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The relationship of arch length to alterations in dental arch width

William P. Hnat, PhD,a Stanley Braun, DDS, MME,b Antony Chinhara, DMD, MS,c and Harry L. Legan, DDS,d
Louisville, Ky, Harare, Zimbabwe, and Indianapolis, Ind

An accurate method is presented for forecasting alterations in arch length related to various width increases in
each dental arch. It is based on combined beta and hyperbolic cosine functions which express the expanded
den- tal arches with correlation coefficients of r = 0.98, between measured data and representations of the
dental arch. When the midpalatal suture is expanded, canine width and molar width alterations are not equal
because the line of action of the expanding force is anterior to the center of resistance of the dentomaxillary
complex. Therefore, canine to molar width ratio alterations of 1:1, 1.25:1, and 1.5:1 are examined, and simple
linear functions are pre- sented for purposes of predicting changes in arch length. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial
Orthop 2000;118:184-8)

ncreases in arch width have been recommended for a

I variety of reasons: (1) the correction of posterior
crossbites, (2) to redirect dentoskeletal development of
to account for any related canine expansion. General
guidelines have been reported by Ricketts et al, 28 stat-
ing that each millimeter of canine expansion provides
the developing dentition to achieve more normal rela-
tionships that may consequently reduce or eliminate for a 1 mm increase in arch perimeter, and 1 mm of
1-8 molar expansion increased the peripheral arch length
later treatment, (3) the elimination of potential dele-
0.25 mm. The method of obtaining these guidelines was not
terious effects on the temporomandibular structures,9,10
revealed. Germane et al29 quantified the increase in
(4) the improvement of nasal respiratory
arch perimeter related to orthodontic expansion based
competence.11 More recently, altering arch widths has
on the premise that the mathematic spline function
become popular as it potentiates nonextraction
describes the dental arch with acceptable accuracy.
therapy.12-14 It should be noted, however, that the
When the canine width and incisor positions were held
clinician does not yet have ade- quate diagnostic
constant, an initial 1 mm increase in molar width pro-
criteria to identify those patients who may have their duced an approximate 0.27 mm increase in perimeter,
dental arches expanded with acceptable long-term the second millimeter produced an additional 0.31
stability.15-20 mm, and the fifth millimeter of molar width increase
It has been reported by various clinicians11,21-23 was related to a perimeter increase of 0.41 mm. When
that the anterior portion of the dental arch expands the incisor positions were fixed, each millimeter of
more than the posterior portion during maxillary canine expansion provided a 0.73 mm increase in arch
sutural expansion and is likely to be related to the perime- ter. As Germane et al29 pointed out, individual
resistance of the zygomatic buttresses. Others24-26 isolation of the width changes will cause an abnormal
have reported that the mandibular arch is observed to arch form, and alterations in the canine region will
follow maxillary arch expansion because of the alter the incisor positions and premolar/molar widths.
influence of occlusion and alterations in the extraoral Because the natural maxillary and mandibular arch
tissue drape. forms have recently been accurately described30 by the
Some investigators have attempted to quantify the mathematical beta function with a correlation coeffi-
peripheral arch length changes related to arch width cient (r) of 0.98, it is the purpose of this study to more
expansion. Adkins et al27 found an average increase in precisely relate alterations in arch width to arch
arch perimeter of 4.7 mm for an average molar expan- length.
sion of 6.5 mm. This finding was obtained by
recording dental landmarks of 21 orthodontic patients MATERIAL AND METHODS
who had undergone rapid palatal expansion and did
Because the force systems related to maxillary
not attempt
sutural expansion are applied anterior to the center of
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, J. B. Speed Scientific resistance of the dentomaxillary complex,31,32 the
School, University of Louisville. canine width commonly changes more rapidly than
Clinical Professor of Orthodontics, Vanderbilt University Medical Center.
Private Practice. molar widths. Consequently, the alterations in arch
Professor and Chairman of Orthodontics, Vanderbilt University Medical length are examined for canine width changes to molar
Center. Reprint requests to: Stanley Braun, DDS, MME, 7940 Dean Road, width changes (canine width/molar width) in ratios of
Indianapolis, IN 46240
Submitted, August 1999; Revised and accepted, January 2000.
1:1, 1.25:1, and 1.5:1.
Copyright 2000 by the American Association of Orthodontists.
0889-5406/2000/$12.00 + 0 8/1/105570
In the early phase of this study, it was found that
the correlation coefficients for the beta function

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Hnat et al 185
Volume 118, Number 2

Fig 1. Correlation coefficients vs incremental arch width increases for various canine/molar width ratios.

Fig 2. Arch shape for the combined beta and hyperbolic cosine functions.

pre-expanded arch widths and depths of untreated den-

the entirety of the natural untreated dental arch dimin- tal arches,30 alterations in arch length related to
ished significantly as the arch widths were increased changes in molar and canine widths are studied with
as shown in Fig 1. Therefore, the expanded (altered) accuracy. The arch shapes were assumed symmetric
den- tal arch is best modeled by 2 mathematical and the coordinates were identified for the initial over-
functions: the hyperbolic cosine function for the 6 all arch depth, initial molar width, and initial canine
anterior teeth,33 and the beta function for the dentition width. These points were subsequently used to curve-
posterior to the canines. High correlation coefficients fit the beta and hyperbolic cosine functions to the
are conse- quently maintained. Using average values
for the initial
Fig 3. Six anterior teeth described by the hyperbolic cosine function.

expanded dental arch. The overall arch depth and the Because the geometric relationship of the
anterior arch depth were held constant while the maxillary and mandibular arches have been well
canine and molar widths were varied. Each time the described by earlier investigators,34-36 the coordinated
widths were altered, the curve-fit routines were used alterations in mandibular arch length relative to that of
to emu- late the new arch shape as shown in Fig 2. The the maxillary arch can be calculated. This is limited to
arch length was calculated by summing the length of Angle Class I occlusion because a previous study has
seg- ments between the calculated coordinates. This shown that the relationship of the mandibular arch
pro- vides a satisfactory simulation for the arch length form to that of the maxillary arch form is significantly
since 36 coordinates were calculated for each dental
altered in occlu- sions other than Angle Class I.30
arch. Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Corp, Redmond,
Wash) was used to perform all calculations including RESULTS
curve- fits for the hyperbolic cosine and beta
Fig 4 illustrates alterations in maxillary arch length
for changes in the canine width to molar width ratios
The anterior arch segment, described by the hyper-
of 1:1, 1.25:1, and 1.5:1, in increments of 2 mm to 14
bolic cosine function, is given by
mm of molar expansion. Fig 5 illustrates alterations
x in mandibular arch length for the same canine width

[ ]
Y = cosh b cosh1(h+1) + 1.0 + to molar width ratios up to 14 mm of molar
where b represents
h one-half the cross-arch distance
between the normal distal contacts of the right and left DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS
canines, and h represents the distance measured along
A high correlation coefficient is maintained to the
a line from the contacts of the central incisors perpen-
form (coordinates) of the expanded maxillary and
dicular to a line connecting the distal contacts of the
related mandibular arches when the hyperbolic cosine
canines as shown in Fig 3.
function is used to represent the 6 anterior teeth and
The dental arch posterior to the distal contacts of
the beta function is used to represent the remaining
the canines bilaterally, described by the beta function,
poste- rior teeth. Because the canine to molar width
is given by
expansion ratios are a function of the point of
application of the
x 1 1 x
Y = 3.0314D [ w + 2 ]0.8[2 w] 0.8 expansion force relative to the center of resistance of
the dentomaxillary complex, 3 canine/molar ratios:
1:1, 1.25:1, and 1.5:1 were examined. Alterations in
where W represents the cross-arch distance between
arch length were calculated with the curve-fit routines.
the second molar contact points, in millimeters, and D
As an example, if the maxillary molar width is
the perpendicular distance from a line joining the
expanded 6 mm (3 mm per side), and the canine/molar
distal contact points of the canines anteriorly to a
expansion ratio is 1.25:1, then the arch length alter-
similar line joining the mesial contact points of the
ation is +5.4 mm (L = 0.9236[6] 0.1154). See Fig 4.
second molars, in millimeters.
Correspondingly, the mandibular arch length alteration
Fig 4. Changes in maxillary arch length for canine/molar width ratios 1:1, 1.25:1, and 1.5:1.

Fig 5. Changes in mandibular arch length for canine/molar width ratios 1:1, 1.25:1, and 1.5:1.

is +5.6 mm (L = 0.9469[6] 0.1305), when the 2 segment (canine to canine) is 5.95 mm (L = 0.779
arches are in Angle Class I occlusion. The relationship [1.25][W] + 0.111). For canine to molar width
between arch length alteration and molar width
expansion ratios of 1.25:1 and 1.5:1, a small decrease
expansion is lin- ear as illustrated by the high
in the posterior arch length actually occurs. This is
correlation coefficients (r
due to a reduction in the curvature of the arch form
= 0.999) of the linear fit equations in Figs 4 and 5.
from distal to the canines, and accounts for the small
In this example, when the mandibular molar width variation in the results. Consequently, the clinician
is increased 6 mm, a total of 5.6 mm mandibular arch can assume that most of the arch length gain occurs in
length increase occurs. Based on previously reported the anterior segment for all alterations in arch width.
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