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Energy project

Tyler muth
Pd. 5
Remains of dead plants and animals
Located under ground
Recovered by mining
Its burned to turn into energy
There are four different types of coal Anthracite, Bituminous,
Sub-bituminous, and Lignite
Coals advantages and disadvantages
Advantages- used for power, industries use its
by products and heat
disadvantages- emits twice as much carbon
dioxide, increases the level of greenhouse
its pockets of ground water that is heated up
by magma.
Recovered by wells similar to ones used to get
oil and natural gas.
Steam and water are separated the steam is
cleaned and sent to a power plant.
Important facts- power is clean, its reliable
and cost effective
Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages- no pollution, power stations take
up little room
Disadvantages- sights run out of steam, bad
things could escape when drilling for steam
Power made by moving water.
Located at big rivers. Its dammed up and the dam releases
water turning turbines and the movement of the turbine
creates electricity
The turbines create energy that powers big generators that
makes the power.
Important facts- hydropower is the oldest power source, its
the worlds biggest renewable power source.
Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages- Once a dam is made power can

be made at a consistent rate
Last many decades
Disadvantages- extremely expensive to build
Natural habitats are destroyed be flooding
Natural gas
A fossil fuel formed when buried plants and
animals are exposed to intense heat and
Deep under ground drill for it
Durned in electric 7 FA the heat turns turbines
that create electricity
Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages- Efficiently and safely stored emits

60-90% less smog producing pollutants
Disadvantages creates greenhouse gas
emissions highly volatile can be dangerous to
Important facts- more than half of the us
uses it to heat their homes
4 million Americans have jobs with natural gas
Its naturally occurring yellow to black liquids under
earths surface.
Underground and we get it by drilling for it
We separate it by boiling it and its turned into
different gases
Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages- it has a high energy density
Drilling for it is low in price
Disadvantages- extracting it can cause
environmental pollution
its limited
Important facts- the petroleum we use today
is 3 million years old
We need it for vehicles
Radiant light and heat from the sun.
On earth from the sun, solar panels
Its collects light and photons that knocks electrons
from atoms generating energy
Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages- can be used anywhere
Doesnt cause pollution
Disadvantages- can only collect energy in
Relatively expensive to build
Two important facts- the solar panels are
Immune to blackouts
Dense radioactive metal
Located in the U.S.
Its used for nuclear power
Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages- Dont release carbon dioxide
Its and alternative fossil fuel
Disadvantages- Contributed to global
Its toxic
Important facts- newly found
Humans have .001 mg in their body
Energy gathered from wind.
On earth every where. Collected by windmills
The winds turn big blades that are connected
to shaft thats hocked to a generator that
creates energy.
Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages- the wind is free
Doesnt create greenhouse gases
Disadvantages- wind strength is not
It takes away from habitats
Ways to conserve fossil fuels
Use less electricity by turning of stuff when not used
Walk to close places
Recycle recyclable stuff
Use public buses
Turn down your heater in the winter to a reasonable temp.
Get a green car that runs on renewable energy
Use renewable resources instead of nonrenewable resources
Spread the word about other ways to save nonrenewable
Clean air act its a law thats put on
greenhouse gases
Clean water act it states you cant put toxins
by natural water
Atomic energy act- its a law enforced on
atomic energy

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