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A Sample Report On

Facilitating Change in Health and

Social Care

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Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Task 1 .................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Present reasons for Bournemouth and Poole Hospitals to make change into a merged trust ... 3
1.2 Assess the challenges that key factors of change brings to health and social care services ...... 4
TASK 2 ................................................................................................................................................ 5
2.1 Strategy and criteria for measuring recent changes in the health and social care ..................... 5
2.2 How can impact of merger be evaluated for choice and competition in terms of the provision
of health and social care .................................................................................................................. 5
2.3 Measure the impact of recent changes on health and social care services against set criteria .. 6
2.4 Overall impact of imposition of competition in Health and Social Care .................................. 7
TASK 3................................................................................................................................................. 7
3.1 Key principle of change management in the context of merger between NHS trusts and
Foundation trusts ............................................................................................................................. 7
3.2 Planning of changes in health and social care by taking the example of the merger of PHFT
(Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust) and RBCHFT (Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch
Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust) ................................................................................................... 8
3.3 How to monitor recent changes in health and social care services ........................................... 9
CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................. 10
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................. 11
BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................................................. 13

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Change management has become very necessary for the organizations to improve the
performance and achieve its goals and objectives (Haruo, 2012). Current report will discuss about
various aspects of facilitating change in the context of case study example which includes the
scenario of merger between PHFT and RBCHFT. Moreover, various areas of facilitating change
such as ways to monitor the changes, impact of these changes on the different parties of the
healthcare organization, key change management principles etc.
1.1 Present reasons for Bournemouth and Poole Hospitals to make change into a merged trust
Case study indicates that Bournemouth and Poole Hospitals have merged with each other in
order to provide better clinical services to the public. Key factors that necessitate the change in the
present organizational structure are mentioned as follows:

Demographical factor: This is the factor which necessitates the changes in present
structure of both Bournemouth and Poole hospitals. The ageing population is increasing in
UK and at the same time, public is getting more aware about Medicare services (Kwasnicka
and et. al., 2013). Therefore, Bournemouth and Poole has decided to get merged with each
other so that needs and demand of patients can get improved.

Technological factor: Another factor of facilitating change for Bournemouth and Poole
hospitals is the technological factor. In present era, various technological advancements
have been taken place and to cope up with these changes, both the organizations decided to
get merged. Directors of both the enterprises said that this merger will ensure rendering of
better quality of services and saving the additional cost of these services. They want to
upgrade themselves towards the technological development with an aim to provide quality
clinical services to the public (Edwards and et. al., 2012). Furthermore, maternity centres are
performing in a poor way that is the reason because of which improving the performance of
maternity centre get merged so that they can serve good technological services to the

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maternity women at comparatively lower cost.

Legal factors: As per the indicative of case study, changes in the rules and regulations are
another key factor that drives the changes in structure of both Bournemouth and Poole
Hospitals. The competition in National Health Services has introduced because of which
competition policy get changed. Therefore, both the entities get merged with each other to
facilitate healthy competition in health care sector (Cameron and Green, 2015). The whole
merger process gets investigated by the Competition Commission (CC) in depth to ensure
healthy competition among companies for the benefit of customers, firms and economy
(Rodak, 2011).

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1.2 Assess the challenges that key factors of change brings to health and social care services
In order to facilitate the changes, Bournemouth and Poole hospitals have faced too many
challenges in terms of legal restrictions that are imposed by the regulatory authorities on this
merger. In this case study, regulators of Office of Fair Trading and Competition commission has
disapproved the merger of both the organizations. After that, CEO of Poole trust said that merger
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will prevent them from the deficit of 8m-a-year. Furthermore, Director of Royal Bournemouth
commented that this merger would help them to save the cost that is worth 14m per year and
provide great benefits to the patients (Iacobucci, 2013). Furthermore, Competition Commission
asserts that this merger will result into reduction in Medicare choices for the patients. It claims that
nearly 60 services including maternity can be lost by local patients if both the entities get converted
into single organization. On this basis, it can be concluded that the regulatory authority have
prioritise the competition rather focusing on the interest of patients and their care, safety and
welfare. Hence, these were the restrictions and challenges that were created by regulatory
authorities in the way of merger of both enterprises (Iacobucci, 2014).

Public awareness is the significant element that can drive or stop the changes. If the public
would be aware about the benefits of merger decisions that are taken by Royal Bournemouth and
Poole Hospitals then this action could be performed without any disruption. On another side,
awareness of public towards the clinical services creates more needs and demand of the quality care
services which would enable hospitals to deploy changes in their present structure (Coombes,
2014). As per the indication of case study, public awareness was the key reason which necessitates
the changes in present structure of both entities.

The Care Act 2014 is intended to change the practice from just treating illness to preventive
care so that financial burden of medical treatment can get reduced. For this, various assertive
technologies are available that can be used by the public to get better care at their homes. For
example, patients can use environmental control devices that can be installed at home and help the
patient with disability to perform their daily routine job without taking the help of others (Munn-
Giddings and Winter, 2013). This will reduce the cost of healthcare services and can make the
sufferer independent to live life even in case of any disability. Furthermore, proper awareness
programme should be conducted by government to make aware the public aware about some basic
tips to get protected from the diseases and it helps them to stay healthy.

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2.1 Strategy and criteria for measuring recent changes in the health and social care

At the time of merger both Royal Bournemouth and Poole Hospitals promised to deliver
quality and innovative services to the patient. It is very important to measure and evaluate that
whether they have attain their targets or not (Cameron and Green, 2015). Therefore, some key
strategies are there through performance of the organization can get measured and monitored.

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Quality audit: Royal Bournemouth and Poole Hospitals ensured that this merger will bring
qualitative development in the present clinical services and the extent to which they fulfil their
promise can be monitored by conducting quality audit in the organization. In this technique quality
auditors measure the performance of the service providers and match it to the quality standard to
form quality audit report (Kmietowicz, 2013). This audit will help the public to know how

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efficiently merged entity is performing its promise. At the end of the quality audit auditor gives
guidelines through which they can improve their performance. On the other hand biasses can be
exist while performing the audit which can mislead the public about enterprise's performance.

Customer satisfaction: This is the another tool through which performance of the hospital can get
measured and evaluated. If the organization is serving quality and innovative services then customer
will be more satisfied and vice versa. So identify the level of satisfaction of the services users can
be good way to evaluate correctness of the statement given by the directors of both entities at the
time of merger (Reiss, 2012) . There are many ways to evaluate customer satisfaction such as taking
feedback, conducting survey etc. This technique can provide clear idea about the performance of the
firm while as sometime patient so not prefer to fill up any feedback form because of which
objective of identify customer satisfaction can not be completed.

2.2 How can impact of merger be evaluated for choice and competition in terms of the provision of
health and social care

As per the indication of case study directors of both Royal Bournemouth and Poole
Hospitals promised to deliver wide range of choices to the patients to render them better quality of
medicare services. Potential impact of the merger can be evaluated in terms of number of products
the firm is offering after merger and how much profitability it has earned after implementing the
changes (Aquirre and Alpem, 2014). With the integration of two entities new organization get
equipped with number of resources which help the merging entities to produce innovative
resources. It can get enough financial resources which can be invested in deployment of the new
technologies and produce variety of services for the consumers. Furthermore, it can invest enough
amount on the research and development which make it able to create best medicare solutions for
the particular diseases (Munn-Giddings and Winter, 2013). When the organization is serving variety
of services to the patients then merger operation will be considered as a successful change
otherwise it will be termed as failure of the project.

Secondly, merger operation of both Bournemouth and Poole Hospitals affect the level of
competition in the healthcare sector (Pbert, 2013). As already discussed in the above section of the
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report that Competition Commission and Office of Fair Trade restricted the merger due to facilitate
healthy competition because through this operation local public can loose around 60 services
including maternity. Number of competitors get decreased through merger as two rival companies
get converted into single organization which reduces the probability of offering different and
competitive services to the patients (Glasby, 2012). If new entity perform its promise made at the
time of merger then it will introduce various services in the market and vice versa. In this way,
impact of merger can be evaluated for choices and competition.

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2.3 Measure the impact of recent changes on health and social care services against set criteria

Recently, many changes have been taken place which affect various sections of the heath
and social care services. Like number of new rules and regulations have been introduced which has
to be followed by the merging organization this affect actions of the services providers as they have
to render Medicare services to the service users within the legal boundary. On the another side
service users and society also get influenced by the changes in the legal implications (Stoyanova,
2014). Furthermore, changes in technologies also affect the various members of the health care

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organization. With the deployment of the new technologies front line manager needs to learn way to
operate the equipments which will enhance his/her skills and abilities. Similarly, service providers
also needs to possess commands over the efficient technology so that better services can be
delivered to the consumers. Patients can get better and quality services which make them more
satisfied with these clinical services providing by the enterprises (Ogden, 2012).

Overall productivity, profitability and service quality of the organization get enhanced as
patients of the company are more satisfied with the merchandises. All these advantages can be
gained only when potential change get managed properly other wise it can create number of
conflicts within the organization which will results in failure to perform the promise made during
the merger. Improper management of change taken place in the enterprise will leads to reduction in
quality and efficiency of the services which can be resulted into dissolution of the merging entities
(Grol and et. al., 2013) . So these are the potential impact which affect the various entities of the
health and care organization.

2.4 Overall impact of imposition of competition in Health and Social Care

Competition Commission is responsible for investigate the merger operation to ensure

healthy competition in the healthcare sector for the benefits of firms, customers and economy.
Imposition of competition the health care sector facilitate number of benefits in terms of delivering
range of clinical services to the patients and provide them better quality of services at relatively low
cost. In the competitive environment one organization perform best to defeat its rivals and for this it
provides range of innovative services in efficient manner which helps in providing better care to the
customers and contribute in the growth of the economy (Kwasnicka and et. al., 2013). Through
imposition of competition consumer can get variety of choices to get efficient clinical services at
competitive prices. Furthermore, economy of the nation get developed as the rivals tries to attract
more seekers towards their enterprises by offering innovative and quality facilities. Sometimes, it
creates certain disadvantages in terms of influence the consumers to consume the services by
providing wrong information to them with the aim of earning higher revenue against the rivals. This
unethical and unfair trade practices are controlled and monitored by two regulatory authorities
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named as Competition Commission and Office of Fair Trading (OFT) to ensure beneficence of
economy, firms and public (Rodak, 2011).

3.1 Key principle of change management in the context of merger between NHS trusts and
Foundation trusts

At the time of the merger between NHS trusts and NHS foundation trusts directors can
follow some key change management principles to ensure success of the operations.

Keep people supportive and engaged in the change process

At the time of merger both the organizations have to keep its stakeholders supportive so that
effective change can be placed in the new entity and strategic goals behind this modification can be
attained (Iacobucci, 2013). Similarly, managers of the entities should make sure that all the
organizational members are giving equal contribution in implementing these change.

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Facilitate appropriate communication

Directors of the merging entities should keep its stakeholders well informed about their
objectives and functioning. Any kind of miscommunication can leads to failure of this entire
projects. Principle of communication can be practised by the management team to manage the
change effectively and efficiently (Munn-Giddings and Winter, 2013). Proper information should be
provided to the CC and OFT through correct channels and help them to carry out their work

Forming powerful coalition

Both the NHS trusts can face resistance of the employees to adopt change in this case
Forming powerful coalition principle can be adopted to make them influence to follow the change.
For this Newly build healthcare organization should hire effective leader who can conveyed
positive aspects to the employees and inspire them to adopt change.

Establish effective control

Principle of effective control can be adopted by the NHS to ensure success of the proposed
change. For this manager should review the organizational process to identify that whether
objectives of merger has been achieved or not (Pbert, 2013). In case of any deficiency effective
decisions should be taken to remove the variance and place effective management at the workplace.

3.2 Planning of changes in health and social care by taking the example of the merger of PHFT
(Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust) and RBCHFT (Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch
Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)

Planning of merger between Bournemouth and Poole consists four key stages describing as

Clarify rational for affiliation: First of all both the organization has create the objectives to
run the merger. As per the case study objective behind the merger was to deliver quality and
innovative clinical services to the patient to create better value for them (Ogden, 2012).

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Create value: After that Healthcare reform has emphasis on receiving quality outcome and
providing services at low cost. In this case CEO of Poole has stated that this will merger
prevent them from the deficit of 8m-a-year and ensure profitability out of the market.
Director of the Bournemouth commented that merger will help them to save 14m of a year
which will reduce cost of services to the patients.

Communication: Afterwards this value has communicated to the legal authority named as
Office of Fair Trade. It investigate various aspects of the merger and communicate it to the
senior bodies. Then Competition Commission has appointed to ensure healthy competition
for the benefits of society and economy (Aquirre and Alpem, 2014). At the time of
investigation both the authorities disapproved the merger and said that this will create
disadvantages for the local public in terms of reduction in 60 clinical services including
maternity service.

Judgement: Lastly, completion of all these investigation final judgement was given by the
monitors and they approved the merger of both the Bournemouth and Poole Hospital trusts.
Then the both entities get merged and create a new entity who works with the objective of
facilitating better medicare services to the public (Ogden, 2012).

3.3 How to monitor recent changes in health and social care services

Review initial planning stage

In order to assess recent changes manager should monitor and review initial stage of
planning stage so that potential changes in the environment can be identified and necessary
correction can be taken place to increase the efficiency of the existing plan (Aquirre and Alpem,

Imposition of competition

Secondly, imposition of competition also makes the managers able to measure the recent
changes taken place in the healthcare sector. Imposition of competition will provide number of
advantages to the firm as stated in above section of the report. Furthermore, any changes in policies
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and regulations for maintaining healthy competition is the another way to identify the recent
changes in the health and social care organization (Munn-Giddings and Winter, 2013).

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Measurement of cost and resource efficiency

Measurement of cost and efficiency of resources is the another hoe to monitor the recent
changes taken place in the healthcare sector. Due to technological advancement cost of services get
decreased and resources will become more efficient (Kwasnicka and et. al., 2013). Positive changes
in the cost and efficiency of the resources will indicate the favourable changes in the market and
vice versa.

Data analysis

Lastly, directors of the firm can perform data analysis to measure actual profitability of the
organization after merger. This will indicate the extent to which the enterprise able to attain its
strategic goals. By analysing the customer data manager can identify the changes in the needs and
demands of the customers while as by evaluating revenue data potential impact of competitive and
technological factors can get determined (Edwards and et. al., 2012).
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Objective of this report is to understand the various aspects of the facilitating change in the
Health and Social Care sector by taking the case study example of merger between PHFT and
RBCHFT . For this various factors that drive the changes and challenges faced by the Healthcare
organization to run the changes have been discussed. Furthermore, the present report has discussed
about the various strategies to monitor changes and its impact on the healthcare firm. Key principles
of change management and way to monitor the recent changes has also been discussed in the report.

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Coombes, R., 2014. Competition rules may need to be applied differently to healthcare, says Hunt.
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Edwards, R. and et. al., 2012. Optimisation of infection prevention and control in acute health care
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Iacobucci, G., 2013. Competition rules over merger has cost NHS 1.8 m, BMJ probe shows. BMJ.

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Kmietowicz, Z., 2013. Hospital merger is blocked because of failure to prove patient benefits. BMJ.

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Stoyanova, D., 2014. Research of the Resistance of Personnel against Organizational Change. KSI
Transactions on KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY. 7(3). pp. 24-26.


Cameron, E. and Green, M., 2015. Making Sense Of Change Management. 4th ed. Kogan Page

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Glasby, J., 2012. Understanding health and social care. Policy Press.

Grol, R. and et. al., 2013. Improving patient care: the implementation of change in health care. John
Wiley & Sons.

Munn-Giddings, C. and Winter, R., 2013. A handbook for action research in health and social care.

Ogden, J., 2012. Health psychology. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).

Pbert, L., 2013. The handbook of health behavior change. Springer Publishing Company.

Reiss, M., 2012. Change Management. Books On Demand.


Aquirre, D. and Alpem, M., 2014. 10 Principles Of Leading change Management. [Online].
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Rodak, S., 2011. 4 Ways to Ensure a Successful Hospital Merger or Acquisition. [Online]. Available
through: <
ways-to-ensure-a-successful-hospital-merger-or-acquisition.html>. [Accessed on 24th June

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