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Like A Bird, I Fly

Livia Salle
Original Story
Chapter 1- The Beginning
We finally went into the bird section. I looked up at the birds. I felt a little drop of liquid on
my head. Suddenly, I felt dizzy, and I felt like I was falling. I was shorter than usual. I looked
up at my dad, and asked him, What in the name of Irene is going on? but he didnt hear
me. I also did not understand why I was so close to the ground. I asked again, but he walked
away. I tried to follow him, but I realized that I wasnt going fast at all. Another thing I
noticed was that the birds twittering and tweeting had stopped. It had been replaced by
things like: What happened, How, and, I told you she shouldnt be the one to be carrying
something that important. Then a beautiful light brown and blond bird flew down to me,
and said, Oh my Irene! Are you okay?
Um, yes, I think, wait, youre a bird, I said in shaky voice. I was terrified. My dad didnt
hear me, and I was pretty sure that now, I was hearing voices. Did I just faint or
Yeah, I am, the bird replied.
Youre talking though, am I Is this a dream? I said in a nervous voice. The bird pecked
me, and it really hurt. Ouch! What did you do that for!? Then I realized that it wasnt a
dream. If you feel pain, then you are not asleep, which I dont really understand. Some
people have a feeling that they are falling in their dreams, but if you feel actual pain, then
youre awake. I sighed and looked down at what I was expecting to be my feet, but I didnt
have my shoes on. Then I realized that I didnt even have feet. I observed myself. I tried to
look at my arms, but they were wings. Mysteriously, I had been turned into a beautiful bird.
My stomach and the base of my wings were a deep burgundy and it gradually faded into a
dark magenta color. I was about six inches tall and I had red-black legs. I looked into the
glass and I noticed that my eyes were brown, and my head was a dark red. I groaned and
realized that I had somehow been turned into a bird. Suddenly, I thought, If Im a bird,
then I can fly, right? so I jumped, spread my wings, and I glided gracefully back down to
the ground.
Im so sorry! the bird said in tears. At least, I think that they were tears. Either way, the
bird was sad. Im so sorry for what I did to you.
What did you do to me? I said curiously.
I was the one that dropped the solution to turn you into a bird! I swear I didnt mean to!
Im so sorry! Here the bird started crying. I took the bird under my wing.
Hey shh its okay. Im not mad, I said in a comforting voice. The bird was still
sobbing. Are we even safe here? I asked. We were standing right where people stepped.
What do you mean? the bird said through tears.
I mean out in the open like this where people could step on us?
N-n-nno, the bird said through tears. And you cant fly, correct? I saw you try a minute
Yeah. Im not used to being a bird, but Im sure you could teach me.
Well, theres another way up the vines. Follow me. I followed the bird until we were at the
top of the vines. I looked for my dad, and finally, I saw him. He asked Elizabeth where I was,
but she didnt know. I turned to the bird, Hey, whats your name?
Its Lucy, she said.
Well, Lucy. Its nice to meet you. I wanted to ask, Is there any way out of here?
Yeah. there is, Lucy said still with a shaky voice.
Can you help me out of here please? I said as calmly as I could.
You cant fly can you? Whats your name? she said starting to calm down and evaluate the
Its Livia, I said.
Livia? Maybe you should learn to fly first, please? I dont want you to get hurt, Lucy said.
Hmm, I guess, but we should practice outside of the cage, dont you think? I mean, there is
a lot of room in here, but maybe not enough to teach me how to fly for the first time. I said,
trying to be logical.
Yeah, I guess. The park is going to be closing soon; we can practice this evening, she said
calmly. I nodded in agreement, and later that night, we left the cage for training. I didnt
know it then, but someone was spying on me. Finally, we were out and on top of it. It
looked really high. As a human it was only a few feet taller than me, but now that I was only
6 inches tall, it looked so high. I wasnt scared though. Lucy started training me
immediately. Okay for the first lesson, you need to be aware of your surroundings. You
also need to spread your wings like this, she spread her wings in such a delicate manner,
that she could have been made of china. Then you jump and she jumped up and flapped
her wings a couple of times. Then she glided. She was beautiful when she was flying. She
turned around and flapped her wings to keep herself in the air, Now! You try! she shouted
at me. You can do it, Livia! I spread my wings, closed my eyes, felt the essence of being a
bird, bent my scrawny little legs, and used all of my force to push myself off of the cage. I
opened my eyes, flapped my wings, and glided. I aimed up, and I was in the air. Youve
adjusted quick, for someone who was turned into a bird just a little while ago, she said
Thanks, Lucy, I said. I guess I needed to see someone do it before I did it. I bet I had it
inside of me the whole time. I said with a little bit of a laugh.
Haha, yeah I bet you did, but promise me you wont leave until tomorrow okay? I nodded.
Then we went back into the cage and I rested for the rest of the night. Then in the morning,
I heard someone yelling. You dont care about me! Youre just a selfish pig, who will leave
for long periods of time and then come back!
That sounds like- I thought.
Dont raise your voice at me young lady! Im your father, and you are under my command!
No! I am not! You dont love me! I might as well just leave! Lucy yelled.
Who would you leave with! Your new little friend!?
Maybe, I should! she sobbed.
You wont make it outside of this park for a day!
Yes, I will! Dont bother following me! If you wake up tomorrow, and realize that Im gone,
remember this, You were the reason that I left, and Im not coming back! Good bye! she
said through tears. Lucy stormed into the place where we were staying with tears in her
beautiful blue eyes. She didnt know that I was awake or that I had heard everything that
had just happened. Lucy? Is everything okay? I asked quietly, not wanting to startle her.
N-no! My father came home again! He always leaves us and then comes back. Livia, how
long have you been awake? she asked quietly with tears streaming down her light brown
Long enough to hear everything that just happened between you and your dad I said
honestly. I walked over to her and hugged her with my broad wings. She wept in my wings,
and she pulled away after a few minutes. We sat in silence for about five minutes. She cried
quietly. Thinking over everything I had just heard, I decided to be the bigger person, or
bird, You can come with me, I said finally. You dont deserve what hes giving you. Im
your friend, and Im not letting your dad hurt you like that. She looked at me with tears in
her eyes and said quietly, You really mean it?
Yes, absolutely! Itll be an adventure, I said confidently.
T-thank you so much, Livia. It means a lot to me, she said.
So, when do you want to le- then I heard a familiar voice outside of the cage.
Where is she? How have you not found her? I have been missing my daughter since
yesterday afternoon! She was just here and then she disappeared, he said.
Dad? I asked confused. Then dad left. We were going to our spot when I spotted a dark
blue bird sitting in our spot. Who is that? I whispered to Lucy.
Thats Jonathan, she said. Hes been here ever since he was a baby. He first came here
when his parents were killed. I dont want to say anything more than that. Come on. Ill
introduce you to him. Jon! Hey! We walked up to him.
Hey, Lucy! Good to see you! Then he turned to me, You. Youre that new chick that got
turned into a bird yesterday. Livia? Right?
Um. Yeah, how did you know? Wait chick? Whats that supposed to mean?
If you havent noticed already, this cage isnt the biggest. There arent a lot of birds. Word
gets around quick, and yeah, youre kinda cute. I smiled, and I looked at Lucy. So, like I
was asking before, When do you wanna leave?
Youre leaving, Lucy? Jonathan asked.
Yeah. My dad came home again. Its become too much for me to handle on my own, and no
one else cares. Im going with Livia to find a new place to call home, if you could even call
this a home, she said discouraged.
Thats good news for me, because Ive been thinking about leaving too, he said.
What?! Why? she said stunned. Youve been here for so long! Why leave now?
Well, I dont really feel like I fit in around here anymore, and I dont like the idea of being
cooped up in a cage all of the time. I want to experience what the world has for us birds.
You know? he said with a smile.
Thats true I guess, Lucy said.
Lu, can I talk to you for a minute in private please? I asked.
Yeah, she said almost knowing what I was going to say.
Alright, follow me, I replied. Then I jumped, flapped, glided, and flapped again. I continued
the flap-glide process until we had reached the entrance of the park.
What did you want to talk about? Lucy asked. I looked at her and then out to the parking
lot that surrounded the parks entrance, not saying anything, Liv? she said reassuringly.
I think that we should let Jonathan come with us, I said.
I thought thats you were thinking about that. Im pretty good at reading body language in
birds and in humans, she said.
Okay. should we go tell him? I asked.
Yeah. Lets go, she replied. We flew back over the park, but when we were flying nearer to
my dad, I flew lower to the ground, and I perched in a tree closest to where he was
standing; I listened to what he was saying. Livia, why did you stop? Lucy asked realizing
that I wasnt following her.
Shh. I want to know what my dad is saying. If possible, I am going to follow his car home, I
This is your dad? she asked curiously.
Yes. Lets listen, I said.
Dad had a solemn look on his face. It was one that I hadnt seen in a long time, and it scared
me a little. He sighed a deep sigh and muttered to himself, I dont know what else to do.
Ive tried every police station in the area and even outside of the area. She couldnt have
run away, someone would have seen her. The cameras could have seen her. No one has
seen her ever since yesterday when we first came into the park. Not a single officer saw
her. Im just going to call Elizabeth. Dad called Elizabeth and put her on speaker.
Cam? Hey, Did they find anything?
No, nothing has come up. No one has seen her ever since we entered the park, he said.
Dad started tearing up. Elizabeth, what if shes hurt or worse? I dont know what I would
do if I lost my only daughter,
Cam, calm down. Everything is going to be fine. I promise. We can only pray that shes safe
and that she will find her way back to us, Elizabeth said. I could tell that she was close to
crying on the other end of the phone.
I wish that I had just given her her phone back. Then maybe we would be able to track
her, he said in a sad voice.
Cam, this isnt your fault. Just pray and stay calm, she said Go eat some lunch and try not
to think about it too much. Dad sighed and nodded.
Alright. Im going to go eat lunch. Oh, did you call the school to tell them the situation? he
Not yet. How about you call them? she said.
Okay. I love you,
I love you too..bye,
Bye, He hung up the phone and took a deep breath. Then he dialed the schools phone
number and put it on speaker.
Hi, this is Cameron Salle, Livias dad, Dad said with a shaky voice.
Good afternoon, Mr. Salle,
Good afternoon. I just wanted to tell you that something has come up with Livia,
Yes? Is everything okay?
Well, not exactly. Shes missing, He said.
What? How?
Well, we dont really know yet. All we know is that she hasnt been seen ever since
yesterday afternoon. I just wanted to let you know that shes not going to be at school
Alright, well let her advisor know. Thank you, and we hope you find her soon, Dad hung
up and walked out of the park.
Should we follow him? Lucy asked anxiously.
No. Dad will be back after lunch. He wont stop until he finds me. Itll be fine,
Whatll be fine? Jon said from right behind me. I gasped and almost fell off the branch I
was on. It took me a second to recollect myself.
Jon, please dont scare me like that again, I said in a little bit of a frustrated voice.
Okay. Sorry about that. What did you two need to talk about?
Oh yeah! We wanted see if you wanted to come with the two of us, Lucy said.
Really? You would let me come with you? Jon asked.
Yeah, I said. But on one condition,
And that would be, he said.
That you dont scare either one of us again, I said a bit annoyed, but through a laugh.
Okay. Ill try not to, he said with a bit of a smirk. I looked at him to see if he was lying.
Then I nodded and turned to Lucy. When do you want to leave?
We can leave now if you want, she said. I looked to my left towards the entrance, and I
saw Dads Jeep drive by.
Alright. Follow that Jeep. Thats my dads car. Hes probably going to lunch. Come on you
two, I said and flew into the air. We followed Dads car until he stopped for gas. Lets rest
here for a little bit, I said out of breath. Dad put the tube into the gas tank and walked
inside. Stay here, I said. I glided to the windowsill and looked in. I saw him in the snack
aisle, and I knew that he was getting sugar for his diabetes. I turned around and flew back
to where Lucy and Jonathan were waiting. What is it? Lucy asked.
Its nothing, I just wanted to check on him, I said. He came back out, took the gas tube out
of the tank, paid for the gas, started his car, and left. We followed him all the way home; he
pulled up in the driveway. He turned off his car, but he didnt get out immediately. I looked
from a tree, and I saw that he was crying. I teared up and looked away. Come on guys. Lets
go find a place to stay for tonight, They both agreed and we found a comfortable spot in a
tree not far from the house. After I knew that Lucy and Jonathan were asleep, I flew to my
window, which was open, and I flew in. The door was open and no one was there. I didnt
understand what was going on, but I decided that I should go see if anyone else was awake.
I was as quiet as an owl sneaking up on its prey. I went to Beaus room, and sat on the side
of his bed for a brief moment. Then I glided to Emersons door. It was open, and she was
awake. I stayed where she couldnt see me, but I could see her. I really miss Livia, she
said. Then I glided to the music room. Then I heard the door alarm that meant Dad had
come inside. I hopped and glided to the dining room then around the corner to the kitchen.
Any luck? Elizabeth asked.
No. None, Dad looked down, and Elizabeth hugged him.
Im sure wherever she is, shes okay, she said, but for now, Lets just eat dinner,
Okay, Dad said. I flew back up to my room, and I heard over the intercom, Emerson!
Cannon! Beau! Zachary! Dinner time! I flew out of my room right as Dad walked in, and I
went and sat on the roof. I was close to crying. I was about to leave, but something came up
the roof towards me. It was bigger than me, and it had a tail. Its tail was fluffy, and it has
whiskers. Almost immediately, I knew that it was a squirrel. In its high-pitched squeaky
voice, it asked me, Why are you upset? I was shocked at first because I didnt expect it to
talk to me. Even more that I would understand it. Im not upset, just concerned,
Dont lie to me. I know when someones hurt,
............My life has changed for the worse, and I dont know how to change myself back to
who I was before, I said rather angrily. Okay, so maybe I am a little upset. Why do you
You are different now. You were the hermit human that hid in her room all the time,
HEY! What was that supposed to mean?
Im just saying th-
Wait, are you the squirrels that live in my walls and in the attic?
Yes we are,
Can I ask you to do something?
What is it?
Can you go inside and listen to what my family is saying?
Sure, but why?
Like you said, I am that hermit that stays in my bedroom
So? What does that have------OHHHHHHHH when were you changed into a bird?
Yesterday afternoon, I replied.
Oh.. then yes, said the squirrel, Oh, by the way, my name is Chip.
Nice to meet you, Chip, I said. Then I waited for him to come back. After a while Chip came
back with not so great news. What did they say? I asked almost angrily. I collected myself,
and I managed to calm down. I sighed and said, Sorry, Im just upset that this had to
happen to me.
Its okay. I understand that youre hurting, and they didnt say anything. They were silent
almost the entire time, Chip squeaked.
I sighed and looked back at the house. Okay thanks, Chip.
Youre welcome; you should get some sleep. I nodded in agreement and flew off to where
we were sleeping. I tried to get comfortable, but it took me a while. While I was getting
settled, Jon noticed I was awake and asked, Whats our plan for tomorrow?
I smiled. I thought you were asleep Jon.
Ive been awake for a while, he said with a smirk.
I sighed and looked away. I closed my eyes and a single tear rolled down my feathery face.
Im still thinking, I said.
Youre worried about how your family is doing without you, he said as if reading my
mind. I didnt say anything. I looked down, and I felt a pair of wings embrace my small,
plump, little body. I know I may come off as annoying sometimes to some people, but I
care about my friends. I lost my family when I was a young bird. I came to the park, and
they accepted me, and I became friends with a good many birds, but almost all of them died
about a year ago. Lucy was my only friend left until I met you, and I will do anything, go to
any lengths to protect both of you.
Tears started rolling slowly down my face, Jonathan, I dont know what to do. I miss my
I know you do, and youll do whatever it takes to get them back. Jon was still holding me
when we both fell asleep. The next morning, Jon and I woke up, and we went and sat on the
roof until Lucy woke up.
How are you two lovebirds this morning? she smirked playfully.
Lovebirds? I asked curiously.
Yeah. I woke up for a couple minutes around 5:30 this morning and I saw how you two
were sleeping together. I just looked down. Anyway, whats our plan for today? she
Honestly, I just wanna have fun as a bird. I dont have to find an immediate cure for this.
Its not a threat or anything. Follow me, I said. Then I jumped up and flew up towards the
sun and up the mountain. I flew to my favorite place in the whole neighborhood, the rock
that sat on a hill. I stood on the rock then realized that I was a bird now and I didnt need to
stand on the rock when I could get a way better view from the trees. I flew into the tree,
and the view was beautiful. I decide to fly around the Greenville area. At about 10:00 a.m., I
started flying towards the school. I went to the roof. Then I got the courage to fly down to
the second floor window. They would have been in an all-school meeting at about that time.
I saw all of the chairs, and I longed to be in them. To be sitting alongside my friends. Then I
floated down to the main level. It was a mess, and I couldnt clean it up. It was bothering me
so much! Then I flew down to the terrace level. I wanted to be in there. I flew around some
more, and I realized that I needed to relax, and the best place to relax was in Moms
backyard. That platform would be perfect to sit on, so I started flying in the direction of her
house. I found her house pretty fast. I saw Rascal outside of Moms house. I started to fly
lower then I remembered that cats eat birds. I flew away a bit disappointed. Then I
thought, Maybe I could talk to him. I landed a safe distance away and called out to him.
Rascal! His little head turned violently when he heard my voice. He stared at me for a
couple minutes before he started walking towards me. Rascal? Rascal, its me, Livia. When
he heard my name his little ears perked up. Livia? Mommy? he said.
Yes, its me,
Mommy? Why are you a bird?
Long story Rascal. In short, I was turned into a bird by magic.
Oh, well, your mommy and daddy have been looking for you, you know, he said.
Yeah, I know. I just wish there was a way to tell everyone that I was okay.
Maybe there is, Rascal said. Follow me. He started walking towards the outdoor closet,
and we went through the door. I was inside. I went back to my room. Here we are. What
are you going to get? Rascal asked.
Im getting paper and a pencil, I said anxiously.
How are you going to write? If you havent noticed already, youre a bird. I sighed, and
looked at Rascal from where I was perched. I realized that if it didnt work, it was a fruitless
effort, but I had to try. Rascal, they miss me. I need to at least let them know that Im okay.
Im probably not gonna change back for a while, but even if I cant, I have to try, I said with
confidence in myself. I grabbed the pencil and the paper and put it on the floor. I have to
admit that it was harder than it looked, but I managed to scratch out the letters O-K and
L-I-V. I opened the drawer where all of the extra pencils and paper were. I got some tape
and struggled for a minute, but I got the tape and I flew back to Dads house. I taped it to the
laundry room door and waited where we had slept the night before. While we waited, we
talked. That was exhausting, I said out of breath.
Yeah, it sure was, Lucy said.
Ill admit, that was a bit of a struggle, even for me, Jon said.
Oh yeah because you are the strongest bird in the flock! Lucy said and then laughed her
chirping little laugh. I smiled and hopped around on the roof. I went and sat on the deck
and then I remembered the section of the roof outside Emersons window. I decided to wait
there until Dad and Elizabeth got home. Lucy fell asleep eventually, and Jon and I decided to
leave her be and go and talk somewhere. Livia, when do you want to start looking for a
cure to whatever it is that changed you into a bird?
I dont know really. Hopefully soon. I think that we should start looking on Thursday.
Today is Tuesday. I want one more day to enjoy this, I said with a sigh.
Okay, we should go find someone whos smart in this type of thing. Do you have anyone in
mind? he asked.
No, not a clue unfortunately, I said discouraged.
Im sure well find something. Until then, lets enjoy this moment, as he said this, he
wrapped his wing around my body. I snuggled up next to him, and we waited together for
Dad and Elizabeth to come home. It took them a while, but they finally got home. We flew
over to where the note was and saw them look at the note, and Dad asked, What is this?
He read it, and gasped. He burst inside and yelled, Livia left us this note! Shes okay!
We still dont know where she is though, Elizabeth said.
Thats not important! What is important is that shes within range of the house to put this
note here! Dad said with new spark in his eyes.
Wait, let me see that, interrupted Emerson. Livia has way better handwriting than this.
Yeah, but its telling us that shes okay! Dad said trying to be as positive as possible. He
couldnt hold the act up much longer, and he broke, I just dont want her to be hurt! Ok?!
He ran of to his and Elizabeths room.
Guys, please stay here while I talk to him, She went into the room and talked to him,
Cam, we dont know if she really wrote this. We just dont want you to be believing in
something that might not be true.
But what if this is hers? This could be our only lead. No one at that stupid park knows
what theyre doing! Maybe this is my only chance of finding her and finding out what
happened! He stormed out of the room, out to his car, and out the driveway.
Whats going on? Wheres Dad going? I said upset. We need to follow him, I said and
started flying after him. He drove to Moms house and then he parked in her driveway. She
came out of the house obviously very confused.
What in the name of Irene is going on! Why did Dad race over here? I asked very worried
Cam, whats going on? Is everything okay?
No. Get in the car. We need to talk about something I found that might be a lead on where
Livia is or what happened to her. Mom got in the passenger seat, and Dad started talking.
Holly, was anything off in your house when you came home from work today? Like was
anything out of place or misplaced? We have a freakishly good alarm system, so she
couldnt have gotten into my house.
Yeah, actually. The junk drawer that we keep all of the extra pencils and pens in was open,
and there was a pen on the floor, and Livias bedroom door was open. I closed it before I
left. Why? Mom said curiously.
I have a feeling that Livia wrote this. Its not the strongest feeling, but its something to
work off of for now. I drove all the way over her because Elizabeth was being very
discouraging, and she wasnt being very supportive in my hypothesis.
Oh, what were they saying?
They were saying things like, Cam, thats not her handwriting, and Anyone could have
written that note, and We dont want you believing in something that might not be really
true. I feel the paper in my hands. Im not imagining this. Please believe me, Holly.
If this is all we have to go off of for now, then I believe you.
Thank you, and Im sorry if I scared you earlier. I was just so excited that we might have a
lead on where Livia might be.
Its fine, just text me before you do something like this again, okay? Mom said smiling.
Okay, I will, Dad drove off, and Mom went back inside. I looked at Jon and said, This isnt
how I imagined this playing out.
Me neither, he said. We both looked at Dads car and then back at Moms house.
Cant be good,
We watched as Dads car rode out of sight of us. As he left, I turned to Jon in shock. What
just happened? I asked.
I dont know, Jon said as stunned as me. Thats not how it was supposed to happen,
Of course, thats totally what was supposed to happen. Elizabeth and Dad were supposed
to get into a fight, and Dad was supposed to come to moms, I said sarcastically.
It was, Jon asked.
No! Of course thats not what was supposed to happen! I yelled as I burst into tears.
Livia, its okay, Jon said. Theres Lucy,
Jon, I need some time to myself. Tell Lucy whats going on. Dont follow me please, I said
in tears.
Livia, is everything okay? He asked. I didnt answer, I just flew away silently. I followed
Dads car home and I flew above downtown. I perched on the steeple of my church, and I
cried. I went to falls park, stood in the river, and wept. I didnt know what to do. Should I
just stay a bird and pretend that Im gone. I heard something behind me, and I turned
around to see my own cousin, McKenna standing there. I smiled, and hugged her with my
tiny wings. She picked me up and observed me. Whats your name little birdie? Are you a
girl? Yeah! You are! Youre so beautiful. The color of your wings reminds me
of..Livia..Livia? Wait, could you be? I nodded violently. You are?! Livia? What
happened to you?
Its a long story, I said. I didnt expect her to understand me, but she did.
You can talk?
You can understand me? I asked in shock.
Yeah, I guess that you just have to believe. I said. I finally felt hope for the first time all
day. Then I saw Lucy and Jon. I turned my head back to McKenna. Those are my friends.
Can you let me go please?
Yes! Absolutely! Im going to tell my mom that youre okay, so she can call your mom who
can call your dad. Okay?
Sounds like a plan! I wiped away my tears, and flew into the sky. I saw McKenna run to
where her mom was, Mom! Livias here! I flew towards Jon and Lucy, and I called out to
them. I guided them towards where McKenna and her mom were. Shes the magenta and
burgundy bird right here!
McKenna, I think that youve been getting too much sun, she said.
What! No! Livia got turned into a bird somehow. Please you have to believe me! McKenna
yelled frantically.
McKenna, please calm down. Here, take five dollars and go get a frozen lemonade or
something. Okay? she said calmly.
Fine. Come on, Livia, McKenna said. We flew and followed her. We all got a lemonade, and
talked for a little bit. Livia, Im so sorry about my mom.
Its okay. Thanks for the lemonade. I forgot how good these were, I said slirping my drink.
Jon and Lucy had already gotten several brain freezes, and I was having a good time. So
what now, I asked.
Well, what do you want to do? McKenna asked.
I need to find a way to change back before- I couldnt even finish my sentence when
McKennas phone rang. She put it on speaker so we all could hear.
Hello? McKenna said
McKenna, honey, I need to tell you something.
Okay? Whats up?
Since Cam and Holly havent found Livia since Sunday afternoon, shes declared dead.
Mom! I already told you that Livia isnt dead!
Yeah, I know, but a bird cant be a human, McKenna, she said.
Thats what you think! then she hung up the phone. Livia, Im so sorry about my mom.
She just doesnt understand.
Its okay, some things just take time. I said calmly
So, what are we going to do? She asked.
You are going to go to whatever funeral they have. Tell my dad whats going on. He still has
some hope, I said
Okay. Then we can start looking for a cure. she said.
Sounds good. Until then, could we stay with you? I asked.
Yeah. You might have to stay in the backyard, but itll be good. I wont let anything happen
to you or your friends. she said.
Okay. Thank you for looking out for us, I said, and hugged her hand.
Yeah! Any time. Can I ask you something? Ive been curious about this, ever since I realized
you were a bird, she said inquisitively.
Yeah. Ask away!
Whats it like to be a bird?
Well, its kinda hard to describe. Its a wonderful feeling though. You know when you drive
over a small hill in a car really fast? Its like that feeling inside of you all of the time.
Wow! That sounds awesome!
It really is, but after seeing Dad in this condition, I realized that I do make a difference in
the world. I kinda wish that everyone could have this type of experience. They would have
a chance to see what people think about them,
But what if someone says something bad about them?
Then they know who to stay away from, I said. McKenna got a text. What does it say? I

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