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Student Observation

Classroom: Mrs.Thaxton Observer: Ms. Lizzie

Grade: 3rd Date:3/13/17
Curriculum Area: Science Time: 2:00

What I notice Thoughts, Questions, Connections to

Methods Classes

Students have an hour to work in Legos have came along way

STEM lab. since I was younger.
Students are asked about robots Students were the most excited
and their benefits. about this activity than any other
Students have previous activity I have seen so far.
knowledge of robots used in Students show a lot of previous
space, in the work place, and in knowledge in terms of pieces
the deep parts of the oceans. being designed for certain
Students are told that they are functions.
going to build a robot using This project really allows students
Legos. Students then watch an to be hands on, as well as use
instructional video before given higher-order thinking skills
step by step instructions. (create).
Students make connections This project also allows students
between the parts of the robots to have practice in
and what their function will be in communication/ collaboration.
in the overall product. This project alone has increased
After the robot is complete, they my desire to work at a STEM
can get give their robot school.
directions from the IPad with Wi-
Next class, students will build on
to their robots to change their
function (purpose).

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