The people

and their roles were: Executive Creative Director/Creative Director: Erik Vervroegen,

Copywriter: Nicolas Roncerel, Art Directors: Caroline Khelif, Leopold Billard and Julien Conter

and the Account Supervisor was Laurent Lilti. Apparently it had a caption which stated Before

its too late. just like my assignment hahaha. These people were targeting everybody conscious

about their future and also our environment. It was more like a wake up call that we must work

together to prevent both lungs collapse.

The picture from the World Wildlife Foundation uses one of the four rhetorical appeals.

The advertisement uses the rhetorical appeal of Pathos because it tries to reach the audiences

feelings. By doing so they try to make the people feel guilty and regretful for what they have

done to our planet. They did it using the symbolic of the colors and trees. Everybody knows that

green is life, so they show big spaces of green land including trees but they contrast it with a

darker brown color, which is dirt, so that the audience can see the difference within the image

clear. Putting that bottom part of dirt on the right lung made me feel kind of incomplete and

wanting the lungs to be full green, and I bet that is the way a lot of people felt just by watching

this short advertisement.

This advertisement from the WWF is great overall because with one image they sent a

message across saying that if we dont get our things together we will end up killing the only

pace where we live. We would also kill future generations and entire civilizations as well. In my

opinion I say that this advertisement is very effective because according to their website the

subscribers increased by a 18 percent from before publishing and airing the advertisement back

on April of 2008. I hope that the World Wildlife Organization keep on making this type of

advertisement so we can have a better future.

Reference Page

Deforestation. (n.d.). Retrieved February 20, 2017, from


Could not find Author nor Date published.


Stanko, N. (2011, February 04). Deforestation. Retrieved February 20, 2017, from

WWF: Lungs / Ads of the World. (2009, April 01). Retrieved February 20, 207,

from No author

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