NAME: Niaz Muhammad CLASS NO: 38 Subject: Practical Spectrometry Topic: To Find Wavelength by Newton'S Ring Experiment Deptt: Physics (Prev)

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NAME: niaz muhammad CLASS NO: 38




To measure the wavelength of sodium light using the method of Newton's rings.
To gain familiarity with using a spectrometer.


In this experiment the physical property of

interference of light will be used to determine
the wavelength, , of a light source. The Reflecting Light source
interference fringe system here is a pattern of slide, A
concentric circles, the diameter of which you
will measure with a travelling microscope
Lens, L
(which has a Vernier scale). If a clean convex
lens is placed on a clean glass slide (optically
flat) and viewed in monochromatic light, a Glass
series of rings slide, B
may be seen around the point of contact line, C
between the lens and the slide. These rings
are known as Newton's rings and they arise Figure 1: Apparatus
from the interference of light reflected from
the glass surfaces at the air film between the lens and the slide. The experimental set-
up is shown in figure 1.

Two Plano convex lens, sodium lamp,glass,travelling microscope,



In this part of the experiment we will measure the diameter of

m=1,2,3,4.upto 12th rings using the Vernier scale on the travelling
microscope, and then use this data to determine the wavelength.

Clean the lens and the glass slides with lens tissue and setup the apparatus as
shown in Figure 1.

The light from the sodium lamp is partially reflected downwards by a glass
slide A . The beams reflected from the lens, L , and the glass slide B go
through the slide A to the microscope.

Look for the interference rings with the naked eye it is easiest to spot these
from a height and changing your viewing angle. You may need to manoeuvre
the reflecting slide until you can clearly view the rings.

We focus the microscope on the fringes and align the cross-hair tangential to
the central dark spot.

We measure the diameters of 12th ring by setting the cross-hair on one side of
a series of rings, reading the positions and then moving the microscope to the
other side of the corresponding rings.
We could start measuring the position of the 1st,2nd ,3rd ring, proceeding to the
12th etc. and then moving across to the other side of the central ring until you
have measured the 12th ring again.
Using the magnifying glass provided to read the Vernier scale precisely.

Observation table:
Microscope readings
Order(m) Distance(difference) Wavelength(nm)
Right Lift
1 50 40 10 287
2 52 37 15 384
3 54 34 20 492
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
12 61 20 41 579

Formula is given by; =Dm2/2R(2m+1)(1)
And R=266.5 mm (radius of carvature)
On eye piece, 74 divisions= 5 mm on open scale
Then on eye piece, one division= 5 /74 mm
If m=1; eq(1) impies =D12/2R(2*1+1)=(10* 5/74)2/2*266.5*3=287 nm

If m=2; eq(1) impies =D22/2R(2*2+1)=(15* 5/74)2/2*266.5*5=384 nm

If m=3; eq(1) impies =D32/2R(2*3+1)=(20* 5/74)2/2*266.5*7=492 nm

If m=12; eq(1) impies =D122/2R(2*12+1)=(41* 5/74)2/2*266.5*25=579 nm

%error=(theoretical value calculated value)/theoretical value *100%

%error=(589 579)/589 * 100%=.01697793*100%

%error = 1.7 %

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