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Lake Pavin: A Pioneer Site for Ecological

Studies of Freshwater Viruses 14

Tlesphore Sime-Ngando, Yvan Bettarel,
Jonathan Colombet, Stphanie Palesse,
Angia Sriram Pradeep Ram, Marie Charpin,
and Christian Amblard

Since the discovery, 23 decades ago, that viruses of microbes are abundant in marine eco-
systems, aquatic viral ecology has grown increasingly to reach the status of a full scientific
discipline in environmental sciences. A dedicated society, the International Society for
Viruses of Microorganisms (ISVM) (, was recently launched.
Increasing studies in aquatic viral ecology are a source of novel knowledge related to the
biodiversity, the functioning of ecosystems and the evolution of the cellular world. This is
because viruses are perhaps the most diverse, abundant, and ubiquitous biological entities
in the worlds aquatic ecosystems. They exhibit various lifestyles that intimately depend on
living cell metabolism, and are ultimately replicated by members of all three domains of life
(Bacteria, Eukarya, Archaea). This establishes viruses as microbial killers and manipula-
tors in the hydrosphere. Lake Pavin is one of the pioneer sites where original ecological data
were first provided on the qualitative, quantitative and functional significance of both lytic
and temperate viruses of prokaryotes in temperate freshwater lakes, taking into account
both seasonal and depth-related variability in the water column and in the sediments. These
data were acquired by means of original protocols we developed. In addition to these pro-
tocols, we herein provide a synthesis of Lake Pavin studies on viral ecology, focusing on:
(i) spatio-temporal dynamics of the diversity of viral communities, (ii) the significance of
seasonal and depth-related variations of viral abundance and lytic and lysogenic activities,
and (iii) the relative importance of lytic viruses and grazers for bacterial mortality and the
biogeochemical implications for the food web dynamics. Unexpected and novel putative
viruses were discovered in the deep-aged, dark, and permanently anoxic monimolimnic
waters and sediments of Lake Pavin, highlighting the possible endemicity of these habitats.
Some of these original viruses resembled dsDNA viruses of hyperthermophilic and
hyperhalophilic Archaea. Unusual types of spherical and cubic virus-like particles (VLPs)
were also observed for the first time. Infected prokaryotic cells were detected in deep sedi-

T. Sime-Ngando (*) J. Colombet S. Palesse A.S.P. Ram

M. Charpin C. Amblard
LMGE, Laboratoire Microorganismes: Gnome et Environnement,
UMR CNRS 6023, Universit Clermont-Auvergne, Universit
Blaise Pascal, BP 80026, 63171 Aubire Cedex, France
Y. Bettarel
LMGE, Laboratoire Microorganismes: Gnome et Environnement,
UMR CNRS 6023, Universit Clermont-Auvergne, Universit
Blaise Pascal, BP 80026, 63171 Aubire Cedex, France
Institut de Recherche pour le Dveloppement (IRD),
MARBEC Marine Biodiversity, Exploitation & Conservation
UMR IRD (n 248), Ifremer, Univ. Montpellier,
CNRS (n 9190), Montpellier, France

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 229

T. Sime-Ngando et al. (eds.), Lake Pavin, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-39961-4_14
230 T. Sime-Ngando et al.

ment cores, and their vertical distribution correlated with both viral and prokaryotic abun-
dances. Pleomorphic ellipsoid VLPs were visible in filamentous cells tentatively identified
as representatives of the archaeal genus Methanosaeta, a major group of methane producers
on Earth.

Lake Pavin Viruses Seasonal and depth related variability Viral lysis Lysogeny
Microbial loop

14.1 Introduction studies on freshwater viral ecology had started about two
decades ago. These data encompassed different aspects of the
With the discovery, few decades ago, that viruses of microbes whole aquatic viral ecology (Fig. 14.1), including (i) methods
are abundant in marine ecosystems (Torrella and Morita for concentrating and counting free-floating and infectious
1979; Bergh et al. 1989), aquatic viral ecology has increas- viruses via transmission electron and epifluorescence micros-
ingly grown to reach the status of full scientific discipline in copy (Sime-Ngando et al. 1996; Bettarel et al. 2000;
environmental sciences, with the recent launch of a dedi- Wommack et al. 2010; Colombet et al 2007; Colombet and
cated society, i.e. the International Society for Viruses of Sime-Ngando 2012a), (ii) seasonal and depth-related vari-
Microorganisms (ISVM) ( As infec- ability in viral diversity, metagenomics, abundance and both
tious agent of potentially all types of living cells, viruses are lytic and lysogenic activities (Bettarel et al. 2003a; Colombet
the most abundant biological entity in the biosphere. They et al. 2009; Colombet and Sime-Ngando 2012a; Roux et al.
are an ubiquitous component of the microbial food web 2012), (iii) the role of nutrient inputs on the trade-off between
dynamics in a great variety of environments, including the the two major lifestyles (i.e. lysis and lysogeny) of planktonic
most extreme ecosystems (Sime-Ngando and Colombet viruses (Pradeep Ram and Sime-Ngando 2010) (iv) the sea-
2009). Moreover, in spite of the difficulties to routinely sonal contribution of viral bacteriolysis vs protistan bacteriv-
observe and describe biological nanoparticles, combined ory to the fate of prokaryotes and the related biogeochemical
with the absence of conserved evolution tracers such as RNA cycling (Bettarel et al. 2003b, 2004; Pradeep Ram et al.
ribosomal genes, we now consider that viruses represent the 2014), (v) the significance of viruses as food source for
greatest reservoir of non-characterized genetic diversity and phagotrophic protists (Bettarel et al. 2005), and (vi) the
resources on the earth (Suttle 2007). They contain genes that impact of viruses on the metabolism (Pradeep Ram et al.
code for essential biological functions such as photosynthe- 2013) and community composition (Jardillier et al. 2005) of
sis (Lindell et al. 2005), making their hosts powerful vehicles prokaryotes. Recently, unexpected and novel putative viruses,
for genetic exchanges in the environment. Because lytic primarily viruses of Archaea, have also been discovered in the
viruses kill their hosts, they play fundamental roles in cycling deep-dark permanently anoxic water and sediments of Lake
nutrients and organic matter, structuring microbial food Pavin (Borrel et al. 2012).
webs, governing microbial diversity and, to a lesser extent,
by being a potential food source for protists (Bettarel et al.
2005). Viruses can also form long-lived association with 14.2 Basic Knowledge on Viruses
their specific hosts, reducing their fitness, or allowing
infected hosts to remain strong competitors through mutual- Viruses are biological entities consisting each of a single- or
istic symbioses (Roossinck 2011). In addition, the discovery a double stranded DNA or RNA surrounded by a protein and,
and characterization of the unique group of archaeal viruses for some of them, a lipid coat. In mesophilic aquatic systems,
are influencing the field of prokaryotic virology, increasing most virus-like particles (VLPs) are tailed or untailed phages,
our knowledge on viral diversity and changing perspectives with capsid diameter typically smaller than 100 nm, based
on early stages of evolution (Prangishvili et al. 2006). on direct observation with transmission electron microscope
The majority of the studies on the ecology of wild viruses (TEM). Viruses have no intrinsic metabolism and for all pro-
in aquatic systems was conducted in marine systems, although cesses requiring energy, they need the intracellular machinery
some of the original work was done in freshwater systems of a living and sensitive host cell. They have various life
(Miller et al. 1992). The present chapter sought to review the cycles, all starting by fixation on specific receptors (often
literature on viruses in freshwater ecosystems, focusing on transporter proteins) present on the surface of host cells,
data collected in a pioneer site, the oligo-mesotrophic Lake followed by injection of the viral genome in the cytosol. In
Pavin located in the temperate French Massif Central, where the lytic cycle, the viral genome induces the synthesis of
14 Ecology of Viruses in Lake Pavin 231


Bearel et al Jardillier et al Pradeep Ram et al
Pradeep Ram & Sime-Ngando
Seasonal dynamics in Eects of viruses and Variable viral and grazer control
Nutrient eects on the trade-o
lyc infecon predators on prokaryoc of prokaryoc growth eciency
between lyc versus lysogenic
community composion in temperate lakes
Bearel et al Sime-Ngando & Pradeep Ram Pradeep Ram et al
Seasonal dynamics in Viral and grazer regulaon
Grazer eects on
viral abundance of prokaryoc diversity
prokaryotes and viruses
Sime-Ngando & Colombet and mortality
Bearel et al Review on viruses and
First viral prophages in aquac Roux et al Palesse et al
counts in Colombet et al ecosystems Metagenomics of Linking host prokaryoc
epiuorescence Bearel et al Virioplankton
Nycthemeral freshwater viral physiology to viral
pegylaon lifestyle dynamics
dynamics of communies
viruses Sime-Ngando et al
2000 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2015
1996 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016

Pradeep Ram et al
Bearel et al Roux et al Top down regulaon
Bearel et al Metavir set up
Integraon of viral Pradeep Ram & Sime-Ngando of prokaryoc growth
Flagellate grazing Borrel et al
lysis into carbon Grazer and nutrient eects eciency
on viruses Viruses of deep-dark
budget on prokaryotes and viruses Colombet & Sime-Ngando
Seasonal depth-related permanently anoxic freshwaters
Sime-Ngando et al gradients in viral lysis and sediments
First observaons of
viruses from Lake Pavin Sime-Ngando et al Colombet et al Colombet et al
Colombet & Sime-Ngando
with transmission electron Review on viruses in Depth-related gradients in Seasonal Depth-
Use of PEG to characterize the
microscope freshwaters virioplankton Related Gradients in
diversity of environmental
Pelagic Viruses

Fig. 14.1 Chronogram of ecological studies of freshwater viruses in Lake Pavin

viral constituents, including the replication of the viral also affect the metabolic properties of host cells which can
genetic material. A number of progeny viruses are then pro- acquire immunity to superinfections and new phenotypic
duced and released in the environment by fatal bursting of characteristics, such as antibiotic resistance, antigenic
the host cell. In the chronic cycle, the progeny viruses are changes, and virulence factors. A variant to the lysogenic
episodically or constantly released from the host cell by bud- cycle is the so-called carrier state or pseudolysogenic cycle
ding or extrusion, without immediate lethal events. This where the viral genome is not integrated to the host genome
cycle is less known in the plankton, but is common in meta- but rather remains in an inactive state within the host cell.
zoan viruses such as Herpes and Hepatitis viruses or There is no replication of the viral DNA which is segregated
Rhabdoviruses. Chronic viral infection is a dynamic and unequally into progeny cells, likely for few generations.
metastable equilibrium process (Virgin et al. 2009) which Pseudolysogenic viruses likely occur in very poor nutrient
ends by the lysis of the host cell after serial budding of lipid conditions where host cells are in starvation and cannot offer
membrane coated viruses, as known from the marine the energy necessary to the viral gene expression (Ripp and
Emiliana huxleyi host (Mackinder et al. 2009). Recently, Miller 1997; o and Wgrzyn 2012).
chronic infection without host lysis has been reported for the
first time in the marine primary producer Ostreococcus tauri,
where the low rate of viral release through budding (13 14.3 Methodological Considerations :
viruses cell1 day1) allows cell recovery and stable coexis- Abundance, Basic Infectivity
tence of the viruses and their hosts (Clerissi et al. 2012). Parameters and Concentration
In the lysogenic cycle, the viral genome integrates the of Viruses for Quantitative
genome of the host cell to form a prophage which can stay and Genomic Studies
in a dormant/latent state for extended periods until an envi-
ronmental stress to the immune host cell set off a switch to a Ecological investigations rely on biomass, diversity, and com-
lytic cycle. Unlike lytic infection, lysogeny provides a mean position of organisms, which, in the case of microbial com-
of persistence for viruses when the abundance of the host munities are, primarily, gathered using microscopy and
cells is very low (Weinbauer et al. 2003). Prophages may molecular genetic approaches. The diminutive size of viruses
232 T. Sime-Ngando et al.

means that obtaining viral material sufficient for examining host cells (Fig. 14.3), a method that has the advantage of
the abundance, diversity and composition of aquatic viral accounting for the effect of the environment, compared to the
assemblages can be challenging (Wommack et al. 2010). This application of BS derived from laboratory cultures. Similar to
was critical at the onset of aquatic viral ecology because the marine and other freshwater ecosystems, FVIC in Lake Pavin
need for samples containing a high-density of viruses and viral is generally less that 5 % but, at a regional local scale, is
genomes was critical to challenge the detection thresholds of higher (Mean 2 %, range 04 %) compared to the eutrophic
microscopic and molecular methods for the study of viruses. Lake Aydat (Mean 1 %, range 03 %). The seasonal variabil-
ity in both types of lakes is however roughly the same, with
maximum in late spring (May to June) and early autumn
14.3.1 Transmission Electron Microscopy (September to October). It is thus possible that in oligotrophic
(TEM) and Infectivity Parameters lakes, where substrates are in short supply for bacterial pro-
duction, bacterial lysates might represent an important source
Following the discovery that viruses are abundant in marine of dissolved organic matter or inorganic nutrients, the quan-
ecosystems (Torrella and Morita 1979; Bergh et al. 1989), tity of which would depend on the frequency of viral infec-
one of the major challenges for starting the new discipline of tion (Bettarel et al. 2004). This differs from studies conducted
environmental virology was to overcome the methodological in marine systems, which have reported higher FVIC values
constraints which in the past have strongly limited the obser- with increasing productivity (Steward et al. 1992), or no evi-
vation of both free-floating and intracellular (i.e. infected dence for a relationship between FVIC and productivity
cells) viruses in the environment (Bratbak and Heldal 1993; (Noble and Fuhrman 1997). In Fig. 14.4, we plotted mean
Suttle 1993). The earlier studies that have tackled these chal- FVIC values for freshwaters in relation to the trophic states of
lenges were conducted in lake ecosystems of the French the lakes. Although the gaps between each trophic level on
Massif Central, including Lake Pavin (Bettarel et al. 2000). the x axis cannot be considered equivalent, there is no appar-
In a short communication, we first proposed an optimized ent trend similar to that which has been found in the marine
method to ultracentrifuge and concentrate planktonic viruses environment, suggesting that for lakes, productivity alone is a
for their examination with transmission electron microscopy poor predictor of the level of viral infection.
(TEM) (Sime-Ngando et al. 1996). Because it is important, In contrast to FVIC in freshwaters, the number of viruses
for the accuracy of quantitative estimates of viruses and produced per infected cells (e.g. burst size), as measured in
infected cells, to avoid collecting these items in an TEM, increased with increasing productivity, ranging from
ultracentrifuge-pellet but on a platform using a swing-out about 560 viruses prokaryote1 in oligotrophic marine
rotor, we propose a platform made from a commercial poly- waters to 5100 viruses prokaryote1 in productive freshwa-
mer resin adaptable at the bottom of an ultracentrifugation ters, suggesting that the burst size of infected bacteria would
tube, where up to three 400-mesh copper grids (catalog no. be higher in more productive environments (Sime-Ngando
A03; Pelanne Instruments) can be fixed with a double-face et al. 2003). In Lake Pavin, BS averaged about 25 viruses
tape. This tool allows to directly harvest, viruses and cell- prokaryote1 (range: 1550 viruses prokaryote1), with rela-
hosts onto the TEM grids after a centrifugation at 4 C either tively low fluctuations with depth and over the year when
at 120,000 x g for 2 h to keep free-occurring viruses or at excluding the peaks that generally occurred in spring time
70,000 x g for 30 min to distinguish between prokaryotic (Bettarel et al. 2004). The trophy-trend in BS is not unrea-
cells with and without intracellular viruses. With our method, sonable as both cell size and growth rate are generally greater
we provided one of the first accurate descriptions of freshwa- in eutrophic than in oligotrophic environments, but can be
ter viruses dominated by particles with regular icosaedric strongly constrained by the variability in capsid size for dif-
capsid with 6 faces and a tail, assimilated to phages that have ferent occurring viral populations. Based on reports from a
been previously described in marine environments (Fig. variety of different aquatic environments, Parada et al. (2006)
14.2). These particles were about 10 times more abundant calculated a mean BS of 24 and 34 for marine and freshwater
than prokaryotes, corroborating the hypothesis of their role environments, respectively.
in controlling the community dynamics of bacteria in fresh-
water systems (Sime-Ngando et al. 1996).
Our method also allowed observation of infected cells, pri- 14.3.2 Epifluorescence Microscopy (EM)
marily of prokaryotic cells, and the determination of critical
parameters in the calculation of the infection prevalence (i.e. The interest of biologists for the role of viruses in ecological
the so-called FVIC, frequency of visibly infected cells), the processes has rapidly raised the requirement of reliable
related viral production and the burst size (BS) or the average methods for estimating the level of these biological entities
number of viruses released when a single host cell lyses. in aquatic systems. The earlier estimates of viral levels were
These parameters are generally derived from TEM observa- obtained by concentrating the viruses by ultracentrifuga-
tion of visibly mature phages within intact or thin-sectioned tion (Brsheim et al. 1990) or by ultrafiltration (Suttle et al.
Fig. 14.2 Surface (a), deep water (b) and sediment (c) viruses are (c), Podoviridae (d) and untailed phages (e)], which are dominant, pri-
apparently different in their morphology in Lake Pavin: overview of the marily in the mixolimnion (a), and additionnal and more atypical forms
general morphotypes of viruses in the water column, including the char- which occurred in the deep waters (b) and sediments (c). Bar scale
acteristic free-occurring pelagic forms [Myoviridae (a, b), Siphoviridae 100 nm

Fig. 14.3 Example of TEM-visibly infected bacterial cells in Lake Pavin. Bar scale 100 nm

1991; Wommack et al. 1995) and then counting them by with fluorochromes that specifically bind to nucleic acids.
using TEM, as described above. However, the high costs, the The most common fluorochromes were DAPI
long analysis time required and the difficulty of this method (4,6-diamino-2-phenylindole) (Porter and Feig 1980),
led to the development of alternative, faster and less expen- YOPRO-1 {4-[3-methyl-2,3-dihydro-(benzo-1,3-oxazole)-
sive methods based on the use of epifluorescence micros- 2-methylmethyledene]-1-(39-trimethyl ammoniumpropyl)-
copy (EM). With these methods, virus-like particles (VLPs) quinilinium diioide} (Hennes and Suttle 1995), and SYBR
can be observed and counted after they have been labeled Green I (Noble and Fuhrman 1998).
234 T. Sime-Ngando et al.

Fig. 14.4 Frequencies of visibly infected bacteria recorded in lakes, (2003a,b); [d, k] Bettarel et al. (2004); [e] Mathias et al. (1995); [f]
along a trophic gradient. correspond to short-term studies (<5 days), Hennes and Simon (1995); [g] Wilhelm and Smith (2000); [h] Simek
correspond to long-term studies (>3 months) (Sources: [a] Hofer and et al. (2001); [i] Weinbauer and Hfle (1998); [j] Fischer and Velimirov
Sommaruga (2001); [b] Tapper and Hicks (1998); [c] Bettarel et al. (2002))

For the first time, we have provided an accurate compari- mental nanoparticles and the weakness of environmental
son of five most used EM and TEM protocols for virus stud- viral gene banks. The study of free-floating viruses in aquatic
ies based on freshwater communities collected in Lakes systems indeed requires a concentration method for estimat-
Pavin and Aydat. Our results revealed that the quantitative ing their number and their diversity based on both morpho-
determination of viruses was different according to the type logic and genomic features. The first generation of methods
of fluorochrome used (Bettarel et al. 2000). Nowadays, used came from the study of human, animal and plant patho-
SYBR Green I is the most used fluorochrome, when coupled genic viruses. These methods are based on physicochemical
with a powerful antifading, it allows to improve the observa- approaches such as (i) adsorption of phages onto micropo-
tion of viruses in EM (Suttle and Furhman 2010). However, rous filters charged positively or negatively, (ii) the use of
it is important to specify that the latter targets preferentially precipitation agents like calcium phosphate, aluminium,
dsDNA viruses and has very few affinity with ssDNA and magnesium or acid precipitation, and (iii) the use of organic
RNA viruses for which the use of SYBR Gold would be flocculation (cf. Colombet et al. 2007). The main disadvan-
more suitable. The first protocol for high throughput count- tage of these techniques for natural samples is their selectiv-
ing of free-floating viruses using flow cytometry and SYBR ity because viruses may have different adsorptive properties,
Green I stain was developed for pelagic oligotrophic marine while electrostatic interactions may affect the viability of
samples (Marie et al. 1997, 1999), and was later on opti- concentrated viruses.
mized for both marine (Brussaard 2004) and freshwater sam- As described above, Brsheim et al. (1990) have proposed
ples (Duhamel and Jacquet 2006). the first concentration method based on the ultracentrifuga-
tion of viruses contained in few milliliters of samples directly
onto grids, followed by staining before observation under
14.3.3 Concentration of Viruses TEM. Disadvantages of this method include the risk of viral
for Microscopic and Molecular Genetic disruption due to the high centrifugation speed, the effects of
Analyses suspended particles and virucidal substances, and the low
initial volume of experimental samples that may render TEM
The genetic and biological diversity of aquatic viruses observations tedious according to the high magnifications
remains largely unexplored, mainly because of the method- used. The method is thus costly and time-consuming for
ological difficulties related to the observation of environ- large volume of samples, and therefore cannot be recom-
14 Ecology of Viruses in Lake Pavin 235

mended as a routine procedure (Bettarel et al. 2000). Besides, cally are different and highly constraint by depth (Fig. 14.2).
the fluorochrome-based methods described previously used In the surface mixed waters (i.e. mixolimnion), viral pheno-
low pressure membrane-concentration. They are well known types are limited, mainly including tailed or untailed parti-
to provide accurate counts of microbes and viruses, but cles with capsid heads, characteristics of bacteriophages.
resulted in a highly poor description of diversity. This is typical in the world aquatic ecosystems: tailed phages
An accurate description of the diversity of pelagic viruses belong to the order Caudovirales, all of which are double-
usually needs highly concentrated aliquots. The current stranded DNA viruses that generally represent 10 to 40 % of
method available to date is ultrafiltration that allows concen- the total abundance of viruses (Sime-Ngando and Colombet
trating viruses contained in several tens of liters of water into 2009). Within Caudovirales, three families emerge as quan-
small volumes of a few hundreds of milliliters (Suttle et al. titatively dominant: Siphoviridae with long non-contractile
1991; Wommack et al. 1995). However, the application of tails (e.g. Phage lambda), Podoviridae with a short non-
this procedure requires further concentration by ultracentri- contractile tail (e.g. Phage T7), and Myoviridae with con-
fugation to obtain viral pellets necessary for TEM observa- tractile tails of variable length (e.g. Phage T4). In Lake
tions and for estimating viral diversity. To avoid Pavin, non-tailed capsids dominate viral abundance in the
ultracentrifugation and the underlined disadvantages, we mixolimnion (Colombet and Sime-Ngando 2012a) in accor-
conducted, for the first time, a methodological comparative dance with results obtained from metagenomic analysis
study with samples collected in Lake Pavin and other fresh- (Roux et al. 2012). A recent global morphological analysis
water sites located in the Massif Central region of France, of marine viruses also suggested that non-tailed viruses,
and have proposed a simple, cheaper and efficient alternative which comprised 5090 % of the viral particles observed,
protocol using polyethylene glycol (PEG) to obtain virio- might represent the most ecologically important component
plankton precipitates that can be used for different purposes, in natural viral communities (Brum et al. 2013). However,
primarily for TEM observations, electrophoretic plugs, and we cannot completely exclude a significant effect of
the downstream molecular genetic analyses (Colombet et al. mechanic shocks from handling resulting in losses of tails,
2007; Colombet and Sime-Ngando 2012b). The process, because 96 % of the 5500 specimens of described bacterio-
named pegylation, yields the greatest recovery efficiently phages are tailed particles (Ackermann 2007).
of free-occurring viruses, allowing the recovery of > two-fold Our seasonal depth-related studies in Lake Pavin
more viruses compared to ultracentrifugation and ultrafil- (Colombet et al. 2006, 2009; Colombet and Sime-Ngando
tration. In addition, the diversity of virioplankton, based on 2012a) clearly demonstrated substantial changes in the mor-
genomic size profiling using pulsed field gel electrophore- phological diversity of pelagic viruses in relation to the
sis, was higher and better discriminated when we used the depth-related gradients. Indeed, viral communities in the
PEG method which both concentrates and purifies viral permanently anoxic monimolimnion of Lake Pavin com-
material in water samples. The effects of potential virucidal prised a substantial number of atypical bacteriophage mor-
compounds (e.g. enzymes, antibodies, and other inhibitory photypes, larger in capsid size (>60 nm), and with more
substances) are probably minimized or avoided during complex spatial conformation (Fig. 14.2), compared to the
pegylation. This property of PEG molecules is currently mixolimnic viruses, which were more typical of the world
used in medicine to protect drug-carrier viruses, interferons aquatic free-occurring bacteriophages dominated by small
of immunitary system, or antibodies (Harris and Chess (capsid size < 60 nm) Caudovirales (see above). In addition,
2003). PEG can thus also be used as a conservative for plank- an analysis of viral diversity based on the distribution fre-
tonic viruses, thereby avoiding the use of toxic fixatives and quency of capsid sizes through the whole water column of
the related disadvantages such as losses during storage of Lake Pavin has indicated that viruses were apparently typical
samples. and more diversified in the monimolimnion than in the sur-
face waters.
This spatial pattern was further enhanced by the recent
14.4 Diversity and Endemicity of Viruses discovery of the highest diversity and complexity of viral
communities in the deep-dark permanently anoxic sediments
14.4.1 Phenotypic Diversity of Lake Pavin, with the occurrence of unexpected and novel
viruses (Borrel et al. 2012). Indeed, the examination of sedi-
The first descriptions of the global diversity of viruses were ment cores encompassing 130 years of sedimentation of the
based on their morphological discrimination with transmis- lake has unveiled exceptional morphotypes of viruses, previ-
sion electron microscopy (Brsheim et al. 1990; Proctor and ously never reported in freshwater systems (Fig. 14.2). Some
Fuhrman 1990; Weinbauer and Hfle 1998). To our knowl- of these resembled dsDNA viruses of hyperthermophilic
edge, the phenotypic diversity of viruses in Lake Pavin is and hyperhalophilic archaea. Moreover, unusual types of
apparently highly endemic, with viral morphotypes that typi- spherical and cubic virus-like particles (VLPs) were
236 T. Sime-Ngando et al.

observed. Infected prokaryotic cells were detected in the are within the ranges known from aquatic ecosystems (Sime-
whole sediment core, and their vertical distribution corre- Ngando and Colombet 2009).
lated with both viral and prokaryotic abundances. In Lake Pavin, we have performed one of the first studies
Pleomorphic ellipsoid VLPs were visible in filamentous on the composition and diversity of freshwater viral com-
cells (Fig. 14.3) tentatively identified as representatives of munities through metagenomics, based on 454 pyrose-
the archaeal genus Methanosaeta, a major group of methane quencing derived virome of 649,290 reads with an average
producers on earth. We consider these empirical observa- length of 420 bp (Roux et al. 2012). In 0.2 m filtered sam-
tions as preliminary spot findings which may pave the way to ples collected on June and July 2008, the proportion of reads
one of the last frontiers of our knowledge in environmental similar to protein sequences of the non-redundant NCBI
microbiology: the connection between the viral world and database was at 14 % (Fig. 14.5), which is among the highest
the prokaryotic species that consume or produce greenhouse compared to published viromes (range 128 %, mean 6.3 %).
gases, such as methane. More details on methane cycle and However, when our known fraction was determined using
the related prokaryotic actors are provided in Chap. 16. reads randomly reduced to 100 bp as in previous studies, this
The above findings which are typical of Lake Pavin cor- fraction dramatically dropped to 0.7 %, which is the lowest
roborate a study in the same lake which has unveiled a com- among aquatic viromes. Among the known fraction, the
plete shift in the composition of the prokaryotic assemblages majority of reads (60 %) was most similar to non-viral
between the mixolimnion and the monimolimnion, with a sequences, whereas our virome was not contaminated by
maximal Archaea/Bacteria ratio that is reached below mixo- bacteria: the absence of 16S rRNA in our sample was
limnic layers (Lehours et al. 2005). It is thus likely that (i) checked by PCR amplification and BLAST search for 16S
deep anoxic viruses in Lake Pavin include endemic, typical rRNA sequences, and only a paucity of virome reads was
populations, with different morphology and diversity charac- found to be partly similar to ribosomal protein. This result is
teristics compared to surface water viruses, and (ii) the consistent with previous studies and is thought to be an indi-
potential viral infection of Archaea which are abundant in cation of both the lack of viral gene annotation and the hori-
the monimolimnion and in the sediments of Lake Pavin zontal gene transfers between viral and host genomes
could explain the depth-related changes in viral (Edwards and Rohwer 2005).
morphology. Phylogenetic analyses performed on the major viral fami-
lies of our virome using different marker genes (Roux et al.
2011) highlight the dominance of unexpected single stranded
14.4.2 Molecular Genetic Diversity DNA viruses: Micro-, Nano- and Circoviridae, the later fam-
ily being the most abundant and represented 60 % of the total
Viral species are mostly known from their isolated hosts in sequences (Fig. 14.5). This sheds light on a hitherto unde-
laboratory cultures, which, in the case of environmental sam- scribed viral diversity for freshwaters. In addition, using 29
ples, may not exceed 1 % of the total prokaryotes (Hugenholtz previously published viromes, the cluster richness in viral
et al. 1998). Molecular approaches are thus critical and offer communities was shown to vary between different environ-
windows to the largest uncharacterized reservoir of diversity ment types and appeared significantly higher in marine eco-
on the earth. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based meth- systems than in other biomes. Furthermore, significant
ods are restricted to chosen viral groups as no gene is univer- genetic similarity between viral communities of related envi-
sally conserved among viruses, while metagenomics gives ronments was highlighted as freshwater, marine and hyper-
access to an exhaustive view of uncultured viral diversity, saline environments were separated from each other despite
and has so far revealed an important unknown diversity and the vast geographical distances between sample locations
an unexpected richness of viral communities (Edwards and within each of these biomes (Roux et al. 2012). Overall, our
Rohwer 2005). In aquatic viral ecology, the most used pioneer viral metagenomics in Lake Pavin spotlighted a
molecular fingerprinting approach is the pulse-field gel elec- very broad diversity and previously unknown clades unde-
trophoresis (PFGE), which separates PCR-generated tectable by PCR and microscopic analyses. The Lake Pavin
dsDNA products (Wommack et al. 1999). Application to a virome appears closely related to other freshwater viromes,
series of spring samples collected in the mixolimnion of despite the significant ecological differences between lakes.
Lake Pavin and concentrated via the pegylation approach Furthermore, freshwater viral communities appear geneti-
yielded viral genomes in the size range from about 15 to 290 cally distinct from other aquatic ecosystems, demonstrating
kbp, with a bulk around 35 kbp in the metalimnion. Visible the specificity of freshwater viruses at a community scale.
electrophoretic bands in our agarose gels, calculated both This was the first time that such results were reported. More
from computer-scanning and densitometry profiling, ranged details on the metagenetics and metagenomics of prokary-
in number from 7 to 9 (Colombet et al. 2007). Above results otes and viruses are provided in Chap. 15.
14 Ecology of Viruses in Lake Pavin 237

Fig. 14.5 Composition and taxonomic affiliations of Lake Pavin virome viral sequence, but still presenting significant similarities against a com-
reads as determined by similarity to known sequences. (a) The percent plete virus genome sequence and thus designated as reads similar to at
of known virome sequences when compared to the non redundant least one viral sequence. (c) Taxonomic composition at the viral family
(NR) protein database. (b) Breakdown of the known sequences into level of these reads similar to at least one viral sequence. The Other
Viruses, Bacteria, Archaea, or Eukarya using similarity results against category pools families which represented less than 1 % of the full
NR. Hatched parts were reads having a best BLAST hit against a non- virome sequences. For more details see Roux et al. (2012)

14.5 Standing Stocks and Seasonal conditions for viruses. The calculated burst size from visi-
Patterns in Viral Dynamics bly infected cells observed under TEM ranges from 15 to 50,
mean 25 viruses cell1. Part of the lytic viral production in
The first seasonal studies on viruses in Lake Pavin were con- the plankton is rapidly removed by complex environmental
ducted in 2000 (Bettarel et al. 2003b) following a diel cycle processes, such as adsorption on particles, enzyme digestion
study in 1998 (Bettarel et al. 2002), corresponding to one of via proteolysis, destruction by UV raditions, grazing etc
the earliest attempts in freshwater ecology that established The seasonal abundances of viruses and bacteria in Lake
viruses as ubiquitous, abundant and dynamic component Pavin and other pelagic environments are rather homeostatic
whose role in the functioning of aquatic ecosystems needs to as they do not generally vary by more than ten-fold at a sea-
be assessed. At seasonal time scale, the abundances of free- sonal scale. Both variables are generally correlated, suggest-
floating viruses in the mixolimnion of Lake Pavin typically ing that most viruses are bacteriophages. In our seasonal
ranged from 1 to 6 107 viruses ml1, which is within the studies, we found a closer linear relationship between viruses
range of those found in other pelagic environments and bacteria in the oligotrophic Lake Pavin (R2 = 0.59) com-
(Wommack and Colwell 2000). Similarly, a small peak was pared with the eutrophic Lake Aydat (R2 = 0.13) (Fig. 14.6B),
noted in spring followed by a more or less progressive indicating a stronger interdependence between these two
increase during the period of thermal stratification, espe- communities in less productive lakes (Bettarel et al. 2003b).
cially between May and October in Lake Pavin (Fig. 14.6A), We expected a stronger coupling of bacterial and viral abun-
which also corresponded to the seasonal patterns in other dances at high bacterial density in productive ecosystems,
lakes of the region and in other freshwater and marine envi- given the fact that virus-mediated mortality of cells generally
ronments as well, where an autumnal peak is characteristic increases with increasing bacterial host density. However,
of the seasonal abundances of aquatic viruses. Wommack we found an opposite situation which we explain by: (i) an
and Colwell (2000) interpreted this peak as the consequence increasing output of dissolved organic matter (DOM) from
of the autumnal phytoplankton bloom. As a consequence, the viral lysis in the more oligotrophic system where DOM from
virus-to-bacteria ratio (VBR) in Lake Pavin (range 313, phytoplankton exudates may be a limiting factor for bacterial
mean 7) also peaked in spring and in autumn, and corre- production, or (ii) an increasing relative abundance of non-
sponded to the typical values (range 310) reported in pelagic bacteriophage viruses, such as cyanophages, in productive
environments (Wommack and Colwell 2000). Typically the lakes where planktonic communities are often dominated by
VBR is higher; the low VBRs are usually due to bad storage cyanobacteria.
238 T. Sime-Ngando et al.

Fig. 14.6 Seasonal

variations of viral
abundance (Virus-Like-
Particles, VLPs) in the
metalimnion, and
hypolimnion of Lake
Pavin (A). Relationship
between bacterial and
viral abundances in the
oligomesotrophic Lake
Pavin compared to the
eutrophic Lake Aydat
(B). Variation in the
average ratio of
viral-induced mortality
to heterotrophic
nanoflagellate grazing-
induced mortality of
prokaryotes in Lake
Pavin, compared to 10
other lakes (C) of the
same geographical
region (the French
Massif-Central, refer to
Pradeep Ram et al. 2013
for more details on these
14 Ecology of Viruses in Lake Pavin 239

14.6 Activities of Viruses is balanced by viral lysis and protistan grazing (Bettarel et al.
14.6.1 Lytic Activity and Impact on Bacterial The impacts of viral lysis and ciliate grazing in Lake
Community Composition Pavin were highest in the metalimnion, while that from flag-
and Metabolism ellates was highest in the hypolimnion (Table 14.1). From a
study conducted in 11 lakes located in the French Massif
It is now well accepted that lysis is one of the main causes of Central (including Lake Pavin), we found that the magnitude
microbial mortality in aquatic systems. Based on our method of prokaryotic mortality due to viruses and flagellates varies
(described previously) for direct observation of infected with sampled depth (Pradeep Ram et al. 2013). The average
cells, the seasonal study conducted in Lake Pavin in 2000 ratio of viral mortality to flagellate grazing of prokaryotes in
yielded one of the first estimates of the impact of lytic viruses the euphotic depth was 0.5, with lowest ratio (0.1) observed
on bacterial communities (Bettarel et al. 2004). To estimate in Lake Pavin (Fig. 14.6C). In the aphotic zone, the domi-
the impact of viruses on bacterial mortality, as percent of nance of viruses as a factor of prokaryotic mortality was
bacterial biomass production loss, a series of conversions largely due to significantly higher viral infection which was
must be applied (Binder 1999; Weinbauer et al. 2002). accompanied by the significantly lower grazing rates com-
The levels and the seasonal fluctuations in the basic lytic pared to the euphotic zone. Lower levels of dissolved oxygen
parameter (i.e. FVIC) in Lake Pavin have been described at the aphotic compared to euphotic depth explained for low
previously (see section 17.3). The translation into viral pro- flagellate grazing rates. A high-resolution vertical sampling
duction yields an average of 80 106 viruses liter1 hour1 in Lake Pavin (Colombet et al. 2006) has confirmed the pat-
produced in the mixolimnion, with the highest values tern of high relative abundance and activity of viruses and
recorded in the metalimnion (Table 14.1). This corresponds bacteria in the monimolimnion where protistan flagellates
to a mean bacteria production loss due to viral lysis of 16 %, were almost absent (Fig. 14.7). Further seasonal investiga-
which is lower than the grazing impact from flagellates tions of depth-related gradients in microbial components in
(38 %), but higher than that from bacterivorous ciliates (3 %) Lake Pavin (Colombet et al. 2009; Colombet and Sime-
(Bettarel et al. 2004). Viral bacteriolysis levels in the mixo- Ngando 2012a) have provided evidence that the ecology of
limnion of Lake Pavin appear conservative, compared to the the deep, cold, dark and permanently anoxic monimolimnic
world marine and freshwaters where viral-mediated mortal- waters may be driven by viral loop (dissolved organic mat-
ity averages 1050 % of the production of heterotrophic pro- terprokaryotesviruses) processes, which can sequester
karyotes, and is considered approximately equal to the organic matter and nutrients for a long-lived turnover time.
bacterivory from grazers (Fuhrman and Noble 1995; Pradeep In general, under anoxic conditions where most of the
Ram et al. 2005). Based on the combined average mortality eukaryotes are absent, the predominance of viruses vs graz-
related to viral lysis and protistan bacterivory, a significant ers as a factor of bacterial mortality in the aquatic environ-
fraction of bacterial production in the mixolimnion of Lake ment is still poorly understood at the community level.
Pavin is controlled by factors other than viral lysis and pro- Indeed, it has been reported that high viral control of bacte-
tistan predation, such as metazoan bacterivory. This is par- rial production occurs either at reduced or high grazing
ticularly credible during the period of thermal stratification, activities (Bettarel et al. 2004), while experimental studies
which usually coincides with the maximum development of have provided evidence of synergistic interactions between
metazoan zooplankton, which then obtain most of their viral bacteriolysis and protistan bacterivory. In these interac-
resources from intense bacterivory (Thouvenot et al. 1999). tions, the presence of grazers appears as a stimulating factor
During autumn, all of the bacterial production in Lake Pavin for prokaryotic growth and viral proliferation (Sime-Ngando

Table 14.1 Mean seasonal contributions of viruses, phagotrophic flagellates, and ciliates to bacterial mortality and of flagellates to viral losses in
the three main layers of the mixolimnion of Lake Pavin
% (CV) of bacterial production removed by: % (CV) of viral production
Sampled depth Viral lysis Flagellate grazing Ciliate grazing removed by flagellates
Epilimnion 13.6 (63.1) 25.5 (117.4) 1.6 (137.1) 4.8
Metalimnion 18.8 (53.2) 23.4 (112.2) 4.6 (122.0) 3.6
Hypolimnion 16.1 (124.0) 64.2 (88.8) 1.8 (93.6) 3.8
Mean 16.2 (13.1) 37.7 (49.8) 2.7 (50.3) 4.1 (12.3)
CV coefficient of variation
240 T. Sime-Ngando et al.

Fig. 14.7 Vertical variations of viral abundance (VA) and lytic produc- contributions of viruses (VBM) and potential grazing from HNF to bac-
tion (VP) (a), of bacterial abundance (BA) and production (BP) (b), of terial mortality (D) in Lake Pavin (d). Error bars represent standard
the abundance of heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) (c) and of the deviations for triplicates

and Pradeep Ram 2005), likely through nutrient regeneration community structure. We have demonstrated that this can
that favors certain bacterial phyla (alpha- and beta- have a strong influence on the processes occurring in the
Proteobacteria) over others (Archaea and Bacteroidetes) plankton food web dynamics (Pradeep Ram and Sime-
(Pradeep Ram and Sime-Ngando 2008). Such uneven and Ngando 2010).
heterogeneous impact of viral lytic activity for different pro- A major pathway from which lytic viruses drive prokary-
karyotic phenotypes and/or genotypes probably is one of the otic community composition (PCC) is through their ultimate
mechanisms by which viruses shape the host diversity and dependence on the availability of specific host populations.
14 Ecology of Viruses in Lake Pavin 241

This pattern has the strong feedback effect of preventing spe- from 0 to 16 % in temperate and tropical lakes, and from 0 to
cies dominance and enhanced species cohabitation within 73 % in Antarctic lakes (Sime-Ngando and Colombet 2009).
microbial communities, i.e. the so-called phage kills the In Lake Pavin, analysis of samples collected through the
winner hypothesis (Thingstad and Lignell 1997). In early whole water column on 20 April 2004 yielded FLC values
June 2001, we conducted a short-term experiment to exam- between 0.1 and 16 % (Colombet et al. 2006). This suggests
ine the impact of viral lysis on bacterial community compo- that a substantial proportion of bacteria in Lake Pavin con-
sition in Lake Pavin using fluorescence in situ hybridization tain functional viral genomes. The relative abundance of
(FISH) and terminal restriction fragment length polymor- lysogens appeared negatively correlated with bacterial abun-
physm (T-RFLP) (Jardillier et al. 2005). The main findings dance and production, with the frequency of infected cells,
suggested a control of the PCC (i) by viral lysis of some and with viral lytic production, supporting the hypothesis
dominant phylotypes, and (ii) by interspecific competition that lysogeny is a strategy for survival of phages in environ-
between resistant strains for the uptake of substrates released ments with low host availability (Colombet et al. 2006).
by viral lysis. The increase of Archaea suggested that these From these findings, we hypothesized that (i) there are envi-
cells benefit such resources. ronmental characteristics, in relation with potential host den-
The dependence of lytic virulent viruses on the availabil- sities and availability, favoring one of the two viral life
ity of specific hosts implies that viruses respond to the growth cycles, and (ii) host availability is prevalent over the physi-
rate of the most active hosts (Palesse et al. 2014). In our cal and chemical environments and favors lytic over lyso-
recent study conducted in 11 freshwater lakes (Pradeep Ram genic viral life cycles.
et al. 2013), we found that high nucleic acid content cells are To test these hypotheses, we designed an experimental
the best determinant of viral abundance, and served as the study to investigate the effects of added organic and inor-
main host target for viral proliferation. Such preferential ganic nutrients on the two viral lifestyles in freshwater
lysis can have a strong impact on the overall prokaryote microbial (i.e. < 0.8 m fraction) microcosms collected in
community metabolism. We tested the hypothesis of top- Lake Pavin during a nutrient-depleted period, using mito-
down control on prokaryotic growth efficiency (PGE), which mycin C as prophage inductor agent (Pradeep Ram and
we used as an index of physiological and energetic status at Sime-Ngando 2010). In the absence of mitomycin C, viral
the community level. Viruses through lytic infection had a lytic production increased as a functional response to the
strong antagonistic impact on PGE at the aphotic zone, strong stimulation of bacterial growth rates (0.70.8 day1)
whereas flagellate grazing was found to enhance PGE in the by the added nutrients, primarily the organic nutrients
euphotic zone. These differences may have significant impli- which appeared scarcer than inorganic nutrients. In the
cations on the food web dynamics because the nature of presence of mitomycin C, temperate phage production
nutrients released through the processes of grazing and viral (frequency of lysogenically infected bacterial cells,
lysis is different. Grazing activity results in more effective FLC = 1719 % of total cells) significantly exceeded lytic
release of inorganic nutrients, whereas viral lysis has been production (frequency of lytically infected bacterial cells,
shown to produce elements in organic complexes (Fuhrman FIC = 911 %) in natural samples (i.e. without nutrient
1999; Wilhelm and Suttle 1999). additions) as a result of higher prophage induction, which
relatively increased with the decreasing contact probability
between viruses and their potential hosts. In contrast, addi-
14.6.2 Lysogeny : A Survival Strategy tion of nutrients drastically reduced FLC (<4 %) and
for Viruses increased FIC (>22 %). Both variables were antagonisti-
cally correlated as was the correlation between FLC and
One of the key explanations for the omnipresence of viruses bacterial growth rates. This strongly supports the idea that
in natural ecosystems is undoubtedly through the existence lysogeny may represent a maintenance strategy for viruses
of several lifestyles, of which two major pathways, namely in harsh nutrient/host conditions which appeared as major
viral lytic and lysogenic pathways, are prevalent in aquatic instigators of the trade-off between the two viral lifestyles.
systems. Examination of natural prokaryotic communities Overall, at the community level, we reject the hypothesis
inducible with a mutagenic agent (e.g. mitomycin C) has that nutrients but mitomycin C stimulate temperate phage
suggested that the fraction of lysogenic bacteria (known as induction, and retained the hypotheses that nutrients rather
FLC, frequency of lysogenically infected cells) is typi- (i) stimulate lytic viruses via enhanced host growth and (ii)
cally < 50 % (range 0100 %) of the total abundance in when limiting, promote lysogenic conversion in natural
marine environments. In freshwaters, these values fluctuate waters (Pradeep Ram and Sime-Ngando 2010).
242 T. Sime-Ngando et al.

14.7 Protistan Grazing of Viruses viruses and offer ecological niches to different viral life-
and Ecological Implications styles, viruses are considered the greatest reservoir of the
uncharacterized biological diversity on the earth, which is
Despite the fact that bacteria are undoubtedly the principal being probed and described at an increasingly rapid rate,
constituent in the diet of heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) almost exclusively with molecular sequence data. Studies in
in most aquatic systems, Gonzlez and Suttle (1993) showed Lake Pavin suffer from the lack of such attempts for the
that marine viruses can also contribute significantly to the exploration of viruses other than viruses of Bacteria and the
nutrition of HNF and that being consumed is one possible related functions, some of which may be crucial to get better
route for the decay of virioplankton, in addition to degrada- insights into global change processes (e.g. consumption and
tion by solar radiation, by heat-labile substances, or by production of greenhouse gas such as methane etc.), in the
adsorption to particulate organic matter. The second and last seasonal successions of phytoplankton or zooplankton com-
report on this topic so far was conducted in the oligotrophic munities, and the sudden mortality events affecting fish,
Lake Pavin and in the nearby eutrophic Lake Aydat (Bettarel crustacean, mollusks, etc. For example, Hewson et al. (2013)
et al. 2005). This study provides the first estimates of viral recently used a metagenomic approach to identify circular,
losses from HNF predation in freshwaters, with removal single-stranded DNA viruses that may be involved in the sea-
rates from HNF grazers which were relatively modest, aver- sonal dynamics of Daphnia spp. in Oneida and Cayuga lakes
aging 4.1 and 0.8 % of viral production in Lake Pavin and (upstate New York). Because Daphnia plays a critical role in
Lake Aydat, respectively (Table 14.1). Although phagotro- many lake ecosystems, such viruses may have important
phy by nanoflagellates appears of minor importance as a loss effects on herbivory and thus carbon flow through the lake
process for natural virioplankton communities, our study ecosystem.
suggests that viruses are probably of higher nutritional sig- Our conceptual understanding of the function and regula-
nificance for HNF in oligotrophic systems than in productive tion of aquatic ecosystems, from microbial to global biogeo-
ones. Based on the amount of carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and chemical processes, has changed with the study of viruses.
phosphorus (P) contained per single virus and bacterium Viral-mediated prokaryotic mortality seems lower in Lake
(Gonzlez and Suttle 1993), we estimated that ingested Pavin but roughly equals bacterivory from protists in the
viruses would constitute only 0.6, 0.7 and 1.4 % of C, N and world aquatic ecosystems, which is a significant departure
P, respectively, in the total diet of HNF in Lake Pavin, and from the traditional view that predation and resource avail-
only 0.1, 0.2, and 0.4 % in Lake Aydat. This suggests that ability are the main factors controlling prokaryotic abun-
viruses are not as energetically valuable as bacteria in the dance and production in pelagic systems. Viruses influence
HNF diet. Clearly, we conclude that (i) there is a trophic link both the retention and the export of organic matter in pelagic
between HNF and viruses in the functioning of aquatic environments, and thus affect the biogeochemical cycling of
microbial food webs, (ii) where viruses would represent a the major conserved elements (C, N, P). Besides, given the
weak food source for HNF (i.e. compared to bacteria), (iii) prevalence of phage-encoded biological functions within
but they still may not be inconsequential for the HNF diet, host cells as attested by the substantial levels of lysogens in
primarily in systems with low productivity (Bettarel et al. Lake Pavin, and the occurrence of recombination between
2005). A question that now emerges is to what extent does phage and host genes, phage populations serve as gene reser-
ingestion of viruses by HNF represent a source of infection voirs that contribute to niche partitioning of microbial spe-
for these protists ? More details on HNF bacterivory are pro- cies in aquatic ecosystems. Viral-mediated gene transfers
vided in Chap. 18. include diverse mechanisms (transduction, transforma-
tion, conjugation and recombination) that are known to
affect gene evolution in the marine environment. It is thus
14.8 Conclusions and Perspectives clear that most of the viruses are not pathogens but mutualis-
tic cell partners that provide helper functions, and this must
Aquatic viral ecology is a relatively recent discipline. Pioneer be included in the future agenda of viral studies in freshwater
ecological and molecular researches in Lake Pavin have con- ecosystems.
tributed to demonstrate that viruses are omnipresent in
aquatic environments, including one of the most extreme Acknowledgements This study includes results from PhD and postdoc
biotopes such as the dark permanently anoxic monimolimnic researches supported by various instances: Rgion Auvergne, CNRS,
Universit Blaise Pascal, French Ministre de la Recherche et de la
waters and sediments of Lake Pavin. These environments are
Technologie, and the Ministry of Culture, High School and Research of
highly selective for heterotrophic prokaryotes whose sea- Grand-Duch de Luxembourg. Part of the results presented, most of
sonal activity offers an optimal and unique resource for which are detailed in different Chapters of this book, were obtained
thriving viral communities, some of which may be endemic. with the collaboration of colleagues: G. Borrel, D. Debroas, F. Enault,
L. Jardillier, A. C. Lehours, V. Ravet, S. Roux. The study was also
Because all types of cells in the nature have their specific
granted from different sources: French National Programme EC2CO
14 Ecology of Viruses in Lake Pavin 243

(Project VIRULAC) and ANR Programme Biodiversit (Project Colombet J, Robin A, Lavie L, Bettarel Y, Cauchie HM, Sime-Ngando
AQUAPHAGE). We thank M. G. Weinbauer for critical and proofread- T (2007) Virioplankton pegylation: use of PEG (polyethylene gly-
ing of the manuscript. col) to concentrate and purify viruses in pelagic ecosystems.
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