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English Department
Level IV
Passive voice
Future will & going to
Name: __________________________________________ Date: ____________

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text. What is the main idea?

a) Science fiction inventions are interesting but not applicable in the real world.
b) Science fiction takes some of its ideas from things in the real world.
c) Science fiction inventions can be used as ideas for real

Some really cool things have been created for science fiction movies. Could some of those
things actually be invented at some point in the future? Well, did you see the force field, the
invisible defense, which protected the starship Enterprise from enemy attacks in Star Trek?
British military scientists are now working to create force fields to protect their armored
vehicles! Short bursts of critical energy will be activated around the vehicles to make
impossible for bullets to reach them. And what about those robots soldiers in Avatar?
Apparently, millions of dollars will be spent by U.S. Department of Defense to develop
combat robots. These are just two examples of science fiction items that may be developed
for use in the real world in the very near future!

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text again and underline all the examples of the
passive in the text.

INSTRUCTIONS: Circle the correct option to complete the rules.

The future passive is form with

a) ...will / may / might / could + be + past participle
b) ...will / may / might / could + base form.

INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the sentences (Active or Passive Voice). Use Future.

1. The house (build) ________________ here..
2. You (send) _______________ home.
3. I (eat) ______________ an ice cream.
4. We (go) _____________ home now.

UAG English booklet English IV

5. I (help) ____________ you.
6. The match (win / not) _____________ by our team.
7. The weather (improve / not) ______________ tomorrow.
8. The trees (cut) ______________ down.
9. The meeting (cancel / not) ______________.
10. They (do / not) ______________ that again.

INSTRUCTIONS: Rewrite the active sentences using the future passive.

1. They will invent personal spaceships in the next century.

2. We are going to learn a lot from future science fiction movies.
3. Robots will study other planets in my lifetime.
4. NASA may train astronauts at a lunar base.
5. People will colonize other planets.

INSTRUCTIONS: Look the pair of sentences again. Is the active or the passive
form more suitable? Are both equally suitable? Why? Discuss with your partner.

INSTRUCTIONS: Work in groups. Make a list of things related to space that you
think will be done in the next 50 years. Then share your ideas with the class.

UAG English booklet English IV

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