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Katiyar Aviral et al.

IRJP 2012,
3 (10)
ISSN 2230 8407
Research Article


Katiyar Aviral*, Prajapati S.K., Akhtar Ali, Vishwakarma Sanjay Kumar
Institute of pharmacy, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi (U.P), India

Article Received on: 16/08/12 Revised on: 21/09/12 Approved for publication: 02/10/12


Controlled release local drug delivery systems offer advantages compared to systemic dosage forms for periodontitis. The objective of this research was to
design and evaluate sustained release dental films containing lomefloxacin hydrochloride in a non-biodegradable carrier for targeted delivery of drug. Polymer
ethyl cellulose was used in the formulation of the dental films. The dental film was then evaluated for various parameters and in-vitro, in-vivo study . The
effects of various formulation variables on the drug release profiles from the films were studied to determine optimum formulations. Drug release profile of
dental film showed that the film exerted an initial burst release followed by sustained release of the drug and the drug release was well above the minimum
inhibitory concentration throughout the time of study. The study suggests that non-biodegradable polymer based dental film of lomefloxacin hydrochloride is a
potential local drug delivery device for the treatment of periodontitis.
Key words: periodontitis, lomefloxacin hydrochloride, ethyl cellulose.

INTRODUCTION Localize drug action by spatial placement of controlled

Dental diseases are recognized as a major public health release system adjacent to or in the disease tissue or organ.
problem throughout the world. Since dental diseases may be Target drug action by using carriers or chemical
chronic, long-term treatment is often necessary. The effective derivatization to deliver drug to a particular target site.
use of antibacterial agents for the treatment of periodontal
diseases requires an adequate drug concentration at the site of
action and a means to maintain that level for a sufficient
duration. Controlled release local drug delivery systems offer
advantages compared to systemic dosage forms for
periodontitis. The objective of this research was to design
and evaluate sustained release dental films containing a non-
biodegradable polymer for targeted delivery of drug.
The word periodontal literally means "around the tooth."
Periodontal disease is a chronic bacterial infection that affects
the gums and bone supporting the teeth. Periodontal disease
can affect one tooth or many teeth. It begins when the
bacteria in plaque (the sticky, colorless film that constantly
forms on your teeth) causes the gums to become inflamed.
Periodontal diseases range from simple gum inflammation to
serious disease those results in major damage to the soft
tissue and bone that support the teeth. In the worst cases,
teeth are lost.
Supragingival and subgingival plaque play a vital role in the
causation of dental caries and periodontal infections
respectively. In the diseased state, supporting collagen of the
periodontium is destroyed and the alveolar bone begins to
resorb. As shown in (Figure -1) the epithelium of the gingiva
begins to migrate along the tooth surface forming pockets,
which provides an ideal environment for the growth and
proliferation of microorganisms .
In pharmaceutical field novel and controlled drug delivery
system are becoming more popular which are capable of
improving patient compliance as well as therapeutic efficacy.
In general, controlled drug delivery attempts-
To sustain drug action at a pre-determined rate by
maintaining a relatively constant effective drug level in
the body with concomitant minimization of undesirable
side effects.

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Katiyar Aviral et al. IRJP 2012,
Films are matrix delivery systems in 3 (10)
which the drug is Delivery systems containing between 2-4 mg of the drug with
distributed throughout the polymer and drug release occurs release rates of several micrograms per hours, giving rise to
by diffusion and/or matrix dissolution or erosion. The therapeutically effective levels in the gingival fluid are
dimensions and shape of the film can be controlled to
correspond to the dimensions of the pocket where the film required for the treatment of advanced periodontal disease.
is to be inserted. It can be rapidly inserted into the pocket Although the research concerning local drug delivery devices
with minimal pain to the patient. It can be totally in the treatment of dental diseases is still young, it has
submerged in the pocket and can be inserted to the base of attracted much attention . There is great potential in the
the pocket. treatment offered by local drug delivery devices in dentistry
For designing an ideal drug delivery device, the following
and research as proved this to be a promising alternative
criteria should be considered :
method of treatment.
They have to be small, since the average pocket depth is
between 6-10 mm and it cannot be exposed beyond
gingival margin when inserted in the periodontal MATERIALS AND METHODS
pocket. Materials
It should not cause any interference to the normal oral Lomefloxacin hydrochloride was obtained as gift sample
hygiene which includes tooth brushing, dental flossing from Nakoda Chemicals Ltd. Hyderabad, India. Different
and to the dietary patterns. grade of Ethyl cellulose, were obtained from Colorcon Asia
The active agent in the device should display Pvt. Ltd., Goa, India. Other materials used in the study were
therapeutic effectiveness at low doses. of analytical grade.
The antimicrobial drug should be highly specific against Drug-polymer compatibility
the bacteria in the pocket. The drug-polymer interaction study was carried out by FT-IR
The drug delivery system should effectively regulate the spectroscopy. The IR spectrum of combination of drug and
dosage reaching the target sites.
polymer to be used in the formulation was obtained by using A Scanning electron microscope was used to study the surface
FTIR spectrophotometer and compared with the individual characteristics of the films before and after dissolution.
spectra of drug and excipients to investigate any possible
interactions. The I.R. spectra of mixture of drug and polymer Samples were coated for 90 sec with gold palladium in a sputter
indicated that there is no interaction between drug and coater (Structure Probe Inc) for a coating thickness of
polymers, hence polymers were chosen for further approximately 23.0 nm. Samples were stored in a dessicator
investigations .The scanned graphs were depicted in the until imaged on a field emission scanning electron microscope
respective (Figure 2, 3 and 4).
at 5.0 kV with a working distance of 8 to 10 mm. SEMs were
Formulation of dental film
Different batches of films were prepared using different drug taken at 5000X magnification and shown in (Figure 5 8).
to polymer ratio in order to study the effect of D/P ratio on Thickness of the films
Thickness of the film was measured using digital screw gauge
the rate of drug release from the films.
(Mitutoyo) at different areas of the film and the average was
Periodontal films were prepared by solvent casting calculated.
technique . Glass moulds were used for casting of films. Uniformity of weight of the films
Ethyl cellulose was taken as the main non-biodegradable Film (size of 10x6 mm) was taken from different areas of
polymer. Films were prepared by dissolving Ethyl cellulose film. The weight variation of each film was calculated.
in chloroform solution, using dibutyl phthalate and PEG-400
as Plasticizers in a beaker using magnetic stirrer to get Surface pH
different concentration of polymeric solutions. Lomefloxacin Periodontal films were left to swell for 1 hour on the surface of
hcl was added in to the polymeric solution and mixed the agar plate, prepared by dissolving 2% (w/v) agar in warmed
homogenously using magnetic stirrer in a closed beaker. double distilled water with constant stirring and poured into the
After complete mixing the solution was poured into clean petridish to solidify at room temperature. The surface pH was
labelled glass moulds placed on horizontal plane. The solvent measured by means of pH paper placed on the surface of the
was allowed to evaporate slowly by inverting a glass funnel swollen film. The mean of three readings was recorded.
with a cotton plug closed into the stem of the funnel at room Folding endurance
temperature for 24 hours. After complete evaporation of The folding endurance of the films was determined by
solvent, cast films obtained, which were then cut into pieces repeatedly folding the film at the same place till it broke or
of (106 mm.), wrapped in an aluminium foil and stored in a folded, which is considered satisfactory to reveal good film
desiccator at room temperature in a dark place for further properties. This test was carried out on all the films.
evaluation studies. To determine different variables, batches
of cast films were prepared. The compositions of films are
given in (Table -1).
Evaluation of the films
Periodontal films were evaluated for physical characteristics
as follows -
Scanning electron microscopy

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Katiyar Aviral et al. IRJP 2012,
Drug content uniformity of films 3 (10) In-vitro drug release has been recognized as an important
Content uniformity was determined by taking previously element in formulation development. Several
weighed film in a clean volumetric flask and warm buffer
0 theories/kinetics models describe drug release from
solution (37 C) was added in small portions. The flask was
kept in the shaker for 4 hours and then the final volume was immediate and modified release dosage form. The
adjusted to 100 ml with the buffer. The flask was kept quantitative interpretation of values obtained in the drug
undisturbed for one hour and 5 ml of the supernatant release study is facilitated by the use of a generic equation
portion was taken in a 25 ml volumetric flask and diluted to that mathematically translate the drug release curve in
5 times in buffer. The turbid solution was centrifuged and
the absorbance was read at absorption maximum 284 nm. function of some parameter related with pharmaceutical
on an dosage form . Many authors describe the release rate process
U.V. spectrophotometer. by simply comparing the correlation coefficient values of
Moisture Loss lines collected from graphical presentation of different
The 20 films of different concentrations are weighed mathematical models as shown in (Table 4). In order to
accurately and then they are kept in desiccators for 3 days
determine the mechanism of drug release from films, the data
and then reweighed and by using the formula % moisture
loss was calculated. were treated using following mathematical models-(Figure
In-vitro study 10-15).
The pH of gingival fluid lies between 6.5 6.8, phosphate 1. Zero order (cumulative percentage of drug released versus
buffer pH 6.8 was used as simulated gingival fluid. Also, time)
since the film should be immobile in the periodontal 2. First order ( log cumulative % drug remaining vs. time)
pocket, a static dissolution model was adopted for the 3. Higuchi square root law (cumulative percentage of drug
dissolution studies. Films of known weight were placed released vs square root of time)
separately in small test tubes sealed with aluminium foil
In-vivo study
containing 1.0 ml of phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) and kept at
0 0 In-vivo study of optimized film formulation was performed
37 C. The temperature was maintained at 37 C by keeping
the beaker on a magnetic stirrer with temperature control. on male white rabbits. This study was approved by the
The buffer was then drained off at the interval of 2 hours institutional animal ethical committee CPCSEA (Committee
and replaced with a fresh 1.0 ml of buffer. for the purpose of control and supervision of experiments on
The concentration of drug was determined by UV
animal, government of India), vide approval no.
spectrophotometer (shimadzu 1700) at 284 nm the
BU/Pharm/IAEC/11 /005, dated 26/03/2012.
procedure was continued for 48 hours. Studies were
In-vivo drug release study
performed and the mean cumulative percentage of drug was In vivo tests were performed on film formulation F6 chosen
calculated and plotted against time as shown in (Figure 9 on the basis of the results of in vitro test. The films were
and Table 3). placed on the buccal mucosa of the animal. A rectangular
In-vitro drug release kinetics studies
piece of the film was introduced to the buccal cavity by Stability studies
finger and adhered to the lower side of the buccal cavity Stability study was carried out to investigate the degradation
facing the gum. Eating and drinking was prohibited during of drug from formulation during storage.studies were
the first 3 hours. performed on all periodontal films. The selected film of
After application, saliva samples ( 1.0 mL) were collected lomefloxacin were sealed in aluminium foil packaging and
periodically at each time point of the experiment. Saliva were stored in humidity chamber at accelerated (45 2 C,
samples were centrifuged at 5,000 rpm for 10 min to separate 75 5% RH) and ambient (25 2 C, 60 5% RH) condition
any solid components.The supernatant was transferred to for 30 days. Changes in the appearance and drug content of
the stored films were evaluated at an interval of one week
centrifuge tubes and The tubes were vortex mixed with
after storage. The data obtained were the mean of three
phosphate buffer 6.8 for 2 min and centrifuged at 13,000 rpm determinations. The drug content data obtained showed that
for 10 min. The supernatant is taken and add phosphate the content did not differ from the initial drug content by
buffer 6.8 and analysed with the UV spectrophotometer for more than 5%.
drug content( Table 5,6 and Figure 16).

Table 1: Formulation chart

S. No. Ingredients Formulation batch
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6
1. Lomefloxacin Hcl (mg) 200 200 200 200 200 200
2. Ethyl cellulose 7std (mg) 200 400 600 - - -
3. Ethyl cellulose 10std (mg) - - - 200 400 600
4. DBP % v/w of polymer wt. 10 - 10 10 - 10
5. PEG400 % v/w of polymer wt. 10 10 - - 10 -
6. Chloroform (ml) 5 5 5 5 5 5

Table 2: Physicochemical characteristics of periodontal films containing lomefloxacin HCl

S. Films Thickness Weight uniformity Content uniformity Surface Folding endurance Moisture loss %
No. (mg) % pH
1. F1 0.220.02 7.330.2 930.18 7 907.23 9.81.28
2. F2 0.230.03 10.660.1 920.16 6.6 1128.45 7.21.42

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Katiyar Aviral et al. IRJP 2012,
3. F3 0.220.04 3 (10)
14.330.3 940.21 6.5 1158.68 8.50.82
4. F4 0.250.03 7.350.2 900.18 7 958.12 9.60.63
5. F5 0.240.05 10.690.2 950.22 6.5 1169.32 9.31.32
6. F6 0.240.03 14.400.3 960.19 6.6 1209.43 8.71.67

Table 3: In-vitro release profile of films from F1 to F6

S. No. Time (hr) Cumulative % Drug Release
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6
1. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2. 2 8.75 7.33 10.79 13.75 9.96 11.03
3. 4 12.15 15.05 15.88 18.15 15.53 17.86
4. 6 15.32 20.32 24.34 23.51 27.23 28.36
5. 8 18.64 32.24 43.29 26.42 39.4 45.03
6. 10 22.12 40.77 52.38 29.78 42.09 56.97
7. 20 29.90 57.85 67.45 33.21 61.17 69.24
8. 28 31.88 62.01 71.3 41.34 66.23 74.32
9. 34 38.54 68.36 75.03 45.66 75.88 77.76
10. 44 44.38 75.34 79.23 50.54 80.03 83.57
11. 48 46.59 78.34 83.21 52.74 84.28 86.31

Table 4: Kinetic models treatment of in-vitro drug release

S. No. Formulation Zero order First order Higuchi
r2 r2 r2
1. F1 0.9367 0.9682 0.9981
2. F2 0.8991 0.9779 0.9866
3. F3 0.8934 0.9421 0.9824
4. F4 0.8785 0.9386 0.9881
5. F5 0.8934 0.9832 0.9837
6. F6 0.8195 0.9536 0.9721

Table 5: Salivary drug concentration study of formulation F6 in animal model

S. No. Time ( hour ) Concentration (g/ml)
1. 0 0
2. 0.5 0.380.03
3. 1 1.150.04
4. 2 1.970.06
5. 3 3.20.05
6. 6 2.90.06
7. 10 2.70.03
8. 20 2.40.05
9. 28 2.30.04
10. 34 1.80.03
11. 44 1.20.03
12. 48 0.230.04

Page 4
Table 6: Pharmacokinetic parameter of lomefloxacin loaded formulation
S.No. Parameters Observation
1. Cmax (m/ml) 3.20.05
2. Tmax (hrs.) 3
3. AUC0-48 (m/ml*h) 80.73

Figure 3: FTIR spectra of ethyl cellulose.

Figure 1: Comparison of a healthy tooth and periodontal diseased tooth5

Figure 4: FTIR spectra of lomefloxacin hydrochloride with ethyl

Figure 2: FTIR spectra of lomefloxacin hydrochloride

Figure 5: SEM of top surface of film before dissolution. Figure 7: SEM of top surface of film after dissolution.

Figure 6: SEM of bottom surface of film before dissolution. Figure 8: SEM of bottom surface of film after dissolution.

Figure 9: Comparative cumulative % drug release graph of Figure 10: Zero order kinetic of F1 to F3
formulations F1 to F6.
Figure 11: Zero order kinetic of F4 to F6 Figure 14: Higuchi model kinetic of F1 to F3

Figure 12: First order kinetic of F1 to F3 Figure 15: Higuchi model kinetic of F4 to F6

Figure 13: First order kinetic of F4 to F6 Figure 16: Salivary drug concentration - time profile of formulation F6

drugs from the upper surface of the films. Once the burst effect
RESULT AND DISCUSSION was completed, slow and sustained release was seen up to the 48
The possible interaction between drug and polymers were hours. The drug release data were explored for the type of
studies by FTIR spectroscopy. It was clear that there were no release mechanism followed. The r values of the linear
significant differences in IR peaks of drug alone and drug regressions for Higuchi plots were found to be higher,
with polymer. Evaluation was done by different parameters
with the help of different instruments and decide the optimize
formulation. The film showed uniform thickness throughout,
in the range of 0.22-0.24 mm. All formulations showed
weight throughout in the range of 7.33 mg to 14.40 mg. The
drug content in the dental films was within the limit of
920.16 to 960.19 %. The surface pH was measured by
means of pH paper placed on the surface of the swollen film
and was found to be 6.5 7 pH. The folding endurance was
found to be 90-120. Moisture loss was found in the range of
7.21.42 % to 9.81.28%.
The cumulative percent drug release data from various
formulations of films were found in the range of 46.59 % to
86.31 % . Highest percentage of drug release 86.31 % was
observed from the film formulation F6. The slowest release
was obtained from films containing the highest ratio of
polymer. This result could be attributed to the higher
viscosity of the polymer solution used in this formulation.
The release profile showed that there was rapid initial release
of the drug because of the burst effect, due to elution of the
indicating that the data fits the Higuchi model well and the CONCLUSION
drug release was found to be predominantly controlled by In the present study, the aim of developing sustained release
diffusion process. device of lomefloxacin hydrochloride was fulfilled. The
The in-vivo study of selected film formulations was delivery device provide initial high release and moderate
carried out by means of salivary drug concentration release on the later time in in-vitro study. The developed
measurement. Pharmacokinetics of the drug and its action film was satisfactory in terms of drug release.
on target pathogens, Cmax was calculated. The calculated
The local delivery of antimicrobials into the periodontal
Cmax, Tmax and area under the salivary drug concentration
curve (AUC0-48) were observed 3.20.05 m/ml, 3 hours pocket has opened up a new arena for the management of
and 80.73 m/ml*h respectively. In the study, periodontal diseases. This type of drug delivery devices is
lomefloxacin hydrochloride films were successfully likely to be well received by dental profession in future
prepared using ethyl cellulose as the rate controlling
because it can produce much higher levels of drug at the site
polymer. These films were able to sustain the release of
drug for long time. of interest with no side effects in comparison to conventional
oral therapy for prolonged periods.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 9. Stabholz A.,Sela M.N.,Friedman M., Golomb G, Solskolne A, Clinical
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chronic periodontal disease, Int. Dent. Rev. (1998) 118
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Bundelkhand University, Jhansi and Institute of Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy. Verghese publishing house, third edition 1987: 171
Jhansi for support towards the research activity. 12. David G. Watson, Pharmaceutical Analysis, A Textbook For Pharmacy
Students And Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Published By Harcourt
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Source of support: Nil, Conflict of interest: None Declared

IRJP is an official publication of Moksha Publishing House. Website: All rights reserved.

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