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This booklet is for personal use only, and not to be re-produced or re-use for commercial purposes.

Feel free to distribute this booklet around, may it be of barakah for our dunya & akhirah, in shaa Allah.

Ya Fattah
Ya Razzaq
Ya Muhawillal Ahwaal
Hawwil Ahwalanaa Ilaa Ahsanilhal
Hasbunallah Wa Nimal Wakeel
Nimal Mawla Wa Niman Naseer
Laa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illa Billahil Alliyiladzeem

Ameen Ameen Ameen Ya Rabbal Alameen

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Read Quran Daily / Baca Quran Setiap Hari
Dhikr After Salat / Zikir Selepas Solat
Rawatib Prayer / Solat Sunat Rawatib
Sadaqah Jariyah / Sedekah Jariah
Dhuha Prayer / Solat Dhuha
Plan Your Day / Rancang Hari Anda
1 Month Before / 1 Bulan Sebelum

1. Ensure any missed fast has been made up / Pastikan semua puasa telah diqadha
2. Start an iftar and/or suhur fund for a local mosque/ Mulakan tabung dana iftar dan/atau sahur untuk masjid di tempat anda
3. Complete all your shopping for Eid / Selesaikan semua belibelah untuk pakaian Hari Raya anda

2 Weeks Before / 2 Minggu Sebelum

1. Prepare the menu for iftar & suhur / Rancang menu buka puasa
2. Shop the groceries for the whole month of Ramadhan / Beli segala barang dapur & keperluan untuk bulan Ramadhan
3. Clean up your house to welcome Ramadhan / Bersihkan seluruh rumah untuk menyambut Ramadhan

1 Week Before / 1 Minggu Sebelum

1. Prepare dates, energy bars & juices for the first few iftar & suhurs / Sediakan kurma, snek energy & jus untuk buka puasa & sahur
2. Prepare your du list / Sediakan senarai doa anda
3. Revise, memorize, make notes of any dus, taraweeh, qiyamullail etc / Semak, hafal, catatkan sebarang doa, tarawih, qiamullail dsb.
4. Plan for itikaf (mentally & physically) / Rancang untuk beriktikaf (mental & fizikal)
Lets be really productive this Ramadhan. Take this opportunity to reflect on what you would like to achieve.
Remember, the main objective is to make Allah SWT pleased with you. Bismillah, and here we go!


For Dunya For Akhirat

For Ummah For Family

Be patient. Have faith and be sincere when making doa. Focus in your
doa, just as you focus in your solat. Allah knows best, so never give up
Day 1-15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Solat Taubat & Tahajjud
Clean Yourself
Subuh & Solat Sunat Fajr
Tilawah & Tadabbur Quran
Solat Sunat Dhuha
Make Doa & Istighfar
Be Prepared for Solat Fardu
Solat Sunat Rawatib
Avoid food waste for iftar
Perform Tarawih
Zikir, Make Doa Before Sleep
Make Niat to Wake Up for Tahajjud
Day 16-30 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Solat Taubat & Tahajjud
Clean Yourself
Subuh & Solat Sunat Fajr
Tilawah & Tadabbur Quran
Solat Sunat Dhuha
Make Doa & Istighfar
Be Prepared for Solat Fardu
Solat Sunat Rawatib
Avoid food waste for iftar
Perform Tarawih
Zikir, Make Doa Before Sleep
Make Niat to Wake Up for Tahajjud
Iktikaf (Last 10 Nights of Ramadhan)
He who fasts in the month of Ramadhan, due to imaan and
hope for reward from Allah, then his past sins are forgiven.

Barangsiapa yang berpuasa pada bulan Ramadhan kerana

iman dan mengharap pahala (redha) dari Allah, maka
diampuni dosa-dosanya yang terdahulu.

HR Bukhari & Muslim

DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 Tips:
Juz 1: Al Fatihah 1 Juz 2: Al Baqarah Juz 3: Al Baqarah Juz 4: Al Imran 93 Juz 5: An Nisaa 24 -
Al Baqarah 141 142 - 252 253 Al Imran 92 An Nisaa 23 147 Bahagikan tiap
juzuk kepada 5
DAY 6 DAY 7 DAY 8 DAY 9 DAY 10 (bil solat fardu)
Juz 6: An Nisaa 148 Juz 7: Al Maidah 82 Juz 8: Al Anam 111 Juz 9: Al Araf 88 Al Juz 10: Al Anfal 41 jadi hanya
Al Maidah 81 Al Anam 110 Al Araf 87 Anfal 40 At Taubah 92 membaca 4
muka surat
DAY 11 DAY 12 DAY 13 DAY 14 DAY 15
selepas solat
Juz 11: At Taubah 93 Juz 12: Hud 6 Yusuf Juz 13: Yusuf 53 Juz 14: Al Hijr 1 An Juz 15: Al Isra 1 Al
Hud 5 52 Ibrahim 52 Nahl 128 Kahfi 74
DAY 16 DAY 17 DAY 18 DAY 19 DAY 20 Boleh juga baca
Juz 16: Al Kahfi 75 Juz 17: Al Anbiyaa 1 Juz 18: Al Mukminun Juz 19: Al Furqan 21 Juz 20: An Naml 56 2 muka surat
Ta Ha 135 Al Hajj 78 1 Al Furqan 20 An Naml 55 Al Ankabut 45 sebelum solat &
2 lagi selepas
DAY 21 DAY 22 DAY 23 DAY 24 DAY 25
Juz 21: Al Ankabut Juz 22: Al Azhab 31 Juz 23: Ya Sin 29 Az Juz 24: Az Zumar 32 Juz 25: Fussilat 47 Yang penting,
46 Al Azhab 30 Ya Sin 27 Zumar 31 Fussilat 46 Al Jathiya 37 ISTIQOMAH &
bacalah dengan
DAY 26 DAY 27 DAY 28 DAY 29 DAY 30 tertib dan
Juz 26: Al Ahqaf 1 Juz 27: Az Zariyat 31 Juz 28: Al Mujadila 1 Juz 29: Al Mulk 1 Al Juz 30: An Nabaa 1 fahamilah
Az Zariyat 30 Al Hadid 29 At Tahrim 12 Mursalat 50 An Nas 6
Consume high carbo
Break your fast with food (whole grains,
dates & a glass of pasta)
Minimize oily/fried foods water Eat moderately during
in your meal. Have more iftar. Eat slowly and
salads & fresh fruits. avoid overeating.

Drink more plain water &

Make haste upon fresh fruit juices. Take
breaking fast. Do not soup with your food.
delay it unnecessarily. You can increase your
blessings by providing or
sharing the iftar meal
with others. Do this with
your neighbours, the less
unfortunates, any
Muslim who is fasting.
How Was Your Itikaf?
_________________________________________ Daily Ibadah:
_________________________________________ ____________________________
_________________________________________ ____________________________
_________________________________________ ____________________________
_________________________________________ ____________________________
Quran Reading Progress: ____________________________
________________________ ____________________________
________________________ Missed Fasts:
________________________ ____________________
________________________ ____________________
________________________ ____________________
Finish khatam Quran? Y / N ____________________
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