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Opinion The Record-Courier

| Wednesday, May 10, 2017 | 13

OUR TAKE HELPING JROTC That same employee spends up to 25 percent

of his/her salary for medical benefits assum-

ing a high deductible family plan. Oh by the
way, Carson City Deputy Sheriff s start at $5
more per hour. Even Lyon County starts at a
higher wage then Douglas deputies.

East Fork Fire is seeing the same hiring
and retention issues that the Sheriff s Office
has been experiencing for the past two years.
I can promise the readers we are not hiring

experienced lateral deputies from Las Vegas
or Reno which should be the case if we are
the second highest paid in the nation.
The truth is the wages of the southern

public safety agencies are driving Transpar-
ent Nevadas Foot Print study and have no
basis being compared to our local govern-
ment i.e. Douglas County. The study conve-
niently uses three high paid administrative
If it were up to us, any hiring county employees at Metro Police and Fire for the
commissioners had to approve would meat and potatoes of their pension compar-
be conducted in public. isons; again let us try comparing apples to
Last week, county commissioners apples.
approved hiring Chief Financial Of- As an executive board member of the
ficer Vicki Moore as comptroller, but Douglas County Sheriff s Protective As-
not before someone raised a question sociation I can tell the readers the county
about whether there was another qual- has been responsibly attempting to bring
ified candidate. Douglas County employees up to our best
County Commissioner Dave Nelson and fairest comparable agency, i.e. Carson
raised the issue and a member of the City, our Carson Valley neighbor to the
audience said he, too, heard from this SPECIAL TO THE R-C north. The county bargaining team, county
person. Elks Exalted Ruler Cheryl Peddicord presented a donation to Douglas High Schools commissioners including her husband Dave
According to Nelson, the potential Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) on April 28. The JROTC students helped at Nelson and the county manager has access
candidate didnt get as much as a how- a state convention hosted by the Tahoe/Douglas Elks at it lodge April 20-23. to the same facts. I would like to thank the
dy from the county. County Manager Larry Werner, Chairman
Had Moores selection been conduct- Barry Penzel, and Commissioners Nancy
ed through an open process, wed know LETTERS TO THE EDITOR our local government employees are the McDermid, Steve Thaler, and Larry Walsh
who else was seeking the position and second highest paid government employees for their continued support of the Douglas
their qualifications. Look at the actual numbers in the nation. County Protective Association.
Nevada law requires that hiring of The author is using the term local to Lastly I would like to remind the readers
chief executives, such as county man- Editor: insinuate Douglas County public safety is the and Mrs Nelson, Douglas County is one of
ager or school superintendent, or even Recent letters to the editor by Jeanne second highest paid in the nation. I looked the safest and best places to live in the na-
the director of the library, be conduct- Nelson Shizuru and others have gross- up Douglas County Starting wages for a tion, in part by the sacrifices of the men and
ed in an open process. ly misinterpreted a Transparent Nevada Deputy Sheriff and can tell the readers of women of your Douglas County Sheriff s
We understand that applicants would Footprints study where the wages of Ne- Douglas County that a new Deputy Sheriff Office and East Fork Fire Department.
prefer not to have their search for a vadas police and fire are compared to other starts their career protecting and serving at President Jon Storke
new job become public. But if thats the public safety professional across the nation. $20.02 per hour, which is available on the Vice President Jeff Schemenauer
process, then were sure those folks who The letter quotes the Footprints study citing Douglas County Human Resource website. Douglas County Sheriffs Protective Association
are truly interested will adapt. Were not
sure wed want to hire someone who
didnt understand that the keyword in
public position is public, anyway.
More importantly, as chief financial Dont close doors to new residents
officer and comptroller, Moore finds
herself in a very important position. write today to voice my Connie Billington renewed interest for everyone. through events a vibrant down-
She could quickly find herself second opinion about this com- Guest Column I probably could write 10 pages town district. Main Street pro-
in charge at the county and could, munity; what Ive learned on what Ive learned from you, grams at their core truly create,
should County Manager Larry Wer- since moving here three my neighbors and friends being through volunteers, the heart
ners contract expire or be canceled, be years ago and why I believe in various programs and it is their out and about our towns as to and soul of a community.
county manager. Main Street programs. As a support that makes us what why we all love this community. A favorite quote of mine is,
That process has gone forward community, this is a wonder- we are today. Can it be better? All this takes me to the When work, commitment, and
without a public search before, which ful place to live. I know many I believe there is always room recent article written in The pleasure all become one and
should leave county residents wonder- would wish we would close for improvement and it is with Record-Courier, Friday, April you reach that deep well where
ing about the one who got away. the doors to new residents, the residents ideas and support 7, about Main Street Mind- passion lives, nothing is im-
but that would mean certain that make it all happen. With en program receiving funding possible, by unknown author.
demise at some point, for if we controlled growth, diversity from the Town of Minden. As I would hope everyone finds
OUR LETTERS POLICY are not growing, we are moving and commitment of our pub- Main Street Mindens Exec- what fuels their passion about
X Keep your letter to fewer than 500 words. backward. In my years of living lic officials, private citizens, utive Director, and on behalf our community, engages and if
We prefer them typed and will edit let- in various parts of this country, business and property own- of our Board of Directors, we you havent already, becomes
ters for length, spelling and grammar and Ive experienced several down- ers, consumers (yes, that also are grateful for the extended involved at some level. Main
accuracy. Thank-you letters are welcome; towns with uncertain futures includes visitors and tourists) financial support of our new Street Minden will continue its
please keep them brief.
and the near death of small and our neighbors that we can program (1 years old) from efforts to engage the businesses
X The Record-Courier will not publish
town America. So why do you realize the benefits to programs the Town of Minden for another and residents in making this a
letters deemed libelous or in poor taste.
X Send the original to The Record-Courier. ask, does this have anything to such as the only two Main year. Main Street programs are place where our children will
Photocopied letters are unacceptable. do with our local towns in the Street programs that currently not businesses, their purpose is continue to thrive, find purpose
Letters can be submitted by e-mail to Carson Valley? exist here in Nevada. They not to support our town, far beyond and be able to work and live Living in a community such only create an identity for the the municipal responsibility to as adults in our little slice of
X Be sure to personally sign the letter as ours is a privilege. Peo- community, but can stimu- residents for the infrastructure. heaven on earth. Our volunteer
and include an address and telephone ple simply care about this late and excel in areas such as They exist, to promote and grow motto: Make a differenceev-
number so letter can be verified. area; our natural beauty, their historic preservation, economic areas that need attention due erydayto someone. Come join
X No more than two letters per month neighbors and the resounding revitalization and recognizable to building vacancies, preserve us and find your passion.
from the same author will be published. overall quality of life that we design improvements to the historic and cultural identi-
X Letters are published as space and all experience every day. It is area. Programs such as Shop ty, revitalize and enhance the Connie Billington is the executive
time allows. Call 782-5121, ext. 21 for with that sense of community Small/Shop Local enhance the beauty of the Town plus create director of Main Street Minden
that people volunteer for the viability of our towns creating that sense of family community and a Carson Valley resident

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