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Cooperating Teacher Lesson Feedback Form

Note: A complete lesson plan should be provided by the teacher

candidate prior to observation.

To be completed by the teacher candidate prior to observation

Preservice Teacher: Ms. Lizzie Observer: Mrs. Thaxton

Date: 3/22/17 School: Coltrane-Webb
Time: 2:00 Grade: 3rd

1. What are your goals and objectives for this lesson?


Engage all students.

Inciting students to use High-order thinking skills.

That all students will show understanding/ meet objective.


Essential Standards:

3.L.1: Understand human body systems and how they are essential for life:
protection, movement and support.

First Generation:

MS-LS1-3: Use argument supported by evidence for how the body is a

system of interacting subsystems composed of groups of cells.

2. What are some specific things you would like observed?

How well I do with instruction/ getting students into groups in

timely manner.

Efficiency in small-group leading.

To be completed by the Observer:

3. Strengths to continue to build on:

Great job with keeping students engaged throughout the lesson.

Asked questions to get students to think deeper about content.

Related the importance of bones and muscle to everyday

activities that students like to do.

4. Suggestions for future lessons:

Have timer so students can see how much time they have in
each group.

Dont be afraid to let students know when theyre getting too

loud in groups.

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