The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985

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St fi a The Gazette of India QsGu melsp EXTRAORDINARY Aptndgyp amt xvaqurt 1 Part XV Section 1 UGB XV Lihey 1 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ossrrsné GacfutLintig me : aé ferdt, aRar, 17 ard, 2001/1921 wat New Delhi, Saturday, 17th March 2001/1921 Saka 4g) Boro, 2001 write 17 sehs@ypeno 1921 Fs Ministry of Law, Justice and Company Affairs (Legislative Department) SCL, BB wAprd Pow sgyacdssr senvseatd (ocLupps 5p) The Translation in Tamil of The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 (61 of 1985), The General Clauses Act, 1897 (10 of 1897), The Central Boards of Revenue Act, 1963 (54 of 1963), and The Remittances of Foreign Exchange and Investment in Foreign Exchange Bonds (Immunities and Exemptions) Act, 1991 (41 of 1991) re hereby published under the authority of the President and shall be deemed to be the Authoritative Texts thereof in Tamil under clause (a) of Section 2 of the Authoritative Texts (Central Laws) Act, 1973 (50 of 1973). oude we ABI QuTESrTd wigd Wo Penosg aenyGainyto QumEsirscr 3-Lto, 1985 (61/1985) Gung) sien suriescir Borsa FL-Ltb, 1897 (10/1897), enous eupaures eurfusrardr Ltt, 1968 (3 Udpre Gs Qaorrassahs Qegyspiiacr ppd udpr Os Arevraiseh encmupHssNe wD Sarwge (arLupfenwsdr wiypnd BerssaAinyacr) Fw, 1991 (41190) yRuscusppler sAspGrom Psst} SHUTKs semcautich yDarosBerig. Qacirapard Garahui ouGRes pew. 91 Bs!" Toy Meniocs sy esr er Gureaivasr (eninUd s1-sscr) #U-Lt, 1973 (50/1973) Ger Rey 2 Beir my) (sieving. QleoarGus piper aPsrra/Rerocing wires curs aissonT Ke GarerarciiGes Gare Grd [Price : Rs. 75.00 31-56-41 54/1963 1-56-12 nudes vEsgUGuTEdsd upgd uEPends empeinid Gurgersdr oti, 1985 (ot. ein 61/1985) (1985, Gatntburr 16) Luda wEHpgIIGUTESsn Dpreiiirer Ft pos HeqARensn Aids Ross Gauaspatb, wuss woHkgUOLT pera, wonihlencrss amriyOarujtr Duingcirac yPuroniySien Gousrem aaron 3° GUGED Hp srsnr ears aGemiousren aren susiiszonors Gaueis Heid, wars wocqsiCiUmT psi, cearrflenovsrys amr yyDauimpd Quregarac gy PursnBeir sciror asresh sD! Gum spodog 9D UWsTUGSsLUL GsTsBeves upper Asie) aimaadiaug PE, wuss weEpRBIBLTGSracr, wos Pena aay Dstiupd QuirGsraer yOucpPeor Lge usstewTe Gs Quurgi Ges 6a Qnsisiiehen aimsuniasnoré Grup iDesiarsirgld soupt oor Gigsrisrysol_ws GuIGL uTGaayagworon Hey FLU. AS. QsBus GywaAen wprumsasrpmd goings, gr_mepwosm sre FetrargpieTy) Ut BupiuGarssrs— spb Susund 1 yarn LO Dist 42.1.0, wuss wHREGUTESIsE WiyId wenPer—oig auagi@sinun Oumeperacn, Ltd, 85 erongy arparscAagytd. 2) Dor DsPur wupwosyio sorreh Sige O Qs, www srETiied, 9DsTTEpep sI7AEPE sfeiiens aridvrah GSD BoBuciry Geverrdpe Ouprd wpgnd Biss FLL ABeir GevsiBarpy armausisoroncrairesaytb, GarsiGaypy com Plevtss(emarrs0yb Garitay) BsBacr FHSBcnu_cvrd; Cugns Opes oc sBen Qsm sud pS w cusosuns Bgyapsrar s Gens rgb, wr flew sromsuytd Duin-pies ibs wABasDeo Ibs cssnsand Aeconpne Quyyeupirehus se Gensws st! Gur jen QairsrencwiGse Gassio Grd. 2 Qed FLD, spauraien Bsoner Gaupremreveinh— A "Oat upaas ibe sn on" rcrigy, owe wgAgiOurssr dogs werBenvIg empGsinpd QuTGeir ergenosrujth ABI LpsasBOE ou emourren gt ajc creingy GLuTGsrUGiD; (i) “our-Pund” creiniigy, mow axgaurus aurusriascr 91-Ltb, N6I-Qerig sponwksnL owoU ywABE witb srisdgionpuler eoous ourifund stony QumegsruBie; (ii), “sein corte" ering — (2) zoe (Charas) sp5Tag), severe Ory weg HS up L, oBpgpnb ong csRercran, is GoUuiD IMI cvorgy SDA, TNEASG HILL Tear sreitgy GUTGHUGW; wWign GaBarror swmrMiseouups sinrrHeip srein@eons 2sdugy PirisamrBen etongy suypirencsGrd WDRenesrujid SL. e.ciron std; . (ay) “sehen” apres, sie Gussie sonypsaci ng ides Our Gigs HL ULL gyi, sobrestriTeid Gayuier (LAAIGBrcv GargBarg angacr woud exppimencny Saarrayenes ‘enon Bindu. @umesravenr wenpast Genarssr Risers) sisi YoUGarTEd .y6varg) sexhuxpauTeHtD 24RL UGBasr creingy Gram gsir.sGVo; @) sen Penooures Qumrcgsr ergiato, Bri gQsx Gait dsmicBovn Beirea Seti Ghost Ginp@ameiresr aig cvtvsaiheir svener 610d 21g) IBA H AG SuITAELI-L LUTE ergjaylo cr6it2y Gurgaru@ii; (iv) “seiromriRew Day.” sreirLgs, asiroxTUDsn-Qlosr uenaumensr Gy Bay oreirgy Gur epsirusGU0; () “Gorda ays Gumgsir” srsinugi: (2) USGS ANUGSSHLLTS Gardaruiein, s1s:701g) Covrdarwence 2pUSH Gawepisirs, Borg.ursBosr werpupaio sent LUIsTUDSSLUG Gavan Geneoriesr vonn4 sis stgiopin aringy Qu GsrUGto; (ay QsGarencner wopgpnd oBGKa) s15e061 Gupém GB. 31H QsCaronoros gepaAiyacs snow saguid ctsiny) SumepsrLsGe»; Q) Cansiradein, sypra1gi, usirarader QiGarsnowesicir Oued Sob op Be ALILYEST sTEHG) BLT EHsNLIGLD; (9) Gamrcsosradesr 001 Rapsane ip jg Bios o1_iDuysiron BumPenjasir syonergNd tea) BLT HsirLUGID; (i) “Gaursanr Gano” eresrugs,— (2) 6758 Qenauied nas QsCarencsrer, Cardenseir copys lp QsQarmencr —— gvararutacr — creneryyid MADDY GSAT Hb Aonvoous gairagy Bandar Qayuder Gener ereiray Quurreserui@rd; (2) sachiloneusren Qumepsir oTg—HI_DNd o1cersy 2151 Bsvori06 GET HeVeaI eTBIOILD cTong) BUT EBSTLGID; yourrsd Barrdisrradeches 01 oBupsamr1g. 5 Guopin_miosd of ssBuysiron purr Any sTgsenemupin 2 sro d5i7gy, (i) “Cater Gry” ordrugs, erAhsBrrdensedeen uenseaied TE5Q_GuTG Gnas sriby Boy sreigy Our epsruGo; (iG) "A GOuMEy HG UEL Guumcpsi” srorgy, coLoUs -sr-TEEK, Leds WEGRBLBLIT GRA <2}c05} toon Penevsres eens tiuyb GuTGeer ZuTALUBY goog 2HUSH OswaBer, 915) Query gore ueRiruGagings GHG) Ror ixizin F5AIGH IOS) UsHOTTLG QUULSW genpBor Arensusnismnards KUT E_IAaT ING, wBaraapenn 17 Asses 21BoScame curuteorss GUL I9 55-LIC-L. Quercy sre SHonbyons Asumd Ques ergo credrgy Buss o5sr.1GUd; (viii eartB” cronugs, TAsmsugnoTer Baufiuieor eeu git ai) ctsingy QUTHSTUBI, wid avrsprirB, arcing. apsvor3 sab erpe@orystd 2-sron_deIb. (ii) @) couse w@keDLM Esra Login oneness wang Gur@srscr Benin “ston surene” ari, Qed FLERE gdws) 256 rtm AB rary zssvonruiesr 21cd0ng) aNparCIIAL. 2 Pod, eveosrupssir .sycbengs Barron Tagore sronr&mG orgewisg uytb DIOP Levey sors Lp, () Gander Gay srperonapth UTADA s1edog1 Gasnesr Brysien UGS erpeorup Bronhssv; () 21568 sq soKa7 cog) sodoroLIv Derg. arz5enem apts LutAGBe; (ii) Lowa nggOUM gars crag) ner Plenois aenp/Drunyid Guirgssrseners suThds, 2 HUsB Oau1gd, 2-cn.corouder MUDGAEe, dpe, auningae, GareinG Aavrayse, Us azrenmie Grisso, wonss maudssed, UTD ABE cdg) BUTE, Gwen Ren Cus apo B705%, Fr@seyaRonr.Gu QaGuoMN Gauigso, DIBurapissr QoAGwW Gaus, Ps Burahonsy rig0D Sauls, smpPehcigy 13D wrpgsAd KBUGS; (iv) 21 piasir (apse (iii) eromoujcroranped aL LiLK1enes sisvergs Up rourdes wocyigyC KL (psitensir 21sve%g5 ioas flonerdngs aenpiGeiups Gurgsradr Gsm sruuresr pang denser craipPgnd Agriy Gareiny Sos. () 2c pian (i) apse (iv) avenruycrorerped ote cu pian soared sraipeopyio flenpBesppiarss/i-51 uanrr tsar STeIpeoDU LUSTRE Df6Vo%I) OUT. co AGB. areing) GumgeruGid; wind o @ @ BinpGensver prong. donasn sterpPdgt Bpoy.wmaBoun Loonmapsuor sGaur BuygsoSusal 560, GuniGancires sony dansasir sroudenpun Bsr iis Qeriroussing sisbengs sjaudenps Batu ysToVEML Ba BTID 21c05) apps 6B Barger, Gwp@srcirer pron sensscr sraxpPgnd sGuLGerer B-KOPIGU YorOLwondped, -BBusosbeop 9 siren dg. () “Usiror_® QLipgud" erairugi— (0 fey i) 1961 wniréAe DywrrsBe pom Quiop sus pxr@acir Wong i.e oRYSGeTErOTLLNL wowsss wEHBICDLT (parr tigiren gal Qcuspgtb, 1961, ALD (9) AO GHOIKUCL GLUbRSOBS DEABUBID, 72 waite Ggefesrade ge.Guin Q4u wrOacr wr BT cihpIsDanréror CIC gore 21 ciLg domesaReir espa ‘ansoray, 1971 BesrawfuSier SussirorTaBed 65 goes presi woirsrt19 6) Shps@asrcrortnicL werPervsg empOrinnd Qurgarssr tigiren ptippib, 1971, towsdss eephesciuuregsr ac sysra%B) toon Penoisres eengy@.riznyid Gumegsrasin Qin iron Usiarn@ QLLsbsid geben Deydsib QrwAngnd, Qiss +1 Ser Ayre daGowso1 cisiry DQsPur she cHyyP Sauce smy ager 00H THySGATaTM LN dary AUBHOTEN LID LITO T-D pLUsh-ntb “jays aL cdrinpsenguier po sisorey adders! LID (wenpurauesmi s1gropi, ersirgy Otirregsir Gb. 0) uasds woRhgizdr e019) worPorevds aony/sump Gruner roi Darius, “2 pud® Gauiss” ronug— i) ) GQupdugn worhyd s7k@eacr gouge Burrepsirnsir SunPiaiiuGargcarte, Ip Ga diupenmarsr sors hsb, 2) a1b5es01 weHRAgHBLgsitasin gpevorgs Cumepsnrenen js HHH )F>) Baise. 8 IdSHI0 LOUPSKIBUASIAOMT dmg) _DUMTCAst-sDaT 2Gior ima Burg, wd a1 3ensus weybgiBuncssr ar opcesogs Gs TEST KAHL sr IsOBE “ganar 9D (WABIIFF ty cir BuiPed 100) iavovrrind pourgy) suireigse hed jeupengy aire duce ‘A pudD Oadmucnse woykgeOun cps”, rebregs.— (2p Garda anPLiDurcpsrain, wGsBusserjcr on sebrswrn PW WiaiaypPGurgsrssir wipd srasd Da sHoy, (ap eniews gyros Hr, UMdKIBUITESTAAHET sedorg) Burrs Beton) Jedargy UsireI TG HUUIBBSLO Guirplemwy anor UpEroy, TipeiGIe, 21g) GHB) Reo Amdsss BEI seers GAOwaG, Barsypany 90 Ryind Pasion eriions, 2pus8 Deuce — weyhssDu: Sorbyens Qrenpr Ty wussQureer segs sunny ergot crcirgy Guin HsrUGUd; -powrred, emces ojTFT Hrd 91B8i0 Seren sicvorgs UsronTL.G HLiUpplb <1g5eT Hy mper SH APLA MY, TesaBiudeir, 191 GGG Reo ampwka saovers0s snsDIOnrnG, sBsrrapery wTAKPd heir euros, aj16D Saimin weypseiry ering anibt jan Psuimps wUssIGUTEGsH sydxg suIrAENy ergsnsmupd acinar arg; (xi) WESBUSY sro soroNTTs, JgTAG, WEADuUcysnor ji craigs, serene Geir (semrsvaunss sy) arg) 2160) sang od ereirgy Gum epsirutb; (si) “wowrdsa@Lirgpsinasct gensnrus” sreiruigs, Ley 5 Geiring QU SSIULL WHAKIGUT EHS ac ysmoosTU sro Burrage iGo: (xiv) “wurde wo@yhgyci@um eps” orsinigs, Gardai Glenoe, setrenrTLise (sascramad@sy) Ser, 5a srongy QuincssinLsGib; wine ApUdB Gouin e weHyABUIGUTEErTE Henge Fed a.siror_Sgubs (oy dengan armed Qary orsosuieir Bau upumrsounL. 370, wind (ay s1Reirsepid sa%aTé Bay. csemsuiesr Doe yumrdoinns sriyBeir (wi) gsoilPeneuiter Qurgacin sree 2crer s1cderg) Bvovrs Sovenas 1gsaylb reg) GuT@srUGL; gerd 02 cypsaregig Sworn Lorenichl aL -iBujsror SuNTALny etgeoTUd a croTL_7 Sop Seiveuypics Gurepsiras” sresruigi— (9) wEpBudxyéror sF6ir, eres, Oumy Gauss é auasBordenr sds Ry SemsGsoTTVad dors) Lip aiensuiovTaieynid s1svorgy so fncouron Quir Geir xBorr® sri Lee, HIG woysgOuirese Vsrea@ 21608) miu IT ITHSBTd Qsiscr Gates Aauwews Lip sGxepub WepgHOLT Es DpTEBuier Carsin ys THmTS, Qoas, wesgas usiGasDpars 1s THYIOSTsHASHsTH GSMAIIOh WDsWepnysopas BCU 4. GMD Ter; 2) “Burress. Tir", apTEIG! YOURE Our eHsps07% aonpsasgsre op Teves womipSwonioc is h5iTs, ON7-cuen.od ICL Qin tdSusren Qrupurr@asn staxiprgnd GupLst .sLSecPeir aHenerDuircssr Lodmud Lien YeDsSIULL BPEL ery ereyPujcron sie0% eves) Up eetb; Q) AusenpBiNesr gordon as oiv, wigsTeigs, wrrencicir, aBi7Susragyysirer IG UTPUSDA HK 10015) Por Huss) oy Afiovarso TTX RS! DiBurrcigysrer wiBnrG wnfosBHe pero geirBuipay YEMoaonsas aOage@wcvagy rary Dunepsrugo: “AarcinGArcguse" crér15), Br WTP sverg) Heir TUES) QU Aowsragr gt Or sPdais MGsrt QrsBing ADABIDSRQIBS creng) UT EBETLIGID; 31-56-2 (wip “Monde HGHRBBLITEHSIT ST NpyNLd wen Benevags eeLy/Arunpo Bus cpsissit” Gyr irusras “ued” sIsTLIy), OT gists Asa apdovrusd, st arenaulaynd LuviresD-rousy eTedgy Ges (5ST IDE: (xi) QB uur rG Sse Hagnd Qungsrarco raspy Bs duscns 3 LapsiiTed, papers aT TEnesI pone Gist HIYF FLL wD, MID Gurgsrosmueny Qauucnn. Derprepid Oampypr..c-aemtb, HES DanGIys FL GPH HHIHHHS weryw GBS5M mI. Guaregsr matics 2 oot wo Yt. aBordeatd-—anayasir (Vv) (Vi) (NV), (vi) Busan Sebr Gap devinseen oer Bios sunMinponrgid Opie, upsovre mrongi, Leis .bBe OG oupAI0G sp ciTuysron gurriAiny cTeirsgy, mdsurendesr Paar rp ede HLL Aan Boi uots Grsrraponrraiejes.Resr, 5 And Guregen syrougs Biro» GurepsrTaTGiudesr, Bede Stir Gung Lc Bystor HoH gumrPeny srsingy GuuirepsniGe rey ay Ce uIgnb, e909 avorr oH dross Gonmps Paps pis iciartpurron oH sBeynb am 5B LMG 5A Canes ub: aupbyegurE:—owu ramet, Bid * sunrAerpoie aHipianGacnord sors FGro ipenpeniosaiguiror Guaibur Geers KUM SDHG Oaron®, ydswsu sow she 4 HSU Gur@Apunren sex 28) Qarsrapid Lip 21. ILIEML steer UD ADevailsir auroras an gyPassenr sere tb 3B emunay 9p erste — (a) Quidnaurrex sveg1 Aswyporsusren) Qurger s1evorgy Quprrsures epuiGurger tEehéir deg} 55950 Gurgoien rags eporGurgaer acy sides surrfAcsy orgoiicir gore wt aBenoreyscr wpb 216055 soup sts LusriGsg 5 seg) supTaL LWTUoAgUIBHsTE Cpr sath aPuarpengis GUTDES 255% Rei_dadssarprs Hu siren Baad wjpgnd sissy; (2) rissa GUT gsr cag) Quipencsurresr ypoorDeurcps 96%) Lissnsu1 BuTgGsH dog eporciGurgGeMes 2eny wedorss pus GuNpIS UsrETTE | GLupgi rangi, dog WBA Gsiwinw Oéror worppeoayscr seg) aenssusissr (oremosGQu seb es) yBuscupesr 2944 Hiseo1_aTeo, 9550054 GLUT GADAT sIcvang) GuspensusTes epPocBuurjencr cog) odsesu Guim gate scars) epeocsOumrcssn seis adieu sdags SUTALEsT Henowrcijews woe GOKBOT I LorPovsss emyGrimpd Ourgcrsfer uy uode Caring) deus, Cpr aAarius, DS KAG GAGA Gronausrog sieves aces! 194.9) Gachapsaresyioraiet, 21g IBATTUpsy TRAP oases auruerrs erisourtgy Baumseom. eon Benavieg pegy@edings Gumgaraaier gute Gwin anos Bois a gaSoREDD Bane. 0 Quimper ir Ysancsop saupo sth eter suonziyte since aurea Bauimvora ue 20 sBrag0 Garr oer curarisas eng Aen ensr ap sa0 1sBurund Bsr .seo10nyacr Lwpmd s1grasevit cr 1) Gast 91 BDos avenourimense 2G, omow 7gmrKsn0, Msi WHABIIBLIT SSH wNI LwesIflena4a POLIO imgl Gr.srcHst-sonon Lunn DAgIversULh, sraTsSorOTE cured Oaurousns5epi 5DAH. ois) CurITGausiges Aserouirrss deg 2555) cto 915) BarcxDy BL ang dona germ songupo Gane Barsin Bi. 2) Gp usoy, a FAoy () sin suraesiisaien Gergen Ghssler upd, 2135 evaTRaienny cour srsasimb air mrpu) pLaysenascr, nner Gung unBach seneysongu/3i0r dlaunyysir sroupenpeGiot QuTDsys gang son-s0n a sina dijtd— pseu (2) () Qyaor av sBerriny, () QioF sc SBer asmauniiacnns Bow puGsg10051 Osr_tura su BuTengsgs Qasvoonieycion Sy str orgosireng apt, LeLGarpy 21sa1001 oN EHD, LoTRA’ .opr-RaoNTSND LAND Lp ABITT HemoinyromTgns ADSL HL j1155) Dauixssnev, 2 (i) we fenoriig, eemmDauimpd Qunessrreren 9 HusD Gaurd, MUSH GASH, DarsinG Gseraysed, BIDxepsRenr Cur QorgswG Derurgsco, wr Greyson Cus TAMOP Gaurss, aAMdps, ammugo. grmiged -ssrorgr Lassie BagHsOe, (vi) usin wxggnBUmesiasin upgud wonBaravrig rmryDauimpio Gungsrsener QsBurredngsr QoivsnH Geiss wipro QiDur HAHA THQID Qaurye wd ‘ois DOcyies SEBIG wiry B60e, 1apoDias SupsnsesGsogsovrtd: Lay apr (3) -oed BPepreorr desea e_ Curea eo FTIR Hyd. & w Grum@® Gsdwusoas Cpeman@rd iy Buuneye Ln ergonowupd angrier desovr ed, m@aaler craudooomnpi 2 CPt seb, WpHRGIey AGanTsPen urges HDHss GdsoBenhupo, dseraur oBBrce— (2) nd GEHId HI HITH Bayarerasout! MIADUHHH 15 euriypreniac a Puomssr Oar@saiunavrCion 9165 amidysme s1aiBurs PGorIiN1%H— ww MITTEE BIG ABI Toa dso; (2) snicirsgio aanard Bayer! WnSIPLcun1 Perso Henan dseures 9 Rei genes Apso, eoiows .9prsiTdiHssTd Qs0Os0 aDarrwvmMssvuc. yaar wesc UBAOGiSaTeH Hie saHUL CorsinO@wen Barston Qpnssseurt; Q) -mdearsp seas Bay orenacounts LMIAGRgrinsv0H won HUSH Aadiragipa0—0 2 Puvsixohesr Lu ansisat woiytd avon dene” Geasin, sigs 2/00 somiotnyronred sybgenau1 2 Prosiesct onpirscnn ovr Gro bo ABH Toowcnjas wiynd spare BPI nsGiO AL sortase ay Rusausoy anyhoo HK Us ee) wo Panorig eengBatup ungscrsevas > H115B Boiss, LoL owiied masDGsS?, Garon Gadgiasd, mI GxcKiRen Gu shgeB Gorred, Sipe, axrdnsped, Brig "og LUTUDAEIEsTET 2 Modis pies ApUNBaaMer upausict wml armTsm Gast 1p MPa oeowtnywonird s~sersus a Powsecn rysdg AspODir ouprcnn com GGIOT ays Beir gpeDicr uct LAM SHR ADA nIDid a4 1_coernssssn By Durden are I6017 LD; (9) oud weskssiBungsirscn scar) 13H Ponarsigs aerayy@auinyti Duurepsracher aioe aIgaLo SI Sempupsiren wfpnd Lip Qu nisailer VIDuraiinegst QmigicD GrinunnconGuor bay PIDuneiogig ThyuP SreascunaonGwon LOG) Fd HG sod THinneonGor shah Sopysivsca wipe Ip Qikiacr s5sersu QoagoB, TIgWD qs) Kod DG soir THasedohas src Bepscr, 9Parwaiinyacn cory, Gpira/sConp igMOReoMeir eupouvarcn wnhpd menTaKL Pasir, 15% APSTT Hower ys seo5u Fre Bp Hd, Ban roahcnpscn o1crog asynoPesin anpvscnnsorrGuosr 18S DAO amon LwhgNd sKisHir% ADE IBid BU Lorain yDuscuirenm are sions baste, 9 @- 0 wuts woksi@uressr acces womPerorigs aoiyOrinyto OuTOe ageoeryd SunMiuBd HOS 2 HUSD DoisuHer St GUUITE DSC UCL. QUTESH crBeENELD LUDA AIDS savers Hed Darein®, cous g79NKa, OuTg pOBViaTT sI5ereu5 gurrhinse, 2 DLUBH Asis, rsigss, URIpSZEASS, avenhad deg avrerienud gRuarbeny eipnBUOAsiouss 2j60r5) em _Asiinarsy, Csmasesrsy 2460005) A ahag! creigy megnomaton, 91g) zero! auTeRas asens@-rdnscmtb 2) 22 1Ray () 246 saReati.n” 1 oy Bacr rs Beir Qusrrgu'n mn isngs ss GhsaAenD, osciring, Qi CIL Gir yonsmr, © Aeowiacarred, pemyucBexenrred OS) UDOITD) 5L-GUUTE YG UL Gungenars sunrises, 2 U5 Devas, seoewuled oAsPGUIUS, Asnsia@ Qovaens, BIGiKcHsBen Cai ows Ooireuens, BToSEAREN Cer SigWOB Cruirarer,5, AHUHS, aurigaws, gros, UMdIUGsgaDs, CrBduens, UDI DAAMUDS, HM MIUGPIADS dO OsUSIUGSSAS PUPMEDIATIOZ HS rss Grimserr Sar. 4 reese MD) Liiey KQer cuemaarimende 20-L-@, wine sa vatb, use oABacin anruieor ae oini@ass asd. i) sa aansssinont. emt emwaked enausPemipnd, Careia poneuoser 0 be wipe, Caria Pazeney ten BOS conan 9 sitar Bi Asigis0. prOnEHsHonr Gu QyiGwH Oauige, pi@xeysMonr Gar oiioB Gaus, sion asirenevusiso MAsDGASY, HHpad, aTsGs, gts won Lursir Ges 5; Gi) opener aon ened masHysae, QansinG Assvsygcv, BIGKHIAE Iu QoIguD Daisy, px Gxay4Qeo. Gur THYWD Gauge, Hye, aursvyssr, sari ged woiyynd pei DIBBA, (i) scireanilen Gay. srpemeraid ARABS (aT fis, asrourricnon sui hie, 2 HB Cauinssd. ners Baise, Garin Basirgse, STO KG ARI Gus QnryinB Qaairsed BO ReKA Re Gus sim Bauiysed, oBipper, awrsngssd, Bai ge 60g) Luin LD SE: (i) WEsBudr6100 Fear sporg) 61H eIperLILUM 5a Boot inher mais Duging Qrusrart 71 cong afew Bacreisny GIADIEIT O16 MpOLOLIT SSAA GAG! 2 HSB ainsi. wepisscKOcsr cps ergsoylo 2ysiBapsivar BasrFny aIgensEpd 2 HUD Barurscr; () pumnPaainn 1 5860 ogi Bavréar Bere usiynd 2 HUD Goiann wegybgsC@ust (oer orgssyth .91siapsirar puriiny sige dongs Up 2HUsH Gow LaewigiAOLuT (psi asDen 2.o01_cDiLURed rarpDasw, QasroinD Bacigussd, amis ged, Sipe, wr Gaensler Gu Bnd) Bevis, or Gevenysaor Cas iyo) laura, arin iD Fes dang) Hirsi; (si) wxegr01 oyBlopsoruieir GisMed, sudgpoo_us Dams gisiroysesira. Loire 37 9813, B6 UBoy Gounsyciror, Dau Uipscns BIS OWT! GHUTTH FL C11y 2691cwWTe MaBDGSRIGIO TATA HAS BuITMs IL 9 Tener 2 HUSD Asis wid actco.uId marsDHsse; ADusipey 1epnDssOMd wiyd HupKiGUBsporrtb: euriiiysorrums: 2. ap) (iv) ton (WV Qsiruny. Grins L BBeaMeo GareAcnson_aurss sremaGarinsnstonrpsvorriod Lila, &-Q)s> acon c1gsoytb, UTTTHEpBen Danse 661 2co-cowaigycror 2 HUGH Gerwwsc ws LUGpEK BLT GEraamor pIOxCsRe Gu QniGwD Gererscr, wrGxensRem Cas THD Gaurser, arreinG Gacgyss0, 2.601 odranr SuTGener DPurais Oavaider Qeyhoy OyMmyih. Qa derrayss SevaMQunpsron gyst srauyigin supsiyXnsuoren aitoninc a Dgun DUBAI, IMEI K_HMUBiy son 3797 13, UiRay 8D oc Rapsinon orgy orsnour Bee Fegnd, sores .9pr4.1 sua Bane: agomenapid Dir siuip.ny Hap cprsosuay.” Gb 47RD erynencayr BUTRLB varsirsDsgarspan ray. osvarry mscvesGaseor nos Baenovston gorysac Caerdtnr Gayest wuiMGGed -opcvarsy yr UGB ctpomarupo Braise, Sardar Qovorasnon a 5usH Gouin Lor mnitisd masDosav. Pia, avrargac, Darsin@ Drigynir MOKeHARen Bu QorsUH Cause. srGwawaNen. Sas epipyueD Satin JAH DADurreldegst Qwiegu@ Dsaiyeno seordon: Gomi doer Qrousor wenn oansas Ber srrFeo epedamwvr, 14. LHRay 8 Dee 3H Ryysron ray ercvourSepenSeynd ger sniiu umgy ies Apiy yovou ain sayid, a15m0nau1 -ayoncaiee PROT KANDI CHOI orem Ag a1 u- Dib, BIE aK0r9) eemsatnra) Dupe Sanpe Ceraxismapaare wiGud gyda) Cpr rine Sprimissendan a, seivesirIew etsenameptc LWIAD Seno opsqiapdiroer th bBerend W CbpsCsudscr wagid geitevorasir 15. Glise a-1-3Ber srenaund siporsstuns day syocriys Oauiaitine. BB asiog1 yew asvargs soAduain 1 gi a:Pingipewr QeDTAaLD ergscvenan Hp ae ser asswiny enon a.siart_sTdyAD w coi cotradaa PUEBGSMD, AarsinGOsiOy, srOseyaMear Be QoiguH Guay, MORESO Ce Tho Breda, aD, ammo, LwssIGAw Ay eB UsirssnenaUie ened Zam, .gcva.3) Lisiaarenccader RUN SaTTaBeiNG oI HRADAD de seO5L BLinyIcssy Getic argenenyio Ari Ieuan emaKsid, LB) sin DAH Gorouin MTS, Duss yeinDast oveo7 shy Sacrr gd Go aire.2en Bony 953% Ae gis Gauri-nan ay Pins gan4 Grwssoney nos 2 Bt UY Ray 15 apace LIM oy 25 avowirapsnae (Glrein Gio a sven sratou) OPM Bein y KILN bwin HIVIGIurdaale crperostupio DrUiprir ny» risbangs Doris upwsnn sibs ding) Sedans a1 pooannrad HMB KHMYD FB Dragana FOG, ABDGO TesI—17— ys (ay Moy 1S passe Poy 19, Fay 2WGsir emay (ii), Fay 21 spy (BRay 25 (Des Gih asta ssaswirn) ausnsnujsivon nein my BIA IM 5 iOIDIUIEDAS DeriraH-irsTH --mee4) Gra yurrnadarn — yous, Bauiuada ALpmsUUTKhAains OI KORY IBCrIEK91 4 SPUEBI ny amo cgrnsvratess, sari Groin nie irsvyne FRU GdVIGIu Qa/DourssSi01 wo]th UBoo0 hy BHIDKAHIHA Hover, ovr. pins ysivG-ast coor Bi Secret i 4:1 an Rirchce KDA AN Poray's deta oor Pigs awn em sG® GovssnGve, Seginh o13H1H ops Dorada giuiBanani nh ep snatch omnes gonad agssryy Dea Gund ano Ry sawn sent dsein sDige P snanir agai Baseiv Orr Cay Moy 2Gs0 may) Zoining PRIM Bab GiwIGsunw4 Brisgsi305 v0.9 Orins agurdspyiane 0G BTAUAS 21 ongurraTsaniraas 150004 Gidny. ph IB Dauber Birnydpoion nest 9aRaN.K" 1 count rab, Yiat. Qarsin ai wpa 98Bw gawd Oran PADawe Han capo, Udy aysiu Be sewir iy done pin sy HO NAHE ABAiarasd Denpgeintcoon wi5\do1p, Bei SALUD HAO Basin Gib, Gugyo wBsnG Gerrwib ems rras Suey Bi AKO id Liew s6inL IBIS a Srarrgyi Baseinput OTbLeOTUNE: Bivsitgnd, Biinysorat savers esos UPo(Sainy— O sor (pase, aaRAen Gprewer, apeitay Gerad BUNK BOHUBRY vos shesiwr sd ad Pirnaonis, tehyuh (D so (2) sein, arenas Apraie. gy GUNNS BUHUBARY vss, yci01 th oPDirmarrad (2) ach crargin Rey 15 apse ey 25 (Quain@u acion-sisavnerenay) WSiley 28, Slo 2 yRwarpfeu aienauriacrao, Gpiheresvarrey weLtd arpcHLnM QABuuT Bins Carahidus wyppabace Barresnintoe ecw seBmegsiron ABuvsiphn gorpTd epmb—iiiny MLN DAE HI, ab BEDGUI I, 21556004) GiMEBiLs Semon CUMBIA! 2-19) (IDs BprinuixayaaTs, ajar! QABumaleynirer oy SBucipsgres gppsBiin) woMdacun my ohwrpGurcrpy, wary done THISUDas GareinGre MQ). Bihoy 31 ed on. sidduysran ergy ersvaurepcnFepno, Sey 5 ypps> Pho 25 Drs acter siscora) evensysrsrenssSen spcvesgy iPey F@eheviny sebry dainn sabe woni@aursiaaher ergsanonups, Qodannane NAG! Gaus (pucnpEbsTE sc0r4) Dauroriring a1 deo5umeRebenbaro LENS CHOYVO +P Oriipnpara eivsBiiy yohdaniGHy as storie, Leirey— ( BSypusror — 4 Lovmemeier us — (Y@siruy Barry dacnne gtb Ornsaini. sn aronemaded, UBD PDO GRA gOV INL weyAgGLmessr gpcbov) Benger PADeNsN ADE TBorTd may Sore tun L aor—ydugd PUTNEY OB! OKA Poem smUR GAR oper ores PSO ADIT GIANG EIEN WwHIs wwf LGILI7 (armen or 2 Lyorarg) sr Rano iny wey) Qeruapis Bearer swenon ds sunt Mirpsv, 2 HUD Drigsd, 21 cowale mapPiyao, Gowri Dasvgupe, PIB singer QoxGuD Gasser, PiBurrsieaess SAMUD Gaus soy SDALG svsSHH wrrshyysadied Bn 19.560. 1 Laeneer eure woABNIDLIT SST tow Peres sera amy eins Suirpatast edgar sBewirivesir 0 2 () onisr i BGar (i) wromusr 1 oor (ii) Saprvuteir 1 ®Geor ww 1 Bam (8) Soman 1 RBar (i) Grrdonseir 00 Bmw (vil) amrapiay "90 @Geur (ii) BinpDar sive wGHABIIBUUT EHS HaHa GOs Bedr galBenoriDurrgsar 15OK-syd gser5 Gawvresd nvenay srgaytb 1500. Barns ()LSD,LSD(—)25(-)-N.N—~sot 095 Bair Gaemi0w iy —maaiaahh of Be0rd sm_ardonsaeneG) 500 Bris 0) THC QL grenawe Garr sexo RBesrr even: eiranjee Damnit, 6.9 (10.9) 6.917). 7H..A091) Mpgnd s1aypSen cing ABum@auArae CarPussir cr) — 500 Ryrrua (x) Deeps Bin_sremnsis (4}—2—GuoBlovrriBesr —1— onored Bufenomed Gar Guseit 1500 Baio (xi) Qugrigarraren (2—GuGeo—I—0—Bi_rrenored <1 (SH) Rujorn Gar aS Gowen 1500, Bonin (sii) onoG1LmBeir (+) —2— apes —1—sauSenesred eB Guss 1500 Barn (xiv) (ix) Bed (sill) avon asiroreypHe GAH cee ALYys6t UA WoMPerwig expGriupo Burger afer oussriflnjcsor 1500 Bam (2) &D) (2) Qo PAB OTSA pang. dcosscir sroupSingi> Bary usar wernepaoraBorr HBujseSuscihdassd Csr AYU 9% GiprIGsuUDad GausshaTs, Gein wpusimspars 2vng) Dorims 21 gergurTs Qeopraiwrs, aor Groyo! FB Oriispirars. GIOBBTOY JAM SHUGAUTTT AS WOM Fein onor MPSS Beil SIL BAIT oN 2) QaBur iG GorohGur. gopadus BDaervessorienes cows SGBOstOD HH PBwsorpssrs wifey 15 apse Wiha) 25 Grdn@rd 2 citar i500) asoorrapsirorauriein LIiay 27 CB) Qasr, Vitay 28 Gor aysvorgs Hay 29 Heir cverswuriraeries GpRevowuioo IL ats npuo asi Harwigtd GdmsBiiny Hahn ns 19. FAGAN H500-u1 3551, 9]55—s0 SovSBirOY OuirpKsss gost PoDurrailensnn go KBucirms gad spos—Bivny oA CII Uy HET Cure, @-THay (D) Qoir Cprrdawiapsears peng dons AGHA Gass id 31-56-4 seiner Sraiyie sen Gren isam S009 Gow gis ‘sew nvm, Qiong Beir oats YS pebn_coen Bae sires won £958 emariae. Bd go Grugo wie won Bs Senpiae omy Ganga ag appapro slisag ens wos Bsnquys 1973 Ben SiR ay 360, Givontaceoné seimaranis.30 a Bword sp oe Gurion SiiGreenaus GeuaBatery sar uusbso Bensmruith 24 22. Qs HSBUTUSDH gous seintonem — or.yaytd MO FASHUILGITTS, Dose FL FBO arensand crssneruph sovar5y SSIS Orin BD ssdarg) yoo stgenouajtd _gycvor5 1AM RCL 2 Minto, Dem ge0r5y oB-1 Tosh'ny srgsocs cucwrdat” sraoneypd AAD sraBrrcpangth. youorgiiact sue bry asta GK BTCA AHGT Aenpys ssi. oven ders) Lem 5681 to ayse05) Gres Gud MDAGIA Soin dmc sadso0 yours. 22 GT). Gineuphs osn renee porns Bamatnys 41 tb, 78 91or3y HBUTHSIGF Srcvarppogurar Ips sito Denn aK Bupsron 15) Tea B ENB, yomired iio 43 Het arenauisisads 21 .G, (Dey 7 vers Wp) Voss or SPein ny goHsacnn 1 Birnyd-eivrovsw Aged SHsTiowTs Py sPorassuGsGar, Pysse AsuunwiGsGovr, ARS) LTH Gopses OaussGor1 gy 33. Ghpapag iarseramupenns Qsingtiys ato, 173 Gen Lihoy WOK evrorss Gipauralsenons sia Kress Ga FUL, NSBR .9-sBuysiron Had Dist o--SPerigunsn G5 GipIGrugyasnad wipHBHtK) MAGN IAS UBB amiBigd Kpresresrrs: Hsissrovroi 9, oso) dSMIU Ii 135 GHYIGsusearH GPmsBiin, goAdwcin-Bre 3G GHpsGouc, They 2WQox yeas They 27 Qe uy. BOT SSIN DIATE Dap SvrEnD, oid 5en5u yorAgis Gurr eyagy scr ETS 34 (Mm sBusrand (iv) Qos censand orssruyupd going Kn dwdH HH GiwIGougyasrs ar crargio GopsBicny Asn 4. HAs), Da sod GinsBrEr se Susp, Qiss +1 sPerugurron gmsGauss Srzgenamup Qorinypaeinny sSircusspairs GH UppBuSenen erp Rar resp) IdsHsu) yor Borsingy AIAG BeraGuend sRELESLITASd—T Lo, PDs p ssperIu worms geimcner joAig Corse, 9151 BETUSHG QUTBssAweNs KEIAD epsirpresnDwen5 Gur arommraiensuns 6Burund iv) Qeruy Gips@owed crgorom uid CriiaPohergs siicusiars, Ienomusnrir Kener rede) Gierarrircd AUGHU AGU sMswGnG soa ARK IUGUTET gi Bpirendny GPPCurcay). TUBADaTGHSOI) IS Her-5u1 2yoHHS gover ui avi. 2) 2163 pBuncngy, cone sranmimsBerres aussigionr seth (Bid LyAUsBd Qas52 CarcinG. Cugnd, Gio aypag alsnrensmuponps GsTEYs FL, 1073 Der eueraumiiscir, ns srsu UPD od OsnGjF FLL BBS flay 6Q)ér Ly TUpDSGanGS.acs01_ovsin POun0in yy BOOT UUEL gemuoPAwresippsiren G5 wppBHumrs Geasbesriousrairgy, ASD cit QF YyoOLa1 QuTG-UNGaen sono gDHgid 153 -soraydie5cs Sun beBEAerOITE QesAeapewBarr sibs s1ejs5 GuTEsisies sion Bub, A) GapsBicumengs, Cwivapeoneh sy. GLuNBer UiparrBpr Bastd CriminiGoraden, screury TUPPIOIGAss1 apB QeveonBenausy BRADID. () Qasti GMedsrmurer gi ysoovurrengs, Groovrrdiay Baro issscens Orgasms, Brocrupenpuh-G SBuoonpssssred .o1sra9y awit BBusimsgrer ge005) mote) SOUBure se IpLnidsc.n_avrid. 2pore 2011058 25 I. Gimsssntaain outer Gpupy worPevosmas BorsinGydgnd DSF HL ABOUQ UIE 90 GHnIsugidare Bppaphy 1B BB yd Ai sonrus wou Gena Hpi sg Hs syevoijsvrsinenseo Cones Gud. BITS, SSOIUI GHHANpID 9 Gis Glare sd wpmEhIT BHO Saucers GUTMAE. aN Dbsar-u waIGene sigio4o Bedone sreiny GuTGsneoLns9 CuMiKUAUGH Gp enr ssn anys 18 oF oBirovr sur ssou0upts or dtd — Diss Naser “sdopay wosrflenae” srr.say, sph Guar epsisemn LipBus 2 5643. Cm, Boy whyNd HH Gir epsioncouewiaysitn prism ADL GEOG HDL UHHHT OH ATT EDI 2.sir—nt seid. 2) Deseo Mier Coram Biss, gry Guuressineow, se5wrest QUITE YD IMT QopporxAng srsiigr $Bosrmd gwidpoGemsy Ue Gin 3431 Suan DIAL I- 1 (GLILIT I BaiTsdovLMIBud. ors) .915=5)601_U1 soromnurors. Aso RAYS BDugworaie Mg sDodp000 d Roerpne . LUBDYSis7 $1 we.GSue any. 36.) 91TI THR. DAF HC AB up arro GipIDzurcrsesvon afisnronires aiyrirencm Grids ann srirnpirrn oBsrI pony opi Aspir opBeiersns AUTRATSH, hs Wen suIe GPAGEDTERIDID TENT se g1cvaxB) UT meHdKT HS SpomoniiGid srsinewssnaude Npiny sPiwsirgyivsenr isouwsacon, 2) 9G Apiny FBuosinprd, soGusrey PDUBeoais Gavrcinyy c5égud, taut aur SDivorySBeit joovsoin SBUBURG spepsiRensraye cir grarassdyssred 21s tour er ats — is oc Tee “aust SPwosinpio” orsiagy, AO GBwwsinpib perBer mate) BBDUB 90g KOO mia) SPUD poi racuGasHs psn, et LoMYADy wrPosPer eu PDiveirpid erengy Sumgsr gue 8 OF 61, HH Dplny SPiosinysBeor $DUBusras spo Scns Gougsing, SE sin, HF mney SBUBUTaGarr HH Ged moirey SBUBurra Bauer Doharoveir®, art Sp quot dponaigss BEB jyparir your 36 G)). ) Ginoipsg Sanrmcm pers AsrgLys ou, 7s RASTA o1gy sTeveusr PHL — (2) QiksF a. sBeirqusron goonsesu, s1isimIDouS Goines UTS APHsns geonsacuL Api kBioeepsarred wx GCw AlarTensH Qrinipsaise ysl, mos) o5se50 UTLSBHS SoBe Binge Apcny SBwsiupiircr Qe AGOrdgs, oomarsaNed opr kissin Qsi0Asers SPagiTasIGid gexpTs HarTEncm Ariunnn soda Bie (8 Dist F. SBonmuney 9G GinIAsumwd Gowssras CApHeriss0ur. sey QusSpesrorrer gr yor, Ginaupsg aizrrencsr (poops Qprqinjs a11b, 1973 Qlor May 167 Gon 21° Fiflay Qs sdrugy erdMey 2G) Qeruy go sonaiudsHaGsg DIANA G. GAD Hg, WSSOKU SHOU eGaut, HBAKeos epoiuse BOAITH Vis As, pupyBgybd uBsor hg gr 5eHrGio 3seosus SHpaAUosGart jar as Sinaia Hess Qssg Br ss Wpapa/ Pano TH ET KeGKKG CUHULTS HH HT yeaa snd DurcpesGuesrds FEUD UT BATE sdsanu1 gener QoHaB eneutnighss o(Basr a coasssawri: sopuw og om 85s arom pen SBicenprvnceon coeste pny 83) sinpaisen es ater gencor Gaunisgan eins Gausoacn Gros apeo nat texygpb Gunning 90 Avy BBucrne Ber pee usr on Lang mena awson Apres Gumaig se 26 eugibysnrere: 2552050) dpaiani KBowt— @ adse5u yor GupSsrcrorsiTy — gine th ISDH 14 GA HOGUTGI. 21S! Gi) geounsre Boron ns HegsoBovowcn ys sire sara yy. aie pEReBLITEd, rar) IAPS ar5% Grr IBeynv ISSOHU year VrrPanowuis Gssnauyppa sro 55D, 240, BUONO wr ALM) HBW.H WIRY aibponaas 2s epi INHN. Cousin DOtosity) eosoruir Hod Garein Gui. D) 96 aupsena RanAOupis Par row DHT SABY HH Giwahuscd sGart, pdaunaus anpsRer oponpiey 40 tons penn s, Dan ginjs atti, 1974 Qin IRoy 167 Dosreny sive BMA GRD HODSANT BOUL. ays Dypsrt 1473 Lyaats TiN agyrhsarr Glo 1B mBxvrgov-s, MOH | RBusi md, Hay (ay Dery Hd Hyogo wn eas Ogre irum at Gagussonb 7) 90 Pminy BBueiimd, Hi54 SBA 9 GY Sarurnev cajomindip Gear ipsiweonosanosts LpSus scravsgseo! 21Hsie9-5eO UIC) UTioai gr Bud goog Qsd@s—r Parr ooh int opwour IT sTiIRSBos opcborgs 01 Hor “ayromivns Ben syguasowrrs) Qodunns.t BrP, BarrrenseT KATH PLAID KHIM. GSVOT HYSTA S| ow Dirorod i 3% GHpsI@suma Sanson rg 1@4igy SDI ro OT 2) Gass si SBeruguvss 96 GHnIGewenw afansensu GauinpoGumgy, Gananpiig, BamTensWT (poops Gmseiye att, 1978 Ginny IBS aonToncmuId GoDSrTigdsrien-eanfer Bg) Smirspeamcy wa oar QisF aL sBeruQuT 9G GHPIGUd HdOTS IDs G@pnI@sucoaupost aisrsevesn Daud ) Gass TiPese sy niBycron ergiayld, GOVapsy aBensenem Upenps Opr guj 4ULt, 173 Deir ifloy 439 Qeiruny Tonemvanh Gs. Bust $RwsnDsBHssiror Apcny Bese obrseno0cs ue Bcw sgsra.d Oicren Bese yay). Bingyia, aut PBosup, pats IMedeysirar “gdoeiuc sHevr Geirp aL Gens, They 36 ery sonvssin 9G “Apcuy $B wosirpid" a6 HL Goscvuupdar aston ARuUGpwTHGUTED,, 25H LiiMailein ac ushey () Ger my (yy) Gevupurror Baro actor sscreurrost Ban gisensré Ga gusset 6 GQ), eur SPwerpsGon Parrrauribrick ow erg ercvencrsen gor acrar 5G Apiny APusirpid, bs aur SPucimS Beir oar sourro Fer AULT THMVIHIGS GMD aypsgaonor arTerasaAsuTy sire SBuci mors QussarpBurcngy, gi aut sSivorpsDy Gdanpss aia reno Penns OaTG ys FLL to, 1973 Geir a1 SBusrunivasr (xxix) wojagutd (xxx) Ge Ups. Darras sone ben utd, 25) stds 2100 9pKGUT GUT Opp GpT bE oTEYdS eurPPiocrmd Qagyidooro 36 Diese LDH Gpampy GawwiwLaurpsdrovriosd (enero ust Lopgud GBaor Bip evensusisacr 2crort_nisa7s) Svapse Sarees pop DETGiNjs aL td, 1973 Qn aersussissir, gy AD BRveinps Beir Wparipsren Giang denen) OLuTcokgised GousinGud wojnnd Gerredavrina 1 arensuniaaner Gprdniiacniare, pin Puosiims, awirey $Proc put ms Daivsror nsGss0 Govsia Gib tndipn Ain) HrosuysBHr epeiny edn aypsMancor BL PBAD aor ETI Gophgomp upIZoIGITHs OarsroniwsG So Ganesan ea 2074 mors yor ore n ICT). (1) woarks weemAgyUGesnepsr sop werPlenosa am yiDsumyid GunGATHein (HSH) CA, BK Dor GML nd soryud VB HHH Udiryptd, Das 9. Pony rime GPns@auss ergy, rfioy Mi Dor emp Hi D1) Siosirynd geowesssr iid avewiruher, eHreypses Ar rrcr ponds Doreginyssecw, M7IGs sw Haysirar 1g AHAIMTBG UID, Qt Junta SPusimspired odanyonss rimscuGsed Joven Deb eurtoyonpunras: iaysc 26, 27 wird 32 Derg seiory dacnn sia GpnsGrurcvacn, ys wponpuied arn ronson Gauinscis oot (2) 2e1Miflay IDE o.cnen ergpopio, Gan sootnie axiMay (IQSTIy- of suite BBusinsgr oBansencsg IBAgserdrercwe: Ho SiwiGsuwe Bsr durex prompsonsssr croupenpyrd, go Apisy PPusiys Hy wLappd Asiywry GorsinGOysgosrao urgatDarinancuiGso yang. Gwgnd. 251 wire Broo messed Sentara Brew ® wpyoy GruwsiiGga Govein Gr. 7. () Shops Pantancrsr pers Dsreseuejs a Lub, WIIG an Hv Buyeinon 15 retour Bowen Deo — (2) Dist 1 Pry soimgaacnr pose whps@aucd SaGaurcingyd Benrencen Gerumsenn seas Gib. Lap Gist 9.1 Being, gohes apeinGacir e029) 21s Cds 3G aTW.2cTAHGS Aerpsscii_om AIDS Busan bax 99 GDIGrumed CriPGousrs Giosbsmirggtnit. sr staigio— () 2155030 AGAMUTH TEN Seino rsony IBC n saspasr oor Fu arrinnioncs oar iiak GpMASIOD pas OTS SS Garb aBeasereoerD, wri TIT BpwAgeny aprgonTEHt Bedroom nibs BIG Ag). SBw0siro, Wor 5% GHDIGTUOS GsimaSsvrene crengnd, Denomuss De Qesden aude sour GhpsGausd argoosupa Deis sT5s Osshusedevensd sreirp Kd BdYATHGs sewer arrest GhessRerpen sreaxgy : Gpafayns wrerpuomraser, GoarugGe CuiBor grb Gerssurs wR TyBe Dan Hsp 5cnCuiABorr APR RIIG HT HTS (2) eLATRey (IVEH HHI (.2) BO GVRSIOVTHSICL. Teneo uspeos oR uigimres auras, Siapse Sarrenas epooms QsrgGiye 51-1 tb, 173 aycrargy Tonesnuisens oC igsbare, a1ICUTEOEREF ercvovw jpegyssiron Lip sb IZSTLMZ UOTE ATID RGAGH ROSOTeMEnaMTT Qe5HU0. 38. ()) a15Burrant (iv) Qeruguner 95 GdvIGauscr, oy Rono~sBew reo Osdusinn 4 GG sg, 255% SDIDTU Grim GprHHd, 215 PyUOSBET IgE HL-ADUGUDS 21h PgnosBer Oumprroo.s Oairaierg. KB EAUCID ISDH Guergcruleypsaucpiomen gs gokeurrewoucHtb, BI1@ 1h Lanoaptd 2854 EovIGsueners Qingire%d Gast siren cia BorinGud. a1sciring Ger pion, dE AHA GS Hing dHUIDUSHS acranm gg Carat Bub: . pins siemens reine enemas Bs BL Sperone Bynos orn Geunscurgir eine Goussvast sacinarenP ner Guha B45 Bev gbnaura® evar aiDaena Gaim 69 iy boparon aBar 835 Re Savane setts Chart Qe Borw Wpamrenarbeny GarshuR@rvenas SBuwcry 5B9 eter oem, 28 eurbysorura: bs aia 1 viRapsinen 1Vo]>, a1 eins Gauri snd Oasfusriocs Qainsnn+ gir scb009) apd 5e0.301 psGrand Cauunn moc Boag guid alu apupyA ovo Sen-5ujio iowSaeredon rn 26 sTaNHL Quoin nen srraBes, ayens0 7} seit anes 61g @.croniT ay. (2) ALIN (I Vad 2 ADajcivan orgy erovouTVHnFead, 2}5Dusrand iv Qarupwner 945 GipIGswd crane QuisoypNesr. GinsvsonPein, GausowranAcir e051 By oigyareviicr Qensay or act) wosmopa BAIS sir bods GpIGrusc Qorumscn sg chirDmey gods apaviresrsyrcnon Hs FMpY MPG snc sedagns QosDnsy rosy Cun nIKmLIGR VA AH, 15S Quisopi, Gusvinonir, Gawartant gyerarse In agra, 9s GF Daweners DawBepnigirss GancrarinsGad Gasin@b; Cugnd sug 8u pLapdos FRU OS HMGSRIUIDMUIH 2. srorragud Gorsin Guo. Sordsir— Dass Viale Gprravivaen sss, — (2) “Bynord” srsir151, Ki _Geguota ergyayii_svein gy Dus pen Brn; Lemond 29 Rprrndens sce) Ip galun sae syprsn 2éron 310; wnt (9G Ryvouais Dm irma “Qudawr” orcireyys, Doyo a’ Reysnon BG HLL TON srengy QtarcpeinesGub 0 () Bey 27 Qeving Fod14saMM +5d% Gh GinFGrurart AaiBeprn sr I asim PUNDUBUTSs, aor GpsGauremo BouiiDocn ss ace Join Die BBusnyrd, Ghpasralaier assy, sis). aperaayps Aner cio) AL oFussiesr das) aoraiucdesr PenwsminsUd Kor HDe Carin. Give FL SDH 3dor3) 2 BuTEnZHgS Garon ppsieysiron Lm 41-110 Bayo PH ABasirar 154 stsireuTGLURoDND, 2.1 omg urs Kempsain_anon ot ancwujd AUGIS ADAUIBHS wrHTH, dorsor us Henoroye_sir, Oo woeprsiousosouhed OME TAMMIE RTE wHOUsBUTULGId eo epuieMdmws 1 cH PyIIEB SéaszcremooUd Genbn yoy Gai updrdBog PUP OLUITUTGLLIBHNEHY THD wiRASIOIE PHFe0.F000) GiopAsstdraisyia0% AD see Qaumicnn aps, Renesas Kop sir gcarsy Lenomrustonir Qisroonies, uM TIME BTO UGABOTHRIUDI Ly Bd gar gs ppSeous TUBS aan Grnsgen Gusher, orrsin 5g Bop iara@eincs reo moray eset BD usin p>Boix upsir ipsireMeevusr saith, 101 5oOL_w ec ABIIS DRI coruieit GH UPHU 97 oRicraeru Ip IKLIEND, 98% BETS o5BuTund WW Qeir uguimer gipSGsue cigsreru AouiauBesNeiry) osirdaoyio AMSTEL BINGE! RabEBIUGASH stony mBBHOTITEH, q6sa0"D) (2) ae iiAey (Y) Deir ny. SPIN wiG AGI PRIemsuir apy oy UpGu 9Dimacouds saucr sD SArc9@, Bins rsDig ssuoungy Oras 255 505e FPusipsDHGS Bersrywomser, GHSgo TUS Gurgsaureng stray Darcrasin eporpranOaenss Btopurmg are ioreder Burg, 1S Remend i Qeiruywsrer wpsGsuc erseoesujtd DrwaPaiicnny siicughsrs Serssui sep Conn, QerorwGern, onic MITA BTE USEBOTIGI Lg. 1SBd HH UpBeou yar crapBd DanGinuscnGiihed, afusorgy errhp Uiront Sipamafenus aADeSsuortay MMB Host JévouTg) Fairs SouyargewGuiMe, sSgersu) sired series opssiuGinGurgs, $PwerpsBev por apsaenevusrD Bircnyspcine cooronusc) Qusigs@avr cr eniorgy BBuos0 pio senior, 10. (l) 23s sraxgin, Mey 15 Upge flay 25° Girsin@ a cror_sisavrs) venrystonaupiss LiiMay 28 Qeir, Lira 29 Geir gycvorgy Lifay x0 Blsiresny Fein sa 555 GpIeudsoNe seypPpsrsaio Gdpasicy ARTKINY SGD LS, HS AOHSS GhosBitiny mohdeoeh Pussy widens yoler uur wignd OwryPSw edog Gy wlemcnIeto, Upreneuies Boiteni0, 91% 6 gSaNTIy GmSBIOLy -oaAsacn nq (5s 29 s1619 un gsirenn wiynd opsRer caypPerarmemiar Guurcsrsuorredey aso sty) BBs pr sg Up Sarzaaer, ABivompid wiosPagsih Gault SUsnaHs sedergs a1dpeo-us peopuTcd gsenau gic Baraveie DaMA KGET BrWasHs GoosGtiny woNigu FD yo sSDv sor args gust 2) 2LuAey () Qosrenparrosr GevsiuIH orgyeyid, Crosvapenmuy BIO (oI LnN Teed, IROOSBS gow KoKKG Brow BiosixipsnyuiD PHM LUGaupiarer HTH Hora} py ois apd auonrrahed Hsdrag1 Ager IU BrocrypnmwID Oram 4. cHRII Uppy DruwcniGid evencraier aumnnsGeos oper (i) A 1IRay ) Qoiriny uvrow Geuatah 4 sir Danas, Biosnnsssreo ADAM OG LEMS wre Qeysorpurciy, GopsBircny HOM yo AGB ICRI Saba yo; éBurun V Asiyop 1 1) 9G Cuspat epsiucd BHarr goat ors B15 wpEH ANGELS GHpSHuc sari SGaUt gers) Deda won Peo o7sirasgs07e sePasensuter (Parr sai. Gaiam aginys Gppaiuicd soar sais, 2 SBurrund iv Dery. geiry Kan soba GHns@suse or-5coswapd OMUBGUIBTH mdYVUSHGS srTcand QURAN Asin craves rape, on-rgs Gatioiphars cos Th wULbs WORRLDLITESH scars) wosRerernd anpOruiupo Quiressn Qurgusss, Burrus iv Qing. sei Sans pba GpnrBsuc Qriminn 4 crOEs hs wud weBRgHIDLMT Bs ose) Loorforrag smp@sinpd Iurgsir gop mds 2150050 SHDEOTU0 Baisrpsren sneirslonen sohigo gered ssrargs Lip Quinger «rgyonh Marsan Goreng) 10H) wens sooudainn-Oerergs tery) 9/00 BioioIRgs saTeM Guppsro FLL td, aucing gedeug) Gsonse) LissiGon Qraierr Grn sssmuiGersheret ene IpiuTs0r 2) omou Tareas Ber Ours easy Docsy -yooossr ayruevrs Qai2s0r Barrvshsacun emow yusBirenas, wus) Grercpansa FIR, OKGOITE YLoTTUIOYS SionpaaAler serous crows rer SDen Ip Foxe genpuleer scoug stedsnevts UmTgyarenps LieoL_uSeir 97 Hs4p UBa/Duiip wayuevr sraucib, 21ceg) worBleo grairisasBew Ouirgy -91c00r5y Ayiny yoo adore Qasr ¥Bantuahsacws wre OTIKSBE eugourd, wERBIGLIM ESTES o-GLLITD, yursSirenes, aross) 21608 Ip IBagb Hienpuier sayarerr crascgib, Sni0TH PbaBO Gs! HONS) Asi" srOUTTENd DTPA UNH or eesBiony ed oTUpGHAKrsiron aL SEUBOGHS) YS stroucHid, /5Busrund iv oweng going ssc sao 2G Ghpt Gswens GaUGiysAnri cron, dogs ore wuss WOABIOUTEGST icrog worflenrkgs eonyi rump Ouimepsir Qnpicrgs sBurub iv Qeruy sey ssi saa GPpFGeswer ergyasib BFW A GIRDST 53 wUdsKwOGR SAUTE ojciersy wesrBPens5 ys aig sind Ourgi sce) sbses4 GpsGrucmed Beis~saren Frenfencr yohdigld goiemid rags ip Bumepsin srgroytd, 51 wd, ausiry 00g Quid Bud cveidatin yc5dMngy svg worms onaudescn oy paR NB sTOMTDY wud orsingss STE Lb BLpHHcassrraseir, wesw RpPenovaigyeiran, yomred, gir erovevt, Ausra geo) 5 siravest isang, Brod Peveuigysrar ygruert sroucnTyt As smaUDBTO gyanord m5) Drums 5) HG HLL Seg, arimygau crv) Dison, us«dGovr QroKar GrrgmaniGagings Darswessord wag srw git Yosh mag) Batu 2B! HG SLL song, cusingenw 1cda5) Qr-Ben54 Gar genemSoumi, Sgusrenenvens yh (Bar wal on uy te upturn aia Spesren-ratant woeearnwtsrt Bearus penpeoyit CGwrgenenak_ ogi ihyyens Orda pores 9 Bari 30 (AL ARMEy ( Qesreny Ty urravcee ares upsouat nse Gen on 31 218 sgvanscptb, cogs aqedaigy GIrTREDSUT ONS ARNT. ¢ supjarorgtn, 2 May 2) Qs aPsrvwah wins dpgyyorevstd. Po} 12 Ginny Bauguy ery HF rygyraravier oBaweasncir gienenshen,supt povt.woni seit yori. 12. (Gung) apcdougy Apeny yasw auraTovire, emtows IH Kra~dewrs einen o(Barovahdainne soieas .-usBironay, wuss Gata, sim AGATE, YooHTTIaYS gionpaafon Jcvery) eoicws ITATKRD Be Lip gemuis Lajeborgy 1 oamovTUN TEENA uRGT (gi opovenit, AMIE .ppsduH! Berar Lipa Gircd Pemawgscror pit guarevars Ge5kAp) gst storey Lyoag) wpe srsnias Ber Gung ocoags Awiny ysros avradorra Dando Bar vnhancnne. wna ransiss Ber arcpariis TeGRgLIOUUTBSTS GLI. yusBitenar, Kress 2y6vor3 Ly slerwo (oF ganvi, Misia coms srovevt Zaire Bue Povouiigcrar gi Tgia0vrs QeAMo) sieyeart crap, ZTGw HAG" reves sit Tremp GarGamnn GQ stwphs any oied s1UpBsGansiror cw 1 Frais ss8on, 9 SBSusrono W Qerny pain kann 9% pI ar cribs sd ecg Gusts spcdargs Leos Penarncs eengyy Ga dito Gs pit Guiry gis Gerurasnse ey HaAWIIY Wb wuss woh Ga IH! Leaxifionvdy aang Ding Sts7H6H sIGIOIh VB! WOU HHI us D-T Gatizaiaren sresBancn sofiigpia yovossib Is—051 Fp 2 GUY IIIa But tb, ayy DYSDOYSY OST IHLILI-L. eA Dap sou 5 Hs. 14 IRN Seg) worpagy eMaId RHI GIDYS tesiy) int Hn oow th GuipGegcurraaten, sour case ABB glo Pussy wampeni te Qioo_Gur- (oy s1ssensas tb, orsiry 916g Dred eID sreoyp ay Gan ganon uit core; fay GIGI MEd Spiro, sg0y eTBsEHUND Re1 ABI, ISUTD HEOpasHys Soo1usres ctypeerTujtd 2y-HDSTt: @ oidseau wepdOGLMESs deg Gum BS wigud 916030 BAUSD Oru wwe iGsse — apevcOurgsi sei joo sn5yio, Dist 1SPerugq uPwyrsgog perarnsstun Casing uOger pe souk ares § GUpHGAg Uy eGOuBcumpd, Bawy res vein, ergencIUd 9S 5onIus HABITS 3evorH) GUT HAL- gionyphig Gairgoncsruii_avri 31-565 aM 2) gi \oiahverevrh ax eMMay CY Deri” eripiaasialiy Fed parard aagencirapd) Tages Ana ds! deg Sige | autidijenqaBesriny. Boise a! (pid TKc adeno sinTemrmNis BA) Giri s3), d/auit Binds Cprg. wre Woo PowiAgysror givionwas S/8e" ix Hetipenew De cmgures sepciys56d Gausisr Ord. 1k Wiley 42. Qed Gerrerorcnnirs grampsahcsr geen. sygyasevir craityto— (op cron gsti Ouray sy sBurrund WV Boing. seierg SacI bod GipsQauscd geiveops ow Besser, Bibi fouibeyd gered esr reer usw aRnnr rm, abe oUds, weybssIOU IT OE. RUBE LeerPonwss, emp Aewut Guirasar sraenenytd, Cuogyno ASHI wWHAB AMIGA, YB MGMT Mb DEE FEL SBI. UB YHA PONT HSHSH PVG, PUBL, usin sjedargy Gumepar TgeOasTUNd, Ging, mbps WGAGOUTES dag GuTGEHst Ogre sjoorwigytd PBuurund iv. Herp « Beinigaacun AsaABNOT ET” BO GHpIGawserd Daurssparos ares Panssr .sjohesaeered sreeayy piri spidi cuss aur rena ts Bu soS5s Ry jaro td sping HD 2GUUG. erEDEATULD QUT w'arBegnd sevogs GavreioD Qacvensubed usypiona Qaruusaor i SREB. (a) 1sButund iv Qooug georg sony s555 9G Gpps@auco QauBarussis pd yee pio ATED Cu soH GbE, 4a srarcogapd QrnpBenarigis Gar poner ayTkb Rupe P15 26, WUE WHRSIUBUTGS cer) won flanovsg eengy/Srunytd Quirapsin etzenemipi pibupentai\ 2 6nL-entbuIed ‘harp BEoIB Grogyid, 2cVeNTBD emcee SrAUSRGUUS UBKGT FLL epremarengrag, GssreitguomiSeit, “gielenitayt dalcpeoe i PynosBoycrar ip: asin sraseoriytd. sogy Gareusavi to. Borda: Disc Neer Crrracisepsars, “Quits Qrw" stews Guirguoduaten usgpidarak Key arg), Quoi AEN mA Gung) assy, 26a) HOB, seo, emg}, Ip Bit. tBepeTELD a.drart_agu H, Shayacr 414243 yu MMayseier, cvepsuyizast, ..>Burrutd WV Qing. get din sekscomin arson Dry, 59557 HEIN 91605) serermiden Gay. Gyre ironsnauporsn wposauscians Csme=iresa, <5 ys Gs HOC bs oerasELr Geuremkgnd; Bing Qlsenencs Gunpipsarn7, wake weRsLIOLMT pst asr sce) woafenordg, axngieinye Guiness GBS, 1b Tajscflaysror He Genser, Car sGar@euy, SITE ZETO wagid acenrdnATy GHIS x Gwsaercr arent agave ad Qasr sreittniGnb. 15. Qype we sBeiving. LIBupsayse esronr abs (vorrnth’ Last a croruseura) sagas sIsenoreNd Labo Odes) Bhi 57 GiB Ks, Ley 42 Gary. a harcurigy Pro iveh sappy o/geio eves, Guurcsnesien Qrmbsannr 7 GAG, oyedor5! daKpenn Gisreia Beiter 249 5G, Bath, o1bpansa) o\giarcvier apex siepioBudeveurioed, .\1bBUI Gunrgerscnan SangSGarr _GI@segigG01 pang osuirengBeyr. rgye100%, ALUMMe (I Qed cuit Msp uBey Quip sigur dar GApaIue FHaur wpery sb gyenore Qarsia@ Burgi asngude sevens Qos onardsevre, 8 168 WPMEP UBYBUIY s1ga104 s_X5) ehoeSu Hor Yor WAST ys TUG GHreePaTIUIGRH1SIT, .ga0i CorperomiGarsr ad Bgtoiran Kress tga Aavonar sreingy aireiaturaTuRci, ALOZ UTE 15% Yona APA CausinGib. gowre Inamay oes Gongonst AriminUGwry veslsge Corsi Bib. ) Busiswes crongid 915 Busi oes! sda rev Gar TgNd Gongponcaruh HUBBY 731 JL Gpoapss Banrosmpeps Apreginjs a1.La0, w73Qeir avensusisasir, Qs 41 dBi aroosartinaHns SSMur garoNTs Birr HES Qed os sBerum appiacnu.. Sqemeoemads, Qovuiit. eagadt, Can sonon sein, URpEDEA6 ATU) seus GID Gunyiearsed Garsis Din 52.) IRay 1, Hay 12, Loy 43 oisdorgy May 44 Geiris1y. ger genes nag) QatIDy sgt sraKHle, KiU) AenTOHed, o15Rensu onagIEHTET KITE HKD HANGS AsNaHdae Corsi Gud. 2) Wiha) HBr aC Gihay (IQSrug npr. .ggemosraiesruny eoagArUTULL gaGamrGagGu. ups Badu. Gumger PIGaNTstpNd, 2650 Tyumonorenuis Ipinigs Gppesucd wBarfro Csrauipy sraspnypoteirD, a1nsnsiGyse Bovsin Grr. A) Gia HH Geir aL Rey (2), TiMley 42, iMlay 43 s6veg1 SiMe HG drug. snags Dou. gaiGarpaugto, Lips Bauman 1 Burger oIGaurairmna, Bomasuspy srarssirypeSeir 5 — (2) Ba GA gucror sree PerousPer Gung. Gerais AGIONEIL tb, evo3s Ly Gey S3Qoruy sPasrrnshisKsGup ygyareifcd eHLILLGpo Gousisr Od (YL RRay (2) oir seers) aU uSihay (3Boiring. esr everegid deg GuTEsr aged HpKULUL mBarh yevrog sgyeorr UBSGaHD oogalcr S5srm yet sodas Gurger Gurpss FLL SD PRewrinads Biioy Qawaiix5,5 ConaiiuGio pony sonaasner e1Gybee0 Gays ud. 2 () ora oF erimoTENg, Ud WOAGIALIT ERSTE 205) nemesis eng) Gauupn Gumgssnsaher Qu gnigs scireoin, sera BOL OSG acrenragre FHUGW WB, wit HB emavssiiuGyse, apeopurrsie CaBiupparer Qed, CsvanuGid agisrs tu fae regs Ip Gym iryer_w QyptuiPaanend sor pHed GarraianG, Bourripsop 7 Hpper Darhai ns Pear asruiarrs, o}gpensus uss oegpsiKGLIT (5st ener HAG) WETPeDwS ampAriaph Gurgsrsenor eda) wuss LOC gI Gungérscier cinscou cag) wenPersvig amgy@eunyd Dur gsraaieir census GAABMTHROT. HOISEpL Udyyons Beri Kir, rie Herre, 165 sTITHKd QHd Qsiniery GRgeorssciuGi Cw Cpoopoouns BeirupBas Kin, Brotehagin sgiuer7Ts ppd sgssu) Hops gVOIGUTB Bia BaiuiuiGss evosrGr. aonapss Benson (ows Garenys wagon Byunensorasi, ookwaar Gan poncu ase Udyena sir aRURDD IGE Gumepasas. easy Oats LLL gpsenor preety Ga wurtiuce Gumapirscromgi Bray Oru igyna Gnis aang Curr fevered tcor Soois oma anpd Cunapt scooren Bey Gripe 96 aren fone dene Crear BUGwreinGaror 9 sigma, coBiargvasend igs Rev gem ‘sche aye aonb Bob asgirer ipsa. 34 2) DUE WwERALTESH, 216mg) woRPenorirgs omsyQruinyt Quiros step Lyigyers Oeumir-@ le eGReperor eirers Peroours ier Guarpnnigusirer gens 21ers) ‘fay. 53 Deiiny .mBeeroeMancOusop AMUYGIS ADMIN GEA ii 2 -T ey (YQ oA MICA ADIT, WUET WEREIOUITGSTEST cag) 09 Peres cormyAruiuj BumEsrscier Rariiy, geirenw, dere; srsinacir, Ainwmiaeyw apeny, GiBerin syapen spel wrrenikisst® Gib Rp oSeiréiesir, ojédai Bi L_Lnn”Bérar Adin, gener evr Hs pO, why a1 .3iFaj 0) Qs" weve Garon igieet Diss a1 SBeirng wires ong. densasir steupPgyapeirar wows LORI OyrEsrscr sees wos lnarsg emp Grund, Qungrsefr VIM WITaT SDs Gasr_iresreny stein) BGA, LT esdg as Ly OUT sds Osr_turcr afore Sarma s arcing GOI wusra WGAIIDUTGSI SH wd VenGovIgS emH/Asuui Ourgsrasn LiyHu Sami qQued gerenps sumisgs Cousin Gio, Gingy>— (2) ssveurg) purAains 1 Perrine spur oilers eyBeras AMBeerenpahiuspare, sos) (2) sibse050) GppASue sarin ipcrerRencuder oypseraus WERE BuTEsirsear yoru GuTEsrseEr GeRLIK i OKI, Hisense goin sise0or acinesicusTenese! crest »pBE 86 areirpatniptairs, apes) ; @) sbsena41 wiipeiuse BBall apsiresenander oi 5ersUs LOU5AGi! Gurgsrscn gcveg GumepsrsaRes sarin wn Bfisenen MOUUEHS “S89 BIH a/Sairty) eTGHSSLWICL’ wr BiMsaiir UC ROG oA ROAD # Ben ct poMinespeita Ghwaiuc pov caumageo, aeisreon wud Gesiwsyrea. Bh 2c iiey (2) Gletring, G5 Aeioresm ind Reuven nn.19. 5B 5) GPPGUX Bev, MywaeageIe, Rein ewrwiseng Duos. Gora Gro. () QeBu ore Pus 321 ib, 187? go's GopapSs Barrencor Germs Cpnguysaes sb, ITIVE, 91 aiPuysran, 1g. orevarrPeHeUIepV1b, QosF oc gRerug HG Gins@surna Rersencs,@siRy #B.wsinpd SAGarsapd, a IMey BQeirng Gian G Gppehus pOarre RPBssresrpoh soci Geren, ware wyhsii@imr psn dies wjedory i060 Bonovsigs empOrinyd Qumesraahesr Berrie aged; SaAick iva wien wn Biaafir Tipe ersenesustd, asnequ. GopI@Qewsenerr,, Quan Goo Hoirs sraupr sk Garerensc CoserGlo,., {68 Soloed SypaIes, lnntPeo ojreaitaisa nw” aebaHie) Ovid Beant, Baar peop ofS Peo GouoMBA AIL gGeABo0S Sinwevrs, Dist FLL sBeruyurror GIpsGrucvssnencs overuse, Qeurergppar’s, Si Sra PerousBer urges Aerio gir sgyescuRen Baer yiaeoer, miDU 2m sBiercr, wUssL! QuTES ss, aAIgLh, UBQITHY, LRvORTVRY 9}car5) arcbenloots Ungiairnyis LeoL_wieir. agi}aiet TOYA apld DES, HN Su Diglaveit sailesr ics suien eras oP pin, ayypesroor SOE woes opFernieh: me Barinepenny sir ARP Berets ii SDKs uTUReTrs; Qs to. FAei Ay wren (pw FOSwiASendarct CyodoaTt ay Gawransparrs) dey estas Penawiis Per Orwignioncrs Gismedir grt ‘syepyeuediAest eiBamipaissoen; uh Hi -OCLING, euicourta 9 cdeu'sy apibBireney siemiouTear BigNoreuir UBe) Bruins nn BavcinGi) 9jsarp! Baumer (2) Aare ryo us gens oevrdigihenie sors G douse THYSGarsrerUGassrs1s), Abs SovsgeMonw TH eToys os KWGADGST 216 1eraIS, 1S GHvIDrUools QUTHAS! 2! aA SSIUGRDGST has OppsGeud asHarsod wpses BsrGaniuGaBahery sur HvrsgMeow Gupposrrs pgigeb. own srsTinssBAIr, GpireysBsipus, wmBlo ors hia RHT Disw Giedeny. dorsgiono saisarnw Gran ast steugid, sthy asenré Fe GaohsaGuAe SovagMenw oAhssw GET Ibs Vers OKI Qasrw/® pr-dseHevana cg) Cousin GGuneGp argsenerGurr wenpeMprrir Syebongy Quurusurrest sme Pusens oa @pmit stony Gprengnousesr, so10us “yrariied gees GwrosGapu, wrPer sreniisie, b5Cug HGH Fein _Giigansts UBay Gwuimscurid. Bingyd 2ygoirGines aevsigrRemn aie aHvADAMa ain gird Gasrarar iLIGsed Gausin Gud wjipiid r~onaus gir, «1554 GPpIGsuoar! GuIAg Awsg Nene sass LAGI oss SipsGougiasrs 003) 85 DuTGuT® Osmium sare riDeuugsrss CsrenyGp Up GnsGeud crppsrsayd Benross Gariminnaomb. 646 @ orn sBonrer sycvergy 2crorn A Bry yooots Sears) GuemPauz Ould seg THLMSRLNL GH wEGAgIanoeeTUied pI RMD! SAGUGABHITS dug CHL UpsAsBoMony AHUGASPSHTH, wewagier ARimseur CusAarcraspors grdw oAGiid qpewarigi oss PAscosenus Gopasrersassren UIapssir I apse 25 Gyrein® 2srar_sssoora) evengupsreraspieir ars) Liflay 27GD oeirrny. sing Se BSH GhsGaud orga) OruigsT ss Eppes set rgsassrew wigs Dat Lipa sBS oyoiousres rerio, HarGeoLw aImpBraAied HEpenDm mas 27 Qaruy apses AsrGsaiuGapHs ecrengired ars eu bysorumrs: Qa Upsss Big onpcriourrcraut, per GhgIUBaNerg) SOUBasbsTe occa aL uIpssSBoNenys AOUGAwi%7s Wpuponiews et AAsenseU CopAsrdroracderauruTer, apsgs OarOssuGasHars Gardarnn L Serge Memourrorgs, BGOUG III Gs siren cus eviTt. 65. uBepac ArimiunL Lsis csoveryph GorsnPsener ad, Biroy Arimiens HUpREMAgL Dames Ariausiesiror Bars] 2/1989 aCL Sgr oH_GoH_CUL gy. 66. ayorersrid rgraptbo— © Qiot er sPeiruy sos) Tp FLL peirerug gsi rans rgd YAM OIUPSSUULD des IDI OsroreH gg, sag) ast HOBarTie UTE VETLL] opr Banaue Ret oy Sardgihenie a3 geen Barn. PRiee Cup auspee srdc wer angers erren O4U-L pass B9S oryenwurren furmce 1253 apaed Asroiusos siovasifeou. ei A Bp aynoh es govern iat Ses aren Garena 5e. 40 waiagy 5 GLUT a SeHAs) Diveircions 45 GpteAe>, riers Dorkmscun Geren osi digs, 6025 @) 9% gomd Goin yoingrss BsroouGD Miss FLL SBsUQUTEN GPPIGsucd aseeryIo Yyorsurusoy Gamers (oou0us gram ivabTd Uses COT HAIIGID a BenrA Ms YOTTEd whynd aispnIu) Upsnpuied a Purourrgy 2MPGurciiH OG) QaPunaier Gove uycirer Gy td TBS GK END GupDs Qasrsrerii Gererei ig inipnd S505) yond, Diss +1 sPeiry Opn Géacnne. Mpse TBGHd, J0G5H TBITRBarr yaGsG -ouITG gms Sangencx OriMcUIGAp Up yer srugagid TPT aBaur ar sstesGeo Fm RUDD dgensus yovses ponds Garis osonesrapBr_ sags, bBioein pt, — (1) woirprrengy GuodicnDacriLrevorG, GHIA aisir gpoufeir maMUEPSBo Qousras yorugAy og opines Ro HHGUTTE SHSGUITENABL cnn’ Oerorgrs spsdorg) aoo_w) MsDULPSBH QowugsTs $Bworpin sewrengns gyeaiNay Dansnard sdsnsu yuomsBguiren oaGuupsgtd Ip Us PIBamcIgnd, 165 yaler naQuLpsBe GrsAnsy creer TYPIOSTOSSHULL sag apBuriuw Ou gir Yoaomorgin Grote, 65 yorrd yang rupHe Can Gaincin Osrorgr scvougy 2yiBGusrinuBe_cns Griren gsr Hs YOUUGRBET 2165 YorTd TUPHSOar Gs gy 21sdorg) 2wBOuriunB ug) areingo gienhy Dairsreansssd Cousin Bub; (2) er FupBo Gan GsscwuGio govewnid ahucuray aps Bono UnBepstumBend, aSpersu gore sm Bws Ped Speurpy Tips Oarcrerssds5nden gHsAaT dren GarcinGro. rons (pperen 07. enw 37 eTESETO sg OG WTP yTETiVKd~red QaspAsou apes Barros Gsrer Kay 40 Qed au cuer sygyeiovt craxgto, eet Diss FL SB wensund sper Egens gm _tuTaayd Barrens sTgyeyL0 “e BL sg iGumT gs — (2) Qi54 FL SBer crmauriiacr gedragy sperm Boum ID sags yonomriier gens argon PapsDesDosn orig) Bin Dpchaypss sirsisrusipsires gc crauA_BehgsId gaascnos sepaRsour ib; (ay Serrememsgo UUUGaprer sag) Agmsrysorwgirer oem yiag Gurgdr agzmary WeroGwry 605) PLLC SELL -ysir cTovengustn Cousisr Qapyssgsovrrid; Q) upsier Qurgeixeioserarepd @pPeoevseneryjd oH KDNGHEId ist craveorapd Sam Aésourio, int Oruvonsr 68. Qast sLsBer asensund apcruyapd syerugs sseirUg. Gow 6985 OrUULIL IB 260g yonoor erpeining uj gudBLt> 2 per jgscirar pacus MBarriscners Begs ouginRenp s\gyevt crargid, GApFGrucd srg IAI Bows) GRAB sour Sree ZEON THD EGAB! GUpprTH ering) ADOT! BLL MULIUG SLUGS 7g. 4 oeBurrend VG) stra amehssPAGig GupUULr sdag PH Lucu@ssiuct. GergsPoors seriurs AQysee. CAG). ) Gis w1bBumasBer ovonautincr, 26 Soy (213) SDaBSOTHRIU LK 2 FCG wi OGw Gum epg. 2) ALUTRey (Y Qe acne gp asin, energies sari oxi — (21) Bhar yeinGacr omg 21955 Cpu HH Te Darahings Aeoys goir_cnor AGES. Gos H SBeiv uy pohly aa SSSH OG GHyIOougy sa wy ‘Bei_sven 5 Bicone Gerar yon geiGour wages (.y QaBusroiiings AaehiGu Gppatucd s(PsrTaustoTenss 2601s 99 sgDoupsrar $Bvcinggrd 318s BuTerpOsre Gips@sugysan ss goincenors SIVA AGLI Doiron pau pone; (Q)wuds weykgis CumEsirasir wjeptd woonPlenevings ess Oouapin Guiregsnsenaré scivar arrose Qauierenss sot. Oauiged FLL, 188 Qeireng. sysoogs spibap-sraipibir wows ww HhsI Guimegsinscin wind wenrflenorcis ampyOrimytb Our cssiraener ds asiren auronfoud Gruscvengs sori Gauges #10, 1968 Derug cassd Gury sg QosBerasy yoos Hipindeacnn 9 GaAGET 5 ST GooureGoucsto adyerurs: spgsu BesGevariny ysnewr, Garedoornst sc machrig gonndatin tL Reyonrs Gupeier o1Réensuiow Cure Baad Armin cDodis Gasingn ods) suseosu GlGsBersiciy ones, SEDopsran ABanTIpeoru HG SBusmpsBarres epsseney Aaimicun 7D iss Corsi Ded (9) ayy (-9)) 21sdoogs SH (.2) 1Sergs Hy) (B) Ae sc gofler apserrruigsgid gor perDeuregousub; (2) ag (2) sides! wD! (a) sides! wD! (GB) a6 sO LL Geren gehen ursaxrall gerGeur5aucstb; (os) mm (21) 210Ugr mH (BW sidog mo (BQ) _ Be SLLOUL Garon Qt gonnd, (psreat IpsF scwrsBand _ Ma SDGsR0ULL Garsy Ths@EyD SHCUTH asHGivant das), sraSBapu, Is SeAU Has Beirear Gud QUBLTE] HEISDGLIONGAS (peirenr (GLb, 2/3:5=05U) GangPorer nusDGagid srasGsr Georgio, Cugioen Ingyimepisaires pevPevcinem SDS worjppgiseMuscurrrA Gap bags Qesbgirh crenprevsi 9, .ybponaus Gla sBonew (Gia Apa Qsoriicry “guts asPGuuai” srory SLL LUG) smeUsPeHLLIET crauctb; 8 @). Dis sBurusGeo, syiamvier Cpovos Gaipronrorer sh — (ay) “Grosvapen pac Gis Bircuwusd” oroinesgy, soime_wwr a Dypsae st QensApars, Tie 68 @) Qeruy sovwdsce e Cocepenpih GS Bicismund seg) Gur peru; (2) Dis ABurpDen ny crbp gyesooru Gardgy sei BypcusnsainiGarging 2sorrsppboCair bs je Opin iivers “urinaire” err). — 0) -apsasens0s -gyaieir (yp wosvenrasin 2 sron_svse07 3) 69.0 aerraishd Gyuigag ape 10g GHUGSAD soshusrar crauepuo ereitgy Duan cpsiresGids Qumgsir euengwienpscir 2 (i) 15080 oer sgVaKvs=rer Bioereinomn Bousaris WAG AruigaGRy ssr01g seers gqasen maissyousys red) eDaisess OBB Hosur sreuepld ereay QLarepsirrsBub (ii) Ronosrasir #110, 1956 Qesr Quungsasnisy, o1Bd 15;500201 Qe gt egitierrs, atnetue woes Quacssrs Qos abgrGrr gdays QiGsDoxBo -o1'—5 gsosfurriasaiesr spar, sochusre safer Fup, HL-Lrsironwe AoJeUKd cos) safurrit Pyoid s1g1epo steingy uicressin Guo; (i) ypensur ager, 2 ampy (ili) Qed aU, gy waar aupaib, geouiricsafesr Gp, KL Toinom0 Payor 2695) sours Rug Beir gir aginSea are, wt .nefusrs sydvousy Quseprrs Dwvkss ous 00 eosMp rp3H s.cwisDan0, Obi Spa, GpIb, HL cTeiEnLo Byaraid o}corsy Jeans PywosBeir Gor 2 spiudesrsro, oe voHarrs 2odorsy Gass eypsr0 Qoksiass 23005 Qos® sa yor Tago orsry) GuumreysinxGeo; (¥) 2 ogy (iil) Ged once. ay" sai sypad, goal asier Up, mL reivon Passi sos) gous Biyord einFein Vigrascdseer Goorin Arig oss sds DeuigauG RD cdg! Sem KONO DURBIN 21S) marksioueyAp sr stand oreingy Gur psiruGuo; W)MGuTHtYs FLO Qery ys em5U yorne a @arrasinn Goren hgy, 210 (2) s1dp00601 gorrés Gunny evens Gpsrenadesis moh. Oars Bepinysaiier Bin) (ipsiren sire syouniTd) LiioM oie. Darr BGLH asi, evorarBarsyyipin soir aariySieet Boy ecroniiscvrs) UmsMEGUL BoBuciryy 0/751 Gungiinjs 5 enoruieir Gar sBeprnjaotc wBinier Bemis AYEITEYISS GonursAsn 9895 BsPusry) soo LLIB ASAT BYS FL eneruier QumgiYys $Lenorusit sreir—yy Gur gsirsGuc Wi SEBoupsrar Barr geno), srr6m kaneis Bayer, widsensu yoflor erggisacr srenesujid, Ip .ysir srouscrgpid iat SmTUTS MAUsBOTLIGBL Ag, o1see501 Np sr erongy QumepsrusGie; Q) “BEBowpsror Banh” croirigy, May 68 (Q) Qing sowus «7 TETHERED Derr w0aAss1 1 560 gir sje croingy Gur GaruGeo; “wenpagienarssed” croiruigi, QargBew seireoio, apsvid, -ojeni00Iy, PAI BHI Darras gcd0ug) 2.00 sor0upMeoiouTenssr weo.yAd) aaigse sag oTppGsaswnsse crsngy QuTgGsruGio, Cuognd Beirergsaiued sepitiyes arTefoTaBer Lip apa crappie amiersGarr, sige0su Gers Boner pai s@o Dsergyse ces woirfgisere v dren gt0; (a) "Gaugaps auiger” ercinisgy, ify 68 GA) Reining. onpoientrn DF Qjoneom arrears: Gurr Benen wariiys Gaussenso, ws preven, AMDINHS, KSDI Daciouen ss sparen Ts gom_Ooissed ereirgy Gum peruGuo; (een) *go_wmrenes sr_Gs" reins), hws Berdgs acror ATER DAG Gupte tg dag) LUSUGss5N Lg stein GiodinTTeneer Pays sréngy QuerepsiruGd; 43 ©) Das ABurrand ures sr geben Asin siuira, “FL premra (pws Gupinns Qardgi" eresr.igy— @ Dis sBurusBen Ogres Penwse apeirGum iIe4Gum Fite UMM FSDAG AS TD UNL. eras QUypenint HOG NBDEE IN sabBse oUeHiEN OM, M-Densrst -yedaigy Gams Roc yasir sraspPeowkgnd ss) crauppier aurahevr say, GeysuuTsBamr UGBurraBarr sy dse0u1 gyonrer «oussiy Cupenice Bairsagy orengy Gun gstuuGio; scdr5 (@) Dio bBurrusspen Oar as Roooiey apsinG.ur, einen, MpLMgysaTs sce BLM (Id LLL Dang Sede, wpepaysnor sav UBBum Gaur sein gSuriysdes enpir srounsBeir onruReorsaps sb p0mIus gponirss cpussingy Dtspcn. Saris! BI rey) 15s0n5u) Bar sBSeHAS Gusprnn 1 KBE seg MLD est QuunepsrUGUd. Brogyn— (Q) sisp00901 yonrer saudDeGracnsGur rhs Girndgsy, 2150000 YsUZTs HOISDeepsart orost Oar irumacyb, aporonsran MUEBGRBOT HEeer KASD HIS 2 Hx/01 Gursiormeouraicr, s605) xssoury Upson PaUsROpRAGIGH Very 1354 roUsRand’ Ga1dBercr PISDGSS BD yer cag mdog aIrD USPSA Sat ae Araa® grow 91505 Sop ui sTUAG SI 15) scr uperarpnas sais Bassai saris sam Gurren, Curr guemes wapiuasgpyscares Biases Agicir wri GuiREp—sorens, DiS Benny, FLL premrats Oupine Bainsigs er;5enoouto, D Bis sBurugBer Gor_sosGe apsuGun, eur UpLUgdETE dos Bar (a) Rev aig Banas sBemeruKs, (pupemourraBam UBBusr Bert si Gusbpcrm aupasr sapmrgnd sSg5ensu orn apucingy Guipinn. Berags rsenesups acre deg. O) Bards" sors, UEKUMEETsGaIN pein um genrxGoun senzaiuc Bur@enra@er, Panwudud Gumgarradasn, Opn Gor ssciagr aBoun, ssn-Gewms Qusargssinaeur 2 cra seam aauhiny geisGeurcnpeeryipenu Bends) wprpyt GensBanussr, soror snemhasBAGKG QuptLL L syedorB Be UWerUGssUUCL sidgensu Bensgy eos Dar SBory Kedar efemvprsBOS -sr0199 o/Bleysiron 2ASSEBDG srerprs QuyiGir eso wacr ishpyid Popurassarisssir srsingy OumgsiriGuo; @) “Genppsenrt crérug— 21h goher aumipienss senso, 2) 218 yoten aL cnipsgarcr gag) ov énSnigarsi, 8) 188 enews aunipaonsgs siencmrieir 9.1 <9 Spyigseueer 2isbegs 2 cir eucir, OY 216% -ysiler SpionPs +538 cre) aypsCarreirper, 95 enews aunpacons sinemadeir Opraups eB sibmgs anpstgrenpsr, = ypome pentgy Gupp Gens Somer masBouu abgd pam. seBvape a Band, Le waenrs wus Qipp Gens Bever 44 AL mg 2) AAD OB 2D! (I, a0 amy (5) Qe stun gr yeNar ampacnag socom, 7 Aten (2) atcvongy 21m) 8) Qed UL cnt gh goer Gpronps 2638) croup sreagy Qumregsru@t @) “sein Dea" cress, Gens Ben geireniv, aperrd, geo.01), ASO HItFBDF Grdguad, efimwyawh yoag 2e0L_enioujeoweug Birorehisse ercingy Gum iger uid; (Gor) “Burgin at over” arsirugy, Ip 3. upenpusres 1_eo.otLsn® eTgeonupd o érom_seb oe @; ODis i BurupBen Ogres PomowSeosigs, Qs 4bSusand GUTGRIAD ysir stoxp.d, stonaBomn, gid emiie Sp ger sraut younTsBam, a1 upreaTs (pusngy Biiip Barris) srpenemep eoaiSBOL13) FA penpurengy 05 2) ex-iBfay () Deir aicosanisssnor A ays craxs, 4. ypremma Yury Bubp Bsnigi ramaryin oaUsDErsOde, o\bponaus Gen iggrongn Nis ASBurugBen cucosusiiseysReariss onic) -s7amiaxbsred Boil Hip un siGougsHs einen scr Caress Gur: AUTdYeOTUTS: Diss ou GumEkw Ay gt adr, asrar eurresien Car hue 5 GbwIDaue Sarissrad Ein sniipinn BxBuiedyisy, QO USIOS are Hered wpeny seu77e Barrdgy ergiayld «gusongy CUpLNK 4 GdguTUiei, aSpensu Denagi Dibs oysBuurwrs Bearing. mesa DypcnsrsarwsGssd gpsirsy. 8 @- 1) rou sane, Die 9S SunusBeiring wren sgBopsirer Bars opericcn deer DauspucaRaevens -pMeysiasra, 2/Basrsapcop 919 Dynes Gave cnn. gener aurufarrs, arias Bey 2y' Dust opbousy gud geo Furr dog) engwoTen oh yeosmus scdes) sure Ig Benevuigyciron PUL ITITMEEBS By seyoieit rarZigd oBarrswahsawvmd 2) seBoapsrer sDarhesir, eoow sranisnd gence arreevrats Leohield gy" semen 2c08) ay salen evomsssenenl QUITS, ‘tirseperL_a! seit) Yemeni’ tyRaseviri, B® Moy 53 Ger 1g. oBarroehescw 1 seywvt geGemepansid, POBKd HG sires FeousBer Gungwiensd@amein soyasevs PADaTHNGt, Dis apGurar urakg Ry yr cranio, Hiss SEC SPerUY. SoTHSSIULSSSS Gips@ruc erpeneryid, QsDQu7 Ape 6 Boru Qaref GuGurr QswRGuugstad SHMSeri satu yGsAprh orsny ssoueti QudpsesGurhed, -sibporau UOTE FL. pres dpuicirg) QupLni-L Banigi er~senenejld Sein\_Bhss MOUTON sr. GagHGs AponeuuGio Hos denser gye0exdensand 1045 (PUBS CavsinGrd. (2) 21 aifay (IGeo 1 cnn 1 pong sonssasin, ayn, Qutb, Ooms, CersBeptnyasn, gorssisasi, evi) gos Gumss BB Byyeucsia e1Bexapcirer SONGL YBsBsasssir scars) Lp Bsrsiyoor_ws Ou eHe-carGait ersoneanuj Gungiép Bengescen, yosenmirey 2508) wBLUID erg5onexujtd 2 dren. danvn, O) aL utihey (2) Fed or cunL eenrenemr, yovorreray svar) UBUD egiad, QepAser se@oupsren aParA QepGeon iIpcdieid ROS Spt UeBLjoTE scaI54 AIRupapmenEE Glosrins, a115Ray OY Be Ganeirerun gt sgmegrs HeopCarppiiGgs Garein Gud 45 a) () Shia, BQ Qe wor gg BerTEnssr sss) yssurritenas Bagi sgt cTaKGid, sGosu1 Aer TEra sda) LYosuTuIa) craps Darmgg) OTH vir eS BLLGROC ET ob Ger ggs FUL (poor wusig, udp Daria, sréupnd, sd5ms5u Dsndg1 GuesbumTand wapssii AGANS, wripd Orin aGsAng soos se ADUTUPBSUY Asposu GsrsPmors seis Hypuu4rseso Qs turer pan sons erseeruyjid Gmatiies Deora porn ABQ HsUTETHUL AGSAOS stergd, HoYURHEs sr Tew ld GUPIGIGOL dg), sour, s1d5os0 Dan sPooerts uppers Geir Aa Dt Amores IpiIsser, Cogs, ob5ersu areBevest) uppers Gris) Horr CpmDLGS4 mi TSSTUGSGOL sy, djovir genemrerus) pag sgiactcr syoug sEBnupsror sBPanifuler per VIDMUBYLo FAT, s1S50sw Geirsgy wir pps QatmcuGsBer pangs NSUITOTIUDSGOT gysirgy cTeiTD) gene ApLWIEK=TID, INfumNd y~;en-5u owruieir Lig Heit) DET ALYHY yonIgGs oniray GounnnusGsed Garein Gud: aroyoruTs: seBoystor xParhags Qis 2Hiefeniy poise. yor ago afuamy OsMeissniGad Cassin Grd, Cugnd, sidpnsu pit yeromudruy get rg) LipLuDiacnnO STHUSATG worl GrTSBHGsT, SEBOUSrar oDarAdgs oe@p/CwsiUIGsd Gavcir ub p 2) eRe (Ger pA yenow orgroytd, SpHISsHU@ epiugs pret sre yeraigcr BEBpupsror /Dammuesr Dt yeemiieuTdd a BIuDS suc Lrrevsir, Osrdevri-. gjeneos Gedaurppe 26s 45031 Aordstb: Hist) Reker Cprisimensars, “GangsBener 2 Meno wirjyptd Artig60" ereirigs, Qa ABeir a forowaissed, a1seme5 QairsinG Qovrgge0, UAL SS, THUTO Qourscd, pUUeoL seed, Lomi DagrAsIsA sjcdorss Bp amsid AarsBorengs Biray Arise srongy QunepsruGud, Grogynd, Yeas BUMBLE LTmBener oro mod— (2) OangBer ge Gurguiiyes s1enareous ».gamriegene, (ay DaTSBe GS5e05, so_torEMb, GungicnyReoo, ae BeyPanro, aio, 9BarI, HL reimenw se.5) efidgid TZemuh eUpiigsd sag 2 GamTégseoe, Q) BsrrAerg01 Qubpaur gverg Sp yor creue sir say 2168 asflomowaiition.s BioneAiLispscra, Oars Bee 2 Mesoerrert 21eboors a56 crasf_aplo appenjigscer QensBetr 10k sBeO Barr persd Dag yk51se00, wpypio, ©) sir Qoarfen Ganbs GersPer wWBivener OprywmaGerr Lenpupsior sam GmpUUBHEb, Bp yer gegarhen Qos Deir UPI GUEAGUSHG TH aL sGAgLor sarrTe Detain. prong dons crengujid acrant_digi. 6 @®. ) cow 73 rks, Barr perp Apple GevohuS cnn. Yoo anions, git yi Pumrenfer uses ueohacners pheuspsrss Brdr QuTGssQwers SEG croineMscDaUIe (yr FThEsBer Qencors Bauer Lug Hevwvsgs Gonpuswr's) we sigrarevirssoner sjorspevr Ld. 2) aiSRey (I Qeireny snot ssi gy Fumrerit, erbss onde Ggm_irums, Lifey 08 @e) Geiring. 2c-KiNey () Qesruy syedargy istey 8 @ Dory gr gens puss OororOsr 9558 Gan sBenos scL eprom wusray upp Gas Beneeus Liens Gono 0a Aan B19 Bourgas Bie aBuresBer ue uppes route rea pein. Gonsassanor Gwamedrene Gouna. GeraRe seme Qype anper 240 080 opss Ra Spreynotes Gonapenee Bpcursges. 46 angAgOTSRUGId (penpuigns 5Ssersu vsrran Gxeyag 2 Grd Bui sOaroi1G Cuosvisisrenn Grasse Gousisr Bed (8) gp Pusan, cous sr srsiap Dire poor Gypcusrsac GonsBonng Brey Qairarsibavrs, soicws 97a isto esses (hauly ceonesanor ar@sagui Bassi Gu 6D, 2165 sSBurund Curgag@ery yor crammgyd gsrwra enarsDFRIUGID opougs pid FLT Oy sir STaNTITgINd SOI GREG Orns csaier wBiusereryth seepoor_us UGwrOWed, Lar S005) QargBeinjrohesr oBuruc1 gpaviisensnujid Way 68 (@) Dern 9 Lyoonractenens Baus sigiuert crow Devas Oudp Hr op Rranauies Senorans day pany seusGs Don ssisaissven, Uy S500 “day PRUGUTEOs sigeMeMUN FUIEBd Osrcing, sE_Dupsror LParrssjoot), oisaesu Garagiscr sjononagid sag! sory Sronaupd FL dpesuirach enawaiiiGsinn L Gargegscir even) Bio. yars ee Krred (Issosu GidiiamssaTor sTTedssr cTuphg! azo LUBE Gainsinn GassinGir) QupHGagworaieir, og, 15s0su1 yoHe5 (QO Gabon Bony UBS ys sy) H-LLUGAM) assmoU AargPoner gest rss GAgl -ojsoagy craupxheir awradornes aouesrDr GupysrantGrr bs DAKHomL_ws eucGuorestd, Lise sedOugT GarsBecnjsahch qpeviiacr, sar snitgBesei smPund wag Sp Qs irysol_w Ssoued wpgNd Baus isonord HL Ryth , PG Ginsiapenpuleuy anew yye@s cir enews, (2 ax iSfoy Goreng. qx Geosiry naar) Gesjyyi@ertoion soir Guhed, Godwopd OS BiouTww, Cweogennu. cages MaMa LOATH HG aUrdnnSencad arian, spout oStagiaejoursiredei, 49 Gugyd 21g) GuTG Seward KEGId CuguorTen sn reremenud BedigsIeir), $18 Yonowi ag BIT CorupsoyTjg Oruvasun Gyr o/s gyeneoseoas 2D Baumeomd, Gaimamd coos) SHxpa] russia (2) Cursiepanpuh: Gs BicumursPer oDairrisxentc Qruypsewiseptd, psig) apiinienirsonené Bsnein gid, CwdwprmhG BivuTUsPer Braasre *OwssLL guTET HH SBur Quads Qegrdsv4H-O BooaBariminiGss Gasin Guo. (Y 2LiMay 3) Qed on wi Rajsron orgy rover Beg WepN2, parerart, Das UMoicirny Gwdupsnmulpascnen Kongers Brey Qruusins Quoin agundentaensrar Go BBurt users semoinigs Bering stein gan sags, 200i 2/6v0uTIy Qrumseortd, Qrogutb, svar) gemL04HCILIC BDur guuih, Cwrupopul_OS BiouTUsGer 9GsrrwHsv+ D2g3D Gsuipucshssnor Sony Garner: QUdYOTUTE: cOITD) ers GG BBuh .qyusBoir aQuveriscr, ITIReror yous td Aener scr 1g UpsSyid GansGauriisonraieir, garter ayia Tins Aenosr sary LIF Meme ssa Mauracd LOTS) (GOVUITH GPAKOTEIUG) HG ewenprid PKU GIG, ppenda1 TadRenrs1 09s ITI Rene cEenar Serr ALDI OST KUBY Sd CovsinGid, Gugyd 15550 ITEPener 916005) LigHevor act, 55 ApudorAer wHSBHRem ss wpycy BruunniGSo Caves ub. ( Awsrupenpuh GS Bicusrand, ger Gams AwBapenporus Pupriemdssevrd O Gudwond OS BiiuiTusPHG Heinemiund Orig AUG AQOTERILL. HL LoIsoss rgragoiscrGumer, Bicwsruns, Cros pom THIGwTON SILULTeTt HEHAIOT [ces s1dgsorsus STURTTTE Deir /Pormoaiss nn 1. BicwmupGer Gyre porus gsr cravoorrup, LPaysa Pasir, UBGaDasir staxpsputd giv GarsBerGungi, orbs suUSDend, 2yi1o) Ariwopio, S66 UGB poses, 2m/BF sroinpah des. Lig. gs1eopF GuippysDairsrer ayo 10H a0 8 @®. Qis osBurusGeruy opis sodoss sro Goimini opGabiny stg op, Grime Psone etgiad wppud LIDUTSHLLILL. .ysnowr 1g I0Ylb, Be Garon. GargPesr srg BA SaAMSEI BssEH5U Dersg deg YS VIM UITETETE SHsoOTTTUIGEIH, yoourg) Geiser SaMinigysrar- any s1gayid srresrors Gacweorr prides 1 prc BarcrontiiG se ys COQ. Oss asBwTWSPervy MpnPso 1 genom scvargy GsiuicnnL aorioyens agiaylo, Be eumsQecane amg 68, Cuosd mnUD Grims 5555) 4573), whpUd afemouTUd FBiwsH plo 1g aI, Hs WSBurupgnGorr sg61 aypunGarr Gwe epanpuh GS Bicwwrund cog SEBnysHT sBTT gow qTgm ABH GUTG-UTe os BivrchtiugHgG Barris. Gor oo Gur ge ur erssnos ud GumpAg BarT ois, 2ougy ysrg), Cugud apisg1aLonor aged, Oss ABUTUS srGowr sper oyfurGor aypiscint 9 Barmia SIEM GLB, OSKUULL eos Osu Govsiry ws pang don agzmeruts Gung ag! RBiocirpid cross. In Barr weo.0ri ots50srr git oA aLUIB BS TH 34-56-72 Sebi Lyevemder sBaitinses enya Gedars srasiuGee “wana Bars anusies son 49 Guegnid 191 Gur epsxGwwosr ds 5BgHD Ciognoresr Sar rencwrenuss Greig Fei, srg Boos BITS weryonnIG Qaim 1 Gor hs yonossoous 2yD Gsimend, wrppswa Asiwemd sou SRD] Orion. (9) Gusrypenpal: OS BILLMUsBHesr yBarrressomid Qeusd.sesl-ertd, eps) 2muinienrasnors Barsin gid, Bosupenpul O BivwirussBor FOvayre OSH INL gioreH GG SButr Quast Gegdev1--O BeonBarporniG-ed Garsin Gu. () eLUMMey (3) Qed on si Rapsron orgy rover PGW, perweut, Dio Uilasciring Grncrupanpul@senen Benross Brey causa Qreiro 2yMonirnepsiran H5 FBut qyudos ering Gsoauirerg sTsitgy SSN ABI, 20017 g1ssouTD) Goususoortd, Brogyd, ssvaNTD) HeOLOd LILI ADut quid, Borypsopuh GS BiuusHer Garrisons CrgisB GeuyprisssAsanor fleoyGarsypevrib: aipbyerurE: ¥s1e11g HomwsstnNt 9 SBur qusBerr 2gunieniracr, ITHRenor wag ITE Rencraer ty upiyio GowyrGaurisnruieir, gevirait CopuGto IrdGerasr s\cdaysy Turd Mancuso OMIK LOTA (FOVUTTY GHAHOTSKIIGH) HH eperwrid Pynnien Gag, 1igen5u1 Irs Rene dags 7d Renor-.enar aS ADIT SF FL QUISDILNY SS BarsinGic, Cogyd 5zersu IT4Aeve7 sce Ligsenoract, bs Apiutorer sGABAR HE Wwycy BrumnniGKd Bavsinn De. () Gwcuponpuh@S Bruumand, go Gsnps DpPSapsopeou oupmiemissom. Corpepul Os BiuTUgDHG Seinen Asis) AGAWOTESIL. HL oI soSs GagragiserGufier, Sriwsrun, Bios YoDUD agHgwTEN sILMTet HEAT svarg o1ss5oDsu1 STeUSomrTTed Qsiscn Parrosisscnn 1 Sicnsup Beir Qpsre rr poorws gsr sraveniruj, LBayss Ossir, BCAAs crayponoytd giv Gor sPoxGurg), orpoF s0MipBgub, io, Drimopd, 216561 UGB gostei, aE senna és. Ly QerenDs Buy s@arrsirarayd 21 gp10B cov 8 @- BQis a DurwsGeruy pssst gevexgy array Crimi sFaiiiny sigiopd, Orin 2Bsors tgp woipnd GpUISBLIUCL. soso IgE}, 9H OrneainiL. AsngBer s6vas1 YA aI sssmau GsTsH HOS yor Sjoo_urarinare ti spsaarrrndgise, ssvarTgy Garreeori-t SauAiuigycran~ Temp erga srresrwrs Gace spor wo gr sd GarcrenisGSe 9557 5s CO. Die sPurusGeng TpcnPeau 1 yooosr dag Geiminie. seniors Igo, ABH consQoimsinn.ourgy 07, Bio Gop Drimssdags yes, pnd eMenouIue SBweirmd gio, Hes SBurrussrBoor p05 ayPurGorr Gwwdepenpui Gs Brcwurand 051 BEBDYS 9BsTT yeowiLny THO THB GuuTGLurcoro Brorahiuads aBarroahseiiur Gor 5 Gung uTG ergenosytd urns) IBa0T anid eenug ysis, Gungnd episgIs5UL ner AGO, Hie SBurrwsss grBoor aps ayPurBovr ayprtine .o/Bswrrd THMTUL HL, TPS rags THEIL Govcisryy as avg do srpenesrutd QuIDks) SDiwsipl ydags Ip ADanT gyonwiny rgorrgyo AR DHIB SH -yATH 1-56-Ta ayer Gus Bewhinded Genpiara Grea priatu@se wana Bsr Duro gem. soBnusner 8an0 Semone Gino -05 Baoumacp > biheme sips SBuery SB Baro hisensst soBowsre Baer siemens Baaiveh sg. Bie Fo Sigs ai BoBpy sar ‘vB pent Wipes, Gwe yorted BrouresBiin® 2 payae. aco enicaS aaa anes Baro. 50 8D. SEDmapsran Dar gomotnyl Gwocupanpusie. GS Bienurarepro, afloow apis Bangencmiperps Osreiny4se to, 18 Benny. go afew aupaans carAéenawier erage GuuTGLTBaenen’s GLingyisl, pi 2 foo apsg BDucirpsBen aDarvicr onorsongaph Darsiny RSD. “dynam 616s — (op) afer craugsgud 2empeLsTonessr IsqILUT eITEBI sucgen-ranU/d SLLTULUG AGS wild eMBAorpusder gy given or Ae (2) -yoromiiscnen Gauchs@errem nag apraReners UGAsorTD Cousin Coward; Q) yas upyD oso sBeinigy sein Penesrt) Qsyyid@se snaps; (9) Sudip Bray gas IDA GAEID TITHE LBA BLD giugy 31867 UU. eT ZeoorUpth Boras b5tLonenUTOHA; (2) ane Ramen gdegs galsrmiseers uABeMBoussara Lyenewr anor apis se; ass) ers AgeOTéaLUGUd Dy Guru sT~Ioytb: 8 @). f) 3p st Bend agi stdanBeinieud, seSmipsror Pang gem, enous 7 aTKIKBer gcd0rg) ecronme MN Barr Spooner sigraieot ctexenrud aces) o/Ber7 sjapintny st enesrylD BoSvupsar Pairs spomocuden 5B Lusspicron gras QessHwd 2155) Das a1sBurusengc) Qunprdpassor Gare irysougsiras GEE 2-H, pian dag AuTGUTOssr Ogn rumen Saasne aA Gi07D! CaucinQmasasss Barr aon wg! yet 2) Gifloy C@Deie ov GUL sigyvert gaan jusGo, BiedH> Rom debsds good ergo His sdSuTupsDer Cprdsnmeyars, SEB YSren BOTT opeowUIHSU wsepiironsTUH GID 1D) KEBIUTTURT “ybpeoou Sanco FTBer (PPUL-O BEBYSIOT DT sjeo.v0-1I HE, rgpitiuasr. O@D) Gis ABuruysBen wong doosacir crouiySen Cpr dsassreneraylo, Morag sigiawiacr Qasepow, sDsTIvAssiOupey fay B@) Qeruy morssiOuyp yy RurerGsew, SEBpysror BT VWSOIIFGD, Cwowyoos Gs SiauTwsOHGw 2 s9/0ry) GarsinGprsacuGMorit esr, gjeuirserrasi— (a) wudswearsOuTEsracr a GLUT GS Asus signer scr; (ap a5 sion -s1gyoNevireciT: Q) orou quagicoy ygiovovirasn; (9) exgores exh sien sigyeveviract; fa) suxipre@ premuncaiey SuphiepABNd Lt, 1973 Bor 19. VND SsLOusp Oswguniagnd \groor sir; est) axravdr gyenp sigyoucur scr; (a) wards werRgr@umsesr Zep sIgvareris: () cower Gurgahucr Yyoarriseys ruses ygyoeviresir; @) agarrinds ywourisa, Qué sigvoerissir; 9) www srsriassns, IBsrTupey TARP Bdsm s SDABIOTASUGD oniow dug) wmPE Teri Her Sy eaiguarauiecir 68©. () Qarsgy TG MUd, Dis ISBurusHen sg. omicw TFT B GS soir Qypeurrsaiin AavsinGSrosingy oriovicur 4 Gag a) 160951 Unset. yer, Rey Geer a ihey (l) Geruy SarGur st Lem dscin dong shes Meier ae IRey (3) Dor uy. a1sib-iTes MQUPAHUIL sTOsBISS Dagid5s SaPuysroraH 51, BHDOUpsror BRIT HEMLON, ITB UN gyomagGd 2BSTD Qa sBencr 2. co1_en.o0wTe> DasBGSED Up ye aargagid pdr enc cowwenn Life; COC) wer Ly 20rsBOCUDD 29 Fuente de) QewsCsow gargs 2 Pussy BI TOMS5IOUPY sir croutpib, yoewonus sire Dawgs apres BT KOHESS HUA GOTY 21d GLE GION) gyonesraTt_avtid. (2) gsr croup 2C-1TMoy (9 Qsiring. Ipc RBscnw 1 gir gysers deg; Qorsh pam wnpiumorasesr everg1 souprarr suds, gy Aasroni GanpPecs arene «@sgis@arcroravris. Gwgyd, sepa GgonanisiGd Gercverrrppenavts uwssirsGssarr tb B) aL LMPay (2G) on -mBupcinor orgy rciveurPBpcuepyea, 21° SiAoy De we tu Gangs etgeronups 21 eoicw AO Agr si ausr5s BES aGoporgy srosd sgrevert ctosMer vesenuuyd Gah GavsinGsed i798 pti ‘exgies aires wtb stern egysenan sien se Garereses. One, UpsseBiS aneuurer sr oan. datewses Basore udipee waerer spspare mice aenor Bayers90. 56 ‘ana mepage Gunaseer one omBenwiy smyGonnse Guireracner eupionnne Searueg Bossrer Bb. 32 68@). 189 Asnsg AsriuTSs Obs 1s PuruspPernz wren Bap derssch prcusgudrcrerGar bs Garags srgencryid, 16% Gantorag AsMig, Geren cosusiGsBysiran oir ranged, BBarenOscr cies PySSUTELD HH sTASDHSI Perps~siwroneupid Qousrisb Sur aetiare vss sssimi wh ADSHS Boing Kai Sassou gous. eBumaud VI Uderse stie_tener 0. Dist ri gPoniny mirag ysemgcs TprnIsscne . oD rag YosmIiny sIGvainorsDed Oouwsinn 1 cross Goewss SOSUULL ABET Say, OWE 9TETHEEBIAT 905 wrBe ATITMTEBIGET mow 7TTHTADE ojcreg) 9b wH Pe .1TarKs Ber BIEL TUGHSGOT, Hiss oC SPerrenguston 9 Dsurmeivssn creupenpytd GagiagOn s0mg DrupUeHAssr st5meK PerpBuryBy s60e.3) Sense srauboopuytd YARD Up ysir cteugag@ior oIBara, a Mennapss, Ghpapés dog Sp 6 gaiy dans 1gopd Opn soso gars, 70, Gass a1 SB. cowus 7nd cers) wn Bev grams APsenenis pins APT TvM ssn 9 GHD sg, mows oss ad seg GpiesGapu, wWIfe wTsTme, Biss 71 -SKen Ip AUMHUIIHOHIG 2D APsees rusensuder, QABUIT G5 goenFowra DoIQn wuss wopgis Ouregsrasn gros gohs5 Gun grsers Glesn és DULBBld, 1961 Qed Osredoruu-. Quy Qewrds guwupsssongs Birds FLO HUUAS MOLL 1972 Qe wig wenGlenersgs aanysumyd Guresrascr Bere Dungy Qemss pinsggi, 1971 Gein svemsusisssooru)to, wads WEABIBUIEGSHIS c0B) wenPerOIgs esIH/sEauyo QuTEGsisch Bpr_iumer, sur 9G sriSort yxsmgu Sp usvernG Gung Dewrés giupgid ergeen arensusisscoarepd seven So Grréraggssd Gauss Gu. A) srenmieb gor eorgGereferuy, Got upsssDig Pp SOWUITEMEUTTHOT enL_WITET HET aupparasyd, gar 5ey 55s PREcosuhUpHaT solo, aut KEseOLu! SEORGHT KYL, bss YL, LepiesmpeSlpamracyir, gjarrsener FupsTULsBd bain id Gloves nigsibait way.b, UGAIMTERIIGD UOTE DRGHHS 21° tosupud -oyepensus apeopuir, Osriyew sreriassTd sseniEsPe UBsy Deuigeror Bor UpsrSBOS IG ruLUTETON TODS, WU weOAgII BUTT wpyUd wLenfnwse emp) Aeiupn Qumgsracr craipenpaph apsrgarsirest saytd, VsTD apiGagy wEsgAs ComawTesss, UDGsEd Mpiigasharsed grer QurGssGwere sggid crainasidencudr smioumisenen Slpjsusimd. 2) sree, 2ciTRey () Qe Hct cunGeirer sowussiseoer AoINyss, sor0ayp/S5e, Guswhar55e, Gwevreienn Geers wid Sein cre SSGI451b, ARGS) wombs weydgns GuTEsoner wot worPrvsg emp) Grkuph Gurgdrssnar apisaspele, 550501 mounisehe Cusnodsuni git gy" safer vemfunnigetb, up, ABsTkis wind senses asrsein Dios o-_sOoe, DewiRus APsenrcs Ipcwéscor. : 33 2) Bast 11 $Ben goog s1peiry Ipridsocuce BD HAS) YensTUBeT sien sAsKET cTEUPSTLY Utd, ODL ITITMRS_ IG das) WTPo IT ITNTABIGES Oagyssssix oink scm cdg STB auensuiorongioten Lip pres apenonayd GuTMss) dss) Osrerseut Aegragiorg) Casin@nsgusps /DarTwaldscwn Garon soww Ir rTmasBer svergi, CptoysBaus, wipe rersssBeir weparont widseau DETEns UP BGG MEAS" das) CxrGur Cacinyutsn 159 yenags OarGssGarsiny. a Uewid Bedgagnd, idsensu Ogrenacrus spss cross bersu gy" enies Ganiaure s7égzenert UNQID Baus roy Apriener Aausd epaid d5e5u Dgrenssnus ascedssovrd. Giogyib, 91656 sirens IAITY) ABSA AdmvaweNer, 151 $5 Be aul Peyerausrs, Dossraturcipy 158 Yoh AGHEST oGous VerersusroriA_ Hepa (crouGrrepni5cnSoir) a1eae8eacn sour. (2) ahsn crougib, Qed 3 gPeriny. piuIeaue1 8B ersped Dosis, Oru argercryid Oawappara crags Asus ersenoejd Grimmodgcugshsas (Shey 3 wpid Mey 39 Qeuywuren 905 wh 1d ID) UPB Qo Penors Bar BAGioCurs, ysiaungy Garcia 91ce05 Corum ns) QioBus penser a1 vo, 672 Gir iiey 74 Geir Quircjeesreng. Bt ss sAHIT DuiTgs scours BesrsrorcuiGsed Boysin@ud. Biogyid WSEeosus WpBaler corsa" Gacr erred piirgerCioed sb peo5u) Uy@esungd Crile, Ariss Casnyw Oprensums Bcd GHSTIUAL PYSISTOsuy I UM _ BESS oy s1He01-u! GenesrusrarA_iBgpGar (craGreuBopcnSeir) Blo axgeures Peyiemovusrss Debs HGurmengy aucgoSearin evra, 73. Sereuepid Qing LTD ssir croup peirbsid, Hiss or sBebriny Gust ISSN INTELL AD orgciring uBio sgrouowr creusirgynb 100331 Bans qooiny ersenrgnd ecu pyc} ada IpinISeciw AoE TEHEL TBITe afenin aps 008) Levy dons ergencweyib, ten apss SBosipid 1H THysSAKTEreso ysTg; 25TH: — (a) nisi, sears 56ND LUIAGAsHG efi crsenarepid OsrGsarind HysD maupgaGarcnenss, OarGis wpe 21008) Ip9} DHig6>; (a) spiener creo Gun@pe, uABergensr Douise, std wipd sigs AeBalses ssongy Uifisse, Bugyd, sssonsu UAT ZrEMs Aer AGI Ponsousren enawTH is) Primi aPoyscr soos) 9899) enTsH Gaiters; Q) JmdpT OL usin crpsrewupr sevinstd Caw Bemus acs sem Gucui generis upupsd Gawiger, 4, Qiasd 2 gDer Agr_saPlenweow oun. pein, Qiips oe. sBe0 amsAriMiUeL GumGUTOsér craiprpuns Gunde Baroivscr caupeopynd Deguagi®p seg! sLeowsch cralpenpuyd YRAD 9prsrisa sigue sc03) Ip UemMumant gaGeurGarGId, 21s 8er5u) Qs dS Beir Cute, S550 Aer sa Forse oy (erly art aS 185 Uses 985 UZAIOVUGLon Asm ije_wemauiren Biss PLL ABer orensuriuseherig. ots SUOUHBGLUgTEs Dexrsron IG Gavoinr Guo. AG). sow 279s, Ris a. Beir arensurissevor PeopCarpgiarss Apres BgmaGwens gsieir seg UesficLyoTEser, SH LTB HIFTHLEEDIGS Qa Gésorid, rogwd, 2186 wir fle rer Kisin 31550050) LomALLyeT ES QowriiD mdse Coustr Bb. syrs0uas Boos Osrou austin Qarenxscrm aresoiae Bare aus en. were Qo sare onyens Gangan *8Bpgcrer aBanr poue.o, Goins 2B, <8Qacoen Bpeadinr sss 980m RD ‘aster Bari 34 75) enw sinsraisid, 9 Barrapenp 219 sype seRdenes auras bd $DATE GHABWOTSRIIGD vena oer ngto eure ers Fld 2LULG, Qass FLL SPeruywTED sor Bars HsNgyd GsupuePschgn (SPscren) Ipcutng Basti paisevre) grein BsmaQuerGar, 256 ssuCaT HGS DHT T hse ytd, Gauypuescraruph antag cog ip Barrsewiny erie AG) WUE GUTS yOOUTUGAG Husa, dwerre 2) wer arETkwb, 9Barrupeny 51 Aaper feiss AUT Reve, 216% pBeBervomIs GRaBenIsHIIGI aenT da” Peay rl AUT ot OH AGid 21-10-G. Goss a ABery wren 9651 Pan Tiss gtd Cow) Uxolschan (SPs Tpiniagio Darr Parse) gireir CssarGwenGarr 2K sAysenGarr SURED o/BaTTiusenoruyd Aeuypuiefsenenytd 16S oprarisesBer IDI eo.winy IHG oro) Igyosow ray GIGLd SUILIcoL_a) Bsus 76. (NQipe a. BBs Np armaarismansg 210 @, enous orgs Dar repenn TAePe 9Gelicrs anrudors, Vast st sBeir Bprasniasnon PerpBaupyarsiars SPascvonts Ipcudeao 2) Yas WDsTTABer GuTgiuTARpys gwbssBen, ubsensus ADEs TevarHid GUTH UTGsst ercrsHHgwd 2c lamngIer THEI ovens Geruworid. .2eneysreven:— (2) Hay 2 Geir wpyasir (v), (Vi), (xiv), (XV) gyBuoupennes Gurpsssicor firog sumAnypsorr eid Gpiraded. 61 Yooper AuypssrGascr sora Corsini 165 yonp: (ay GMa 31 ow uy. ryPs@anGsacnun Carcioy ws simuGours GuemaugHetu aout cny.crtb; Q) Thay 39 Qin av Hay (1) Goring. ngyagrar PAdons esr soar eoers BIIUMASIUL, DHL Upsas DHS VWeoOwownrs gGanr APAUUSHTH TUBA arGacun Gouoiryas wpSudesr cupand cpp UBB Fer 2. wTfay (2) Qleir 1g. 2. fs saior4 Ln Tonest eupisDus Very, ever APAMIGHS wpeirey 215;500.5us soi_oner Bras TT rUpBaGan GSI Carcing ws Upper v1g ond; ( QeBurasgy Qachuydror Qiu +rHgrHopard GUppsOsTErOrI L. gir yaresrn arp .2/Barfusds 2isdesy .YoNiTed wird a1 dponpuded, LIfey 66 Qhsir say (i) Qo. apBOurcnnooAdsc GovsinGGw0, 2165 ABarA eg) -ysr wingnd «pon; (72) Mey 68 @ Ger ac IMoy (2) Qe uy Gensgidacir YRumorg7e 165 Upempudeyt cS UH TsH DRG HS ALUC OW Cuarsiren Grimiiur Garsin Gio, 2155 Gorn whys evens Geir; (ay Sia} COB 2c Say Q) Deir cugzusron Cuosirupsr yet BiriUTTsBe server wpm Dp epunseni seer uemirejeOs ar top ovemrdsu- Gai; (FQ) Codwpermi GS BiriumupPen UBajsse- Gao wud UBBaPserar gyre Gruiunpsrs cdorg) flay 68 Dor ec UAhe (6) Qoruy 50 ug@ gov par ADPearorpahsacis. upuienowes QuoyasHasr os Gagusgtnn Bovsisrigas ai os tb; 35 (47) May 688 GD Geir may (eanMVsireny Ka Boypsron Pan OWLTTIGN, Cwdupmpu.GS Brcnsmus Dewan ArgisstniL., gF 2 Aemoanpies ler 9) Bacr rvs; (2) Qed FC sBesreng UPupgscd Draws. swine sven brag GuTEsrasr senerg sup Biro, Gauss; (ram) un Pisce TGs wind svensas wr Disevons Gairsssnon Dsus wiyid UgLUTEIa Baur; (rer) sigusiovtmenigin, gBeRinrertsenigt Sp ay e5%e 1 Gagysstun. Casing. SigiuBusiadr; (2) mow 2727 5SBL td UDO] Garirgicnen art Upsms Ding; My soousrren ent sensed LIiey 71 Gist ec’ cirey (1) esr pgs cKBIOUd Bxonoudsires wuss wgkBIOGLIT ps eI wa Prose amp Aaiyn Gurgdaeh rhs aun raat Daciend apopuieynid supra dm GGion sb avs Idae Dac wig aponp: (om) Mey 71 or ac iFMey (I) Qeiny ooww ran ivadgre PYOKNA-L. amoursisenar PyVe1s9>, 2ysm.09ymI5—s, Bue. Cwarreinemn Bruised ppd seivarowhsse. teed, 1b su sowurirsahes Carsrevsownirssinns. gp" safer MDI ABDH, LUTHA, Darr sasir wid sniw9.s; (6) wus wEHkBBUT ESAs ipo LHoMPenerdig amzy Barimtd urge acir svpsruoys Gaps genevert wii Apion saier UBS sre, sPGsud srreduRsisener Prin yon way mwiEHdGs Begisss5s% UgADstonsrscir, Cognd Life, 6 Geir 2CPMay (5) Qeruy OF aL GUpopAG api WResITedorT eur SI awsoiTdsL Hew A OUTDRHIGH au O qorsscuu enw obs anemrdae Oar wip w_GLwLT Gast; (@) ag AgreordKLLn Gassing ws spcv0r5y aNg BIOTIN com EID Bp Gung uT® ergo. 7 ooww gnanimdprd Dist 1 SPoinng oawcnns DOP swe PAGeurs1ynd wind LIAay 2 Dein, They 3 Gist wy (xi) Glosreng wpa Poh sens Liiey 27 Dow my (9) wiynd fonda () Deroy Tprnudsoiu TS oseer UBeiiens giBanréngnd 93 OrMucun dogs IpUTGsUIL Lei) Wporonh igUs SenTaHed wre TeHLCsTD HOE HeIDouTesTPeNd, 21, WPLNABI HTasir MAIAALLI EA Bare 9G QTd Ss TH WMA GG H.AGST_TT Harr QaeinG LMG! UPSIS PUL DSIOHS 4-1 ACpsr irasnr aur oqsrasls> Dossier 500 por marbauGso CauesyGuo; Guogya, CwopAQemcirer KEL SOST aor aLenqUTEs Cpriig angio wL-sQgmi WHAOL_AHS Wer, 53 ABT c.ar5) 9 DeRseosuH6) wirjppenivay cigenomytd DruuTKrS HIG serarsKepie gsr snepiorraiesr, 21d) NBS AD 00g) PSone AriuuGsGerr Ipcn Dis GsBorr .go57 sy Aer VIO erarsepid AgsOarsrononrudeir, og Tey, 915% HD dag Pod diary wrdpeowe, Gaim 1. anyais Be WGC Drw-Dpw aor_wg glo; days, BrrysBapu, CrdDmid Qearg Gurgw; cafead 95565 wTppmwa 605) ouf5300, AGO 155 ID dors) Hsenauiesriny cpoironrgr ss Goan AEHOLw Arig sHOUAG GIEKAH Boos Borsin Gro. 31-56-8 8B.aonors Ges 1895 wnhe sens Boosie nBairt i902 gi Gum isiens wigs waa guuemers Qumgerasn 26h Bw Be Gum gisienn en Gruss LsBevens, uefa wwsgyie sollevenas ower are, 56 7) Qibos FL SBeir Uy avenourisnatyng, 21-ULG, wonBar pra svat, MBaTTEpED TAS Pes yKoisore curwens Gees 41:1 Ren Ssrdamaonen PeowCarpiasirsirs ofGxonors Burau. 2) YBzcry mDsTGsBer Gurgns uniApeds Gasoulsirp, idsesu Bair VTerawid QuTG TGs goncrs Dou ovary AMRBIsH eT RIGw ovors@wdwsorrid, .sonaniraves:— ) wrBw scrTH5SBLW UBey Deirgirn Gare UPS5SDIG — HG DwUT eaten agi 13D of TI Qe eciihey () Horny IpGsGh wo ssard Bscnortsrs wuss weHAgI BUMTHdT-REBID twa Generis, ang Osis Auras sed 183 com T4.5 Gaaher wpgb opus apwsiuL BacOGur 65 wenréae Qasr wird upanp; (2) Bihay 71 eis 2°5iRoy () Qsoreng. Rpanciuns. eonourinseror ANIA, eLv94pIS8, BuigspIse, Crncvrrcivamn Gsu/scd, Svar Ms sd WhO yssenau wu i rad Camvsani seit sor wi dae, UBDA, Barrier wpyyr soos; Q) asigwrréacnn Ovingu odo cugAgNordainn oongid Bp Gurgur® egies 8 Qast e2. SBeuy 9H wife yrermadean AGAGOTHRNL. AD geiGoureiryd, 215) Goumnsne Leiry, mips SHOTS, 65 wapersHe 1.1 UGuyemaader upsirenit omarémniGesed Geavsisr Gud. 7. wués wOERIOUT ESI eho wenPenwigs aengyAsuiujn Dun gGsrsee DiGuT Sager QniGuB Gruige, ViDurhqksy iyeD DatiBe, 99 IODA GIG! WHONTEBD we iyse yPucudsen 3 Vs 7A pprGaur syscir aufiun Govt aindysin 1 geou_ aa tidgyin an: Git pace Henan eg, asatser 91-1 tb, 62 Greta ops supusravr aospcnre Sooo yo 34-GULMBaaNT says GemCupstaxk Grurdror’n ees Gavcin Ragu, Diss 11 sD crensuisc opimenGwr Dur epagisco Bevein Guo: ahyegUTE: Ts7Eg HH sTTPUsEE Aouiug 3154 oLLsBex Gad Dis a SPS ano going kann spi Gy wind Gouconn AGAGD 481, Digs 19GB dag Qiso Uifaigysrar srgiayb, SAparchenu Dis s SBery. going s5iGaBalensy sss. 80. Dost a1 SB sag sgciniys Gowuune APaaiNeir alensuniser GRgissir wind gLuerest) Qungseact LL 12, 1240 -aycba15) Iss S BrUUIiL SRIemIGs AOsarTRAID ssc% Bosgonpoy Gaimmpgrraoyin Dexa Cousin Gib AL Biss 2 gBe o1eug) ssid AruMULL oSBaeAgysrar SB14b, seEaT IoD AsycmUs LUIABAK HS ere. wurde wohg) Gums scars) wenBerevig ampDeanpd Jungs erpseneuash Hast EH; MRM DiBuHpgcr sssnovs Oansin® Oargyousirg OLD Spemamio swFBHD cos) Diss 9. sBen auroras wunppeniy Vides gery Ns DeiMKI TS HG poisonoTds aronsQouAy ees Diss sparen ger apun@en sngstiut CofeemurenDsrG wt Giusr-i_ Uy Perak Guise PL QUUTCB ANE SLORY 216003) cussOsUusIIL. BpMenesrasmesOssr(y Pein_ener nua Lig Herawie GuhuAsrg Sobr1_enen dg asons De®, (2100)

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