PDF Task 5 Annotated Research Updated and Finished May

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5: Annotated Research

Chris Haisell
Research 1

Jasmin John researches TV idents and researches

the meaning and reasoning behind them. Jasmin
uses three dierent specic idents from three
dierent channels to express her research and
views on TV idents. These are;
1. The E4 2007 Beach ident
2. The BBC Three 2008 Purple World ident
3. The BBC Four lake ident
E4 2007 Beach ident
The rst point Jasmin makes is that the beach
ident is displayed on E4 throughout the whole
year (including the winter) and this is to get
viewers excited for the approaching summer
season). Jasmin conWnues to perceive the
ident as a summer-orientated visual. However
the theme of purple and logo is sWll present,
meaning the ident does not lose its E4
idenWty which is crucial as the audience can
sWll disWnguish the channel.
Jasmin adds that the beach-themed stop
moWon animaWon naturally appeals to the
younger audience which is the target
audience for E4. Jasmin describes what E4s
aims are such as to be innovaWve and of
new trends and adds that the ident fulls
these aims. Jasmin says the main purposes are
to be aspiraWonal, persuasive, to increase
numbers of viewers and to stand out
BBC Three Purple World 2008
The design of the BBC Three purple world
includes a plug being plugged into a socket
and an abstract, animated, lively world
coming to life. The channel begins airing
programmes at 7pm and Jasmin describes
how the animated plug illustrates the channel
coming to life. The purposes of the channel
ident are described by Jasmin as similar to the
other ident.
Research 2

Nikki Parry has a blog on researching TV idents

which he lists the purposes of them;
1. To adverWse the channel
2. To make it stand out
3. To create their own recognisable style
4. To brand, market and idenWfy
Research 3
In December 2013, BBC News spoke about
how TV idents have changed and innovated
from the very rst ident, which was from BBC
and called the Bats Wings. The Bats
Wings were made out of old materials such
as wire. The presenter states over the years,
idents have become more elaborate and
wi7y in order to make it more appealing for
the audience
Research 4

DailyMail researched and reviewed BBC 1 idents

and how theyve changed over the years. The
arWcle focuses on the negaWve feedback from
BBC1 viewers on the new Oneness BBC1 idents.
1. Viewers are so far underwhelmed by the new
idents, branding them dull and random.
2. These new BBC One idents might just be the
worst Ive ever seen on the main channel
Response to research 4 arWcle
In response to the criWcism of viewers of BBC1
on the new idents, its rather evident that the
new idents are not approved by a majority of
the BBC1 audience.
The viewers think that the new Oneness
idents are random, poor and unrelated.

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