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Villa del Rey, Rhealyn A.


Journal Entry No.1

March 2, 2017

Success for Me Is?

What is success? Success makes many different definition. People have different
interpretations of what success really means. But for me successful is achieving
and reaching goals in life.

Base on my experience, when I am in elementary and in high school days

success really needs time and effort before you reach your goals in life. What is
my goals in elementary? It is to keep the trust and make my parents proud of me.
I also need to make sure that I always or I need to keep getting high grades in
every gradings. I also join in different competition like Mr. and Mrs. Valentines,
then in district meet, and in quiz bee competition. I also join in organization in
school like supreme pupil government and my position is auditor.

And finally, success really come in to my life. After so many times, experience
and hard work I get so many awards and I am also one of the honor students in
graduation. But more importantly I finished my studies in elementary.

Success? Is the opposite of failure, right?

Success is the status of having achieved and accomplished an aim or objective.

Being successful means the achievement of desired visions and planned goals.
Furthermore, success can be a certain social status that describes a prosperous
person that could also have gained fame for its favorable outcome. While the
failure it means to fail while trying to achieve aims or objectives. Besides this
regular definition of failure, it also can be said that even wealthy and successful
persons fail in their lives. Just think about the rich and famous and all their
scandals, addictions and suicides. All of them were extraordinary persons but a
lot of them were also extremely unhappy with their lives and were not able to see
the meaning of success. Wealth cannot be defined with money, but instead with
values in your life that make you a happy person, such as friendship,
relationships, and your family.

Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice

and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.
Villa del Rey, Rhealyn A.

Journal Entry No.2

March 3, 2017

You May Be Strong But We Are Stronger.

Through the course of the first semester, first-year BEED students work in teams
to complete group projects in a variety of classes. We also received class
instruction on how to work together effectively. Semester-long teams were
announced at the beginning of the semester, and students from a variety of
backgrounds came together, struggled, worked through differences, found
common ground, excelled in many ways, and nowlooking back at 16 fast weeks
are going to miss the team relationship that has become so familiar as students
are assigned to new groups for projects next semester. Overall, the building
blocks and learning material have enriched each of our BEED experiences.

When I first began working with my team, it was a bit of a challenge. All my
teammates seemed to have a different style and each had a different idea about
what to bring to the solution. To make matters worse, we were all BEED students
with strong opinions and personalities, and a strong desire to succeed.

The first project was definitely challenging, Im not going to lie. It took a lot of
time to accomplish our goalalthough we did accomplish it. I was a bit
trepidations about the remainder of the semester.

However, as we settled in and got to know one anothersomething began to

develop. I started to see individual strengths present themselves. Our team
learned to recognize each others strengths and weaknesses. We began to bond
over our successes and learn together from struggles. Egos died down and
individual members were willing to give and take more.

As the semester progressed, projects were completed at a faster rate. We

enjoyed each others company and started to approach problems in a new light.
Some group members adjusted their approach to accommodate others
personalities. We became closer and our group work improved. Working
together was enjoyable in many ways, and that translated to the tasks at hand.
Although we did have our struggles from time to time, I realize that every group
experience probably is not as positive as mine, especially in the workplace
However, it was great to finish the semester with an awesome group, and I
learned many takeaways in terms of how to work on business cases in a team
capacity that includes a variety of skills and backgrounds.


Villa del Rey, Rhealyn A.


Journal Entry No.3

March 9, 2017

Starting over again

And, when I hold you in my arms I promise you

You're gonna feel a love that's beautiful and new
This time I'll love you even better
Than I ever did before
And you'll be in my heart forever more

Love it is when you met someone and fall in love you gonna feel that, that love is
beautiful and new that, that love will be forever and you will never ever forget
that person in your life, because you think that it is better that you feel before
but how can you make sure that the love that you are talking will be in your heart
forever more.

It is interesting that so many young people think of love as something

inexpressible and unknowable in itself, as if it is the unutterable mystery that a
person can only experience, but never define. There is certainly mystery in
human existence, mystery that will always evade the grasp of human reason and
thus resist our attempts to contain it in a simple definition. I think I'd have to
argue, though, that love is not this mystery. But human love, married love, erotic
love, friendship, self-love and affection are all open to being clearly and distinctly
understood. This does not mean that our relationships will lack that
superabundance or that inexhaustible quality that characterizes mystery.
I thought that was great nothing greater than that fresh feeling of being in love,
like picking up a suit from the dry cleaner when the starch still holds all the
wrinkles at bay and all the lines in crisp place. Soon after, I discover that he
already have a girlfriend.

But that was were I realize that We we're just too young to know. We fell in love
and let it go. It is so easy to say the words goodbye but so hard to let the
feelings die. It is my first love that my child hood best friend became my one and
only love. But I already move on and And now we're starting over again. It's not
the easiest thing to do. I'm feeling inside again. Cause everytime I look at you. I
know we're starting over again. This time we'll love all the pain away. Welcome
home my lover and friend. We are starting over, over again. We will start again
even not lovers but as a friend.

_We fall in love by chance but we stay in love by choice._

Villa del Rey, Rhealyn A.


Journal Entry No.4

March 16,2017

This Is Me

They say that if you want something to be done well, do it yourself. So I follow
this wise saying and would like to introduce myself. I believe that it isn't an easy
thing to speak about yourself as it's hard to have a look at yourself from aside but
at the same time who knows you better than you yourself do?

I've always been the kind a girl that hid my face

So afraid to tell the world what I've got to say
But I have this dream right inside of me
I'm gonna let it show, it's time to let you know, to let you know

I'm the type of girl who always embarrassed to show myself to someone else.
Afraid to show who really I am.Always dominated by fear and dread. But I
struggled to resist any fears I just dream that I wanted to accomplish and reach
to improve myself and my parents.
This is why this song is one of my favorite songs because it matches my life, my
So that wait for my arrival and the changes in my life.

When I was seven I went to school.The first day at school is the most difficult
start recognizing myself because of my shyness difficulty I have friends I have
trouble interacting with other people or with classmates and teachers. But over
time I learned to know myself that I have helped to identify other people and in
this way I have friends who have provided support and strengthened my inside
while we were at school. Not the only reason that because of the various
activities at school I had an idea how to bring more of my abilities more I
recognized myself and reduced my shyness difficult at first but able to handle
because nothing will happen if confined I I own human'm not really

School meant very much to me and I'm sure that it gave me a lot; first of all of
course in educational sphere. Thanks to school and my teachers I became more
intelligent and educated person. I consider that I became more persistent,
determined and ambitious. Diligence, attention and accuracy - all these qualities
school developed in me regularly. And owing to school I got acquainted with
interesting people, devoted friends and excellent teachers.

Do not be ashamed to introduce our true self to others more beautiful to be true
and faithful to what you see or what others think of us in short we do not need to
be fake to be enjoyed by others what you are that's exactly grace that is master
and should extend not afraid to put out because you're not that other people
dictate your life, but you ARE JUST fOR YOURSELF.


Villa del Rey, Rhealyn A.


Journal Entry No.5

March 30,2017

VMV Awareness

This is the time! The effort and hard work are all worth it by this time. We finally
get what we want, what we deserve and what we fight for. After a few weeks of
sacrifice just to get practice, we won the price that we want. Even though we had
a little rivalries with each other, we continue our fight and solidarity of BEED II-2.
The purpose of the vision and mission of the CLB is formed on the knowledge of a
students of the Colegio ng lungsod ng Batangas. It also means that we show
good manners and prove that the student from clb is full of dedication and
determination to continue the good start in school of the clb.

Thats why, I thought the reason of our win is the message of our contemporary.
It brings friendship, effort, hard work, discipline and experience in continue
pursuing dreams in life.

Even though I am absent that time of our event, I am so happy and grateful that
we finally made it as one.

Villa del Rey, Rhealyn A.


Journal Entry No.6

April 6, 2017


Knowledge, everyone will have it but just divers how to use. Sometimes
with the knowledge that helps, there are also harmful. Sometimes even
mistakenly think they do not have n thus shrinking their lives. The billions
of people living in the country they're all acting and living that's because
they have knowledge even beggars they are living or thinking of ways to
eat every day because they know that we do not say that only the rich,
students and those working knows life.

The knowledge written by Janeth Jackson is one of the songs that

appeared or saying that everyone has the right or ability to learn. Get the
knowledge, That you really want, The knowledge ,Do you really want, It's
the knowledge ,What you really want, The knowledge, That you really
want. The song says that if we want to learn the way we should do is to
Listen it's up to everyone. If we're gonna change the way the world is run.
The way to start is to rid the children of Prejudice & ignorance. We've gotta
teach our kids to read and write that's the only way to win this fight for
life. Education is the goal so If you wanna be in the know get the
knowledge It's the one thing we all need in life

Insight to what's going on

Information keeps us strong
What you don't know can hurt you bad
Take it from me you'll be walkin around sad
Cryin for a better day
Until you educate for a better way
So if you wanna be in control
Ya gotta get yourself in the know

And one of the findings was not just someone else to see or do develop
knowledge before you get the information yourself before someone else
because you can not afford or do not have the ability to recognize others
and discover different matter if you do not know the day you do or what
skills you have.


Rhealyn A. Villa del Rey


Journal Entry No.7

April 7, 2017

I grew up in an average middle class family, whereby I attended a public primary

school during early years of my life. Life was quite simple in primary school
because almost all pupils were friendly and there were no social divisions both in
class and outside. However, life was different when I went to high school, with the
existence of a caste system that drew distinct boundaries between the middle
class students who were well behaved and the lower class students associated
with rudeness and truancy.

Really hard along with other people, but I need that part of the reason on how to
run our lives. I'm really shy at first alone, I am not silent or playing alone but
when I wont take it also changed. I had to talk with my classmates for an activity
that I was their group members in that group I learned to speak a laugh to be
happy for other people. I also expressed my thoughts and ideas. I also learned to
talk and play. I also often out of classrooms to join the people I considered
friends. There, I began to learn in life and to know the feelings and thoughts of
That the socialization learns to socialize with others oh speak here also starts the
communication also brings extensive knowledge. Not bad oh come meet others
just know the limits and competence you. There is nothing wrong if you try that
were verified
The different people in the world, but also others that we need to socialize and
pace or the way of life you cannot leave because it's hard to catch up need your
brain active and quickly comply with the modern times.


Villa del Rey, Rhealyn A.

Journal Entry No. 8

April 27, 2017

Us There Son and Daughter

Both son and daughter are a blessing for the parents. It is a fact that the
strongest and the most sincere love exists in the relation of the parents and their
children. No child is born good or bad, it is the qualities he/she adopts with the
passage of time that make him/her stand good or bad. A good son or a good
daughter would be obedient to his parents. It is religious obligation, a social norm
and an indication of refined behaviors and a peaceful family set up for the
children to be obedient to their parents.

Such a son or daughter would be dutiful. He would know his duties as regards his
parents and would always try to fulfill those in time. In the age when a son or
daughter can earn; they would earn and instead of taking money from their
parents they will try to give them money. This will make them feel proud and
think that they are getting back for what they has spent on their children.

Not only this good son or a good daughter would be caring towards his/her
parents. It is a fact that as children grow to their youth, parents start their
journey of old age. And in the old age they demand as much care and attention
as children need when they are very young. It is obligatory for the children to
remain caring, dutiful and pleasant to their parents and make them feel as part of
family. It is often seen that children start feeling that their parents in the old age
are no more than a burden. This is a very wrong attitude and in my religion this is
strongly condemned. Instead it is advised that when in the old age, parents
should be taken care of by the children as children as children were taken care of
in their early age.

So that even in these times we still continue caring for our parents and always
keeping their regulating as a child I had no right to respond to the things that I
know that for my behalf also.
Villa del Rey, Rhealyn A.

Journal Entry No. 9

April 28, 2017

Who we are as a Family

We just kind of family that makes everything even harder. Otherwise we flush and
rich as the others we are full of love and respect for different people are with us.
Even wanting to spend and demand continues life unrelenting assistance help us
all to be picky with only household. Especially entering really hard and sick to our
parents but coping anyway so we as children we work to make way to reduce the
fatigue of our parents we are doing household chores while my parents were
working to have money for our expenses. I experience to feed our pet pig just to
reduce the work of my mother.
We are also stripping and picking tamarind for the additional income we have.
Thats the life we have, fun but also challenging and continue to hope and work
hard to improve the lives we have.

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