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Psychiatry Research 87 1999.


Flat affect and social skills in schizophrenia: evidence

for their independence

Jill E. Salema , Ann M. Kring b,U

Department of Psychology, Vanderbilt Uni ersity, Nash ille, TN 37240, USA
Department of Psychology, 3210 Tolman Hall, Uni ersity of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-1650, USA

Received 18 June 1997; received in revised form 6 July 1999; accepted 5 August 1999


Although flat affect and social skills deficits are generally considered to be distinct impairments in schizophrenia,
flat affect is typically assessed via an interview } an inherently social context. To the extent that emotional
expressivity is an important component of socially appropriate interaction, it is possible that schizophrenic patients
diminished expressiveness in a social situation is largely a function of their concurrent social skills deficit. In the
present study, we examined the relation between social skills and flat affect by measuring flat affect in two contexts:
during an interview high social demand. and while participants watched emotional film clips alone low social
demand.. Results showed that social skills were not significantly correlated with flat affect in either context,
suggesting that the two constructs represent independent domains of functioning in schizophrenic patients. Q 1999
Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Emotion; Facial expression; Negative symptoms; Social context

1. Introduction schizophrenia. Bleuler considered emotional de-

terioration, today known as flat affect, to be a
Both affective and social skills deficits are gen- fundamental symptom of schizophrenia, noting
erally recognized to be important features of that many schizophrenics...cease to show any af-
fect for years and even decades at a time
Bleuler, 1911r1950, p. 40.. Furthermore, in de-
Corresponding author. Tel.: q1-510-643-1560; fax: q1- scribing schizophrenics poor social skills, Bleuler
510-642-5293. stated, Sometimes patients are obtrusive....At
E-mail address: A.M. Kring. other times, they comport themselves very dis-

0165-1781r99r$ - see front matter Q 1999 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 5 - 1 7 8 1 9 9 . 0 0 0 6 8 - 2
160 J.E. Salem, A.M. Kring r Psychiatry Research 87 (1999) 159]167

dainfully, curtly, rudely 1911r1950, p. 94.. Al- patients are less facially expressive, yet they re-
though affective and social deficits both charac- port experiencing as much emotion while watch-
terize schizophrenia, the relationship between the ing emotional film clips alone e.g. Berenbaum
two remains unclear Dworkin, 1992.. and Oltmanns, 1992; Kring et al., 1993; Kring and
Typically, affective and social deficits are Neale, 1996; Kring and Earnst, 1999.. These find-
treated as separate symptom complexes, each with ings are consistent with the possibility that the
its own diagnostic criteria see DSM-IV; Ameri- diminished expressivity that defines flat affect is
can Psychiatric Association, 1994., and there is not simply a function of poor social skills. How-
some evidence to support this distinction Strauss ever, given that these studies did not include
et al., 1974; Dworkin et al., 1988; Dworkin, 1990.. measures of social skills, they do not directly
Perhaps the most prominent affective deficit in address the question of whether affective and
schizophrenia is the symptom of flat affect. De- social deficits are independent or related domains
scriptively, flat affect refers to a lack of outward of functioning among schizophrenic patients.
expression of emotion that can be manifested by The present study was designed to examine the
diminished facial, gestural, and vocal expression. relationship between flat affect and social skills
However, because flat affect is typically assessed deficits in schizophrenic patients. Expressive be-
via a clinical interview with a high demand for havior was measured in two contexts: 1. during a
socially appropriate interaction, it is difficult to clinical interview; and 2. while participants
rule out the possibility that flat affect in this watched emotional film clips in isolation. Specifi-
interview context is largely a function of cally, the affective flattening subscale of the Scale
schizophrenic patients concurrent social skills for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms SANS;
deficits Bellack et al., 1990; Mueser et al., 1990.. Andreasen, 1984. was used to rate expressiveness
Indeed, given that expressive behavior is an im- during the clinical interview, and the Facial Ex-
portant component of socially skilled interactions, pression Coding System FACES; Kring and
it is perhaps not surprising that some of the same Sloan, 1991. was used to rate the frequency, in-
behaviors e.g. eye contact. appear on both flat tensity, and duration of facial expressiveness dur-
affect and social skills rating scales. Nor is it ing the emotional films. Social skills were rated
surprising that several studies have reported mod- via the Assessment of Interpersonal Problem
erate negative correlations between interview- Solving Skills AIPSS; Donahoe et al., 1990. which
rated flat affect and social skills among measures the capacity to role-play effective social
schizophrenic patients e.g. Jackson et al., 1989a,b; problem-solving in simulated interpersonal inter-
Bellack et al., 1990; Mueser et al., 1990; Adding- actions.
ton and Addington, 1995, 1999.. Because the expression of emotion is an impor-
Although expressive behavior often subserves tant component of socially appropriate interac-
interpersonal communication, expressivity may tion, we predicted that poor social skills i.e. the
also serve as a reflection of the subjective experi- diminished ability to effectively role-play solu-
ence of emotion Halberstadt, 1991.. For exam- tions to interpersonal problems. would be associ-
ple, emotion may be expressed in minimally social ated with affective flattening during the clinical
situations in which the expression serves no obvi- interview, a setting in which there is a demand for
ous communicative function. People often smile socially appropriate communication. In contrast,
while watching television alone, or cry while re- because expressiveness in a minimally social con-
calling a sad memory from their past. In the text i.e. while viewing emotional films alone.
schizophrenia literature, several studies have does not directly subserve interpersonal commu-
shown that schizophrenic patients also exhibit nication, we expected that expressiveness in this
diminished facial expressiveness in situations with context would not be related to social skills. Pre-
minimal social demand. Specifically, compared to vious research has found that flat affect during an
non-patient control subjects, schizophrenic interview is not related to expressiveness while
J.E. Salem, A.M. Kring r Psychiatry Research 87 (1999) 159]167 161

watching emotional film clips alone e.g. Kring et 2.2. Apparatus

al., 1994., perhaps because the former subserves
social communication, whereas the latter does
not. However, to the extent that expressive behav- 2.2.1. Emotional film clips
ior can be construed as a characteristic style, Participants watched a videotape containing two
expressivity in these two different contexts ought film clips taken from contemporary movies, each
to be related. approximately 5 min in length. One clip was in-
tended to elicit happiness, and the other, disgust.
These clips have been successfully used in previ-
ous studies to elicit emotions in psychiatric
2. Methods patients e.g. Kring et al., 1993; Earnst et al.,
1996; Kring and Neale, 1996.. Following each film
clip, participants completed an emotion adjective
2.1. Participants checklist by rating each of 44 emotional adjectives
on a five-point Likert 1 s very slightly or not at
all; 5 s extremely. scale based on the extent to
Participants were 17 male schizophrenic in- which they experienced these emotions during the
patients who were recruited from the inpatient film clips. Ratings of emotions with positive emo-
units of two Veterans Administration Medical tional valence were summed to form a positive
Centers. All patients were taking traditional emotion score while items with negative emotio-
neuroleptic medication haloperidol, n s 8; nal valence were summed to form a negative
fluphenazine, n s 5; trifluoperazine, n s 2; thio- emotion score. This measure served as a manipu-
thixene, n s 1; loxapine, n s 1. at the time of
testing, and they all met DSM-IV American Psy-
chiatric Association, 1994. criteria for schizophre- Table 1
nia as determined by extensive chart review. Demographic characteristics of schizophrenic and control
Patients were excluded if they had a history of samples
head trauma or neurological disease, showed signs
Patients Control subjects
of tardive dyskinesia or other extrapyramidal side
effects, or had any Axis I diagnoses in addition to Mean S.D. Mean S.D.
schizophrenia with the exception of a history of Age years. 42.24 6.52 35.07 7.29
substance abuse or dependence.. Fifteen male
non-patient control subjects with no personal his- Education years. 12.06 1.64 12.60 1.12
tory of psychopathology were recruited both from
Medication dosage 511.18 387.56
the community, via flyers and newspaper adver- mg in chlorpromazine
tisements, and from the nonprofessional staff at equivalence.
the VA hospitals and Vanderbilt University. All
participants were between the ages of 18 and 60 Number of previous 6.75 4.94
and were paid $25 for their participation in the hospitalizations
study. Demographic and clinical characteristics Marital status n.
for the schizophrenic patients and non-patient Single 7 4
control subjects are presented in Table 1. Married 3 10
Schizophrenic patients and control subjects did Divorcedrseparated 6 1
Widowed 1 0
not differ on race or level of education, but the
schizophrenic patients were slightly older than Race n.
the control subjects t 30. s 2.94, P- 0.01. and Caucasian 8 7
were more likely to be single x 2 4. s 10.50, P- African American 9 6
0.04.. Other 0 2
162 J.E. Salem, A.M. Kring r Psychiatry Research 87 (1999) 159]167

lation check to test whether each film elicited the separate percentage scores are computed for each
desired emotion valence i.e. positive or negative.. scale. Specifically, the number of points the indi-
vidual obtains on a given scale is converted to a
2.2.2. Assessment of Interpersonal Problem-Sol ing percentage of the total possible points for that
(AIPSS) scale. Donahue and colleagues suggest two scoring
The AIPSS Donahoe et al., 1990. was devel- methods. The original method requires a correct
oped to assess social skills among schizophrenic response at the Receiving Skills stage in order to
patients. Participants watched a videotape depict- receive points on the Processing and Sending
ing 14 interpersonal scenes: one demonstration Skills for a particular problem. With this method,
scene followed by 13 test scenes. Of the 13 test scores are the percentage of total possible points
scenes, 10 depict interpersonal problems and were on a given scale assuming all problems have been
scored for social skill. The remaining three scenes correctly identified. For example, if a participant
are used to minimize response bias as they con- only correctly identified five out of 10 problems,
tain no problems and were not scored. The AIPSS the maximum possible score he could obtain on
breaks social skills down into three sequential Processing or Sending Skills would be 50% be-
abilities: Receiving Skills i.e. the ability to cor- cause he received zeroes on these scales for half
rectly identify and describe the interpersonal of the items. The Sending and Processing Skill
problems depicted in the test scenes., Processing scores are computed by adding points obtained
Skills i.e. the ability to describe reasonable solu- for the five correctly identified problems and di-
tions to these problems., and Sending Skills i.e. viding by 10 the total number of problems.. In
the ability to effectively communicate these solu- essence, participants Sending and Processing.
tions in the context of a role-play.. It is this last Skills are confounded with Receiving Skills. The
subscale that is of particular interest for the pre- alternative method, referred to as the specific
sent study. Sending Skills incorporates both the scoring method, does not require correct identi-
quality of the verbal content of the response i.e. fication at the Receiving Skills stage, but rather
the likelihood that this response would solve the computes Sending and Processing Skills scores as
problem without negative consequences . and the a function of those problems correctly identified
non-verbal skill with which the response is exe- at the Receiving Skills stage. Using the specific
cuted e.g. appropriateness of eye contact or voice scoring method, the Sending Skills score is com-
tone.. Although our predictions were primarily puted by adding the Sending Skills points ob-
based on the hypothesized relationship between tained for correctly identified problems, dividing
expressive behavior across the two contexts and by the number of correctly identified problems,
Sending Skills, we also report the correlations for and then multiplying this score by 100 to convert
Receiving and Processing Skills. to a percentage score. In the example above, a
The AIPSS was administered and scored by a participant who correctly identified five of 10
trained clinical psychology doctoral candidate. An problems would receive a score of 100% on Send-
additional rater scored the problems for a subset ing Skills if he received the maximum number of
of the participants n s 10. and was in agreement points for those five problems. In this study, we
with the experimenter for over 90% of the items, adopted the specific scoring method in order to
which is similar to rates of agreement reported by examine the linkage between sending skills irre-
others using the AIPSS e.g. Addington and spective of receiving skills ability. It should be
Addington, 1999.. Raters were trained in the use noted, however, that the results reported below
of the AIPSS by following the manual and rating were identical for both scoring procedures.
several practice participants prior to the begin-
ning of the study. In scoring the AIPSS, scores for 2.3. Procedure
individual items on each of the three scales are
determined using a five-point scale ranging from After obtaining participants informed consent,
completely inappropriate to very appropriate., and the experimenter conducted and videotaped a
J.E. Salem, A.M. Kring r Psychiatry Research 87 (1999) 159]167 163

semi-structured interview containing questions show the experimenter what they would say or do
about demographic information and personal in the situation. Following these instructions, the
background.1 In addition, patients were asked experimenter administered the demonstration
about the history of their illness. Interviews were scene and answered participants questions before
later rated for flat affect by two trained raters administering the test scenes.
using the SANS Andreasen, 1984.. Following the
interview, instructions for the film-viewing task
were given. Specifically, participants were told 3. Results
that they should sit back and relax while watching
the movie clips, and that they would subsequently 3.1. Preliminary analyses
be asked to answer some questions about the clip.
Participants were videotaped while watching each Intraclass correlations Shrout and Fleiss, 1979.
film clip on a 13-inch color television. The experi- were computed across all participants for the
menter left the room while the film clips were frequency, intensity, and duration FACES vari-
shown and returned when each clip ended. Parti- ables for the happy and disgust films. Interrater
cipants answered a few brief questions designed reliability was high for all FACES variables for
to assess attention and understanding, and were both films, with an average r of 0.96. Similar to
then instructed to fill out the emotion adjective other studies using FACES e.g. Earnst et al.,
checklist based on how they felt while they 1996; Kring and Neale, 1996; Kring and Gordon,
watched the film clip. The videotapes were later 1998., the frequency, intensity, and duration vari-
coded by two trained coders using the Facial ables were highly intercorrelated r values rang-
Expression Coding System FACES; Kring and ing from 0.45 to 0.89.. We chose to use frequency
Sloan, 1991. which assesses the frequency, inten- of expressions for all subsequent analyses for ease
sity, and duration of positive and negative facial of interpretation. Thus, from this point, FACES
expressions. Coders were blind to the hypotheses ratings of facial expressiveness will refer to the
of this study, the nature of the film clips, and the number of expressions during a given film.
results of the SANS flat affect ratings. For the SANS, six of the items which make up
After the film-viewing task, participants were the Affective Flattening subscale unchanging fa-
given the instructions for the role-playing task, cial expression, decreased spontaneous move-
the AIPSS. Specifically, participants were told that ments, paucity of expressive gestures, poor eye
they would be watching a videotape containing contact, affective non-responsivity, and lack of
brief scenes depicting two people talking to each vocal inflections. were rated on a 1 not at all. to
other. Further, they were told that at some point 5 severe. Likert scale by two trained raters.
during the scene, a problem may or may not arise. Raters established a consensus score if they dis-
They were instructed that following each scene, agreed by two or more points on the rating for
they would be asked whether there was a problem any given item. Interrater reliability as assessed
and, if so, to explain it. They would then be asked with intraclass correlations was high r s 0.83. for
to identify with one of the characters in the overall flat affect scores, which consisted of the
scene, and explain what they would say or do in sum of the non-consensus ratings.
the situation. Finally, they would be asked to To examine whether the film clips produced
the desired effects on reported, 2 Group: patient,
control. = 2 Film: happy, disgust. repeated mea-
Veterans Administration Hospital rules prohibited hidden sures ANOVAS were computed separately for
videotaping, however, videotaping was done as unobtrusively positive and negative emotional experience. De-
as possible; The video camera was positioned behind a 4-foot scriptive statistics for the emotional experience
bookshelf such that only the lens was visible through a hole in measures are shown in Table 2. For negative
the back panel of the bookshelf. No lights indicated when the
video camera was running, and the power switch was hidden
emotional experience, the Group= Film interac-
from view so that participants did not know which portions of tion was not significant F1,29 s 0.00, n.s.., but the
the procedure were being videotaped. film main effect was significant F1,29 s 17.90,
164 J.E. Salem, A.M. Kring r Psychiatry Research 87 (1999) 159]167

P- 0.001. indicating that all participants re- Table 2

ported experiencing more negative emotion fol- Descriptive statistics for emotional experience scales a
lowing the disgust film than the happy film. Simi- Scale
larly, for positive emotion, the film main effect
Positive Negative
was significant F1,29 s 29.07, P- 0.001. indicat-
ing that participants reported experiencing more S C S C
positive emotion following the happy film than Happy film
the disgust film. However, because the Group= Mean 2.36 2.91 2.36 1.57
Film interaction was significant F1,29 s 7.94, S.D. 0.65 1.08 0.94 0.89
P- 0.01., follow-up paired, one-tailed t-tests were Reliability 0.80 0.96 0.90 0.96
conducted separately for patients and control sub- Disgust film
jects. After adjustment of alpha to 0.025 with the Mean 2.00 1.64 2.76 2.01
Bonferroni correction, both patients t 15. s 2.21, S.D. 0.65 0.49 0.79 0.76
P - 0.025. and control subjects t 14. s 4.97, Reliability 0.82 0.84 0.85 0.91
P- 0.001. reported significantly more positive a
Tabled means represent participants average ratings for
emotion following the happy film than the disgust each item on the scale. Tabled reliabilities are Cronbachs
film. alphas. Ss schizophrenic patients; C s non-patient control
3.2. Between group comparisons

Descriptive statistics for SANS ratings of flat clips F1,29 s 14.95; P- 0.002. despite reporting
affect, FACES ratings of facial expressiveness, experiencing as much positive emotion as control
and AIPSS ratings of social skills are shown in subjects across films F1,29 s 0.11, n.s.. and more
Table 3. Although our primary interest is in the negative emotion than control subjects across
relationship between expressive behavior and so- films F1,29 s 6.81, P- 0.02.. To assess group dif-
cial skills, it is nonetheless important to consider ferences in social skills, a 2 Group: patient, con-
the patients performance on the various tasks trol. = 3 Skill: Receiving, Processing, Social
relevant to the non-patient control subjects. In- Skills. repeated measures MANOVA was con-
deed, our findings replicate the results from a ducted. In this analysis, the group F1,30 s 44,
number of previous studies e.g. Kring et al., P- 0.001. and skill F2,29 s 41.6, P- 0.01. main
1994; Kring and Neale, 1996.. Compared to non- effects were significant as was the Group= Skill
patient control subjects, schizophrenic patients interaction F2,29 s 7.97, P- 0.01.. Thus, patients
had higher SANS ratings of flat affect t 30. s had poorer social skills across all domains, and all
7.08, P- 0.001., and showed less overall facial participants scored lower on the Processing Skills
expressiveness in response to the emotional film than on either Receiving or Sending Skills.

Table 3
Descriptive statistics for measures of flat affect, facial expression, and social skills a

Patients Control subjects
Mean S.D. Mean S.D.

SANS affective flattening 11.56 4.74 2.13 2.13

Number of facial expressions 1.91 2.56 12.27 7.15
AIPSS Sending subscale %. 43.91 19.79 83.47 8.30
AIPSS Receiving subscale %. 67.71 16.59 90.21 6.56
AIPSS Processing subscale %. 39.78 20.40 75.78 16.21
SANS, Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms; AIPSS, Assessment of Interpersonal Problem Solving Skills.
J.E. Salem, A.M. Kring r Psychiatry Research 87 (1999) 159]167 165

3.3. Correlational analyses presence and in the absence of others, was not
related to social skills. These findings provide
support for the current diagnostic distinction
Our major hypotheses concerned the relation- between affective and social deficits in
ships between the expressive behavior and social
schizophrenia. That is, flat affect and social skills
skills among schizophrenic patients, but we
deficits appear to be independent domains of
nonetheless report correlations for both patients
functioning in schizophrenia.
and control subjects in Table 4. Contrary to our
However, because the present study used a
prediction, the SANS flat affect scores were not
role-play measure of social skills, we cannot rule
significantly correlated with AIPSS Sending Skills
r s y0.10, n.s... However, consistent with our out the possibility that our failure to find a corre-
prediction, AIPSS Sending Skills were not related lation between interview-based ratings of flat af-
to expressiveness during the emotional films r s fect and role-play-based ratings of social skills
y0.07, n.s... Finally, flat affect ratings during the reflects the independence of non-verbal affective
interview were significantly correlated with ex- behavior in spontaneous vs. posed contexts. That
pressiveness during films r s y0.48, P- 0.03., is, the affective behavior elicited in a posed, role-
suggesting that expressivity was consistent across play situation may not be predictive of similar
these two contexts. Although we did not generate behavior in a spontaneous interview setting. Thus,
predictions for the Processing and Receiving sub- it is important for future research in this area to
scales, neither subscale was related to SANS flat replicate and extend these findings by examining
affect scores nor facial expressions during the film the relationship between spontaneous expressive-
clips. ness and spontaneous, rather than posed, social
skills. It is also important to acknowledge that the
present study is limited by its relatively small
sample size and the use of only male participants.
4. Discussion
Although the etiology of affective and social
deficits in schizophrenia remains unclear, the evi-
The present study sought to determine whether dence that flat affect and social skills are inde-
poor social skills were associated with flat affect pendent domains of functioning in schizophrenia
among schizophrenic patients. Results were con- raises the question of whether these symptom
sistent with the view that emotional expressive- clusters are caused by distinct etiological mecha-
ness and social skills are independent domains of nisms. Clearly, the ability to reliably discriminate
functioning among schizophrenic patients. Speci- flat affect and social skills is essential for research
fically, expressiveness in two contexts, both in the investigating the etiology of these symptom clus-

Table 4
Correlations between measures of flat affect, facial expression, and social skills a

1 2 3 4 5
1. SANS ] y0.51 y0.12 0.19 0.01
2. Facial Expressions I0.48 ] 0.10 y0.22 y0.18
3. Sending Skills I0.10 I0.07 ] 0.41 0.65
4. Receiving Skills I0.12 0.20 0.68 ] 0.62
5. Processing Skills I0.21 0.04 0.76 0.72 ]
Correlations in bold type are for schizophrenic patients; correlations in normal type are for non-patient control subjects.
Indicates P- 0.05.
Indicates P - 0.01.
166 J.E. Salem, A.M. Kring r Psychiatry Research 87 (1999) 159]167

ters. Thus, future research examining the rela- Bellack, A.S., Morrison, R.L., Wixted, J.T., Mueser, K.T.,
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Schizophrenia and Depression and the Scottish verbal Behavior. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
Rite Schizophrenia Research Program awarded pp. 107]160.
to Ann M. Kring. The authors thank Andrew Jackson, H.J., Minas, I.H., Burgess, P.M., Joshua, S.D.,
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Francesca Fragomeni for their assistance with and social skills performance in schizophrenia. Schizophre-
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