15 Hoursdocumentation

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Thursday April 27:

2:00-3:30pm (1 hour, 30 minutes)

At Rockingham County High School during my free period:
Met with my mentor, Erin Hughes, and worked on sexual assault survey.
Talked about meeting with Mr. Weaver to get it approved to post on canvas for
the school to take.
4:30-4:50pm ( 20 minutes )
At my house:
Composed email requesting to meet with Mr. Weaver to ask about the
survey and sent the email.

Tuesday May 2:
3:30-4:00pm (30 minutes)
At my school:
Added answer key to the survey and searched for Mr. Weaver to get
approval to post the survey (he was in a meeting)

Saturday May 6:
12:15-2:35pm ( 1 hour, 20 minutes )
At my house:
Created a Prezi account
Chose a theme for the Prezi
Edited the formatting to fit my presentation needs

Sunday May 7:
9:40am-12:50pm ( 3 hours, 10 minutes )
At my house:
Took extensive notes on resources used in paper for further information to
use in powerpoint
Organized notes on note cards to help create content for slides
Wrote another set of note cards to accompany me during the presentation

Monday May 8:
3:00-4:10pm (1 hour, 10 minutes )
At my house:
Continued writing note cards
Started adding information to the first slide
6:00-8:30pm ( 2 hours, 30 minutes )
At my house:
Put information onto slides
Edited and arranged information into a sensible order
Tuesday May 9:
12:10-1:30pm ( 1 hour, 20 minutes )
At school:
Added information to my slides
Met with Ms. Hughes so she could preview my slides
2:00-2:20pm ( 20 minutes )
At school:
Waited for Mr. Weaver to get out of a meeting
Met with Mr. Weaver to get survey and presentation approved
2:30-2:45 ( 15 minutes )
At school:
Composed and sent email asking Mr. Bulla if I could use the auditorium
Composed and sent email to Mrs. Rash asking if she could send out an
email about the presentation
4:00-5:30pm ( 1 hour, 30 minutes )
At my friends house:
Added to my notecards for the presentation

Wednesday May 10
8:00-9:15am ( 1 hour, 15 minutes )
Finalizing note cards and slides
Running through the presentation
Setting up in the auditorium
9:50-10:15am ( 25 minutes )
Presenting Prezi to juniors and seniors who attended
10:20-10:25am ( 5 minutes )
Cleaning up from presentation

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