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Lee High School

How does Social Media influence reporting today?

News Reporter

Kathy Woods

Senior Capstone

Mr. Foote

April 13, 2017

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Kathy Woods

Senior Capstone

P. Foote

April 13, 2017

Reporting from behind the screen

Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, every day, something no one

else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for

the mind to always part of unanimity. (Morley). Today, social media is changing the way

people read, write, and even think. People are constantly reevaluating something for people to

relate to or be interested in. One thing social media has hit hard is reporting, social media

impacted reporting in an effective way. This is positive for the reporters today because it is more

publicity. Social media has influenced reporting in different ways such as updating the

speed to where it travels in a matter of seconds, making more people aware of the world

and its surroundings, and questioning the news accuracy.

The internet is constantly changing; it is a non-stop machine that does not stay the same.

One drastic change the internet has had is network speed. The internet travels almost as quickly

as the speed of light; this means people will instantly see something when it is released, and will

always be updated. The super sonic speed of the internet also allows people to share thing so

other will see what is happening as well. Without the internet being fast and efficient, nothing

will be able to get out to everyone quick enough, and since this will not be moving quick enough

by the time everything is shared people will not pay much attention to what is going on if it is not

quick and recent. According to Gerald Fillion and Jean-Pierre Booto Ekionea,
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High speed Internet is now an integral part of everyday life of

more than a billion people, as the tendency is showing up, its use
will increase in the future. Thus, this technology has and will
continue to have major social and economic impacts.

This statement proves that the speed of social media does have an impact on the lives of people,

and will influence reporting since people tend to always be on the internet. Not only that, social

media does influence reporting because it helps get the message out. If people are not able to

know what is going on then reporters would not be effective in todays society. The people need

to know what is going on, so social media is a good tool to use when in this field. According to

Lisa Hartling, Rapid reviews are evidence synthesis that may provide more timely information

for decision-making compared with standard systematic reviews. This statement shows how the

fast responses of social media can help make better decisions when discussing a topic or issue.

The fast feedback will help make the decision making process much faster and easier.

Social media does help people be aware of what is going on in the community and the

nation. It is important to inform people what is going on, so there can be an understanding of

what is going on and what needs to be done. Every issue that is going on should be announced

and passed on because there is a good chance this can be affecting everyone in a community or

even the whole nation. According to Kevin Gosztola,

Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, her network of super political

action committees, and the liberal establishment relished a match-up against
Donald Trump. Her campaign failed to put forward an alternative
for voters that would combat a candidate that tapped into the vast amount of
disillusionment among citizens.

The statement above shows how by writing this report on Clinton can help people be aware of

what could have been a factor in the electoral race. Without social media, people would not be

able to look into this further, and this information gives people knowledge on what is really

happening. Since social media keeps the people updated, more people are able to follow issues
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that are going around and putting others in danger. Erin Albanese a news reporter stated, A lot

of times, even if people dont think something concerns them, it really does. If we know whats

going on locally we are more likely to get involved in local causes, government or take part in

elections that affect our schools, cities and communities. This statement proves that social

media can help everyone be aware of an issue, also the issue may deal with everyone so it is put

on every social media to make sure everyone is warned. Not only should everyone be warned,

but people should make sure that there is something that can be done to prevent it from


Accuracy is very important when it comes to issues that might harm the people, or even

in general. People would not like inaccurate news, this will cause citizens to be worried about

something that is false, for example the 2012 crisis. Albanese states, People have turned to other

sources and many aren't good but result in a divided America. Cable news and radio programs

have a clear bias and the very notion that a Breitbart news exec is in the White House helping the

president make decisions is horrifying. Some of these show hosts claimed to be an alternative

voice to the liberal media and the more that became a pervasive term the more good journalism

became discredited. this reporter states that everything put on social media dealing with news is

not always reliable. It is up to the person to make sure the news is reliable and official.

According to Ester Cerin, compelling evidence that an active lifestyle can contribute to health

aging. Health-enhancing amounts of physical activity can be accumulated through walking ,

which is one of the recommended forms of physical activity for seniors because it is versatile,

affordable, and safe. This statement above is accurate when referring to healthy aging. Since

this is accurate, more people will believe it and put it to use. Now, if this were inaccurate people

would not trust the source again, even if the next topic were to be true.
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Social media is changing the world, even when it comes to peoples jobs. With the

technology and the high speeds people could get the job done much easier and much faster. Also,

social media does play a role because it influences people to look at things that pop up on the

news feed and on the homepage. Social media does have a positive effect when it comes to

reporting and journalism but it can also have a negative effect, these effects cause people to

either be interested in the topic or pay no mind to it.

Work Cited

Albanese, Erin. Personal Interview. 12 April. 2017.

Fillion, Gerard, and Jean-Pierre Booto Ekionea. "Testing a moderator-type research model on the

use of high speed Internet." Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal,
vol. 15, no. 1, 2012, p. 47+. Academic OneFile,
Woods 5

5f9f8f7650ed699e475fd7. Accessed 07 Apr. 2017.

Gosztola, Kevin. "Clinton campaign gave US President Trump." AMASS, vol. 21, no. 2, 2017, p.

13+. Academic OneFile,

8b5d7ad02192932e6. Accessed 08 Apr. 2017.

Hartling, Lisa, et al. "Fit for purpose: perspectives on rapid reviews from end-user interviews."
Systematic Reviews, vol. 6, no. 1, 2017. Academic OneFile, go.galegroup.
481663430&it=r&asid=b9d91e940594c33d2872037c127c8520. Accessed 08 Apr. 2017.

The Baltimore Literary Heritage Project. Christopher Morley, Accessed 11 Apr. 2017.

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