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Experiment 1: Refrigeration Cycle CLB 20704


The purpose of this experiment was to determine coefficient of performance of a

refrigeration unit. This experiment involves practical operation of refrigerant cycle. The
refrigerant cycle consist of 4 parts which is condenser, evaporator, expansion valve and
compressor. Condenser act as heat sink for the vapor refrigerant to release heat warming
the surrounding area causing it to condense into liquid. At evaporator, liquid refrigerant
absorb heat and vaporizing the liquid refrigerant to vapor cooling to surrounding area.
Compressor increases the vapor refrigerant to higher pressure to increase it boiling point.
The operation of the refrigerant is than manipulated by controlling the inlet water to the
condenser. The amount of inlet water to the condenser determines how much heat sink is
available for the vapor refrigerant to release heat to the environment. This causes the
refrigerant system to adjust itself and causing the compressor to furthermore increase the
pressure of the refrigerant to making it easier to release the heat to the water. The
refrigerator work on it best during 50 g/s water flow rate. At this condition, the
refrigerator produces COP of 7.1. COP determined how efficient the refrigerator is in
term of converting electrical energy to useful work for exchanging heat between the
refrigerant and the water. At the evaporator the overall heat transfer co efficiency
decreases as the temperature different decreases and at the condenser, the overall heat
transfer co efficiency is increases as the temperature different become larger. The
maintenance of the equipment is highly recommended as this could affect the results of
the experiments.


Refrigeration is used in many applications such as preservation of food and material.

Refrigeration is the withdrawal of heat from a substance or space so that temperature
lower than that of the natural surroundings is achieved.

Refrigeration may be produced by:

Experiment 1: Refrigeration Cycle CLB 20704

thermoelectric means
vapor compression systems
expansion of compressed gases
Throttling or unrestrained expansion of gases.

Vapor compression systems are employed in most refrigeration systems. Here,

cooling is accomplished by evaporation of a liquid refrigerant under reduced pressure and
temperature. The fluid enters the compressors at state 1 where the temperature is elevated
by mechanical compression at state 2. The vapor condenses at this pressure, and the
resultant heat is dissipated to the surrounding.

Figure 1: Refrigeration cycle diagram

The high pressure liquid then passes through an expansion valve (state 3) through
which the fluid pressure is lowered. The low-pressure fluid enters the evaporator at state

Experiment 1: Refrigeration Cycle CLB 20704

4 where it evaporates by absorbing heat from the refrigerated space, and reenters the
compressor. The whole cycle is repeated.

In air conditioning, refrigeration is the heart of the system. A refrigerator is

defined as a machine whose prime function is to remove heat from a low temperature
region. A refrigerating machine is a device which will either cool/maintain a body at a
temperature below the surroundings. Heat must be made to flow from a body at low
temperature to the surroundings at higher temperature.

The component of a vapor refrigeration system:

Compressor - which uses work input to reduce the pressure in the evaporator and
increase the pressure of the vapor being transferred to the condenser.

Condenser-where the high pressure vapor condenses, rejecting heat to its


Expansion device - control the flow of liquid refrigerant and reduces the pressure.
Float operated needle valve fitted in condenser base plate.

Evaporator - heat is taken from low temperature region as the liquid evaporates at
low pressure. Flooded type-construction similar to condenser but with copper tube
surface specially treated to promote nucleate boiling.

The Coefficient of Performance (COP) is an indicator of performance of refrigeration

Refrigeration Effect
Compressor Work

Experiment 1: Refrigeration Cycle CLB 20704

Basic Refrigeration Cycle

There are several examples of refrigeration system. The most common one are the vapor-
compression refrigeration and absorption refrigeration (diagram). From the vapour
compression refrigeration cycle diagram, the operation from F- H is the vapour from
evaporation is drawn into the compressor. The P increase from Pe Pc. H J is the
process where vapour leaves he compressor. The heat is being rejected at constant
pressure until it reached the saturated line. The vapour cools slightly in the condenser. J
D is an expansion of fluid (refrigerant) from the saturation point to the wet region at
constant enthalpy. However, the temperature and pressure decreases. The decreasing
temperature is due to the expansion conducts heat out. D F is the drop caused by the
expansion that brings the refrigeration into vapour or liquid mixture region. Heat enters
from outer region to be cooled. This part is carried out at constant temperature and

Experiment 1: Refrigeration Cycle CLB 20704

In the vapour compression cycle, the letter J D (throttling), h3 = h4. D F, the

evaporator (cooling effect) the formula is Qin = h1 h4 = h1 h3. For F H, that is the
compressor, W = h2 h1. Lastly, for H J which is the condenser, Qrej = h2 h3.


To determine the coefficient of performance of a refrigeration unit.

To study the effect of evaporating and considering temperature on the
refrigeration rate and condenser heat output.
To investigate the effect of compressor pressure ratio on the system performance.
To determine the overall heat transfer coefficient between R141b and water in
evaporator and condenser.

The cooling water supply and the main supply were turned on.

The unit was started and was ensuring was air free by venting air from the

Then the valves indicator is opened to allow vapor to be drawn from the evaporator
by the compressor and for condensed liquid to return to the evaporator from the

The evaporator water flow was set to a mid range value which 25 g/s (constant
speed) and the unit was allowed to run approximately 15 20 minutes for steady

Experiment 1: Refrigeration Cycle CLB 20704

The condenser water flow were set at different speed which 50 g/s, 40 g/s, 30 g/s, 20
g/s and 10 g/s by adjust the valve. Each speed was run for approximately 15 20
minutes for steady flow.

First, the condenser water flow was set at 50 g/s. All the system parameters were

The experiment was repeated for different speeds.


5.1 Experiment data sheet:

Table 1: System parameters

No Test no 1 (50 g/s) 2 (40 g/s) 3 (30 g/s) 4 (20 g/s) 5 (10 g/s)
Gauge Evaporator Pressure
1 -48 -50 -45 -42 -40
Pe (kN/m2)
Absolute Evaporator Pressure
2 0.53 bar 0.51 bar 0.6 bar 0.6 bar 0.61 bar
Pe (kN/m2)
Evaporator Temperature
3 16 19 19 20 20
T5 (oC)
Evaporator Water Flow Rate
4 25 25 25 25 25
ms (g/s)
Evaporator Water Inlet Temp
5 26 27 27 28 28
T1 (oC)
Evaporator Water Outlet Temp
6 25 25 25 25 25
T2 (oC)
Condensed Liquid Temp
7 31 38 38 39 40
T8 (oC)
8 Gauge Condenser Pressure 90 100 110 118 130

Experiment 1: Refrigeration Cycle CLB 20704

Pc (kN/m2)
Absolute Condenser Pressure
9 1.9 bar 2.0 bar 2.1 bar 2.2 bar 2.3 bar
Pc (kN/m2)
Condenser Temperature
10 33 37 40 40 40
T6 (oC)
Condenser Water Flow Rate
11 50 40 30 20 10
mc (g/s)
Condenser Water Inlet Temp
12 26 27 27 27 27
T4 (oC)
Condenser Water Outlet Temp
13 28 28 29 31 35
T3 (oC)
Compressor Power Input
14 217 225 230 236 239
W (watts)
Compressor Discharge Temp
15 50 54 64 68 71
T7 (oC)

Table 8: Heat Transfer to Water in Evaporator and in Condenser, Compressor Pressure

Ratio, Overall Heat Transfer in Evaporator and in Condenser (Abstracted from
1 2 3 4 5
Heat Transfer to Water
104.5 209 209 313.5 313.3
in Evaporator (W)
Heat Transfer to Water
418 167.2 250.8 334.4 334.4
in Condenser (W)
Compressor Pressure
3.58 3.92 3.5 3.67 3.77
Ratio (Pc/ Pe)
Overall Heat Transfer
in Evaporator (W m-2 K- 344.076 939.748 939.478 1534.839 1534.839
Overall Heat Transfer
in Condenser (W m-2 K- 2197.59 550.522 654.653 960.655 1248.208

Experiment 1: Refrigeration Cycle CLB 20704


In these experiments, refrigeration cycle unit was run to determine the coefficient
of performance. The refrigeration cycle is a heat engine operating in reverse, known as a
phase change heat pump. Using a refrigerant, which boils at a low temperature produces a
relative coldness, lowering the temperature of the refrigerator. The purpose of the
refrigeration cycle is to take heat from the inside of the refrigerator and transfer it to the
outside. Other liquids, including some known as refrigerants, produce even lower
temperatures when they evaporate. In these experiments, R141b and water was used in
evaporator and condenser. R141b known as dichlorofluoroethane, (C2H3FCl2). This
refrigeration cycle experiment is based on the vapor compression cycle and the cycle can
be plotted on a pressure enthalpy diagram.

There were two reaction process occurred in refrigeration cycle unit. The
evaporator goes through an endothermic process while condenser goes through an
exothermic process. Endothermic process is process in which heat has to be supplied to
the system from the surroundings. That was the reason why around the vessel of
evaporator having water vapor during the experiment, because of condensation process
occurred. Exothermic process is process that gives off heat, which transfers thermal
energy from the system to the surroundings. That was the reason why the vessel of
condenser hot when touched it.

Experiment 1: Refrigeration Cycle CLB 20704

The experiment was performed in varying speed of condenser water flow at

appoximately 50 g/s, 40 g/s, 30 g/s, 20 g/s and 10 g/s. By comparing all five sets of this
experiment, it was observed that the first experiment gives the highest coefficient of
performance (COP) value compared to other tests. Coefficient of performance (COP) is
the ratio of desired output divided by the required input. It is the rate of how well the
refrigerator is performing. The highest COP value that achieved was 7.1 at the condenser
water flow rate of 50g/s. It was observed that by decreasing the condenser water flow
rate, the values of the coefficient of performance (COP) seem to decrease. It means that at
higher water flow rate the refrigerator work most efficiently when it uses most of the
energy to exchange heat from the refrigerant to the water. The value of coefficient of
performance (COP) for speed of 40 g/s, 30 g/s, 20 g/s and 10 g/s respectively were 6.38,
5.37, 5.72 and 4.13.

By refer to Table 8, it was observed that the value of heat transfer to water in
evaporator increased as the speed of condenser water flow increased. But at speed of 10
g/s of condenser water flow, it decreased a bit. This is due to the speeds evaporator water
flow constant at speed of 25 g/s. So, as time pass by, the heat transfer to water in
evaporator is slowly increase. By compared to heat transfer to water in condenser, the
value was decrease until second speed but then increasing. The reason the speed of 50 g/s
contained high value of heat transfer, 418W, because when the refrigeration cycle unit
was started, the time period to wait for steady flow was much longer compared to other
speeds. For speed of 40 g/s, the heat transfer to water in condenser only 167.2W because
of the flow was too high and time taken for steady was only 15 minutes. For speed of 30
g/s, 20 g/s and 10 g/s the value of heat transfer to water in condenser seem to be
increased. The reason because as the speed became more slow, more heat transfer can
occur because the surface area became much wide as the speeds were slow that can favor
heat transfer process.

Compressor pressure ratio value was fluctuated. The value was increased then
decreased and then increased back. The reason this happen must be because of the time
taken for each speed for steady flow not same.

Experiment 1: Refrigeration Cycle CLB 20704

Overall heat transfers in evaporator value were increasing as the time pass by.
Even the evaporator water flow was set at constant value, which at 25 g/s, there was
slight decrease value at reading 2 and 3. This occurred because the time taken between
both readings to reach steady flow less compared to other readings. The overall heat
transfer coefficient, U, is the reciprocal of the overall thermal resistance across a
refrigerator. It is used to determine the total heat transfer between evaporator and
condenser in the refrigerator. By refer to table 8, in evaporator, at water flow rate 50 g/s,
it is recorded that the temperature is 16 oC compare to water flow rate at 10 g/s whereby
the temperature increase to 20oC. Based on this decreasing water flow rate and increasing
temperature, the overall heat transfer coefficient obtained were 344.076 at 50 g/s (at
16oC) and 1534.839 at 10 g/s (at 20 oC) which obey the theory stated previously that to a
higher amount of overall heat transfer coefficient is needed to increase the temperature
different between the water going into the evaporator and water leaving the evaporator.

By comparing to overall heat transfer in condenser, the value was decrease until
second speed but then increasing. The reason was because the speed of 50 g/s contained
high value of overall heat transfer, 2197.59 W m-2 K-1, because when the refrigeration
cycle unit was started, the time period to wait for steady flow was much longer compared
to other speeds. So time for heat to be transferred in condenser was longer. Then at 40
g/s, the overall heat transfer value decreased compared to speed of 50 g/s because the
time taken was less compared to first experiment. As the speed decrease for 40g/s, 30 g/s,
20 g/s and 10 g/s the value of overall heat transfer in condenser respectively were
550.522 W m-2 K-1, 654.653 W m-2 K-1, 960.655 W m-2 K-1 and 1248.208 W m-2 K-1. This
show that at lower water inlet flowrate in the condenser, more heat is being transferred to
the water compare to higher water flowrate.

The Vapor-compression cycle

In this experiment, it could be observed the cycle of Vapor-compression process
not by physically, but by comparing the temperature of inlet and outlet of equipment as
recorded during this experiment result with the theory. By referring the Vapor-

Experiment 1: Refrigeration Cycle CLB 20704

compression cycle, at the Evaporator Temperature T5 (C) (at the test number 1, T5 =
16C), which is liquid phase. Evaporator functioning to evaporate the refrigerant by
lowering the pressure of the refrigerant, this way, the boiling point of
the refrigerant is lower than the temperature of water going into the
evaporator. This is due to the water inlet temperature is higher than
the boiling point of refrigerant in the evaporator. Due to temperature
flow down the temperature gradient, the liquid refrigerant will absorb
heat from the water and causing the water temperature to become
cooler while liquid refrigerant is evaporated to become vapor. Next, it
will goes into compressor that will changed to the saturated vapor phase by using
the compressor to compress liquid vapor to gas as shown at the compressor discharge
temperature, T7 (C) (at the test number 1, T7 = 50C). The evaporator temperature T5
(C) which will change the temperature at the compressor discharge temperature T 7 (C)
is due to the mechanical compression done by the compressor. Then, it will flows to the
condenser. At T8, liquid vapor condenses at this pressure, and the resultant heat is
dissipated to the surrounding and will draw at expansion valve. The enthalpy, h3 = h4
value. Condenser functioning to condense the inlet vapor-like liquid and rejecting heat to
surrounding which make the temperature become hot. Here, the superheated vapor of
refrigerant enter at high temperature, before entering the condenser the vapor refrigerants
is send to the compressor where the vapor refrigerants is compresses to higher pressure so
that the boiling point will be increases, the water is coming into the at temperature lower
then boiling point of the vapor refrigerant, this causes the high pressure vapor refrigerant
to condensate and transfer the heat to water causing the outlet water temperature to

In aspect of evaporator and condenser temperature in an air conditioning

application, evaporator temperature should be as high as possible which is restricted by
the dew-point temperature while the condenser temperature should be as low as possible
for their efficient running. Where as, this process is a continuous cycle that obeys the
vapor compression refrigeration cycle.

Experiment 1: Refrigeration Cycle CLB 20704


Refrigeration is the withdrawal of heat from a substance or space so that

temperature lower than that of the natural surroundings is achieved. Working operation of
vapor refrigeration in learned in this experiment, the refrigerator consist of 4 part which
is condenser, evaporator, expansion valve and compressor. Condenser act as heat sink for
the vapor refrigerant to release heat warming the surrounding area causing it to condense
into liquid. At evaporator, liquid refrigerant absorb heat and vaporizing the liquid
refrigerant to vapor cooling to surrounding area. Compressor increases the vapor
refrigerant to higher pressure to increase it boiling point. The operation of refrigerator is
manipulated by adjusting the water intlet to the condenser, the lower the water inlet, the
higher the pressure of refrigerant in condenser and the temperature different of the water
going in and out from the condenser. The highest COP obtain in this experiment is 7.1 at
the condenser water flow rate of 50g/s. At this condition the refrigerator work at it best in
using the electrical power and efficiently use the energy to exchange the heat between the
water and the refrigerant. It was observed that by decreasing the condenser water flow
rate, the values of the coefficient of performance (COP) also decrease. It means that at
higher water flow rate the refrigerator work most efficiently when it uses most of the
energy to exchange heat from the refrigerant to the water.


For recommendation, proper maintenance of equipment needs to be provided so

that the device will be in good condition. The stopwatch needs to be prepared so that time
taken for different speeds to be steady flow will be accurate. Using mobile phones app
even in Apple iPhone mobile will cause defect in results as battery may dries up easily.
Besides, the temperature sensor also has not functioning well. This will affect the reading

Experiment 1: Refrigeration Cycle CLB 20704

of parameters. So, it needs to be maintained to make sure its in good condition to prevent
any fluctuated result.


Data was recorded during experiment was running. All the data was use in calculation to
get the value of Absolute Evaporator Pressure, Absolute Condenser Pressure, Coefficient
of Performance, Heat Transfer to water in Evaporator, Heat Transfer to water in
Condenser, Compressor Pressure ratio, Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient in Evaporator
and in Condenser:

To get the value of Absolute Evaporator Pressure, Pe (kN/m2) formula that used

P absolute = P gauge + P atmospheric

To get the value of Absolute Condenser Pressure, Pc (kN/m 2) formula that used

P absolute = P gauge + P atmospheric

To get the value of Coefficient of Performance, formula that used was:

COP = Refrigeration effect

Compressor work

Experiment 1: Refrigeration Cycle CLB 20704

= h1 - h4
h2 h1

To get the value of Heat Transfer to water in Evaporator, formula that used was:

Qc = mc cp t,
To get the value of Heat Transfer to water in Condenser, formula that used was:

Qc = mc cp t,
To get the value of Compressor Pressure ratio, formula that used was:
= Pc

To get the value of Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient in Evaporator and in

Condenser, formula that used was:

Qmean = Qinlet - Qoutlet

ln Qinlet

Qc = UAQm

5.2 Sample calculation

Sample calculations of Condenser Pressure 1

Absolute Evaporator Pressure, Pe (kN/m2)

P absolute = P gauge + P atmospheric
= -48KN/m2 + 101.325 KN/m2
= 53.325KN/m2

1 bar = 100 KN/m2

Experiment 1: Refrigeration Cycle CLB 20704

P absolute = 53.325 KN/m2

= 53.325 / 100
= 0.533 bar
= 0.5 bar

Absolute Condenser Pressure, Pc (kN/m2)

P absolute = P gauge + P atmospheric
= 90 kN/m2 + 101.325 KN/m2
= 191.325 KN/m2

1 bar = 100 KN/m2

P absolute = 191.325 KN/m2
= 191.325 / 100
= 1.91325 bar
= 1.9 bar


a) i- Plot the cycle on the P-h diagram for different condenser pressure to determine
the enthalpy values.

Refer to appendix.

ii- Determine the COP for different condenser pressure. Use the chart provided.

Table 2: Condenser Pressure 1 (mc= 50)

h1 449 T5 16
h2 478 T7 50
h3 240 T8 31
h4 240
COP = Refrigeration effect
Compressor work
= h1 - h4
h2 h1
= 449 - 240

Experiment 1: Refrigeration Cycle CLB 20704

478 449
= 7.21

Table 3: Condenser Pressure 2 (mc = 40)

h1 450 T5 19
h2 482 T7 54
h3 246 T8 38
h4 246
COP = Refrigeration effect
Compressor work
= h1 - h4
h2 h1
= 450 - 246
482 450
= 6.38
Table 4: Condenser Pressure 3 (mc = 30)

h1 450 T5 19
h2 488 T7 64
h3 246 T8 38
h4 246

COP = Refrigeration effect

Compressor work
= h1 - h4
h2 h1
= 450- 246
488 450
= 5.37

Table 5: Condenser Pressure 4 (mc = 20)

h1 454 T5 20
h2 490 T7 68

Experiment 1: Refrigeration Cycle CLB 20704

h3 248 T8 39
h4 248

COP = Refrigeration effect

Compressor work
= h1 - h4
h2 h1
= 454 - 248
490 454
= 5.72

Table 6: Condenser Pressure 5 (mc = 10)

h1 448 T5 20
h2 496 T7 71
h3 250 T8 40
h4 250

COP = Refrigeration effect

Compressor work
= h1 - h4
h2 h1
= 448 - 250
496 448
= 4.13

Table 7: Coefficient of Performance (COP) for Different Condenser Pressure*

Condenser Condenser Condenser Condenser Condenser

Pressure 1 Pressure 2 Pressure 3 Pressure 4 Pressure 5
h1 449 450 450 454 448
h2 478 482 488 490 496
h3 240 246 246 248 250
h4 240 246 246 248 250

Experiment 1: Refrigeration Cycle CLB 20704

COP 7.21 6.38 5.37 5.72 4.13

*this data has been used to plot cycle on the Pressure- Entalphy charts.

b) i- Calculate the heat transfer to water in evaporator for different condenser

ii- Calculate the heat transfer to water in condenser for different condenser
iii- Calculate the compressor pressure ratio (Pc/Pe)
iv- Plot graph heat transfer(W) in evaporator and condenser vs the pressure ratio.
v- Calculate the overall heat transfer coefficient in evaporator and condenser at
different condenser pressure.

Table 8: Heat Transfer to Water in Evaporator and in Condenser, Compressor Pressure

Ratio, Overall Heat Transfer in Evaporator and in Condenser.
1 2 3 4 5
Heat Transfer to Water in
104.5 209 209 313.5 313.3
Evaporator (W)
Heat Transfer to Water in
418 167.2 250.8 334.4 334.4
Condenser (W)
Compressor Pressure Ratio
3.58 3.92 3.5 3.67 3.77
(Pc/ Pe)
Overall Heat Transfer in
344.076 939.748 939.478 1534.839 1534.839
Evaporator (W m-2 K-1)
Overall Heat Transfer in
2197.59 550.522 654.653 960.655 1248.208
Condenser (W m-2 K-1)

Sample Calculation for pressure 1

b i)
Heat Transfer to Water in Evaporator
Qc = mc cp t,
Qc = Heat Transfer Rate (W)
mc = Mass Flow Rate (kg/s)
cp = Specific Heat at constant pressure (kJ/kg.K)
t = the different temperature between at bulk and solid surface (K).
Qc = ms cp ( t1-t2)

Experiment 1: Refrigeration Cycle CLB 20704

Qc = 0.025kg x 4.18 x 103 kJ x (26 25) K

s kg.K

Qc = 104.5kJ/ s
Qc = 104.5W

b ii)
Heat Transfer to Water in Condenser

Qc = mc cp t,

Qc = Heat Transfer Rate (W)

mc = Mass Flow Rate (kg/s)
cp = Specific Heat at constant pressure (kJ/kg.K)
t = the different temperature between at bulk and solid surface (K).

Qc = mc cp ( t3-t4)
Qc = 0.05 kg x 4.18 x 103 kJ x (28 26) K
s kg.K

Qc = 418 kJ/ s
Qc = 418 W

b iii)

Compressor Pressure Ratio (Pc/ Pe)

Pc = 1.9 bar
Pe 0.53 bar
= 3.58

Experiment 1: Refrigeration Cycle CLB 20704

b iv) A graph of heat transfer (W) in evaporator and condenser versus compressor
pressure ratio (Pc/Pe) were plotted after done the calculation. The graphs were plot by
using data below:
Table 9: Data for heat transfer to water in evaporator versus compressor pressure ratio.
X axis Pressure
Ratio 3.58 3.92 3.50 3.67 3.77
Y axis Eater in
Evaporator 104.5 209 209 313.5 313.3

Figure 2: Heat Transfer to Water in

Evaporator versus Compressor Pressure Ratio

Experiment 1: Refrigeration Cycle CLB 20704

Table 10: Data for heat transfer to water in condenser versus compressor pressure ratio.
X axis Pressure
Ratio 3.58 3.92 3.50 3.67 3.77
Y axis Eater in
Condenser 418 167.2 250.8 334.4 334.4

Figure 3: Heat Transfer to Water in Condenser versus Compressor Pressure Ratio

b v)
Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient in Evaporator
Qinlet = 26 16 = 10 K
Qoutlet = 25 16 = 9 K

Qmean = Qinlet - Qoutlet

ln Qinlet
Qmean = 10 9
ln 10
= 9.491K

Experiment 1: Refrigeration Cycle CLB 20704

Qc = UAQm
Qc = Heat Transfer Rate (W)
U =
U = Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient (W m-2 K-1)
A = The Surface Area (m2) (0.032m2)
Qm = The Temperature between at Inlet and Outlet (K)


= 104.5 W
0.032 m2 x 9.491 K

= 344.076 W m-2 K-1

Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient in Condenser

Qinlet = 26 33 = -7 = 7 K
Qoutlet = 28 33 = - 5 = 5 K

Qmean = Qinlet - Qoutlet

ln Qinlet

Qmean = 75
ln 7

= 5.944 K

Qc = UAQm

Experiment 1: Refrigeration Cycle CLB 20704

Qc = Heat Transfer Rate (W)

U = Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient (W m-2 K-1)
A = The Surface Area (m2)
Qm = The Temperature between at Inlet and Outlet (K)

U = Qc
= 418W
0.032 m2 x 5.944K

= 2197.59 W m-2 K-1


2. Lab Manual Experiment 1; Refrigeration Cycle, Thermodynamics, CLB
20403, by Miss Suhaini Bt. Mamat.


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