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Caleb Martin

UWRT 1102

Major Assignment #1 Reflection (Edited Version from February)

In the beginning, I wrote an unclear thesis in my rough draft which I later revised to

create a better, clearer thesis. I still think I have trouble with my thesis statement and making it

relate to my whole paper. I have a difficult time sticking to my thesis while I start new arguments

mid-way through the paper. In this assignment, I really spent a lot of time talking about my

sexuality and presenting myself differently to different people.

I got personal and connected the two by revealing he fact Im hiding a major part of my

life from my parents. In the rough draft, I didnt go into detail and expanded like I did in my final

draft. I think I did an okay job with this paper. I really dont feel that there is a set American

Identity like we discuss in class. I just created my own identity within my country of residence

and called it my American Identity.

During the construction of this essay, my American Identity understanding changed in

that I was seeing an American as someone who cares about rights and was for justice. The

practical skills I gained would be staying on focus during the middle and end of my essay.

I think I did an adequate job at unpacking my process for my writing and communication.

I touched upon the use of slang and politics. I related my situation to the rest of the country. I

think anyone who reads this essay will have a connection or identification with what Im saying.

Everyone presents themselves differently to people and I also think that goes for anyone, even
people in other countries. I didnt mention this in my essay but I wish I could have talked about

how Americans tend to be outspoken on several issues. A football team would be one example.

I also think it was a good idea for me to list out my gender, age and ethnicity because I

believe those things have a huge impact on a persons American experience. In conclusion, I

would say I would give myself a grade of 85% based on my discussion and the topics I


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