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Text for the video tutorial

This course we have participated in a project, together with students from other
countries called etwinning.

eETwinning offers a platform for staff (teachers, head teachers, librarians, etc.),
working in a school in one of the European countries involved, to communicate,
collaborate, develop projects, share and, in short, feel and be part of the most
exciting learning community in eTwinning promotes school collaboration in Europe
through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) by providing
support, tools and services for schools.


Before first week we can see some pages about preparatory activities.

I voted the best logo and the best name to the project according to my opinion.

Casually I voted the winners, I had a good luck.

Then, I created a logo to the project, I used an application to created logos.

I was not the winner but I got votes that placed me in the third position

In WELCOME I upload photos of Valencia, my city and I photo of me.

Weeks 2-3, videos of Spanish student introduction I recorded a presentation video

with my classmate Olga.

Into the presentation of anatomical body parts, I created a wordcloud with magisto

In the human bodys introduction part III I made two puzzles: skeleton and neurons,
so I created a page.

Happy weeks 4-5 I made a card valentines day

International teams, I talked with the members of my team.

I done a mysimpleshow with skeletal parts.

Week 6: reflection time.

I posted in a padlet my own refletion.

Avatars and pictures: I created and uploud my avatar.

I also answer Abrahams quality test.

International womens day.

I created a pictochart about 8th march.

Valencia and Venice, falllas and festival: I uploud some photos of falllas.

Weeks 10-11.

World poetry day: I choosen Becquer.

Skeletal system: a video and a crossword

Weeks 12-13-14.

Non scientific topics, easter time. I recorded a video about my town using kizoa

Weeks 15-16-17.

Final quality inquiry Abraham: done

1st may international workers day.

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